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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1889)
?l T- THE CAPITAL EVENING .TOtmNATi. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL PUnMSHEDUAIIiY.EXCKPTHUNDAY, BY TItR Canital Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) Kntercd nt tho postofllce nt Bnlcm,Or.,as gecona-ciaRH iimucr. JACOB L. MITCHELL - - - Manager Bee fourth pngo for terms of aubscrlp- uon. Advertisements to Inaurn Innertlon (for h" snnio any) hiiouki uo nnnacci in uy i o'clock CorrcHpondence contnlnlnic news of In torrst and Importnnro Is desired from nil parts of tho stntc. No intention will he pnld to nnonjrmotiH oommunlcatloiiR. lcrHoiisrtcNlriiiir tho Capital Jouhnai. served at their Iiouhch can hccnro It by ixw Itil card request, or liy word left nt this Hpoclmcn numbcis.ciit freeonnppllcn- ORIc'e, corner Court and liberty Streets, MONDAY.. .DKCKMIIKlt 10 A imiiuii: across tho Eugllflh channel is tihout to bo built by mi English company. Ohay Umber wolves nro commit ting terrlblo ravages on tho Btock ranges of Wyoming. It Is no vlrtuu to keen soucr. for that Is u normnl condition, but It Is it burning tllngrnce to g-t drunk. Thk total uinou'it of Instirunci' n vulval In tho Host on lire, as of ficially reported todute, Is S'2,:i0 1,000 Thk Kennebec, at Aumtu, Mo., Is frozen over from Augusta to Merry Mectlusr Bay. anil closed to navigation. Thk Portuguese Gcograplo Society proposes, with the aid of tho gov ernment, toorganlzoa national com pany to exploit the alleged Immense riches of Mozambique. AKOTilint bridge Is to bo bulll across tho Wlilumetto at Portland, to connect tho Hawthorn ti venue motor liuo on the east side with Portland proper. rryou have anything, advertise It in the .louuNAL, and if It is to be found you will get It. If you And anything, advertise it inthoJoun nal, and tho owner will bo sine to got it. Tin: Times Mountaineer of Tho Dalles,dlHplnys commendable zeal In its ollort to havo tho Northern Pa clflc land grant In eastern Oregon forfeltod, also for locks, and for n boat rail vay between that placo and Colllo. A (JAM has been Issued for meeting of tho mlnoro of Western Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Northern Illinois, Indiana uud Ohio, nt Indiiiuopolls, on Dec 18th, to bring about a gonornl nioveiiiont for tho advancement of wages dur ing the coming year. t . r Wim. i: tho rustlcrn of Bpokauu Full combined their efforts for their own town, tho roult Is, Pendleton Is still u town of -1000 while Bpokniio Falls Is it city of ifyOOO itinl rapidly growing. 'J'IiIh U it kimI Immoii for nil other towns that want to iiiuko tho mind of their opportunities. This leadliiiri-ltlruiiif of Haltuu hIiow their fiillh by tlii'lr work, and wro mII ri'iidy In muUe any kind of prnnitiirnt liivwliiiunl in H'tlt-m, TIhtu Is iiolliliig of Ihu iniMiriMiin ordi-r wlstiit our rlly's yrovUh, nut about our rll l-)ii, Tliey ir lny i'l, Hll'l fill M-i U'yoiiil tlii-lr let", Jii'iuvlt U Mif u m' Unit Htili'iu Mjlhtoiitliam Iuiihivo txlln frul. Tin: itt'M min of VmIiIiikIimi Wiilil MM UIHI"IuIim immIii of Hit Ihwk, Mr. Hill, who Ik lliu uilliolulor of Ufwm' '",l' 'IW t" niwUlt II nil lfi)ltu ttnii Ixdiinl Ur il,imt MliUu ftMtuI urll kIIit l ihi II d'f mIuhi! vm, (t iiji of Hm i'i Ivlm juvfer (u idle Ih1 y iu Mr Jill). T)mllMliui jirnittrvmiM full u "fo lukf" MM iinwiitlli Juuiiml HIP Ju jm i Willi jiil'lhMM ll tofiti ir Imk luiiMitK Himi Until iH'$ (iii'Me iijij Jiiuuy ifflil til)' pjiijwiijil i' (ii'l In lltylfutl ti iii,uii iu tu uiii In flmi, ll-') vmuul ihni lliwl lh' imil)-1 iu jiii))o)iiiiU,iiiiiJill iiuji htmn dWm'iil nit'iiiiMM'f Jlif )wil Ik'I'J WlHi'H'iil H" on ilHlKi'iil lm MilUt iwlwn Tin M iUUiU I t)IW l( IIH fwlMIMI'f JlV ll''llbll iijwii uhiWi Hjwili) i)iinuih hi nil p) In IMIM jmlillvi! KunllM'ns m lhi uMunir, ii' HH'til) ilu mutMiii' j'ii Willi tl'KI H jiJJMVlJ'Jv uf l iMMUflil Mini lt Ut lll' Uv jiMr l W' !'' Hit JMM Jt-tt'liin J 141 wil wiifiil'jHMi l Htvftnk mioI Hi1 Tli i'r 'juimi Hi1 im WHI'llll t'ninii h'Utf, hut mi; u iJr ;lMiM will) Him uhim 4uw uf u inwiisi Willi Ihc mat tf )if.iw. (( (Itu hif liwM'lj flfVkM'i I 4JlWMMI ttIUMUl itdft lil)ln ltH IIIMh Will) II LW-JVM Mtf ilMHIJIil Mill) tr4MJtu lilW mitVMi jn M bm 'ijwdWiMiijMii; wmi MHl KwMiU4 fhM l'l of IN' TO THE COAST WE (10. Tho Coast Road Sanctioned by Presence of Many Laboring Men and Parmcro. the Early Saturday ovonlng tho crowds began to gravitate toward tho opera houso corner, ostensibly to hear tho band play and keep their eye on tho bonfire, but their real ob ject wns to bo sure and got seats at the railroad mass meeting to bo held In tho hall. Tho band boys played beautifully, and tho crowd got there, but, lo, tho bonfire dlden't blaze, un til tho JouitNAf, kerosene can wns brought forth and furnished oil for tho troubled wood-pile. It finally burned, as Incense on tho altar of progress, and the Jouknal isproud to havo furbished tho blazo for tho first railroad gathering In Salem. Shortly after eight o'clock the largo meeting in the hall was called to order by Mr. E. M. Waite, who thought it would be appropriate to hnvo Mayor Williams preside. The latter gentleman declined, owing lo sickness in his family which would call him away. Whereupon Mr. Waito wns unanimously chosen as chairman. He reluctantly accepted, but thrusting his uver-bmy fingers through his silvery locks, declared that ho was not afraid to "show his hand." U. 15. Mooros was chosen secre tary. KqulroFarrar was tho llrst speuker lo bo called. Ho said ho favored every Improvement for Salem, that the money so far spent for stteet rnllwavs, woolen mills, etc., hud been profitably expended, and felt Buro that tho railroad to Astoria would pay still better. He thought properly" values in Salem would lu creuso $1,000,000. He suid Salem now gets 300,000 bushels of grain annually, and that this roitd would make it 600,000 bushels. Tho only question is, cut) wo raise, tho cash? Yes. Tho first thins to do l to give it a good start right hero In Suleni. Geo. A. Downing told how tho O. P. road was lost to Salem by Inac tion, and hoped our pcoplo hud prod ted by tholr experience. Ho thought It utmost unnecessary to discuss the advantages of tho road. They nro apparent to all. Our farm product must get to the sea without going to Portland. As soon us this roud Is built property will advance, money will bo plenty, and pcoplo will bo happy. All that is wanted Ih energy and capital. Mayor Williams said ho had no speech to make, simply como to show his hum; was not a man to talk, but when thu tlmucamo ho would act. II, W. Cottle said two plans had been suggested; one was to rulso f.r0,000 to make u survey ami buy right of way. Another was to raise fl!00,000 und proceed to build. The pvopluuf Halem hud decided to adopt tho hitler, That amount will build Ji) mill's of road to Hhcrldun uud furnish a construction train. This could bo bonded and $) miles more built, uud ko on, Ho said that In tho past (aw years our town mill country hud develop! wondcrliillyi tut conuot icly on llin furl of our k-lng thu cupllul, hut that It would rrmiiru money uud i-iiirjiy to hiilld (lit) roud uud thu town. Iln wild AMorlu liml ruUcil Iixk) for nillnm.U; Albany fl(o,. Odd lo pxj.noo; linker Clly liud ruli u urj;i Iuiiiiim for u loud) Ju (iruiiduliud nihud llixyxm (or mm ruud, audit bflllH IIipiii uiiollicrj Wullil Wullu, p),(KX); HjMkunu I'mII, W),imt JlUUhomliml rul'd iioiiijii loiio.)' hunj vm men tiii' (ilnl( Mini nil llirwi illliM "" hi w iw i hoi iiiir ii 7 ""' . ' (Ml Moo,e,, W.T. HMH Mild ,M,r,,)r, ,,,., iMvi.r,l imwiiimI jill uit.. lii rvr irilw mM.,Kv Volk. fimil. All I liii Mvibrr Mini lieirll - - y tnvh-i, howii llul Ihu w' TIii'IikImMiImI Mtlijtriw, JiimwIoii illimii um in AiIIiiiniiIi wllli il VlHiiKlwiiilllu,1,NIVi.w Ih.lrH.nJIml (he i.M.) uMiiul IN ' WMlili hi nhwiviiI of Hulelll iiimlml Mini MHIllH I'llM fUMlljillUll iwiht MUMii'M , ii'uil winl I lien I'lfi'UlulMl In Hit' nil' iljt'jiiv fur iuiiuiiiiiM Tik ui'iiti' i .-..,..,,. ,,, p-,.T, I'll (IMflftf Mi Wlli'llllWMill'lt MI'IJJUh MW l0 Ulilllfllltf lJ wii mid iiuid liwhur iiiiii iii hwti AImmii IW" wliriMiib' H'iilKll, uml liml ))ioll JilliOliy Him nwii u( iimll jiii'iiiiu . J II AllM'il 4l'l lH llU'l llH'illv kj.lii.i flint, iiirj llilil lit. uiillf&ul u 1..H.....I I., ll... ..... i'lM.M I...I, ,..,.., ... '-' " '"', "7 I'OIII t Wlllftt'ir I'lll IHIIMM'lf I'UIM HilllW JlUlbllllJf i'lll' IliUl't' lW iiiil MHI Iff iHlliHi'ihlu'iilllMlilil UlHilllU' ImiI, iiml IliUMMlil ll lllH'll Hldi MMfllK miliif ji'ii wml I hi ill) !iwii bun ilil I umh(IU ImJ iltfiir, llihl i!lWvl)' lilid, vml lliul lpll lliwl iiil' iW h jijuM' II iiw AIU'rMllllllMlllinlMirlMM (if itflluui jwiijilfMf ih lull l f SiHlli, I In, li.uillllil ml liilll U.,,1 In llilil billlUU I in. ..mii iiuiu kiiu- iiiui n.u uuiiiii-. 7.1.;:,.; r, ,. ,., n.u :l yl i u.:.i lUullJhl U..U Ihu l I'f J,lMi' A ! ill)lf IIM I ifi ! ! iJl l mU iiijiKjM'mil, ii.j knur wu i Jmiji m, il iii hiinii mU'UI I hi' iMVnivlifiiiiiiiiiil mtinni iMii.ibllb.l Hvrkhl Hrf Iff ''i,J,,ViVu&lli,','1 W MM lliMNiiWfX k MP J WJtlli U W. 'wlSil.ii. :;...:'. :. z.,tz!trs7.;c. wnmi'r lilt III t! rW n'll llmw m li u,...i m.,.,i. .. urn- i.i..t.i.... M4lhv mm MM MM miiJ2!Lt4MMm& h( of The East Oregonlan, of Pendle ton, gives somo of the casy-golnar capitalists of that place u good les son on the subject of honiOilmprovc nicut. It compares that city with Spokane Falls. First It sets forth that Pendleton has equal natural advantages and resources, and then draws some conclusions that nro oqually true of other places. Tho leading capitalists there, It. stead of making a .push to build up their own town, havo continually in vested lurgo sums In cities on the Sound and elsewhere A MAN In business without an advertisement in tho newspaper, is Ilko a grave without n tomb-stone, a book agent without a tongue. Neither one Is known, neither one does much, alluro passed by. Ad vertising Is pre.ichlug tho gospel of business to thosu who buy or ought to buy. Every business man may have u litllu trade, but unless he advertises tho great body of traders will pass by the other side, and tho fate of tho 1 ankrupt may como upon him. Ex. IT V.'AM LONG KTVOUGH Colonel Well, what's tho matter now t I'rtvatc 1'vo got liver troublo nud dyspep sia, and ought to get leuvo for thirty da) s. Colonel I'll glvo you ten, nud if you toko Joj 's Vcgvtablo Sursaparilla that will bo long enough. Trod ir. Blocker, of tho Baldwin Hotel, San l'rancisco, writes: I havo spent mnny n dol lar for medicines, but tho only thing that m it storied my liver troublo nnd dyspepsia m Joy's Vegctablo Snrsaparilla. Custav Bolomou, of 223 Valencia street, Pan 1'rnuclsco, writes that it has entirely freed him of his Indigestion and sick headache. Now that every Dody Is looking about them to see what Magazine thoy will take for tho coming year, wo would nuvlso them to luquho Into tho merits of Demorost's Fain lly Maguzlne. Wo havo just re colved tho January number of this wonderful publication, and cannot speak to highly hi Its praise. It is certainly what Its nauiu implies, A Family Magazine; for In It will bo found something tnumusonnd In struct every member of the family. This tlrst article, telling how Undo Sum's paper money is iiiude, is beautifully Illustrated, uud furnishes tho most. Information upon the sub ject that wo huvo over scon. "Tho Infant Monarch of Europe" Is not only Illustrated with their portraits, hut with tholrpureiits as well, "Tho Undying Voice" Is u llnely llhis. (ruled article about I-MIhoii's won derful phonograph, uud Includes u portrait of tho great Inventor him. xolf, Tho children will bo delighted wltli "Huow Ik'iilptiiro which gives them model enough to keep Iheiu busy all Inter, lteldes these, tliuruiuo "Until One OVIock" (A t'oniudlelln), "Fwlct Kttverund other Coiitiiglous UIh-jim, TbelrCuiiM) uud Tie.itnicnl," "AhU lo Jleuuly," "Mnnlmi IJelU," "WVil illug UreulifiiklH," "All KoiIm of 'Tins " "JIiiiim'-MihIii CmiiiIIi'h,'1 "Alieedolul HUIory of Ihu Table," itinl iniiiieriiiiK other uiilcle nnd nlorleti, uIm)u lino l'ulilon Dep.irl lilenll uiMl nil Umilllfillly eililielllh' j H nii over iwo huiiilrnl llnu lu . iMlloim, llieriowiiliigoiiurf v.lileh M TmUlHi. 1'h.rMV," lmii.. 7rtinu. imiiiim ii itii'iiiM', w-i Moriny mu 'I'll. I IIILalll-U IU Ii.ilL kll.ill .1 m luihli.uilou em) Ih ImnUlieil fonmh 9 M I' M ""',, t Mh'MHt Villi twrvilMlMiii, Nii,4,ii..m, liM-hil ileiiomulii Salem will bo on tho top wavo prosperity lif a very short time. All hail tho railroad to tho seal lt'llMlft on I j In I ui ".'Mirllulil, Hi 'iiiuny, for Im Iiiiiu iiu lo u rvittfi Mfh I i AllWHK .. .1 .I.UAlllI. ' """" '" ! " lDUHiM'l' lUMM'Ut I tut i nil' iuimwiiih. ir i' ij k. hfwullt. Art . mii, 'Wat IIIMU, hrvnlU, iloVWi Hilli Atil huHp. Dili fflMld llllltlHlll lljllt pl.iiiIIIIMIl) mii lnwtinl'fc rwiwfiiiiihi;, Jitw iijdtiil )(iiiyii4 limn Hit' M0II lr i miniHMi uut nw wu lilli I lillfl ! lie, una ivtrtjiifiyi hV m.. I. .n ;ii rmw i Mil' if 1 tik , It uUj ' jtiHM' Mil;likiI JWwliil, . "il ii if l.jmu?r l. JilHli4 f'M 'MlflUUI iiiilil hut i iluil uf Ijm Tn ifliwul Drnttui. Hrt'i ii im i)iir iff. I ri'H iHMii7f i truiiiM I ltuiiiiiiiiii JiHiiii'U I'rrftrug ll'll' Vw it miilu mi liMmmh in u$ Hill iitvttin t'Wrf IM Wnlii it iim. a r umih H" Mr & w " Tlio famous Ifurant-Uonlijbcl enso at Denver, tipon yhlch nilllloiis wcro depending, wns won by tho Bonnybol mlno owners, nnd wlno ilowcd liko wntcr nt Denver's bnrs. VXfc The Chief Ilcnson for ino great BU cess of Hood's Sarsaparllla is found In tnt article Itself, It Is mcilt that wins, and thi fact that Hood's S.-irsaparllla actually a eompllshos what Is claimed for It, Is wht bas given to Oils mcdlclno a popularity and wlo greater than that of any other sarsap Merit WJIIS nerbcforothopubUe, Hood's Btwaparltla cures Scrofula, Ball Rheum and all Humors, Dyspepsia, Blok rJcadachc, Biliousness, overcomes Thai rtrod Ko.cllng, creates an Appetite, strength ins tho Nerves, builds up tho Wholo System IIooil'i HiirNnpnrllln Is soldbyalldruf rlsts. $tislxforS5. 1'reparcdbyC. I.llool t()o.. Apot hecailes. Lowell, Mais. Tho protracted rains and present floods huvo disheartened tho Vir ginia fanners. Com is rotting in tho Holds. Tho Denver & Fort Worth, nud tho Union Pacific's Colorado lines will bo nbsorbed by the Union Paci fic, Denver & Gulf. Iliicklrn's Arnica SnlVo. The bchl salvo In the world for cuts, hiuKivi, soics, ulcciH, salt rheum, fever soics, tetter chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles or no (my icqulred. It Is guaranteed togivu perfect sat isl'iiet Ion, or money reliinded. Piico 25 cents per box. For sale by Daniel .1 Fry, drug BlM. . Huston's conflagration last week destioyed $10,000,000 In proproty, two acres of magulllcnf structures, and fit vera I lives. Snow lies several Inches doep over tho Mohawk valley, nud largo nrens In Minnesota and borders of tho great lakes. Klei'trlc lilttei'sT This remedy Is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special mention. All who huvo used Eleutrlo Hitters sing tho sumo song of pralHC A (Hirer mcdlclno does not exist and ll Is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Hitters will euro nil diseases of tho Liver tiA Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Hulls, Knit itlicimi uud other cllee tloilH cutised by lliipilio blood, Will ililvu Multiiiafroui tho system mid niuviint us well us emo till Malarial levers, For euro of Headache, Con stipation nud Indigestion try Klcu lliu Hitters ICnllru Mitlxfaellon guaranteed, or money refunded, PrlcooOelH. cud $1.00 per bottle at P.iulel J, Fry'n Drugntori', nut Hti.i;, .V)lt HAI.H-A liODII IIAIIHU'Alir. r liuklmx hi Muiliin manly, r ni i, jih'iinai. nut itiiM', AHUM' (f)OM IIDMIM Mllll lilitly fiirilUlinl 1 rmilil. Ill u llliu liMVillli'.ilillkill IMil In in liri'i no, laity l linif Ml ri'iiM'UuMv ruli lii-1 111 I UIIIIKUliKT WlllliT UM-I. ' I ' 1 ' ' " I SIIDIKIV MUMIO, K Imk mri umIx iilglitort-4 ' ", i ii.tujw .llUl null '40MVtU Ml U II. MI'INMtN. II. n. W.H II VUIKIIS, IJ.iifll.midH, n,'!Xf'.J.1,te'.ft.:.!?'.,,A.':-.Jl? ifa, ,mHuii'triruM:ivv&i, I .Bi. - ' Ullllll ul T . ll, i I lUi)l Wil i'lMIUi'.. lll Mm UA II 4ywhH IM. tin. W.IU I IIIHltl UlfcjWM, muu U !' Mui) yjM H(-llliVMI lll IWII (Ul lt(IMHOII 114 I ii, r,wi'iiiM.iuumi, tiUi !".WMWPMMiaPMMmMM vnnriAinxAi, mm, i t HlMW.HiiHih) u kw.Kdua.i'i AM I J JIWJI Kl). upMMII ih ih Tm mm !I0I M ihm ISSUfi JTJISJI, Um LuimEPl Jlt?Lr7K,ff dS T'J&i , y ututuiUuTfa HJfiiit ! -""- Uf I' Wll.M4J piht, II. Mni It lt Minim 1 A !! Jliil WfSfc .) Ti', iWi mim !) (VU rtM. (W VWfltHlVt 'l I MM 4 m h mi, tttilt bMlA Ulli, Ul.f lUtUwi 1 lU uJCa, I uul iuuJ. null iluiif lbl Ll III. itmiM lumWhwl Pmfimu tl ui n ii,ttruiHu I'AWVKHH' m fl. ' urn i iimw' r llilil i 1 it iim u I m ll- "jfiiwiMK J III Mlli iMMiillt' Sin ImIUI ID The Best Residence Localities n'tJio city of Portland and other prosnorons towns nro those , owned by men or corporations who hnvo tho disposition nnd nbilitjr to improvo t hem. HIGHLAND ADDITION TI 11 And lie Tte To tho city of Salem. They buvo nt this time fifteen teams employed nud the contemplated improvements have scarcely begun. It is Intended to make tho drlvo lending from Commercial street through Riverside nnd High land additions and around Highland Pnrk . THE FINEST DRIVE IN THE STATE Of Oregon. Tho lino of tho Salem Street Railway Company runs through the mlddlo of this addition, and no ota.wlll bo moro than two blocks distant from tho line. Highland Pnrk will In tho near luturo be THE MOST POPULAR RESORT ABOUT THE CITY OF SALEM. Lois in Highland Additon are High and Dry and Well -Located; Most Excellent Drainage The soil is black nnd rich. From nil points n fine view Is obtained of tho public buildings nnd our highest mountain peaks. Arrangements are nlrcudy being mndo for tho location of two churches In this ndditlon, and n number of residences are soon to bo built. Buildings only of tho best class will bo pormlttcd. Residence lots within tho limits of tho city of Snlein nro worth on nn average over $1000. "Wo can Bell you better lots In High land ndditlon for one-third of tho money, nnd being directly on the lino of tho street railway they aro practi cally not ball so far from tho publlo buildings nnd tho business part of tho town as tho majority of the so called "lnsldo lots." Buy a Lot in Highland Addition for Three Hundred Dollars, 4 And lot some other fellow pay $1000 for an inferior lot not so well located. With the difference of $700 you can build n beautiful cottago, or put it out at a rate of interest that will buy you nearly two thousand street car tickets every year. GRAND PRIZE I J ' ' On Hk.indred and Thirty Pieces to be'GivenlA.wajjbj GOX &.BOGGS, OROOJ5RS, 240 COMMERCIAL STREET, SAIJ3M, OREGON, o ftdr'TlrkPt with diwiiuj on jirlw jrmnM to evvry purchHwruf ,tuo pound f our "JUIUuw Chh'IW," T. ), CRONISB, Salem's Pepulur hb Prlntw, . 1 .! IIIH Nl'.W Ml HH IH THK HlltlM IIKIIIUIII Hit sut 'r hinuriittlrt NCI5 J3ROW, uttry mi My ii OREGON LUMBER, iimwwu aiw wmwmmi lr mm Mr IkM w m m. .MutMmw) fl "', mr lun tiMllll !,!ll, M1K1I ,vui Hi'MMMOW HM1 iltl Willi Wood 60o Pw Cord. . ., H) ft Uf m 'itUi lf IUIU i'lll wtm l,'lflf'IU'l iK nnwr ''l-Wl m .tLuUUii Is Ntw Exprtfi Wipfii H'IM4iM wtunn m'v teuton if Af UumziB I' " " iiifihvu in llv ILilim. tiio. am T IJAug ' lAilviul WiHIWHiWI Alii I M bW lM4 6 PWi ii 17 null, uiu! M?fmEjMMt wtM (jWYl&Qmm ir1i r nm "nl.Hr -IS OWNED' BY t LID this Corporation is determined -OF AN- Id it iwe mum nu -CONSIBTJNCI OF Kansas Houso, (riii'i'ol Cowl Mild High Kk Ei Mi LAW Proprklor, H' hut inktu imvf imiii bul Jll MiitilMuy in f t uurimUttui villi im mti IU Hll)ll RII4, llll UivHI M u)iUIl urUi.iu u, Our.ibiiif, 'jri mwiNHi'if, MWfH UMUNmri Mi iin3, LOANS, Titl Good I Mm H' Wb fi CfUM Jlllij Iwjli fol IIIIIMIIMIJIIUU m ktllli liuiiiil X UiMiili r.i KlW.'lfi5ii. " rr """"" New Flili Market, C(ja 14 iMUMd wwHmmm mum, ntH, j hm N'wiiin HHRHS (MOT to Din sir ! h, S, WINTWIf, rillC IKOJ'IW'M toHQ9KH Jnrfl.u M lltMHtUHtlly Kimwii i ll 11 iiurifHH) IHMmit4M SSJ'reSS UUilllHli,' I'(i5 (m 1', H. KmUM Salem Music Store I) 1LKL I) if I D ANDHKH' K4K lie CO,, PRINTING. lilmii t wfHr fM'Pw fwiW l)U vmm ... "-r . a . mmmt . .)liiiMi) Nu tily mi) 11, mr ptwf4iiMJf X HikvftiiiiMkif ikWiriy, I urn 1'tf ' t