u. - o-fck . &. subscribe: adver nau' IN THE, CAPITAL JOURNAL t -". V J JOURNAL. TIIK BEST PAPER IN SALEM. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL IT WlU ME A GOOD INVESTMENT. t rv . - fir l UjrVou wlU bo well pleased with l.-& -W eS'Tho Terms nro Most Itcasonablo-ew va 'fafM 1 'f.f 'G VOL. 2. l3 Ta M W SALEM, OBEGON. MONDAY, DECEMBER 1G, 1889. NO. 251. i J -1?. CAPITAL u i Glove As an Inducement for every lady In Salem and vicinity tonurchaso ai ST.T.2!. R VVna$9 9"" 'r lU18 pair oi geuuiuu Alexandre uu uioves fwh ch bv thn wnvio'Hiv, ,1A T -.lll 11 11. 11 t . . -V ---- j . vuw UVOV Tho "Napoleon Glove, a second of Alexandre, only $1.50. The 40ur Own Glove," at One Dollar ! This Is a glove that gives good OU UCUl (jlwC JU ijr ciacnUCID IU UCUIH JUT jjRemember, this week only, at above prices. T. HOLVERSON, THE) GLOBE j i .i Real fl'r Loan and Exchange! 292 Commercial Street, SALEM, '- - OREGON Softool A complete BTATIONERY, - ALBUMS, GOLD PENS AT J. BENSON NO 01 STATE STREET - Wm. Brown k Co. DKALKKS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, Slippers, ! Mill JPW Q 3 Z&K?&"ir'' KRAUSSB'& KL BIN'S, No, 221 Commfotol llmt, Mwn, Orgm, ATTENTION ! JMtnim&iM&y& muittmvfitfttfmwjmm, iw H. Dianoid Saw! -o- weeK0'y at 51.85, wortli anywhe satisfaction and will please you. Our Estate Books 4 line of ., ...ty AND FANCY LEATHER GOODS STARR'S - SALEM, OREGON. Leather and Findings CASH PAID TOR 'WOOL, JJIDEH, AND J'UIIS. TU Jwjm wirrlM lrjH Mock ef llrU uwe Vlw wT pwrr Mhw, tfo, JW1 (towHirirlnl Hlroet, MAI,KM - - - OKKOON Slippers! "" "" " " 4ty, AVMK A MWJXJWIW Miss bona Willis, TO X-mas Tidings. Do You Want to Buy a Dres;s? If so, come and see our elegant dress goods. We can suit you in Quality, Style and Price. 1 ' Ah, but VOU are sure to want nnn of thnsn Fnnp.Iiinfra. nnw tlijii thf cold weather is coming on . They are going fast. All shades blue, black, red, pink and white, plain, beaded and elder-down edge. They ro per fect beauties. Toboggan Hoods, Woolen Skirts and Jackets, uhtHyou can't rest. ' -O- istmas (lifts For Or RICH AND POOR! EVERY 01 IS TREATED ALIKE Be wise 1 Have common sense. where you can save money. We will as possmie out or your money, we CAPITOL MENT1E COlfffl, Opera House Corner, SALEM - - - -- OREGON. GEO. W. JOHNSON, Pres. H. A. JOHNSON, Jr.,Trcas. State, -Lani-and Trust Company ! (Incorporated.) LOAN BROKERS AND DEALERS IN ' Real Estate) 95 State Street, Salem, Oregon. o Pcoplo looking for Investments and seeking reulik-nco proporty should boo the Motor Lino Addition and West Sulein, Lots In cither of theso additions will muke you a choice and convenient home; wlllninko a ntat return as un Invostniont In n short time. It fill Pay You to Investigate boforo limiting purclnuMi, To tliotte hunting lots to hiilld on, wo will mill you i Jot by you puyliig flO down uml tlia Imlunoa In ' monthly jmytuentM. To thoi wishing to Invimt for nMiculutloii(t "We Will Give Terms tlmt will ftllow you time to will tho nroiMTly to nmku your iy iiiuiitu, bIVIiik you Hti ojijvortunlty lo Ouy himI w-II wlflinmimll twpltttl, Vu Imvu A Few Choice Lois In flak Lawn Part Million (lint wb r trriiK t iMnmln. Wu Hlmi Imvu it lUt of ejioliw Nrglw Ii4 wwrly vwy ntldirioii to Hln V lmv Momuvltolwi m tw. W liuvti Fnn and Timber LnncJw I Km w kwhliiK well wKtfy UwU mwlwU U jwMiw wltlHHit vkmmiIhIhjs r JW, State, y ami Trust Conifaiiy, HAfJMi " " " " OHKQON. mil I" I I I II "" " " " " ' M HANGING liMlfi xmu Cmiittr md tarn 1 the Old and loi AT THE OPERA HOUSE CORNER ! Buy at the Opera House Corner help you" to get as much happiness i you to get ai iy low prices. ao it o, P.H.D'ARCY, T.C.SHAW,Yice-Pres. id'flpariifveMidlo)) JiuiMin ojuiim; Choice Groceries riDiklilr Wl 1)1 I JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Groceries, Pnints, Oils and Window Glass, "Wall Pa per and Border, Artists' Ma terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence Posts, Grass Seeds, Etc, NEW TO-DAY. THE GLOBE 292 Commercial Street, Snlom, Oregon HELP WANTED. Three girls to do general bouse work, Im mediately. EMPLOYMENT WANTED. Four or flvo laborers, one engineer. Anyperson wanting help of any kind or any person looking for employment will And It to tbelr advantnso to call on us. N. McCain, Manager. FOK EXOUANGE. T wish to exchange 10K acres of good land I lor a house and lot in or near Balem. This Is a bargain for some one. For par ticulars see K. F. Stgworth, SOI Chcmoketa street. WANTED. TxrANTED. At onco. Two or tnreo YY rooms for light housekeeping. Fur nished or unfurnished. Enquire Jo UKNA1, omce. NEW STORE ! NEW GOODS 1 1 NEW PRICES 1 1 1 The variety Btoro Intel v oDcned un in Dr. Rowland's brick on Conrt street, has Just receives a large invoice or vanoiyigoous, Including CHRISTMAS GOODS, HOLIDAY GOOD3.AND 5 AND 10 CENT GOODS. Wo have an endless variety of Fancy Housekeeping Qoads and Novelties, Home great bargains nro olTercd In theso goods. Everybody Is Invited to rail and ieo how much you can buy for n nickel or n dollar. "-Cheaet place In town to buy our Holiday Goods. SALEM Wuutad Flvo men to rliop wood; four Htuu to cliop wood uud tlll rails, I'orsnus having Iioiikh to rout slionlil lUt them Willi un, I'tirsons limklng for li"li of uny kind, or neroi) looking for sltimiloits will nut Wlnily lu (suiting on or ,wililri'lng our ollli'u ut No, ) Coiiuiivh'lul lnH, All ordurs will rwolvu our inniiit inuniluu, 1HJIIJI'MHJIIVK,AkIii. SANTA CLAUS -AWI J. G. Wright UM IOMIllUH4l 10 lltV lMl)tf IliU VI' JUniyllltl lU.ll llll'lll HHW Ore KveryWy a W Ik llllilllillis'llrinlilllill'lil 0I!R rmnx MIS SI'RIWSI lillt''V4lit, Employment Agency Sometlung Dew! Employment dice INPORTANT MURDER TRIALS SENSATIONAL CIUMES IN llOTII OASES THAT AIIE IIEINO TltlED. Acqulted In One Case, and the Other Drawing Wide-Spread Attention Jealousy fn Uoth Instances. Spokane Falls, December 14. Tho jury in tho enso of Mlchnel Lie- bold, charged with tho murder of Thomas Fallou iu this city on tho night of May 24, 1887, brought in a verdict of not guilty at 7 o'clock this morning, aftor being out fifteen hours. Tho trial lasted flvo days. Fitllou kept a saloon hero in 18S7. Liebold wns his barkeeper. On tho night of tho killing Llobold aud Mrs. Fallon wero out walking to gether. Soon after thoy returned to tho saloon Fallon was shot through tho head. Liebold summoned a doctor, saying Fallon had committed suicide. A week after Fallon's death Liebold married Fallon's wlfo aud tho couplo wont to California with SOOCO of Fallon's money. Tho priu. clpal witness for the prosecution was William Eagan, who testified that Liebold confessed to him at Moscow, Idaho, last May that ho had murder ed Fallon. A SPOKANE MURDER CASE, lono Skcols on Trial for Killing Hor Husband. Spokane Falls, Wash., Dec. 13 Tho trial of Miss lono Skecls, bet ter known as."Uronco Liz," for mur dering her husband, Charles W. Skecls, iu this city on tho IbI of March last, began in tho Superior Court to-day. Tho murder was prompted by jealousy. Mrs. Skcols decoyed her husband from tho room of Franklo Hovard,a variety actress. by sending n boy with a message to tho effect that ho was wanted at his placo of business. When ho appear ed in tho hallway sho fired three Bhots lu rapid succession, ouo of which took efl'oct, proving fatal. Skecls first met his wlfo In a dunce house at tho Ccour iV Aleno mines soveral years ago, but tired of her alter marriage, and gavo too much attention to other women, and his wlfo often told him she would kill him if ho did not stop It. Both par ties wero woll known In Montana, Northern Idaho and Eastern Wash ington. Tho shooting created a great sensation at tho time, mid tlio trial Is attracting wide attention. SUFFKUKI) TIIK PKNALTY. a Miminciir.it iianoeiu'ok a uoit- ItlllLI! (JltlMK, Julin (llliiutu Iluuirml lit r.mplni Oily, fur Olio of tlm Must dold-llloiidi-il tirluivs on itiiriinl. KMi'jitiiCm', Or,, Dihi, II. John (Jiiiiiun, mtiruerur or mm, unou hover iiikI uhllil, was Imuuwl yi'H torduv In tlio lull ynril. Ho iiiouut oil tliu Hcullnlil nt I o'clock with iv II mi tt', iiiuriiiiiitMl it fow IiiiIIh tlnot words uml Itmlo Mi" urowil fltrOWtlll. DHUlll WUHlllHlllllttllU'OUH, (Jllimili Iciiseil IiiihI lo JCllonljovcr. Tliu two iiiiirrulfil uml ulliiiuii wniitoil lil luiiiint o viu'iit", I'Ht Hit lutliT rcfiiMiil lo K" milll tliu ttlni lloii of lil Ii'iimi. (Jnv iluy wlimi JCllonliovt-rwnn itwwy at woilt (ill- iiiuii IdllmlMiN, Klloiiliovm'iiiiillittr IIIIIiidIiIIiI iiimI liDiMllliuiii uml iIiik u KniviU'ur lliuliiiDlmml, Wli"ii lliu InHnrniiiin lioiiio iiimI nulliul for III wlfulo i'iiiu mii row lilm iitnomii rlvt'r wlilil wnu'lfi Him I wo fwiillliV nlilmiiHw, Nliu tll not nHiinl, lull (illimui iiinmiM uml olliril I" lt" ill") "v''' I" I'1" "' li)iill')lnm. Jluliml unliililli Hm Ixmt vvllli wIiIhIi U Inn) I'lumicllo kill lliu iiiuii, lull fulliul lo UllUI'li him until liu MOl iiiii'om' Tliull U pUHHU wwtirMxIi lliMliiilsuiif wIiIkIi ullnii'iiil Him iihIiiIiI"'!- ISHmii Iiout vmi luiilly IIM'I ii) ''il "' wwd- hi'tuWi fur lli iiiIm ihk wlff iiimI dlilM rMnlil lii Hiui!imHiy of ilmlr luiuulim uml iiiV"M'ii )nvv Uml uwuIIm Uji'lr hiitlmiiil uml ulliur, 'J lu'll tilllllUli U;fliM TlifubJiWluf III" iifllllV MU lo hMH m4iuuui wt Mi IuiiiJ wlifioiil milium hr Him Jku in iikhiiii. J'nil imiliiHilmi uf Uii1 Wlliif Milliilwl III llm Jut iiii, WMW U"i' '"' ii'tii)i7iuii- A Hniu"4'Hn t'UMMrliM iHmwtel ilKAi.iMin mi, lkl , J't IU- liH ll. follllljr I"HIMIIIM ulu uu.u. lilt wifu wml llutv clilliJivii, ktV M'li Kt lllt-ir lmiiHmr A hW 44'I'K H lUIII"! ' t'UMt'lMl Nrf"l''y"'M y4""' tl V"V' WHi WMwhUW, Iim f"li'l lliv benches and tables had been non. stiucted of redwood bark, fastened logeincr oy wooden plus. Tlio head of tho family stated that ho camo rrom Oregon last fall aud not being ablo to pay rent for a house, had movcu ins lamlly Into this living homo. Ho had thus far mniln n living by odd Jobs on farms near bv. being careful uover to stato where his liomo was. Tho bov was dresst-d in a suit of coon skins. The mother boro tho appearance of a onco benu. tlful woman, aud her speech showed sho had been well educated. They wero nil very reticent about their lormer life, aud how thoy had been reduced to such straits. They ex pect to spend tho winter in this svl- van home. CONDENSED DISPATCHES. At Buffalo, N. Y., an elevator burned, creating an aggregato loss of?22O,000. At Paris, Deputies Dreyfus aud Laguerro quarreled, and havo ar ranged n duel for this morning. Tho books of tho lato cltyTrcas-' urer Parker, of Seattle, show n do llclt of $10,389.47. Bad for Seattle. At Covington, Nebraska, James Toohoy, n cook, after being knocked down, ran a Imtchor kmfo through tho heart of a gamblor named Irwin. Snapper Garrison sails for Europe this week to rldo races on thy Eng llsh tracks. Ho hopes to win name, funio and money, and take tho placo of Archer. Advices from tlio City of Mexico stato that congress has closed, and that General Rocliti, senior officer of tho Mexican army, and Colonel Roinoro nro about to fight a duel. At Dutch Flat, Cal., John Doic muB, an old man, during a quarrel with Fred and Frank IIoos last night, struck Frank with n rock, fracturing Ills skull, pausing death. Mrs, Margaret Modlll, Mother of Joseph Medlll, editor ot tho Chicago Trlbuno, died last night at Canton, Ohio. Mrs Medlll wuh 77 years of ago, and was noted for her plitlun- tli ropy. At Fresno, Cal., a young man named SI Curricle, hIioL uml killed his cousin, Will Howard. Tlio ntoir hud a quarro! over n bridle, which Corrlck wished lo borrow of How uril. Secretary Tracy lias olllclitlly un tliorl.cil tho iiaiiiing of tho seugo lug torpedo-boat, now iienrlngcnin pletlon, us Ciishliig, lu honor of Citiiiiiiumlor CiiHlilug, t;, H, N, who hluw ui) tlm ConlVilorutu nun, lllbeumrlolii IWII, 'J'llO OX'Dllipi'I'MH Of HlMll llllH n- li'uvi-d n lolcgiuin fioiu Itlo Jiinclro liifniinliig her lliul all Imr JuwvN liuvn Icon hlolon. 'I'll In Iimh will hu it limvy blow lo lliuiiiiMrii funilly, III (IM!(lt'll0l VIl'millWl Hid lliiint llrulllan illuimimU In tlm SVOll'l, ' MONMIMJM XIU'IW. llnV, Mr, MiMlult )ol(u o lliu MimlitiiiM ui dlmpi'l, Tliiiisiluy nmni. Inu. IIm wim mnmuJy imnionirilm ('lilWiillM'llilliill ill llil Jilaiu, (nil now iihIiIi in I'oiiluml, I'liw, HlUllloy Wlis kllllllllUlli'i) to Did la, hliluy, iim u wlllM' III II lllHMUll, A nijirl will lw HlVfU u! Hit' uljuruli Huiiihiy innilij by lliu Hiimluy wIiimjJ, Tlio ViiiIiiiiu nut) lltiiMlM wli'llw In i " iw'v w Hu tsollrp III" - " MfUllliMM ''i ' " ' - imluiljjil ' " ' HW1IUU!M(U1JH Miy MUUiJtf hmIiuuI uum fur llii'iiwhmj (Mi iiiuiMluy, Tlm kUiiJwiU w u Jh uiii'iiiuiluliiiiiuiil In llw wvtujnjjfi A Wlllllllllll llU llt'l'll Ul)tHllllS) Ui uMtfiijiw lliu inmiuiiiu. MlM I.I1IIU. lliu HlMMlllalllld UJJU Mim l)ruu ftoollwr, uf MkImiiIj llHJ uhuiiiiiiliilnliiiiiil ! Uiw wiiJV IihII IIiIhhiiIiiii- JurjuoMlitiifc) Kuu I hni) i m Uriittii mi mm III! will lw unit miIuHhIIIwI II r. II. II. Hiwur. oiiw ut I if III III u! Hiul'lihwitu bUnun tum), imurml lw iJtf i wwit utwuwn Mil TilwtJiif. VVmIhW JmI 'IIjw ily mump lit iw M u IllUUUIIIi U MHWNMf mm) Utul Hiw un It In Jiiv ujii,r uf Him twiill )JJi MW Hi' riillMlMM lilwt lh mmmM t M w iua, mm iiwly Mufy wn w iiMwuwii'y llulllifcl UtiiUV 111) HilJUiUj ui ip IIHrVIIIIHMII'MIIII I'lf WIMIfl Ml' lliu 111 IIWKWJlH UUUb, Mil' fJlUH n a? il y i w T .1 ! Ml, "t H mi . l 0' I ' T I- -.1; OWCKJKkWV mm, , H-4 fiH rKAMKMWHIWU LlUiIIv. 'muIomU HIM III II IIIU 111 IM "" . 7" . . S .i. ... 1 ,!!. . It mw itwittu vmia u mum t-sitrSJftI !Mitisi4iMrM Itwufi f)HtMiu $ JwllH'llt', jWI M M w4 Mtf MV KM f V,lh M uf mi mm ih twirv NO, 47' KOWT -M4, t""m1Jmfo!' WIWWfcrrL3LLj. IUWMNIM