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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1889)
THE CAPITA!, EVENING 'JOTTBINAX. f THE CAPITAL JOUIiML. TEHMS OK sunscmiTioN. DAILY. One yenr by mnll..... . .... ..$5 00 .Six months by tniill ....... '2 CO Three month by mull . ........ 1 25 l'er week, delivered by carrier........ 10 WKKKLY. One yenr by mall . ..SI CO nix monins y tnnu ..... v One year. If palcl in advance . . 1 0 Six months, If paid In advance . G For advertising rates apply at this ofllco SALEM TO THESEA A Complete Description of the Proposed Route. AHHubcribcnitoTHECAr!TAl,JouJiNAl, Who do not secure their paper regularly will notify this ofllec, giving address, and the matter will bo attended to at once. Office, corner Court land Liberty; ptrcetg They aiik Coming. Tho colored Jubilee Blnglng compnny will occu py tlie-opern house fiere on Satur day evening next, xno ooiun jui Iforniii Advocate Bays theso superb vocullsls Imvo captured tho hearts of the Alliance Assembly. From their nnme a any suppose they use Instruments In their performances. Not so! The only instrument out (tide of mi accompaniment on the 51nno, Is their magnificent voices, 'here are four gentlemen and two ladles; hut they can sing almost us loud and sllr tip as much enthusi asm as one of the Thomases cele brated orchestras. The harmony of their voices is perfect, and when they swing out on a plantation mel ndvont e.iiun-nieeting rmisur. the audience Is so wrought up that they can scarcely restrain their feelings, and eomeUiiii's break out In a storm of applause in the midst of a song. They carry things with a sweep of a cyclone. To he encored three times in a common experience. The shouting tenor and bass are most remarkable- performeis. To hear them is alone worth tho price ol a season ticket. Their imitation of a brass hand, steam caliope and Chinese hand, never fail to bring down the house. We never heard a set of singers that could so well en tertain an audience for an hour and a half on pure singing. Their good natured ways and Jolly songs en deared them to all, and Long Beach audiences will bo glud to hear them any time in tho future. Painting the Asylum. The bids for painting and kalsomlnfug ward seven and two largo halls at the insane asylum were opened at the governor's ofllco yesterday, to furnish material and do work, were as follews: Mr. Wickle, Sr., of Portland, $350; Mr. Wickle, Jr., Sa lem, $301: Mr. McMullin, Salem, $300; Mr. Jtnnkin, Salem, 27C; Mr. Wallop, Salem, $225; Mr. Fllekenger, $175. Mr. MaMullIn also bid to do tho labor (tho sUito to furnish) for $160, or $3 per day, ten hours' work. Mr. Rankin bid to do tho work (tho state to furnish) for $175, or $2.50 per day, nine hours' work. Mr. Flick euger'a bid was not considered, as it was not In compliance with tho specifications. Mr. Bishop's bid be ing the lowest, the contract was awarded to him. A BEAUTIFUL ROUTE TO TRAVERSE A Gentleman Well Acquainted With the Konte Pictores It Out in an Interesting Manner. AjlTICI.KS OK INCOKI'OKATION.- Tlio following articles of incornora tlon were filed with tho secretary of state to-day as loiiews: Tho uorvai 11s Street Railway company, object to build and operate a street railway in Corvallis, capital stock $50,000, divided into 100 shares; incorpora tors J. H. Wilson, Ilalston Cor, 55. Job; also tho Thos. Kay woolen Mill company, filed supplementary articles of Incorporation with tho secretary of state to-day increasing their capital stock to $75,000 with Squire lnirrar, Thomas Kay and C. P. Bishop as incoiporators. IU in . Bazaah The ladles' bazaar at the opera house this evening will render tho following pregramme: l'lano duetto Selected Misses Gcrtrmlo and l.lzzlu llolverson. l'lano nolo, "Hallerellc" Hcttercr MIkh Hliclton Vocal hoIo, "The Mettsnuo" .Illumenthal MrH.J. H.Htrlcltlcr. ltecltatlon. "The BclioolmntitiT'n OuimtH," MIhn Mary Vandersoll. Bong, selected . J, H. Itoss OltCllKSTUA. "Madam Jarley'H Wnx Klirurea. -Dickens Tingle scene, Tho Villain Still 1'iirtuion Jtlor UltClIKSTKA. An admission fee of 25 cents will be charged; children 10 cents. A Communication. On tho sec ond page of to-day's JouitNAi. will bo found communication from our worthy citizen, Mr. E. M. Wuite, who strives to remove u false Impres sion from tho minds of a few persons iu Salem, Mr. Waiteis well Known to every man, woman and child In and around balem, and no comment need bo made. Ills communication speaks for Itself. Tiiains Late.- This morning tho Eugene express cauio in on tho overlaad's time, as tho latter Is de layed by a laudslido In California and will not arrive until 10 o'clock this ovenlng. There being no 1 o'clock train this afternoon a num ber of Salemltcs were somewhat tils apKluted who had planned to go roruatui on tuo same. Tho following letter, concerning the route to be traversed by the pro jected Salem, Tillamook fe Astoria railroad, was written by tho former assessor of Tillamook county, who has been over every foot of the route and knows what ho la talking abeut: Leaving Salem, tho projected lino of tho Salem, Tillamook & Attorla railroad would run almost diagonal ly across tho richest portions of Polk county and along for some distance, up tho unrivaled South Yamhill river, to the Grande Konde reerva tiou. Here would be the first mount ain contract, but it scarcely amounts to that, for the route follows up a creek at a minimum grade, through low wooded hills, south of Mount llebo, for a distance of eight or nine miles to the Dolnh nostollice. Hero it strikes tho waters of Three Rivera, a considerable tributary of the Big Ncstucca, and thero tho divide has been crossed. Down the Three Itivers the road woulddescend with the valley, which is a moderate grade considering that it Is keeping the company of a coast stream. At its mouth tho load would deflect to the north, up along tho east side of the Nestucca, the percentage of grade and grading being small for about 11 vo miles. Hero It would strike tho mouth of the Great Beaver, having crossed tho other stream at one of several favorable bridging points, below the mouth of the creek. Following up the fine little valley of the Beaver, tho route, after ascending tho West Fork a short distance, would cross oyer a few miles of alternate Hat and rolling country to tho valley of the Tillamook. After the traveler has puzzled his brain not a little iu trying to dis cover where tho ono left oil' and the other began, once on the Tillamook riverside, tho road would begin tho traverse of an interval of tweut.y miles, of a level, well-sottled country, touching neither hill nor mountain until it readies Bay City on Tilla mook bay. This run would be in a general northwesterly direction, having followed down tho Tilla mook until it rcuches tho westward bend of that stream. There it would leave tho river nnd strike diagonally across tno south nralrio Instead of down that nralrio as many might suppose This latter course would involve some trouble in gettlug wirougu some low country, wmcu woum ue summed shells in these hills, I judge the country to have been very much de pressed, at ono time consisting of nothing but low band dunes in the rear of those capes. This singular projection of those points above named, forward of tho main rango is a phenomena which I don't con sider that I am under any obligation to explain has created a truly re markable route for a railroad. Will tho Willamette valley nvall herself to it, and will Tillamook and Clat sop encourage it? CITY COUNCIL MEETING. Street Railway Ordinances General Iloutino of Business Bills Against tbe City. altogether hv going higher up, crossing thoTrask river about a mile or so abovo the county bridge. It would touch tho town of TII lumook at its eastern edge. Here would bo the first contact with salt water. Passing on north from the town, it would unavoidably have to traverso some low country at the head of tide water, also crossing the Wilson and Kilchis rivers, streams easily bridged, as they already have couuty bridges spanning them. A few miles beyond the last named stream, over alternate pralrio and timber lauds and Bay City, before mentioned, Is then reached. Touching salt water again at this point tho route may proceed north ward, either down tho beach by way ofHobsonvillo, and tho mouth of tho Miami river, and within ono and a half miles of Garibaldi, or it may pass eastward of Hobsonville, through a low gap in the hills, ami gain the Miami, a mile or so above its mouth. Either routo Is perfectly practicable Up this stream it would run for about elirht mil. when It would nbrttntlv leave it am turn to the northwest over on to the waters of tho Foloy, a tributary of tho bouth-Nehalem, but hero, again, so gently Is tho chaugo through this remarkable pass, that you aro not really awaro of it until you strike tho Foley some distanco along Its northerly How. Flvo miles beyond you reach tho Nehalem. Crossing It at tho head of thotldo water, it may bo followed down In eastern bank for a short distance, and then across to the North Nehalem, or tho routo could perhaps more easily, on account of lowland, cut acioss from Its Inter section with tho South Nehalem along the foothills, to a point on tho North Nehalem. a few miles abovo the mouth or Coal creok. Hero it would probably cross tho rlver.and my personal knowledge in mo omo units, out wnat has al AB8AUI.T AM) BaTTEUY. Dcpt. Mherltl Krank Wrlghtmau, went to Marlon yesterday and arrested Ed Medina on a warrant sworn out by W. M.Davis for assault and battery, McCuuu was brought before Squire Udell at 4 o'clock, fur examination. The case was postponed until to inorrow.durlug wh(ch time McCtinn languishes in the county Jail. FitittAY Evening. The Salem Pleasant Hour society will conduct thelrBodnl dance on Friday ovenlng at the regular hour at their hall on Slote street. All members remitst- ed to be present and also Lrliiir hmsjesofthoThivorlvers.tho Itmvor. -. -""ri. .. .-- ..--..-., - tneir mends, a hiiIc nd d tine the Miami and Foev. are vnllovs of more or icss wiiiin, along which to i i : . ...,. : : nujn uvuii uiiucrHiuuu ueroasiv met, and from what I could gather from closely questioning humors of the tscimiem. a lino jmss does exist from tho North Nehalem through a low gap In the mountains down tho Me. Uaunlkum creok to tho seaside, to which point tho railroad is now building from Astoria. Thero is your route certainly not what a cursory glance tin a clear day, at tho coast range from tho plains of Polk and Yamhill might proclaim It to lie a chain of Mexi can barrancas, fro.viing peaks and beetling walls, down w hose can yons rush the streams in thunder ing cataracts to the hen. Not so; tho The city council met in regular session last evening, it being tho third Tuesday ovenlng of Decem ber. Mayor Williams was in tho chair and roll call found Couucllmcn Hlrsch, Farrar, Collins, Lafore and Hutton in their respective places. There were present also Itecorder Conn, Marshal Ros, Street Com missioner Thompson, a Journal reporter, nnd a numbor of interested spectators. The reading of the minutes of the last regular meeting was conformed with, and the name approved. The committee to whom was re ferred the petitions for electric street lights, reported favorably on the petition of establishing a light at the Intersection of State and Liberty streets; also reported favorably on the location of a light at the North Salem bridge, on Commercial street. Report, adopted. The committee on accounts and current expenses reported favorably upon the following bills. The report was adopted, and tho recorder in structed to draw a warrant on the treasurer for tho several amounts. John Hughes $ 47 00 E. H. Bellincer 2 16 Johu Knight 9 00 Dugan Bros .. 15 49 W. M. Molntire 25 00 " " 2S 80 A. M. Clough 1 60 W. C. Barker 32 60 J. Benson Starr 8 20 Salem Gas Light Co 35 70 J. C. Thompson 75 00 Oregon Statesman 18 25 Salem Water Co 85 54 W. H. Byars 130 00 DorranceBros 59 18 W.J.Rice C 60 W. F. Bowers 4 31 John G. Wright 14 42 Salem Electric Light Co 324 00 Election Expenses, Ward 1 13 00 The bill of Robert Ford, amount ing to $30.50 was taken under con sideration by the council and a war rant to tho amount of $18.05 was ordered drawn in his fayor. A petition was read for the prop erty owners of block 17. University addition, nslung lor the construc tion of an alley sewer. The petition was referred to the committee on streets and' public property. " A petition from Win. Manning was also read, asking for the privil ege of placing a T connection in the maiu sewer, at tho corner of Winter and Ferry streets, which was re ferred to tho same committee as the above. D. C. Howard filed a sworn affi davit, stating that he had beon wrongly assessed and asked that the money be refunded. Tho prayer of tue petitioner was uearu and an order made authorizing the city marshal to refund the amount. At this point of tho meeting the smiling fuces of Councilmen-elect Gray and Edes entered tho council chamber and tho gentlemen Invited to scats within the bar. OUOINANCE HILL. All amendment to sections 1 and 7, of ordinance bill No. 182, was in troduced and adopted. Tho amend ments as adopted read as follews: Section 1. Tho right aud privi lege Is hereby granted to tho Capital City Railway company to lay down, nittiutain aud operate au iron or steel railway track and onerato nas- senger cars thereon, upon Ferry aireui. irom uiu east sine oi uommeri clal to the east side of Liberty street on Liberty street from the seutl: huooflerry to tho north boundary or tho . city; on Chemeketa street! irom tho west line of Liberty to the east lino of 18th street; on 18th street from tho north lino of Chemeketis street to thesouth lino ofStato street on Stato street from tho west line oh ism street to tno custom bouudarv ni.... .. ...... i . At this period tbe street com missioner attempted to say that he had received bids for tho construc tion of a bridge across south Mill creek, but he did not get started until a motion was made aud car- rled to adjourn. Councifadjourned. J F. H. BARNES, Pres. H. V. MATTHEWS, Treas. WM. HOWARD PHELPS, Sec W. F. SEAVER, Solicitor. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. TheJouitNAL reporters have de cided to camp on the trail of the next man who says: "Is it muddy enough for you?" as that worn-out old chesnutis getting to lie painfully frequent. We have been informed that a certain citizen of Salem would lick the edlcor of the Journal yesterday. If he has kept his word it was done unbeknown to us, and we do hope he hasn't paid his attentions to the wrong party. Mothers don't be anxious for your children if they aro absent from homo too long; don't worry about them, don't ask help to find them, for they probably only just stopped to look at the gifts in J. G. Wright's store. And before you Bcold them for loitering, just come and look at the show yourself, and see if vou wouldn't loiter. A Brilliant Affair. The Bazaar at the opera house to-night will be a highly pleasing affair. The hall has been beautifully decorated aud will present a brilliant appear ance. Many attractive features will beon hand and oiler tempting bar gains for the looso dimes nnd small change. In this issue annears what all of our readers are interested to know about the railroad to the sea. It is a full description of the route con tributed by an assessor of Tillamook county to the Headlight. He shows the wisdom of the management In selecting a thoroughly practicable route, and one which will Insure the success of the enterprise. Postponed. The entertainment which was to be given next Satur day evening, by the Band of Hope, will be deferred until after the holi days, owing to other engagements requiring the children's time. On The Market. Tho trustees of the Willamette university have put on tho market their block of land on Stato street, joining Prof. Randies property. Aiiy one who desires a bargain call on the agent. T VanScoy. Go to Win. Benson's New Candy aim oigar store, lor the nnest line of candy, cigars and tobacco, in the city. All good, now aud fresh. 166 btate street. tf. Save the time it requires to write the news to your eastern friends, by sending them the Capital Journal. The Salem Land Company, Incorporated 1880, J ' CAPITAL STOCK $30,000, PRESENT TO YOUR NOTICE ENGLEWOOD ADDITION! Which is situated upon high ground overlooking the city, and only four blocks from tho elegant High School building. The horse car hue will soon bo running to the school building on their new extension up Center, street, and are headed for this addition. The Electric line will pass within one or two blocks of it, and one or both of these lines will eventually traverse the full breadth of Englewood. This property is Belling rapidly to a class of investors who will put in tasty, substantial Improvements, which added fo the building, grading and other public improvements, which we propose to put on, will insure to the investor an ample profit if he desireg to sell again, or a tasty, haudsome neighborhood if ho desires to make it his home. There is nothing in the city that will equal it. Or if you desire acre property call at our office over the Capital National Bank, and we will show you, free of charge, the cheapest and best five and ten acre tracts in the country, the nearest into the city and that which will double quickest in value. Wo mean HAMPDEN PARK and FAIRVIEW ADDITIONS. TERMS EASY. To the rtoor man with but a. few dollars, this Is a erand onenlncr and should be inveatl- gated at once, and young men should not slight It. if this add. should happen to catch the eye ot someone at a distance, we request that you send for descrip tive hand-book of "Salem and Vicinity," Salem Land Company, Salem, Oregon. REED'S OPERA HOUSE. SATURDAY, DEC. 21, '89. Thp linrrlprcl I I IV Jii IcLIVl O I 'ine Dest colored jubilee company ever ueiore me puonc. xno unicago inter- uceon says: "Xne Jlnglcrs were encored until encores ceased to ue n virtue." The Tribune says: "The Jlnglers were received with the wildest enthusiasm." Reserved seats 75 cents. General admis sion 6u cents, secure your scats early. Sheet at Patton's Book Store now opeu, a Remember Geo. D. Goodhue, 45 Stato street, is the only wood and coal dealer carrying a complete stock. Always reliable. tf Have the Daiy Journal left at your door and "get all the news, at 10 cents a week. Go to tho W. C. T. TJ. Restaurant for a good meal. Wm. Harris man ager. 12-18-6t. Only ten cents a week for the Journal hereafter, tho .best paper in Salem. Painless dental operations atDr T. C. Smith's, 99 State street. For holiday groceries go to Gilbert & Patterson's. m Mil In the windows at the JM Corner Dnn Store And see the finest display of X-mas goods In the city. OUR GOODS SIMPLY PARALYZE COMPETITION This Week We Will Display in Our West Show Window -A CHOICE LINK OF- Toilet Cases ! Consisting of Celluloid and Oxidised Bilver Dressing CaBes, Bobyr Toilet Cases, Gents Shaving Cases, Manicue Seta, Playing Card Cases, Cuff and Collar Boxes, Etc., Etc. WE DEFY COMPETITION. In quality and prices. They are unexcelled by any goods manufactured!: in this line. All goods marked In plain figures. Wrlcht's Cascara Constlnatlnn remedv promotes a resular and healthy action of mo uuwcis, mus aigesuon ana win not ir ritate the most sensitive stomach. Chil dren take It readily. Sold by all druggists. H. C. C. C, Red Cross Cough Cure heals throat and lungs, cures asthma and the most obulnnte coughs and colds. J'ry It. Sold by all druggists. reri anu prevents ayspcpsiA, can bo relied up on. Bold by all druggists. Cheapest, strongest and best, Wright's Compound Extract of Barsapnrllla liolls, Step in and Compare Prices I Everybody happy in having ONE FIRST-CLASS DRUG STORE IN THE CITY. In The East Window We Offer This Week Dore's Illustrated Editions -OF- Gibson 4 Singleton Dimples. crVNlnclnsfleo before It. - - i . - .. . . . .. . . . nnii enricncs ine uiooa Cleansis Sold by all drug is anticipated as this will he uio iuhi ii urn unveil this year, (lotul iiiubIo will ho furnished. Watcii.maki.nci. .Mr. Jturluiiik, late of Kansas, has made urrnnco xueutti to open up here In the watch making huslncM, ami Is located .it U17 Commercial street, lie will lo open ror iiusiiicbs in a few t ays. Watch for his ad. J IIoudav Goous. OiK'iied this week, an entire new lot ut novelties suitable, mid In fact, Just the thing for holiday gifts and presents, at tho White Corner. J. Meyer. liMm I day exists nsolld strlnir of settlers. Capes Lookout, Meara, Arch, Kearney Mountain, Tillamook head and the high hills between the mouth or Tillamook bay and Ne halem aro hi one sense, disintegrated fragments oHho coast range, shaded oil' as it were, to bet up a sort of geo logical autonomy of their own. In fact In the rear of capes Lookout aud Mears, tho hills aro low, and are of sandstone. This peculiarity ex tends for sumo mllea back to the main ratige, which rises abruptly. and is of a dliTerent formation, aud lorm tho discovery of the petrilled 01 mo city: on capital street! from the north hue of Stato street til tho north boundary of the city; oil ntn street, aim on Court street fron the east lino of 14th street to tin eastern bouudary of tho city, foral l'u..u v.. .u..j null! uiu IJUS-1 sago of this ordlnauco. Provided J mat u sain company snail tail or neglect to lay such traok and oper ate cars thereon upon said streets or any part thereof, ior a period of one year from the passage of this ordin ance, It shall, as to such street or iMib .uuiuui, hi. mo option oi uie council, forfeit tho rights aud priv ileges herein granted. And tho ad ditional privileges herein granted aro given upon condition that said company shall accept tho same with in thirty tlayb after tho j-assago of this ordinance in tho manner pro vided in section 11 of said ordinance ot which this is amendatory. Sec. 2. That section 7, of said or dinance, No. 1S2 Ih amended sons to read as follows, to-wlt: Si.eno.N 7. Tho cars shall be drawn by hordes or mules, or pro pelled by electric nower. and nnt otherwise, and they shall bo run at Intervals of not more thau ilfteeu minutes net ween tho hours of 0 a. m.. and 7 p. in., toll p. ni., betweeu the Intersection of Commercial and Ferry streets and the northeast ami mhiUi boundaries of tho city, where thohoveral tracks, provided for in section 1, shall Intersect the sanio. Ami the rate of faro thereon shall not exceed llyo cents for each" imsseu-1 KIT, A bill jiormlttlug the Western rnion 'telegraph company to erect- poies ami suvtoit telegraph wires inereoii was rvau the third time and passed, IJllls against the city wero read and referred to tho committee on no counts and ctifivpt expense?. PROPRIETORS. A FULL LINE Paradise lost, Dante's Inferno, Purgatory and Paradise, BIbJe uuuury unci Europe illustrated. The publishers prices for the above works is f 0. Our prices this week : $1.50. T. McF. Patton, 98 State Streets -OF Crockery and Glassware! ago of 07 Donmyer. years, Hoy. L. B. 'AKIN" POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel ot purity, strength and whol&somcnens, Aiore economical than tbe ordinary Vlmls, aud cannot bo kolU In competition with the multitude oriow test, short welchtnlumor mia laiwueri. oiu oniv ill rani. WltUlspecialtteaJIn Valerian China Tea Sets, French China Dinner Sets. REDGWAY'S FAMOUS Buckingham Pattern OF ROYAL SEMI-PORCELAIN ur vrtucn we constantly keep a full line ..uuljvu iw,iuuuung uu 10 make up Winner and Tea sets of any size, or sell b? tbe single piece. The finest assortment o CHAMBER SETS Erer shown in Balem. A RUXL STOCK Clearance Sale. Men's Youth's mi Boys' Clotting, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Uen'sfurnUhlnegoodi blankets, flannels, comforts, rubber and oil clothing, ladle' cloaks and lackatn. urnBAama. tmAm i . . .:. -v".i v 1 .w bwM.u i, variety. line hut bet selected stock 3 ni 0uSLlh,.ne, ,ad'S8. clonks and Jackets have all been made to order for ns seYtTen.h0a t SiJfi?eJ REGARDLESS OF COST her?h?Pfa& Bemem- BEN FORSTNER & CO. lOYALUAXINQ I-OWBKKCOMlOJWalUi.Y . "i M- Johuwn ,Oo,,Agenta.Fr. land,OrfW), " " Ol thelateatland handsomest patterns In Glass ware. JW-I'lcose call ana examine our stock. WELLER BROS.. 201 Commercial Street. S. W. Thompson & Co D KALE US IN All may posseu pearly white teeth, pure brwuh and healthy gums by using Wrlrht'a MvrrhTnnlh bun llunnvui.; I tw, prevent deoay. sold by 41.drvfUti ' Watches, Clocks, Jewelry! i7ihr e,ecan "lock of holiday goods now Includes ona nr ih An.. . !XS ." e1;0tr?.loneoaI,,0 ftne " DIAMOND GOODS I A choice line of Solid and Plated Silverware. Brick and Tile for Sale MURPHY & DESART, Ru555?8?.r!. V D- ?"Lb' nave a well estate Boi ""L Bna " factory in worm 5?!mlne"rt.bt1lrTOUndf. d are pre pared to furnish flrst-ciass brick and tile on short notice. DEAR GIRLS: 221 CeMffurcitlSt., Salem. ,bt Take no Tafly from any young If they offer you a nice Box of Hclhbraod's Spare CMb CrM, JS52?'.J,u tent Process, taltn them, and tell them to come again, far UeT States r to " mde to th0 Vmit THIS PAPER k&-j Hn fr-ranetsoo, California, wkare eastraeis, or advertising can be mad lor IU