II TM CAKTAL JOURNAL rUHLWUED DAILY, EXUEPTHU5 DAY, T THE Ctnital leumal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) fcnUred at th prMtdfflr at Hatant, OfM second-claa matter. HOfER SROTHERS, Editor Km fourth page tor term of lobacrlp- AtrtfilMtntntf Xo Innore lnrtIon (for be mm oAy) should be handed In by 1 Uom?efi4B containing atmot ln Urtxt and Importance U demtred from all parMof IbeataW. . , So attention wilt he paid to anonyraoo otnmunlc&Uonii. I'mensdnrirlnj: th CArrrAh JOCKXAL erred atthelrh'wetoMn;tireltbrp?' tal oar twjneit, or by word left at thU office. ,, Hpwinen numlx-w enl (rnr on appllca- Offlee, irher door! and Mbwt Btreet. WKDNKHDAY - ....KBIMlUAIlVfi 1IOMK PflMT TUB IIKATIIKJ AF TKKWAItDfi. A number of people who have nercr before token a city dally, now that they have found themnclve cut off from all outeldo mwnfmwn, came In the lait few day and took a Balcm dally. Alde from all wlflAli lhtcre(, we cannot but com-liK-nd till spirit, and wih it were applied In all cltv and Mate aflulrH. Becauxc, whether want to or not, we inoht n"l flionjr with and vxlut by tho HUpport of our home people. Bo farms that gia It 1 not matter of choice. The home comets find. ThoouUldo world after. We are aware that In this reading ago many intelligent persons d inand a much more metropolitan newnpapertban can bo got up In a city of thle size. But after all, their true Interest l not In tho paper. Their true Interest at all tlmca is Jut where these peraons have found It, when they-oould get no ouUlde papere In tho local dally. If they will reflect, they never find their truo interest represented by the outalde paper. It contains no kind word for local enterprise, and no article setting out the merita of tho city utiles they be paid for,and then the artlclo appears with Hovcral other articles Just llkolt, and also paid for. Jf looked at In Its true light, there Is nothing ofMntcrest In tho great metropolitan paper, outuido of world news and literary matters. Yet thcro are scores of people who have no use for a home paper. There aro acres of business men who get most of tho benefits of the city's growth and never advertise to amount to anything. Thero aro hundreds of owners ot real cutato who reap the profit of what is termed the "mls earncd Increment" of land values and who do not show any apprecia tion of tho work of tho city dally. We do not suppows that tills -will ever bo altogether avoided, and all people will never bo iniulo to see their truo Interests, Hut we cannot help calling attention Just at prtH ent to tho hearty support which should tie accorded to tlln local paper. i- - i - , j "WHAT AHK YK IIE11R FOK?" Flanagan, of Texan, Not the Inventor of the Phrase. Ht. Paul Pioneer Prows Adjutant General Million has In his desk ut tho capltol a badge of honor present ed to, him by the members of his command after tho battle of Cedar Creak. It In u hatidRomo memento, and engraved on onu Hide um the compliments ot tho donor to "the bravest ofllcer engaged in thu battle of Cedar Creek," On the rovontc sldo of tho soldier's Insignia Is this legend l Steady, Men I Btcadyl What In II Are Wo Here For? Htund by Your Colors! This startling command wus ut tered In a mnmuiit when tho bravest hearts quailed, and, moreover, It whs thu command of Captain Jack Mullen, of thu Twelfth regiment, Conuotlout Iufuntry Volunteers. It was uttered when bulleta rained up on tho captain's little brigade and Ills men fell like bliult of grass Im fore the scythe. Thero was no time for eloquent paraphrasing or for rhetorloor delicate diction. Korcl bio language, no matter If a little profuno, was what tho cmergunuy demanded. Tio federal forces at Cedur Crek bad faltered and then began to retreat In dismay under tho murderous tiro of tho oposlng fjnvs. Capt. Mullen, a stuff ofllcvr and it mere boy ncartcly 20 years old, were placed In chargo of tho ouly brigade available, He wus ordered to thr front to storm the ttdo, Ho gave tho command to charge, and when older uivu saw him, n uiero youth, riding to tho trout they guvo n client uud duslicd down upon tho Imncn etrable phulnux that confronted them. It was n terrible parunge. '1 hey seemed to bo Inclined to Join other brigudesand desert Uielr col ors. It was then ho yelled this command which emphnslrc tb badge presented to him by tho few wltvrtuvlved that awful Miuggle. tn It tins brigade was completely surrouudfd, but Captain Mullen would not rapliulste; nor would ho uiwiue uv siurs nun mici. mm OV I desiKtruto llghtltig the miIoih weilm,V.,,,ilVn,,,f ." o1 ivlurnwl toupltttvof safety, In thei;rJ..Wra.1i: Union camp. But he boys in blue had to fight their way oat, and of that brigade there were only a mea- j gre batUllon left to tell the tale of the horriable slaughter. XEHAMA XOTE& Mebama wants a good shoemaker, j Two Inches of snow fell Friday' nJght. j We want a railroad and we are ; going to have one. The late rains did not extend far back In the mountains. Blind ftaggers has made Its ap panjflcoaraoflg the horse. Wfflfam'Trasfc. an old' resident of Mebama won in towxr to-day. Dr. It. A. Pratt and family ar rived home from Baton today. MM) G. P. Terrell Is convalescent, and we hope to see her out soon.- W. H.4 Htaat has charge- of the Mebama drug store during; Dr. Pratt's absence. Good opening here for a grist mill. Good water power, plenty of wheat and a good market. The train on tba O. P. It. H., was two hours" late Friday, being de tained at the IMphart bluff by a land rlide. Mnrsli.il Eskcw, arrived home to day from Jordan valley, where be has been visiting friend. We should say "friend." Frank Wrlgbtnian, deputy sheriff, was In town yesterday. Frank bsa Jolly, good fellow and wcaro always triad to have him with us, even if he does skunk, us In playing whist. Mebtuna support the best hotel In thestatcr Come and ftcc us, fine summer resort, mountain trout In abundance and plenty of game if you can find it. ItUBTr.EK. Lrlter List. The following letters remain un called for in tho postofTtce at Salem Feb. fi, 1800; persons calling for the same should say advertised Amsleo T C Bashor J T BeckuerJobn2 BlxturJohn Bowen J E Brumbaugh A BuinhamFI Buston MrsM E Buckley J J Crabtrce MfssEtta Cusey It W Cboso J F Coleman J C Collins George Cushman E A Davis Mrs Maggin Devers Gus Fisher Miss Emily Fisher Amellle Ford J II Furglson B Gilbert W F Glvens Geo Givcrn Geo Harpolo V L Hansen Carl IIohco James Hoiscr John Haac Mrs Tena Jones Newton Kelly George Laforo I'eter Ijughorty Miss Etta Loouey J A Mackoy Mlko Mauru Antonls J Mler Arum, Soplia Morlgan Bell Northcott J P O'Brien Cbas Patton A J Bees Mis Murtle Bhcphcrd Oriu Stark Wlliurd Thacker Cbas Thompson T Wagner Mrs Bosa A. N. Gii.iikiit, P. M. How tlie Immigrant Helped. Judge John P. Allgeld In the Feb ruary Ferum: But for the assist ance of tho immigrant the election of Abraham Lincoln would have been an lmpobslblllty, and had the cry, "America for Americans" pre vailed In an earlier erlod of our history, the nineteenth century would never have been the great free Bepubllu wo see, uud the shadow of millions of slaves would to-day darken and cunu the continent. Tho total population of tho states In 1000, was .11,183,7-1!, of whom 4,000,152 wore foreign-born, and tho latter ouly 21S,7.'lO were to be found In all the cloven states which se ceded. The remaining states had a totul imputation of t!2,tll!l(H7, of wlnm 8,882,426, or a littlo over one-sixth wereactuully foreign-bom. In overy state carried by Lincoln thcro wis a largo foreign population, which was mostly, and In sonio states entirely, republican, nud which continued to be republican down to a very recent dute; and If the voto of this class had been omit ted tu 1800, It would have reduced Lincoln's to such an extent as to defeat him In mor.t of tho states which ho curried. It Is an Indisputable fact that the vote of the naturalized citizen and of bis sou, has been a mint powerful and Indispensable factor In giving tile republican parly the control of the government; and even to-day its power and popularity are greatest lu thoHO states In which there Is a largo naturalized vote. Tho eleven states which lu M)1 hoisted the flag of secession, had a population of 8,720,0! I. Of these only 210,7iU), or nlniut 2) per cent were fnrclgft-born, and they were subsequently found to be Unionists. 1 do not wish In any liuiiuicr to bollttlotho great achievement of the native Americans of tho North; I am simply directing attention to the fact that standing ulone, they could not have elected Lincoln, could not huvo succewfully resisted kouthvru agression, and could not havo put down then-bullion; anil that It -vas the naturalized rltlzeu and his child ren who, by Joining hands with Ihuui, turned the M-ata In favor of tho ideas and the Institutions of the North, ami tbui dlnctly helped to aliajw the destiny of our country. Witctift Jlop Oi" uml rtmmomlU lllUeni h rvltubu luuW, amvil(rr uml m onicm rvnuuw louw. am vruU Uy.n.U, c U rlira up iinmui PAGEBOrS rCItOATXVZS. A City rolleetnaa'e Tery Peculiar nirwrlence. Wlaeral HHt a4 '.-atle pnixatlre Irritate t'tr aaeoui eeelt. - uf tb itmaKh and Uttrti. lu fart Hm ,r tntrtle artlon It doe It their IrrlUIKn. The daarer attendlns their itef nx l apfereat. The new laxa tlre prlnclpte la 1-Yf Vegetable fiermparflla rrl In t:Kartl- action lj Incnatlcc the nrnnwi erte.ioB aa4 gently itlnaUllnr tbsttomach. 1(I vrelr recetabls, doe not lore 1U tSfd, and Urate to t-takea oera ilocallr or rrmtlanoulj. Ooa. Vldeaa, the well known police oQeer of 1,3 Howard St., Saa Fran-MKO,trrlte- "'Alternrown experience I flnalr beUere that Juf VeroUtlt Eana partlla win core tbe mott oV ttlaate eaee of eonitlpatlco. Mlhonth cored I am still taktsf It and nerrrtt rar irTtteia to tior ttfblj TtziainL Br IncreatlnforillEilnlJlf In? the doie m hsf abtotote cotanuuid orer UsuwU with thl rahMe rnaedr." Woman's liaud may be pale and delicate, but she can pick up a hot ter plate than a man. Atchison Globe. Ethereal Congli Syrnp. Persons suffering from the pre vailing cold will do well to try Hol deu's Ethereal Cough Hyrup. It Is an excellent remedy and has been used by hundreds of perrons In tbhs city who will Join In commending It to their friends. Ktockton Indepen dent. Large slz $1.00, small fiO cents. For sale by all Druggist. You never hear of a strike among the astronomers. Their business is always looking up. Texas Sittings. Is Consumption Incurable? Bead tbe follewing: Mr. C. H. Morris, Newark, Ark., says: "Was down with Abccss of Lungs, and friends and physicians pronounced me an Iucuarable Consumptive. Begun taking Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, am now on my third bottb, and able to oversee the work on my farm. It is the finest medicine ever made." Jesse Micdlewart, Decatur, Ohio, says: "Had it not Ikjch for Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption I would have died of Lung Troubles. Was given up by doc tors. Am now in best of health." Try It. Sample bottles free ut Dan iel J. Fry's Drugstore. ' One half of thn world dows not know how the other half lives," and an a matter of fact It is none of Its business. N. O. Picayune. Electric Hitters. Th lc remedy Ih becoming so well known and so popular us to need no special mention. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist uud it Is gurranteed to do all that Is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure nil diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Boils, rialt Bhcum and other affec tations caused by Impure blood. Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent us well us cure all Ma larial fevers. For cure of Headache, Constipation and Indigestion try Electric Bitters Entire satisfaction guarlnteed, or money refunded. Price 60 cts. aNd $1.00 per bottle ut Daniel J. Fry's Drugstore. People addicted to lingering de partures would dotibtlcsH bomirprlRcd todlacover that their long going la often regarded as a nhortcomlng. Baltimore American. A. New Method of Treating Dlscaie Hospital UcmrdicH. What aro they? There U u new departure lu tho treatment of din cuho. It coiifllslH In the collection of tliOHpcclllcH UHed by noted Rpeclnl Utaof Eurojio ami America, and bringing them within tho reach of all. For inntunco the treatment purmircd by Hpcclal phyHlcluiiH who treat indigestion, slomnuli and liver troubles ouly, wiim obtained uud pa pa red. Tho treatment of other phyHleluim, celebrated for curing catarrh wuh procured, and ho on till these lncompurablo cureu now in olutlo dlseawo of ho lungs, kidneys, female weakness, rheumatism and uervous debility. This now method of "one remedy for one disease" must appeal to tho common bciiiki of all Milterem, many of whom have oxperleuced the ill ell'ectH, and thourghly realize the ub surdity of tho claims of Patent Med icIuch which aro guaranteed to euro overy 111 out of n single Inittle, and tho use of which, as statistics prove, bus mined morostomiiohs than alco hol. A circular describing these new remedies Is sent free on receipt of stump to pay postage, by Hospital HeiiK'dy Company, Toronto, Can ada, solo proprietors. 1-1-ly-eod Docter: Well, my lino little fel low, you have got iiuitu well again! I was sure that tho pills left you would euro you. How did you tulto them, In water or iu cake'.' "Oh, I used them lu my blow-gun." Fllr geude (Matter, llacklf u's Arnica Salve. TIhHh1 mitvn In thr world forcil, lirul--,nriM, ulwm.mlt rlifiini, fewr orr, tot trr. rliapix'd luiml. cliiUiliiliu. curnt. ami nil klu rrtiptUUK, uml jxwIUvcly cum piirs, uriiuimj- fviuirru. m i.Hkm ....... .w.w ...... .!-. U Kimruiitw'd o t lH-rfivl kutUfurllou or money ru- fu iiilftl. frlrwtneeuu lnr ho. tVr ml by lUnlrt J, 1'ry, UrujtfUt lUH'aThU? Wo orft-r tUO rwnrtl for any i-aeofi-. Urrh that n not tm curvtl uynunlii IUI1' Ittitrrli fiirv, U J, Chriivy ,t r., l'jiop.,TiiWo, Ohio; We.lho umliTtlgueu. luo ktion r". J, Clivavy foriha Ihi lA yrara, uud ocllrw him to Ihi iwrrcotly lionoruulo In ult Innl. uiwt trunuictluiu. mt ItUHiuMally abl to carry out any oMIfutloun mmlf by their nnn: Wni A'rnnu, uholrwilu Urucstu. TiiUMo, t)., Waltlltir, Kiiimiii A MHrvtn' wnoinutio oniEKHU. nu.iui, II., k. II. Van llorotn, nuhlvPIXthHto ulional Iwnk, Tv IfUo.O. IUII k (.'HUrrh dire la Ukru in tcmuily, actlu dlrtvllyU'ou the blood ami niuauaurlucvol lli)tfiii. trlv ciiU ir butitir. Wtiht by all druraUu 'iJ-lin THIS PAPKIl U kl ou nl- r- V Aury, HI uud uS MrivbHnl't lUituUi., tiu Krttuolioo, OulirOrula, wlirrv coutnict r tvrtltuf cn b mu tor It, THE CAPITAL WFEXTESG JOTJIIKAI.. B.ROOTCS 10 SCFATE ST., SALEM,-ORi BE DK I1MS D AND- Chemicals, ; im -o- -PbyaIcians' Prescription and Family Becipes carefully com pounded. A full line of choice Imported and Key West Cigars. THREE) Grand Tea Prizes! I Consisting of the follewing: Flret Prl2e Elegant China Tea Set, flity-slx pieces, complete, Second Prize Fine Hanging Lamp. Third Prize Set of Bodgers Bros.' Plated Knives and Forks. OKKEltED IJV Cox & Grocers, 249 Commercial Street. jpaTTioketi with chance ou one of the three prizes presented to ev ery purchaser of ONE POUND of our TEA! Offer good until March 1, 18OT. Wm. rown DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, (T' I W. A. SHAW. SHAW & DOWNING, Real - Estate - Agents -AND- GENERAL AUCTIONEERS! -o- jQrWo haven largo list of farm awo (ukc cuarge oi auction sales in auy part of tno state. NO. 3tM COMMERCIAL. STREET, SALEM, OREGON. TWO REDUCTIONS. Wo nitiht reduce ourntook In order to make room for our spring goods. Therefore we will also reduco our ulrvudy low prices ou BOOTS AND SHOES For the next forty dnyn. Give uh a call aud lw couvineeil that we me&u what wohsiy, Ynura, rfR'ctfully, KRAUSSE & KLEIN'S, No. 221 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. ATTENTION ! Ve have farms larue and small, lot from $50 up, aud hou nnd loU hi all purl of the city. We du a commission busine oxelusirelv if von wish to hell, lint your property with w. Suburban tracts a spedaUy. PAYXK A nitlDGFOitD. STEAM LAUNDRY AT OEOROK HOUYR'S BARBER SHOP. & COX,- Boggs, k Co. Leather and Findings CASH PAID FOR WOOL, HIDES, PELTS, AND FURS, This house carries a large Btock of first- cinss eooas irom me Dest manuracturers in the world, and is prepared to ctvo sallsfao- tlon, both In stye and quality, to every uuu wuo win purcnase gooas u inem, No. 231 Commercial Street, SALBM ORBOON W. H. DOWNING. lands and city property for sale We , HAy.1? Y0U KVKU SKK ANY OF thcc Shirts Collars and Cutlii laundried at the SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY? If not make It n point to do so. OFFICE: 209 COMMERCIAL st From Terminal or Iottrior Points the In tbe line to take To all Points East and South, .. T. .. thrnllffll I It Intbecllnini? car niuie.iii ---- s vestibule trains every any iu .-. ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO ! (jfo chnnge of cans.) Compo-wd of dlnlngcnrs unsurpassed, 1 Pullman drawing wm sleepers Of latest equipment, TOURIST Sleeping Cars! Bent that can be constructed and in which accommodations are both freo and lur nlsbed for holders of first and second-class tickets, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A continuous line connecting with all lines, affording direct and uninterrupted service. Udllmnn .luiiut. rnanrvnflnnn PAn bQ Se- cured In advance through any agent of Thmnzh tickets to nnd from all points in America, England and Europe can be purchased at auy ticket ollice of this com- Ful'l Information concerning rates, time of trains.routesandother details furnished on application to any agent or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, No. 121' First street, cor. Washington; Port land, Oregon, JACOB L. MITCHELL, Local Agent, tialem, Or. THE YA0UINA ROUTE. And Oreeon Development company's steamship line. 225 miles Bhorter, 20 hours less time than by nny otnei loute. Urst class through passeneer and freight line from Portland and all points in the Wll lamette vallev to and from Ban Francisco TIME SCHEDULE, (Eicept Sundays). Leave Albany 1:00 PM Leave Corvallls 1:10 PM Arrive Ynaulna ....... 6:30I'M Leavo Yaqulna ------ -b:45AM Leave Con-allls 10:35 AM Arrive Albany 11:10 AM O. & C. trains connect at Albany and Corvallls. The aboe trains connect at YAQUINA with the Oregon Development Co s Line jfbtearashlps between 'Vaqulna and Han Francisco. SAILING DATES. STKAMEIW. FROM YAQU1N Willamette Valley Monday Sept. Wlllametto Valley Tuesday " 1 Willamette Valley, Wednesday " 25 STEAMERS, FROM SAN FRANCIhCO Willamette Valley Wednesday, Sept. 4 Willamette Valley Friday " 13 Willamette VMley Saturday ' 21 Wlllametto Valley Sunday " 2U This compiiny reserves tho right to change sailing dates without notice. N. U. Pasvcngcra from Portland and all Willamette Valley points can make close connection with the trains of the YAQUINA ROUTE at Albany or Corvallls and If destined to &an irmclsco, should arrango to arrive at Yaquina the evening before date of sailing, Passenger and Freight Rates Always tbe Lowest. For Information apply tn Messrs, UULMAN & Co., Freight and Ticket Agents 200 and 202 Front m., Portland, Or. or to C.C. IIOOUE, Ac't Gen'l Frt. & Pass. Agt., Oregon Pacific It. K. Co., Corvallls, Or 0 H. HASWELL, Jr. Gen'l Frt; & i-uhs. Agi. uregon uevciopmeni Co., 301 Montgomery e'.; San Francisco, Cal The Orpgon Pacific steamboats on the Willamette river dhisiou will leac Port land, south-bound, Monday, Wednesday and Friday rttOa. m. arrive at Corvallls Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 3.20 p. m. Leave Corvallls. north-bound, Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8 a. m. Arrive at Portland, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at .ViO p. m. On .Monday. Wednesday nnd Friday both north i.ud south-bound boats lie oer night at Salem, leaving there at 6 a. m. O. C. HOUUE, A. G. F. and P. Agent. 1890. Harper's Young People. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. The Eleventh Volume of Har per's Young People, which be gins with the Number for Novem ber 5, 18S9 presents nu attractive pro gramme. It will oiler to Its readers at least four serials of the usnal length, nud others in two or three parts, namely, "The Itcd Mustang," by William O. Stoddard; "Phil and the Uuby," by Lucy C. Lillie; "PrineeTomtnv,''by John Russell Coryell; and "Mother's Wav," bv Margaret E. Sancister; two short serials by Hjalmar Hjorth Boyise-v. Two series of Fairy Tales will attract the nttentlou of lovers of tho wonder-world, namely, the quaint tales told by Howard'Pyle, and so admirably illustrated by uml, iii.u uuuiiici eenea in n inttr. ent vein by Frank M. Bicknell. I here wilt be short stories by V. D Howells, Thomas Nelson Page, aiAitYii. wilkin, Nora Perry Harriet Phkscott Spofpoui). David Kek. IIezkkiah Hnw. wonTii, Sophie Swiht, Richard Mai.com Johnston, etc. A subscrintinn tn iiun...,i ,.UL-Mi ' 'JE secures a juvenile library. 'I here is useful knowletlKe. alho plenty of amiiemeut. Boston Advertiser. -v-. !,.....: ""uo TERMS: Per Year. Postage Prepaid. $2 00 Vol. XI. begins November ISSO. Specimen Copy seut ou receipt of a two-cent stamp. l ejchNaLE XuMUERS Flve Cents itemutauces Kimni.i i ,.i i... Po-t-oltleo Money Order or Draft, tb avoid chauco ot loss. ' oVBna Hers are not -Coll and Se CRONISE. T. J. Salem'i 'S PODUIar Job Printer. AT HIS NRU' ott !TL-To ... I . . ..,.w, ,v.,o,Ml,vrsureuoi to cony this advertisement without the express order of Hari.k & Brothers Pits teA1U'EK & "ROTH- t.K, N EW ORK. f V H,e ln,uow Bulldlne roV Chi, mwJM nd ChemHrete ,tnu' iiffif" " 0-m WANTED WANTED-! situation as clerk: can give Y ood references. C. M. lius or. Mi i-&t ruuiitv""-' w ANTED A man or gooa ana inaus triom hnbtls wants to correspond wlih nlndr. Object, mnirirnpny. aureus M. V. Ncfion, Walla Walla, Washington. iw vted Aecnw, Jin e niw rcronu, 'in every t'lty. Town and Village.' Outfit free. No.rapiUll wnn T- TOiureu. i.In and Terms the Best. This Is a ov"f -. .. i mnlrn mnnav Write at ouco for Particulars, l" K. QJJLLIKK, 6) Warren Bt.,New York FOU SALE. THOK SALE OH TRADEfor city property H in Balcm, nny acres of land suitable tor grape culture, eight miles south of Bo era. Alo two hundred acres bestpeacb. and for sale nine miles south of Balcm, dirt cheap. O. O. Glen, 318 Cheraeketa street, Salem. SOCIETY NOTICES. immnv PYTHIAS. Regular meet Ing on Tuesday night of each week at 7:oUp. J.O'DONALD.-C. WATERS. K. of It. and H. W. II. II. r LIVE LODGE No. 18, I. O. O. F., meets U In Odd Fellows' Hall up stairs. Cornet Commercial and Ferry streets, every Sat urday at 7.1K) p.m. ,,, j. L. AliTCHKKt., I. A. Manning, Secretary. N. G. GA. It. Sedgwick Post, No. 10, Depart- ment of Oregon, meets every Monday evening atthe hull over tho Oregon Land company's ollice. Visiting comrades on cordially invited to attend. D. c.Shebman, Post Commadcr. 8. A. Uandlk, Adjutant. ' PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J. J. SHAW. J. T. ailEGa. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Salem, Oregon. Office first door to the left at head of stairs In tho rear of Ladd fc Hush's bank. QlILMON FOBD. attorney at law, Salem, Oregon. OIIlco uptalrs in Patton's block. JOHN A. CAUSON, Counsellor and attorney at law. Member of the Bar of Ontario, Canada, 99 State street, Salem, Oregon. PHYSICIAN. MKS.UK. M. E. MCCOY physician nnd surgeon, has located and taken rooms over Squire Farrar'a grocery store. Chronic diseases a speo laity. Consultation free. 12-21dw CHARLES C. CURTIS, M. D.. SUrgeon and Homoeopathic physician. Office and residence, 155 Courtstrcet, In office lor mcrly occupied by Dr. Risden, Balem, Or. Ollice hours 8 to 9 a. in. and from 2 to 8 and 7 to 8 p. m. Diseases of the rectum and enronic aiseascs a specially, Fifteen years experience. aw A NDREW H. DIVEN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, iSalem, Oregon. Office heurs: 9 tolla. m.,3to&aud 7 to 8 p. m. Office: Court street, nqxt door cast of Dr. Rowland. Residence, 501 Chemeketa St. -nl I made of confinements, larce experience Mrs. C. C.Morgan, 290 Commercial street. I-2Hm W I'. WILLIAMS, STENOGRAPHER IT . and Typewriter Copyist. Will make report of trials, etc.; copying on type wrlteraccuratclyand neatly done. Office over A. T Yeaton's furniture store, Com mercial street, Salem. TTOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING, all XI kinds of decorating; : nrenaied to do contracts. C. C. Morgan, 290 Commercial 1-24-lm street. 1'ICE Is hereby given that the part neiship heretofore existing between. A. Thomas and John M. Payn . has been dlsolved. Parties owing or having bills against said firm can settlo with either party JounM. Payne. Professor Loisette's MEMORY Discovery and Training Method. In spite of adulterated imitations which miss the theory, and practi cal results of the original, in spite of the grossest misrepresentations by envious would-be competitor and iu spite of "base attempt to rob" him of the fruit of his labors (all of which demonstrate the un doubted superiority and popularity of his teaching), Prof. Loisette's Art of Never Forgetting is recog nized to-day in both Hemispheres as making au Epoch in Memory Cul ture. His prospectus (sent post free) gives opinions of people In all parts of tho globe who have actually studied his System by correspon dence, showing that his System is used ouly while being studied, not afterwards, that any book can be learned iu a single reading, mind wandering cured, etc. For pros pectus, terms and testimonials ad dress Prof. A. Loisette, 237 Fifth Avenue, N. Y. l-24w3m 1890. Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. A new Shakespenre-tlie Shakespeare of Ebwi.v A. 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