-. i& : j. . THE CAPITA! EVENING JOUTCNAL. ELLIS' t WHITNEY, Proprietors of t ho FavoriteLiYcry and Feed Barns Good rigs nlways "" ,mml nnrt nirmshed cnPrV0rMnb0oiiniln"f horses nnl Rtock ft 'ce nnd barns nt the cornor of Trndo ,nd ( wnmeirtal streets. XEW LIVERY STABLE. Jay Smith Sole Proprietor. Corner Ferry nnd Liberty streets, N. E. cor from Chemcketo hotel, Salem, Or. Good accommodations for connnerolol travelers. Flret-cluss rigs nlwoys ou hand Charges reasonable Oregon R. R. Company Line. (Limited.) O. N. SCOTT, RECEIVER, Tickets for any point on this line for sale at the depot, foot of Jcirerson strcct.nnd -it the United carrage nnd baggage Transfer company's oillce. corner Second nnd rlne itreeTs. Commutation Tickets nt 2 cents General ofllccs northwest corner First nd Pine street., Portland. SALEM HANKS, Ladd & Bush BANKERS. IRON BUILDING, SALEM Transact nKcnernl banking business In i1.brnnUe.i- ,fno bauk h,lH connection inn nU'ft"? re8n. Washington, Moti. wnii and Idaho, and correspondents In all too principal towns of thoso states. Capital . National Bank, From Portland Silver-Coburg tonac mall LVAM KAST SIDE. Stations. IV PH 400 600 553 700 Toward I'artland Port'ndl'ort'd mall Exp Alt Tit AK.tM 8 00 J'ortl'nd 8 P Co 3 45 10 45 9 55 llay'8 Landing. 2 38 0 45 10 CO Woodburn 1 40 8 4U 11 47 Sllverton 12 20 7 30 5 07 Hrownsvllloj... 7 40 8 60 Coburg 6 00 WEST 81 DK Atrlle mall Portland mail LV AM AH I'M 7 45 -Portland P&WV. 4 33 10 45 Dundee Junction 2 05 2(b , Sheridan 10 27 4 16 Dallas 8 22 4 55 Monmouth 7 3S 555 Alrllo (145 Ktwif SALEM - Capital Paid op, - iurplus, OREGON. 575,000 50Q JWBf 4 $,C 0 ? h0 aienau s 7.V . . HIM RDM HASpT Jl :Wal HEALTH. Le Rlchftu'a dolden Balsam No.' 1 Cures Chancres, flril and sjcond stn"c:' Sores en tho Legs and Bedy: Sore Ears. all aypnuii. -riro, i a VV per Ilottle. L Rlchnu'a a-ldon Balsam No. a Cures Tertiary, MercurlalSyphilltlc Rheu mutism, Pains In tho Bones, Pain) in tho He&d, back, of the Keck, Ulcerated Boro Throat, Syphilitic Hash, Lumps and con traded Con's, Stiffness of tho Limbs, and endicatu all d'scaso from thd system, whether caused by Indiscretion or abuso of Mercury, leaving tho blx)d puro and healthy. Prlcn 5 CO por I'ottlo. Lo Klclmu Golden S anlslt Anlt doto for. tho euro of Gonorrhoea, Gleet, irritation Gravel, and all Urinary or Geni tal disarrangements. I'rlce $! 50 pur Itottlo. L f UchauM Golden Spanish In t.tlnn, forswore cassof Gonorrhoea, ItiflAEiiu to-y Gleet. Stricturcs.io. Price Hi i I per Bottle. Lb Itlchiiu's Golden O'tttinent ior tno tlf ctie licnliivjof Syphliilic Sore, and emotions. X'rlcoOl CO p-r Box. I.e Mclinu's Golden I'll s Xcr3 and lira'.i treatment; loss ot physl"al pow er, c-u.cn or over-work. Prostration, etc. Price 63 OO per Box. Tiiuio i.i.d Nervine, Sent everywhere, C. O. V., rccurely packed per express. C. P. niCIIAYt'Os"& CO, Agents, 427 J: 4:9 Kansonio street. Corner clay, Sin Francisco. Csl. CinCl'LAll 1UILLO THEE. to Call VIA Soutk'ii Pacific Company's Line. THE MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE. Time llftween Salem and San Francisco -2 Thirty-six Hours. CALIFORNIA KXPHESS TRAIN 11UN DAIII BETWEEN TORTLAFD AND 8. F. South. 1 North. 4:00 p. m. I Lv. Portland Ar. 10:45 a, m. B:44 p. m. I Lv. Salem Lv. 7:53 a. in. 7:45 a. m. Ar. San Fran. Lv. 7:00 p. m. LOCAL" PA8SENQEK TRAIN ( DAILY EX CEIT SUNDAY). &00 a.m. Lv" Portland Ar. I 3:45 p. m. 11:10 a. m Lv Salem Lv. 1 12:52 p. m. 40 p.m. Ar. Eugene Lv.1 D.OO a. m PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. For accommodation ol second class passengers attached to express trains. TheS. P. company's ferry makes con nectlon with all the regular trains on th East Side Division from foot of stiee Portland. ffe$t Side Division, Between Portland and Cervallis: . DAILY (KXCKPT SUNDAY). 7:33 a.m. I iz- p. m. Lv. Ar. "Portland Corvallis Lv. 6:20 p. in. 1:30 p. m. At Albunv anil CorvalliH oonneut with trains ef Oregon Pacific Hall road. Through tickets to all points south and east via California EXPRESS TRAIN (DAILY KXCE1T SUNDAY 4:5J d. m. 8KM p. ra. Lv. Portland ATI Ar.McMinuvlllo Lv. "9:00 a. m. 6:45 a. m. Through Tickets To all polutfi - "OUTII and EAST VI A-- California. or tull information regarding rates maps, etc., apply to the Company's agent Balem Oreeon. g. P. HOOEIW, AMU a. F. and Pass. Ag't R. KOEHLEH, Manager. $7 fn tOKfi V MONTH can bo made pJ 10 D0U working for us. Agcnu prererred who can furnish a horse and give their whole time to the business. Spare moments may be profitably employed uUo. Johnson 4 Co., 1003 Main nt.. Hichmood, JJ B. Please state age and busluess ex. perlencs Spvix mtnd ubout sending tamp for reply. B. F,J. &Ca JUim-n Iff ZEALAND JNSURAUCE Company. Fire aad Marine. ir nnn i - io.uuu it. S. WALLACE, - - Prcsldenu V. W..MAHTIN, - Vice-President. J. H. ALIJEKT, . . . . Cashier. DlRtCTORSl V. T. Gray, W. W. Martin, J. M. Jlartln, K. S. Wallace, ur. w. AxusicK, j. h. Albert, T. McF. Patton. LOANS MADE To farmers on wheat and other inarkot- able produce, consigned or in store, either In prlvnto grntinrlcsor public warehouses. State and County Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted nt reasonable rates. Drafts drawn direct on Now York, Chicago, San Francisco, Portland, London, Paris, Berlin Hong Kong and Calcutta. Cheap Money. MONKY to lend nt low rates upon farm and city property. No delay after good title shown by abstract. John A. Carson, Attorney at Law, in) State Street, Salem. First National Bank SALEM, OREGON. WM. N. LADUE, -DR. J. REYNOLDS, JOHN MOIR, - - - - President. Vice President. - - Cashier. GENERAL BANKING. Excnangc on Portland, San Francisco, New York, London and Hong Kong bought and sold. State, County and City warrants bought. Farmers are cordially Invited to deposit unci transact business with us. Liberal advances made on wheat, wool, hops nnd other property at reasonable rates. Insurance on such se curity can bo obtained at tho bank In mo.-,t reliable companies. New Fish Market. Allen Rhodes has established n new Fish Market on State sti cet , nnd ho keeps a good supply of fHh, poultry and game. Give him a call and your order will be promptly attended to. 8 28-lm CONCERNING NOISE. One of the Most Injurious Influences of City .Life. "I can boar tho beat very well," sold student forced to spend a summer in tho city, "but I can r.ot endure tho noise " Possibly be did not stop to consider that, In making such a declaration, ho placed him solf in illustrious company. Thomas Car lylo ".could not abldo" n noise, especially that of tho morning crowing of cocks. Wallcnstcin, accustomed as bo was to the din of battle, had un unconquerable dread of tho barking of dogs, nnd o.-cn tho clatter oi mo largo spurs fashlonablo in his day. In order to ensuro quiet, ho engaged twclvo patrols to make regular circuits about bis houso night and day Neither Julius Cnssar nor the philosopher, Kant, could tolorato tho crowing of poor chanticleer, who, indeed, Becms to havo very few friends umong tho studious and scnsltivo. Bchoponhauor excoods almost all lov ers of quiet in tho extravagance of his denunciation of noise, lio declares thnt tho amount which a man can boar with ease is in inverse ratio to his mental power. "If I hear a dog barking for hours on tho threshold of a bouse," ho writes, " 1 know well enough what ldnd of brains I may expect from ita inhabitants." A writer in tho Popular Science Monthly ns scrts that tioiso is ono of tho most injurious influences of city llfo. It may not be sufti ciently loud to attract tho attention of those accustomed to it. but, if continuous, it nets as inevitably upon tho nervous system as water m dropping upon a stone. Experiments made upon animals show that when they havo been subjected, for a number of hours, to tho vibration of a tuning-fork, their nerve centers became irritated, as certainly as muscular libers would bo affected by an acid or an electric shock. Tho injurious effect of ordinary ncises has been recognized by tho authorities of European cities, and, in somo cases, the nuisance has. been suppressed. Heavily laden carts at'o not admitted to certain stroots of Berlin, and in others they aro only allowed to pass on condition that the horses walk. Tho streetcars of Munich have no bolls, and thoso of us who ltvo in places whero theso bells aro not used on Sunday can testify to tho relief nttendant on the consequpnt "pcaco and quiet." The amount of tho matter seems to bo that tho city dwollor must regard noise as ono of the necessary evils of his condition one to bo borne philosophically, and require ing a largo stock of grace and patience. Happy, indeed, aro they who, through the long, hot months, aro only disturbed iu their morning slumbers by the song of the birds, or tho crowing of cocks. WOMEN AS COLLECTORS. THE For tho benefit of those who do not already understand the plan we wish to esplaiu just how It is ope rated. We run a club for 50 weeks, and every member pays us a certain amount every week. This amount depeuds upon the value of tho watch or diamond the member wishes to get. Thus, ii the member desires a 50 watch or diamond, he or Bhe must pay $1 a week; if he or she wants a $25 article they can pay either 50 cents a week for fifty weeks or 1 a week lor twenty-live weeks; and so on. In other words, the weekly payments must amount to the price ot the watoh or diamond in fifty weeks. Now, in returu for this money which we take in we give out one watch or diamond a week until every member has been supplied. Thus every ono gets just what they pay for and get Hon ensy terms. Our way of giving out, the goods is perfectly fair aud open. Every membei Is numbered, and all of the numbers are placed in a small sealed envelope in a glass jar in plain sight, and then they are thoroughly shaken up and mixed, and then the first one drawn is awarded the watcli or diamond that week. Wo draw a number every Monday evening at 7:30 and all are invited to be present if they wish, Wo have also found It desirable not to make known the names of the mehibcrs of our club. Ladies, in particular, object to haviug It Known how thoy buy a watch or diamond, or what they pay for it. For this reason we assign a number to each member, and when we have a draw ing we simply aunouuee that such a number draws, without mention ing the name. This is not in any sense a lottery or anything of the kiud, for every member is sure to get just what ho pays for. Now, if any member does not wlsl to wait until his num ber draws, they can at any time pay up the full amount aud take their goods. We furnish any kind, make or price of watch desired, or anv other article you may want, nnd we endeavor to uto every member per fectly fair. Every watch is just as fully warranted and the price is just as low as if It were bought from us for the cash down; and besides this on account of our selling so niauy watches wo arc able to make the price lower than wo otherwise could nosslblvdo. It will readily be seen that by this plan every member is A New Avenue of Employment Opened to tho AVeukcr Sev. Tho avenues of employment for women aro constantly increasing. Already she has proved herself a good clerk, a good book-keeper and a good typo-writer, and tho latest is a female collector. At least a dozen houses in Kansas City arc employing women in this capacity, and their number seems to bo constantly in creasing. A woman may be a book-keeper or a type writer and yot bo tho most feminine creat ure imaginable, despite her business rela tions, says the Kansas City Star, but th" femalo dunncr would seem to be another kind of business woman, and sho brings for ward very promptly tho question of how much distinction must bo mado between a woman and a man in the same business. Ono thing is certain, ono can not kick a lady collector out of tho ofllco. Tho femalo collectors aro for tho most part young women, and, according to their employers, they aro as porsi.- " iuil a successful in thoir business a . Their mode of operation, however, is sor.cwkat peculiar, and thoy do not seem to go about tho collection of a bill tho same way a3 a man. A reporter happened in an oflico yes terday whore fifteen or twenty young men wero working. Wlnlo ho was talking with tho manager a well-dressed young woman walked in aud inquired for onoof the young men. Ho was pointed out to her, aud while tho whole ofllec watched her sho walked over to his desk and began a conversation with him in a tono so low no one could hear. After talking for a few moments she turned to go, and raising her voice, said: . " If you don't como iu and settle I'll be around again on Saturday." When sho was gono tho young man came in for an unmerciful guying, and it is safe to say ho mado a dospcrato effort to pay the bill boforo Saturday. Sho was tho collector for a jewelry ilrm. A merchant who has adoptod tho now schomo was asked about it, and suid: "I find that my lady collector is persistent, faithful and trustworthy, and has great success in making somo very bad collec tions, and I don't see why a lady should not bo permitted to ask for tho payment of a bill if she can do almost every thing clo about an offlco," CANADA'S VIOLENCE. aiorj of nn American Circus ISlephant Famous for Ills SI ml Fits. Many interesting: and famous olephants havo bcn favorites of tho American pub lic long Doioro tne lato Jumbo's success ful debut, says a writer in Chambers' Jour- nal. Ono of theso, known as Canada, was n desporato character. When in ono of bis tantrums "ho did ns much mischief as a tor nado," to uso tho American showman's words tossing hacks into the ntr und tear ing down signs and lamp-posts. Ho was sent with tho rest of tho menagorio to a iarm, nna wncn tncro naa ono or his mad fits. Rushing into tho stablo-yard.ln a few minutes ho killed two buff alos, a sacred cow. a couplo of elks, sovoral horses and a camel. Ho would sciio an animal, toss it in tho nlr, catch it on its tusks, nnd then either jam or tramplo tho llfo out of it. Ho then sallied out for town, and tho popular oxcitemont can bo imagined. A trap was sot with o long pondorous chain with an enormous corncr-stono at its end to entangle tho ani mnl's legs and hold him. A man thon ran out in sight of Canada, and tho elephant in stantly rusnoa aiior mm. Tho trap was successful as far as making tho chain nnd stono fast to him, but ho kept right on, and would havo caught tho 'man, Who was a fast runner, had not tho latter jumped down into an unfinished cellnr of a now bouso nnd ran up a narrow flight of steps on tho opposito side. Tho elephant jumped down aftor him as easily ns a doc would, with tho big stono clattering after him. Fortunately, tho Btono was large enough to stick, wedged against tho walls on each sido of tho stairway, and Canada was fast, but it was n closo shavo for tho man. Thoy managed to securo tho savago animal with moro chains, and thon weut to work to conquer him. As tho account graphically describes it, "they woro out big clubs on him, firod loads of buckshot into his trunk and cars, and beat and toiturcd him for hours until ho howled in token of surrender." Tho momont ho was loose, howover, ho gave a yell of rage, dashed out of tho cellar and started to kill. Every one flew for hit life, but ho was tired and took up his position under cover of thrco hay stacks, hunting all who ventured near him. Buckshot fired into his head only checked his wild rushes, and whenever ho thought peoplo wero on tho other side of tho stack from him ho tried his best to topplo tho hay ovor on them. Tho light went on for threo days and nights, during which tlmo ho had not a bito to eat for ho was too angry oven to tako any of tho hay around him and not a drop of water. At length, despairing of saving mm, tno shotguns wero exchanged for heavy rifles, and several big bullets at closo rango finally put an ond to him. The Best Residence Localities In tho city of Portland and other prosperous towns aro thoso owned bj' men or corporations 'who havo tho disposition nnd ability to improvo them. HLAND ADDITION -IS OWNED RY- THE uL A.O.JLJ E JD (MM ! And this Corporation is determined to Male ft rp id Ai i A BAR HARBOR IDYL. 1.1- Two Dozen Compressed Facts. TJicro aro 2,750 languages. A.squaro milo.contains 040 acres. A barrol of rico contains COO pounds. Tho'avorago human life is 31 years. Tho first steel pen was mado in 1S30. A barrol of flour woighs 190 pounds. A barrol of pork weighs 200 pounds. A span is ton and seven-eighth inches. A band (horso measure) is four inches. Watches woro first constructed in 1410. A storm moves thirty-six miles per hour Tho first lucifer match was mado in lb0 Tho value of a ton of silver is i !i".704.i 1 A hurncano m oves eighty miles pqr hour Tho first iron 6teamship was built in lt0 Modern needles first came into uso in 1W5. Coaches wero first built in England in 1500, Tho first horso railroad was built in 1820 27. Ono million dollars of gold coin weighs 3,CS5 pounds avoirdupois. Ono million do liars of silvor coin weighs 5S.920.9 pounds avoirdupois, Tho first complot o sowing machine wns patented by Ellas Uowo in 1840. Glass wi ndows were first introduced into England in tho eighth century. Albert Durer gave the world a prophecy of futuro wood engraving in 1527. Measuro209 feet on each sido and you will havo a square acre within an inch, A Cow Commits Suicide. Tho suicido of a cow in Muscauno County, la., reported to tho Boston Qlulx, furnishes new and excruciating pointors for persons contemplating an excursion over tho divide. How a Young 'Woman's Poodlo AVns bolcil by a wicked SIuu. Onco on a timo thoro was at ono of the Bar Harbor hotels n young woman from New York who was, to speak within bounds. a mass of affectations. Sho had moro airs than a hand-organ, nnd, says tho Boston Courier, thoy wero of tho samo artificial character. Sho was tho laughing-stock ol tho guests at tho houso, and thoro were numberless jokes at her expenso which sin had not apparently tho wit4o appreciate Miss X. had a poodle on which" sho lavished tho choicest treasures of her affections. Tho creaturo had its own especial maid, nnd was taken out to rido in stato every morn ing with as much tenderness as if it had been a child. Ono day Miss X. camo down to tho dining-room for dinner in a stato of much agitation. Sho announced that dew Flossy's maid was ill, and sho really had no one to stay with tno sweet creaturo while sho camo to dinner. Sho could scarcely cat, sho was so fearful of tho blight which might bo cast upon tho poodle's tender sensibilities by the loneliness to which sho was condemned for half an hour. Tbero was at tho tablo n Bos tonian who from tho bottom of his soul loathed Miss X., her poodle and her affecta tions. Ho rose, as sho continued her plaint, and went out quickly, and his friends sup posed that ho could not enduro her twaddle. But as a matter of fact ho went intent upon wicked thoughts. Ho knew whero in tho stables was a litter of blind, rough-coated, mongrel pups, tho children of tho most plebeian of curs. Ho hurriedly robbed tho dirty littlo mother of tho whelps, bribed a chambermaid, and when Miss X. hurried up from her dinner to console Miss Flossy for her absonco sho found her pot surround ed by a litter of tho most disreputable pups that the eyo of man over lighted upon. Miss X. was not clover onough to conceal what sho supposed to bo tho shamo of her belovod poodle, but shrieked and wept and made generally tbo most tremendous fuss. As tho Bostonian had let a fow of bis friends into tho secret, it soon got about, and tho amount of jesting and chatting that fell to tho lot of Miss X. was immeasurable. Sho soon discovered tho truth of tho matter, and her indignation know no bounds. Sho en dured for a couplo of days tho mock-earncst inquiries after tho health of her dog and her dog's family, but at tho end of that timo sho silently gathered her 'oelongings together and took herself away. Sho could enduro it no longer, and Flossy, tho injured, passed with her mlstt-esS out of tho llfo at Bar Harbor as completely as if tho pair had never existed. HIS MAIDEN SPEECH. To tho city of Snlcm. They hnve at this time fifteen teams employed and tho contemplated improvements have scarcely begun. It Is intended to make tho drive leading from Commercial street through Riverside nnd High land additions aud around Highland Park THE.FINEST DRIVE IN THE STATE Of Oregon. Tho lino of the Salem Street Railway Company runs through the mlddlo of this addition, and no ots will uo moro than two blocks distant fiom the line. Highland Park will In tho near future bo thb; most popular resort ABOUT THE CITY OF SALEM. Lots ill Highland Ailditon arc High anil Dry and Well Located; Most Excellent Drainage The soil is black and rich. From all points a fine view Is obtained of tho public buildings and our highest mountain peaks. Arrangements arc aheady being mado for tho location of two churches In tills addition, and a numberof residences are soon to be built. Buildings only of tho le8t class will bo permitted. Residence lots within the limits of tho city of Salem are worth on an averago over ?IQ00. Wo can sell you better lots In High land addition for one-third of the money, and being directly on the line of tho street rnlhviy they are practi cally not half so far from tho public buildings and tho business part of tho town as tho mnjorlty of the so called "inside lots." Buy a Lot in Highland Addition for Three Hundred Dollars, And let some other fellow pay &1000 for an inferior lot not so well located. With the diflerenco of $700 you can build a beautiful cottage, or put It out at a rate of Interest that will buy you nearly two thousand streetcar tickets every year. IfA oiry street. DR. JORDAN k Co.'s MUSEUM OK ANATOMY 751 Market st. San Francisco Admission 25 cents. Oonnd learn how to avoid dlbPiise. Consultation and treatment personally or by letter, on spermatorrhoea orgenitnl weakness, nnd all dlscasKO of men. Kcnd for a book. Prlvnto ofllco 'JU Consultation fiee. Jli GEORGE WILKINS' NEW BUTOMRri SHOP On Liberty street, across tho brldgo In North tjalcm. All kinds of meats kept ou hand. r-:tltf I '1 m LAI JOfl. ALBKUT, Agent, - . Salem, OrtfM credit svstem. Tho payments are so smajl that they aro hardly felt, and a good wtfclo Is secured at bot tom casii rates What the Prince of Wulos Said Upon His First I'ubllo Appearance Tho earliest public nppcaranco of tbo Prince of Wales as a speaker was at tho Royal Academy banquet, May 2, 1603. It was in tho old rooms at Trafalgar square, when Sir Charles Eastlako was president. Tho public mind was full ot mingled sorrow and pleasure at two recent events the death of tho Frinco Consort' and tbo mar riage of tho heir-apparent. In replying to tho toast of his health, tho Frinco of Wales spoko very briefly, but with tho good sense and good tasto manifest in all ins publio speeches: "Sir Charles Eastlako, STour Royal Highness, my Lords and Gentlemen : It is with tho most contending feelings ot pleasure, prido and sorrow tbat I riso to re turn you thanks in tho namo of myself nnd tho royal family for the kind terms in which you, Sir Charles, havo proposed our health, and for tho very cordial way iu which thlsdis tingulshcd assembly lias received it. I can net on this occasion divest my mjnd of tho asso ciations connected with my beloved and la mented father. His bright example can not fail to stimulate my efforts ta tread in his footsteps; aud whatever my shortcomings may bo, I may, at least, prcsumo to partici pate in tho interest which bo took in evory institution which tonded to encourago art and science in this country, but mora es pecially in tho Royal Academy. Adverting Ia mtr mnrriarm 1 ntr tmn In hntnttn I..... .n-Sff .J'ffi I?" (Hi I feel for, and I may be permitted to add now sincerely 1 appreciate, tho sen timents you have expressed in refcrenco to tho Princess. I know that I nm only speak' nut on au even footing with cash tree until tho flybrush was wound up, nnd in buyers nun is eunoieii to purcuusu much cheaper than under auy other THOMAS UUMiOWS Hns Just lecetvcel a now lino of tho latest ittylo of hanging lamps which will bo sold at tho moit reasonable rates, Wo also i wry a full lino of Urocerles, Feed, Clgnrs, Tobacco, Crockery and Glassware ! Don't full to sample our new lino of con fectionery No. 'J2U Commercial Street Halem, Oregon. Brick and Tile for Sale MURPHY & DESART, Siioccs.sois to I). Isiihh.havo a well estab lished Urlck and Tile factory in North Salem, near tho lulr Kiounds, and nro pro p.uod to uuiilsh tlrst-cluss brick and tllo on short notice. Reception Saloon, 260 Commercial Street. EUGENE ECKERLIN, PROP. Tho best of Wines, Liquors and Clcarn, Snlein and Kxport lleor, good Lunch t'oun tcr In connection, wheio you will be served with HOT OR COLD LUNCHES, Sandwiches Wlcnerwurstnnd In fnct ev erytliini! Uln kooiI style, und tho best of alU-ntlon will hcHlioun io customers. Union Pacific 11. R. Company "OVERLAND ROUTE." wish to employ a few ladles ou a salary to takochunroof my business at their ionics. Light, very laseinatlni: and health ful. WinrenSlO nor week. Hcfi'ieneeselvon. Good pay for part time. Address with stamp, MUB. MARION WALKKIt, Louis ville, Ky. ll-a-lm Capital City IMaiiriit Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r. Warm Meals at All Hours of tho Day None but white labor employed In this establishment. A good substantial meal cooked In first- Cl t fcN Ht VlO Twonty-fl ve cents por meal. R IC ID K R O N T. Court street, between Journal Ofllco and Mlnto's Livery. 1890. Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Weekly has a well-established place us tho leading Illustrated newspaper In America. Tho fairness of Its editorial comments on current politics has earned for It tho respect nnd confidence of nil Im partial rendoiH. and tho variety and excel lence of Its literary contents, which In clude serial anil Khorl stories by tho belt and most popular writers, fit It for the pe rusal of people of tho widest range of tastes nnd pursuits. Tho Wockly supplements aro of remarkblo variety, Interest and vnlilo. No exponso Is spared to bring tho highest order of nrllstlo ability to bear upon tho Illustration of the changeful phases of homo nnd foreign history. A Mexican romance, from the pen of Tuns. A. Janvier, will appear In tho Weekly in InlMXJ. 185)0. this position stood and pulled till starvation ended ner sufferings. It Is au III Wind, Ktc. Peter Tholan, a Greeley County (Kan.) farmer,bad complotcd his arrangements fur EST Call and see what we can offer moving his barn. A summer evening bnxzo vou C. A. BURBANK, hapoened along while he slept and carried ' WYLIE A MORES Ho bam to within a fow feet of the in- No. 317 Commercial street. ?& A team of horses woro li.tehud ' ' 1.25- I la the building, but their halters broko and -" 'tt--wtowidk. inghor mind in joining bortbougbtsin mine ) on this occasion. Wo neither of us can for-1 get tho manner in which our union has been celebrated throughout tbo nation; and I I should bo moro than ungratofnl'lf I did not I retain tho most lasting, as well an tho most pleasing, recollection of tho ldnd expres sions and reception which my attendance at your anniversary meeting has evoked this evening." ' I Trains for tho east Have Portland nt7.U0 mi und 0.00 pin dally. Tie its to nudfroii principal points In tin United Htntes On ndu aud t.urope. ricgant New Dining Cars. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS. Kreo Family Bleeping Cars run through on Impress trains to Omaha, Council iilulls aud Kuii4as City without chai)e Connect loutint Portland forHanPinnrls co und l'ucet Kound points. For further particulars address any ageiitof the company or I. W.I.KK.O. P. A. C. H. MULLEN, General Trufllo Munuger Hillary, flO expeiiM in advance allowed each month, steady cm ployment nt home or traveling, Nn mjIIc Itlnif. Iiutles delUcrlugnud maklnit col. ledum. No stomp, HA1 U'Ji-vm i postal curds. AddroM w Kit .VCO, I'lgimy, Ohio ah "MATRON J.K Home Indtndry, mid use I . MonntHln Italin OoiiKliOure. Guar, unload to Kite rojlel or money refunded, iluuufmttured lly Ji. II i;roM, Halem, Ore iron. Akyoirfnif(.'lht for It. l-fcilm Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's llazar Is a Journal for the home Giving tho latent Information with regard to fashions, Its numerous Illustrations, fashion plates, aud pattern sheet supple ments are lndlspcnslhlo alike to the homo dress-maker and the professional modlsto. No expense is spared In mnklni: Its artistic attnietlvenesH of the highest order. 11m clever short stories, parlor plays, aud thoughtful essays satisfy ull tastes, nnd Its last page Ik famous ns u fmdgotoof w it nnd humor. In Its weekly Issue everything Is Included which Is of Interest to women. Durlhg 181K1 Oliver Thorno Miller, Christine Terhune Derrick, and Mury lxwe Dicken son will respectively furnish a series of panels ou "The Dauuhtor at Home." "ibrco Meals a Day," und "Tho Woman of tno reriou." Tiiokoriai novels win no writ ten by Walter Hesantand F, W. Robin-son. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Pint ykar: Harper's Ilazar .................1 00 Harper's Mngurlne -................. 4 00 Harper's Weekly 4 00 Harper'H Young People.................! 00 Postage free to nil subscriber) In the United Utates, Cuututa or jioilco. Tho volumes of tho ilarar begin with tho first number for Junuary of each year. When no time Is mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the number current at time of receipt of order. Hound volumes i,f Harper's Ilazar for three years back, In neat cloth binding, will be bent by mall, postage puld, or by express (provided the freight does no ex. feed ono dollar per volume), for I7.U) per Clot Ii cases for each volume, sultablo for binding, will be sent by mall, post-paid, on receipt of fl ouriicu. lleiiiltunccs should ho made by postofflco money order or draft, to avoid chance of lOH. Newspapers nro not lo coppythl adver tisement without tho express order of Har per A brothers. Address: Harper A Ilrothers, Now York Muke No MLtuKn. If you have n.ndo up your inlud to buy Hood's HarsnpurllU do not bo Induced to uiKouuy oiuer uoou narxapariiiu ma peuullur medlelne, possessing, by It4 pecul iar comuiuuuon, proportion una piepiini tlou, curative power Miipcrlnr to nny other article of the kind before the people. For all iilhctlons arising from Impure blood or low state of tho system It Is uurqit'illed. lie Kiirftlogct HiwhU, HARPER'S PERIODICALS. PRH YKAli: Harper's Wcokly H 00 Harper'H Magazine... ..... -100 Harper's nznr. ........ ..... 1 00 Harper's Young Peoplo........ SOU Pnstngo frco to nil subscribers In tiio Uni ted States, Canada, or Mexico. Tho volumes of the Wcokly begin with the first number for January of each year. When no tlinols mentioned, subserlbtions will begin with tbo number current at timo of receipt of order. Hound volumes of Harper's Weekly for three years back. In neat, cloth binding, will bo sent by mall, postage paid, or by express, freo of expense (provided the freight does not exceed ono dollar per vol ume), for S7 per volume. Cloth cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will bo sent by mall, post-paid, on receipt ol SI each. Romittanecs should bo made by post ofllco money order or draft , to a old chance of loss. Newspapers nro not to ropy this adver tisement without tho cxpicsA order of Harper t lli-othcrs. Address Harper A Ilrothers, New York. Atliiiiiii.strntor'H Snlo. NOTICE IH HKRF.UY GIVEN that'bv vlrtuo of an order of the honorable County Court of the state of Oregon, for thocounty of Marlon, duly mado and en tered ou the 13th day of January, lb!W, tho undersigned administrator or the estate of Peter Hcharback, bito of said county de ceased, will nt tho west door of tho court house, In Halem, In said county, on Tues day tho 4th day of March, lH'JO. at 1 o'clock p. in , of said day, sell to tho highest bid der for cash In hand, tho real estate be longing to said decedont and described as follows, to-wlt: A certain tract of landsltu atci In the county of Marlon, In tho stato of Oregon, and known nnd designated on the surveys aud mats of tho United States, as tho north half of tho land claim No, 41 In township rive south of range one west Oi mo wiiiniiieue meridian, sain lanu containing Wi.?7 acres more or less, being notification JNo,87.'i, and entered under the donation net of John McKay, save and except, however, thlrty-sovon acres, moro or less In the ttt-st cud of said half part of suid claim No. II, heretofore deeded to Fieilerlck Lvatherinati, In May, 1870, and described as follows, to-wlt; llcgliinlng at the northwest orner of said claim No. 4X nnd running thence south on said wist line thereof i) chains to the said south line or said north half pari; thence east on saldhoulli line I7.H4 chillis; thence north 1U)I clialiu to the north lino of said claim No. 4.1. thence west 17.M chains to the place of hc-jliiiilnt;. Also save and except that tract bounded by beginning on tho north line of suid claim No, it, 17.M chains east of Iho northwest corner running thence south 20 M chains to Ibosoiitfi lino of wild north half part, ihouce east ou suid south line 17 chains, thence north VW-.1I chains, to the north line of Mild claim No. ii, tl'eueo west 17 clmliH to the plucoof beginning, nnd containing its acres, more or less, which lust mentioned tract was conveyed b the said deceased und Ills wife, Ann Miirlik ttJharhuck, to Wenscel Kabul, by deed bearing date thuoth day of February, DsKl.and recorded Murch 4th, 18KI, on page 75, in Vol. 'Si, of tho Record of Deeds of Murion county. Oregon. JOHN CALVERT. Administrator of thoestnte of Peter Hchar bnrk, drw-nked.