wx&im F SUfORI ron BIS --vA aaw. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, CAPITAL A.DVER riStt IN JOURNAL TUB BEST PAPER IN SALEM. THE CAPITAL JOURNAU a-You will be well pleased with Ifs IT WILL UK A GOOD INVESTMENT. WTlio Terms nro Most Kcnionnble-RW TOL.42.- SALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1889. NO. 258. -o- ' THIS SPACE BELONGS TO ' t; ; HOLVERSON, Tlie Dry Goods Man ! j-fto carries the best selected stock in the city, and sells at the lowest prices. TRADE WITH HIM. X-mas Tidings. o Do You Want to. Buy a Dress? If so, come and see our elegant dress goods. ' Style and Price. Wo can suit you in Quality, i a ' ?iut ?ou aTe. BUro to want one of hoae Fascinators, now that the SS J!i!St-erJtoc2.7,l,,B.0?' ,Tey are going fast. All shades-blue, blnck, red, pink and white, plain, beaded and eider-down edge. They are per fect beauties. Toboggan Hoods, Woolen Skirts and Jackets, until you can't rest. -O- THE GLOBE Real Estate Loan and Exchange ! 292 Commercial Street, SALEM, - - Christmas Gib For the Old and Young RICH AND POOR. EVERY ONE IS TREATED ALIKE AT THE OPERA HOUSE CORNER ! Bo wise! Have common sense. Buy at the Opera House Corner where you can save monev. We will helD vou to pet us mueh hnnninpnn as possible out of your money. We do it by low prices. OREGON School Books A complete line of STATIONERY, ' ALBUMS. GOLD PENS AND FANCY LEATHER GOODS AT J. BENSON STARR'S -o- CAPITOL RVENTUR COM NT, Opera House Corner, Tence In the I'niully. Washington, Dec 23. There was some rivalry between Oregon and Washington over securing the collectorshlp for tho port of Oregon. Washington felt that this ofllco has gone to tho southern half of tho dis trict long enough. Thero were can didates from Washington endorsed by the two Senators, but Oregon won when Milton Kriedler was ap pointed. Arthur A. Putnam, of Tacoma, had a fighting chance, and Congressman Wilson -had recom mended H. W. Falrweather, who candidate. When Kriedler was ap pointed as a compromise measure, Senators Dolph and Mitchell, of Oregon, agreed to glvo tho two dep uty collectorships to Washington, and thuspreservo peace In tho lam lly from the fur West. Wright's Hon Celcy and Chamomile Bittern a reliable tonic, nppetlzcr uuil up patient, Invigorates the digestive orgnns and prevents dyspepsia, can bo relied up on. Sold by all druggists. Cheapest, strongest and best, Wright's Compound Extract of Hat-sap rllla Bolls, STARVATION FILTH. IIOW TOOK HOUSE PATIENTS AltE USED UY INHUMAN TEKSONS. Family of Seven Sleeping In one Med and Living From tho I'nltry Sum of 1.33 per eok. Indianapolis, Dee. 23. At a trial just ended of Washington But ler mid P. M. Dodge, overseers of tho poor, charged with neglecting their duty, a terrible s'ory was told by wltnessess under oath. Five years ago Edward Wishenunn be- enmo sick and was removed to tho had not aunounced himself as alhouso owned by his wife in Burrcll Dimples. crvslDclas flea before It - I . - . .....; T --' ana enricacs inn mooa Cleanses Sold by all drug gists All may possess pearly whito teeth, pure breath and healthy gums by using tvnguis oiyrrn loom soap, lioniovcsinr ar, prevents decay, hold by all druggist) JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Groceries, Paints, Oils and Window Glass, Wall Pa per and Border, Artists' Ma terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence Posts, Grass Seeds, Etc, SALEM OREGON. GEO. W. JOHNSON, Pres. H. A. JOHNSON, Jr.', Treas. P. H. D'ARCY, T. C. SHAW, Vice-Pres. NO 94 STATE STREET SALEM, OREGON Wm. Brown k Co, DBALBRS in BOOTS AND SHOES, Leather and Findings din ( 1& J) CASH PAID FOR WOOL, ." HIDES, PELTS, AND FURS. This house carries a large stock of flrst- class eooas irom me oesi iiinuiiwi" -the world, and Is prepared to p've Mtlstoo inn.mth in stve and Quality, to every ot them, one who will purchase goods No. 231 Commercial Street, SALEM ORBOON Slippers, Slippers! o KRAUSSE & KLEIN'S, No, 221 Comnwcljl Street, Salem, Oregon, ATTENTION I , W- Imve fHfH, tori -nd mull, WJEX wi.ii ffMu, Mwnwfiy ' .. mlmSavoiw. Miss Leona Willis, VKAVUKtt OV HVHW. i4 Wt0 .!?& IV I nmniu ii in I in All JJIMJIVHU) 'JaW pi Uw4t m4 iUy In M u 111 1 1 n sMil mjuu IKJuuM State, Land and tat Company ! (Incorporated.) LOAN BROKERS AND DEALERS IN- NEW TO-DAY. Real ESTAI E 95 State Street, Salem, Oregon. o People looking for investments and seeking residence property should see tho Motor Line Addition and West Salem. Lots in either of these additions will make you a choice and convenient home; will make a neat return as an Investment in a short time. It fill Pay Ira to Investigate before making a purchase. To those hunting lots to build on, wo will sell you a lot by you paying $10 down und the balanoe in monthly payments. To those wishing to invest for speculations We Will Give Terms that will allow you time to sell the property to make your pay ments, giving you an opportunity to ouy and sell with a small capital. Wehave A Few Choice Lots In Oak Lawn Park Addition that wo are offering at a bargain. We also have a list of choice bargains in nearly every addition to Salem. Wo have some choice acre tracts. Wo have Farms and Timber Lands ! No one seeking such property should conclude to purchase without examining our list. W. F. PECK, Manager. THE GLOBE Employment Agency 292 Commercial Btrcol, Salem, Oregon A nice six-room cottage on street car lino for rent. HELP WANTED. One elrl to do ircncral house work. Im mediately. EMPLOYMENT WANTED. Four or nvo laborers, ono engineer. FOK SALE. A good buggy for $20. A good cow for 820. A good small team. N. McCain, Manager. Fine Watch Repairing 11V C. A. BURBANK No, 317 Commercial Street. Delinquent Tax Notice. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN .THAT 1 the delinquent tax list of tho city of Salem for tho year of lssu Is now In my hands for collection. All persons are here by notinea to scmo up ur i snau pro ceed to collect the sovoral amounts by law. 'J H. HOBS, City Marshal and Tax Collector township. His father-in-law was also quartered iu the same place, and both men being unablo to work were allowed $4 per week bv tho overseers. In 1887 tho fathor-iu-law died and tho allowance for tho fam ily was reduced to $1.60 a week. In tho meantime Wlshcrman's botlv became a mess of corruption with running sores, and ho was unable to do atiy kind of work. Tho allow aueo was reduced to $1.25 per week for a family of live, another child having arrived. Their clothing was of the scantiest, neighbors testifying that they were ashamed to look at Mrs. Wishermau on account of tho scarcity of her apparel, which was tho samo winter and summor. Fuel was so scarco in tho winter that logs wcro used by resting ono end on a chair with tho other in tho fire. At the samo tlmo tho chil dren were without shoes. Their food consisted of corn meal one week and flour tho next, with somo rice and tea. All live had to sleop in ono bed to keep warm. While Mr. Butler was over seer Mrs. Wlsherman was confined twice, and neither case did sho havo medical aid, and none at all except that of her husband. Mrs. Wisher- man had to go two miles away to get her comment and Hour, and carry it home. On ono of theso trips sho gnvo birth to a still-born child, anu carried it Home in tier apron. Tho child was burled by an overseer, but Wisherman received no medical attention. Tho defence claimed that no order of relief had been taken out before two Justices in Wisher man's behalf, and that consequently tho paupers wore not legally In that township. Tho defendants were dis charged. MUKDEllH II 1.4 OWN III.OOI), Cut nil Their Thronts. Niles, O., Dec. 24.-Tho dead bodies of Charles Shelar, his wifo and three children, all with their throats cut from ear to ear, wero found In their house hero this even lug. Shelar of lato drank very heavily. It Is said ho and his wife did not live happily. The theory is thnt Shelar early this morning cut tho throats of his wifo and children and then cut his own. An Inhuman Mother. Ositicosir, Wis., Dec. 23. Late Friday night Mrs. Mary Goodwin, while Intoxicated, hurled n lighted lamp at her 0-ycar-old daughter, striking her on tho. head and in Hlctiugn bad wound. The oil from tho lamp was scattered oyer tho girl's clothing and speedily Ignited. Before tho flames could bo oxtln gulsked the girl was terribly burned about tho face and back, and will probably die. Tho mother Is in jail. AKUENTI NOfES. in this part of the N NOTICE. OTICE Is hereby given that at u mcct Incnftlin stwkholdcrs of tho L'Al'- : ..? ... ii..uii.i.i. ....... i.nt.1 ITALJUUHnAIi 1 UUIIBIIIIJK uwillIMJ, nviv. December 4th, 1880, by unanimous to tho capital stock of thecompany vhs Increased from Five Thousand to Ten Thousand Dollars. M.L. CHAMHEHLAIN, secretary. State j SALEM, Land (1 Trust Company, OREGON. HI HANGING LAMPS TJIOMAS JiUMKOWH It' h wt "AlwwbU J) W lw arrjrftluUllvfir Uivmi-, Vi,aw, Crockery and Glassware ! jKjRT&wwUIWfrH Hlf, . rum UUMlUI Salem Co-Operative Association jm j Choice Groceries I CROCKbRY (a WblU Mit id Dm(1 Wirt, i.TATr:irrHKtrr mi.km SANTA CLAUS -AND- J. G. Wright He to announce to tho people of this vi cinity that they have icouu Into imrlncr ship for the hoflduysiaiitoii nnu e)-it by their Joint ciloru Ui Give Everybody a Good Time, Do not let anyone deceive jou ly. mU- reproenUUl'ju lnU ImIIuvInu thai muiiu Clause Is In any wuy other stock or store. II WUV IIIIITIHII'U III his Is Santa (tas'lblfpiai'ta As will he proven by Ilia nbunilatire linil variety of our UU, hihI by ilio llbriil way In which ruttoiners will Imi tn-ulnl. W i hvlnfr rl' 'f urprM lur IlioM who vlill in. r-s uiTUt a Clirlilni'M iioulllM, firntl iiirprlu-i In liollilar Iwrgulm, uuil hbovo all i " 00R I'lllCES AIIK Srill'lllSK ft iUfpflillixly low Ilia! lhy KfTif Ilia cratlaVl Imliuvmtnl .ll.leln lliiif who lHOWwbmbatKHi. J, (I, U'lllUHT, W hw ti'M't)iiwnrl Hi, Driven by KtroiiK Drink to Commit a Torrlblu Crime, Los CJatos, Cal., Dec. 2.1. Jnmes Eubanks, a drunken loafer, shot and killed his sixteen - year old daughter, Ada, thin morning. Eu banks was a widower wl'h six chil dren, all except Ada dependent nu charity for support. Tills morning while sober ho stated to relatives that ho would kill two persons be fore night. IIo then borrowed a shotgun and ten cents to buy pon der aud buckshot to load tho gun. IIo went to tho Heath hoiiHovhere Ada worked as waitress, called her to tho door mid shot her. He then placed tho butt of tho gun on tho u round and attempted suicide but was unsuccessful. He then stepped into an adjoining saloon, passed up stairs and made an unsuccessful at tempt to cut his throat with a raor. Deputy Hherlir Reynolds nrrested and took lilm to the Han Jou Jail In time to savo him from tho hands of an Infuriated mob. Ho said ho wanted to kill another fellow before dying himself aud asked why ho couldn't hung to-day as well as some other time. .lUNTII'IAIII.K IIOMIOIDK. John O'Neill Kllltxl In Trying to Mur ilernl Ills Wife, ilurriJ, Mont., Dec. 2.'). John O'Neill died this morning at tho reslilcnco ot William Harris, his son-in-law, In Bon Hi Hutto, by whom he wus shot Haturday night. The shooting was dono by Harris In wilf-defeiiho. O'Neill and his wife had Mijieritftil some mouths ago. Mrs. O'.Vuill going to llvu with rela tives In Wyoming. Bho returned Haturday nml went lo Hurls' house where her hiiNlmiid nought l',r "lid lifter abusing liw pulled u pistol ami threatened to shoot hor. Hurrlaliud tried to pruvuiit It, but fccelng O'Neill ilutcniiliiud to kill her, (tie ilcnvorul to tuku his weiiiii from him O'Nolll then I red ono -hot ut JlarrN, which mlsaeil lilm, when HiinU drew it wtMiii and llrud two shots, both taking ilhel, onuln the uIkIoiiiuii iiml lliuolliurlu tho Ihlglit Ho lhiKuf.l In ulii till Hilx morn, fug when huilleil. An lii'iiist wu held Ihlsufleniooii, whun Ihu vtr diet of Jiullflublu lioinldilu Was fi'lidiwl, Borne snow country. Mrs. Ormsby, who has been sick, Is getting somo better. Tho contract for carrylug tho U. S. mall has been awarded to B. B. Ormsby. Tho mnll will lcavo Argent I on Jau. 3, 1890, for Knight, with Mr. Ormsby, carrier. Success to him. Mr. J. Dunlcs is building a resi dence on his claim. Mr. D. Laulls camo up from Bllverton aud built a house on his claim. Mr. Jas. Itosell, tho gentleman who bought Bill Mack's place, will movo up as soon as ho can got n res idence for his family. Bhorty Myers, thogontleman who has taken a claim iu tho forks of Silver creek, has bulH.a shanty, and is making a road so lie can move In. Thero is a party coming up from Salem on tho 30th of December, to hunt deer, or dears, they did not say which, but let them come, either aro plentiful. Bees do well here. Mr. George Lehman says ho sold all tho honey ho had at 12 and 15 cents per pound, and somo parties are contracting for tho next year's sup ply. Thero Is great need of houses around Argontl, and some of those who own lots iu Silver Creek City would do well to build houses, as theio would bo no trouble in rent ing them for a good price. Tho young folks of tho North Sil ver creek neighborhood gave Mr. Jack Pattou a nice surprise party, on tho 20th of December. Tho fol lowing persons took part: Mr. and Mis. 1 Jtolstou and family, Mr. and Mrs. Hullt and family, Mr. Vangordei's young folks, Mr. Smith, L. M. Ormsby, Pearl Hu bert, Messrs. Boh and Jack I'attou, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. Brown. The 1. M. of Argontl got there. UNO. The .MoiiRollaii 1'licasniit. This valuable addition toour native game birds was imported from China a few years ago. It has Increased with surprising rapidity Iu western Oregon, Washington, aud In the north western corner of California, under cflectlvo legislative protection. It Is unusually prolific, hatchlnr, two and frequently three clutches per season, tho first nest containing elghtteen to twenty-live, the last from twelve to sixteen I'ggs. This accounts for tho fact that several dif ferent sl.es ol chicks aro frequently seen III one covey. The first brood when hatched Is turned over to tho caieof the male until the second und third broods anpear, when all nro combined and eared for by both parents. 'I hoy do well In confinement. Hatched by the doiuestlu lieu, they aro as apparently contented In fol lowing her as on their native lii-ath; but at the ago of six weeks they "sliuku" Ihelriiiloptcd mother and depart, never to return, much to her grief and disgust, The plum ago of the mule Is extremely brlN Hunt mid iillmitlve. Ah a table dlsii It ruiil the pirtrlilgu nml ami pralilocliluki'ii of lh Kail. Hvlt'iillllu American. According to rtcuiit Information, rmiuilmllsiii In very prevalent In wmui jiIiim III West A Won, near to Ihu llrlllsli ftuilluini'iil, ' '.'"' "l"1, ully In llm ilrotculnftto iMf, Mini so wrjoiw mid frwiiieul lit Iftfomy li kluiiiiilng of linll vlihbiU w Im Imvu uonuoiii alonu lliul In soiiij iiil person dwru not u'liiuw UiiiiiI lliclown town dr feur of tuiiiurii. I MtfOHMI. ;ar -"" 'a NO, JM7 HtONT V V jaiLaW -