Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, January 28, 1890, Image 1

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    Y- 'x"twgg-igljrg'''a U r il'UM iiS'Ht" RIe E
-You will be well pleased with irvt
IT Willi MB
yThe Terms arc Most Itcnsormblc-e
VOL. 2.
NO. 283.
muvmxm ,imi$jmmi10mat'it
What is toe I
Ono would think to read the ndvertisemeuta of somo of the morchnnts
that this Is a very poor place to do business In. They are continually
SELLING OUT AT COST. How do the keep up? Are they supported
by charity, or are they and their advertisements frauds?
Hear the
Salem is a prosperous and growing city, and all its merchants are doing
well and making money, and any right-minded man knows that when a
a merchant advertises to sell "at cost," that It Is always at what it "costs
the buyer." Men do not go into business for fun or for their health, but
to make money.
le Capitol Adventure Company
nevor advertise to sell off at cost, yet we are constantly 20 to 30 per cent,
lower than any other house in Salem. Why? Because wo buy from ttrst
hands and for cash, and get our goods cheaper. Now during tho months
of January ar.d February only we propose to reduce our prices on all good
and show the people of Salem and the surrounding country how we can
SELL GOODS and not
"Sell at Cost"
Either, but actually make money at
Ciark's Coats', Kerr's or
Brook's spool cotton, white
and black, perapool 2J cts
All kinds, 100 yds, silk,
per spool Sets
Carpet tacks 2c pe rpackuge
A large line ladles', Misses
and Childrens' gloves 10 cts
A largo line of corsets worth
$1.25 reduced to 60 cts
Good lead pencils, per doz. 10 cts
A good Scrubbing Brush- 10 cts
Good Steel and Silver
Thimbles, each 1 ct
All kinds needles, per pa- 3 cts
All kinds ot Silk Button
Hole Twist, each 1 ct
All kinds of Dress Buttons,
some that are actually worth
$1.00 perdoz; per dozen 5 cts
All colors Zephers, single,
per oz- 3 .cts
Good Spring Clothes Pin per
doz 3 cts
Good Lunch Basket,small- 10 cts
Good Pick Handles 10 cts
Good Axe Handles 10 cts
Nice China Matting, good. 12$ cts
7 Pes. Pepper and Salt
goods, worth 40 eta. per yd-. 20 cts
Good Ladies' Morocco
Purses 25 cts
Come Early and
4-Tby are ottered for only sixty days, and stock will not bo re
plenished until tho first of March. All goods hi the store will bo sold at
a corresponding reduction.
Opera House Corner,
the low prices given. .Read what
All colors Worsted Braid,
former price 10 cts
Toilet soaps worth 25c to
50c, per box
Ladies' Arctics
Children s Arctics
Children's Rubbers
Cabot A muslin, 13 yds for$
Cabot W muslin, 14 yds for
Fruit of loom muslin 11 yds
Lonsdale muslin 11 yds
Boss of Road overalls, R.
S., per pair
Boss of Road overalls, X.Y,
per pair
We offer a lino of worsted
goods, all styles and colors,
former price, 15 to 25c, 12 yds$
We otlera large line of rib
bons, all colors and widths,
from No. 2 to No. 10, per yd
Good currycombs
Good horse brushes
A large lino of men and
boy's wool.hats
Assorted'styles and widths
of laces, per yd
A large lino of girl's wool
hoods, eacli
Eleven dozen pairs men's
5 cts
10 cts"
GO cts
35 cts
20 cts
50 cts
CO cts
5 cts
10 cts
25 cts
25 cts
2 cts
25 cts
10 cts
and boys' wool mittens, per
Get Your Pick
Slender Gleanings From the
Storm-Broken Wires.
The Wife of a Prominent Attorney
Commits Suicide A Ilritisb Ship
nvaa irnnsELF in the attic.
Riverside, Cal. Jan. 28. Last
evening Mrs. H. C. HIbbard, wife
of a prominent attorney of this city,
was found hanging dead Ironi a
rafter in the attic at her home. She
had been in feeble health for several
years and several times before, when
living in Kansas, had attempted to
take her Hie.
acquitted of i'oisonincj.
Walworth, N. C. Jan. 28.
Cora Morris, nieceof Governor Sales,
on trial for poisoning her husband,
has been acquitted. Her husband's
life was insured for 10,000 in his
wife's favor. He had alo willed
her all his property.
San Francisco Cal., Jau 28. On
Sunday afternoon, a snow plow
pushed by six engines left Wells
station in Eastern Nevada, and
started east. It had not gone far
before the plow was derailed, and
two of the engines thrown from tho
the track. The engine was turned
completely over. In the accident
one fireman was killed and ono of
the eimineers seriously scalded.
London, Jan. 28. Tho British
ship "Loch Mordart" lias gone
ashore nt Calandsoog, Holland.
Thirty of the crew were washed
overboard and drowned. The Bri
tish ship "Janet Cowan" has return
ed to Plymouth reporting loss of live
Heavy storms with great losses of
life are reported from the Atlantic.
Liverpool, England, Jan. 28.
(By Postal Cable Telegraph to Jour
nal.) Wheat Is ruling firmer.
California rating at 7 shilling per
San Francisco, Jan, 2:30 p. m.
(By Postal Telegraph). San Fran
cisco rains predicted for Oregon and
Washington until to-morrow morn
Tulare, Cal., Jan. 2S,-Officer
Walker and posse arrived hero at
midnight last night on special train
bringing three men named Wilson,
supposed to be train robbers. All
three me.i were all heavily armed
and refused to five up arms, but
agreed to go with officers. They
claim to be ranchers and are father
and two sons. Tiny were brought
here, turned over to raiload detec
tives this morning. It is not known
what evidence the officers have
against them but it is generally be
lieved they are innocent.
Seattle, Jan. 27.-At 10:15
o'clock a stranger entered the Elite
faro game, which Is connected with
the Bijou saloon. R. I. Burns was
dealing. The stranger bet $1 in
silver, lost It, and sat motionless,
After a while the players dropped
out one by one, leaving no ono but
Dealer Burns and the stranger In
tho room.
Suddenly tho stranger arose, and
at tho same time pulled a 44-callber
long-barreled nickel-plated double
action Colt's revolver from his pock
et and said slowly yet firmly, whllo
he cocked the weapen: "Mr.
Dealer, I'm In pretty hard circum
stances and must have some money,
so pass over $200. and bo devilish
quick about it too. Do you hear?"
Dealer Burns loook d up at the man
with a puzzled expression on his
face, thinking that he must be
fooling. The stranger said in stern
tones, "I mean what I say. Fork
over the 200, or I'll kill you as dead
as a door nail." The dealer saw
that the man was desperateand said:
"Certainly, my dear fellow; you can
have the $200," aud atthosametlmo
reached down In the drawer and
passed him $200, which ho picked up
and put Into his pocket.
The stranger then said: ''Don't
say anything about this affair, and
I will give you back $500. Consider
this a loan." "Of coure I won't
say anything about.it the dealer ro
"I want $300 more then," said tho
robber, again leveling his gun full In
I the dealer's fane.
He got the money, tired, twice at a
mill who tried to stop him and es
caped. Telegraphic Troubles.
Portland, Jan. 28. The West
ern. Union lines to San Francisco
direct, are still disabled.. The lines
follow tho course of the Southern
Pacific through Cow Creek canyon,
where the blockade is as impenetra
ble as ever. A large forcoof-iiien
are steadily at work doing all in
their power to repair the damage.
As soon as the linemen step off the
well iieaten path to mako their way
to a duuijoJ pjla, they gj in up
to tleir necks, and sometimes
deeper. They then have to waddle
and force their way through to the
pole, which is not only slow work,
but very laborious, and soon ex
hausts the strongest man. Just
when the difficulty will be overcome
by the lines being connected, is a
question which the mapagcrs can-'
not answer. The damage to the
lines has been so great 150 poles
ina distance of 50 miles being down
that it will take a large body of
men some time to complete connec
tion. Early in the day tho Postal had a
wire direct to San Frauciscisco, aud
the messages came pouring In, so
that, In a short time, messages were
In the office that would not receive
tho operator's attention for several
Wheat is $1.20 to $1.22J.
Eggs continue scarce and in great
The tldenof Paget Sound are run
ning very high.
Ex-Lleutenant-GovernorBropa, of
Illinois, Is dead.
A blind beggar at Portland proves
to be an 'imposter.
A big wind storm at Centrnlli,
111., blow down a new building.
Baker City claims to be in the cen
ter of a region of mountains filled
with gold.
Reports of destitution and sillier
ing continue to come from South
Portland police frequent the spar
ring matches and the city Is over
run with burglars Saturday night.
Desert lands are being rapidly
taken up along the proposed route of
tho Irrigating ditches in Eastern
Herman Kempeuski,a natuailized
citizen of Bridgeport, who was con
fined in a Russia pruon was released
on order of Secretary Blame.
The ladies man is out of luck: at
Albany one was arrested for carry
ing too many love letters. At In
dependence one was jailed for pur
loining red gloves.
The stage of water and fall of
rain and snow Is now such that
there will be no fuspension of
navigation on tho Willamette or
Columbia river this year. This,
willi large crops assured, meaun
Thev are tellinir of a Salem man,
says t lie Grant County News, who
asked two boys to carry half a cord
or wood .Horn the suiewaiK up a
flight of stall a to his office, and
when they had finished the task
handed one of the lads a nickel,
with instructions to "divide it" be
tween tlitui. Oiegonliui.
Not a Salem man. Probably one
of tho hundreds of new comers who
had been educated solely on the O.'s
large-houlcd ideas.
The one man idea hus so captured
ilin ilmiiiinrnnv nf llrpiron lllllt tlii'V
can think of nothing but Penuoyer
In r,itiwwHmi u'IHi tin npyf. uhiti
election, and they stem unable to
understand now it is mai mere can
I... ..in. intiur. nituiiiir ri'ntililtemiR
fur the gubeuutoriul nomination.
The denmcrutB quit makluc their
rtin nmYittifiilmiu nhniit fnt i r vrmfH
atjo. and surrendered the preroga-
live to "iiesiiiiy ui oi. jjwuib. uvn-
(,. uiill Imu itu irrlll fill tllPIII 111
Oregon, and lias 'named Pennoyer.
rlu la (ICBlllll'ii in uui.-m, nwnuvt-i,
this time, and tho republican con
vention will bo able to pick out from
tho half dozen men among Hh avail
nl.lnu lm r infllil.ttn wlin will meet
destiny as Harrison met It In 18S8.
Asuluuu Tidings.
T nul ii'iuilr u'A nnli'd tlin funt that
a California cannery hud contracted
2),uuu acres oi pcaune, viv., i un
Pattern syndicate to be delivered in
the next four years. Just think of
tho lubor which will ho employed to
prepare the large amount ot fruit.
Tho farmer in tho orchard, llio
teamster on the roud, the canner,
the pucker, the draymen, tho rail
road, all get "a slice of the pie" and
tho labor Is all employed "at Home."
Where can we have a cannery? Ore
gon hus fruit and can have more.
Instead of saying "wo can hive It"
It should be "w iiMvwnnneJ It."
Independence West Side,
At the Docks. Business was
lively at thedocks last evening, there
being four boats there at ono time at
the O. R. fe N. landing. Tho Orient
came up frpni Portland with about
twenty-five tons of general freight,
and after discharging her load, went
to Brownsville, from where she will
return aud stay over night here to
night. At the samo lauding, tho
Modoc came down from Brownsville
with a full load of oats for San Fran
cisco. She laid over night, and
pulled out for Portland at 0 o'clock.
On the O. P. line, the Hoag came
up from Portland and unloaded
about forty tons of merchandise and
furniture. Tho Bently came down
from Co'rvallis with' thirty tons of
steamer freight and ten tons of hoy
for this lauding. They both laid
.over night here. Ed Herren is able
again to take his place at the O. R.
& N. office, and Harry Blanchard.
.who has been In tils place returned
this morning on tho Modoc, to
Portland.. The water is rising fast
aud will reach twelve feet by uorn
Tho following is u correct list of
the real estate transactions filed at
the office of the county recorder to te
day: W. A. Shaw and wf to
Frank Butler, It 2, in blk 21,
of Capital Park add to Salem; 200
Rosctta Beckner and lib to
Sarah A. Jones, It 3 in blk 24
of Salem; 3000
Willie J. Hollister aud wf
to Geo. W. Hollister, J of 100
acres iu t 9 s r 1 w; j 2850
L. F. Mascherand wf to Ai
Coolidgc, 201 acres In t 7 s r
1 w; 504
May A, McLaughlin to E.
R. McLaughlin, et al 130
acres in t 0s r 1 w; 1
Supremo Court.
Salem, Jan. 28, '00.
Jabez Wilkes app. vs. T. R. Cor
nelius, rcsp.; appeal from 'Washing
ton county; attorney for reap. Th.s.
II. Tonguo argued his side of the
G. W. Nutter, app., vs. B. Galla
g'ler, rcsp.; appeal from Clalfli p
ounty; argued and subin tted; Ful
ton Bro's ntt'ys for app.; F. D.
Wlntou, att'y for resp.
Articles of Incorporations were to
day filed witli the secretary of state
as follews: Tho North western
Eltctrical Supplyland Construction
Company, T. II. Sparling, N. J.
Granibs and S. Z. Mitchell us incor
porators with a capital stock of $20,
000 with principal office at Seattle,
King County, Wash. Also The
Danish Aid Society, Clias. S. Peter
son, II. Fisher mid A. Clamen Incor
porators, principal ofilco at Port
land; capital stock $700.
Commutation of Sentence.
Zed Beale, ono of tho prisoners at
the Oregon State penitentiary' will
be released to-morrow as tho gover
nor has so passed on tho recommen
dation of the district attorney.
Beale was sent up for 18 months aud
was committed to the penitentiary
on tho 7th of January, serving not
quite one month's time.
No News Yirr. Up to tho hour of
going to press no tidings of the two
jail breakers hus been learned.
Some are prone to believo that
young Byron was in hiding in the
city all Sunday night and Is not far
away. The sheriff hus every out
let guarded aud no doubt the
gents will bo returned to answer to
the charges against them at the next
term of court.
The deadlock in tho Iowa legisla
ture is partly broken and the house
is temporarily organised.
co LONcnr. a tosrou.
Jloilnni Treati.. .it that Curoo
XecoxiUis to tho ln:i franclsco !alllei a
rcncC7 liai been discovered that with almost
unerring rcrtu'rity overcomes (onitlpnttou.
It Ji t'.io now lasatlvc principle Iu Joy's Vcgo
tahlo fursapar'.Va. Tho j open ant full of ro
centoccurvcnctvi louCrmlng Ita t'Oloacy, and
weclvo piccolo t'.iclr laU lemutlou, n lanl
from Can "raw Iico'h l1 Luuirn lady mani
cure. L'erayi: " I urn vllllnw'to rclntotlio
(oUovrluj cx;ktIcik'c, I liavo for jean had
vrrn!c ticimarh n'tcndci) with tnnntliatlou,
aud never found but ono preparation thai
helped mo a id t'-Jit roan vniroout nud loet
IU cCect, oa 1 I V at ara'u a sufferer till I
tried Jt7'a 'v,c'ii i!o Furuiiiarllla. It Imi
theroujbl riir;iiuUol me. I bad one o( th
most tcasltlvml ktomaclm uud vralu cou
tia'.ial Oircu, bit ca.i with tbo aid of Joy'j
VccotableCarf a:r:i!a nor rat any andeverjr
tblus V7ltu in old nrcmtomixl freedom. I
act bo?!! rjrprlhl a.id illjflit!l, B'J glaCI;
m'OMiacu:! K "
tum JfatviN, Manicure,
. . . - 133 Kearney utrest, 8. T,
Will Sail Earlier. The of
ficers at tbo court houso are having
a boat prepalrcd aud if tho rains
continue will not wait for the "Lato
River Packet" but will sail from the
stream now running just east of the
court house. Friends pleuso take
notice, also the street commissioner.
Contracts Awarded. This af
ternoon the board of asylum com-
mUioners awarded the contract of
furnishing the asylum mattresses to
G. Shlndler & Co. at $8.10. The
contract of furnishing the meats was
awarded to E. C. Cross.
Tho Democratic papers appear to
squirm because it is charged that
Calvin S. Brice, a millionaire, has
purchased his election to tho United
States senate from tho Ohio legisla
ture. It is very likely ho did, and
as far as that is concerned if he did,
it is nothing but vhat other Demo
crats have done in tho past a'ld will
do in the future. Tho United States
Is not representative of tho sover
eignty of tho Amcrlcau people; but
in many Instances of the power of
clique, caucus and boodle. Dallas
Times M. (Rep.)
Tho Denver stonecutters' union
has 300 members, and claims (o bo
the largest iu the country. They
get 57 cents per hour, and work
eight and four on Saturday. Two
apprentices nt a time are allowed to
each employer.
Tho cigar-making Industry of
San Francisco is almost dead, be
cause of Chinese competition, and
Koods from Pennsylvania are sold
cheaper there than they can be made
at nomo.
The Chief Rcnaaa for tna great ret
cess of Hood's Sarsaparllla is found In thi
artlclo Itself. It Is merit that wins, and till
tact that Hood's Sarsaparllla actually a
eompllshos what Is claimed for It, Is what
has given to tills medicine a popularity ana
alo greater than that of any other sarsapa-
MArit Wln5 riUa or b,001 pm
IVieril VV I lib fi0r before tho publl
Hood's Sarsaparllla euros Scrofula, Ball
Rheum and all Humors, Dyspepsia, Sick
Headache, Biliousness, overcomes Thai
Tired Feeling, creates an Appctlto, strength
bii tho Nerves, builds up tho Wholo Systaaa
Mood'a Hnrmtparilla Is sold by all draft
lists, si; six for 5. 1'rcpared by O. I. Uoe
i Co.. Apothecaries. Lovvell.
Dealer in Groceries, Pninls, Oilh
mid Window Glass, Wall Pa
per and llorder, Artists' Ma
terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and
Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence
Postw, Grass Seeds, Etc,
3U t'onunorclul Htrcet, Hulem, Oregon
Hovcrnl KlrU to do general bonne work
A good Hpan of young mares to trade for
UHpuu of gelding.
Any ticiHon deulrlng help nt any kind
or wanting nltuatlon will mid It to their
advantage to cull at
Phillips &Shive,
Real Estate anil Collecting Agency,
rou HAI.K.
Choloe bargain In furm and city prop
erty. Wo will pout bookN, make out bills and
do collecting, lliulnewt men respectfully
Hollcltcd. we iiIho moke a Nptclaliy ot
renting dolmen and collecting rent. Iryou
huv'H h vacant home lint It with u,
A rtwttloo by a competent englnMr,
Employment Agency
"The Favorite"
Cigar and Peel Rooms!
smith a mciiannon, rnors,
A weil selected stock of cigars. Tobacco,
both chewing nnd smoking nlvvays on
hand; also tho litest periodicals, dnllv
papers, books and nit goods kept lu a flri
cIhhs news Htand on Hale.
Hpeud an hour pleasantly lu our well
Tvllff., nrA run In Annniuilinn ml,,. !.
nbovo establishment.
Dissolution Notioe.
OTICK Is hereby given that tho firm
IlAr tnfnrn Lriimvti a nil.unH r. uti
w i rr.Vv uinauivm uv fUlUUHl COn
Rant. II F. flihann Inivlnnponlrl til. l.w.n
iW. ,-.:' ""ow. v w; MUM Mill IDU
BcnMIt. Gibson tmvliiff sold his Inteiest
to Dr. J. i"!- Rmlili All fifwsMitB ,i.- t...
inn Id 4lila tin l..n1...t t 0.
to Dr. J. a t Smith. Alf accounts due tho
otdnrmwIU bo rnyabltf nt ouco to cither
IIIUIIIUUBUI uic uiu linn.
II. K. Oinsox.
, Jl A.niwaiJsroir.
Bnlcm, Or., Jan. 22, 18U0.
Having disposed of my tntcrerostof tbo
lied Co iter lirug Htore to Dr. J. U. Bmlth.I
Arm of Btnctlcton A Co. to our many
........... i i.inuni.ii ujuaiuuu ray siccro
thanks to tbo kind publlo for tho most
llnnml niltrnnami nvlnnit. . .... ,. .!..
.. . ...... UUHU bAiuiuai it, un uuiiul:
tho past two years. I remain yours fra
ternally, H. K. GIBSON,
Administrator's Notice of tlio- Filing or
Ills Flnul Account.
NOTICE Im hereby Kiven to whom It may
concern that the undersigned admin
iHtratororthoostnto of 11. A. Uosncr, de
ceased, hns tiled his llual account with said
cbiuio in mo county court or tho dtuto ot
Oicgon, for the county or Marion, nnd that
MONDAY, J AN UAH Y 0, 1800,
at tho 10 o'clock a. in., In tho county court
room of suld county, him been ll.xcd by
Kiilil court as the tlmo nnd place for hear
ing objections to paid flnal account und the
boitlcmcut thereof.
Administrator ot tho t-Htntoof It. A. lies-
ner, deceased
J. J.MU1UMIY, Admi'HAtty.
Nov. 10th, 18SD. lMB-itw
'out medicine Kor Information con
cerning Dr. A WILKOHD I1AMM
.ueniin rumpuiet, cull on oriiaureHS
IT. L. MOORH. I.M!iil At.
'Unlvernlty llulldlntr, Salem, Oregon.
Tax Payers Talco Notice.
mlllS TAX ItOL.1. for Marlon county for
1. tho ycur 188!) him buon placed In my
bands for collection. Tux-pnycra will
pleasocomo forward and pay tliolr taxes
ax noon iir possible nx tho tax roll linn been
delayed and tha county t out of funds.
Hhcrlirand Inx-coIluctorMurlon Co.
Dated Jan. 10, IbW,
Salem Music Store
Hcadauartem for Clilckcrlnir it Bou'h.
uicii.wav. iinzicioii, uoiuy aim I'.mcn
ilanoH, Wlloox A White Organ''. Cunh
. . -... ... . , ..
94 State Street, Patton's Block.
-Coil and See-
Salem's Popular Job Printer,
Htato InHiiranco llulldlug, Cor. Com
mercial and Chemekote Htrect '0-ltl
New Fish Market.
Allen Rhodes haHCtabtlHbed n new KIbIi
Market on RtutOHtieet, nnd ho keeps ft good
Bupnly of AhIi, poultry und game.
tilvi) him a cull mid your order will bo
promptly attended to. 8.'JS-lm
WANTED. Agents, Ma o and Kunialf,
In every C'lty, Town and Village,
Outfit free. No Capital wlmtover required,
atock, I'lan niulTeruiHtho lleNt This Is a
Hiilondld opportunity to mako money,
Wrlto atoncu for l'artlcularH.
1. V. COMiI Elt, (lr Warren HtNovv York
T3ATRONIZE Kfimo Industry, and use
Afountuln Halm Cough cure. Uuur
nntecd to glvo relict or money refunded.
Manufactured Iy it, H. Cross, Halem, Ore
gon. Ask your druggist for It. l-8dliu
OfTicc Up-Sfairs in Now Hank Block
Choice Country
We also have a notary publlo and no
countnutln ourotllco. If you wish bMsl
uess vtatoineutH written up, books posted,
copying, record work, or convoyanctng
done, call nud see us.
McCrow & Willard,
New Salem Market,
Opp'Mlte Candy Kitchen, Commercial HI
Only tho best nuiiiit kept, and delivered
frco io all pans of the city,
Fine Watch Repairing
No, 317 Commercial Street.