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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1890)
HE3EE3I THE CAPITAL EVENTST vTOUKNAIj. T11E CAPITAL JOURNAL JEFFERSON SCRAPS. Lookout for hi gilppc Wo wero in lioncs the snow vn3 over but it ifl showing up ngnin In good shape. The "JellVrpon Bridge" (liiestioii is not dead, nor doea it elecpoth but , on the contrary it is being pushed ahead with all Iho energy possible. Rev. Fisher, of Albany, dipcoursed Sunday at this place. Mr. Fisher is an able Bpeaker and never falls to have the attention of his congrega tion. Mr. Munch, head miller of the Jefferson llourlng mills, isjust recov ering from a severe- attack of the la grippe. A score of others are suffering with the same complaint in and around Jefferson. The Jefferson Review is before us at last. We give it a hearty wel come, as it bids fair to stay with us. It is a bright and newsy sheet, well devoted to tho interests of our city and surrounding country. How we growl Died. In this city, Jan. IStli, at 0 o'clock a. m.,Mrs. Elva Watkinds, wife of T. M. Watkinds. Deceased was a sister of Mrs. M. G. Caldwell, of this city. Her parents live at or nearScio. She leaves her husband and four iittle -children, besides many friends here, to mourn her loss. We leain that one car load of ma chinery for II. Barendiick and & Co., has not come yet, it should have been hero long ago. Tho work of starting has been delayed a month or more, on account of machinery not getting through. The capacity of these mills are not of the largest, but tho machinery is of tho latest improved making. It is one of the finest little mills in the state. Another gang of Gypsies drove stakes in the suburbs of our little town last week and begau their regular programme "begging and beardanclng." It raised buuh a dis turbance, especially with the sehool the city authorities gave them so many hours to pull stakes and leave which they douo very willingly. If such people were treated thus every where instead of having money and provisions given them to encourage and uphold them In their laziness, it would perhaps stop some of it. The It. R. Co. have another bridge crew at work on tho new bridge here. They are finishing the struc ture, which is worthy of note. It is one of the most substantial "struc tures of its kind in the state if not on the coast. The east lislf was put in new last spring, which is now ueatly covered; the west half, which was not put in until this fall, is a much larger span, and higher also; being made higher to give it strength. Ic has not been overed as yet, but they intend doing so soon. G. MONMOUTH NOTES. Winter weather again. Some fall wheat is already dama ged In thiasection by the freeze. Hon.T. W. Haley is talking of locating in our pleasant and flour ishing town. Getting down with the rage now. Somo get down with la grippe, others get down on the slippery side walk, because of tho ice, while a few after a short stay at Independence get down because their feet get tangled. A bank cashier of Independence Avas driving a spirited horse through our streets Sunday evening for home cause not known to your corres pondent. Tho horso kicked the rig to pieces on hort notice. No other damage reported. Henry Waller was on our streets Mouday. Ho has had a pretty tight grip on the influenza for the last two weeks. Ho is able however to re suiuo his labor as head clerk for J. Stoctonof Independence. Elder Laye met with a very un pleasant experience last Saturday evening, while ho was returning from Salem. When about two miles this side of Dixie, Ins team left the grade and the buggy turned over on its only occupant, tho team being very gentle Mr. Lugo managed to get out from under the buggy, ami by diligent work with help of hla team, ho righted the ve hicle and resumed his journey, but to his ustonishmeut the poledropped and btuck in the ground breaking it In three pieces by this time it was nearly midnight, although it was only four miles home, yet the night was so dark and stormy that he found traveling very disagreeable, and consequently stayed the re mainder of the night witli a furmcr near by. The little pastor has a few Blight bruises about the face as a rem.uder of his night adventure. He says the next trip ho will stay overnight in the Capital, and there by have daylight to drive. F. L. Catarrah Can't lio Cnrcd with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, ns they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrah is a blood or con stitutional disease, and in order to cure it you have to take interim! remedies. Hall's Catarrah cure Is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrah Cure Is no quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in tills country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purltlers, acting dl rectlj on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two in gredients is what produces such wonderful results In curing catarrh. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO . Props Toledo, Sold by druggists, price 7oc. The United States make 2,151,515, 300 cigarettes yearly, and 3,8G7,:t8.j, 040 cigars. A New Method of Treating Disease Hospital Rein cil ies. What are they? There is a new departure in the treatment of dis ease. It consists in tho collection of the specifics used by noted special ists of Europe and America, uud brinjiiuir them within the reach ol all. iMir instance the treatment pursured by special physicians who treat indigestion, stomach and liver troubles only, was obtained and pre pared. The treatment of other physicians, celebrated for cuilng catarrh was procured, and so on tin these incomparable cuies now in clude disease of he lungs, kidneys, female weakness, rheumatism and nervous debility. This new method of "one remedy for one disease" must appeal to the common sense ol an sutierers, many of whom have experienced the ill effects, and thourghly realize the ab surdity of the claims of Patent Med icines which are guaranteed to cure every ill out of a single bottle, and the use of which, as statistics prove, lias ruined more stomachs than alco hol. A circular describing these new remedies is sent , free on receipt of stamp to pay postage, by Hospital Remedy Company, Toronto, Can ada, sole proprietors. 1-1-ly-eod rou S.YLU I710R SALE ORTRYDt: for city ptoueily 1 In rile i , liny aeiesof land suitable lor grape eultuie, eight ir lies south of b.i lem. Also two nundicd acres best peach 'and for sale nine miles south of Salem, din cheap. U. G. Glen, 218 Cheineketa stiect, bulcin. lt()AKUI,0. PRIVA I'EUOARDING -A lew ladles or gentlemen cm outuln, u reusoiml'le latPs, good board with nicely furnished rooms In the finest oart of tho city, light by the sticct cars, by calling ut !io7 winter sti eel, corner of t enter street. SOOILTV NOTIOI'.S. KNIGHrSOKI'YrillAS.-Reguluriueet lug on Tuesday night of each week at 7:40 p. in. .I.O'DONALD:0. C. W. II. II. WATERS. K. of U.und S. OLIVE LODGE No. 13, I. O. O. K., meets In Odd Kellows' Hall upstairs. Cornet Commeiclal and Kerry streets, eeiy Sat in day ut7:.U) p. m. .1. L. -MirciiKiiL, I. A. Manning, Secietary. N. G. A. It. Sedgwick Post, No. 10, Dcpart " ment of Uicgon, meets every Monday evening at the hall over tho Oregon i.itnd company's ollice. Visiting comrades ur coidlully invited to attend. D. c.Siikhvia.n, Post Commadcr. S A. HaMii.c, Adjutu it. fltOFtsblONAL CARDS. J. J. SIIAW. J. t. omxia. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Salem, Oregon. Ofllee first door to the left at head of stairs In the re ir of Ladd & Hush's bank. rplLMON FORI), attorney at law, Salem. L Oiegou. Ollkc up-stnirs lu Putton's block. JOHN A. CAHSON, Counsellor nncl attorney at law. Member of the liar of Ontario, Canada, IK) State street, Salem, Oregon. PHYSICIAN. M KS. DR. M. E. McCOY physician and surgeon, has located and taken rooms oer Squlio Farrar's gioeery store. Chronic diseases a spec laity. Consultation free. 12-21dw Wl', WILLIAMS. STENOGRAPHER . and Typewi iter Copyist. Wlllinuko reports of tiluls, etc.; copying on type writeratcurately and neatly done. Ollice over A. T Yeaton's furniture btore, Com mercial Btrect, Salem. CHARLES O. CURTIS, M. I)., Sureon and Homoeopathic physician. Olllee and icsldeuee, 155 Courtslieet, in ollice lor- ineriy occupiea oy ur. uuuen. saiem.ur. Ollice hours 8 to On. m. and liom 2 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. m. Diseases of the tectum and cnronic uiseases a specialty. i iitccn years experience. dw A NDREW II. DIVEN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, I.Salem, Oregon. Ofllco heurs: 0 to 11 a. m., 3 to fl and 7 to 8 p. m. Ollice: Court street, pert door east cf Dr. Rowland, Rcsidei.ce, S01 Cheineketa st. NOTICE. TOTlCE is hereb given that nt a mect J lngof tho stockholders of tho CAr irAL.IuuitNAi. Publishing eompiny, held Dei cmiier 4th. by unanimous voio the capital stock of ihecompuny van Increased from Five 'thousand to Ten Thousand Dollars. M. L. CHAM1JKRLAIN. Secretury. DcliiHnicnt Tax Notice. NOTICE 18 HEUERY GIY'EN THAT the delinquent tax llsl nf tho city of snlem for the year of 1S89 Is now In my hands for collection. All persons nru here by notified to scttlo up or I shall pro ceed to cobect the several amounts bv law, J II. HOS-S City Marshal and Tax Collector Administrator' Notice of the Filing of Ills I'liml Account, Nc O TICE U hereby given to w horn It may concern tlmt the uudurslcned admin- IMrator of the estate of It, A. Gener, de ceased, has tiled his llnulnccoiitH with said estate III the couuty lourt of tho state ol Oiegon, lor tho county of Marlon, and tlmt, January o, itsoo, at tho lOo'ilock a. in., In tho county court room of said county, bus been axed by .ild court a-, the lime and place for heal ing objections to raid tlnal account and the hoitleineul tliereol. ALONZO GESNER. AdmlnMrutorot the iiktateof R. A. ties. uer. deceased J.J. MURPHY, Adini'sAtty. Nov. JOlb.ltali. 1MG-UW "XTOTICE Is hereby given that tho part INl -iiorfhlp hi'ictoforo exUtlng bet wen it. A Thoiiuis und John M. I'uyii , litis beeu dissolved. Parlies owing or liulng bill, against said linn can at lew It h either party John M. PAY:. 1890. Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. Ttnrper's WceMy lina n wcll-estnbllslied place as 1 1. c lending Illustrated newspiper In America. Tho fairness or Its editorial comments on current politics has earned for It the rcsnect mid conlldeucc of nil Im partial rcndciK, and tlioMirlcty and eiel- icnce oi us literary contents, wnicn in clude serial and shorl Morlrs by tho bc-t and most popular writers, lit It for iho pf iiisalof people or t he wldt-st rangooftasies and pursuits. The Weekly supplements aro of reinarUhln nrletv, lntotet and value. No expense Is spared to brine the highest order of arllstlu ability to beat upon tho Illustration of the changeful phaves of home and foreign history. A Mexican romance, from the pen of Thos A. .Inmlei, will uppeurln the. Weekly In In IS'.). HARPER'S PERIODICALS. per year: Harper's Weekly 1 00 Harper's Magazine . 4 00 Harper's nrar 4 00 Harper's Young People 2 00 Postage fieo to all subscribers In the Uni ted Slates, Canada, or Mexico. The volumes of the Weekly begin with the first number for Januaiy of eacli ar. When no time Is mentioned, siibscrlbtlons will begin with the number ctirici't altlme of leceipt of order. Hound volumes of Harper's Weekly for three jears back. In neat cloth binding, will bo bent by mall, postage paid, or by express, ireo of expense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per vol ume), for $7 per volume. Cloth cases for each volume, suitable lor binding, will be sent by mall, post-paid, on iciciploi SI each. Remittances should bo made bv post ollice money order or draft, uiav old chance of loss. Newspapers aro not to copy thlsad.'cr tlsement without tho cxpiess older of Harper llrothcrs. Address Harper & Brothers, New York 1800. Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's llazar is a Join nal for the home Giving tho latc-t Infoi matlon with legaul to fashions, Its uumcious illustiatlous lashion plates, and pattern sheet supple mentsaic inuispctisiuic uuue 10 ine noun drcss-makcrund the piolcsslonal modiste No expense is spaicd in making Its urtlstli atlractlVctiPss of the highest older. Hi clever shoit stories, pailor plujs, nnd thoughtlut essays satisly all tastes, mid II last, page Is famous as a budgeteof wit and humor. In its weekly issue cveryihlng is included which Is ol Inlcie-t to women. Durihg 181)0 Oliver Thoi no Miller, Cliiistlnt 1'cihunc Hci rick, and Muiy Luwo Dlckcn son will lespcctlvclv fuuiish n seiles ol puneis on "The Daughter at Home' lliiee jteals a Day," and -'i'lio Woman of the Peilod " Thoserial novels will buvvril ten by Walter Recant and F. W. Robin son. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. per year: Harper's Ra?ar S4 Of Huipcr's Mngazlne 4 't Harper's Y eekly . 4 0C. Huipei'ii Young People 2 On Postage fice to all subicrlber. in the United states, Canada or .Mexico. The volumes of tho Razar begin with the first number for January ot o cb year. v hen no ttmo Is mentioned, subscription will begin with tho number current at tiineoi lci'cipto! or.lcr. Hound volumes of Huipcr's Rn7iir for thren years back, In ileal cloth binding, will bo sent by mail, postage paid, or b.t express mrovided tho fielgut does no e. eed one dollar per oiume), lor 87.00 per volume. Cloth cases for each volume, suitable for binding, vvllllioseiiiby mall, post paid, on leceipt ofSl OUiaih. Remlttmces should bo made by poslolllce mouej older or draft, to avoid chance ol iosj. Newspapers are not to coppy this ndver tlsomcnt without thooxpiess order of Hai per A; Iliotheis. Addiess: Harper & Brothers, New Yoik 1S90. Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. A new Shalcospcnre tho Shalcespeare of Hdvvin A. AlinhY will be picsented In Harper's .ugaiii: for Is'Avvlih coin ineiitB by AndiewLang. Ilaipei's .viagazl e has also mado bpeclal anaugeiiicnts with AI phonsc Daudet, tho givutet of living I ictich novelists, fo, tlio evclusivo publi cation, in seiial form, of a humorous story, to bo entitled 'Tho Colinosisot Tarasceu: tho last Adventuic of tint Famous 'laita nn." The story wlllbo ti.inslated by Hen ry James, uud Illustrated by Rossi und Jtyi bach. W. D. Howells will contribute a n vel ctto In three putts, and JjiifeaUlo Ileum a novilettc in two parts, entitled "Youiny," h indsomcb Illustrated. In illustrated pupo s touching subjects ofcunent intuesi, and In its slioit stoiies, poems, und timely articles, tho Mngiziue will maintain Its well known sua ndaid. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. I'EIt YEAH: Harper's stagazlno .- SI 00 Harper's weekly . 4 00 llarpei's llazar 4 00 Harper's Young Tcoplo. 2 00 Postage Free to nil subscribers In the United States, Canada, or Mexico. Tho Volumes of tho Magn7lno begin with tho Numbers 'for Juno uud December of each year. When no timols specified, sub hcilptlons will beg n with tho Number current at the time of receiptor order. ISouud Volumes of Harper's Mugiituofor thrco years baik, In 11e.1t iloth binding, will be sent by .nail, .post-paid, on r iript oi SlOopirvolunio. lotlicjiscsf irbindlng 50 cehts each by mall, post-paid. Index to Harper's Mtigazlue, Alphabeti cal, Analytical, and ( lass lied, lor Volumes I to70, lucluslvofrom June, HijO, to June, 1SV, 0110 vol., 8vo, cloth, H 00. lteuilttnuces should be mado by Post otlice moiieyordtrordi-ult.toavoldiluucc of Ioks. Newpaperllror.ot lo coppy this ndvet. tl-emeiit without lliu expicss oider 01 Harper t Hmtliers, Address: Harper A Iirnthcis, Now Yoik. Ilcfcrco's Salo. BY virtue nnd by authority ofo decrco of thociictiltiourtol thestatenflJiiv. gun, for Marlon tsiiiutv, inndu 011 the 21t day of October, ltS0, being 1 lie soveuth ilay of the October ici m ofjild court, the 1111 derslgned, as releiee, will sell 11 1 public unci ion, fori-atli in liund, to the highest uiuuer, at mo wesiiiiMiroi 1110 conn iioue InS lem, Marion ounly. state of Oregon ' at the hour of 2 o clot k in thf afternoon of , haturday, the 1st day of lehruar.v, istw. 1111 iiiu iigiti, iiiii-iinu iitn'iii-i 01 jiar n llullierford, Kobert lizi II, Kdllli Wtioll, itriiti iizuit, ,i 1.. uaniHt rat tin , it: iiins.Com AdaiiiH, Loilndu I'tirlow, Marv ' Iluns-ikerand Juno O.born, Iniiiid totho east half i.f Iho (b.iwtlon land cluliu ,f JessoH. Atlamsund ItilMxm Adiims, ills, wile, nntlflrallftri Sn lion klfiiut., ! laj1 tlonsJ2itnd .H,t 0, south r 2 hci, undue- iiiiiis t tuiu u 1 lusouiti. r t wcsi 01 ine WlllituielK. vleiidlun. Marlon nintv nml stitio of Oregon, and oonttiliilug ii uerM of land, mine or s M. L C11AM11HIILIN. IlcfBrr. , lS-J-llsv. ELLIS k WHITNEY, ppiip'' i of ii Fiivoriic Li cry and Feed itais flood rigs nlways on hand and furnishf d on short notice. Pilvalo boarding of horses nud stock a specialty. Ollice nnd barns nt the corner ofTrado and Commercial streets. NEW LIVERY STABLE. Jay Smith Sole Proprietor. Corner Ferry and Liberty streets, N. E cor from Chemekcto hotel, Salem, Or. Good accommodations for commercial tntvclers. First-class rig always on hand Charges reasonable New Express Wagon. WILLIAM H0LC0MB Has started a new express wagon and Is now ready to deliver baggage to and from tho depot, and to any art of ihc city. Ilagai-'go of any kind delivered on short notion J. J. CULVER County Suiveyo JAMES WALTON, Topographer W. HIBYARS. Civil Engineer Byars, Culver & Walton Survcyers it. Topographers. Surveys, drafts, plats maps'and descriptions of lands, towulots, nnil roids, ditches, streets, sewers, alleys, etc. et .. made and furnished nt reasonable prices. Old comers and lines re-cs-tnlillshed from original Held notes. Lioht Solar Transit. w. a u c. ourltt TKOr, k. r. Oniiitiiui iiltchrs, roads, streets or sew ers, with estimates furnished on nppllca tl in. Addicss County Surveyor's ollice S.'lcin, Oiegon. go ga)8)pjrj( pic o y? uo Uleiiaa 3 sSL vStf JOASe HCAUTH. Lt niclnu'n Rolden Balsam No. 1 Ci.-cs Clmcrcs, flrj'. and s coiJ sia'cs: Sonsrn tin Legs nnd n-dj; i,ore Evs Ljc, I0i0, etc., t'oppcr-c lor d Blotches. SypiI.L.oi at lscased Scalp, and all prhiary fo-ns of tho dlseaso Known ai Sjp'illis. I'rH.'SCil pnr llo'tl... L Klilmn'i a Id n Balsam No. a Ciircs-Tcrt!'rj-, ilrcurla'a;?'il.ltle Rheu matism. Tain i iti tho lioncvrains In tho Hcail, talk cf tho Neck, Ulcerated Soro Th:o-.t, Byph'.lfe Ilaj.'i, Lumps and con trictid Cons, Stiffness of tho Limbs, and c-idicatu ii 1 d sia'o from tho system, whether cau. oil by Ind'scrctl-n or aliuso ct Me cuij. Living Iho b'wd pure and healthy. 1 fr- i5(0 pen- I ottlo. L'l Iclinu' (WilonH atilshAn I. dot') 1 r t o cu.-3 cf Cono-rhcoi. Gleet. irr.tatli 'i C .vcl, aiia'l Urlnvy or Oonl- til ui'iUTancnuiiti. Hortlo. l'rlco8!4 50 por r.p i;: Jum' i foi io' RritiilaTi T,i j-vn -n, rn-'vo-o cas-aof uonorrhca, I 'fljinia ti yt 'oct. Ctrictur s,ic. Prlco Si ' tiov nuti'i. Lo Uie'im'-i ailclon O'ntinent fo-t jeff it uli-f jijrf!oSr?'', cnJcrnu n. Prl-oGl i-0 p r Hot. I o I !c!i u'a CoId' i VI. - .Tcro V.r 1 1 .tment; I034 o p'lysl al pa.-. c- c-:. 1 c rr 1 roafatlon, itc P-lc. CI CO ;vv Ilex, 'i' 1 1 il ? c: vino, f.nit ivcr;nhcre, C. 0. 1,, icctircly packed per exprccs. C. I niCHAtt-TTZI CO. . Acents. iX & .) I aM)n-;io f rcct, C orncr clay, K"i 1', Cil. Cir.CUL V. MAILED I'.IEE. Overland to California VIA Southern Pacific Company's Line. THE MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE. Time hetneen Salem and San Francisco .5 1 hit t-i-lx Hours. CALIFORNIA KXIMtKrtM TltAIN KUN DAIIA linTWCEWl'OHTI.FD ASIIB.F. .South. I "Koitli. J:uu p. 111. 1 Lv. l'orlland Ar. 110:45 n7m 0:41 p. in. I Lv. Salem Lv. 7:5.1 n. in 7:15 a. m. Ar. Han Knin. Lv. j 7:00 p. in LOCAL I'AMhXGhU TltAIN ( DAILY CIS1T SUMbAV). . S.'(X) II. III. 11:10 n.'in &IU p. III. Lv, Lv Ar, 1'ortland Kaleni Kugene Ar. I :1:I5 p. m Lv. 12.52 p. m Lv. 1 U.00 ii. in PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, For accommodation ot second class p.issciigeis attached to opress trains. Thus,. !, company's ferry miiltes con iiectlon wlib r.ll tho regular trains on tli bus' tune Division Irom footol I" streo for (land. iVcsl Side Division, Between Portland and Cervallls: DAH.V (KXCKIT HtrNDAV). 77'K3Ti7mTrL"v;l,ortlandAr. ' 0:20 p. in l-'i p. m. I Ar. Corvallls Lv. 1:10 p. in At Albany uud Coivullls connect wltli 1 rains ot Oiegon l'acllle Hallroad. '1 in ough tickets to ull points south uud cust v la California K. I'lH-ASTKAIN (DAtl,v"i:xrKlTHr.VIIAY 4:50 p. in." 8.00 p. in. I LvrTirTlanil " Ar. I Ar.McMlunvllloLv. 'iUt a. in 5:15 11. in. Throuah Tickets To all pol. Is )UTII nnd EAST VIA-- California.. for lull information rcgaiaiug ruler maps, etc, apply to ihc Company's ujenl "ali'lii, On-gitn. K. I. llOdKltH, Assl. (J. V. nnd I'ass. Ag'l It, KOKIILKIt. Mnn.Ker fft7ft tn MM "i',iJ.; Jl"" uH7i!:"!2 preferrexl who can furnish ...lidrse mid give thelrw huletlmo unite business Hi.aic moments may bo profitably ciiiploulubn. A fuw vacancies In lowns uud vUiu,t. II !' Johnson A. ii.. 1UU0 luln ut.. Itlfliitwinil r ' N. II I'leiisosUtteagoaniJ business ex. imtIcih. Never mind nlMiut fciidlmr sump for reply. II. F..I. A Co. 44WlmHi INHUUAHCK C 11 111 p u n v . Fl.'e uud ilit rlnc. I JOK. ALUKUT, Agent. Halom, Oron "ji' , wvm ewi.. i 1 SAsSy SvVZjCjt. iT'WM (ai SALKM HANKS. First National Ban! SALEM, OREGON. WM. N. LADUE. -DR. J. REYNOLDS, IOHN MOIR, - Presiaent. Vice Presldout, Cashier. GENERAL BANKING. Kxcnnnge on Portland, Han Francisco, Now York, London nud Hong Kong bought and sold. State, County and City warrants bought. Farmers aro cordially Invited to deposit vnd transact business with us. Liberal advances mndo on wheat, wool, hops nnd othor property at reasonanie rates. Insurance on such se curity can bo obtained at the bank In most reliable companies. GSTAR.ISIIED UY NATIONAL AUTIIOItlTY Tlie Capital National Bank OK SALEM - - OREGON. Pi up, - - $75,000 Surplus, 10,000 It. 8. WALLACE. V. V. MARTIN, -J. 11. ALHKRT, ,- President. VIco-i'resIdcnt. - Cashier. DIRtCTORSt V. T. Gray, W. W. Martin, J. M. Martin, It. 8. Wallace, Ur. W. A.Cuslck, J. 11. Albert, T. AlcK. l'atton. LOANS MADE To fanners on wheat uud other umikcl- nblo produce, consigned or in store, either In private gmuaricsor public warehouses. Stale and County Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonable rates. Drafts dravvD direct on Now York, Chicago, San Krnnelsco, Portland, London, I'm Is. lSerlln Uoiik Kong and Calcutln. Cheap Money. Tl TONKY to lend nt low rates unon fm in liJ- and city properly. -No delay after good tltlo shown by abstract. John A. Carson, ttoi ney at Iaw, VJStnto Btieet, thtlem. Conservatory of Music Of the Willamette Unlver Ity Snlein, Ore nn, the most successful Music Hehool on the Northwest Coast. Couiacsln musiunrc eciual toLastern mtisic schools. Yearly at sendiincoofneaily one liundied and fifty. I'hoablo coipsof teacheis for the coming chool j ear will bo I'nif. '., M. l'arvin, Lcona Willis, Miss Kva Cox; assistant teiichnrs, Miss Lulu AI. Smith, illss Ilidly 1'arlsh, and miss Mamlo 1'arvln. Ii ranches taught aro Vocal Culture, I'lnno, irgan, Violin, IMpe Oigan. Ihirmony, Counterpoint, and Class Teaching. Diplomas given on completion of coutso Kcnd forcutaloguo and circular. Z. M l'AUVIN. 7-23d.1m.wlm. Something New! NEW STORE ! NEW GOODS !! NEW PRICES ! ! ! The variety store latily opened up In Dr. How land's brick on Court street, has Just received 11 largo Invoice of Vurletylgoods. Including CHRISTMAS GOODS, HOLIDAY GOODS AND 5 AND 10 CENT GOODS. We havo an endless variety of Funcy House ceeplng Goods and Novelties. Home great bargains aro olleied lu theso joods. Lverybody Is Inv Itcd to call and see how much you can buy for n ulcUel or 11 dollar. ffS-Chenpcst place In town to buy your Holiday Goods. Mils. N.J. UUKKOHD. DEAR GIRLS Take no Taffy from any young man, but If they olfer you u nice llox of HcIIeobrand's Square Chocolalo Creams, mndo only by his l'atent rrocess, take them, und tell them to come again, for they me superior to uny made In the United States. Capital City Restaurant Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r. Warm Meals at All Hours of the Day None but white labor omploynd In this establishment. A good substantial meal cooked In first cl iss stylo Twenty-five cents per meal. RED K R O N T. Court street, between Journal Ofllco and Mlnto's Livery. Sealed Proposals. O KALKD l'HOI'OXALSaro Invited by the IO Marlon County Improvement com pany for furnishing 40,000 tics for tho con. striictlon nfthoMilem iiiidHltverlonriteiim Motor railway ami kaleni licit Lino. Ties to boelllier saued or heu'liol sound timber UK inches, Hleet nt If hewn, less than V,-i in Ii face will not bo revived. 1,1,000 Ut bo delivered at convenient polnisulong tho prooscd belt line, und lil.OiV.) along tho pro jioi'cd line from Halem to Hllverlon, ho-tttf-cn tlioHtil" Agilcultunil fairgrounds ai.d West I'liddlng river. Delivery In the cittnbc inudoby tliolith of April, 18'KJ, and from tho fair grounds easterly by Iho uri oi .tii next l'ioH)sals lor tho entire lot or for any milliner in oven inousutius will ho loimld- ercil. All nroiMisnls must bo addressed tn Hie Mm Inn Improvement company, Halem, Oregon, and endon-ed on tlin envelope, "l'roMisaU for Ties " The prurKuuiU will bo opened In Iho ofllco of Iho company in Halem ut l-:!0 p, m. January '.7ib, isuo. The right to reject any und all bids Is rt erved. MAKION COl'NTV I.MI'IIOVKMKNT(X). Halem, Or,, Jan. 7, ltW. l-K-lw-W.'l THIt! PtPI'lf ' JPt on tile nt K. 1 1110 1 Al Ml DnikoS Advents C" ing Agency. HI uud tt'i Men hunt's Lxchanue. H 11 fruiii'lo", Cullfuriilu, where coiilrncts ortvlvtrtlnlngfon hsmndaior It, NEW HARDWARE STORE! Chas. Pugh, Proprietor. "'tSucccssor to Bellinger & Co.) H.A.RD WA.RE AND Fanning Implements A complete lino always In stock. M stock Is boticht new nnd for cash, nf- fording 1110 tho opportunity to sell nt the most rcasonnui prircs. Tho best, nnd latest Improved machinery always on hand. Ofllco nnd store rooms nt Bellinger sold stand on Stato strcot. A. E. STRANG, No. S03 Commercial Street, SALEM, OREGON. -DBALBR IN- STOVESand RANGES Plumbing, Gas and Sicam Filling. Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty. ' JS-Agent for the ItlCHARDSON A HOYNTON COMPANY'S Kurnaccs. Ks tabllshed in 1819 GEORGE WILKINS' NEW BUTCHER SHOP On Liberty street, across tho brldgo In North vjaloin. All kinds of meats kept ou hand. 5-'t0tf I wish to employ a few ladles on n salary to take charge of my business, at their homes. Light, very lasclnntlng and health ful. Wages 810 per week. Ilelcienccs given Good pay for part time. Address with stamp. MUS.MA1UON WALICKlt, Louis ville, Ky. lMSMin For the Public Good. It Is au Indisputable diet that tho hand somest vestibule trains that aio now run on tho American continent mo thoso on the Uuillngtou route, leaving from Union depot in Denver, also St. Paul, Immediate ly on arrival of all through trains from tho west. Tho first and second class coaches aro magnificent, tho ;eclnlng chair cars submit, tho 1'iillmiin sleepers extiemely luxuriant, and us for the meals that 1110 served lu thoso nr.:neo Uuiltugton dining errs yum yum. " Tho next tlnio you go east to Kansas City, Chicago or ist. Louis, il you mention to tlietlckel agent that you want your ticket to lead liom Denver or .SI. 1'aul over tho ltuilington route, you will get It, and you will always bo glad of If you go via tho Northern or Canadian l'acllle, tho elegant vestibule trains ol I'lio Burlington Koute, between Ht. I'aul and Chicago, or St. Louts, will cany you along tlio eastern shoioot the Mississippi liver for 11 dlstunco of 350 miles, amidst scenery that cannot bo sui passed; or, If you go via tho Oregon shorl Lino or Southern Vaelllc, and your tlCKCt leads via The Uiiillngton Houto fiom ;;iieycnno or Den ver, you will pass tnrougn ail tlio thriving cities and towns located. In what Is popu laily knownas the Hcnitol tlio Continent. Kor lurther lufonnatlon apply to A. C. flheldon, General Agent, Ho First stieet, Portland, Oregon. t-lUdwtt MAltYELOUS M ErVIO R V DISCOVERY. Only Genule System of Memory Training; Four Books Learned In ono reading, Mind wandering cured. Every child and adult greatly benefited. Oieat Inducements to coircspoudonce Classes. Prospectus, with opinions ofDr Win. A. Hammond, tho woild-famed (specialist In Mind Distinct, Daniel (Jlcotilcaf Thomp sou, tho gieat Psychologist, J. M, Illicitly 1). 1)., editor of tho Christian Advocate N. Y., Hlchard Pro tor, tlioHclentlst, lions W. W. Astor, Judith P. llenjaman, and others, bent post free by Pror. A. I.OISKTTK, 237 Fifty Ave., N Y Je-lS-M). dw DR. JORDAN & Co.'s JIUSIM OK ANATOMY 761 Market st. San l-'ranclbco Admission !ii cents, Oonud learn how to avoid dlseaso. Cousullallon mid ticatmont poisonully or by loiter, on sporriiatcrihoea orgenlhil wcaleness, and all dlseassonfmen. Hend for a book. Privatn olllu) -11 Consultation fieo. enry Btrecl. 'INE HANGING LAMPS TUOfllAS JtUIUtOWS Has Just received a now lino of tho lutcst stylo of hanging lamps which will bo sold at tho most reasonable rates Wo also carry a lull lino of Groceries, Keed, Clgius, Tobacco, Crockery anil Glassware ! Don't fall to sainplo our now lino of con fectionery. No, 2W Commercial Street Halem, Oregon. Brick and Tile for Sale MURPHY (Si DESART, HuccesborH lo I). NiikIi. have 11 well estab lished Hrlek nnd Tlio factory lu North Salem, near tho fairgrounds, and tiro pro pared to furnish Ilrst-cluss brick and tile on short notice. Reception Saloon, 260 Commercial Street. KUC1ENE EOKEItLIN, I'HOI. Tho best of Wines, l.lmiors nnd Cigars, Halem and Export licor, good Lunch rutin tor In connection, vv hero j 011 will bo served with HOT OR COLD LUNCHES, Handwlches WlencrwiirslC'inil In fact ov erylhluv IslngtHxl style, uud Iho Lost ol ulltntlon will ho show. 1 1, customers. FOR mn ONLY! A DrKITIWT It or lalllttg KAMaoOD nrUOIIIlCoeneral and Hervo s Debility nTTT? X1 Wekoof Body & Hind 1 Effecti J U JAtJU ofErTororExctii'tinOld.YouBC IUIni.l, Htkl Huh fall HImv4. Il4 la K.Urt. iu UMilk.a H.k, la4.i.bIOri. I'.rltalltW. iVMUI.Iro.r.lll.c omt Tialtaal MrarHUla ;, B.aTIIOtraIJ.lf.,Trll.rl.l.r.l(..lrlM. TaacaaarlUlaaau llM,l'allailiaalkaairMr.aiaIM UtaUain. 44orM lU lUMtkl MlfrAU,l,T. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY Graduates Students in Classical, literary, Scientific, Normal, Business, Law, AND MEDICAL COURSES. It Is tho oldovt, largest nnd least expen sive Institution of learning In tho North, west. School opens first Monday In September Send for catalogue to TH03. VAN KCOY, Presldeut, '7: Salem, Oregon. Northern Pacific Railroad, GREAT OVERLAND ROUTE TWO KAfeT TRAINS DAILY! NOCIIANUHOK CARS SHORTEST LINE TO CHICAGO And nil points Hist via St. PAUL nnd MINNEAPOLIS. Tho Northern l'acllle railroad Is the only lino running Passenger trul us, M'coud class sleepers (lice of enarge) LumuIoiis Day coaches, Pullman P.ilaco Mlcping Cms, PalacuDinl ig Curs, (meals 75e) irom Por.- lundlo the cast rfee that your ticket read via tho Northern l'aclllo rallioad and uvjid tho change of cars. Lenvo Portland ot S a 111. and 8:10 p. 111. dally arrlvo nt Minneapolis or St. Paul at (I.UTi p. 111. Pacikic Division. Tmlns leave Front and Q street dally at 11:5.) a. in, and 8:10 p. 111.; Arrive at Tiicoma at 7:10 i 111 and 4:iMu inairlvo'eattlo0:.,ja 111 and 0.35 p. 111 Tlirough Pullman Pulaco Sleeping cars, elegtiu day co iches, finest palace dining cars between l'orlland, facomaand Sealtlo direct. Dally service. A 1). CHARLTON Asst. Uen'l Puss. Agent, lil Klrst St., Cor Washington St., Poitluiid. Oregon. Depot Corner Klrst undo MrentB. THE YA0U1NA ROUTE, OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD And Oregon Development company's steamship line iSJj miles shoitcr, 1M bonis IcsHtimo than by uny otiim mute. 1'list class tluougli p.scngcr uud fielght lino liom l'oil land and all points lu the il lamello vtillev to and liom ban Kiauclscn TIME SCHEDULE, (lixecpt aunrtays). Leave Albany 1:00 I'M Leavo Corvallls 1:10 PM rtlvo YtKiulmi b'lOPM Leavo Viuiuiiia - --... .(CHAM Leave Corvallls 1IV.5AM Anlve Albany - 11:10 AM O. ,t C. Iralus connect al Albany and Coivullls. 1 ho abovo trains connect nt YAQUINA with the Oiegon Development Co's Line ji stcr.ishlps between 1u1uiua and San bfunclsco. SAI1.1NU UAThS. srnAMicus.. kuomVaquin lllamctto V'nllov Monday Sept. V lllumotlo Valley... Tuesday " 1 Willamctto Valley, Wednesday " 25 HfKAMKIW, FltOM HA.N KllANCHCO Wlltr.motto Vnlley Wednesday, Sept. 4 Wlllamotto V.uley Filtfay ' 1,1 Willamette, Vallov Hatuidav ' Ut Wlllaiuotto Valley Sunday " !2U ,,'llns company icseives the light to cltaiigo Hailing dates w ithout notice. N. U, PasM'iigurs fixttti Poitluiid and nil Wlllaiuetto Valley points can make close connection with tho trains of tho YAtiUlNA ROUTKntAlbtiUj )i Corvallls and if destined to San l'i nidKio, should airuiigo lourrlvont Yaauiua tho evening beloro date of sailing, Passenger nml Kielglil It.ttes Alwnvs tho liitwrxt. Kor Inlormallon apply to Messrs, IIL'LMAN A Co., Kteight and Ticket Agents LtXlantllMJl'ioni st., Poitland.Or. or to C.C. HOdUK, Ao't (len'l Krt. A Pass. Agt.,Orcgou Co., Corvallls, Or O II. HASWKLL.Jr. Omi'l Krlj A Puss. Agt. Oiegon Development Co., Ml Montgomeiy r'..; San Kittnclsco, Cal Tho Oiegon Paellle steamboats nn tho Wlllitiucttcn river tllvlslon will leavo Poit luiid. south-bound, Monday, tVcdnesduy and Kilday .it (I a. m, irilvo at Corvallls Tuesday, Thursduy and Balm day at:t:3)p. tn. i.eavo i oi'Viuiih, iioiiii-uonnd, .Mommy, Wednesday and I'rldav at 811. m. An Ivo al. l'orlland, Tuosday, TVursday aiitlHiittndiiy til :i:'0 p. 111. On Monday, Wednesday and Kilduy both north t.iiti sout h-hiiiind boats lie over night tit Salem, leaving (hero at 11 11. 111. O o II oil UK, A.O. K, 1111(11'. Agent. Union Pacific 11 li. Company "OVERLAND ROUTE." Trains for tlio east ltnvo l'orlland nt 7.00 tin und 0.00 pin dully. Tie its to uud from principal points In lh( Unllcd States, Cn ada and Luiope. Klcgaol New Dining Cars. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEK Kreo I'atnlly Bleeping Cars run through on llxpicss Lulus lo OiiiiiIiii, Council lllutls and Kunsas City without chuiigo Cniinectlnusal I'm Hand forSitn Kiiincls co und 1'iigei Sound puints. Kor turthur particulars address any ugunt or Iho company or I. W.I.I5K. (1, P. A. C. H. MKLLKN, (lonoial Trallio Manager ZIPPINCOTT'S MAGA7.1NII, ui'i j yarnd ami txctlltnt coiitaiti, n a lit" y in tttt If. Il wai imlttJ a hapiy thought to fnnl an tntlrt njvtl In tach itumbir, A'ot a short novtttlle, but a hug ttory inch ot you nn mtil to git in toni form ami fa from OHi dollir to nut liotAtr iiud a half for Not only thit, but with tilth mimltr you gtt anabunJiititofolhtr coutubut'Oiit, whuhgixti ou a food m igatint ttiUlit the m-vtl. Tht ringing blows uhich hat t been struck on tht g.ittw i of popular favor havt rtsoinultil throughout tht tntiit ami, and to di I iffm toll's Magittut itmJi tn tht front ran cf monthly fiuftieationi, and it tht moil wide' rtad-and-t ilitd of public tion of its kind in tht world, 'or full dt script ivt circulars, addi tst LII'PINCOTrs MAGA7.INR. Philadelphia Jj oo per year, 33 els, single number, Tht tublishtr of his fafcr will receive your subscription. !('f Hilary, f 10 oxpeiiattti in auvmno MJW ullowod cioli iitouth. rUeudyem ploymeut at hmno or traveling. No snllo t 11 -. Uiitlts dellvtirlngiind iiiuklng ! eclloti No iMMhil uiiiU. Add . with stamp, IIAKKU ADO, Plnutty, Oulo, U--Ini I