'CI t THE CAPITAIi EVENING JQTJIiyAL, M ! m TIE CAHTAL JOMAL terms or UBsamrioN. DULT. One jrewrhy mall . . .- , HIt mnnlli ly mail . Ttirec months by tnnll. Irr tree, delivered by carrier. wkxkly. One Tear br malL. Rlx month br mall imn year. 11 paia in aaTHBcc Hlx month, if paid In advance. .260 . 1 3 . 10 II CO 7 10 5 For adrertliloK rate applr'at this office AllHutrterlbertoTintCArrALJot7RNAt who da not iccur their papr retoUrir will notify thin office, airing addreM, and t he matter will b attended to at one.. OS! re, corner Court land IJbertrJHtreetg "The evening paper contains the news of to-dajt the morning paper jjires you the news of vesterdar." HORACE GREELEY. Only ten cent a week for the Jouiinal hereafter, tho lt wwr in tfalcm. FkUi In. I.. V. lknon, who haaaw mill on the John Jory place, fix mile? fouth, had the ml tbrttinc to have the innw break down hia roof nnd badly breaking his engine nnd machinery. He will, however, Hm hnve It In rtin rdcr a pill). Who Wouldn't. Elijah Morton, of Tillamook, while In Salem, fell in lovp with Hal Hi- I'arrMi. untc lur aweot noUw, and wiw n: rental fnr In sanllv. If that N the way they d thing in Salem It I? no wonder the asylum id w full. It inn poor Mick of a young man who wouldn't fall in love with Salem's prima dnnnn. Albany Democrat. ' m Thk Husy Hkk. The Huy Hu.r. Bee in the name .of a newutpvr published at Butte Creek, hi Mar ion county. Here ara a few of Iti ntlng: Plant itotatoes in tin ground. Never sell egm before tin are laid or chickens before they ari hatched. Pumpkins in this country bhouid never le planted in the moon, as their enormous aire would cauM? them to drop oil. ROAD SUPERVISORS. PURELY PERSONAL. for a Just Sevenlr-Ttvo Men ffbi Will See i Ja- t'ofley "turted to-day That the Road of Marion Count) vIs't ,u '' Sou country. Are Properly Cared For. Mr. John Riley left to-day for n , utiMuesKtrip tu Ilrowntvillo. The County CommMontrV Court FnJnk WrI ltmau gtnrtcd on ,,, busied Itself yesterday in appointing ,ax ro,lectlllg ,rp yesterday, road supervisors for the county. .,,,.,. Belowwlll be found a carefully com-1 ,J-C- "tu l9ut afln ater piled list of the gentlemen whoilhlwdB""tayoffw,thabldTOW enmes apeak volumes for the per-; Mlta Ada Thornae returned to improvement ot county i Turnernftcra short visit In this cttv. ItlA f. tt I Mis Jcic Looney took the morn- .--Salem log train, for her home In Jefferson. --I-Saleni' Miss Emma Stanton returned to .. -Jefferson her home in Turner, on the morning .. Jefferson I train. Jelletvon manent roads. The list will bo valuable fori future reference: 1 Solomon Cor-. 2 KraiiK tlall 3J. Mclntire -4 J. T. Beck with. 5-W. F. Buckner. 0 Itolwrt VU-ddel 7 J. O. Zimmerman Jeilervon S Jesse Stelwer Turner 0 James Robert Turner 10 Adam Ohmart Salem 11 V. Dencer Salem 12- J. W. Jackon Sal-ni I. l.ivid (jrierxm .... Salem 14 Wm. M. Collard ..Brooks ! 8, J. Connor St. I'aul 1G J. K. TbeoR. Rrentano St. Paul 17-J. R. Rmyh.. ... IS Dan'l Kavauaugh Judge Thayer and wife took the train north. They will spend Sun day in Portland. Mr. Holmes, took the morning train for Portland, where he win i spend Sunday with friends. SPECIAL A.XOUXCEEXTS. I Fnrrar fc Co.'s Is headquarters provMons. , Wanted. A book-keeper, call at , i JorHVAi. oillce. Painless dental operations at Dr T. C. Smith'. 09 State street. : The lowest price ever knowu in Salem, nt RurenV furniture emporium- ' The Bon Ton restaurant is setting the best 25 cent meals in the city now. If vou don't know where Gilbert fe Patterson's is, inquire for the! chcajxst place to buy groceries. The cyclone has really come to aleiii, and if you would "ee its ef fect on price-, buy your goods at Farrar fc Co.'s thrmtnnd lung, cnr ahmn and tbe mot ob tlnnte coaghs andcivM". Try it. Sold b-,11 drutTRl't. "' n irmri i nononno n ' Ul dllU usual asiiA Sale. -AT- E. C. SMALL'S, NO. 291 COMM ERCiAL STREET. 19 James Fiiincv JV J. A. I oouey 21-E. B. Walker - 22-J. B. Lehman . 23 It. M. Herren 24 -L. C. Cavaiiaugh 2T-W. M. Hlllwry 26-W. P.Geonro- . 27 David Edgar 2S Jame Walker 29-1,. M. Beeiler JO- Reuben ax .1l-C5eo. Allen 32 J. F. Anderson -Chnrle Thacker 34 W. B. Brown 5 Pat Kellev . Sfi-Chns. McConuIek 37 John Kennedy. --S-W. R. McKay... . Jo-epliH. Uawon 40-Jnke Miller ... . 41 Milton Young . . 421'. L. Kennedy 4.J Irutac Stevens bait Itbeoni. With iU Intense Itching, dry, hot skin, onen broken Into painful cracks, and the little vrutery pimple. ofln cauv Inde- Mr. nnd Mrs. F. C. Baker went j HCribable rrerint;. HordS Sarsaparllla tlnun tn PnrtlA.-.il at 1 nWimlv n ! has wonderlul poweroer this dlvu'e. It ... Fairfield spend Sunday. vjenorM t-i .. , i . it a .11 riemiiig went to nugene to diy on business for the Dry Gulcli Mining Comjiauy. Jay Philli)s, who ban been con .Brooks -Brooks Salem ..Salem ..Salem I flnoi to his room for the past week the "la grippe," is on the streets again. Ed. Hcrreu agent at the O. R. X., docks is reported better, and expects to be able to take his place again in a few day. The county clerk's ofllce was in --Oervasi ,,.,, .j , . , .Woodburn ' "i'"ani Adam, the ronowned lec turer on astronomy and occult .-.Turner .Turner .Marion ... Marlon 'I urner Turner Aumivillc .. Howell ... Howell Howell Germs purifies the blood and expel" the humor. and the skin heals without a scar. Send for book containing many MatPinenU ol cure, toC. I. Hood fc. Vo Al'Othecnrl, 1Owcll. Maas. Wright's Oavara UomttpAtlon remedy promotes a reculorand henlthy :ict!on of the bowel, aid digestion and ill not Ir ritate the mrwt sensitive stomach. Chil dren take It readily. Hold byall trUDr-'f. Beginning on the 3d of January, 1890. ..Cliamnoe ..ChamiHiet; Butteville, ....Hubbard j WihNlbllin . Woodburn Mt. Angel i 44 Jennings Smith Silverton Thk First Kimkk Duivkn Yvs terdy morning, between the hours, of iiiuo uuil ten u clock, ttie lirst spike was driven on the Capital City Klectrio railway system, and by night Contractor McCoy had the irons securely In their nlaceas far a Court street. To-dav a trood forwof o5 E. Uolfanl. men are at work on the line, and ft '55 X. Miokle will not be a great while until the,,!7 A. B. Brown., track laying is completed, at thecW John P-rne!1... rate things are being pushed Just!- Joint Link. now. JA-i er goi 4.1 W. Kaufman.. 48 W. L. Slmeral 47 F. M. AIUiUl'U.. .. 4S-E. Schott . . 49 Andrew Sanfoni 60-H.R. Wiles 51 Josepti Ledgemood. S2 Sanies Darbv 53 M. HaUrly 64 Philip Hicks ... . science. Frank O'Xcil, traveliug pas.uger agent for the Xorthern Pacitlc, was in the city yesterday and made a pleasant call nt the Jui'Iinal oillce. Mr. O'XIel i- otie of the cleverest railroad men goiug. llo iGO-J. R. White Mi. Ange !61 Alonzo Moer Silverton A Good Com tany. "Hans the IG Elmer Remington Boatman" as presented at the orwra i George Vies-eo.. .. houso last evening by Chas. Arnold. W S. It. Ormby wwm fiucoesa in every wav. Tile ; r" nliver Butler -casts was good througlibut, out par-1 W D. H. JohtiMtu.. tiouiary strong is Mr. Arnold as '07 Ivl Siegmund.. . "Hans1' and, "little May Hannon" (VS Willi. Dunagan. . the baby actress, is one who could "9 Harry Lathrop nottw surpassed. She carried berlO W. B. Cox parts through ina way that an older 71 C. H. Work ..Silverton -.Macleay . ..V".'r renting a "a-t sv.-tem Stavtoo ln,,(,a rna,i ,nal w ,wvodng the peo- Stavton l'1" favoritr. ' Dr. Albert G Prill and wife left here Thursday morning for Salem, Oregon. He will cimimencv prnc- , lice as a pb.vtician in that vicinity. Dr. Prill with commendable enter prise, has Mruek for the Pacific const with the intention of growing un wilh the country. Syracuse Xew York I A. ItOISN. ILLIDGE. Ou Jau. 11, 1SW, in the Waldo Hills, to the wife of S. Whige, a girl. All well and parents happy as can be. DIED. . Sublimity -Sublimity - -Silverton ..Silverton - -Silverton -Ml. Anifl -Ml. Angel .-Hublwrd -Aurora 1 . i . . .. ... a. jxciwjii luigui oe proun oi. Jenic the old llhhenuau'a daughter, did some nice acting, and wax loudly applauded upon several oooa-Jons. on Silverton - - Silverton -- Kulght SulHiuiity Melmuiit . ..MebMtn.i istl. Mill- ... Mc baton ...Mehjina Mebama 1 MVEFMT MITES i 72 Geo. Ij. Heath ... Mebama A Grkat Critic's Talk. Daniel l li.iuamauii. who will A.w ii. - !. 1 r.. . . l.-u . - ". -oru," uieiirgv su jvenani ung, ciafcf!tro irnsii also came in for his share of the ! Othello in this city honors, and In fact the aimtntir s.a a whole Is devcrvlng of coaiderablc credit. Ex-crj-onc sveuied to t; well pleased with ''Hans the Boatman" and it I hoped they will have a full house at the matinee this afternoon. He. Mr. Hagier, of the German Methodic chuivli of this citv. vi.-it- wl ebapei jorvlw Friday. j Mrr. Judge Misire, of St. Helens, i- f iviHiini: a few days visiting her i daughter, Miv CaM-ta, at th Worn-1 nil's College. A number of tudenlh are out of -c-hoil on account of odd-, and the prexaleut maladies which wm to '. i i.. ,! -t .. inatt-rHti.f w '" "UI"K t"e city. i on Moudav 1 e acjulemy rhetoncals OKAWA. In his room in the little cottage on the University campus, at G:3U p. m Jan. 17, 1S90, Henry Okawa, aged 23 years. The deceased was taken down with malarial fever some two weeks since, and with skillful medical treatment, and the best of care, it developed into tvnboid fever a few Is repre- days ago, ending with his life last of ntilnrids ' evening. He was a native ofTokio, Jup.in ami came to this country about rive year- ago witli the in tention ofMudying law Heentered tlieStJte 1'iii verity at Eugene, but ujwn bein,; cuiverti'd to the christ i.in religion lieisime to Salem and entered the W illarietie I'niversity and began U study for the ministry with the thought of iecniing a mission. iry among his own people. He was u bright young man and a good student, and iroin his good na ture and kiuddiifc-ltioti was respec ted by all 'i. fellow ?tudeuis. The funeral -ervnt wilt In? held in the University ciiafiel, buudav at 250 p. m., under the auspices of the Philodorian literary soeietv ofwbii-li he was a member. The remains wi'I Us laid in the Lee Mis-ion cemetery. FOR CASH ONLY ! All Goods Without Any Exception at Cost UNTIL MARCH 3, IS90. In Order to Reduce Our Stock Before Spring ! These are Facts! -0- LeatheT Furnishing Goods, Rubber Goods, Oil and E. C. SMALL. Bad yr IUvskbijro One of the spcaktva at the- revival meeting held last Sunday night at Roneburr. by way of comparing the love of God for sinners with the love of man for man, said that a man tulcht condescend throueh sympathy tocrcs theocuan to save tiwiV . . . . ' - . - " .-...- .-... evening, is one uf thoc wnoic-uleil Plnee Iliur-ilay nfieruoou and for men im do notlilug by imlvt. ne is entirely wranpwt up in en-' 'n on ttie p.i n til vmb . .... i..3. a. r - .... ;i.J.tTV.sr V.. i ' " ?a ,e ,"r1 -VKe """ Frickey read a good claietrhgtyamlomittly.andcjii'eKsHV Tuciav u "Social EMl-" never expre,sumcientlylii, di.p- .ml'MISueHnrrlnstiiii als read - ,.,.,.... .., ... uvic ki ixrtaieiii mi ' a ctl e IK ctors. . tne prvjnt lay w filch revets in thv elio wlilch catch tbe cmu.i rf,'n,e.,yd e odmb' CoUege lur- thiater r. a . ..,. ,n. " 1"..k:! &aa wiu spud tne' . kini .r in ii.d..i.... ..(..... .... Mr. and Mrs Stratlon, of Al bany, s-i.ent a few day the iltvt of , j the mii-t Krt showed due prepara . tiuii on the par: of the students. a gil tSf-ay on "Life" Thur-dav. Mi- Eva vpancer. of G.trdener. worker he lia penor. He tkug. nruteiy to tne German no su-rv- moM liriatflV to Ihn rinnn.M Charles Feebler, w bo cnttii .eh . ,h week, with their daughter. Miss t appi a drowning fly; but tlrt act, cum-! Hr In Xew York cfiv in tlie eri i parvd to God's love for the sinner, is "70s. Ijwrvntv Hut ton, in htV ' intinltely little. Then as a climax perona "tetitur'of Hamlet" fcl L. .. i. i -. . . -. i nia, w ikj aiienoiug tne t ouerv , i awry. , Til littHk-V -.Mli l.nl.l 11,.,:.' ... K I- .1 .. . . . 1 .. . .1 - - . -"-.- '-. - - - .-....J 41,-fll 1(11, io iiisugurone suiteu mat a man iu- .Miveiniw narer.s lagaxiue, rvgutarmit mixing in their hall was dyiug at Camas valley not long has the following m hay in rviaiien next Frvdav evening. A gwxl pro-1 since. There was no doctor there, ' to the foreign xchool arid lUodmann gramme has been arranged for the I aud uo doctor ot Roseburg would go especially: "Among the tuirelv uewston. to wlramUter to him UvaUM ttie , exotic Hamlets of the Xew York The third term will hoi.in -.v tuaa had no money; but God in his Uge Salx iui, ilandmatin, lku- fni nex M m" v " S It wlbi I nil 11 te. Iqv fur m.n In ...-. , nl-1v i-.. IJ I 11 ... -I. i """' l'1?1 -"IUJ w lien It Will le from aburolnKhellnt hlsonlv u: I HaU have Wu tbe nSZ ", " ! " . '.' l" Uo! b" "' W fROYALKWJ J SALEM WRITE TO THE f bUVITMlH -AXD- Learn all About Salem Real Estate Salem, Oregon A FULL LINE -or- POWDER Absolutely Pure. TtmpoWdw never vane. Crockery and Glassware! With fcicuhl4 in Valerian Chiea Tea Sets, FreBfh Chfca Doer Sets. RIDCnVATS F.UI0US ; Buckingham Pattern READ AND REFLECT ! -0- A man-el ot guiien sun to sutler auu uie ror man menu- .ext to saiviui, the ureal- Unh in ilw. M.ir, lv. .i r n ' if.n.?A J-.i,t. ri: wrnenes. More -sinful rebellious man This made est living Othello, and rt,X I lfud AftM,eU, aud C,,efie n?S?ig,ia1nbSSeS;Sa,tw?,,k ft Sool allowing for the lxrl but it greatest of any time after Edmund r r- r- r ,. multitude oriow test, ibort se-chtainmoj was a bad one for the doctors of Ktwti, the grtat cntic plaw Bainl- , l,;l,; ""PS f Indians, gave the ! l"f" rJ'rt. sold only m can. Roseburg. man a in the next rant. -tuilem an aildiw in chapel Tut-1 t' t 1 1OWDKttL'o,io9 Waioc Y ia-o uie uaiv journal left at s-our door and gvt all the news, at 10 ccnta a week. Fr.v niK thk Lmatllla Indians ! tlflllV ill tllt lt.k H..lv.l.llln. I N'lilAMv The ! one of Prof. VaiiAniv'. at Wallu'a aro "Lynwood," Undoubillv the UrgvAt and mot rotined audletico bv far tliat h&a a6semblel at the ofera houe li this city to witness any penoranci) wa present last night to i Holding roligious dstuiM. They are aWi fuMiug for the speedy coni'i'igof the Chinook. By iixtitis of long nets, spread aUut two feet hijh they catch the jack-rabbits, waich aiMund In targv numU'iv. Thero i In which brothers theliattleof MK-Jou I was killed, in ' Ridge. The I'hilodoriau jofiely held no . meeting lat evening, ou Uiekccvunt , of the death of Henry Okawa, one of their members. They held a meeting tins aitemoon to lake Cut This Notice Out -OF- REED'S OPERA HOI'SeJ TWO XIGHTS OXLY, ' mmc&riat- lllikll I 111! t i. t . . .. ..... 1MB - I A IltilV Llll.1 r rst.KIt ..a .ll..l nvmiK I tll HI ltI Utmil 111 IHCi) A7rw lln,I.. 1 .ia dAK. t ffiS.Sa,SLS,ff3ln.S?i' SS'WfcW4, -:j .mail'eV'-'-'-funera, " V. uan ,U, lU. J UtW "l'nwtvxl," Mr. Samuel Hi?v. ' ",w h-''J M. anil, con- HX" Tb cri r -. j braveo- Uaa true to life iw Tt & tVll"' """ il. The following ,s a correct Ibt of UclUIUI L. DanUman1 rwDondeuu in auoli ,ir.T,i.- "OUoJVv is said that he cottivo the real estto irans.,ekM, rtu,i , ' ii; mm lliniH, enitn'iii(l. 7 . ... ... . mt. c f-ar as vi. victor BUu chanl, dUpla. ntucb talent aud his acting U a true aa when he U lm plonsl to "ut kwk down at mo one and forgiv me," by Lucille ana tauusas linn a a rock. Mr B.l CnovSiNs.-Tlii iiMwiiiae, while the drtwr of Geo, GnedhHtfV whvI wapui was driving aenw. tlie ntiinnu, near tne tleiMt, ohc of his theolticcof the nay: Jo'ph T. Vance and wf to braiik A. Sutton, J acre nmr Marital; Clm-s I neb to A. IXioiiiiic iorg it. uuuea, aa Judge Carlyle ""i catigni one or Us feel tvtw vh r,x " w 1. 1 s r I y; was tnw to life, and although tuanv !no lmM aml 0J of te erov4ig ..k ItICi., to David A-ar on uc trench aa a uugv of Vros aimmt jerRlni: tlw eUrv ur!S wani7ln Wk IS UW. he was called nn nv m . fool off. It is fonnxl that tu.iwi'.r m l KwglewiXHl aild toS-iIem- Jiwcw of feeling and lois. Mi-vra, n. riiiao t ' ,y l,on'.'nw "V Iwve to lv auitti. i iicm ervvotuiM are all i and Frank f"lvii ..,,. ictwxaio omcrrs, eacn reoUered much cooyuiwit to tbo audieucc l.lraie IJnharu, a OKI Dklo, reproseutlog th njro ncrraut, pbu-Mt her prt aa el aa aho "mrnwl black in ih faoa" Ulnc her exnrylAn. Mi.. lkWi ,ir" K'iuiul..i.u . Jiwanlo Darragh. aa Kat Wllaurth, ' lVHef. X ., a wroic. piaytM ner jurt In ihe rind- kymohcw aad BhV- f agw urn wsiu, a- well aa she proved, a "creole" love aud a Creole's faate" Mr, J R. Wdter, a the MtntinAl. CAvitcd much nwrrititoHt hi Lw continual aad trained salute aad hit walchfulurH of his cotooej'a quarter. Mr, W Gtvgo', a lapi. Reotoo. piM hU part wrll, epc dally when lb tree aMuueJu wa found. Tbe uianagvra of thU excvl- ieni coQjpaty', jaoMra. lluwll a,f ClvitiL'S art all hum Jkcl after by the strxt MHtmK sknier. I'MTAKiA.N. -MwMtie. -The H a ttsga "lw. CritleUai." KYa4g Nsrrkv at usual hourx AM Iave4. 1Uitst Chi m-h. timm im k- prtg Sa.Uy. Jam. MUi m WM O. lUroa ki mviii n..a- IN . 2, 7 ami i, la Ulk 1, in Ito; M. John and wf U 1.. K. HH4anl, W at, lot nf Sil. wru; IWlWad Hfpital i J. H. K . ho 1 atMl S ia bik la, tf " J. H. Itork h Fiy Hmt. iUs rH Wk .tfssdwn; ! IMi (Vv. m k)c -smH. h M aMl ll-Uia. 4 HtektawlasM 110 i foO aw lift ts R O Y A L SEMI-PORCELAIN " HCfie piece. The fine iuiuni CHAMBER SETS A ROLL STOCK a-neae cU ua rnalw oar rtoek. WELLER BROS., 201 Commercial Street P. H. EAST0XS Salem Music Store HeodBynert tar Cbrkm.. t- . ! KbbDS OPLIIA HOLSE.,94 State Street, Part Bteck -AXD- PASTE IT IN YOUR HAT! o- AV HIS XEW YORK COM PAX Y OC Klcaircn el kani urui , , SHAKSPERIAN FESTIVAL T. MCF. PATTON No. 98 State Street, OFFERS FOR SIXTY DAYS Mm4t. TuMt(iy... Olfeeita. .hVi!rri sl!v r- ' h Th e Poll owinjr V Books in Sets, at the Prices N amed. and 7 .Vk. kv"fc. un aZT". -Vrrf1 1 f ftt SisKi mE 3Ji4,",,fW",l,' straw M ii.u. ...... o .. ! l.j, .,.... .n. i.-.z-r .t ::-'' .i.v-.h". ir.TT.v"rv.iw.,,w,"r xnw Mr,-i. (UkiMV 3 ONjkvlk awd ULL aU 1 -W...V ettort to nAM Um thcatrrolug j vjm ijr ir civuon w suc a vrnM VJM VJ Utrn VCICVUVUl Ot hXKQ a V Itt. SuaiptV h (ln l T W.! I ItllM- fal Jg ,0-? aoa ow Great Dramatic Event! I SULEB. PflELPS i ET4VS w ; REAL ESTATE vST -ul. HasMaMa. i-jT-"? winesdiiy, January ihM. WLLECTiox agexcy. p- Oi ST" p OBcelftutskXnrBtalrilKl: J unorce Lountrv ilr J PITV DDnDrnrw un. nt TnAAw"i 1 iiurrniY aixx VVUUU pnoo " ' t-t;. W"i)'a ?.g& aiwMb HA FOR -. .,.. FL Z- us. L (V" uS- Tces. r t VrfcT i ,jrt,euH' 4 volumes 2 " "rait5fl TSa' 4 VuIuies...": i; iT'ws.itiJii... . "--..... iLfr;-by ihm MaVtern";;::;;;:;" te.L... --........ ....? 7 00 14 00 6 00 9 00 2 25 3 00 . 5 60 4 00 .... 4 00 . 2 00 . 2 00 . 3 00 . 3 60 HN4 np .m .. . !-.rr " . w -, -it- ware, prvw tt "tlt ni T Mt4cKrtk 'iawa?a3 sw, - - a u UXDRKD ' r-'," taew Look,. k .? teocoaST? . " f-t ru.vr .