Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, January 28, 1890, Image 2

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Caoital Journal Publithing Company.
Entered nt tho jxwtornce nt Hn:cm,Or.,a
pooq(1-c1(uw matter.
Hoe fourth pnge for trm or snMcrln
Hon. Advertisement to Inmirn Insertion (for
ho nninc day) should bo handed In by I
Correspondence containing now of In
terna and Importance lit ilgsjrvd from nl)
part of tbe state.
No attention u 111 be nld tonnonytiioin,
rerwiiH ilrsiring the t'AriTAJ. jiuiiai.
nerveil nt thi'lr house cm Kcmro It by v
tnl card rrqucitt, or bv worn, iru ni im
om- ,,
Hncctmrn mim'KTK piiI frwjonnpIlcn-
Ofllti, corner Court nnd Liberty HtN-et.
It In not dlfllcult for n newspaper
to bo n Bticcofn If It am tell the
This Is a rtnlnlvnn ofl" year with
tho power thnt In running the
weather mnclilne.
Thk nnval rommltteo In congiess
proposes 44 llueoflmttlo ships nt n
OUTHlDKofitfew largo cities Ih
press of Oregon doen not seem to
fayor the Atibtmliun ballot law.
Nkv Jersey Increa-en Its jrover
nor'B salary to J-10,000 a year. The
governor of Oregon receives only
Tjik Russian I'uciflc rnllwny Is
tho lateat. It Is to bo 4600 miles
long across Blberla and will cost
tlnga good dcul of credit in Oregon
papers for his well-directed anil suc
cessful efforts In getting an appro
priation toconttnuothu work on tho
Columbia jetties.
Tin: N.IY. World continues to i ti
ter to the nowly-olected democratic
United HsateH senator from Ohio as
a "railroad wrecker" nnd u "Wall
street sharp," and charges ho wiih
clcctcd by bribery.
Speaking of possibilities of demo
cratic success in 1802, ex-Prcsldent
Cleveland wild In New York the
other day: "It Is nt u question of
men but of principles." It seemed
to bo a question of men among dem
ocrats In 1888, so far as Mr. Clove
land was concerned,
A Lot of Democratic and assist
ant Democratic papers aro beglnlng
ii systematic plan of appealing to
any elements of discontent In tho
community. Their special appeal
1b always mado to the laborer and
farmer. Why theso elements of so
ciety nro always selected Is a politi
cal mystery. A Just cause should
apiK'til tonll men equally,
None can fall to observe tho mag'
nltudo which tho so-called rnco prob
lem has assumed. It Is rlslnir like a
Muck cloud over tho otherwise fair
sky of our national existence. It
cannot bo waved back, It Is a
mighty problem that must bn met
aud solved, mid many theories of
solution aro offered.
For the Republican party theic In
but ouo courso open. That Is the
courso of honor aud Just lee. Future
centuries will Huh the great name
of Abraham Lincoln with one glori
ous and Immortal net giving free
dom to tho black man. Tho party
of Abraham Lincoln, that made
him Its president and held up his
hands In tho fearful strugglo of live
years tho llcpuhllcuit party wlll
not abandon tho political liberties of
the black raeo to the merey of their
former taskmasters
Tho great speech of Senntor In
galls of Kansas, delivered In tho
United Slates sonato Jan. IStli,
has stirred the nation deeply on this
subject. That statesman plainly
points tho path of duty for Reputi-
lleans, and they will everywhere re-
out of town. "If," continued In
galls, "an outrage of that kind hpd
been Inflicted on nn American citi
zen In England, France, Fpain, any
where on the face of the earth, .sndj
there had not been an Instantaneous
disavowal or reparation, n million j
men In this country would spring ,
to arms to avenge tho outrage and j
wronjr. Hill tne outrage was in
flicted III Mississippi, and the per
petrators go unwhlpped of justice.
The ruci' tiiitngonft-'iii applied only
to colored men. If they were all
democrats tha race question would
be over."
The conclusion of Senator Ingall'u
greut speech Is one of the grandest
perorations in tho noble cause of
human rights that was ever deliv
ered. It stirs the heart or the vet
eran republican who, by his pa
triotism upheld the Hag or his coun
try In the darkest days of the war.
It will arouse tho young men of the
present duy to a clearer conception
of the rmt problem that confronts
them as voters. We quote it In full:
Four solutions of the problem
have been suggested: Emigration,
extermination, absorption and dis
franchisement: but there was still
a llfth solution, which had nevir
been tried, and that solution was
iiisticc. 'T appeal to tho South,"
bo exclttlmed, "to try the ex poll
moot of justice. Stuck your guns,
oiKiii your ballot boxes, register your
votes, black and v bile, and if aftel
experiment has been fairly and hou
stly tried, and It appears that the
Amcan race is incapaoie oi emula emula
teon: If It appears that tho com
plexion burnt upon him by tho sun
is incompatible with freedom, I will
pledge myself to consult with you
about some other meusuro of solving
the raeo problem; but until then
milling can be done. Tho citizen
ship of the negro must be absolutely
reeognl.ed; his right to vote must lit
admitted, and the ballot cast must
be honestly counted. Theso aro es
sential preliminaries, conditions
precedent to any consideration ol
llie ulterior and fundamental qnes
lions of raeo supremacy or race
equality In the United States, North
or South. Thine who freed the
slaves ask nothing more; they will
bo content with nothing less. The
experiment must lie fairly tried.
A Dallas Exchange says: "About
threo Inches of snow fell last, night.
We keen this Item stereotyped, and
will use It quite frequently during
tho next two weeks."
Tlio Oregon City Enterprise says
that In ten years less tnau n lias
been paid out for lire losses in that
towii and yet the companies havo
i oiistantly Increased tho rate until
now some ratings nro.overO percent.
It is, In our opinion, tho duty of
tho county courts to publish such
annual Itemized statements, that
the people who pay theso burden
some taxes may know to whom aud
for what tho money goes. They
I !..,.. ... I. ..,, ...,,1 1 1 1 nt ul,,lll,l
IIUY11.I llfllllf lIIW .ill.il . vj r...w....
Insist upon knowing. Hoseburg
What Is called "buzer" Is heiiiK
put In tho local olllees of the Postui
Telegraph company. Tho "buzzer"
wiIh invented by F. 1. Medina, of
San Francisco, and Is an Instrument
bv which two throuuh dispatches
may bo taken at one time instead of
oily one, as formerly. The receiv
ing Jaoiliiicaoi tuo omeoaro uouoieu
by tho use of the "Inumr."
Jack rubblts me becoming a terri
ble nest in the country north of
Pendleton, and aro raising havoo
with the luiyslaeks of tho lurniers.
HumlrciltiaroHl..ughtcicd, but ot iters
"bob lip serenely" to take tho plaeo
of heir dead comrades. One young
rancher, J.Htaiuper killed seventy
two hlncu tuu suow fell, tho best
record yet reported. K. O.
The anti-trust bill has been defeat
ed hi tho Washington (state) House
of representatives. A member, Mr.
K lily, declined that tho slate had
trusts in coal, lumber transportation,
telegraphy, lulephono lines, elm-trio
light, fisheries, mining claims htm
her lauds, Insurance aud medicine,
llet-alit a ton of coal tlmtcoit on the
etirsnt tho mines $l.S."M)ld at Seat
tlo at ?d. a profit ol'fl.ir, in eoiiKO
quoueo ol tlio coal trust.
Xo Kamlly'siiuulil bn without It.
Dr. K. S. Iluldeu: I havo used
your Ethereal Cough Syrup for a
long while, I would never Ih wllli
o it It, as I consider its curative ef
feels Instantaneous for enoughs and
colds. No family should bo with
out it.
R. E. W I LHO IT. .Stockton.
Large size (1,00, small t) cents. For
sale by all Druggists.
A Scrnp nfTaper Saves Her Life. I
It was Just an ordinary scrap of
Joleetliat holias taken high grounds, wrapping paper; hut It saved her llfo.
.. iJh.i i. .i.L lt aid! n.kt i.I.iiiii., nf 11.111
nnd nthouaiueor the const tu Ion 'u " "'V, ",l , ,K .', " V
Vi i.i . . . i.. ri..u,i sumption, told by phyblelans that she
denmniliHl the leiuedy or Justice for . WlW UCUI,U) um ootiltl live only a
the oppressed and dUrmiiehNed col Hlurt time, she weighed loss than
orcd Itepublicansor the South, seventy pounds. On a pleeo of
The political otitniges committed :'Ik WW '" w) "f 1r-
,, .' ., ... . king's New Discovery, and got a
thcro tosuppits the icpubllean vote Wn;u, lK,t,ui ,,,, ,UT 8ll0
nro unparalled In history. They an bought a large bottle, It helped her
uot conllned to tho colored nuv. In more, bought another ami grow k't-
tho courso of his remarks Stuuitor ter fasi.tHmtluuedlts ueand Is no ,
Ingalls qVe of an outnigo commit- ft-ftA -;.' "Kf iiTr 7m
ttnlln Abenlecn, MIm.,oii the day uurs send stump to W. 11. Cole,
or JellVrmm Davis's funeral, when a f linguist, Fori Smith. Tilal HottK-s
....,..... n.nw.r nnttif,.iinrin.iiHiin. of this voiiderCtil Discovery Fiwat
iieeldentally In tho curt of his l)MxMi' I'O's Drugstor,.. ,
wot k let fall from a house nnd a1 Tho KiiglUh miners havo been
Ciililo which had lvti stretelted new R"1' V'w mw "r, W lr
,, . ., ,. cent, iiiaklug an inerwisoof SO ikt,
llw uln'.-l liv h ihIUcii. tioarltnr all .'......", ........ :.. I
...- ....... .., - . r. --- it-Hi. over iiieir wages oi i-i moniiis
t'fllgy offlie wvrvlnry tf war, with go.
the Inscription, "Ked Troctor, tral- '
lor." For thUnceldent tho tinner. Hurklen's ArniraSnhf.
was wIiIimmhI lv one McDonald, re-' "J'lw Iwt wv In the world for
. i . i i.vi it ..ii ... iMti bruise, tiorn, uliMm, sail
ivlvliigtleuHtaX)lashes.und Uuijr r)l0U'm foVYr' N)rvHi mwr elmpuM
nearly hllndtHl and terribly Istvrat- hands, chilblain, corn and all skin
ed. McDonald was thietl ftO, und eniplliuis, ami inv-Ulvoly int piled
eltlionshulrlbedtwlivtheainoiuit, !"r " lV yiulnjil. It Is guamntml
Vi I i i. . ,i ...i.i t .1 to give iierfivthaltsfaullon, or money
dlsehiirgvil the flue, judd for the tx,mmlw,i vriiv as wiui iwr Iwx.
broken whip, bought a rallrvwl j.,r -iiv by iXiulul .1. Fry, drug
ticket for the victim mid sent him gist. j
Fanny OaTenport Clulini That They Ar
the Grnuln Artlcln.
Of course I Blied real tears on tho stage,
writes Fanny Davenport In the Phllndcl
ptita Prut. So do other m.-trosie
But they arc by no means any Indl
cation of rcat feeling, and do not posses
tho Mgnitlcancc they posseis in real life
Occasionally my sympathy with the clmrac.
tcr I am playintr ha been so Until that my
eyes have filled with tears arid I Imve been
unable to restrain them. Hut this should
not be so, nnd It is not commonly the 11
with mc. Tho shedding of teun with an
nctrcssU simply a matter of art. I know
n nrnmlntml nctrM!iM Who C3tl tUrtl On
the waterfall at a momenfi nolicp, and of
course impress tholr audiences through the
operation. Bernhardt, I know, has n liulnt.
In her most tragic scenes, where she W sob
bing until her whole form shakes con ul
sivcly, of guying people who stand in" the
wings and of making funny side remarks
for their benefit and Indulging in grotckque
grimaces which would do credit to a low
For tho effective simulation of grief, how
ever, I much prefer sobs to tears. An au
dience can htnr you sob, but It can not t't
you weep. On this question I ngrco with
llachcl, whom 1 consider tho greatest trauie
actress vvho ever trod tho stage. Iter sobs
had a wonderful effect upon her audiences.
, She used to say that it had taken live years"
constant study to reach perfection in this
line and to get the sobs so they thoroughly
suited her. She could crescendo and dimin
uendo theso demonstrations of grief with all
the power of a piano virtuoso over tho ivory
As I have said, I am occasionally curried
away through the force of my imagination
so that I am In the keenest sympathy with
the sufferings of the character I portray,
nnd am for a brief period of time, pcrnnps.
actually the character. But, as a general
thing, I am entirely mistress of myself. 1
do not believe it is a possible thing to feel
actually too same as tnc person -iwio--feelings
you arc depicting. Tu':e mj es
penence In "La Tosea" for an illustration
In tho fourth act I murder a man. Is it to
bo supposed for one moment that I have the
same emotions as the woman had wb'i
actually committed the crime! How can I!
I never murdered a man Yet 1 believe It
is perfectly possible for me, through the
devices of stage art, to set clearly before an
audience a picture of the mingled remorse
nnd terror which overtakes tlio woman who
has done the deed.
To demonstrate how absurd this theory
Is, that a player Is actually possessed with
tho emotions of tho character he or she :?
enacting, consider for n moment how ) -possible
for a player to appear mlhos.i,i.
part nightuftcr night for lonj weeks an
wiungwltli anguish for th" two or th -
hundred times thus mado necessary. 1
attempt this one would die of mental -
haust.oti boforo half the season wuso
It Is truo that there are parts of "I.a Tose.
wherolamso wrought upon by tlio dm
matlu situations that my hands shake a
I jjrow cold and rild, but this is es."
tiully physical and not mental or cinotioi i
I hnvo come olTflie stage after one of the -scenes
trembling and weak, but theio was
no depreMsion of spirits such as would have
resulted from my passing through such
emotions in life. If I had ever felt ns "I.a
Tosea" must havo done at tho end of the
fourth act, I should not havo been able to
finish tho play.
Aa l'dclloli I.uiljr Miil n 1'leii und An
liner hemm Objections.
Let no man or woman ho mistaken as to
what tins movement Tor women s suffrage
really means, writes .Mrs. Fawcctt m the
ll'mii'im lluiW. Wo none of us want to
turn the world upside-down, or to convert
women into men. Wc want women, on the
contrary, abovo all things to continue
womanly womanly in tho highest and
bust suiiso ami to bring their true wom
an's iulltieneo on behalf of whatsoever
things aio true, honest, just, pure, lovely
aud of good report, to bear upon tlio con
duct of public affairs. Home people at
tempt to meet the claim of women to repie
scntatloa by tho absurdly irrelevant re
mark, for I can not call it an argument,
thul women householders ought not to vote
for members of Parliament because they
can not bo policcmcu and can not he
soldleis. Who wants them to be cither
policemen or soldiers)1 There must always
bo a certain division of labor between thu
text'. Too physical constitution of a
woman fits her to perform certain dutiot,.
on which tho welfaro of society m a high
degree depends. Tho physical constitution
of a man fits him for certain other duties,
one of which is that of external defense
And there nro certain other duties which
men nnd women must undertake joint
and In ro-0oratIon with ouo anolhir,
and from which tho total withdraw il
of ouo sex or tho other Is fraught
with danger and mischief. Thoso who
aro in favor of woman's suffrage maintain
that tho duty of loving one's country, of
understanding her Interests, of endeavor
lug to influence public affairs by the choice
of men of high character and true patriot
Ism to servo la Parliament, is ono which is
incumbent on women as well as on men
Thuro is nothing in the nature of a woman
which fits her to, ho a policeman or a sol.
ilierj aud there Is nothing in tho nature of
a woman which unfits her to love hcrcoun
try ami to servo her by helping to sond
good men to promotu sound legiblaliou In
People sometimes talk as If fighting for
oiio'b country were tho only way of serving
her. Surely that is tuklug a very one-sided
view of a nation's Inturebts, All work well
done, all service la lifting up tho lives of
others to a higher love, "All we have
wished or hoped or dreamed nf good,'
forms tho real treasury of national greut
noss. I tmvo an wish to dlsisiruge tho use
fulness, tho necessity, of the army and the
IKilloo force; but civilization owes quite n
much to that great host of silent, bus.v
workers, of whom at least half 'are women,
through ivhoe labors alone there is any
thing worth preserving, iu to tho arm) ami
tho police force for preserving it.
Kmllloni lii llnlr-l'iiia.
"The most fanhioimble hair-pin now
comes from ttiris," said a jeweler to a re
srter for the Now York .V.iil nsl . at.
"It ts mado to represent a shod fountain,
over which Is n spray of loaves or lino
tlowori in cut stool They sire very attract
ive looking; the steel will glitter in ihe
light like diamond. 1 he pin nit wuh gur- '
nets in all kinds ef designs Is nl. n g -t ,
f avorlM A IMilllr design for gni net ins
it u round null wuh the gurnets ot Un . r
ft, giving the enVel of tolMity. Uano ,.f
the more eoitly hair-pins, wtiuh are oi
for udonuuout oud not for us, are very
handionuv Tbwy are made ss balls of glii,
om plum and sotue rh'hiy engruv isl. ami
others are studded whta jewel The- are
worn by ludis wlih fair hair Tbe bru
netu's taste run to enameled plus. The
are mostly made to represent flowers, m.d
have all thodehoulo tints of nature. One1
of the new doign Is a spray of lilies of tbe
valtoy, wua leaves in green gold ThU is
worth tti. A bunch of tweet eas ells for ,
flftX Forget tne-not ore worth about W
and other uiall Uovver, like Marguorltw. I
rlotou and panties, about tbe tame price." I
rMMW "tl
""" " FOU SALE.
s. an u..iAnn
Zr I Northern racmc wuuwu.
.T . i i ji i.
VI Wl. !f Is cM m
Ri5fwv(aSBL Jlimm
Money Loaned on Improved Farms at 6, 7 and 8 Per Cent, al
CST A number of choice lots in University addition for salo cheap. 1a
' ,mlnllpo'nl'EMtl',
int. I'Al'L and MiyyKAPOI'IB.
I r"- ''Vttrtru'lsiJoSSc0
, land 'j'.h.-oul
cc thnt your ticket read yla the Xbem
I'aclno railroad nnd nvjid tne
Leave forllfttHlItTT'm.and &10 p. in.
rtallvarrlve ni Minneapolis or bt. Inul ai
"Acino Divisi0K.-Tralns leave Front
Througu I'uiimau i - -r,r-""llnlni
TTiu i7vLE OIlTftAUE for city properu I
I?0 n sAlcmV finy acres of land BultiiW,
- , , miiinrc. elant mi es bouiii uici
or smpe culture cm.
Icm. Also i ".. anllth 0f mo cm I
SK1 ehenp:e G. O. cilen. 318 ChemekttJ
street, Halcin.
...,.,, iiv rll r .a l!rcrillnrmpel
K las on Tnosday night of each week at
:M p. ni. fi 0.r,oNALD: (J. C.
V. H. H. WATKllf. K. of It. and B.
n iVELODHENo. IS, I. O. O. F., meet
P."' ffi'riV'n.ru- Hnii iiDstalrs. Rornci
v i' ,"";,..,. -in-Pts. cverv Hat-
(.-ommerciiuii'i" -' .
y Peine!
ea Prizes!
Cotislalinu of the follewing:
First Prize E'egant China Tea Set, fifty-six pieces, complete.
Second Prize Fine Hanging Lamp.
Third Prize Set of Rodgers Bros.' Plated Knives and Forks.
offkki:i HY
Cox & Boggs,
iSr-TIekcts with chance ou ono of the threo prizes presented to ev
ery puiehaMTof OXH POUND of our TEA! Ofler gowl until March
i ud
BSrWe havo a large ll-t of fai in lands and city property forsale We
nlo take ehargo of auction sales in any part of the state.
Wo have farms, large and small, lots from S.'JO tip, and houses and lots
in all parts of the city. We doa commission business exclusively. If you
wish to sell, list your properly with us. Suburban tracts a specialty.
Wo must reduce our stock in order to make room for our spring goods.
Therefore we will al-o reduce our already low prices on
For tho next forty dnjs. Givo us a call and bo convinced tuat we rueau
what we say. Yours, lespecttully,
No, 221 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon,
Wm. Brown k
Leather and Findings
!c- I
.-lllll.l.ll,..,.,!.,..,,,,.,,, ...,.,.
Thl house mrrh-s a InrRO Ktock of flnit
c iim, boikIh from the best iimniifucturers Id
the vtnrhl, and It prepared toclve K.ulfuc
tlun, both In kt mid (iiinllty, to even
one w ho vi 111 purehiibe coodn ot tltem,
r,liivnt7::i0P. ni
J. Ii. MlTt'llfcKL,
I. A. Majcmino.
N. O.
n" ATiredBWlclc Post, No. 10, Depart;
.niSKttho hal lover the 6reg6n band
company's olllce. Visiting comrades an
cora.a..yj.n ueu ..-.--1 Commnder.
B. A. Handle, Adjuta iu .
i$rKE TSntiFlrirBt; Cor
Depot comer rinv"" -
And Oreiron Development company's
SmshlpTlne. 2S mllw shorter 20 hour,
lesstimethan by any otuei iou e- '"'
class through passenger and freight line
from Portland and all points In the i II
lamette vallev to and from Ban i rancisco
TIME SCHEDULE. (Except .Sundays).
Leave Albany liSM
Leave Corvullls J'T,?
Arrive Yaqulna om i m
Leave Yaqulna "sSS
Leave Uorvallls aI
Arrive Albany lhlOAil
O. & C. trains connect nt Albany and
...n ..An .M.ta MnnflM nf. VAOtTINA
with the Oregon Development to s Line J
jfStea-jiihlps between Yaqulna and Han P
j. j. siiaw. J. t. anEaa.
umcc first door to the left at head of
stalwm the rear of Ladd & llush'n bank.
mtLMON FOKD. attorney at law, Balern.
1 Oregon. OflJce up-stalrs tn Patton'a
blQCK. .
Counsellor and attorney nt law.
Member of the Dar of Ontario, Canada,
WBtote street, Balem, Oregon.
r physician and surgeon, lias located
and taken rooms over Squire Farrar'n
grocery store. Chronic diseases a . spco
falty. Consultation free. IVlKivr
CHAKLES C. CUUTI8, M. D., Burgeon
and Homceopathlc physician, rffllce
nnd residence, 155 Court street, in i office lor
?nerl? occupied ny Dr Widen Sa ertij , Or
Office hours 8 to a. m. nnd from 2 to 3
and 7 to 8 n. m. Diseases of tho rectum and
chronic diseases a specialty. Fifteen years
nvnArlannn U
lti rt nlsirt
saiu.no dates.
Willamette Vallev Monday Sept.
Urilln.i.ntfn Vnllnv Tiipftdav
Willamette Valleyi- Wednesday " 25
Mrs. C C.Morgan,2K) Commercial street.
.. .ivrr r t -is u'nfVnnn A T3 tTtTf?
VVIllametto ValleyWednesday, BegU W Vnd Typewriter Copyist. Will make
Willamette Valley hridaj W ''-.""( frals c,. conylng on type-
MlttlE vSilS? "sundS? I Xtaccura'tet'aSd-neX doae. Oufee
'. l"'?! .y,nJlc-rvV; SdUrht to over A.. T. Yeaton's furnilure store, Com-
a vYtorinl atrpot. JSJlIAm.
. ii. Passe ngers from Portland and all
Willamette Valley points can mako close
i-onnectlon with tho trains of the
YAQUINA ROUTE at Albany or Corvallls
and if destined to ban 1-rincisco, should
arrange to arrive at Y'aquma the evening
oefore date of tailing.
t'uskenser ami Freight Kates Always the
l,uwtst. For information apply t Messrs,
IIL'LMAN & Co., Freight and Ticket
Agent LW and 202 Front ., Portland, Or.
f C.C. IIOOUE, Ac't Gen'l Frt. &
Pass. Agt., Oregon Pacific R. R. Co..
Corvallls, Or
O II. HASWELL, Jr. Gen'l Frt; &
Pass. Agt. Oregon Development
Co., 301 Montgomery St.;
San Francisco, Cal
Tho Oregon Pnclflc steamhnnts on the
VVllliinicIti'e river ii islon will leave Port
land, south-bound, Monday, ,'edueday
und Friday at (i n. in,
arrive at Corvallls Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday at 3:20 p. m.
Ieave Corvallls, north-bound, Monday,
Wednesday and Friday at 8a. m.
Arrive at Portland, Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday at J:,S0 p. m.
Ou Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Krvt It nnrfli i. n ( crttitli hni iml hni tu 1 1n nvni"
night at Salem, leaving there at U n. in.
u. j. uuuur,,
A. G. F. and P. Agent.
Union Pacific R, R, Company
trains for the east It ave Portland at 7.00
im und 9.00 pm dallj-. Tic its to andfrou
principal points in tin United States Ca
nda and Europe,
Elegant New Dining Cars.
Freo Family Sleeping Cars run through
on Express trains to Omaha, Council
lllutu aud Kansas City without change
Connections at Portland forfaan Fiancls
co and Paget Sound points.
For further particulars address any
agent of the company or
I. W.i.EE. G. P. A.
C. S. MELLEN", General Traltlc Manager
Harper's Young People,
Tho Eleventh Volume of Har
per's ou.a People, which be
gins with tho Number for Novem
ber 5, 18S9 presents un attractive pro
gramme. It will ofler to its readers
at least four serials of the usnul
iciigui, mm omers in two or three
parts namely, "The Red Mustanir."
by , ,LI.IAM - Stoddard; "Phil
aiirt the IJaby," bvLucv C.illik;
"PniiceTonimy-'by John Russell
coin ell; and "Mother's Wav."
bv Makoakct E. Banoster; two
short seiials by Hjalmar Hjoktii
BOYJSK.V. Two series of Fairy Tales
will attract the attention of lovers
of tho vvoiu cr-wi.rhi ,,.i.. .,:'
llllfl trt il..ilM..l.l.. 1,,. . . .. 4t
...... ..u.uu.iui,) iiiustratea bv
Will, and another series m a ilifler.
ent vein bv Frank- m ii,." " .
Balem, Oregon.
Offlco heurs: 9 to 11 a. m.,3 to 6 and 7 to
FiWe: Court street. not door east of Dr.
Rowland. Residence, S01 Chemeketa st.
XX Kinus OI aeconiuugi iireinuu w w
r.ir-is. i :. i:. .MuririLU. iiu ivuiiiiiiviuiivi
C. 0. Morgan, &I0 Commercial
1 nersblp 1
H. A. Thomas
hereby given that the part
heretofore cxlstlnsr between
II. A. 1 nonius ana jiiuu u. mj" ', uu
been dissolved. Parties owing or having
UlUHUUUlU&tAUiU ill lil tail bcuiu imuvHuvi
party John M. I'aynic .
NOTICE Is hereby given that at a meet
ing of the stockholders of tho Cap
ital Jouknai. Publishing company, held
December tth, 1889, by unanimous voto tho
capital stock of thecompany was Increased
from Five Thousand to Ten Thousand
Afv Salary, f!0 expenses In advance
t)0u allowed each month. Steady em
ployment nt home or traveling. No sollo
ftlng. Duties delivering and making col
lections. No postal cards. Address with
stamp, IIAFER A CO, PIquay, Ohio.
Professor Loisette's
Discovery and Trai ning Method.
In splto of adulterated imitations
which miss the theory, and practi
cal results of the original, In splto
of the grossest misrepresentations
by envious would-bo competitors,
and in spite of "base attempts to
rob" him of tho fruit of his labors
(all bf which demonstrate tho un
doubted superiority aud popularity
of his teachine), Prof. Loisette's
Art of Never Forgetting is recog
nized to-day in both Hemispheres as
making an Epoch in Memory Cul
ture. His prospectus (sent post free)
gives opinions of people iu all parts
of the globe who have actually
studied his System by correspon
dence, showing that his System is
used only while being studied, not
afterwards, that any book can be
learned in a single reading, mind
wandering cured, etc. For pros
pectus, terms and testimonials ad
dress Prof. A. Loisette, 237 Fifth
Aveuue, N. Y. l-24v3m
Harper's Magazine.
A"" hakespeare-tho Shakespeare of
edvun A. Aiuiky will bo presented Iu
ov"vPnflraigazlne ??r l5 wit h eommfnt"
I limn c a n..H, .I """'"cuw wim .tt.1
!wh nSfe1' Potest of living
No. $H Coniinercial Street,
those Shirts Collars and Cutis latindrled
at the
If not make It a point to do so.
There vvllfbe short bforles I ,y v ' D
Ha fur SP'v'
A subscription to HAitprn's
oc.nq Piu.li: secures a ji v-cnUe
PeT SS: "I'wiaM. 00
Vol. XI. begins November 5, I8S9.
each U''h Nt'JU,E,ts. Fve Cents
Money! Money! Money !3sbs
uvaiiis on rarin and oily iruierty, at lovwst rates, lbraiiis Iu citv
i.um vmiiti ji irti'irvtlj. VfVlll tllHl ' lU i llll 11 IIVV
ii i- , ,? "" l" exclusive publl-
t bo ernof V1. l.T!rm;,f.a I'umcrous story,
btoi'. 3SL& nosisofTarasconl
rln Tho J,n... i?,.'1 IUB famous Tuita
rv JinTii nln7 V ll e ,rpslated by Hen
Mirbacbf' "'"stratcd by Rossi and
pif'in,;i!Iowe,u wl" eontrlbnte a novel-
handsomely llluVmtedr"uuu ioumv
of cur onHrn!i,.uner? touching subject
Z" ca. P "e .and Inlu short stories,
wUl"mi?ntinme,r !l,r,tlclt's. too Magazine
iu maintain Its well known standard.
per year:
Harper's Magazine w M
Harper's weekly . M
Harper's Pnzar.
ii-rpert Young iPie;;;;::;;"-";2 oo
l'SftSltaSMB,lu 8Uhscrlbers
1,tu staes, Canada, or Mexico.
TllA Vnliiniaa n
the Numberi'fm- i ' ,M "smiine begin with
I threo vea iwii? I ',nrrr Maguzine for
!IUbe3SStbylSll nrii,e,L,C1I?Ul bia'
ofHiWnervoIiiM,. "R?,P,lil, on receipt
Sn J.'h.r.'Hn ? loth cise for blndlne
....,. i -
for oliunex
to June,
" iiiiwmv innii
. '."fejo Harper, ,SiSlu
. to ' r,::u . " .n'.Cl..,rted.
1V. ohn ii w.. """ .'".ne, iSiO,
dv..rtii,,e,,i i.i,V... l?."W ! J ,nn ?ould ,' de hr p.
, order of H arpkii A- lV,,. ' ? ..",re6S , of hi," UCJ ora""'drUrt,toavold 'chrice
I A, , .. . i ".V-T "WlilKOi. V...
lEUv-Y1 & UOTH. iSSS?
eoppy this adver.
expres order of
-- -....,um,
".: HarperAnrother.,.Vew YorH
-sr ir&