I I," THE CAPITA! MVMSVSG JOURNAL H!E CAPITAL JOURNAL - PUHUHIIRODAIIA'.IOCCEITHUNDAV, JIT THE Canital Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) Kntored nt Ibo poxUinloe at MaIem,Or.,M toond-clai inatu-r. HOFER BROTHERS, Editors. Hco fourth page for term of tibcrlp tton Adwrtlnrmcntii to Imure ln;crtIoo (for be name day) xnouia b rmnuca in vy i o'clock. CorrentioDclencf containing now of In tercut and Importance I ihlred from all partt of the Ulc. .No iiucnili.il will lo paid to luionymou communication. VcrooiMXlteilrlnx the CAl'iTAL Journal served at thfilr JiOUtwn can iwcuro it by po" tnl card request, or by word left n.1 tbl ofllce. . . . . Hpeclmen numbcm eul free on anpllen- OOlca, comer Court and Liberty Street. MONDAY.. .JANUARY 27 TO the punun. Tho announcements of our pred ecessors In charge of he Evk.vino and Wki:kly Jouhnai. must be flufllclent Introduction to nil, bo that nothing further jHrnonnl need Ik- said. We trust we may be able to m conduct IJils paper m to retain their reelect ami ennfldeiu'r, well nti thntofthc public The policy of the Joi'iisai. under our innnauemont we wlnh to elate fully nnd frankly. In politico we nlinll make It reliably Republican. The Journal will fuvor all reform for tho good of the people, but Is not prepared to follow the cranky no tions, unsound principles nnd im practical Ideas at times advocated by mistaken leaders. In these days political parlies promise much and perform Utile. Wo conceive It to bo tho duty of a party paper to hold tho parly and Its lenders to a strict accountability for their most Important public pledges. IJy publishing the records made by public men wo can help maintain tho fundamental Ideas of a representative form of government nnd responsibility to the people. We propose to publish a fair-minded republican paper, that will Jeal ously guard tho rights of tho people nnd stand above tho control of capi talistic combinations. In dealing with our political op jKjncnts wo prcfor to Ins courteous. Wo shall respect and not underrate their views. Wo would rather Lo right than partisan, tho' wo do not wish to bo understood as approving the principles or publlo policies of the Democratic parly, We leave that to Democratic papers. n - JTrnm ItPWellthogivnt' responsibility of conducting a public Journal In n growing city and state. Wo shall exclusively devote ourselves to build ing up a paper that shall bo an aid in developing the resource of 8a lent and Oregon. .Wo ore not hero toscok.uy houpror to represent any purpuetti ulterior to u legitimate -aesmpvr btwSijes. We solicit the ffortof eltlteus and busluesM inou and gladly welcomo friendly aid in our enterprise. Hon:it HitoTiiiiiiM. OREGON AND ITS CAPITAL ! Not a Distorted, Discolored Boom, but a Close Statement of Facts. VALUABLE INFORMATION AND GOOD SUGGESTIONS FOR HOMESEEKERS. A State Not One-Tenth Developed, Where all UmtmenK Will Uet the llcneflt of Stcadj Advance? A Desirable Climate and a Storehouse of Op portunities A Land Where Snows do Not Drift nnd Storms Do Not Howl The Willamette Valley One of The Garden Spoti of America. Snow tp the right of us; Snow to the left of us; Snow to the north of us; Snow to the South of us; BUT NO SNOW In the Evergreen Willamette Valley, Where sits Salem, The Beautiful City of Churches And the Live City of Business. CITY AND PARI! PROPERTY Tin: HTATi:or omxio.v. .small Wo wish to say to our friends in peer. fruitf, Oregon is without a Canneries, dryhouses and the east and to all Krsons on templating seeking a location in the new and glorious great northwest that no projxT comparison can be jelly factories, are already one im portant industry in this valley, and ut no distant day the farms will be cut up into 10 to 10 acre irult gar- mado between Oregon and other dens, and laud that can now be states of tho Union. While each ! bought at from 10 to $-i0 an acre, state can claim superiority In some will advance In ten yea is to five broad scope of our investor consideration. On every lde are magnificent views of Atiowrcapped mountains including the famous peaks of the now world Itaiuier and Hood. The Cascade range on , tiie east and the coast range on the west present unrivalled scenery, splendid hunting and fishing the mountain trout ami tho Chinese nbeautints bein c'lminon came. A day's drive in niinincr takes thej pleasure s'ek'T In the surf of the ( " I'arltle fur bathing and fishing. ; Within u day's Intel He n.lif r- 1(111 PRIffQI iihi :unl Jirilish Columbia. Steam. r L,'n l "-WJ lin. s connect at ail the ocean orls for I he Asiatic continent. Of course, tho are considerations not alto gether of the practical order, but they ure worth considering by per sons with means who are seeking a home In a growing city, a matchless climate, a rich farming country, nnd a clean, enterprising and properous people. A VIEW FROM THE EAhT, Shows the city of Salem off to wonderful advantage by day or night. By day the eyo rests upon a broad level expanse of beautifully laid out streets and squares, all well planted with the greatest variety of trees to be seen growing out of doors on this continent. All the various deciduous nnd evergreen varieties flourish here and in addition there Is no limit to the flowering shrubs, roses, vines, nnd annuals that adorn the gardens. It is a beautiful city at all seasons. Tho residences are far above the average, and the whole expanse is relieved by the towers and spires of the churches. AT SIOHT The view from the east presents a glorious half moon, or crescent of electric light, and wc may as well say that the Capital City is well lighted, has excellent water works, and street railways. Conic and see these feature and you will be sur prised at the gencroiw plans and They resnects. it Is only bv n close study times i's present value. That Is the l)f all tho yurious resources of Ore-! culm judgment of well posted men The grass is green at Salem. The robblus and blue hints spend the winter at Salem. Tin: San Francisco Examiner of Jan 16 has arrived. Kxtiia copies of this paper can be had at thUotllcoat 0 cents a copy. No fallurouf crops has ever been recorded In the Willamette valley. Til K Astoria K veiling Transcript will appear as the Morning Colum bian Feb. 1, A 1.1. Jouu.NAl, advertisers get the U'liellt of our special edition of 8000 copies to-day. i i TiiEitr. is no snow ut Salem, the metropolis iu the heart of the WIN lamelto valley. Am. the contlnuuM lines but the Northern Pacific ro hopeful but snow-bound. . EH j-n-J-i. 1 AfiHiHlA Is agitating to secure a nig Niwmlil. fc'ttlcm has on.), but need u not her. Til Erit: glorious ralnT'seeuru Ore gon one of tho linwt prosperous yeaw it has ever hud, U J. . . . ' M Til K Incoming vUltorn to-dny ure welcomed by a clear sky, Imlniy brevnes, niidgrwu lawns. Tiieat all men falrly.mlMtiw mmti from hatred or, love of pels, Is a i;od jHillcy for all to follow. It ; toe juvriiNAi.a iMiiicy. gon that wo can get at a true esti mate of tho relative resources of tills state. Before welting to prove anything for Oregon the present state of agricultural dcprcsilon all over tho United States must bo consider ed. For some cause, and no one can say definitely what It is, for about six or seven years tho farm ing Interests have languished more or less, and generally more than other Interests iu the eastern and middle states. We know It to bo a fact that In Minnesota and parts of Iowa, Wisconsin and Illinois that are purely dependent on agriculture. and where fancy dnlryiuir- .ud catoiiug to city nnick'.'sw not in stituted. rrtfitlon is not a pros perous one. What Is the outlook for any purely farming country not near to a great center or Held of de mand? It Is not flattering. It may safely bo asserted that any state- that has purely agriculture as Its main and only resource has not a very bright future before It. WHAT HHAI.l. WE SEEK? Is the natural Inquiry of the east ern farmer or business man or labor lug man. Tho plain and logical answer Is, that unless there are far greater profits in farming than ever before, tho only safety lies iu seek lugu location lua new statu that oilers tho largest variety of re sourcesa state to put It It: homely phrase, that docs not carry all Its eggs In one basket, a state such as wo can show Oregon to be. THE llESOlJIll'liS OP OUEOO.V Are not farming alone. Hero ag ricultural wealth, and It is as yet uol one-oOth part developed, will rank up among the very richest states of the Union when once settled up. Oregon is capable of producing all that any of the great states of the Upper Mississippi vaUey aro In the way of farming even to sugar cant's and cotton, It Is claimed by soine.ajjid a great deal more Thcrui nothing under tho sun In theshaoof farin produce that Ore goii cannot bo shown to excel in Her wheat counties aro iiu.-mialcd. ijyr cuttle ootmUos uru unparalleled. IN ADDITION To farming, which all (he ".tubs huve, (he great Industries of,Orvgiu) may bo said to eotibj.it u the fol- luwlug: i. lumu:iu'0. 1!. STOUlCllAXOlIINO. 8. SHKUI'OUOWINU. 4. PUUlTUllOWim 8. MINIMI. t. tiU:ockax suirriNo. 7. SALMON FISIIKltilCS. 8. T11K HAILltOADS. K MNUFACTUHINtJ. Coiuivirvtl vjth olliew what varj.ais uavo of wealth dcHH not thU grout ktate, itbiuit twico tho ho of Iown, fltieji Ovku half the luwus In Oregon, AW intcfxte.l unit eurueajly work Jug for iwiuj rullruid, ami iu inuny Jjpitiiuvva tlierv r wvwfrtl iir ivctt, Take one of the smalli'st icJudiiilrles the Sjuioi lUhor k tbey employ ntwut WKX) men, uud add mllllotiH ntiuunlly to tho WeuUh of Oregon. "rui Growing U getting to U great Jndutry iu Oregon. We Kty l)tlqnnl, Ittouufte tht tendency U ) rclv ou certulu tutes for ivriuln frultaTtudUUHdiulttiHl by nil ibut! who have not a cent of interest in making such statements. I.UMIIKRIXU May bcsuld to be one of the un limited resouices of Oiegon. Saw mills uro needed everywhere, and common lumber now Is sold to the farmer at from $S to $12 pT thou sand. The light rainfall that took place all over the United States lust year has left a remarkable demand for all kinds of lumber. Stock, horse and sheep ranching Is carried on with great profit on ac count of the mild climate. Only light shelter ii needed mid all the year round grulng. will be certain to make this a prolltublc business. Dairying Is at present very profltuble. The demand for butter and eggs is unlimited. A farmer can with IU cows uud 100 chickens make us much money on 40 acres as un can ou tho hulf section farms of Minne sota, work less, take greater comfort and huvo more of the pleasures of life on tho Buclllc const than any where else. THE Ot EAX KIIII'I'INO Is of vast importance to Northwest ern Oregon and is a bonaimt to the whole Willamette valley. Every ship that comes into the great rivers and harbors of this coast leaves money, distributes its capital and takes out thousands of dollars wortli of products of the soil. So Impor tant is this that all frclghtsurcaclu ully lower here than iu any similar ly situated country In (lie Union. Tho ocean shipping is growing iu importance every year and is a re source of employment and profit that cannot be taken away. MlM.Nd, ETC One of the greut, important and undeveloed additional resources of Oregon is mining. Tin unuouue nient of (ho greut Dry Oulch Min ing ('.i., which bus its unices In this city, will cnuvlueo unyono that Oregon has greut things to otl'er to tho cupltullsts of the world. The de mands of mining uud lumbering ii poti tnengricuiiurui interests ure great, and causes the price of huv uud feed to be kept pretty high nt (lines, us well us nllects the price ol provisions. In fact at no time ol the your tliatthu farmer has any thing (o Mill, but he can et gtssl prices, except norluiiM fur fruit wheu the market Is glutted, Tho cuiMclty of this valley for pioduclng the lines t fruits in the world, including iours and peaches, all the varieties of French, Cerumu and Italian prunes Is practically tin. United. Wiule a great deal ol money Is made at the business, from f 100 to ftfOO per acre lenuitiug arc building a city on the most gen erous plan, and, where good large lots in the city Itself ure to be had for iW to 500, it will bo seen that these privileges are no extended to rob tho hoine-beeker. Salem is a rich city. It is a place where a great deal of money lias been made and where much money is constant' ly expended. Nearly all the great state Institutions are located here. There is going to be n great deal of money expended hero to carry ou the state institutions, and to. en large them to meet the growing demands of a great and rapidly growing state. Who can doubt that thf". will be such a rush of immigration to Ore gon us was never before seen, When the terrible elTects of (he cold weuth er and snow blockades over a lame part of the Union come to bo fully realized? Then come where climate is fuvoruule, resources abundant and moniy In circulation. cioou TOWNS. Of course Salem is the capital of thd state and the couuly Bdat of Marion county. But that does not preclude tiie Joimx.vi. Faying that theie uru lots of other good towns In this valley mid some stirring cities that aro rapidly developing. There uro scores of good towns uud markets in ihe vuili y nnd foot hill counties, with nuy number of openings for buslii.su ml mechanics. The whole vulley is one rich farmiug regiou, and it is u.it stretching a bit to say that towns ure going to spring up and cities built where there is now not a sign of such. Of collide not every one whocomes to Oregon will be pleased. Not every ouu will succeed. There is a percentage ot luuurea among tne new coiners everywhere. Fre quently we hear a man say: "The first year I was in Oregon 1 was the sickest man that ever lived. Now I would not go back for uny iuduc nieut." A Hurllugtou man who came here iu (lie seventies says he went back to Iowa live or six years ago, and (bought he could not stand It. Middle of winter cainu and oven d irn there In southern Iowu he could not endure the stlugiug cold, but hud to return to the perfect ollmute of this. valley. This is the exjienencf of thousands whos. U'stl m my wo could publish, l'eople who feel that by Industry and ecou omy they can mane a living any. where, will" bless (heir slurs for (he Jouhnai. inducing them to come hero, Otlt ItKAl. vTTK MHN Set forth the merits of this city and county much batter tun.t we win. Read over their carefully worded aoumiiH'Uii'iits. As the couuly seal ySjLiiiPCITY LOANS .af Money Loaned on Improved Farms at 0, 7 anil 8 Per fiat 292 COMMERCIAL STEEET, baum. ww-. . tti. ,u,. n,i,iit!nn for sale cheap."! $ayA number of cuoice lots in uunsiy -- w w nnWNTNO. W. A. SHAW. '" SHAW & DOWNING, Real - Estate - Agents ron balk. KBALE OKTItADBfor city properly lorempo culture, eight miles south of an. lpiii Alro two hundred acres best peach !L" ! ,'. ,,.! nlnn ml I ps south of fcfnlmn. iiiiu uri ''".. -.. n. i.: ; . Art phpfin. O. u. uicn, oio uumcKeta street, tjaiem. ' SOCIETY NOTICES. KNIOHTSOK PYTftlAS. ttesulnrmeet Ing on Tucdny night of cuch week at 7.W p. m. J( 0, D0N ALD. a Ci W. H. H. WATIiUS. K. of K. and 8. O'.IVE LODGE No. 18, I. O. O. F., meets In Odd Kellows' Hall upstairs. Oornei uoiauiercliil nud Kerry streets, every Bat. 1irdayt7:.10p.m. ..,. j. L. Mucin kl, I. A. Manning, Secretory. N. a. OA. H. tsedgwlck Post, No. 10, Depart- ment of Uieeon, ineots every Monday evenliiKHltlie liull over the Oregon lAnd cotnpnny's olllce. Visiting comrades nr cordially Invited to attend. D. o.SHKHMAw.l'ostCoramader. S. A. ItANDLK, AdJUta It. I'ltOFESSIONAI. CAItDS. -AND- GENERAL AUCTIONEERS! -o- r u,.an inr0 liaf nf f.irm lands and city property for sale aho take charge of auction sales in any part of tho state. NO. 384 COMMERCIAL STREET, SALEM, OREGON. We ATTENTION ! We have farms, large and small, lots from 550 up, and houses and lots n all parts of the city. We do a commission business exclusively. It J ou I wish to sell, list your property with us. Suburban tracts a specialty. PAYNE & BRIDGFORD. W. T. RIGDON, fPI Charges Reasonable. MAR BLIC 4 m ABSTRACTER SALEM, Oregon. TWO REDUCTIONS. Wo must reduce our stock in order to make room foi our spring goods. Therefore we will also reduce our already low prices on BOOTS AND SHOES For the next forty days. Give us a call and be convinced ttiat we raeau what we say. Yours, respectfully, KRAUSSE & KLEIN'S, No, 221 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon, Wm rown DEALERS IN J. J. SflAW. J- T. GHEOO. . TTOlt.N EYS AT LAW, tialcm, Oregon. Ofllce first door to the left at head of stairs In the rear of Ladd fc Bush's banb. ULMON FOKO, attorney at lawSalem, block. Oregon. Ollice up-staliu In Patton'i JOHN A. CAI180N, Counsellor and attorney at law. Member of the Ilnr of OntrIo, Canada, D9 State street, Salem, Oregon. PHYSI0lAN.-MltS.UK. M. K. MCCOY. Dhvslclan and surgeon, has located and taken rooms over Bqulro t arrar c rroccry store, uuruuiu uuviwca u upwi 'alty. Consultation free. 12-21dff irgeon it j and Homoeopathic physician. Office and residence, 155 Court street, In offlco lot inerly occupied oy Dr. Klsden, Salem, Or. nfiiw hmira S toUa. in. and from 2 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. m. Diseases of the rectum and chronic diseases a specialty. Fifteen yeara experience. w A NDREW H. DIVEN, PHYSICIAN AND BUIIGEON, BSalcm, Oregon. Ofllce heurs: 9 to 11 a. m., 3 to 6 (and 7 to Ofllce: Court street, noxt door east of Dr. Rowland, licsiacnce, sui tjuemeKcuv si. T-T X mndc of confinements, lareo exponence ilrs. C. u. -Morgan, aw uommerciai street. 1-21-lm Wf, WILLIAMS, STENOGRAPHER . and Typewriter Copyist. Wilt make reports of trials, etc.; copying on type wrlteraccuratcly and neatly done. Olllce over A. T Ycaton's furniture store, Com merciai street, saiem. OUSE AND SIUN Morgan, 2U0 Commercial TTOUSE AND SIUN PAINTING, all XL kinds of decorating; prepared to do coiitrucU, street. C. O. 1-21-lm HOARDING. PRIVATE BOARDING.-A few ladles or gentlemen can obtain, nt reasonable rates, good board with nicely furnished rooms In tho finest part of tho city, right by the street cars, by calling nt 307 Winter street , corner oi i enter btrect. vrOTICE Is hereby given that the part Xi nershlp heretofore existing between a. A. Thomas and John M. 1'ayn-, has been dissolved. Parties owing or having bill ng.ilnst altl firm can settlo with elthor p.iriy johk a. I'AYNS. BOOTS AND SHOES, Leather and Findings H 1 rm I CASH PAID FOR WOOL, IIIDE3, PELTS, AND FUES. This houso carries a large stock of first. thao h0" f"',m ,he best inoBUtoctureSln imn, Doin in stje and oualltv to v one ( ho will purchase good," iVhemf NOTICE. vrOTICE is hereby given that at a meet- XT ingoi me stocknoiaers or trie UAr ii'al Jiiuiinai, Publishing company, held Uei ember 1th, 18S9, by unanimous vote the citpiuu siock ii mecompany vas increosca from Fivo Thousand to Ten Thousand Dollars. M . Li. UJIAMIIEHDAIN. Secretary. Dissolution Notloo, VTOTI0E Is hereby civen that tha firm 1 her. tofore known as Gibson ifcHlngle- iuii i iuis uay aissoivea oy mutual con sent, II F. Gibson having sold his Interest to Dr. J. O. Smith. All accounts due the old firm will be payable at once to either members of the old firm. H F. Gibson, It A. SINGLETON. 8aiem, Or., Jan. 22, 1S1X). Having disposed nf my intercrestof the Red Co ner Drug stoic to Dr. J. C. Smltb.I take pleasure In commending tho new firm of Singleton & Co. to our many patrons. I also wixh to extend my sincere thanks to the kind public for tho most liberal natromicn n-xtnnrfpri in no Hiinn the past two years. I remain yours fra tgr""y. H. F. GIBSON, Qfifl s?,lary,IO expenses In advance tj)UU allowed each month. Steady em ployraent at home or traveling. No sollo ting. Duties delivering and making col lections. No postal cards. Address with "mp.j HAFEIl 4 CO, Plquay, OJjto; WANTED.-Agents, Ma'e and Female, f ,,.fl trmevery Klti Town nnd Village Outfit free. No Capluil whaterer required. ?Z; Hlan nnd;r the Best! TlJls Is a ?rf?al PPJtuJfy to make money. uS ?.' wn,c? tit Particulars. ' P.t.oOLLl ER. 65 Warren at.,New York and use rq. .Guar- IQL'U. l-sdlm PATRONIZE Home Industry, X Mountain Unlm Pn.i..l.rl. anteed to give rsllet or mSney refunfle' "" vmi wugjiiBL iur iu No. 231 Commercial Street, SALEM OREQON STEAM LAUNDRY , HAVE YOU EVER SEEN AXY nv tlKS.,.rtsCo.lurstdcSlauNnur?e!; SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY? "notmakeltapoIuttodoBo. OFUCE; 203 COMMunnr.i - AT GEORGE HOUYE'S BARBER SHOP. ' Call and See- T. J. CRONISE, Salem's Popular Job Printer, A liKr NENV QUARTERS IN TUP mtr,.0nIHn,S.liranc? BuHdlnp, cir. Com. merciai and Chomeketo stroetS '0-ltt fniin many orolmnls, frnlt Isujjrfatlof it Jerg-j hihI wealthy county, ample aiiiolo of ftw.l for iluliaml jKior, uud noliiMltlilor pwijilo aro uu toi orthegrnuiiiltwa ivctilt. l'lonty of fruit all the your amuml I cor- Btlem isa coulor ot wealth, iiillu enetj ami c iiniuuree. With the flu wt courtl.otiiK iu the t.tatu, a bulhl- iut; ami loiimls worth at least tAH), Money! Money! Monev ! Loans on farm anil city property at lnvPSt ' and country property. Accident a"t?w Inram9, Bargaiu9 iu city Or COMMERCIAL STRBBT.S oSS"13" - w,-, New Fish Market, promDUv.ilP?rtiJ?'f ",n will be promptly attended to, 8-SSMra ' ' ' Professor Loisette's MEMORY Discovery and Training Method, wMf.p,t0i of "t1ulterated imitations o-Vi rl'-u'183,111? theory. nnd practi cal results of the original, In spite hv i ,8nso.t mlsrepresentatfonB mui . iouf. W0M-be competitors, rXl1. spi'e of "base attempts to V H. KASTON'S tain toadd tenyers.if HnUienlth '000, thero U a constant Inspiration j lo the ordinary IHtrnoll'k life. ' for nil lmnrm'imnt i Iw iiimiI.i mi I r - r-- -.-. .---...-. . -- w-,.,m, ... MAKMW&.k 1 nf ,V"lwiorl(y and popularity i' hla teach nirv Pr,.f li:,i0n0r. Mi!JJ"t.uiVl'Pi -"Setting is recog .tlH,ttiJ h"th Hemisnheres as XO fITV IS THK UXIOS jmwutH inofw- natural uttrnctlon tu gvueroui uud ariNtie plum. The real tvtute iutoa( will bo found a piaeoorrvrttloinotlmfNilem. Iua' very large y In tho hamU of fylr rv Ion that lu muuIikhI MnowleKt ' minded and courteous gentleman and stonnlttw In thU winter of miow j who haw the real pruMtity uf the tonus uu I ie- b li.,r,K B.dem lias city a. urt and who olo tU fork, jirunw, clinlM aud all RwB.i.h.ejt advantaH worthy of, door to it., one. flVHl: ANll I'HKVKNTJVE WITH-1 I iV?ir" ",".fu u HALL'S ft B. I VlityUuiidin.Uitm.'uIo'n.: UUI011' IvMUblC OTOPGifc 8, Prospectus (perit wU free) I Hwdqiurter for Thi.-- J bi ? l)mlon8 of people Iu all riarla Tax Payew 'lik XotST" I KWrfsS, "J&S&'wu.ffiS tit v v"StffiiS ' 1SMJ HA 4 lUMhn rat ' a m r,:!-!!131- Street, Patton's Rlnrt '"'" ! W staled not MiMnumiiihiuib &xT,3ih:.tLtn m,..: 1 r' ". . ",s "' any book can be lutnd for Uca couie . i, wamiu , ,11110 1'Al'fc wfc.mon tile at tS va 1, ri, ". " h"',e rK, '"" heritr.ndt.x.tVrWisn'cL Acr'w CUrw1' ttc- w P""08- rteuj0,i&, isn $;IZA a' testimonials Tad- '"'rujcc.ml'jrecxiMnicu, Jjw Jn.f. A. LoIaJlte; 237Fiftli 'Aenue,N, 1.24w3W . J . ' !BftgWa"'fc ---m " 1 .iMaMMtMNM a ...Amu ii,-.- , - l ' - j 'w!!ES3SHHIBMBBBMBMlt---- i