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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1889)
r THEAPITAL JOIMAL. CHINESE EXCLUSION. A Letter From Mussel & Co. of Canton Giving the Trade View. Tho communication seta forth, under date of Canton, Nov. 7th, that Information has been naked for by the questions propounded by the New York Chamber of Commerce, there aro three questiens: The first Is whether American interests in China are suffering by roason.of the resriction law; the second, what are the moral, mental and physical characteristics of that class of tho Chinese population which, by law, is excluded from the United States? and tho third Is, is it your opinion that tho admissson of the above mentioned class would eventually prove injurlousto tho people of the United States and its institutions, aud if not do you think the admis sion of this class of Chinese would be a benefit, and in what way? Russell fc Co. say in substance to the first question that they attach littlo importance to the rumored boycott of American merchandise at Shanghai; that While the railroad plant for the new railways In North China has been ordered from Europe the reason probably is that European materials cost less than in Canton. "Wo can point to nodirect, tangible suffering inflicted on Amer ican interests because of the law; but the hostility of the Chinese, , while they will buy anything suited to their needs, without regard to its origin, has been increased by rea son or American legislation. This legislation is felt by the ruling classes keenly. "How this displeasure is shown is as follews: Americans are denied the right to reside in, the interior, although uouo yet are prevented doing so. The passage of kerosene to tbe interior under a transit pass is refused, because of Americau leg islation." An Exponsive"Time Piece. Tho East Oregonian tells the fol lowing sad tale of boedle: The clock in the tower surmounting the court' house cost the county just $4,283,45. The bill of tho contractor, Mr. Wm. Wilkinson wojj $1899.70, and of E. It. Farkes, the courthouse contractor, $303.75, which, representsthe direct cost of the clock and of placing it in position. But a small jtower for the bell was necessary, and in order to preserve the architectural equili brium of the building, two more tawera were built beside. The three cost $2080, according to tbe bills on file in the clerk's office, making the total expense $4283.45. It wad Pendleton's agreement to contrioute $500 if $2500 were expen ded, aud a subscription paper was circulated for tbe purpose. The paper 1b "lost, ptrayedor stolen," however, and no' record of the matter can be fouqd. The county has therefore bten compelled to bear the entire ex panse. It has been suggested that the town clock be placed on the highest point in the county so that tbe tax payers who paid for It may derive all the benefit possible. A Famous Indian Chief. Chief Joseph, the famous chief of the Nez Perces Indians, who defied tho United States a few years ago, is fully six feet .in his moccasins, and weighs 200 pounds. His fea tures are fine and denote decided character. His forehead is broad and high, slightly sloping from a pair of heavy beetling eyebrows, above a pair of piercing black eyes. His hair, black and straight, Is re marknbly fine for an Indian's and is glossy without any bear's grease. His bands and feet are small and well shaped; of the former he is very proud and spends much time in manicuring them. His skin is of a light copper color and in the sun light takes on a beautiful reddish hue. . Russian Influenza. InsDcakingof tbe influenza epl- demio now raging in Europe, and several cases of which have been re ported in New York, a local pbysl can stated yesterday that it was pos sible the disease might spread to this coast. This be thought, however, was bifithly Improbable owing to tbe mountains of this section, still the microbe might travel this far. Tbe symptoms of th6 disease aro describ ed as follews: First sudden fulntnesa, chill and marked prostration. Then succeeded beadacho and a general feeling of malaria, followed by pliar- yngitls nd a!lght laryngitis, winu Ing up with bronchitis. Tlio dura tion of the fttlack U two days and upwards. Uwf'U Cure ImmiiIi. A ery lmpl method of Jn4uo log sleep In Qtum of pwUteut llf mmulu, And owe llmt hw MiaeowUrf wliwa many drud Jmvo fulMi J JiuiJy l admlHMw H iiiwlwle mount of warm JMI1 food tW IUI44 (ftrnt ilm timlH lHol Don't swear. It is not nn rf.M of smartness, or worldly wisdom. Any fool cau swear-and a good many fools do it. Ah! It you could only gather up all the useless, uncalled-for, ineffective oathes that have dropped along tho pathway of my life, I know it would removo stumbling blocks from many inex perienced feet, and my heart would be lighter by a ton, than It is to-day But if you are going to be a fool just because other men has been, my on, what a hopeless fool you will be. B. J. Burdotto. A post official says: "The fast mall train will requiro the training of a particular set of men for its service. At the high rate of speed ui, wuicn me tram travels, the cen- iniugai lorce is so great at sharp curves that the bags slip all about the car, and the men have great uimcuity m keeping their feet while handling letters and miners. The work proyes to be very hard, and the men who made tho first trip are very badly used up." Bjones I spoke on the tariff be fore our club last night. A stranger in the audience jumped iip and said I didn't know what I was talking about. None of tbe members mid any attention to the fellow. Mer rltt Perhaps they would if he had hollered out something they hadn't known. Harper's Bazar. "I hear that you gave yourself away at Miss Harbor's Inst night?" "No; I tried to, but she wouldn't haye me." Munsey's Weekly. NOTICE. 10 WHOM IT MAY CONCEHN-Noticc is Hereby given that at n. mectluz of the stockholders of tho Oanltol Adventure Company, held In Salem, December 11, 1889, by unanimous consent the capital stock of the company was Increased from Fifteen Thousand to Thirty Thousand Dol lars. EUGENE WILLIS, 12-16dl6t Becretary, Established 1868 1 The Oldest and Staanehest Between Sacra mento and Portland. LADD & BUSH, Bankers, Iron Building, Salem,, Oregon Accounts kept, loans made, exchange on every part of the world bought and sold, letters of credit Issued to travelers, collec tions made throughout tho United States, British America and Mexico, state, county and city -warrants cashed. We offer pat rons accommodations consistent with con servative banking. 10-3t6w3t WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY Graduates students in Classical, Literary, Scientific, Normal, Business, Law, AND MEDICAL COURSES. it is the oldest, largest and least, expen sive Institution of learning In tbe North. west. Bchool opens first Monday In September Bend for catalogue to TH08. VAN SCOY, President. 7- Salem, Oregon. Reception Saloon. 260 Commercial Street. EUGENE EOKERLIN, PROP. Thn heat of Wines. Llauors and Cigars. Salem and Export Beer, good Lunch Gaun ter In connection, wnere you wui oe serveu with HOT OR COLD LUNCHES, Handwlches Wienerwurst, and In fact ev- attention will be shown to customers. Chas, Pugh, Proprietor. (Successor To Bellinger & Co ) HARD WARB AWD Farming Implements A compleU line always In stock. M stock.Ii bought new and for cub, af fording me the opportunity to sell t the most reasonable prires. The best and lateUlmprovd machinery BlOft&?udtor. room, at Bellinger-, old stand on Btate street ALABVLOUS MEMORY DISCOYEUY. Only GmutM 8yt (f Mim7 VMll r..,. rlili ud adult itrutly UtKit ami nauimwit w wrnpodw Cf'JSiiUrtu, wll ii'lwM Xl'r .Ww. A. vX4fnj-lgAm THE '"TR CAPITAL ELLIS k WHITNEY, Proprietors of tho Favorite Livery and Feed Barns Pility b0ardlneof h0"es nna a Rf 0" kBIdum'i iw.'ir &m v - HEALTH. mmmm fim niary forms of the disease known ai lTB 1S:.S? ' Lp7r nZ7tn. " Cant T.tti. w " . .uim No. 3 E!..mCUr:fc I.caTln? lh0 b'xl Pure and r i,Uth t,,ee B 00 per Pottle. dote for the cure of Gonorrhoea OleVl BotM?n"Mnt, WmW' L1.cVlo""f!! oW"n sP"h In- J-ctlon, for severe cases of Gonorrhoea 8i M.T.nio3.1""''- " UlOillln'l On1. lt . for tho eff-ctlTO healing heallnjof Syphilitic Sores. PrlroSl 00 npr Box. and i.. i'rirosi 00 ppr I j.o and Brain treatment: los of physical no CU11U-S UOdell lill .KV. Pr!r S-l 0nr.0VCr-W."Cl r"ttlon t. I'rice S3 00 per Dox. Tonic m.d Nervine, BpkE$er,,a D- tecure'y p?"1 C. P. KICnAUT)s"& CO. . Agents. Sin Franc'sco. Cal. CinCULAll MAILED FREE. Capital City Restaurant Jas. BatGhelor, Prop'r. Warm Meals at All Hours of the Day None but white labor employed In this establishment, A good substantial meal cooked In flrst class style Twcnty-flve cents per meal. RED FRONT. Court street, between Journal Office and Mlnto's Livery. Small Farms for Sale. A numbei of ten-acre tracts of desirable and within one and a half miles of Salem, at prices ranging from 850 to S1O0 per acre. Apply to WILLIS & OHAMBERLIN, 0-20-Iin Opera House Block NEW LIVERY STABLE. Gaines. Fisher, Proprietor. Corner Ferry and Liberty streets, N. E.cor from Chemekete hotel, Salem, Or. Good accommodation, for commercial travelers. First-class;rig8 always on hand Charge, reasonable J. J. CULVER County Survevo JAMES WALTON, Topographer, W. H.IBYARS. Civil Engineer, Byars, Culver Walton Surveyors & Topographer Surveys, drafts, pints maps and descriptions oi tunas, towniois, ana roads, ditches, streets, sowers, alleys, etc. etc., made and furnished at reasonable Drlccs. Old Imht Solas. Tn corners and lines re-es w. L. t. CUHL1T tablished from original Held notes. TMT, h T. Qrades lor ditches, roads, streets or sew. ers, with estimates furnished on appllca- tlnn A 4H ; fVtMntw Qnrvnvnr'o eiftna itiru Auuivaa wumij wmivju a uiulv. Seltm, Oregon. to tan VIA Southern Pacific Company's Line. THE MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE. Time between Sslem and San FrtnclKO-B Tklrty-iix Hoars. CALIFORNIA KXFBES3 TKAIN IlUN DAILI BETWEEN PORTLAFD AND S. F. South. North. 4.-00 p. in. 0.44 p. m. 7:45 a. in. Lv. Portland liV. 8alem Ar. Ban Fran. Ar. Lv. Lv. 10:45 a. m. 7.53 a.m. 7-00 p. m. LOCAL PAS3KNGEU TUAIN ( DAILY EX CEJT SUNDAY, 8:00 a.m. 11:10 a. m 2:40 p. m. Lv. Portland Ar. I 8 45 p. m. Lv Halem Lv. UM p, m. Ar. Eugene Lv. tf-00 a. m PDLLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, Kor accommodation oi secoud class passengers attached to express trains. The S. P. company's rry makes con nectlon with all tbe regular trains on th Kurt Hide Division from footol h stree Portland, rVcst Side Division, Between rorlland and Cemllis: PAILV-gXCF.fT BUNPAY). TOTiTinT irJ6 p. in. XvT Ar. Tort land" Uirvullis "Ar. Lv. '030 p. in, U p. in. II ULnv1 Mild UirvulIU ujnntct Willi trslnifcfOrKgon 1'uclrloIUIIroad. Through tlckeU u all poliiU touth and j.tvlttlirornltt xrritiwiTgriKliuii.y kickisuwday 1M i7 w. I I.v. ' PijTIIsiid.-A K KrTt fi&KM. n00 p. w. Ar.Moi MoMIUBVlUeLv.l &, Throuffh Ticket TMllpftlcu , "OIITII ! KAHT CaTvJ:forniA, $22 l&wsrxl M5l i rAfc&'(AM nnrnm rHEimlLARt?- Hi? mil "raBnk z: i mui vnmi UNBC EVENING JOURNAL. A Grand Clearance Salfe LUNN & BROWNS, Beginning on the 6th of December, 1889, and Ending January 1, 1890 1 CLOAKS AND FURS, CARPETS AND RUGS, AND A LARGE STOCK OF MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS BS5-Space will not allow us to mention all goods. Come caily and late. Goods once bought not taken back or exchanged. LUNN & BROWN. Meeks & Minton Have received and answered o er One Thousand Letters of Inquiry RELATIVE TO OREGON SINCE JUNE 17, '89 No charges, no commission, unless we sen your property. SALEM, OREGON. WM. K. LADUE. President. DR. J. REYNOLDS, - Vice President, JOHN MOIR, Cashier. GENERAL BANKING. Exchange on Portland, Ban Francisco, New York, London and Hong Kong bought and sold. State, County and City warrants bought. Farmers are cordially invited to deposit nnd transact business with us. Liberal advances made on Wheat, wool, hops and other property at reasonable rates. Insurance on such se curity can be obtained at the bank In most reliable companies. ESTABXISUEO BT NATIONAL AUTHORITY OK- SALEM - - - OREGON. Capital Paid op, Surplus, $75,000 - 10,000 R. 8. WALLACE, President. W. W. MARTIN, - Vice-President. J. H. AXBERT, ( . - - Cashier. DIRhCTORSi W.T.Gray, W, W. Martin, J. M. Martin, U. 8. Wallace, Dr. W. A.CusIck, J. H. Albert. T. McK. Patton. LOANS MADE To farmers on wheat and other market able produce, consigned or in store, either in private granaries or public warehouses. State and County Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonable rates. Drafts drawn direct on New York, Chicago, Ban Francisco, Portland, London, Paris, Berlin Hong Kong and Calcutta. NOTICE. VfOTICE g hereby given that the ex 1 pense assessment of two hundred dol lars each for tho month of December, 1889, against the Incorporator's stock In the Gold Mountain ana Dry Gulch Conpol IdatcdGold and Hllver Mining Company, is past due and unpaid on tbe following shares, to-wit: No. 15, 1,000 shares; No. 17, six hundred shares: No. 41 to 47 inclusive, 15 shares each; No 48 and 135, 30 shares each; Nos. 40, Ul and VJS, 10 shares each; Nos.bO, 61, 130 and 131. 20 shares each; and No. 129, 60 shares standing In the mime of P. Earnest Austin, and thn sums will be sold to pay said assessment at the olllco of said company. In Halem, Oregon, at the hour of i o'clock In the uflernoon, on Wednesday, January 8, 1890, unless talU assessment is paid before that time. Dated this 3d day of December. A.D ,1889. 12-4dw4w It. II. MlLLEIt.Ah'tBec. Northern Pacific Railroad, GHEAT OVERLAND ROUTE. TWO KA8TTUAINS DAILVI NUIJllAnUMUr UAIU1 SHORTEST LINFtO CHICAGO And all points East via Bt. PAUL and MINNEAPOLIS. Tbe Northern Pacific railroad is the only line running Paeneertraliii,8econdcUvs sleepers (free of charge) Luxurious Day coaihes, Pullman Pulane Hleepiug tors. PulBte Dining Cars, (meals 76c) from Porl land to the eut Bee that your ticket read la tbe Northern 1'aclflo railroad uud av;id the i chaiigeofcars, lave Portland at a. in, and 8.10 p. in. dully arrive at Minneapolis or Ht, Paul at I'lviria Division, Trains leave Kront udU trrt dally at UX a. iji, and -W P. m.i Arrive ut Taoonm at 7(10 i w and ! m iirrlve Wlllklr-Jia mnni9Mt. m 'Iliniygh Pullman llata nitttAug fun, elfgantday kniciick, flnel palucn dining wiUtunJ'orlliid,'lriiiiandMi.lil dlJtct. Dally M.rvl. A.D l' MAllUON At.Mu'll'as.A(Hl, til Flrt Hi., Vur WalilnUiii HI.. 1'iiriUud, )!" in cfur Frtiid(i wrMia. FOR MSBSia First Nat oi Bank The Capital National Bank MEN ONLY llSj&jm ; AT City Tax Notice-: Tho Salem cltv taxes arn now rlnn nnrt payabls at my olUce with Williams & En- Kiuuu. Muximyers . win pieaso govern themselves accordingly. B. J. SWOFI'OUD. City Tai Collector. School Tax Notice. Tho school turps nr Tllatrtot. TCn ij i .Marlon comity, are now duo and payable at the clerk'b oillcc, No. 101 Court street, in l" "'3W uiwtv, ouieni, xilV HIIDO will be deemed delinquent unless paid wituln 01A.IJ UK J a I1UI1I UI11U DAVID H1M1-SON, School clerk October 15, 1889. J. H. HAAS, Watchmaker and Jeweler, COMMERCIAL, STREET, First-class work punrantecd. Glo him a call and you will not regret It. 7.31ml GEORGE WILKINS' NEW BUTOHER SHOP On Liberty street, across tho brldgo In North Salem. All kinds of meats kept ou uauu. D-.iUU For the Public Good. It lsan Indlsmitabla fact that tlinhnnri, somest vestibule trains that are now run on the American continent aro those on tho litlrllneUm route, lenvlnir from ITnlnn depot In Dcuvor, also St. Paul, Immediate ly on arrival oi nn iiirougii trains irom tne west. The first and second class coaches are magnificent, tho reclining chair cars suburb, tho Pullman sleepers extremely luxuriant, and as for the meals that aro served in those palace Uurllngton dining errs yuiaj'um. The next time you go east to Kansas City, Chicago or Ht. Louis, if you mention to the ticket agent that you want your ticket to read Irom Denver or hi. ruui oer tne uurungum route, you will get It, and you will always he glad of it. If voutro via the Northern nr Ciinarllnn Pacltlc, tho eligant vestibule trains of rue iiurungion iiouie, uetwecn mi. row ond Chicago, or St. Louts, will carry you along tho eastern shore oi the Mississippi river for a distance of 350 miles, amidst scenery muicannoi Desurpassea;or, u you eo via tho Oreirou Short Lino or Southern Pacific, and your ttcKet reads via The Uurllngton Itouto from Cheyenne or Den ver, you will pass tbrougn all the thriving cities and towns located In whatlspopu laily known as tho Heart ot the Continent. for lurtiicr lniormation apply to A. U. Sheldon. General Agent, So First street Portland, Oregon. 4-llkliwtl DR. JORDAN & Co.'s MUSEUM OF ANATOM' 761 Market st. San Francisco Admission '25 cents. Goand learn how to avoid disease. Consultation and treatment personally or by letter, on spcriiiaterrhoea orgennai weuKncss, ana uu dlseasseof men. Bend for a book. Private olllco 211 Consultation free. Geary street. A. E. STRANG, No. 803 Commercial Street, SALEM, - - OREGON. -DEAT.KH IN- STOVES and RANGES Plumbing, Gas and Steam Filling. Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty. aAeent for tho ItlCIIARDHON A uuynton cumi'ANx'B Furnaces, Eo- tabllsbed In 1819 t7K in tOKil A. MONTH can be made fl 0 10 J)c.JJ working for us. Agents preierrea who can lurnisu a none anu give their wholo time U tho business. Spare moments may be profitably employed aho. A few vacancies in towns and cities. 11. F. Johnson tCo., 1009 Main st.. Itlchmond. Va. N. II. Plcuse state age and business ex. perieno. Never mind about tending stamp for reply, II. K.J. A (i. 4-M,m-s INSUItANCK Company. Flro and Ma rine. JOS. ALIIKIlT, Agent, Halem, Oregon I wish to employ n few ladles on a salary to lake charge of my biinlness atlliefr lornm. I.Il'IiI. very faiicinulliigand heullh- rul. wages 8lU-r w(k. iieiereiii.-s given Good pay for part time. Adilrm with stamp, MilH.MAKION U'Ai.Kl.It, Ixuls vlllo, Ky. II 2-Ilil John A, Carson, COlirait, ATTOliNKV-AT-LUV AMI NOTAIIY I'UIILIO. ii)Ur o( the JUr of Ontario, Canada, Ort!r,Wfitt huul, Hsltui, Offf 'in. IIKKKJIKNCKH AT VW)NWt lion. HlrTlioniM Oall, flikf Ju.lli ul IVyinniOH PJiiU, lion, JiHitu MiUriisn, junssor iiiei4(Uric aii-si; 11011. w. 1 it Hirwl,Jufll'n miui.jund'm 1 Que wouty 10 in, a 1)0 ttuV&l twVilmW. "iiJ ' iiiiiiit m hinij'iiimliijf ftp "H'1 I 1I1V jujiJNifflniu ijiyariig n A' liMfLUWUI" I'l'tuuy OUUi Proposals for Supplies, mm; boaiid or tiiusteks of ouk- a gon aiaio insano A lie sealed proposals for J, gon Stato Insano Asylum hereby In Mio sealed proposals for furnishing at tho nsj lum near Salem, Oregon, tho following SUmilleS for lllO six tnnnllw pnmmnnnlnw Januaiy 1st, 1890, DUY GOODS. 1C0 lbs j arn, all w ool, hlle, J? J . canton llnnncl, Nashua XXX. KM yds Lonsdale lino hhectlng, 80 Inches. (iUOyds Pequot sheeting, hcayl4Stn. U00 yds Tow cling, red checked. 1000 yds Olllco, American full standnrd. 300 j ds check Manuel continental, 200 dsUluo Dentins Amos (eg, 0 oz. 40 yds canas buck, 8oz., hlto. 120 j ds water proof clot h.limvv. 300 j ds Kentucky jcanscloth, heavy. 1X1 doz kkh)1s whlto thread; IX) No. 30. S) No. It), 1 No. 00. ' vi uo7 turuey rea lmmlcrclilefs. is cross shirt buttons Nn.isn v it. 10 do metal backed horn combs, 8 In, SLIPPERS AND LKATIIEIt. 30 dozprs leather slippers 108 pin No 8, w iisiuu,imiij,iiii iu, isprs iso 11, uu prs No 7, U prs No 12 1 side harness leather. Or. extra cood ii roll of holo Rather, from 2j to. Tibs per oiuu. niuLKiuuAini neivy 1 domestic call skin (Churtcr Oalc) 10 gross shoo laces, 4-4. PIIUIT. 1600 lbs Italian prunes, machtno dried HAKDWARi:. . 1 Dlstou hand saw, 12quallty, 8gungo, 28 iuuuc-3 IU11K 4 Jennings bits one. 1,8, 11, 12, 12-18 1 l.lta ... .. U 111 i..... , ,lf . tiimivu u,,o. ... w wiv t, llu 0 d07 strap hinges; 2 J-lucb, 2 4-lnch and A '1 IH'JU 2 doz pr2x2 wrought Iron butts Ill-Inch tun No 12. Green river brand ns-lnch tap No KLGreon river brand 301bs blank nuts, 10, '; 10, MO, and 10, , 10 lbs No 7 Putman horhO nails CO a x 25 ,12 lbs nr Ilutton 's comb nlleis and wlra cut. piU tors. 8 Inches I pr Blubs cutting nippers, 8 Inches PLUMHING. 2J4 do j elbow s, doz 1, 1 doz . I doz y. Inches '2 dor tecs. 1 doz IM, doz 1, doz yv iy. do, socktls, doz each of U h of U. H, andJi uoz uusuings, viiioz 1: ldor r nch tix U. U. Ux ach tixK. Hili-UxX! , ... , t'.T. r-'rr '"" " 1 UIK 1-1UCI1 U111U1 ons 2 doz Jcnklu's llros valves removable disks K doz 2-Inch, $doz lkluch, ii doz lK-lnch, 1 doz 1 Inch, KdozJJ Inch Kdoz I Inch 5q head stop cocks a uoz iioucuiiis- gasugiuers, ino vm PAINTS AND OILS. 4 boxes glass; 2 boxes 14x20 and 2 boxes 1UXV1) CO lbs putty In bladders CO lbs whlto lead, Pioneer Ggnll. boiled Unseed oil 5 gall turpentine BOAP. 2500 lbs Kirk's Savon, or aijgood FLOUH. 350 bbls best roller process, delivered as wanted VINEOAlt. 400 gall puro cider vinegar, 40 gr. MEATS. 400 lbs per day. moro or less, of beef nod mutton as required, in equal parts of foro uuu iiiuu quartern TINWARE. 15 soup cans of XXXX tin 1,1x14 dcop Uu ward buckets or XXXX tin 11x12 deed 18 dripping puns 18x23 by 3 Inches deep, mudaofttiUusHlu Iron, with heavy wlro rim and well turned under with smooth corners 2lllarlnepnnsof XXXX tin. 11 Inch on bottom, 16 Inches top, A Inches tUep 12 quart dippers 1 f XXXX tin Mi tin clminbo s of XXXX tin. 2 bundles each No 18. 20 and 22 cal Iron. 30xWI.JiiuIcltubrand, SO SllCeU AAAA till. ORANITK IRONWARE. 24 gem water plU hers-QquarU J2diepdlsli pins 21x7, U0 qua. ts 0 slop jars wllh bales, No 8 orecerii: 8000 lbs Liverpool salt, lino 720 lbs tea. U H brand l'oncliong W0 lbs tobacco lbipldau brand. 100 lbs Chlnu starch. COOIbsHodu crackers (extra) fresh KM lbs rulstps, Cal layers 12,000 lbs sugar, 7000 Golden, COOOgraln, lu LCk. sack. (XX) lbs clieese, Cranwm's, nr as good 2,Vj0 lbs corn meal. Gold Dust, fresh ground ' lftoo lbs crocked wheat, fresh eround VM lbs coarso liomliiy, frtsli ground 17K) lbs nut meal, frtsli gmund 11120 lbs rolled oats, ('oniilrk's puteut :w lbs drkd curninU ill lbs carl), soda, U A Co' A A- II brand 100 Iim Mackerel no 1 ntnimma, 'tUcutch Ui) lbs Milt Miliiinn lt lbs dried apple, maclilne dried UUU His choice Inland rice No 1 4UUU lbs little whlto beans 4U0 lbs cidrlsh (bontlcwt) Pacific coast ,V)ll)s dried jicIick lWlliscrnim of tartar, .1 V l'lger(prline) III lbs gloss starch, On (igo 2iloz ali boards 2 doz wlilk broiiiiiK, Jslrlng Ml top 20 doz brooms 1 doz tloilus buskLts, wlllou, luigile, square 11 cU V) ilnt cull oj sti r, llluo Points I'Kbuivint (xiiiKiilrulid lye, Aiuirluiii Idit iz am corn, Wliuloir S doz dut lrntliiK, mai. ui's, 7 11 ISdozwrub hiiubtsNofi ilnt wiuhH 11 luills, udar, H hoop lOrioz bluing, 1'llramara 11, Im 2 dox Wiu"trlilruuui, t,A P qt I'.' doz mop rag 8 doz mop lli a "lgujlsrui.exlrugoldiii nlllied (A) fJgufl csil oil, orl brand 2JXgul inoluw, Orlmli nlnt IViFJ'HK, If) Ilm imI uliii, lt grade Kl((JouiwimniUam Tblbsluul mmint ) H 1, l.Umty HI'IUIX, mnlhslilaik Ipnar ) III. I III 111(1' . iiiMgingr 1 htiVHHHY limit IkimIi. W 11 U bit UltHlH IIJMWfti wu S.lnin.jimi i'Ji'!(CjWl) I 'I' aiiiMu AUSkj villi luthM pin i i lb acid bcnralc. ' ii lbatld bomclopowder. 5 lb acid tmirlutla com. . 1 lb acid nitric OP. B lb acid sulphuric Com, 2 lb acid tannic. 5 lb ammonia spirits cone. 2 lb carbonate powder. 2 lb bromide. 2 lb muriate powder. "Squibs." 2 lb alum powder. 1 lbantlpyrlno. 2 beeswax. K lb bl sulphalo mercurj . 5 lb chloroform, "Squlbbs." 4 lb chlorate hj drato, K Scherlug. 1 lb fluid extract arnica, Fl, P 1) Co ! lb fluid oitract blaek niliosb.l1 n .1 rvi. lb fluid extract, blackberry, P I) & Co. 11 fluid oxtract.ciiscarnsagru, P D it. Co. lb fluid extract corn silk, P D 4 Co. lb nuld extract, creot. P D .t Co. iu nuia extract, jalap, P D A. Co. lb fluid extract, rhiili DiirD.r i)t;o. lb fluid extract, rhubarb, aromatic, P 2 lbs fluid extract rlnn, P D Co. llbHlluldextract, senna alex, PDitCo. 1 lb fluid extract, Hnullls comp. 1 lb fluid extract, stUllugla, P D 4 Co. ', lb gum kino. l lb Iodoform. l lb morphia sulph. li lb Monsels solution. 1 lbs Monitor absorbent cotton. 2 lbs oxido zinc. 1 lb oil lemon. 1 lb oil wlutrrgrcen. 1 lb oil orange. i lb oil ruo. i lb sassafras. UlbsollPyroPhos. of Iron "Sol" Rosen gurtcn A Hon. i lb phcnacetla; mckcsscu a II. Ji lb p iraldohydo. 2 lbs potass bromldo. 2 lbs potass bichromate. 8 lbs potass chlorate powder, Bqubbs. K lb potass carbonate, olbs (Kitass ultruto powdor. 1000 pill aloln comp MCK& it. 1000 pill curthartla comp; U B P. 200 pill calcl sulphldo I gr, MCK A A. 100 pill calcl sulphide 2 gr. !K) oz qulnlno sulph, P A W, in cans. 16 oz sulfonal buyer. 25 lbs salts, Epsom. COi) lbs sulphur roll. 2 lbs solution per-chlor, Iron, 2 lbs sodium bromide, Nalllnckrod, 6 lbs sulphurlo ether, Hqulbbs, 2 lbs sponges, bath, sundlcss. , lb siHiuges, surgeons medium 1 Z Ib.'urcthaue mck A 11. 10 lbs vasallne, pure, In cans. 2 lbs vanilla bo in, Mux. 20 gal acohol, 1 jistern. 6 gul castor oil, llukcr's A A. 1000 each empty capsules. No 0, No 1 and No 2, PDA co. 2 gross oz phials, oval. 1 gross 1 oz phials, oval. 1 gross 2 o phials, oval. 1 gross 4 oz phlnls, oval. 1 gross u oz pniais, oval i gross cue 11 corks Nos 1, 2, 3, 4 andfl, gross powdor boxes 2JixlJjx In. gross PlU boxes. M oz. turned wood. 1 gro s ointment boxes, 1 ot, tin, 1 gross ointment boxes 2 oz, tin. i iiozBireugiiiuuing piasters, H s j, 2 doz Alcock's porous plaster HJiJ 2 roll emplastrum Laiitharldcs, 8 A J. 2 roll einplastrum capsicum, H A J, 2 roll silk Isinglass plaster, whlto, H A3. fi yds 12-Inch wide rubber adheslvo plus ter, Miuue'sHAj. A doz Davidson's syringes, No 1. 2 dozcumels liulr pencils, Asst. 1 doz gl .hs J'irs, amber strew top, 4 oz. 2 doz medicine gliss measures, tea and tublLspoonful, bng lines. 1-0 doz mortals each 2and 4 oz, glass. 1 mortar, Wedgwood, 4 oz. 1 Graduate, 1 oz., English lines. 1 Gradiialo2oz',L'riglligllncs. 2 Graduate 4 oz, Lngllsh Hues. i doz spatula each, J, 4, und 0 Inch. HTATIONKIIY, 2 reams legal cap. 0 reams letter pu per, LlvoOak. H dozen Paysou's Indellblo Ink. 4 dozen lead pencils. Suinnlt's limy bo seen at tho olllco of tlio board of trustee ut tho cnpl tol, und i;oo(1h imiHt bo in accordance therewith. Goods inuHt como in orlulnul (pncltiigcs when po8nlb!o. Delivery of supplies will bo required within ten days' notice ofacceptunco of bids. A copy of this advertise ment must accompany each bid, and the iiiiino of class of supplies bid up on must bo written upon tho envel ope. Kach bid must Includo all the Items In the special class bid upon aud must kivo Items uud totals In full with the exception of meat and flour. AudlHiiir ofllrcrsuro prohibited by law from cotillrinliitf accounts of iitirclinsos when the advertisement does not contain u full and complete description of the kinds of articles to bo purcliused. 'i no riuiii to reject any or an unis is reserved. Jlldsuill lie opened at 12 o'clock p. 111. on Tuesday, January 7, 181)0, BY L VKSTfclt J'ENNO VHIt, (JK(). W. McHUIDK, (1. W. WKMIJ, Jloiird of Trustees. Wm. A. MUXLV, Clerk of Hoard. maKcr. II IIS. K. A. OHL'JII', A NewJVorkl ModUtti, who hut had llflren )iur' nHrli'ii(o in Cutting and Fitting Wouldlli" plisui'd In i' Km ImUvintHH' ImTiul lor nuiint, Nu, HI an mini-r uliiil, uifiitrof Mailou. Just Received 'I'D IIIim id Mjiiiini it, A surjotmiJUirf JUlilrri'liil'il io.di d iiiiW llil A iNCW IJI'ffi m h i M 1 K