'1 .. Vfl SUBSCR1BB ADVERTISE IK CAPITAL THE CAPITAL JOURNAL T " TT v RNAL THE CAPITAL JOURNAU TUB BEST PAPER IN SALEM. jq-You Milt be well pleased with lt.TEt IT WILL BB A GOOD INVESTMENT. J1 WTho Terms are Mont Reasonable- AWaarJl '?'S?' -'-.-kt'j-.. VOL. 2. HAIiEM. OUEGOX. SATUnDAy, JASfVAKY 18, 1S90. NO. 275. u 15 VUrfWffP? 'i-t'' - What is SALEM? IMS THE BOTH 11 Oue would think to read the advertisements! of some of the merchants that this is a very poor place to do business in. They are continually HELLTNG OUT AT COST. How do the keep up? Are they supported by charity, or arc they and their advertisements frauds? Salem is a prosperous and growing well and making money, and any right-minded, man knows that wtien a a merchant advertises to sell "at cost," that it Is always at what it "costs the buyer." Men do not go into business for fun or for their health, but to make money. m hi Capito never advertise to sell ofl'at cost, yet wo are constantly 20 to 30 per cent, lower than any other house in .Salem. Why? Because we buy from first hands and for cash, and get our goods cheaper. Now during the months of January and February only we propose to reduce our prices on all goods and show the people of Salem and the surrounding country how we can SELL GOODS and not "Sell at Cost" Either, but actually make money at follews: -()- Clark's Kerr's or Brook's snool cotton, white and black, per spool 2J cts All kinds, 100 yds, silk, perspool 6 cts Good Hemmed Handker chiefs, colored border, nice clean goods, each A good Scrubbing Brush. Good Steel aud Silver Thimbles, each All kinds needles, per pa.. All kinds, ot Silk Button Hole Twist, each All kinds of Dress Buttons, some that are actually worth 1.00 perdoz; per dozen All colors Zephers, single, per oz Good Spring Clothes Pin per doz Good Lunch Basket.small- 2 cts 10 cts 1 ct 3 cts 1 ct 5 cts 3 els 3 els 10 cts Good Pick Handles 10 cts Good xVxe Handles 10 cts Nice China Matting, best- 10'i cts Nice China Matting, good. 12 cts 7 Pes. Pepper and Salt goods, worth -10 cts. per yd 20 cts Carpet Warn, 5 lbs. 1 10 Good Ladies' Morocco Purses 2-1 cts -O- Come Early and OF THESE BARGAINS ! BQTThcy are offered for only sixty days, and stock will not bo re plenished until the first of March. All goods in the store will be Bold at a corresponding reduction. -o- rtiTvimnr l MTmimTTnTJ AP 11 , I 1 YUftft Utt Op( .era. House Corner, SALEM latter m i DD -o- city, and all its merchants are doing T Adventure mm the low prices given. Read what All colors Worsted Braid, former nrico 10 cts 5 cts Ladies' Gum Boots.per pair? 1 00 Men's Arctics 75 cts Ladies' Arctics 00 cts Children s Arctics So cts Children's Rubbers . 20 cts Cabot A muslin, 13 yds for? 1 00 Cabot W muslin, 14 yds for 1 00 Fruit of loom muslin 11 yds 1 00 Lonsdale muslin 11 yds 1 00 Boss of Road overalls, R. S., per pair 50 cts Bossof Road overalls, X.Y, per pair - 00 cts We ofier a line of worsted goods, all styles and colors, former price, lo to2oc, 12 yds$ 1 00 We oiler a large lino of rib bons, all colors and widths, from No. 2 to No. 10, per yd 5 cts Good currycombs 10 cts Good horse brushes- 25 cts A large lino of men and bov's wool hats 2o cts Assorted styles and widths of laces, per yd 2 cts A largo line of girl's wool hoods, each 25 cts Eleven dozen pairs men's and bovs' wool mittens, per pair.. -1 10 cts Get Your Pick i OREGON. rmvmi at FORMIDABLE BARRIER The Union Pacific Having Hard Luck With the Snow. RIDE OVKU THE CRUST ON HOUSES. An Unfortunate Fireman Killed Trains Four Days Lnto UIIiuiuN Peel Very Illue. Pi:ndleton, Or., Jan. 17. Thurs day afternoon an accident occurred between Kamela and Hilgard on the Union Pacific, which resulted in the death of Frank 'Wellinau and serious injuries to Engineer Hooker aud Conductor Fisher. From the most authentic account obtainable it seems that an engine with a caboose attached was buck ing snow down the mountain with a pilot plow. The icy condition of the rails cttised the engine and caboose to leave the track, overturning as the did so and catching the three un fortunate railroaders. Welhnan was instantly killed. His dead body and his two wounded companions were conveyed to La Grande. A fast mail train arrived from Portland last night at 9 o'clook, bringing a lot of mail for this point, and remained here, It being yet im possible to run a train oir the mountains. A snow plow from The Dalles pasted through Pendleton this morning to clear the tracks on the mountains, aud it may be possible to run a train east by to-morrow. Tassengers for points in the East, who have been living in the ears hero for the past four days, sincerely hope for such an event. snow veky rni:i The blockade of the mountain is a terrillic one. Trainmen report heavy drifts all along the line. The work train which was sent up yes terday t repair the bridge demol ished by a snowslide near Wilbur got no faither than Caytwe. A cut filled with fifteen feet of snow for 500 yards, was struck near that place, the snow being so packed and solid that Indians rode their ponies ovor the top of the drift. Engineer Leavltt pulled the throttle wide open and drove his iron horse into the snow until it was complete ly buried, but all to no purpose, aud the train was compelled to return. The snow plow, sent up this morn ing, is in good trim, and may be able to clear the track. It was push ed by two engines and followed by v repairing outfit bound for the scene of the snowslide fo repair the damaged bridge. No traiu will leave to-night for Portland. No. 2 will arrive in Pen dleton from Portland to-morrow morning, bringing mail. A traiu is expected to arrive at Pendleton to night from the Spokane branch. 1'lie track on the branch had not been cleared to Spokane Falls at last accounts. All the tircaks in the wires have been repaired. THKUIC 1)1JATII CAUsi: SADNESS. Tho llliilne rainlly Koospr Thrro of Their Number by Deiilli. Washington, Jan. 10. Walker Blaine, solicitor of the state depart ment, died yesterday of pneumonia, superinduced by la grippe. His deatli was very sudden and peaceful; so sudden was it that the family was ' unable to return to the bedside be fore he breathed Ids last. Walker Blaine was tho eldest living son of'1 the secretary and Mrs. Blaine, and was born in ISjj, being in his 3-3 th year at tho time of his death. Ho has always been closely connected with his father ever since lie became of age, and at the beginning of this administration was appont- ed solicitor of claims of the state department, which posi tion he llllcd with marked abil ity and distinction. JIo was un married. On Fiiday last ho was at tacked by la grippe, but win doing well until yesterday, when symp toms of acute pneumonia uppetred and his condition became seiiotis. Last night ho became deliilous ami never recovered consciousness. Other physicians were called to as sist Di. Mitgruder, to day, and late this afternoon some improvement was noticed, but it was only for a short time. 1 he secretary anil fam ily are completely prostrated. This is the'third death in tho fa i ily in a mouth. First, Mrs. Blaine's hi&ler, then the secretary's brother, and now Walker Blaine, Cheapo!, Mningtwi ,'tt and bwt. WrWbi'ii tt of hiirntiill HulhL I I'onitxiand lixtmPt jfii.,'iw.i ninwin u whom , uimiwv unil tiirklie the blood. Sold by ult Uruc ntlll.llAJ bM.lluJnd tt. ItJllVl f I niusHJuJ ! itir KIH1R, LIVJXY SCUNK IN COUlir. Utoly Tliiii nt poUnno I'alls it Wns Impossible for (ho Judge to J'ri'urrvo Order, Si'eicani: Falls, Jan. 17. The most rcmni kable, scene ever witness ed in a court loom In Washington was enacted in the police court Wednesday. The occasion was the preliminary examination of Harry IJacr, charged with the. murder of MeCrossin, bettor known ns "Bin Mac." The largo room was crowded to suffocation and hundreds were turned away. Tlfb district attorney Is absent In Washington. Ho left no one in charge of his office, but tiie wave of ptibllteentiment aroused by a morning paper's revela tion has mown ,so overwhelming that highmiuded citizens employed the law firm of Klngifc Leigh to op pear for the state. Attorney Graves, Mmior counsel for the defense, in 1 is opening address made a vigorous at tack on the Retipw's course in searching out reputable eye witnesses to the tragedy and printing their statements, which were so wldily nt variance with tiie white washing! testimony developed at the coroner's inquest on which was returned the surprising verdict of jutifi able homicide. When Attorney King, the bright young attor ney who prosecuted the boodle councilmen recently, arose for the state, a ringing cheer was his greet ing. Alter order had been lcslored with great difficulty, Mr. King said: "Your honor, ibis paper is not on trial hero; this isa tiilly attempt on the part of counsel to avoid the law and to eieate a side inttie. An audacious attempt has been made lo drive away reputable witnesses aud prostitute the machinery of justice. The leading paper ol this eitj has laid bare this foul cnnMilrncv and has dared to do its duty. This efibrt to taint the high services of that jour nal in a disiaes lo the gentlemen attempting it." The roar of ap proval t!iatvjiixvetfiil.fieo words was deafening. The court giew black in the face in attempting to preserve order, but to no avail. Lawyers who have practiced for a lifetime be- euro uie.v novtr saw un ining uitc the scene enacted here to-day. The case ten ml us the ruling sensation. II.IKSKU G'liiiclifil Frum neslrtenci"'. St. J'aiti,, Minn., .Ian. 17. The Northern Raciflc will adopt tliesys tern now in use by Chicago lines of cheeking baggage from residences. The new sybtem will go into cfl'ect February 1 and baggago will bo checked to points on all divisions of the road. MARION' ITKJIS. Cat-chum! Ilow'syour cold. Mr. Shields lias two more sick hordes. There are seven cases of la grippe in town. Mr. Sutton visited the cnpitol again this week. Marion was visited by a band of Gyps es Tuesday, last. I l'resbyteilait church services next Sunday at 11 o'clock a. in. Mr. Oh nes baby has been quite sick, but is slowly recovering. Dr. Haws of Jellerson, was in town this week visiting the sick. Rev. lllugliaw has been confined lo hi- house by sickness presumably the prevailing epidemic. Mrs. Christopher, has gone to tho Sound, visiting in Seattle and other towns. Tho physicians advise to those afflicted with la i'lippu is "stay In doors, and take care of yourself." To all appearances, it may bo pretty safely concluded that the backbone of the late snow storm Is broken by the mild wave now paw lug over this region, U GUJBS. llU'lhh MMilUI.S. ciiKMKiciniJ iiorjii.. Arlhui. Dixon, IVutliwid; W i Me.Mlils, I'uriluiid; M Lowy, Poll Until; R W MngiifiM, Wheatland; Win, l''rost, Silverton; D Llpniiiu, Htm Fi-HiieUeo; 11 G Wall.ice San Fr.uifib.-oi AI M Aloovlil, Wash iiutou; A 1 Armstrong, I'ortlaud; James dieel, I'm tliiml; Chus Ogle, riuii Fi'iiiieiMUii, lf is Reus, i'mtliiinl; .1 C Walker, Oregon City; Win. Knighton, iivgo Cliy; C W Pringle, Chieajfo. XK)K H0TKI G L Broun, HiaytoiijOeo A Jalli fle, ,Suu Fruneioo; J Wumibuitf, Ht. lVierwburij; AI Ury, San Fninoe: I) ED.ilii.ji, Punlmnl; W L Uiuhey, i'wrtiwini; i) v uiiuii, houmvuiu. Callfiirntti ralli unt (luelarl to , bd u cood u ttpain'H product. Rc!!iiliirs,""p,8"t 'be Christian church at 10:30. Bible sdiool 12, Evcningseruiesu! 7 p. in., subjict. "Seven Reasons wliv T am a Chtist-l.in. A Stock Fau.m Wanted. The Salem Land company has a cu- tomer for a prairie stork farm, o' from 100 to-200 acres. If you have one for sale, call on them at once. dw A Comino Tiieat. Mr. and Mr. Taylor nt the opera house, Wedn s day Jan. 20. They are highly recommended and their entertain maint will be something new. Services will be held In the M. E church to-morrow as usual. Morn luir subject: "The Tmportanro of a High ideal of Lile." Evening: Our Citv's Crimson Sin." Olive Lodge, No. 18., T. O. O. F., meets to-night at their hall. Visit ing brethren invited to be present. Ts The Chief ICrnxnu for tno grc.1t 8U& eess of 1 loon's s.u h.ip.tt 111 i Is found In th article Itself. It is mciit that wins, and thl rnct that Hood's S.irsni.irllla actually ac complishes what Is claimed for It, Is what bns given to this medicine a popularity and sale greater wimi itiiti ui any uuier Bmsaiiv Mcu-i Wino "Ilia or blood purlr IVltJIll VVIllo fjcr before tlioptibllo. 1 1 noil's Sirsapnrllla cuics Sciofala, Salt Rlivnm and all Humors, Dyspepsia, Blak tK'Triache, Illlioiisncss, oveicomes Thl Tired Keeling, creates an Appetite, fctrcngtt sns the Neives builds tip the Whole System IKnotl'N Wtiiii;iirillu is sold by all drug rlsts. Si; s. forts, l'tepaicd byC. I. ltoo (!ti., Auotlii'c.uiuR. Lowell, jM.us3. JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Groceries, Vainis.Oils and Window Glass, Wall l'a per and Uorder, Artists' Ma terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and Shingles, Hay, TVcd and Fence Posts, Grass Seeds, Hte, NISW TO-DAY. iUItK AND I'JtKVKNTlVi: WITH- out niedleino Fur liii'u-iiuitlon eon reining Dr. II WlIiKOItD'H Health l'nmiihlet. cull on or address l' l. MUUKU;, MM'.ll .rtgl., University Jiulhlliu:, H.ileiu, Oregon. THE GLOBE Employment Agency iiOJ t'oinineiclul Street, Haleni, Oregon llVAA' WANTKI). Heveral Klrls to do tjoncral honso work. Itninedliitely. A iriiod Hpan of young marcs to trade for iiKp.in ofKeldliiKs. Any peivoii Jonlrlni; help of any kind or uunlliiKHltuiiiloiiit will llntl It to their iiilvantngu to call at THE GLOBE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 202 coMMRHciAiiSTiiinrr. Tax l'ayers Taho Notice. rnll i: TAX KUI. I, ror .Million county for J tho your )KU him been jiluecd in my liiimU for collection Tiix.p.iycrK will nUiiHicomofmu'iiiil and pay lliolr luxe in hoon oh possible us llio tux roll Iihk been delayed nnd tliccouniy 1 out orfunilx. Y M.UIIOIBAN, Slicrliriinil tax-collector .Mai ion Co. D.itiMl .Inn. !.', I8IU, IATHONIZI': Kmiif IniliiKtty, nnd use .Mouiitiiln H11I111 (.'iiuli 1:11111. (Jiuir itutccd to isln- r.llel or money refunded. .Muiiutiictu ed U v II. II,i'iox,taleiii.OrR Kon. Ask ynurilruKiflHt for It. 1-Sdlin Phillips &Shive, Ileal Estate, ami Collecting Agency, NO. 200 COM3IIWCIAJ. HTKHOT. FOIt HM.H, C'liolc lrnliH lii fdi 111 and elly iiop. orty. Wo will ifmt lxih, iiwke out bill and do tiollMuliM. II iinmM nun imec fully Mtltolted V'tt itlxo milk h Kiluliy ol iHtliK Iioii-k uiilootleetiiiK rout, li you limett vhokiiI lunik Hat It with iw. VAJJTxn, A potilUon by a oompount engineer. 'IMIiy P Pl l iiu'1 "" " Hl ;opt on Ill Ht li. U' rntV,tvvrlwHiu irclMUl'h ltsllllUftt. 11 la, m littu cwiitruglM j Liu & ... nr l'iiio. til uittl H5 Mere s 11 . iuiit'iu. C'iillfurnla r it'lveriUliitf etui bo iomiIm lor it. CIT PAI11I PROPERTY LOW Mjncy Luancd on Improved tans at 6, 1 and 8 Per Cent at 202 COMMERCIAL STREET, SALEM, OREGON. C6ET A number of choice lota in University addition for sale cheap. "CM m. Brown k Co. DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, 1 1 I v. ..iu- mmmm steam" AT GEORGE HOUYE'S BARBER SHOP. Hloney! Money! Money! Loans on farm and city property, at lowest rates. BargaluB in city and country property. Accident and Fire ItiHiiraneo. MOORES & GILLESPIE. NO. 317 COMMERCIAL STREET, SALBM, OREOON, TWO REDUCTIONS. We mtiHt rcdtico ourstock hi order to make room for ournpringgooda. Therefore we will also reduce our already low prices on BOOTS AND SHOES For tho next forty days. Give us a call and bo convinced ttiat we mean what wo Bay. Yours, respectfully, KRAUSSE & KLEIN'S, No. 221 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. A.B.BUREN, Successor to A. T. Yeaton, FURNITURE DEALER ! COMMERCIAL, STREET, SAWJM, ATTENTION 1 Wo have farms, largo and small, lots from $50 up, and houses and loU iii nil pnrlH of the city. Wo do a commission businesa exclusively. If you wlnli to sell, list your property with us, Suburban tractu a ipeclalty. PAYNE & BRIDGFORD. W. A. KIJAW. SHAW & DOWNING, eal - Estate - Agents -AND- GENERAL AUCTIONEERS! -o- XirWe have a larpo H of farm lands and city property forftale also lithe charge of auction sales In any part of the state. NO. 3(14 OOMMKROIAL HTRRKT, NAI.KM. QRtCQOM. FARM AKI CITY LOANS m IfADB A SPECIALTY! Leather and Findings CASH PAID FOR WOOL, HIDE8, PELTS, AND FURS. This house carries u largo Block of flrtrt ctaBM goodg from ttio best maBufrtcturers In the world, nnd Is prepared to ftlve ktlsfao llon, both in stye and quality, to every one who will purchase goodi ot them, No. 231 Commercial Street, SALBM ... OREGON HAVE YOU EVER SEEN ANY OP those ShirtH Collars and Cuffs laundried at the SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY? If not make it a point to do so. OFFICE: 209 COMMERCIAL ST m OREOOK, W. H. DOWNIN6. W I'"'. mm