44 r wkt1v s - Mjitipiw - xjWiewjWfi. 4 . 9U BSORIBE ron ;THE CAPITAL JOURNAL JOURNAL THE CAPITAL JOURNAL) IT WILL MB j A GOOD INVESTMENT. I ffj-Tho Terms nro Moit Itcnsormblo-' VjJ.JL 1 1 xTlJL; 1IIK BEST PA PER IN SALEM. y'ou wilt b well pleased with lt.lf VOL. 2. SAIiEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 1S90. NO. 281. What is the SALEM HAST One would think to read the advertisements of some of the merchants that this is a very poor place to do business in. They are continually SELLING OUT AT COST. How do the keep up? Arc they supported by charity, or are they and their advertisements frauds? Hear the Truth ! Salem is a prosperous and growing city, and all its merchants are doing well and making money, and any right-minded man knows that when a a merchant advertises to sell "at cest," that it is always at what it "costs the buyer." Men do not go into business for fun or for their health, but to make money. Tie Gapito never advertise to sell off at cost, yet we are constantly 20 to 30 per cent, lower than any other house in Salem. Why? Because we buy from first hands and for cash, aud get our goods cheaper. Now during the months of January ar.d February only we propose to reduce our prices on all good and show tho people of Salem and the surrounding country how we can SELL GOODS and not i i S ell at Cost Either, but aotually make money at the low prices given. Read what follews: O Clark's Coats', Kerr's or Brook's sppol cotton, white and black, per spool 2J cts All kinds, 100 yds, silk, perspool 5 cts Carpet tacks 2c pe rpackage A large line ladies', Misses and Childrens" gloves 10 cts A largo line of corsets worth $1.25 reduced to 50 cts Good lead pencils, per doz. 10 cts A good Scrubbing Brush- 10 cts Good Steel and Silver Thimbles, each 1 ct All kinds needles, per pa.- 3 cts All kinds ot Silk Button Hole Twist, each 1 ct All kinds of Dress Buttons, some that are actually worth $ 1.00 per doz; per dozen 6 cts All colors Zephers, single, per oz 3 c3 Good Spring Clothes Pin per doz..... 3 cts Good Lunch Basket.sraall. 10 cts Good Pick Handles 10 cts Good Axe Handles 10 cts Nice China Matting, good. 12 cts 7 Pes. Popper and Salt goods, werth 40 cts. per yd 20 cts Good Ladies' Morocco Purses 25 cts -O- Come Early and OF BARGAINS ! SrThy are offered for only sixty days and stock will not , be re plenished until the first of March. All goods in the store will be sold at a corresponding reduction. -o- CAPITOL ADVENTURE Opera House Corner, late ffi 9 nil Adventure Company y y All colors Worsted Braid, former nricc 10 cts Toilet soaps worth 25c to 50c, per box Ladles' Arctics Children s Arctics Children's Rubbers Cabot A muslin, 13 yds for$ Cabot W muslin, 14 yds for Fruitof loom muslin 11 yds . Lonsdale muslin 11 yds Boss of Road overalls, R. S., per pair Boss of Road overalls, X.Y, per pair We ofler a line of worsted goods, all styles and colors, former price, 15 to 25c, 12 yds? We oiler a largo lino of rib bons, all colors and widths, from No. 2 to No. 16, per yd Good currycombs Good horse brushes A large line of men and bov's wool hats . Assorted styles and widths of laces, per yd - A large line of girl's wool hoods, each Eleven dozen pairs men's and boys' wool mittens, per pair 5 cts 10 cts 60 els ar) cts 20 cts 100 100 100 100 50 cts GO cts 100 5 cts 10 cts 25 cts 25 cts 2 cts 25 cts 10 eta Get Your Pick THESE JY flAMPU - QJBGON. LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. A NEW W. C. T. U. Tho National Nun-l'iirtUau Temperance ' Orgintzittlon. Cluviu.and, Jan. 24. The new ladies' temperance organization has adopted the name of Non-Partisan Wo men'n Christian Temperance Union. It was decided upon, despite tho objection of the minority, who thought the name too long, and be sides, wanted something entirely distinctive from theotd organization. Tho election of officers was then proceeded with, tho following being the result: Miss F. Jennie Doty, Cleveland, general secretary; Mrs. Florence Miller, DesMoiues, recordiug secre tary; Miss E. J. Shortleclge, Penn sylvania, financial secretary; Mrs. C. Cornelia Alford, Brooklyn, N. Y., treasurer. Heads of the live depart ments were selected, as follews: Evangelistic secretary, Mrs. Mary J. Aldrieh, of Iowa; educational secre tary, Mrs. Joseph D. Weeks, of Pennsylvania; legislative secretary, Mrs. Lydla H. Tilton, of the Dis trict of Columbia; literary work, Mrs. Florence Porter, of Oldtown, Me.; young women's work, Mrs. J. R. Webster, of Illinois. At tho request of Mrs. Aldrieh, of Iowa, and Mrs. Gore, of Pennsylva nia, circulars will be issued showing the difference between this organ ization and the old Third-Party W. C. T. U. Tho following resolution sets forth the cardinal principle of the new erder: We fully and freely recognize tho right of every member of this organ ization to individual religious and political opinions and preferences, and their exercise according to the individual's conscience, and declare that no majority in such organiza tion sliouhf ever in any manner in terfere with these individual rights. We gladly recognize the fact that the non-partisan principles of Onris tian temperance work are rapidly gaining adherents throughout the nation. We waut all the strength of 'the united Christian women of the Uuion to be brought against the combined power of the liquor traffic. We cordially Invite the auxiliary ship of all state aud loud organiza tions under our broad banner of political freedom, where every wom an, whatever her. party preferences or individual party work, may unite with us In ellorts against the com mon enemy of tho home, the state and the nation. CONDENSED TKhKOKAMS. Mr. Spurgcon's health is improv ed. Four Pnnevill hunters killed 191 jack rabbits in one day. The markets remain unchanged in the great centers of trade. The snow is being melted by rains and more disasters by Hoods await California. A dispute about fisheries is caus ing angry feelings between England and France. Nellie Bly reached New York to day at 4 p. m. closlug her trip around the world on time in 75 days. The brother of the archbishop of Naples, Italy, has absconded witli ?12),000 of Catholic church money. The commissioners in session at Portland have fixed the coun'y taxes for the current year at 18.2 mills. ReportB from Northern Nevada state that cattle are dying at on alarming rate from, the ell'ects of tho severe storm. The Union Pacific railroad track through the Blueand Cascade moun tains is in worse condition than It has ever been known to bo. Tacoma merchants complain of a discrimination of two cents a gallon on oil in favor ot Portland, by the Standard Oil company. The Seattle brick layers are still out on a strike. Some were getting $6 a day for "iue hours and tho new scale was $5 for eight hours. Tho mouey men of Brazil have confidence in tho New Republic. A national bank stock to the amount of $100,000,000 was subscribed for in a day. UNIVERSITY NOTES. Miss Gertio Cleaver and brother, of Mt. Angel, will enter school Monday. Harvey Bend, of Halsey, an old time student of Wlllanietteisspenil ing a few dayB visiting among the studeuts. The regular examinations took place yesterday In ull the classes. From the cheerful faces seen on tho nrcvloiis examination when the standings were announced, one would infer tliut several had reached the required 05 per cent and were excused from the examination. Tho agent will le In the presi dent's office at 8 o'clock Monday to receipt for tuition. Sever il new students will enter school Mi nday morning, and everylliiug points to a full school the coming term. The two yonng ladies of the Wo mans' college who haw been kept out of school for several days on account ot sickness will re-enter Monday. STRAWS FROM EXCHANGES. Two Wnlluhi papers have died for waut of support. The Oregonlan of Saturday pub llshes a full page devoted to the in terest of Idaho. By notion of the elections com mittee, another republican member from West Virginia is added to con gress. Tho so-called Union Party man, ngers who are laboring to unite the Knights of Labor and Farmei'a Alliances claim they will cast 15, 000 votes at tho coming state elec tion. Tho State grange, of Oregon has passed resolutions setting forth their desires for a governor chosen from the ranks of the agriculturists. What is the matter with Farmer Peu noyer? Astoria Pioneer. Tin: Jouhnal will be enlarged and receive press dispatches. Al bany Herald The Salem Jouk- NAL is to be run in metropolitan stylo. Albany Democrat Tiik Capital JouitNAii Is to be Improved. Sllverton Appeal. For pine politics, relief from cor porate greed, and for the develope- ment of resources of Eastern Ore gon, wo believe In the confederation of laborers or every ouo interested in an open river and the forfeituie of unearned land grants. Times Mountaineer. An exchange says: The farmer who coni plained that he could not sell his potatoes last fall can find a ready sale for them now. San Fran cisco has had to ship them In from tho East. The farmer who can't bell a good article in this country bus something wrong with him. Asa rule those who make the loudist complaint never have anything to sell. Tho Salem State Democrat has this to s ly of the dominant party in Oiten: "The republican party of tills state is well drilled and organ ized, and its leaders are men of in telligence and experience, and It Is folly and useless to undertake to cope with such a political organiza tion in the coming campaign with out organization and putting the old domocintio paity in shape for battle." Property valuations have been on a steady raibe since the settlement of Oiegon. This is but natural. But particularly, as with other cities, the raise lias been more mark ed and rapid in this vicinity. '1 he- advance was more slow up to about live years ago, when rapid strides weie made. Former pi ices have been more than doubled within the past five years, aud in many cases suburban aud city property has more than quadrupled m that time. Ore gon Vindicator. ADDITIONAL CUT NEWS At tiii: Rivmt. Tho Orient, of the O. It. N., line came down from Corvalllsyesteiday wilh a full load of wheat lor Oiegon city from Inde dendeuce. They layed over night hero and left at six this morulng for Portland. The lloag, of tho O. P. line came down ulso last evening. They had wheat for the mills here, where they took on a full load of Hour for Portland. Tho Bcntly, of the Hume line came up Irom Port land last evening loaded wilh freight, as tons of which was for Salem. It consisted of meichaudibe, and a large stock of furniture for Keller & Sciiiv. The river is booming, It now being about ten feet above low water mark. Aim CMS OK INCOIU'OHATIO.V Fim:u To-Day: Columbia Pub Co., Astoria, by L. G. Carpenter, G. J'. Walllugham, uud W. C. Miller, stock ij10,000. Santhim Logging Co., Mill City, by W. II. llobsoii, Lee Brown, Thomas Sims, and J. A. Shaw, stock U0,0i)0. HOTEL ARRIVALS. CIIKMKKKTK JIOTUI.. R A Deutsche, Chicago; W E Flnzer, Woodburn; II M James, Joi Myer, Will Goldman, E C Jorgen- sen, ull, Portland; W Macmlelau, New r...'ls. li V lliwoitfixl I'urllnliil- .1 O Ynr JohiiMiu, S P R R; J II Mesciicr, and son, Geo Edgar, C Murphy. Portland; llurvy Bend, Hulwy; R S Bjbee, W M Avers, Portland; Cliiiot ChriHtcnsoii, Oregon City; Henry Conaeshty, Winona, Minn. COOIC HOTCI.. J K Tate,-Sublimity; L Nelson, M a. i. mm Mt Aiim.1' f i. ltrnwu. F M Simegle, W JJ Rimkie, Sluy to'i; Tim Loiil'Iiui'.v, Portland; U, C Parkinson, Washington, D C; S P iir.K-'Kerway, Kuusuu Uty, VKfo The Chief Urnion for ino great HI cess ot Hood's S.irsnparllU Is found in till article Itself. It Is merit that wins, and thl (act that Hood's Sarsninvilla actually a eompllshes what Is claimed tor it, Is what bas given to this medicine a popularity and tale greater than that ot any other sarsapa- Mpi-H- Win5 rllla or bl00d purt IVieni VV I Mb flcr before tho publle. flood's Sarsaparllla cures Scrofula, Sail Rheum and all Humors, DyspepMa, Slot cadachc. Biliousness, overcomes Thai Tired Peeling, creates an Appetite, strength sns the Nerves, builds up tho Whole System Ilood'a Hnrxnpnrlllu Is sold by all drufl lMs. Si; six for S5. Prepared by C. I. llQQi !o.. Apothecaries. Lowell. Mas. JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Groceries, Paints, Oils and Window Glass, Wall Pa per and Uordcr, Artists' Ma terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence Posts, Grass Seeds, Etc, ni:w aivi:ktisk.ui:nts. nUOI-'E-SIONAI. NUHSK-A specially L nuuleof iiinMnemontH, lureo experience Mrs. C. C.ilorgiin.iSOComineiclnl Nticet. 1211m TTOU.SK AND KIHN PAINTING, nil 11 Kinds of dccoinUng; pit Dteimicu to mi contractu. C. U. Aloigiiu,'JlH) CO!llllHTC!.ll street i-ji-iiu THE GLOBE implopient Agency 292 Commercial Street, Balent, Orffjoii hi:m' wanti:d. KcveiulRlrls to do general house woik Immediately. A cooil span of young mures to tr.lo for uhpan ofKelilliiKH. Any person desiring help of any kind or wanting situations 111 rind It to their advantage- to call at THE GLOBE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 292 coMMKitciAr. HTitnirr. Phillips &Shive, Real Estate and Collecting Agency. NO. 200 COMMKUCIAh S'l'KKKT. FOH HALK. Choice bargains In farm nnd clly piop erty. Wo will post bonks, make out hllU nnd do collecting. Iliulness men respectfully solicited. Wo uNo mako a specialty ol renting houses nnd collecting rent. It you have a vacant house list il ullh us. WANTKI). A position by a competent engineer. Fine Watch Repairing II V C. A. BURBANK No, 317 Commercial Street, " TLERv1lMIELPS & EVANS, REAL ESTATE a NO COLLECTION AGENCY. Ollico Up-Stairs in New Bank Block Choice Country anii- CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. Wo also Imvo a notuiy public nnd ac countant in our ollico If you wish IjkhI lies ctuloiiients written up, books MMtrrt, eopying, rceoid work, or comuyuncing dune, rail uud K-e us. Wright's Hon C'eie'y and Chamomile Hitters nrcllnblw ionic, apoetlwr nnd n p.irlent, Invigorate the digestive orguns nnd prevents dsepsl,t, can bo relied up m, bold bj nil druggists. Wrlx'ilV Custom Constipation remedy promotes a reuuiitrund healthy action of the bow els, aids dlg.sllon uud will not lr rltuie the m mt suuslllvu stomach. Chil dren In kn it readily. Hold by ull 'iruggUU. riMIIU l t IH'lr i kepi "" 1' ul K- u' 1 HIS 1 Al Jill Drake' Advertising Agency, 01 uud l" Men h. ml' Kxcunnge, r n t ronclsjo. California, wbt ro ooiilrutU or advtrlUIng ran be made lor It, CITY AN1- FARM PROPERTY AT LOW PRICES! Money Loaned on Improved km at 0, 7 an:l 8 For Cent, at 202 COMMERCIAL STREET, SALEM, OREGON. fi3A number of choico lots in University ncldltion for salo chcap.-a Wm Brown DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, TWO REDUCTIONS. Wo miiHt rcdtico our stock in order to make room for our Bering goodo. Therefore wo will nlto reduce our ulivady low prices on BOOTS AND SHOES For tlio next forty days. Clivo us a call and be convinced Hint wo mean what wo say. Yours, respectfully KRAUSSB &'KLEIN'S, No. 221 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. ATTENTION ! Wo have farms, large and small, lots from $fi0 up, and houses and lots in all parts of the city. Wedoa commission business exclusively. If you wish to sell, list your properly with us. Suburban tracts a specialty. PAVNE & BUIDGFORD. W. A. SHAW. . SHAW & DOWNING, Real - Estate - AND- GENERAL AUCTIONEERS! -o- jayWo have a lnrfto lint of farm lands ami city property forsalo We also take charge of auction sales in any part of the state. NO, J04 COMMERCIAL, STREET, SALEM, OREGON. STEAM LAUNDRY AT GEORGE IIOUYE'S HARBEU SHOP. Money! Money! Money! Loana on farm aud city property, tit lowi-l rule. and country property. Accident .. lent ami JMUUUI'tt iV til ljlilVM'W.. NO. ai7 COMMERCIAL. STKIfilSI. SALEM, OREGON, c UHK AMI 1'UHVKNTIVK WITH. out nii'itlclno l'or liif'.rnmtlon con. earning Dr. A Wll.KOH!) IIAI.I.'H iiciiiiii riiii.iiii!,iiinoii oruuaruHM If L. MOOKE, J-wul AbI., (JulVL-hlty llulldluir, rinlein, tlrtynn Tax Payers Take Notice. rnilKTAX Hi ll. I. for Marina county fur 1 the year )fou Iiuh bu'ii pluced In my ImticN for collection, Tux.iuiyent will pleiuiicoino forwiird nnd imy tlmlr Inxiw U4 noon k K-lhlo on Hid lux roll In'" li'vn deluyeij iiuit the county 1 out of fundH, Hlierllfuud tax-iolloctor Alurlon Co, Putwl Jan. 15, IMM. FARM ANI- CITY LOANS jiAnn- A SPECIALTY! Leather and Findings CASH PAID FOR WOOL, HIDES, PELTS, . AND FURS. This house cnrilcs n largo stock of first clies uonds liomthe best manulacturers In the wnild.imd Is piepmod tocho salKfup tlon.bolh in sljo nnd quality, to oeiy one w ho will puichnse khk1k i t them, No. 231 Commercial Street, SALEM ... OREGON W. II. DOWNING. Agents HAVE YOU EVER SEEN ANY OF those Shirts Collars and Cull's latindrled at tho SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY? If not make it a point to do so. OFFICE: 200 COMMERCIAL ST wjacm99aptcsasnvtsmfuaxaumffMfiJtjmjKX39 ItitrL'tiins in city T.t lwro iiiHiirniiti'. V. II. lOASTON'S Salem Music Store Houtliiuartei for ('hloicerliuf A on , Hlclr,vj lliulctiiii, toiny utiti l-.i Kiucrbon I'lunoy, 'A l vV Whim Urgun fiiNh or liiitnlloionU 94 Stato Streot, Patton's Block. linn. u Indtutry, mill uhu iiiil in !oiii'iiiIiiu. (Juiir. uiitM'd to s'ui r.llul or iiionoy rt'iuniUHl, .Miinufiicturtd lly II. II ros,uIorii.Uro- VIII, ,iv l-SlllU Kou. a mic youriiriici'ui ior n. Ifl SALEM u r . JH r PPSH'K tS3UltauiAdMttafddBLMd aoujE