I -.. THE OAPITAIi EVENING JOTXRHTAlu rv THE- CAPITAL JOIMM. BETTER PROSPECTS AHEAD. thumb of hua"chiith)n. iuilt. Oneyenrbymall WW Hlx month by mnll 2 AO Three month by mull ...... I v I'er werk, delivered bycnrrlcr . 10 WKF.KLT. One yrnr by mnll...... II 80 Hlx month br mnll . 7 Ono year, If paid lu ndvuncp...... . 1 0 Six month, If pnldlnnilvunce. 6 For nlTcrtllt)R rate apply nt thin office AllSiibtcrlberdtoTllKCAflTAhJofltSAI whn do not Kecuro their impcr regularly Owltij? to the low Hne of wuter iikwutit milliner uduct: after which I Joint Meeting. The literary j nocictlcs of ilie University held their regular joint meeting In their com- , nnxllotu hull, In the University litiililing, last evening. Tlio hall ttus well fi.'led with nicmlcri4 who 1 had uuthered to Iiear.thc followitiif 'well, rendered preurainnie: The' first vii au instrumental duet by 1 MiswB Mary .Stelneruud Etlnritrul i ton. the favorite piano pupils of the Mjiiior class or the CniiHcrvutory. will notify thli office, giving nddrcM, ami t bo matter will be attended to at once. Ofrinc. fttrnpr nmirt.nnd Liberty HtreeU . -- - i . .. , ... - . . -. - - ; owing lo ilie inability to outiiin io. "Ths evening paper contains the news ' The company now haveooniething nfta.ilav! the mornlnir naoer cives vou over .0,000,000 feet of Iob In the ,. r i. ..... ...!! , Lucklniuto country, reatiy to run ins nniup y uaiinrinu -' . -.. Tlio Capital Lambrric Company En- tonraRfd by Pnnpeets-G.000.000 Feet of Logs In th Lvrkimote. This inoriiliig a JutritNAi. reporter called nt the ofllce of the Capital Lumbering company, nt the corner of Front and Ferry BtrcetB, and found the genial manager, Mr. A. i'J'Iiih wan followed by an openlugad W. JIooreH, wreatneU in hiniles over lrc-4 ly the iirtHldcnt or the noeie the promlHlng outlook toward ob tk-s, J. J. FitGerald. Misses .Edna Wining some material ior me mm. Adams ami Mary Sinner Kang lit a utidthali'ht hiiowIii the mountains, tlr, last winter, the mill Mia been unable to do much work for tne past year, SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. Fnrrar fc Co.'h Is headquarters provMons. Lint your property with tlicSn- loin Land Company. Painless dental operations nt'Dr T. C. ymlth's, m State street. J The lowest prices ever known In I Snlcm, at Jluren's furniture empor ium. The Hon Ton restaurant Is setting the best 23 cent meals in the city now. When you buy wood of Jordan for what fori A Grand Clearance Sale. -AT- K. C. SMALL'S, hiiiuiiiiii.uuuviuu.iu """-" iSL urc vou why nav MafJee itrontiunced nn oration . .., u. 1.50-tf .. ... ... .. .... I J " P5. - - iti ii ii mi mill inuirvsm vi voice, i lie i .. . . . . .. .i. .innW. ...P; .m4t r....ii i.v .. n.... . uuiy ten centra tok . me, reiiinT,y MIm Ji-Miiio M. Loim. lV?'' "" the best paper .i ... i . i..... .i... I.I..I...... ......i. ,,.i.. in rviicin. viln Jjuillt nils iiiu iiiui.i' JS inmi. i oi ine societies ior leiiuerii' one hi the news of yesterday." HORACE GREELEY. Have the JMiv your door and get 10 cents a week. JoL'iiNAii left nt all the news, at Till! Joru.NAl.. Will every legitimate uiisuicss. T. IL Ilnrne, nf the Hntctn Land company, wlilluppllltiiii! wood jes tcrdav t'noriilng, had ilie misfortune to cut hIS foot In a very painful manner. advertise and If yt ii liave real ilwinible bargains to oiler say so to the pople and It will help you to ruah oil' your goods. KlIWT PlIIWMN IKIiUXClII :r II. Hervlei's as usii .1 tw-moirow. Tie communliin anuonn"'d Ur lh- :0 Inst. Ik deferreil. Preaching at 10;.' 0 a. m. Christian Endeavor meelii g at (M0. Itev. H. A. Newell, past r. James Harlow, of the Union Transfer company, of Portland, whose duty It Is to re-clieck bairgae between here and Portland, has bet n feeling badly for the past week and has dccidedto take it lay oil forn week or ten dys, and rest up. iMl'OKTANT M kitting:. O live Lodge No. 18, I. O. O. I meets to night at their hall on Commercial struct. Work lu the Initiatory de greu to-night and a full atteudanei of all members Is requested by the N. O., visiting brethcrn invited. Tub Diasiond-Watcjii Ci.yn. Persons wlsliiug to Invest in them luxuries In an easy way should cure fully read the proposal of the above club as advertised lu till. paperr Call on the llrm and satisfy k'oursen as to tueir uiisiueHS metiuiu yoi before Invesllug. down Just as soon as the water Is high enough. The heavy snow that lias fallen in the mountains gives an encouraging outlook. When the weather moderates and the snow In the mountains begins to melt it is thought that the loggers will have no trouble in running all their logs down to the mills. Just as soon as the company are able to secure enough material to work on, the mills will Oe run at their fullest capa city. The company employ some tony odd men, and the mill has a aimeity of 3.5,000 feet per day. The rcMimptlou of work in this iiiMirtiint branch of industry in Halem, will be a godsend to the city. II will enable the carpenters anil iiiUK! bulldeis to obtain their lum ber right at home, and save the ex peiifse of having It shipped here from tuthide points. The company arc at (irexent having to have lumber ship .M'd lu hero to supply their own trade. 1 lie thermometer will have to the most enjoyable features of the I programme. Miss Victor rend the I society paper, which was prepared with lue care and was very i amusing and showed wonderful skill in finding out, Mime things which brought the red to the cheeka i of the bashful youths. Mcsscnt. ,ainn, Jlowell, Hteeves and Epley i next sungn quartette which urougni i them a hearty encore The societies i If. vou don't know where CMlbert k Patterson's is, Inquire for the cheapest place to buy groceries. All kinds of wood for sale by Jor dan it Churchill. Full measure ment guaranteed. Olllce 09 Slate street. 1-20 tf The cyclone has really come to .Salem, and if you would -ee Its ef fect on prices, buy your goods at Furrar fc Co.'s Have vou had any watch woik COMMERCIAL STREET. fn ifwrH T,ri ...... ml-"1 wlm lone bv C. A. llurUuik ."117 Coin- from several of the members, who ...-. ,. ,, ,. ,.rl, when called on were given it sub- ""-'.." , ., " h'r-f ,T .., tf Ject on which to sp.-ak, the-e were ' ",1- onlirf 1,J ; , l. Ivurynmiihlni;, 11 C. Eple.v and 11. i , toil Sai.k. Uartlctt & Cater In i A Ifrn.i. . ..m on, i en ...1 nn ii I ave ior t-aie ten. iweiny aim nuu- O. A. It. According to special order No. 2 1-sued by Post Com mander I). C. Bhermau, the mem bersof Hedgwlck post No. 10 assem bled at the A. O. U. W. hall Satur day, Jan. 'Si, 1890, at 1 o'clock p. in, for the purpose of attending the funeral of Comrade Jonathan Lesley. An Oiu'hvnh' Homk. The Ladles' Aid society, of Albany, are making ellorls to build an Orphans' home at I hat place, probable cost, $2,000. The ladles are meeting with much encourugemeiit and no doubt tuu building will be constructed noon. - A Salt Hi nix. Many wander ing eyes rested with Htirprlbo and satisfaction on auiglit in tlio show window of J. (J. Wilght's grocery store. There was opened out a bible. On those paues of puro white salt was luscrincd In gold letteis: "Mav our lives be as puro as our goods," and on the other page a card for this popular llrm. It was about 1 1 by HI Inches, and the work of N. J. Unas, u talented clerk, who went into Mr. Wrlght'H employ t-oven ycais ago at f3 n week. Tuti:i) oi' tiii: Bciiooi.. Home time Thursday ouo of the Indian I toys at the school at Chemawa made up his mind he would rather he with the tribes than uo to sch.ml, He boarded the I o'clock train for the north and being without money ho was put oil" at Woodburn. The superlnteiidant did not miss him until last night, and this iiiernim: started a searching parly after him, mil as no mid over a day tuu start of (hem they will perhaps oxer!ciico Hume trouble In capturing the fuga tlve. Tiiai.vs Sni.i. Lati:. As yet there Is no news from the blockade and thoie Is no telling when trams, will bo running on time. This morning the Ktieeue train went noil h on the overland' time ami at N. It. (layloid, i--iuo n'Kuiar nine ior ine iMigcuu' adjourned, alter a express, tnero was a train came down Horn Itoseburg made up there and run as a local mall. The trains from Portland are all on time, and each brings considerable mall, com ing from (he eastern blockade. The eleven o'clock train brought a largo amount of California mall that ar alved In Portland lust night by the cteamer Columbia. This U the Unit mull from that nail of the country HaUni has had tor two weeks, iiefoie the thaw will begin, and that iliue is anxiously looked for, ,v Knjovaiim; Tmi. Last veiling some twenty-live or thiily ineinbers of Capital Lodge No 11, 1. U. (i. T., Ix.arded the overland train lor a visit lo Jellersou lodge of the same order. When tlio train irilved at Jellersou, the members of the lodge of that order were at the depot clothed in regalia, ready to eveort the visitors to their hall. A line of march was formed and marched up to tlio city. Thcie were over one bundled members in the line and it was linked it pretty tight. When the hall was reached i be visitors weru at once made to feci at home and everything possible was did by the good people of that city to entertain those who were so lorttiuatu as to be present, lodge was opened in due form and the general routine of business gone through wltli. Au lulernilbsiou was announced for the purpose of allowing the ineiiiberH and visitors au opportunity of becoming butler acquainted Willi eaeli other. This liitermission was of au hour's dura tion and that time was well used in haiid'suaklug, social converse and Iriendiy cha's, .. alter which the lodge rettiruud to the regular order of bushiest and after the ludge duties had lieeii pcrloruicd a pleiiMaut hour was spent lu listening to au In teresting literary and musical pro. gramme that had been prepaied. Among the recitations was one by .Wins Ida Samlets, entitled "Two (UitfchCH." The selection was well rendered and received considerable applause. Miss Flniciico Voting fol lowed, with au Interesting literary selection entitled ''The Modern Cain." Following thcxe lecitations a quartette, composed of Miss Lota French, Mrs. M. A. Harrison, H. T. Johnson, and A. W. Howersox, with Miss Jessie Looney as organist, sang a beautlltil selection entitled "List", the Trumpets Thrilling Sound." Following tills was a quartette "IJIsowned by my mother," which was rendered lu a beautiful manner and called forth a heal ty encore This part ol I lie evening was linked 1111:111V en joyable, immediately idler this the committee on "plates" an nounced siipjicr, and If ever a tempt ing repast was spiead It was on this occasion, The supply was Inex haustible. Chicken coolted to sat isfy the most eMtctiiiu. Dell- clous boiled ham, pits, cakes and other eatables wcie partaken of hi liberal quantities. The ladies of that city arc surely to bo praised ior tne mil iiispiaxcd in the art nt cookery. After all had partaken of the good things, to their heart's eon lent, au interesting un-t wits listen ed to by Mr. W. A. Harrison and the lodge then most de iehtful evening. Immediately alter the adjournment ol the lodge, t lie young folks took possession of the liu'l, and shortly a gay (lining were tripping lltihlly to sweet strains of music. The Nilem vlsitois returned home this morning, and wish to extend thanks to the iiichiIhts of the JeM'erson lodge for the kindness and liO"pitniIty shown them. Jetleixiu Min'ly H)S!.essea a class of citizens that one loves to meet. favor the societies with a selection to which they re-ponded Willi very appropriate pieces. The societies then adjourned and the tcmaiuder of the evening was spent in playing games and social converse. All seemed to have a good time. Quiri: Jm.. This morning about 10:30 as Nez Haydeii, the young attorney was standing at the foot of acre tracts of line improved lands, four miles from piMollice. Price .",() per acre. tf register something like C() above) the stairs of Ills olllceon State street, liewasxccn to throw up his bunds I and give a plight cry and then fall , luu heap on the stone pavement. i He was uickul up and carried into the gun store of JJrooks and Harrilt where lie was levlved alter a few minutes treatment. A cab was summonsed and he was conveyed to his home lu Fast Salem. Mr. nay den lias been unwell mr several days and his friends earnestly hope Ini Illness will only prove of temporary I nature. In falling lie sustained , several severe bruises The occur mice was caused, no doubt, by the rush of blood to tlio head. lie 1st resting comparatively easy thisee-i nitig. ' Col. K. C. Parkinson, Special Pen sion Examiner, is at the Cook hotel to i cumin over Sunday. He came down fiom Albany to examine pen sioner here, and is one of the best posled public men and one of the closest observers who travels in Washington and Oregon. He is stuck on Salem and says this is the Dest city in the valley above Port land. Hesald to a reperter: "Votir town has things in a good shape and your people seem full of enter prise. I'or local improvements, you me not so dependent upon out side syndicates as other towns. Vou have 'a good lot of republicans here too, who do their lighting in the pri maries and conventions and tliev stand by the ticket." Ilinuitxi:i) Homi:. Tills morn ing Dr. W. 11. livid, who has been Hast for several weeks, surprised his friends by stepping till' the tram til-1 iiut unexpected to them. The doctor lias been attending a post uraduate course at the medical col lego at New York and returns home fully unto date in the science of his medical practice. His face whl be as familiar as ever around the Ued corner drug store ami his friends are glad to fee him safely at home again. HioiitOi'tok Twnt.vi: Sine (let), (loodhuc slated to a JoUltNAi, reporter last evening that ho could hardly get men enough lo keep Ins business going. He has twelve legular men ami eight of tlieui are down with hi grippe and it was ini-pot-slble to get men to till their places. Kxi:cTTivi: S a i, i:. S li e r I il Croisau sold ut public sale to-day a 110 acre tract ol hind lying east of the city belonging to John 0-born, lo satisfy a Judgment of 0,17.01 ami a mortgage oi Jr.iJiiw. t lie laud was bid In by C. M. Cox for WOAO. In Piioiiati:." -In the mailer of the elate of I'htebo Slanton, de ceived, Win. England, administra tor, llles hi- duly verliled annual account and the s une is allowed. Services at the Christian church corner Cenieraiid High streets, at the UMial hours, 10:110 a. in. and 7 p. in. -Plble K'hool at 12 in. All are Invited. Mr. ami Mrs. Lester Schell, of Sllverton, are in the city and will remain over Sunday the guests of .lames ltalehelor. IM.'KKIjY l'EIISO.NAb. Chas. IJallnu went to Portland to day. Frank Meredith took the morning train for The Dalles. P Dr. H. Lane, of the asylum, mndo a trip to Portland to-day. Messrs. Cook and Mlnton look the one o'clock train for Astoria. Col. Shield?, made a business trip down to Woodburn, to-day. E. P. McCornack took the train yesterday afternoon for Portland. Win. Dugai: is in Pol Hand to-dny on business for the llrm of Dugau Hros. E. IL Piper is canvassing for the Crown atlas of the world. It is a great book for $5.00. The Rev. J.Uoweinox, weiit down to Portland, yesterday to hold ser vices over .Sunday there. Oliver Wait, of Polk county, has located in Salem and is working for Mr. T. Shoemaker. Mi. Jessup, Mrs. Strang and Mrs. McCrttn are visiting Mrs. H. Rogers at Chemawa to-day. Mrs. Howersox anil her mother, Mm, Orwlg, left to-day for Corvallis to visit Mrs. Rowersox's on. S. T. Rlggs returned this morn ing from Albany, where he dis poned of his marble worKs at that place. C. A, Robert, came home yester day from Hudson, where lie has been looking after his mill interests there. Miss. Nom Kay, came home from Brownsville yesterday, where she has been on a shoit visit with friends. C. C. Churchill, president of the Churchill Sash & Door factory, wont to Portland to llnish buying the machinery for the company. Jos. Myers, one of Salem's former merchant", hut now of Portland, who hns been visiting in the city for a few day", returned honicJ.hi8 morning. MksHnttieC. Sackett took tlio evening train for a vMt with her people at Aslilaud. Cliauncey Lock wood manages the postal telegraph olllce In her absence. Messrs. Norrhj anil Geo. Rrown arrived home last evening from Portland where they have been on business for tlio wholesale and re tail hardware house of J. C. Rrown Co. They report business rather on the quiet order in the metropolis owing to i he blockaded condition of the tallroad tralllc. F, R, CtKik, Portland; D. A. Hen dricks, Athena; 11. F. Rollins, liresham; notaries appoiuted (o-dav. NO. 291 . Beginning on the 3d of January, 1890. '. o FOR CASH ONLY ! All Goods Without Any Exception at Cost UNTIL MARCH 3, 1890. In Order to Reduce Our Stock Before Spring These are Facts! -o- Mcti's Youths' and Boys' Suits, Blouse Suits, Overcoats, Men's Furnishing Goods, Rubber Goods, Oil and I Ant llAH tannin LTnln fPm t n tn TTndiHnMnn nimir,.-. n i .1 Tr..-I,.u. I'vmnti viuir, iiuu, xiuurkn, uuiuil-liil", viuvcs Illlli XIUSICI . E. C. SMALL. T. II. BARNES, Pres. H. V. MATTHEWS, Treas. W.M. (Incorporated I88D-Capltal Stoclc S30.000, HOWARD PHELPS, Sec SALEM LAND LmI III 1 SaJ? COMPANY Write lo llicm unci leani all about Real Estate in Salem and vicinity. A FULL LINE -OF- v rni'i READ AND REFLECT ! -0- A Dihuu.U'i:. Lalo Tliurxdavcve ulug, a tall miiKi-ular man of Hue proportion, might have been cecii upon (he ftnvtH of Salem clothed lu the habiliment of a workman, and pcrlum would have been taken for a gentleman only for attending olnuiiimtancoH. Till brute, formieli ho iniiMt have Imvu, wan aivouiHtii led by a mtiall, frail, delicate woman who uiiiNt have been bin wife, ax the following tMnverti.it ton will II lint rate. He attempted to enter a Halooii ami ulto took hold of the tall of hi mil and pulling back wald: "No John, don't go.l have never In terfered with your drinking befoie, but you miul not now," yui know that the children have not enough lit eat, and oii ought nut to hiu what little .sou have for drink. Mo turned uiuni her and with ciin and lineal tried tuthako I he little woman oft', but hIic pleading for Inn batik, hung uu and kept lilni out of (wo drinking places bm when hut (teen he wan trying to diuko dm poor woman oil. tlta( he might nit lfy hi brntUh auiK'tlie and nb ItU wife and llltleoiiert of their Jut uiijK.rt. tiuoh limit are unworthy the name of man, and ought (o bo rxlletl from (lie nrvpuiieo of woiiiea .a nd chldnii. Fkm.vi.i: Koiiiuniri The citieu of Albany an givally worked up over the development of a cno oi nyNteniatle mbU'iy that has Ik-cii perpettiitetl by two gill, K.uo and llattle Matoon, of Drain, Oivgou, wlio had until recently been en gaged lu doing housework lu everal fanillle.Hof that city. A few dav ago ttiey lef( for (heir home at Drain anil left behind two trunk to be heiit lo tliein. .shnrily nfii.r Mr. Glover, of Waldo Hills was in town tinlay. "V-. I'nliit Willi 1'ililn" 'Vo Itm "kihiiI inoni" Hi lllMllvl,' mi liy UihmI'h SmMHrUlH. In 1av 'll, Mi wIihiy It l irfMrvt, ihttrn l inore o II.MHl'Mi-arvHimrlllrt t,olit limn of alio )er llllHtll'IIIIM, Hint It li gt ve a Uib bost tutu-, IhiHIoii olntHi Uu IntnHluelloa uu )uurhK TliU ivaltl not b if tlio aiMtloliio itlil nui MMi.iiuirit. Ityoa uiar iHn linimre their ' l,l"",, ,r" nxl" -vnMrilli. Uk Nn llll,iKo. ueirtui bcveiiu aitieles wen iiiinitfii iiiiiii iiiii rkiiiitiiit jr i . . F 1 Mill, r ill,. ,i. ii,.... i.'i ,," '""' w" n, JUMiriiiiml hi buy. i. j. .mum wueie (hey had I ll.-Ki'.M.riw.iih.an nut t mduM i.i tivii working, and Muplelnu point uknMHyiii-r tiiHuii. ritiiiriu u cd lo the iilrl. In the nrtiM'iico of , )iiiMr mairti , imiwtiHi, Ujr lu iwm w hen it wu found that the two girls : Hrtinrf tu kimt Uiu... ti ,ii. y, hadhioleu ami plaa-d lu the lrlllks'C'L.'!?ttV,"?!l,'l.,.,, woith ol lew fin. elothlnu'. '.HULn.ri ..-....-,.. K1HI iKHikM iiiiil other aitiele, Ineludiug ii mik eiiKiii, hcierai line unies, and iiiiiueious iiuleles of aparvl. lu the trunk a a No found lutter whloh had iwiMed between them kliowlug (hat (lite,' had Ikini wirry lugou a .lcinaOombbcryiinil had iiri'vlouly Dent (olen gooiU to Dniln. toine oU-cvne and vile let (etH were uUo among (ho ellii(H lYiini (wo young men of Oakland, Oregon, tiud of a iuol luvriinluatiug uututv. llkaMllil hliuiw.tej uuil MtikMiHil Kxiiwi-tuf (.jtrMiii ruia Wrlchi IL.I V f ROYAL S.'S'JJ J , lfNC"iimu fVJi AklH Cut This Notice Out -AND- PASTE IT IN YOUR HAT! o- ltltMWM.r.!k!mlitsnmbluMii i'i.v.- ..... z .- , - .. . .... i-r r -..-..-. nnii wurivnvM ifM wihhi, nut. ) to- ill. 141 ll UrUK .VII UUtV IOH1IMH UAilll' uklllaull, ....... brvttih unit FtiMlthr KHWi "Wr uiltti nniu .Myrtn iKmiM,ti. lur, iKvuihiuy. NuanvH ttur Kftt IhMMitimur nil iliw It. C. l V Itml tT. il UlUI ll ttlllMl inot o fa,i tr U, IfUltV. a Uttll lnot ob liu ilu IxHUlu Mint iMl.U. .ol dni(tWl. Jmfct.wt (Vra bMl uu.l u POWDER Absolutely Pure. rtiinixw ti-r iievw vnnn A laarvvl ol imril) . ktifiiKlli ami wluili'Mmieiiovi. jtorr wiHuii.tiiuiu the ordinary "tlucU, una mtinol Ih m.ki in iMuiivlllluu uuu ilif HtMlliluiU ill km- tt,iurt tlbl iiluuuu ivHihji miim, tMIU mly In cau. ItolAL 1UKI.no IMWUSKUX.IIM WhII.V , HA ' Johnwii tw, Asmts INirt-Umt,Orvn. WltbHpwialtlM.ln Valerian China Tea Sets, French China Dinner Sets. RIDG WAY'S FAMOUS Buckingham Pattern -OK- ROYAL SEMI-PORCELAIN Of wblcb we constantly keen a full line and opcu stock, cnnl.llng us 'to moke up I Inner and Ten nets of nny Mze. or sell & the klngle pifec. Tlic tlnest usortmento CHAMBER SETS T. MCP. PATTOIM EcrsliownluSaicin. -A- A. A. Vyl A PULL STOCK -neaC call ana examine our .tock. llUl C70 Ul3I6 ulrPPT welleFbrosJ ljOFFERS FOR SIXTY DAY muurow Oi wmard, New Salem Market, KXCIIAXOE BLOCK. OppoMte Candy Kltclu-n, Commercial st KVEKTIIlXn NEW AND CLEAN anT - '5,rlyten lu 'rciiclillevolutioi vXi ,,e Las (.Ws M.V - V'"in The PollowiriK Book s in Sets, at the Prices Named. o- Kansas House, Corner ot E, M. LAW, Proprietor, V 1,0... ..1. . SH ?! 5F J-fKnSfu SS:k?: volume, Washing ., 'i ':,. .,."""'t? mes.. nines... C8-. uiiriiiii-an'w uu,.:.:. wrue Kllioit lli,l LOUlt nnil 1M..I. D4 . 1 1'rui " "" ivni.. iii.. : .' "-crits. r'J "mi He sr ,M o .', ro..,s.. 'i','u'.i -!&"'"-::::::::::: i1'? $ nafcut'r1' Kiis::::::: Ut Jw' UlllW tHi the market hut ' rt.,.. ".-"" "" a ivnUal wrrltonia t n .T'n' '.:' l"5" I rviM..ini.l,ld m.. .. .. " C lOUVXKL .... .$ 7 00 14 00 6 00 . 9 00 .... 3 25 .... 3 00 .... C 60 .... 4 00 .... 4 00 .... 2 00 .... 2 00 .... 3 00 .... 3 60 T... cult ndw win. c i '., o. ... '"UU t . H wviiiii it ii. n .. -- " Lime hvXr- b- f ii'aVteKsrr InaJillitm. ... . .. lumenuove Kivi.' mn.,. No Chlu raploj'M. ,1 r' p8 .,,-rt. j i(liij;.iv 4 -rr-JJl"ri ii r --- - " - i .. -. - . .time. , 1 -' -- r.....,.v .t "J iiMi . jJ