jni ' If T ' qrr-1 vl TIIB CAPITAL. EVENING JOUBNAL. tfvt" THE CAPITAL JOMML TliHMH OP HUllWOIlilTION. DAILY, Ono your liy mull .,. - MM Hlx iniiiitln by mull,,.... J ' Tliroo moiil Iin !iy mnll ., I 1'ur woiik, ilolheri'il by run lir........ 10 WKI.KI.Y. Olio year liy mull.... 1 1 0 Hlx iiioiitliH liy.mull , , Omo your, If pulil In mlvunro 1 (J Hlx iiKiutliN, If pulil In mlviiiico. ....... ft I'Vir mlwrtlnlnu niton tiiply nt tliU iifllwi AIIHiibKorlliPrHtoTnieOAnTAt.JoUHNAi. who do not Kccure tliolr )mor rowilurly will notify tlilM oinri KlvhtK ntWri'HH, mid tlio iimltcr will liouttoiulml toutonie, Ollltto, iKirniir (liiiirt I und Iilborty.' ,Htrcotn Tun Mo'toii LlNi:. Tho Motor mid bolt lino nro now an iiwuiriMl ililiwr. An oriliir lor Iron and roll Inir Mtock Iiiih hccii Hunt forward, but In lioliigdoliiyoil on account of minor (K'taiiH, i in.' wii nnu iiwiui uiu miy will bo linllt and In operation by Hprlug, wbllo tboKllvcrton It lit) will liu merely unidutl btifiiro tlio Mnroh rnliiH. Aflcr Hint tlino tho ontlro work will b pushed to complotlon, ItlHtho Iniontl'ii lo nmluMhuHor vleoon the bolt lino contlmitiUM, and to inuko tlnvo r.iluitl trlM dally, bo twoun Hnlom und Kllvorton, The latter train will aoooinnmdiito put K'Ukoi'miiII alonjr llio lino, by Mop pint wliorovor tho oMulonov of tin Hii'vluo in iv roiilin II. Wo oan nowHiiy with triilli, that ShIoiii'n hi'ooimI iitllnmil Nil coilulnty, and thlHHhiiuldoiiooinauo anil Htliiinlato llio worU on tho noxl, which In tho road to tho urn, .-. .. Wi: Want Tin: llmr. Whllo wo uroillwiiiHilnir tho Hlllllciltof HtlOOt puvlnirll would ho wolf to look be yond our ikihch. AtHt. l'aul and MlnnoapollH, tho lanioun iioIhoIohh NIokolKiiii pavoinont Iiiih coiuuionood rolling, and iiiIiihiiim Ih tho rcHiilt, fit Kan KihiioIhco tho oobhlo puvo inonl N helng Hlrniigly objected to lot thoieiiHon lhat It hooi'cIch thodlil and ovory r.tln iimkoH a nomt 1Ih imroeiililo mud. A pavement thai would ho u hlcHsliiK all around hhould hi) ho count ructcd that the rain would tond to mako It olean raihor than lllihy, and wo know ol notlihiK hottor Tor that purptwo than u eonoroto or iiHphalt pavoinont. It Ih oloanoranil more Norvioeanio iiitin anything )1ho. !! I m 1-1 Uivr.it NiiWH. Tho Modoo jiuhh ed down ycxtorday at 11 a. in., with 200 toiiH of freight from Intlpon- ilniiin. 'flu. Ilimllnv (iiiih. ilou'ii nl .'I p, m yoHtorday with u hcow load of Hiinii ror uco, uoounuoanii ton ioiih of Height, coiihlHllnjf of inerohaii Hho and hay for thin plaoo, anil hIio took on hoard II fly Ioiih of Hour at I he Halem Klnmlng Milk Tho Oilont cm n io nil yoHtorday evening and Hod up i'or tho iiluht. Tho liimgciiniutiiuit Do'olook t ttln iiiom llig. Hci'oiiTiiu Hi.thiu. Warren JoIiiih, who had tho inlHforlinio lo fall from a treo ycnlcrday und break a collar bono, N reported iin renting well, Albert' Kleiner, who fell while ilcNeoiitllllK it ladder yeNlor day. InJiirliiir IiIm head auif bank nuveiely, Ih gulling tilling iih well iih coDld no oxpeolnl, under tho olr eiiuiHliiiircH, Awav HiiiMIiiiin.TIiu urmlofor llio now oleolrlo lino on Ullierty hlleol, helweon Hlnto and Com t hIiooIh, wiih niniploteil (inlay, To inomiw (hoy will put down llio llrnl lien mill i nl Ih, mid If everything N lavoralilo tn-iiiiirinw evening tho iniek for IIioiIIhIiiiicooii iiiih hlook will Imi I'oinplcled, iillii;wnik IMlHhed Hlieiid ih fast iin piuixllilo eiit'li ilny, .Tim DuxniiiMr I'iiikis, Tho i'lliiu M llio illllveiMly ha been ileum wny iiecnnueu, IT WAS ACCIDENTAL! Tho Death of W. 0. Sad One. Ulggs HKStlliT OF A 1I0Y HANDLING A (IIJN. I'oHt Mortem Kxnmlnatlon Held llammond nnd HIh Son Trove Tbemsclyeii Innocent, II of II lIlKl wliloli MIm Ioiim hint llio mid lii'iilulil Mrl' llf I'Ollll'ulN. if hint latum ureal imliiN In nmkoi hilcie.i)( iumm. Mo will laKy pluco, Hlx pcrrtoiiM, Illicit liullex mul Unco nciiu lake pill I a in I MIm luiu M vail come wlci'lloii 'J'lio rih' hi ho iiwiinled MlimllVW IIIinIiiN, Thcimlll Imi fllliillliillilliwlniliif leu ivnlKcliiiiueil in no pen me h will Iioiimimmi I piovn lillil ll lit llimeii liioi iillt'lMlmii'i'. II Mil lllli'li'MIIIK I'J'llli'! very Tlio AN Olll HUM (IliMM.Mrh tillliirnfl 10 JiH'llM, W Mum iiit'k- nMtt'iii ri'iiMiii nf llivoljllllia iilliin I'M l Ull liltt IVmh Mhulili, AJJl ieii(ooN. lihilM'mliiiiifiliilliiiilM Heh i io) mi) wiUiflH) o ieml ilniiibiiiA 'i'liriier, inr JiU fiiiicid iiim iHiur, ir villi I'l'IIUIllH Mi'lillemuii I l H iean(i lofmel hl'luUI WHI II III mn u Hul in e nl llf ehie(, Uilliiclity VW'lllllli Ihl'IMh'l, (hill, III M'H'II ttVlwU, in jihiiiiiie fur riilMiM eiilli( Twii u , IWHIHUH llllllll vihiH J.wi'Hm Win um Sydi. mJiciiiii Uuiftoli lli lui (mil il luinh'l I) DM Mtt'Mliii mill il ilf'UIM Mwii TJn Syhi IH Mi'il lUil luh' iletwfijir lllllllU 10 llilllf ifui (mil ti mnj Hie Tho particular, ah bust an could bo olitalnod, n publluhcd lu yeator diiyn JnuiiNAi,, orentod coiiHldornblo Htir throughout tho city. Tho Unit Hows conccriilui; tho nnd accldont reached tho earn of tho cltlxoim iih thoiiowuhoyH woro crylnjr out limt ovenlnir, "OAi'iTAii JouitNAL,, full partlcularH about tho inurdor at Hubllniltv." ThlH wiih tho llrnt that many cIUzciih of Sulcni had hoard of tho mid occurranco. notwItliHtnud lng It had happouod within Id iiiIIoh nt thoolty, on Sunday oven at il o'clock, TI'Ih morning u JointNAi reporter Healed holilud a fiml horno Htarted on IiIh way to tho hcoiio of tho trag edy io obtain, K poHhlble, fuller do taliH of tho u n fori una to allhlr. Tho Heeno of tho terrlhlo nlltilr Ih on tho farm of Thou. llaiiiniond'H father and on a tract of land lined fora piiHtuio. it would Hcom that Home tlmo auo Mr. llammond'H fa ther placed tho larm In tho liaudH of J'ortor Jlros, of Auiiih vllle, for Halo or rout, TIicho Keiitleiiien rented unartof tho land to Mr. ItiKKHund ho had boon UHlng It for piiHttirliiK I)Ih enttlo upon .Sunday Air. Jlaniniond accompanied by IiIh, iwotvo year old hoii, Htarted to mako u visit to tho farm, nnd by tho roqiioHt of tho hoy a kuii wiih titkou alotiK. When tho farm wiih reached they woio walklur over It when, llaiiiinond roticud a baud;of cuttlo leedliiK In tho picture, vulk lug on atouiid hoHoon Hploa JUkkh who wiih milling tho cattle, and Mamiiioiid ankod him, In rather a port manner, "by w'hat authority ho tail In uhIiiu IiIh futhorH land for a niHlnroV" JtilTKH replied that ho, lammoiid, need not hdouIc ho of llclallv about that which ho did lint know about or hoiuoUiIiik to that ellect, and replied further that ho had routed tho land through J'ortor ItiOH. Mr. Hammond apologized for mo mamior in wmon no nan hookoii and (ho Hirer, llammond, Iiihhoii. and Mr. HIkrh. Htarted on around tho piiHtuio talking together when n bund of UiiIIh wiih dlHoovorod mid lliinimond Hhot at the band killing only one bird. Tho lli-ycar-old hod koit bcfuliiK IiIh father to lot him hIiooI tho other load, (tho gun being a double barreled inuzzlo'loadlng weapon), to t IiIh tho father eoiiHiiited, mid tho itiallH kept running along tho fence mid tho boy noted In iinorvoiiHinaii nor, Mr. IllggH had IiIh right hand In IiIh piuiti. pookotmid wiih leaning lorwaru wiiu iiihioiiiiiiiui exiomioii polntliig to tho Hpot for which tho hoy hIioiiIiI iiIiii nt. Hiiddcnly tho iiiallH rlHomid Mew, mid tho boy ex citedly blaeil away, mid iih tho Minolio eleared away It revealed an awful hcoiio, lllggH hail received tho full charge on tho loft hide of IiIh head, Tho nhol lodged under tho right our, llht death wan In HlaniiiucoiiM, Mr, llammond left IiIh hoii with tho body, and wont nt once lo tho homo .of ItlggM mul (old lliein of llio lnrrlhlo occiirrauce, Tim body wan earrleil to tho Iioiiho mul Ihu rrioiuiH or itiugn rnr a lime went not cutUlloil wild llio leport given by lliiliiliiuiiil mill llht win, Kxcllu ineiil imi hlull mul Ihu rrlemU of ho poor vletlm hud lliiiiiinoiid mul lit niii jiIiicimI under iirri'd afler tlm eoroiicr'u lniiict win held, Drn, KllclU'li iiliilllliiiter fnii Hliiyloil vhtociiIIciI mul held it h,n iiiorleni emiiiiliiiilliiidiiiid Um oxumliiiilloii iicii in every imrileiihir wlili Hie ieiHirl u Veil hv Huh eiem unlit. ".-. r. '-"'" i r .-' '-."' .. Afler I he I'Xiiiiililnlliiii it illUeri'ii irllng K)tepi oyer llio lurge cowi mil coiijiicualiilaiiil Hammond am iihuii im' uiruiil, Tim im'oiiIu am liowxiliMlcd Oiiil Hie Mllolo lUl'uir Mintii piiin Mceiiieiii Tlio nlmyiut oi i) AiIiii nnu mul Hio exclle. lie iiim a him . r not m ho y mi h iei. Thi'tiuiviloil null Um uiiii kliiH mimi'ij wlieii fill ii hiil MiiM rxiwiiiicii mii meiiirv. rin noy nM'iilt' mi)uiu MlfluliU fidhi'f Miuoiii liu Inuiliil Hie mill vtllli iMMilcr ml flii'li hill iihl Ji fullicr lunl Hie eMMt Hli iioeiiei. 'i'h ui liiieiilhi;mii jiinl iiii'mii uiei fi'iiiil tijnl Mr. Iluuiiiioml u iliu ttMj id iii iMii'Hfi in Mint 9 THAT IS THE UUESTION! Why Dues Rverybody Wnnt Tho Kail road to Tho Sen? Ilccnuso It In n (lood Tiling, I lie Salon i han Htnrtcd out for that railroad and nho will hnvo It. A pormanont organization han boon oflcctod 111110111; tho best men In Bi'.lcm. They don't know tho word full. Tho ball luiH boon Hot rolling, and all aro putting their Bhouldor to tho wheel. That ineaim business. That nioaiiHa railroad to tho noa. A rail road to tho Hon moatiH a now era for our iilroady thrifty city. Salem has never hail a boon), in tho common acceptation of tho term, but I ho town him had 11 steady, mils Htantlal growth, that Ih almoHt phe nomena!, No ovor-driiwn plotureH of thin locality have been sent broad oust throughout the country, to lu ll uco people to como hero nod locate, but all tho Hiimo ImprovcmontH have gone quietly and steadily onward from day to day. Wo want no "boom," out wo must contlnuo HiIh Htoady growth and Inllux of now life and energy, Thoro Ih no short loud to prosper ity, und when such u courso Ih at tempted It Inviolably reacts on tho projectors. Jtulldtug this railroad ninyseein like a big undertaklnjr to Home, but for big results wo can af ford to iiiidortnko big (irojects. It Ih a big prlco to pay, but It will give uu 11 sine, Htoady return 011 tho In vestment. The good business man whon ho makes Investments wants to know that Ills money will como back to him, nnd that with Interest. Tho bcHtbiihlucHH men of ourclty hnvo In vestige. tod tho merits of thin project oloHoly, and thoy deitlaro It Ih all light. Ah their word and advise Is good in everything else, It cannot bi5 disputed m this Important under taking. Our Htuto Ih comparatively younjr In tho business of building railroads, henco tho groat need of such enter prises. Tho oltloH that no v become active and push these oiUcrprli-ca though are going to ho the rallioiid contrcHofour Htato. Wo all know what It means to bo a railroad cen tre. It moaiiH an over growing city. It. means work for hundreds mid th.nisandH of laboring men. It means tho best markets of tho world. It means prosperity for all w't hlu u large radius, The committee In ohargo for so liciting subscriptions for tills outer pi ho Iiiih not yet turned n hand, yet over $".0,000 in already HiibHorlbod. Vi Itintnry subscriptions aro coming in everyday and ovorv hour. TIiIh Ih something unheard of In such enterprlH's, and all bodes well for the building of tho load. In short It meaiiH that tho people of Salem mul vicinity want tho roid,w.ileh ineuiiH that they will hnvo It. Hnlom l. not 11 oily to ask of Its cltlzeiiH anything which Isunrcason able, henco (hero oxIhIh 11 fooling of conlldoiieo which Ih hound to do great things for the place. This cordial feeling ami friendly co oncrnt'on bus already dmio much fur Hnlom, hut what Iiiih been done Is very trilling In compailHon with whaUt will do, This upright nnd coiiHelcntloiiH niclhod or consulting llio eoiiiiiiou good mind hu Ihomilva lion of our undertaking, It mind bear giwid fi tilt iih It Ih conoeived of gooiUeed, 'J'he JolillNAb wiiiiIh In m tlilw road built Ihtiiiiko It can hco ichiiUh lo ho oblalned which iiiiihI be of iiveiliiHllng beiielll, llenldeH over enlennlwi of (hU kind which I IiiinIiciI Ihioiluh. I'lenleH 11 ilenlrn for mill moie mul belter iinprovcmi'iii, 11 iiinpirc-j iih wiiu 11 riiiiii 111 our in y loilo, 'I'll at mil will iieeoiu pllfli 1110111H11111 iiiwiiy nrniiy oilier P'mvit iiimiT 1110 nun M' mom 11, , I will rnl"e llio imkIi, Hint will build iliu rnlllimil Ihnl Mill romiecl Hulcni Mill) iliu noil, IIoubih and Lots. That $7C0 house and lot on High Htrcot, ofHTcd by tho Wlllnmotto luvoHtmont Co., iHHold by Hiiulro Goodell to Mim nlngiVs IIoIho, of , the nbovo com pany, who nro bound to Ituop l"ii., iv 1 m uiu iniiiiiu in 11 loally moving If thoy hnvo ineniseivoB. to bllV It all un tliiiiiMivcH. 'I'lw.v can still bo Induced howovor, to cell that ulco house and lot on tho cor ner of High nnd Union for 51000, also tho one on corner of Churoh and Union at 51200, also onoon Com mercial near Mill creek for $1000; one on Front nonr State for 61000, and lotH of other oholco proporty. It Wai,i,i:h Addition Goino. Tho Willamette Investment Co., has Bold Uvo morolotfl In A. I' Waller's addition, during tho past two davit, and prices havo advanced $50 por lot mi 18th ntrcot, only two lots ro malning unsold on t'.mt stiout. Con tractor Itoynl begnn work yesterday bridging Mill creek on 18th Htrcot. Lots on 10th Htreet aro still hold at $li'iO onch, but will bo advanced within a few days. It On Tin: Mahkct. Tho trustees of tho Willamette university have nut on tho market their block of laud on Stato ntrcot, Joining Prof. Iluntlli'H proporty. Any one who desires a bargain call on tho auout. T VanS. - Found. A palrofnliooH, from the store of KriuiHso & Klein. Owner can havo Hiimo by proving m-opuity nnd paying for tills ndtiee. Hnvo tho Daiy JouiiNAii left nt Vour door and got all tho iiowh, at 10 cents n week. P. H. BARNES, rres. II. V. MATTHEWS, Trens. WM. HOWARD PHELPS, Seo W. F. BEAVER, Solicitor. Tho pay car caino up yesterday, making the boys happy. For holiday groceries go to Gilbert & Patterson's. The Salem Land Company, flnoorporftted 1880, CAPITAL STOCK f 30,000, PRESENT TO YOUR NOTICE ENGLEW000 ADDITION! TVIiliK In .,.t..nl.l .,., I.lnl. ......! n,,nvlnn1rl,m llin nllT mill HIllV fnlll' 1 bllllillniy. Tim linrnn nnr linn will nnnn lm runnltlC to tho HOllOOl blllldlllK Oil thoir HOW OXtenslon Up. Center four blooks from tho elegant High School llnir on thoir now oxtonslon uo Center Tho Electric lino will pass within ono or two DIookb or it, ana one or rso tho full breadth of Englewood. Diihilnnllnl ItrinrnvmilOlltH. wllloll I other miblln imnnivmnantn. wbloh wo nronoso to nut on. will insure to tho investor an ampio prpiini no uesirog j- .. . r . . ' . S . , iv ,. .1 HnH n.nl.A II lila lintiiii Thnrn la llntlilniv In Inn nllu utrcet, ami aro headed for this addition. ooin or iiieso lines will ovontuaiiy iravorso a class of investors who will nut in tasty, substantial Improvements, which added to tlio buiiuing, grading and other nubllo imnrovemeiits. which wo nronoao to nut on, will insure to tho investor an amnio prone ir to soil ngnln, or a tnBty, haudsomo neighborhood if ho desires to mnko It his lioino. Tuero is notuing in tno city that will equal It. Or if you deslro aoro property call at our oftlco over tho Capital National Bank, and wo will Hhow you, frco of charge, the cheapest and best llvo and ton aero tracts In the country, the nenrpst into the city nnd that which will doublo quickest in valuo. Wo nieau HAMPDEN PARK and FAIRVIEW ADDITIONS. TERMS EASY. To tho poor man with but a fow dollars, this is a grand opening nnd should bo lnveitl gnted nt once, and young men should not slight it. , . ,, . , , j If this add. Bhould happen to catch tho oyo ot somo oho at a distance, wo request that you Bend for descrip tive hand-book of "Snlera and Vlcihlty," Salem Land Company, Balem, Oregon. Santa Cliius Is making his head quarters at Sargont's. For n good Hquaro meal try th Ron Ton restaurant. Tho lluest colleo in tho city served hero. Heuhi: Wantkd. A place, of about six rooms, for a small family, by January 1st. Address II., this oilleo. tf " - Wantijd 'io Runt. A Rinnll house or eottago with llvo or six rooum. Inquire nt Capital Jouh NAiiollloe. tf Only ten eonts a week for tho JniiiiNAi, hereafter, the best pnpor lu Salem. - Oiiii I'lirl Ik wmtli a ('(iluiiin of iliutmlc, wild nn Aliiorlcnn stnlCHiiiHli. It Ih ii met CHtali llHliritli tlu h'Mtlimmy nf tlnninoulH of Pl'lipll'l tllllt lIllllll'H HIUMllllllllll (IdC'H CUIO M'mfiilii, riilt rliciiiii and ollini' itlNOimoHor ullW'tloiiN nrlHlnu lioni liuiiuii) Niuto or low I'liiiiUtloii itt tlio liluoil. H nihil ovurcoini'H Unit tlreil li'Klliiu, croMlcn u kihhI iippollto, mul ulvi'M Mti'iuiutli to uvi'ry purl of tliu NyNtuiu, Try It, l'llHl'.liY l'EHSONAh. fMl'll In ho imiilil imi Mbliilll H Imi liml lvelri him In ,i'louil Hie (in ii hu iih) uim ilHlliKimdi7Hie.iHMII nl ii I'lliliiilll lllujn huti'M vufeuin) f.iiriiill ',,'"."v",.l" "'!""" ''!. '''j"y ill Mil illui jlll hu'lllll ((tl Ill'ltflllMihii.l of I hu 1uiimIi In Ili'lwH llll') )IW, iimlIK IM'lll 'jii: luiiiii IJiuiiu I1iiiiumI ihu UU Uilhlb iiiiU lill Jii ik itJlf... I I I w rffrir Mm-m m Pfii'iiirii ' i Imj fuJiilui UiiL Ui,Tr.fi.1l.1Vi- 'J ,r.V, !)"( IIUh nm ililc Hv mn WilhTTiifV J irViiii 'i,,,I'Hm liiiHlihrif Tlmiiiu wiiiiih 0 ' m wji;miiMl n lililiiii. mo (twiw Win Jb.MMii' ts..(-1 iimii ' nmmiU (Men jii'lil In Hi,. ', fM M ftumi hui V " MM! Vt l IIMIHHI1I NIMI lllIHIf H NHI M I wmmnn tub nm Mm NrnU lliiinlin! f Nrvv lluunn lu rruMwmlul) ('murr' uinl NluiHIvalilmk Hiinie of our hllvy Inwil ixmnle. wlnuiileiiil jy in iliHr ,i lllnl'M(lll'llVl nn lllllU I III)' j. Ii'llllnii In w hu t kiiIi mi ill u hoi j Ion i, inn) iMimiriiUe. ill Ihedalu liie'ljiiir ii'williili'4 III it (m lliul iiildii Ivilmly riii'IUiiiloi'ii Hill NVrn llf lien imiiiein. Nnl u iluy l)iil fiiimllc inhi; Inrn wnli I he Ilili'iiHoii of nniliJiiK Hiih'iii llnir fulMii' liniiiM hi heller or f'T woiw ), mire ( , 'iiir , iii.i iih , imiir llitflll Iiiim mIiii Iiuii led Hieli'ileir tl't Ml till) lilif IliiliM In Ihu i, milllHpy We Mliul IhU lieiiillVI I'll)' hu Ii ulli'i fol llifli luiii ilM'ble li it !' huil HlliM in Hiej iiii ini'ir fiiiin Midi In liuU hoiiic, iimj foi fill IIU' lUl'll ului ill lliiun . loilieii l Imi'iel luhlig '! l"l Hil'll fulillH i Ml'! Mill' 11 IIMll litIll ill'U - Will' General Odell eamo up from Port laud this morning, KrncHt Cntteiilu started this morning for Tacomn, After n week'nlllnoHH, 'GonoKkor Hu Is on tho streets again, Kd Herst visited tho city of Tur nor, yesterday, on IniHlncHH, Mr. II. J, Hndloy, or Mill City, wiih In thoolty to-day on IhihIiicwi. Iforman I'holotook tho overland train this morning for Chicago mid tho Kind, whole hu goes to piirohnMO goodn, I, K, Morley returned (IiIh 'mom. nig rrimi nan I'muoueo, acconi' panlcd by hU wife, nod they will make their future homo In Halem, J lev, Wire, who ha been nt Ior. land Ihu pimt week, reliiriieil liomo IliU nioriiliig, lliirtlell k C'atlerllli am having roinforlablit olllcew llllcil up over 210 ('omniercliil utrcet, mul will move In coon. Hninpwin Ji)iim, who luu Isen I'lllllliiiil In III I hi I (or Hio jiiml week, U able Inlm ultoul, tutil wu on Ihenlrccl llilnmoniuiK, IM. II. Hemming, general limine H'ToMbe J)')'lJnl!li UoM.v Hllv.r inliilUK I'oiiipuiiy, who Ini hU heml. ijiinile il I'.irlluiiil Cur Iliu iiii'teil, i'kiiim ilnMiyi'fleiliiy, nnl villi ic llirillniu, Je iim Hie llllil liiH 1iKiliM gooi, mul !' he l Inn Uiu iliM'liiii'UoUiilch" kloclf REED'S OPERA HOUSE. SATURDAY, DEC. 21, '80. The Jinglers ! Tho bent colored Jubllco company over before tlio public. Tim Chlcnro Inter- ucenu Rnys: "luu Jinglora woro encored uo ft A until encores censed to i virtue." Tbo Tribune saym "Tho Jlniilorg woro rccolvod with tlio wildest cnthUKUum." ItOHervod bouU 75 cnt. Gcucrnl ndmls slon 60 cenlfl. Hceuro your Renin cnrly. Hhoot at i'utton'H lloolc Htoro now open, il! m! In tho wlndowa nt tho Red Cow Drug Store And uco tho fliiMt dUpliiyorx-iinuKoodii In tho city. OUR GOODS SIMPLY PARALYZE COMPETITION Step in anil Compare Prices! Everybody Imppy In Imvlnr ONE FIRST-CLASS DRUG STORE IN THIS CITY. Gibson & Skleton PROPRIETORS, This Week We Will Display in Our West Show Window A CHOICE LINK OF- Toilet Cases! Constating of Collulold and Oxidised Hllvor Dressing Cases, Boby's Toilet Cases, Gouts Shaving Cases, Manicuc Bets, Flaying Card Cases, Cud' and Collar Boxes, Etc., Etc. ' WE DEFY COMPETITION. In quality and prices. Thoy arc unexcelled by any goods manufactured In this line. All goods marked In plain figures. -O- ln The East Window We Offer This Week : Dore's Illustrated Editions -OF- PuradlMO lost, Dniito'H Inferno, Vuivutory " Parudiso, Bible Oullcry mul Eurojio Illustrated. Tlio publlaliurN prlccH for tlio above works Is pi, Our price this wvek : $1.50. -0- A FULL LINE -OI'. (Whipy mul Glassware! HM i IMI Mm tip Alivlhn iMi lunu wTMiiTji W A I'. IUI . "T t vr MIMIIMIMMMN.IIHIII'I if ill.JW UlMl lU tlU) i MJ mm mm )fl tmt mi 'l U IM1-It " iut Jut I UIMIMUI Iw lillu mil OMfl) 'i i in- MU III Iliu t0. NWt r, i niDiii i 1 1' I MM HI I I Mill mnium mi imi um hi liJIMMJH" IHU' ll Hull wi wt" .AMWJll lMH If IMI lYiitUIM'll Mill Mi m UfhttD mui ur (9 n Wf. MWIUUF tutii) ui MllMI i imvi I) "III IiinI Kli'i lll Willi HfUUlllMl I Hi llllll If Ml l UHl Hi IW IvilHlto u mr l)l Hiuiitw liMiimika iiim, i u llyn iiuiii tiiwitm U hi 'thlt hftrtt I4lmiii UMiM I fnlll (Im ill iHHMulH-iu HMUUM jhu hvwimi mMM IH RliMfc Ml Mli M.UIM I'tltHl A mm JIl'llllillU l ll U IhiMlbu. ii Mli; !', m il mih Wmi1 nut HmttumU'Htmh 'uinKli III. MlM MJIfl 111 Hhitlim iHiiihimrmii)intii Ah nit amid ...ri ir i' ui if V llVlllUi UU'lulluiii ul lit i HHw,Mtm$uw i n ttlMIUll lull H jl IImiuii 111 IMI IN limit in u. UMili uiiimi (mn. 1wlliluiMl lili mlnu mn miiM'I 0 4 MHUMI Mil HIV IWI'IIKHIH' MMII lid 1 1 llu ilk in ii.ll in t ttm t fmtnitui' mn H"l"" "I ! hK Mill HI I. ..I i inly w fiiii (Viiifihji iifljiu via St'Uvl KhhUhuIIh. uiKiiiiIi M in iiilmilii'i'ili'4. miiiIVmiII Mill) ij JlHlUll.ilMM Im 1) (full ,ml (ll llllf lll'll Jlllll)M'll'lllr. lllHIl limy ilii ri.mi wiim in m Jiulr u i lUUVII Hi llH t'llllrtlJ 'VI 'I Ul lll iniUHAI iiIIi um liuiiiui Mltiuii liuil hi hhwm 1 1 h hi rJiMiiuiii l Ml '! I ilillMi'iil in ili i ji' m i. tur niiti nf ill.' w jiMipli uu MlllllfKI IIMiiil III Vim imiMW m i-fti ll 1 1 iil tfiii KlHllliful IHllllitl UllllUMllI Hill 111 lull, ill HWiUI? iuhiWiiW, mDVlhl iiiurl w iih win nnmiHuwlmiiiu iiti mint' Imjii in .( iv uuu ii hi fill M'lllllM i hMW I ill 'I r iiuiii im in ijit in 4t M IHinuif UWllllll llMll 1UIIV himI V'H)l Wlljiif. Ill lli rlul jdriw UlflMIllllljHliyliMMIlIMt T H'lt "K n rwi wiiii HfiiiiM;iii )ik'i m Diwr fed IIIIMUVAVH VAHOVH Buckingham Pattern KOYAL ' 'SEMI-PORCELAIN T. McF, Patton, 08 Stat Street. 2ZSR! Clearance Sale. Our uiiiiiml UUmrmvv mu will iw)iiiiiuiii!Halurily, Kovwulmr H ami will foiiilitiiv uiiilUmiuury IM, JW, ourttack mkmit Dili's Vaulli's anil M CIoIIiIiik, W,', Mi mi M, Mni'i ruruUliliif (wnU. UUuktli. tliiiiiH'U, niifniu, fu,h,ntni iM lMHti4M Ha. hi niiil (ukiU, iMiir vmi III lul VntMf, REGARDLESS OF GOST l.ito&mfoml!&1i&m!s,mi' frm nl Hiltli Miimltiiiiiy k JkMWrfU)HM, 11)1 AlMM fcM-l full llu Mf W III II Mil tllt.Ut ttll hi mm) itMintfu6 CHAMBER SETS ' liribuMNliiNUiU. 'a injLhurocK in lt U M w u t i!'jjj',wl H In ims yinm'Miw a w, 8, Thompson k Co ! Brick and Tile for Sate MURPHY k DE8ART, g,tTW IiHI.HUIM Mh ikb, Wry! POWDER t:rrJB bSrW Ah-oluf ly fur.. UELLER BROS.. r.W,M.wu'M Vy'A .V""" fn'llHvVwl5ll iTw , Vk' - 4 wmi i m ' nil hi ihmim IIihI II m im MiiU i ml, i iiteW'""""" ltklltm,lS& 1 liilr vU II1MU If Wtu I W fiiiV ill Wttf RWfifH"" uninH it alt ii luilliitil(l ,. llHKblMlMUiii tt mll liuir !'( tula; ilHIIVlUUUU H 'iUUIti itui lilllllVMi Ik' ! 6!( (' l,Hli, Hilll UIAMONU UOOIJH J AiMnllun4 DEAR GIRLS: IWlWPPf I pf HrFf rrf ui4 Mil Ii Ul Vt lMMiHlt4 ttHiitMtilMMHMrf vm mm u &&