rnr" 1 7 I THE CAPITAL EVElONa JOTTTCSTAIi. 4 m m M I 1 1.1 1 u Hi lilt I THE CiPITAL JOOHUL rOBUSHEU DAILY, EXCEITBUNDAY, BY THE Canital Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated!) Kntered at the postofllce nt Balcm, Or., as second-class matter. JACOB I. MITCHELL Manager 8ce fourth page Tor terms or subscrip tion." Advertisements to Insure Insertion (for he game day) should be banded In by I o'clock Correspondence containing news of In terest nnd Importance Is desired from nil parts of the state. No attention will be paid to anonymous communications. Persons desiring the Capitai Journal served at their houses can secure It by pos ial card request, or by word lea at this officer Hpeclmen numbers sent free on applica tion. Offlco, corner Court and Liberty Streets. MONDAY DKCKMIIEH 23 Onk of the henebmen of the London West End Bcandal la said to b! In hiding ut Scuttle with his family. The Sau Francisco Examiner very strongly endorses Senator Mitchell's resolution on the Chinese question. His work is greatly ap preciated all along the const. Julian Hawthohnk, the Bon-of-a-lltcrary-fnthef, Is writing a history of Oregon. If it in not gotten up on the penny-a-line basis, as too many such works nre, It may Ikj a good thing. The Democratic press are trying to nominate Hon. I). P. Thompson) of Portland, for governor on the Re publican ticket. It would bo in ex cellent taste if Democrats would al low republicans to make their own nominations, for it would suit their political preferences better. Wo do not know, at present, any claim that Mr. Thompson has upon the repub lican parly,and wo believe the candi date for this position will come from Eastern Oregon perhaps from The Dalles or vicinity. Tho Dalles Mountaineer. The owchoo! influenza is head ed this way, and the public is warn ed to prepuro for It. From Europe has come mnuy an unwelcome guest, but this Inst consignment Is one of the least agreeable tkat has reached Columbia's shores in many a duy. The effete mouarchs of tho Old World have sneezed until their crowns shook, and their subjects have l,owohoo'dl" their fulso teeth uud huir onto the sidewalk. Indeed, t prevalent has been the disordor that It has given rise toa new form of slang commendation, ami wlieu anything Is justubout right now, it It is said tu bo "Quito tho sneeze." CoNaitBssMAN WiiKELEit, of Ala bama, has introduced a bill to incor porate tho Military Order of Amer ica. Tho bill proposes the lu corpora tion of a society which is to bring together u fraternal and beucllclent association, non-sectarian and non political, between thoso who wero In tho War of tho Rebellion. The order is to have a building in Wash ington to be used as a memorial building, and as a Military and Naval Museum and Library, whero lu will bo deposited copies ot all government publications. Provis ions will bo made for tho In tor ment in tho court of this building, oftho remains of General Grant and thonroctlou of a suitable monument to his memory and to all othor soldiers, sailors uud murines who nerved during tho war. The Atlanta Constitution ot of Nov. 22, 1880, gives an account of a divorce cuso in Texas involving the question of religious liberty. Tho petitioner for tho divorce set forth as the ground ot his petition that u baud of religionists calling tlicmclves "sanctltlcatlouistH" held, among other things, that li was sin ful for a femalo Hauctlllcationlsts to llvo with a husband that did not be lieve in tho doctrine of sanctllk'n tion; that his wlfu had become u Hunctltlcutiouist, and thus n "de stroyer had crept Into his homo and made desolate all that was once hap py." It seems that tho cuso was presented to a jury, and tho Jury granted u decree of divorce. Tho wlfo uppeuled tho two to tho su premo court. There tho decree was promptly set aside TiiEKEuro two ways of ridding the country of tho national nuisance known us the civil service commis sion, one. by keeping In tho treasury most of thof&l,000 It says It must havo uuuully In order to llvo, and thus starving it to death, and tho other by abolishing It outright. Benutor Furwell, of Illinois, favors ( tho starvation process, and Senator , Vance of North Curollnltm hits In-, traduced a bill wiping the law thut created It from tho statute book, Wo cun bo reconciled to either plan If It In Hticcessful, but tho honest, irnly, straight-forward way Is to pubs tho Vaunt bill, That Is whut the pwplo would do by more than nine tenths majority If thoy w-' liven chance, and It Is what con- rvs will do If Houston and M. C.'s ' Jtitve the courage of their couvlo, How, The Roseburg Plalndealer Is ngl tatlntr the building of a railroad from that point to Coos Bay. If tho citi zens of that town act on tho Plain dealer's advice their town will rap Idly step to tho front. Senatok Mitchell has present ed a memorial from tho Washington legislature, asking for legislation de claring the forfeiture of tho North ern Pacific land grant between Wallula, Wash., ana 1'ortianu, ur. The memorial sets forth that no lino has been built between these points, but the right of way Is oc cupied by another road and there Is valuable land there which ought to bo opened to settlement. A Correspondent's View. In looking over the Junction City Pilot of December lutti, the follow ing communication was noticed, which may prove a shining light to some of our readers, and Is published by numerous requests. Following is the communication verbatim: Alij,ny, Or., Dec. 10, 1889. En. Pilet: Your tSdo correspon dent has invented a new candidate for Governor in theperson of Irwin, the present steward of tho asylum for tho insane at Salem. He does not deny that Irwin is u repub lican, but undertakes to show that his talents and patriotism are far removed above party considerations. All good democrats of course de sire to continue tho party power, but your correspondent, "who is a bedrocker," untl represents a large majority of tho democrats of this state, wishes to put himself on record as uncompromisingly op posed to going into the ranks of the enemy to obtain by any means a leader or candidate to be placed at the head of our ticket at the coming stato election. I want a candidate of unquestionable ability, Iron nerve nnd spotless in tho democratic party. Dr. Harry Lane is a man possessing all tlicso quantifications and I shall insist upon his nomina tion, nnd do nil In my power to se cure his election. As an exhibition' of tho doctor's learning, it Is well known that ho is ablo should his steward, Irwin, fail. Ho can closely approximate tho number of cords in a rick of wood of given length, breadth and heigtli, or estlmato with precision the value of a string of sausages at a given sum per link. It is also notorious thut when, In his wisdom he concludes to insert barbarous re publican hands into the Stale Treusury that no ono presumes to criticise. Should ho turn awny scores of competent nnd deserving demo crats and send cast for republican employes, his iutimatc friends would understand it to bo ono of his deeply laid plans to strengthen tho demo emtio party. Should u patient be found dead outside tho walls, or any other such trilling accident occur about tho institution nnd both re publican papers of Salem carefully exclude tiny notice of It In their columns, It would no another exhi bition of his shrowducss in gather ing in thoso two concerns to aid in building up tho democratic party. Should ho return after a two week's absence with three trout which cost tho stato three hundred dollars and glvo tho largest ono to Irwin, till bed rockers would murk his sagacity in detecting In his Inferior ofllccr n crying necessity for brain ood, and that tho Investment wns n good ono for tho state. Should ho grant spe cial favors to republican dealers in supplies for the Institution, it ought to bo regnrded as another cunningly devised plan to strengthen tua dem ocratic party. Should ho introduco Irwin to republican members of the Legislature as tho man with whom ho "knocked out Pennoyor," it would only bo one of his peculiar methods of building up the demo cratic party. Tho most creditable part of Gov. Pounoyer'a administration Iseleurly traceable to our candidate, Dr. Lane; while any blunders which may have taken place, tiro acts performed without consulting him. No ono can successfully attack Dr. Lane's political record. Ho Is stlrct ly moral and an uncompromising prohibitionist, as every Grand Ju ror who has visited tho institution officially will cheerfully attest. Ah (ho time for electing a new governor is close at hand I trust tho Intelligent masses of tho democrats will glvo their prayerful attention and see that my candidate Is nomi nated by acclamation and elected by nu overwhelming majority. Tho stato Is clearly democratic provided they put forward for office- gonuluo party men like Dr. Lane. llKlMtOKUIIH. , Mr. J. 0. Croly (Jennie June) has been elected president, and Mrs. Surah J. Llpplncott (Gnuo Green wood) and Mrs. Mary K.Hryan vice presidents of the New Vork Women's I'm Club. James 8, Carlton, nu aged man now living In llulllnmre, Maryland claims to have Ikhjii tho first ducov eriTof (ho peculiar vIIVcIh of cocaine, i Hewiys that us early as 1810 ho know (ho properties of (he drug, and inntlv w vf It In i owu fnuillv, THE YOUNGEST SOLDIER. Ho Wns Not Eleven Years Old When He Enlisted as a Volunteer. Tho Wisconsin legislature having awarded a gold medal to H. E. Francisco, of Mnsoii City, Iowa, as the youngest soldier of tho lato war, tho old discussion has been opened and a number of claimants have come forward to show that he is not entitled to rank as the youngest of veterans. Mr. Francisco was nbout 14 years old when he enlisted. C. H. Wynn, of Sioux county, claimed to havo beot only 13 years and 11 months old when ho entered the service, J. L. Klpllnger was 13 years nnd 4 months, and Andrew F. Links, of Chicago, was 13 years and 3 mouths old. But Chit ago has nn other young veteran who is saying nothing, though he beats the record by threo years nearly. This is Gil bert Van Zaudt, the adjutant of Hancock post, No. 500. Mr. Van Zandt entered tho service August31, 1802, when he wos 10 years, 8 mos. and 11 duys old. Ho enlisted nt Port William, Clinton county, Ohio, and served in Company D of tho Seventy-ninth Ohio regiment. He was mustered into the service by a special order obtained from tho war department two months after his enlistment. Ho served to tho close of tho war and was mustered out at Camp Denlson, Juno 0, 1803. He drew a soldier's pay and ditl n sol dier's duties, was in the" light at Itesica, but was afterwards as signed to duty nt headquarters to carry dispatches. Wiien tho regi ment was on Its way home, the pony which young Van Zandt rodo through the war was taken from him in Washington, nnd ho was refused either permission or trans portation for it to his home. The boy walked up to the Wliito House, told his story to President Johnson, and the order for transportation for his pony wns signed by the president himself. If any of the veterans can bout tho record of Mr. Van Zaudt, let them show their papers. AX UUI.Y msCOVKKY. A Report that (Should Be Itcnd. "A recent analyzatlon In Philadelphia by n celebrated chemist of ten popular brands of Barsaparilla discloses tho astonishing fact that theno ten samples of Mood purifiers (?) contained in tho aggregate ( different minerals, eleven of which wero acttvo pol Bons. lodtdo of Potash was discovered In every sample, mcrcuiy was found in all but two, while, arscnlo existed In six of tho ten brands, Not ono brimd w as tho puro article" A reporter took tho abovo clipping to E. W. Joy, tho manufacturer of Joy's Vcgctablo Snr- saparllla. Mr. Joy exhibited no surprise. Ho said druggists knew it. Ho said ho long ago saw tho crying need for a sat o and absolutely puro vcgctablo preparation of Barsaparilla, hcucohls was named Joy's Vegetable Barsapa rilla, becauso it contained nothing but puro syrup of sarsaporllla, combined with tho puro Juices of California's vcgctablo alteratives. Unlike potash sarsaparlllas, It docs not forco impurities through tho sklu, but stimulates tho various secretive organs, thereby correct ing functional derangements and eliminating all impurities through tho natural channels -&Hj, JYantfaco Examiner. During tho crazo one order for "pigs-in-clover" marbleB was four carloads. Children Saved from Sovcro Sickness Dr. Helden: I uotlpo by tho pa pers that you nro placing your vaiu ablo Ethereal Cough Syrup before the public. It is n charitablo net. 1 have used it In my family for miuiv vears. to ray satisfaction. I bollevo tho uso of It in time, to my children, lias saved tliein lrom sieu ness. R. B. Lank. Largo size ?1.00, small 50 cents. For sale by Daniel J. Fry Druggist. Mrs. Cleveland has taken up n now fancy In dressing her hair. She now parts it on tho left side. The Now Discovery. You have heard your friends nnd neighbors talking about It. You may yourself be ouo of tho mhny who know front persounl oxperlonco just how good a thing It Is. If you havo over tried it, you tiro ono of its staunch friends, because tho wonder ful thing about it Is, that when onco given a trial, Dr. King's Now Dis covory ever after holds a placo In tho house. If you have never used It and should bo uffilclcd with ti cough, cold or any Throat, Lung or Chest trouble, secure a bottle at onco and glvo it a fair trial. It Is guaranteed every time, or money refunded. Trial Dottles Free at Daniel J. Fry's Drugstore. Mrs. Margaret Custer-Calhoun, u sister of tho lato General Custer, is gaining quite a reputation in New York as n parlor elocutionist. The First Step. Perhaps you uio run down, can't cut, cnn'l sleep, can't think, can't do anything to your satisfaction, and you wonder wnut ails you, iou should heed tho warning, you nro tiiktug tuo nrst step into nervous Prostration. You need a Nervo Tonic nnd in Jucctrlo Hitters you will tlnd theexaet remedy for restor ing your nervous svbtem toils nor mal, healthy condition. Surprising results inimw tno uso ot mis great Nirvn 'I'linliMiml Atterlntlvn. Your uppotiio returns, good digestion Is restored, and tho Liver untl Kidneys rcsuiuo healthy action. Try a bot tle. PrlcoGOe.'ut Daniel J. Fry's I Drugstore. t llacklpu'a Arnica Salve. Tho best salvo In tho world for cuts, brulxCH, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever Hires, tetter ohupped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, ami positively cures plies or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give itcrfcctsutikfuutloii, or money refunded. Price 5 cents per box, For sale by Danlol J lry, drug-gift. Mr. Morley, spenklug at Glasgow, described Balfour, as a motyJesorae steed, but said mettle Is dangerous in a blind iorse. The Chief .Reason for TtlO great SU cess of Hood's Sarsaparllla Is found In till srtlclo itself. It Is merit that wins, and th tact that Hood's Barsaparilla actually ac complishes what is claimed for It, Is whsj has given to this medicine a popularity and sale greater than that of any other samp ii..:4- A:t rllIa or Wood purl IVieill Wins flcr before tho public. Hood's Barsaparilla cures Scrofula, Ball Rheum and all Humors, Dyspepsia, Sic Headache, Biliousness, overcomes Thai Tired Feeling, creates an Appetite, strength sns tho Nerves, builds up tho "Whole Bystem Hood's Hnmnpnrllln is soldbyalldruf rlsts. $ljslxforS5. 1'rcparedbyC.I. Uoo4 i Co., Apothecaries. Lowell, Mass. Sometliing New"! NEW STORE ! NEW GOODS!! NEW PRICES ! 1 ! The variety store inttly opened up In Dr. Rom land's brjcli on Cowl stieet, has Just roculwdii huge invoice of Variety goods, including CHRISTMAS GOODS, HOLIDAY GOODS AND 5 AND 10 CENT GOODS. Wc havo un endless variety of Fancy Houscttccplng Goods and Novelties. Some great burgulns nro ottered In these goods'. Ks-crybody Is Invited to call nnd see how much you can buy for n nickel or n dollar a-Chcopcst placo in town to buy your Holiday Goods. Mils. N.J. 1IUIIFORI). FOUND. FOUND A pair of shoes, from the store of Krausse & Klein. Owner can have tho same by proving property nnd paying for this notice. roll KXCIIANQE, Twlsh to exchange 10 acres of good land lorn hotiKo and lot In or near 8alcm. 'Ihls Is n bargain for someone. For par ticulars bee K. F. Slgvvorth, 301 Chemcketa btreet. "WANTED. "T7"ANTKD. At onco. Two or tnvee YY rooms for light housekeeping. Fur nished or unfurnished. Knqulro JouitXAL olllco. FOIt 8.U.TI. ' I-IOIi SALE.-A GOOD HARDWARE ' business In Alurlou county. Address (JAI'ITAT. Jouunai. HOAIIUING. PRIVATE HOARDING. A row ladies or I. iguuiiuiiiuit uaii uuuiui) ut ri'iLauiiiiuit; nucs, guou uouui wuu niceiy iurnisneu ... .n.b.f. In .l.n.lnno, .nM. .F.t.A aI . t. vlnli. UIIIII1 111 I IIU IIUVSli IJilli ... I.IU UllJ. Ilnlll by the btreet can., by calling nt M7 winter street, corner ot l enter street. SOCIETY NOTICKS. KNIGHTSOF PYTHIAS. Regularineet Ing on Tuesday night of each week nt 7:.W p. m. D. R. BTINSON, O. C. W. II. II. WATERS, K. of R. and 3. OMVE LODGE No. 18, I. O. O. F., meets in Odd Fellows' Hull upstairs. Cornei Commercial and Ferry streets, every Sat urday nt7::t0 p.m. J.T.OHEUU. VII. CLARKE, secretary. N. G, (J A. R. bedgwlek. I'ost, Jo7l0, Dcpart- mem oi uivkou, meoia overy .iionuny evening at the hull over tho Oregon Land company's otllce, VUiting comrades an cordially !n Itcd to attend. A. W. DitAYOF.u, Post Commadcr. 11. F. SoUTltwiCK, AdJutA it. PltorESSIONAI, CARDS. r J. SHAW, attorney at law, Salem, Oro ' gou. Ulllco. up-stalrs in tho Patton block. MinyioiAK.-Mib.i.ii.-sri.rMccoY 1 physician and Mtrgeon, has located aud taken rooms over squire Farmr's grocery store. Chronic dieiues a speo laity. Consultation free. lS-'Jldw T P. WILLIAMS, fiTENOGRAPUER II . nnd Typewriter Copyist. Wlllmako reports of trials, etc; copying ou type writer necurntcly and neat v done. Otllee over A. T Yeaton's nunlUire btore, Com- nn-ivmi Bini;t("ipiii. rUtAKLh-Tu. UOUTIS, it, D., Surreon .1.1.1 llii.ili.ui.ln.lilil Mlioliilnn lltHii. ...111 fllll'WllHl tllU 'll PlUUiii VIllllJ and residence, Newllank lllock, 307 Com mercial btreet, Sulom.Or, Oitloe hours 8 to U n. m. ami from a to it uml 7 to 8 p. in. Dls cubcaof tho rectum and ehronlo dUeascMa siH'clalty. FMien ye.tr oxperleuco, dw A NDRKW II. DIVF..N, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Cvilcin, Oregon. Olllco heurs: U In 11 n.in.,3 toBJund 7 to 8 p. m. Utttev; Court ktrvt!, lioxt door east or Dr. Rowland. Residence, 801 Chcmeketu it. J. C. HM1TII.M.1)., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ?-Omce uitli Dr. J. N. Kmltli, OrUwold bttK'k, Halem.Ort'KOii, V r n.ii.WATiuw&co, UWVRKS, (looms i nnd 3 I'rl-wr's tUor W, N, K. w ncrhiHie and Cmnmfre4l r4, hIwhi Ofiiiii, Tfie Best Residence Localities In tho city of Portland mid. oilier prosperous towns nro those owned by men or corporations who linie tho disposition and ability to improve them. ' HIGHLAND ADDITIOt THE OR And l T M u WM To tho city of Salem. They have at this time fifteen teams employed and the contemplated improvements have scarcely begun. It in intended to make the drive lending from Commercial street through Riverside and High land additions and around Highland PnrlO --- - - . ,--.n-,- - , - -..,--, f ' i THE FINEST DRIVE IN THE STATE j f Of Oregon. The line of the Salem Street Railway Company runs through the middle of this addition, and no ots will be more than two blocks distant from the line. Highland Park will In tho near luture bo Lots in Highland Additon arc High and Dry and Well Located; Most Excellent Drainage The sofl is black nnd rich. From all points a fine view9 Is obtained of the public buildings and our highest mountain peaks. Arrangements are already being made for the location of two churches in this addition, ;and $ a numberof residences are soon to bo built. Buildings onpy df the best class will be permitted. Residence' lots h within the limits of the city of Salem aro worth ou an average over $1000. We can sell you betterlots lu;High-.7 land addition for one-third of the money, and being directly on tho lino of tho street railway they are practi cally not half so far from tho public buildings and the business part of tho town as tho majority of the so called "iusitlo lots." Buy a Lot in Highland Addition for Three Hundred Dollars, And let some other fellow pay S1000 for an inferior lot not so well located. With the difFerenco of $700 you'ean" . build a beautiful cottage, or put it out at a rate of interest that will buy you nearly two thousand street car tickets every year. . " -v - - - " GRAND PRIZK mm One Hundred andTnirty Pieces to 1 GROCERS, '2-49 COMMERCIAL STREET, , BSTTicket with chance on prize Call and See T. J. CRONISE. Salem's Popular Job Printer, jS IIIS NEW QUARTERS IN THE J. State Insurnnco Building, Cor. Com mercial aua Chomekete streets '0-ltl DORRANCE BROS. Dealers In ovory variety of . OREGON LUMBER. DRESSED AND UNDRESSED! Lumber Delivered on Short Notice. Yard at the Agricultural works, Salem, Oregon. Mill located fourund a half miles northeast from Sulem, on tho John Martin donation hind claim. Slab Wood 50c Per Cord. Call and see us before purchasing else where. d-w Of the Willamette Uulver-lty Salem, Oro- guu, iuoiuo.li succesbiui jiusia dcuooi on thu Northwest Coast. Courkos In muslo are tHiual loj-iistem muslo schools. Yearly at tendance of nearly one, hundred and Jlfty. Tho able corps of teachers fon the i-omlng choo year will be liof. .. M. l'urvlu. I 11111 V 1 1 1 1 St l lud L'lfu iVtwi iicilit.iiil teachers, Miss' Lulu M. Smith, Miss Uully' iiuau, iiuu '-l iiiiiiiiq itrviu. lira nelie tMightaro Vocal Culture.l'lano, Orguu, Violin, ripe Oiyuu, Harmony, Counterpoint, and Class Teaching. Ulplomas given ou completion of course Kcud forcutulotfiio and circular. Z.M l'AUVIN, 7-aWSm-wlni. New Express Wagon. WILLIAM HOLCOXI) Has started new exprw wo ana I now ready to iMlver ( the dtuMtt. aud U bbv iw rvy iu uwivik iwjnu id snu ihmh w &H, Hd ut any Ut ut ) Hy. Siny of nay klR4 tMlve4 o tfcvrt Conservatory of Music MVlff. -IS OWNED BY JJJli this Corporation is determined, 4-4- is m THE MOST POPULAR RESORT ABOUT THIS CITY OF SALEM. OF AN ' i -CONSISTING OF St o presented to every purchaser of one ' Kansas House, Comer ot Courtnnd High Sts. E. M. LAW, Proprietor. We havo taken n nBw name hut will continue to servo our patrons with the best tho market nflords, glvo them iv cordial welcome to Our Home. Terms reasonable. Give us a, call aud wo will do you rfood. No Chinese employed. LOANS. l-oniis negotiated and, closed without dc lay when seeurlty lsEatlslactory and Title Good ! PrillPliml lllld IntProat nnvnl.U aii balem otllce. lxx:.ns mado on farm prop- Money Ready When Papers Completed Tlinen plc)itti Imiho r.. Im.mha.... or stock aro requested to call on us or cor respond. MM1TII & HAMILTON. Olllco with Duncan & llooth, to Stato St., -utviikf UllUUi New Fish Market. Allen Rhodes bus established a new fish Market on 8lntestreet. and he Weeps a good supply of flh, poultry and gamo. vjivu mm ul-.ui ana your oraer will be promptly attended to. 8-lm For succtH at the CAPITAL IIUSINES8 C0LLB(Ef Snlrm, Orcgen, A. !, AwuTBQMO,Mgr. K. uVlLSVrria. UhsIhoss, KkortltaHd, Pay w4 ( fcw.lnr.. S(4t4 sdmkUj I MI am CcUiccifo f i to ' . , t A' ii m lull ."' 5- -! i.,i 01 BeGiyeS'R - vay B: SALEM, OREG&Nv . . ;-, pound of our "Reliance tfan,Tea.J'& i , .. A L. S. VmRS, i THE PEOPUE'QROOEII Carries a select itn'e of famlly-groeorles and provision that are sold atTcaaonable rates. Countrvnroduce;8uch as npplcs.firultq ot all ldnrtSTpotittoes, vegetables, etc, always ou hand. Call at 100 Court street, Salem. P. H, EASTOFS s Salem Music Store Ileadquortcrs , for CUlokerlng A (Bon's, Stelnway.Hazlcton, Colby ana Emerson Pianos, Vlloox.Vlilto Organ1, jCash or lnstullments. ' " ' 94 State Street, Pattern's Block. -12dw JAPANESE BAZAAR:!; si IlltANCH STORE OF ANDREW KM & CO., 101 Commercial street, opposite PooloMoe, ' Salem, Or., direct importers of Japanese and Chinese .Curiosities, And novelties as well as fine porcelain Chi na ware, Closfconle, Sausuma.Bronse, Ivory, Carvings, Blik, Crepe, Satin, Krabrelttert, iwKttlner. FlneTe, etc Coautry wdrs proinpuy attended to. Wholesale wtd r-, riHK OK THK I-AROtHT MOTABUMC- Uinu n Hut Hun. Uwr ; 1-oHUnd. ittvewt klooic lal IIMlMMlat. rltfuil UmuiuL. pHalMafj4rt i m hTbUm, mui wHsTmM ft itt PRINTING mvtw VrlBtr tem Qmtmt .e '"N.