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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1889)
-l -WWV s THE CAPITAL EVENING' tfOmOTAL. T11E CAPITAL J01MAL P011MH1IKD DAILY, KXUEPTHUNDAY, BY TIIJC Canltal Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) Entered at llio imwIoiIIco tit Hnlcni,0r.,iin ocniid-rlnHN mnttor. JACOB L. MITCHELL Winner Boe fourth pnRe for term of nubHcrljv 1 Advcrtlnrmontd to InMiro Insertion (for ho mimo diiy) Nlioulil ho hnmlod In by J Correspondence containing now; of In tcreHt nnd linportnucu 1m ilonlicil from nil pnrtHor thontntc. No nMontlon will hu paid to nnonynioiiH communication". , ....., I'anuinii ilCHlrlne the C'aimtai. JoimsAi. erved nttholrlioiiKCHCiin M-curit It hy ") Vl enrd request, or hy wonl left nt I hi' Hpc'clnion nmnuori cent freoonnpiillcr- OHIca, corner Court nnd Liberty Htrectn. HATUMIAY DKOIJMIIKII II II n a Itemnrknl'Ie and Romantic Story of Former Times. BRACELET LOST HUT FOUND AMAIN I A Story, Wlilch ir True. Unit Quite n Tinge of Romance Lout for Twenty Yenni. "There la a remarl-nhlo story con ncctod with that hit of Jewelry," mild u genthmitii recently to tin Alta reporter, who wa oxmnlnlug with Home Interest a much worn Hllver hraco'et, on which with dif ficulty could be traced the letter) NOUMAII, fcrnteheri evidently with u knife, "The bracelet cume into my pouhohhIoii," wild tho gen tleiuun, "In n peculiar miinuer, mill If you don't mind ntdiort Htory I'll tell you about It." Tho reporter, ofcourHo, wuh mix Ioiih for the Htory, mid the gentle man, after lighting n cigar, went on with IiIh nuriatlvc: "J HuppoHoyou know that Home time bauk I wuh for ho verulyearH connected with the Columbia river BtcuiiiboulB, and ho wuh often thrown among old-time Hteumboal men, wiiohu pioneer and legeudury knowledge wuh most pro found. "Tho Columbia river Ih a mag nificent body of water, and I doubt If there Ih any grander Hccucry In the world than that along the liver from The DalleH to the 1'nclflu ocean, It Ih at tho CaHcadcH, however, that the country iHofthe wlldent ileHcrip tlou and tho mountains are dark with the gloom of iIoiiho forentH or rugged with tremetidoiiH ellflh and frightful preelptccH, Theie Ih a tradition among the few Hlragglliig IiidlaiiH that one now mien alone the river, which Ih t. the ellecl that many, many yearn ago a great arch of rock Njmininl the ilver at (lie CaHcadcH, forming a natural lirldgu of HtupeiidoiiH hIo. One tlay tho two great HplrlU living on either Nldo of the river got into it dritpc rate fjuurrul, uikI In their mighty wrath nnd fury they tore the bililge iihunder, mid In lb fall II choked with huge hliM'N of xliiui', I he eur rent of (ho ilver, IIiin forming the (,Wnli'a, iiriiiiml uhleli I'iicIu Ham In uovv hiilldlngii N-rleNiif Iim-Iim hi i'IIoiiiihiihi'ohI, Not only wuh IIih hrlilgo druiroyed, hut from the mountain KldcM the wigiy iIiIIn i'lutviNi m tmwit of melt mul Moiie loliurl 14 1 iiteli oilier. Hlnillgely each it? ciiougli, lint iiioiiutaliH on of tile Columbia ill I he (Wuilc do took iwlf lUvy hud Ihvii witjigriy (hull Mfllt III wine THwih'illllggli-, wild II lulti hill Iflllti liei n( lm (i(tlimllnil In MliW lliul Din I null lloiil liuu i (ur n IIih wliiriil hrldutf I i'iiiiiitiiivI. "Ilul din JiMwIri." ifji.rjNM. Hie iPiftiUr. "I mit i-oiiiIpk Himi" iviiiihund IhuKi'iillt'lilun, m In lHOlied Hie aji (huh lil nunr "hi tin' iiiiiiiiiImIiii. uiound I he CttuwUilUtHUIr IIUIIiIm ulM UiiuiiiiM in Uwtly, urn! imny iiftUnii lliul Ui (hi tUy mi bu limit lik tut Ni'h, t imigli uinl Mly ttM MtWMy ilitmlt , ll m turn f Jliifrf hUnw inpmh hi fiUuU ll- ln tlhiUr mhn itulii tUu iw itn(Un wmi nwirJiNM il l'tlflilililiMiiiidpiMlMlikM UIH til MU i( WlfAif litfliitftiU , tUlMl hi lUu IMI iU) ul AUi ' hn KlIIHH Ml llli AwHi imiih.imiI, mim ii mii' uiiin iin iiwwi lu niv hu0n WMm'i ntuim, tmhuivuiii MMlUiHMi'illill4hi(i iuurtiliirtujl i tkviuuwuiiu iiij prnmivDUin w 0U11M1 MV tit riHhly Mi Muiiymihml' H44 Hlllm lithtm ,lj m hull 4t y tu iwMj ,y l,uuvw rill iMmUmly llHMlttll H irnut IUuit lulu u ti, uiihiiitf Mi4vilHd hod ii Ut urn . .. .. . - r - - ,"itW kttl itHilliliit i ii "That's ho. Wpll, ono day tho wind wn blowlng'stltTdowu stream, and as our steamboat was waiting to tow up n hurgo loading with rail road Iron, Capt. Kaw HUggcsted that we go a llshlng to n ccrtuln lake some miles back In tho woods. Wo know that no ono had fished there for several years, and that tho In dians never went near It, as they said un ovll spirit In the shape of a monster man lived In Hh waters, nud though several Indians had In bravado gone to tho lako to fish, noiio of them over returned. After a hard trump wo reached tho lake, and In u few minutes had construe ed a rough craft, pushed out to the center of tho lukound thrown our flics. I never had such sport In my llfo. A fly could scarcely touch the water before It was seized by Home hungry and keen-eyed trout. Fluidiy, tired of tho sport we determined to put bnck to the shore, and, Just lor luck, I threw my lly onco more. There wns a slight tug, but to my annoyance 1 found the fly was cuught In a bit of drift. Wo paddled up to It, and, reaching over to freo tho hook, 1 saw a plcco of shining metal on the drift. I hauled In tho branch, and there was that bracelet you have been looking at. At flist I did not notice the letters scratched on it, but fell to wondering how it got Into thu lako, for certainly for twonty years past no Indian hud been with in ti mile of tho luke. Capt. Kow, who was ono of the oldest pilots on tho river und deeply versed In all of tho river lore, took tho hit of Jewelry in his hand and began a close examination. He was, lu tho main, one of tho coolest men I ever knew and seldom showed the slightest emotion under any circumstances. Ho hadoxamin ed tho bracelet hut a moment or so when I heard him exclaim, In what for him were most unusual tenes: "Here, C. II., (that's what he always called me), 'look and see if theso scratches are not letters.' I looked und made out as you have, the word NOMAII. 'Yes, yts,' said tho cap tain, that's what I thought. Tho (Irst part of the name has been ef faced by time, but tho name in full wuh Multnomah. When I was a hoy I remember sho was tho most beautiful maiden among tho Kllckl tats and tlioy were warrloro in those days,' " 'Why, captain,' said I, 'this is quite a romance; tell me about It.' "There isn't much to tell, except that thirty years tigo Harry Hprague and inyself were Just of ago, and tho Klickltats were a powerful tribe of Indians, und during tho salmon seasons they came lu great numbers to thu Cascades to fish and gather herrlcs. Harry and I were on a steamboat ruuiilug to tho Cascades, und Multnomah was a beautiful In dian girl, I always thought that she mtiHl have been a descendant of some adventurous fur trader, for her features were of Caucasian tye,md her complexion was not more dusky than that of u Hpunlsh beauty, Harry fell lu love with lieruudslio with him those things often hap pened lu early days, you know ami nil would have been well but for the Indian war which broke mil about that time, and thu tribe to which Multnomah Inlonged left the river logo iiM)ii the war path. A little while iH'furit thu tribe dl I mii l id Harry had luken one of Miilfiioiuuh'4briircfUaiiilM'ralchcd mi with hl kiilfo her iiuinc, Nliiully Mfl,r I'1' I'1" hliHlihoiiMt at "' tl vtut attacked, hut thu illinium wvnt repinum, una inut night Mr rpluml a young Indian loy lurking wound the M-Ulcim-nt who knew Hurry and on(hhd hi hint (hut Miillliuinuh Mjkhcd o meet Mm Hie lie! night at the IsmHukv. Jl hum liuvu I livery !lirlMiil liiMiM-w Ihul would lm .Jliiluwl dm Jmlluii gir lot UK the illiwhd hiM'j hul wm fiuied a io( und (lied In iIImiiwIu thiry fmui HIW III' Hllll, Hlld Mlll'll III) Jik lulled, mUy ItfliT, II wunuly (o die of hiiiuiiirMle urniw wouml, "llifoii' ln iIh U fold dip Ihuf In liud lml Ihw lakti Ju Ml dwn lli'MMiwi lhcponh'ri(p '""' !fm !ht ""! uh.ii it '" "' 'W IwJ1Ihh wrr Uiv V"'!, '" Jfr Mum lr ''!"M"" """""'' ""'I 'i'l ""' ,,mhi'' m" '" tM '"'' '""ll'w "'"J" tliu- Him mju l,"'M IWhiIJ lit I uU: Unity w i"H ,Hitl " lm ' '"""' '" mihhiiiiwm"MI wWww " i'in (iii iiWy "ww" ifafcii ! iumiiM i u4 muu uiiii - mtt. AHmWUUl Mf 1.1'UhIh ", "F "w i Mf. Wii " " u. ht ,''""'"" ' '''"'"' HallMmU whs iVv4I U H HIM hli InwllHlwIA l,M l'"' '""wf M"Utr Hll, Mh4 '"' ''!. w-l Hilt HKUm- i.i H.,.1 11 tl...i.l -N" i,zi i:,::r: mvMmwrtMM lvul ' Ami Hi ul.' nid Urn . uli inuii. - fi.i'.i ' '.'i - k,,,u " v i v m w wrr ww w w ' m mwttr m ti wtwwmaww m jwmmwrr . m iiuiiii a k k 1 1 i a au aiii.ii ua ijnaiiaa. I lit li.itiVl iufik fhrti ikr,iUlMl.uMwWMmiW V & JjW&LV'At r I ' WW HiMi h m m !? Ml mtjHH; WJh7 story connected with that bit of Jew elry.1' Alta California. A Sermon For All. The following .excellent words are from a sermon hy Bishop Ire land, of St. Paul, nt tho late Catho lic congress in llultimore. We com mend them to all tho Journal's readers as a good Sunday stimulant: Tho church of America must bo, of course, as Catholic as oven in Jeru salem or Heme, but so far us her garments ussuino color from the lc cul atmosphere she must ho Ameri can. Let no one dare paint her brow with foreign tint or pin to her man tle foreign linings. There is danger In receiving largo accessions of Cuth- ollcs from foreign countries. God witnesses It they uro welcome. I will not Intrude on their personal ufl'ecttons and tastes, hut these, if foreign, they shall not intrude upon tho church. Amoi leans have no longing for a church with u foreign aspect. It would wield no Influence over them. In no manner could it prosper. Exotices have never but sickly forms. It is time to bilug buck the prim itive gospel spirit; to go out Into highways nud byways; to preach on housetops and lu murket-pluccs. Erect stalely churches if you will. If all are not there press tho absen tees to hear you beneath humble roofs. If some remain yet outside, speak to them in tho streets or tho public road. Tho time has come for "salvation armies," to penetrate tho wildest thicket of thorns und briers und bring God's word t' the car of thu most vile, the mostlgnurantund the most godless. Saving those who lnslstou being saved, a-i we are eut tolled in doing, is not the mission of tho church. This is not the rcllgon wo need to-day, to sing lovely an thems in cathedral stalls, to wear capes of broldcred gold, while no multitude throng nave or uisle, and tlio world outside is dying of sjtlrt uul und moral starvation. Seek out men; speak to them, nut Insulted phruso or seventeenth cen tury sermon style, but In burning words, that go to their hearts us well as their minds, Populailze religion so far as principles penult. Into tho arena, priests und laymen; seek out social grievances, lead in movements to heal them. Peep mercifully into factories; breathe fresh mr into the crowded tenement quarters of tho poor; follow on tho streets tho crowds of vagrant children; lewson, on railways und in public servico, Sunday work, which renders for thousands tho practices of religion Impossible; cry out against tho fear ful evil of Intemperance, which is damning hourly the bodies and souls of countless victims. Height of the Auroru. Interesting particulars cnuccrnlnx lecout attempts to mcusuru thu height of the uuroiii have been given to tho Iloyal Danish Academy hy M. Adam Paulsen, At Godthaab, with two theodolites four miles apart, thu height of dlf'orouluurorue was found to range from one-third mile to forty miles; near Cape Fare well, with a buHcdlno of about three fourth miles, thu calculations ranged from onu to ten miles; nud at Bplt. hcrgcii, with a biow of about one third mile, the icmiIIm woiu from one-third mile to eighteen miles, In earlier nhncrvatloin, Klugel CHllnia- led the hrigiit of Kuveral aurnrmuil from ninety lo three hundred and leu iiiIIch, llcliimuu found a height lor nan aurora of at luant live huiiih ml mile, and .N'ordcnvkjold placed Hie mean height of uuronto at about onu hundred and Iwei.ty.jlvo mile, while Hciiiirnui ohnerved aurnrau a Iowunoiik llinuainl feel, and (III ilchrainlftoii wiw Iheiil below the t'lmnU, M, J'.iiiIn'ii Infer Hint Hie uumra only MpM'ar at iwii.Mi'iablc lielghl ' Ilieleiiipi'ialeJiiii', tthlli Inlliuiiiiroial jiiu pruper (he pin lioiiieiioii I geiiiMlly produced III lliu lower MlJimjilieri, f luun)i$ M i't )M tttufbitf Ui-iiiiiiliiii,nt)iHwiUHii' Hwr, Hullf U fu Ml Ml W- u,f r,MIll ll fVIUI Mwd " f K- MllhHi,WfJUlMMh4,firwir. (It HiH 'iMIH))IIUjyttHillli 4ln4urtlUHtH tut Ilium, Ml, m lli, iMwif hltUtuij, iituh4 t Mil W 'ill rJvU lUmUf'-fri't f.iH h4m i min M uV 'Iht )Wf1HI t( u Ihutiti m HVlidwwjuliiMtHin of Him iiimki imiut, inim mmrni LafirfWUllJKijfttPf y HH, HlM'Hi Un4VMHimHH;tM4 fTIt $m&Vj " lrf a t. t . n Htntuiu i ifUk'u, uiin iviiiui in I 1111.. .1... a . . k . . t mi T-jfe-i TC&&& The Chief Hcmon for tno great in eess of Ilood'p Sartaparllla is tound In till trtlcto Itself. It Is merit that 'wins, and th tact that Hood's Sarsaparllla actually ao eompllshes what Is claimed for It, Is whsi has given to this medicine- a popularity an4 alo greater than that of any other sarsapa. Mprlt WlnQ rllla or l)l00d purt IVICUL VVIII& nerheforethopublla Hood's Sirnp.irllla cures Bcrofula, Sail ItluMim nnd nil Humors, Dyspepsia, Slots Headache, Biliousness, overcomes Thai rircd I'ccllng, creates an Appetite, strength ins the Nerves, builds up tho Whole System IIooil'n KnrMiiinrlllu Is sold by all drug rJsts. $t; nix for $5. Prepared by 0. 1. Hoof Mii.. Apotbccules. Lownll. Masa. A Scrap of Paper Saves Her Life. It was just an ordinary scrap of wrapping paper, but it saved her life. She was in the last stages of consumption, 'told by physicluns tliat sho was incurable and could live only n short time; she weighed less than seventy pounds. On u piece of wrapping paper sho read of Dr. King's New Discovery, and got a sample bottle : It helped her, sho bought a largo bottle, it helped her more, bought another and grew better fast, continued its use and Is now strong, healthy, rosy, plump, weighing 140 pouuds. For fuller particulars send stamp lo W. H. Cole, druggist, Fort Smith. Trial bottles of this wotideiful discovery free ut Daniel J. Fry's drug store. Gladstone addressed u great meet ing of liberals ut Meuchester, say ing that he favored homo rulu to all parts of Great Britain. Enprnsy. This Is what you ought to have, in fact, you must huvo It. to fullv en joy life. Thousands are searching lor It daily, and mourning because they And It not. Thousands upon thousands of dollars arc spent an nually bv our people in tho hope that they might attain this boon, and yet it may be had hy all. We guarautee that Electric Bitters, if used according to directions and tho use persisted ln,tw!!I bring you good digestion and oust tho demon dys pcsia and Install Instead Eupepsy. Ve recomnend Electric Bitters tor dyspeptla and all diseases of liver, stomach and kidneys. Sold at 50o and 1 per bottlo by Daulol J. Fry, Druggist. Empress Frederic has ueen study ing nrclueology with Dr. Schlle mniiu, in Greece, and has visited Olympus and Mycnuae. iluckleil's Arnica Salve. Tho best salvo lu tho world for cuts, brumes, Kores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter chapiH'd hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles or no pay required. It Ih guaranteed to give poncciKutiHiuciiou, or money reiiiiiiieu, rruo m cuius per ner box For wdu bv Daiilul J. 1-ry, drug- t. I'llll ItKNT. rumu luuitli wltli iilifly rtirnUlitHi 1 1 loom In uluo lucnlliy, u)inrnlintlj llwMn i'l nr. limy un limi ul rtiiumublu ruirk uf lulling nt uu7 win I Iff lrr!. milium' tunwt'M. & Nlllirj'HlI'M'YrJIIAH.-ltricilliiriiU'vl lniim'JuiJuV iiIkIiI ofrudittiM'U ut lni.wArMhmakc' Al.lVKIillillKN.i, uj, II, ii. I'., iiih k U la iMil IVllim' Hull tiiklMli. I.'iinin luiiiiiifHlH tinJ Vm if tnl, puiy hut my J.T. (Iltlhi xw'iiMr WM CJiAMIM". i A II WjiiMuiifc 1'iKi. fiu, io, lii'iuri. " llllllt III UltH, (lltt'U VUlf MlJllliu) itll'K tt lli hull inn ilivlliui'M IaiiU Milllimll'urtll;, VUlllll llllluJ lift M'UllUll IllWItli III Kill (III, A. w, inuioKM, 'ii iuuiiauilr II, lAfeiuiMWII H,Atl)uu H, VHIIVixlllHAIiVAHHK I tllAW.itlliiniiy m uwf.hnltiii.dM. iioii, ifi.v npUli lu llu I'hIIou J.' 1t.l. )IIYlt'l,IN. XtlKJdl l )' Mi I .llllll MIW IIUU (lU (li Ull III III II IINlll Utll MiiUllf V MUtiV. iU llU lUMltll ijMlif Vum' il ihi' i ijiwiiv will i n4iliiwii iVV HV jvn) MM lllill II , mi h iy i ii 1 1 ttMtM. ivnli It'LuiM Ul (nfcfe lit AilfJIH HM i ttlttf NM4Ui4 -hi H-4il H"M I iimki ii. Hill 'M tlulC. Im HIH tin I HilM I MHW 141 VI 0!WyifJLMV fcUlliiiU ini uin ,M iviti! istvimMti HmV.M Hi) )hr Hh. im r nut '11 ! JlJUMJM-jiiii A HMW II JUViift, I'hYnHIIAN AtWKWH'tM. Miii.UllHU, lHUi Jwwn Mu II llluillij f Ut ))&, I it tlit4. htii lip tl U lif. mumn and surgeon wfOH)w nljji il .jiiilMJrMi"'lf U W,W'A.U- AwywHWi 'wlunmiki ii'fi4, "fUSm The Best Residence Localities In tho city of Fortlnnd and other prosperous towns nro thoso owned by men or corporations i-fhn hare tho disposition and ability to improvo them. HIGHLAND ADDITION 1 H Male It 11 1 To the city of Salem. They have at this time fifteen teams employed and the contemplated improvements havt scarcely begun. It is intended to make tho drivo leading from Commercial street through Rlversldo and High land additions and around Highland Park v THE FINEST EiRIVK IN THE STATE - A" ' - ,i Of Oregon. Tho lino of the Salem Street Bailway Company runs through the middle of this addition, and bo ots will be more than two blocks distant from the line. Highlund Park will in tho near luture be THE MOST POPULAR RESORT 4 ABOUT THE CITY OF SALEM. Lots in HigTiland Additon are High and Dry and Well located; Most Excellent Drainage The soil is black and rich. From all points n lino view is obtained of the public buildings and our highest mountain peaks. Arrangements are already being made for tho location of two churches in this addition, and a number of residences are soon to be built. Buildings only of the best class will be permitted. Residence lot within tho limits of tho city of Salem are worth on an average over $1000. We can better lots ih High land addition for one-third of the money, and being directly on the line of the street railway they are practi cally not half so far from the public buildings and the business part of the town as the majority of the so called "lnBlde lots." Buy a Lot in Highland Addition for Three Hundred Dollars, And let somo other fellow pay $1000 for an inferior lot not so well located. With the difference of $700 you can ' build a beautiful cottage, or put it out at a rate of interest that will buy you nearly two thousand stmt car tickets every year. GRAND PRIZK ELEGANTLY One Hundred and COX GROCERS, 240 COMMERCIAL 0- HflrTlcket with rlmuou on prlwi T. J. CRONISE, Salem'j Popular Job Printer, A '1 .HIM NIJW UVAim'.HH IM THK IIH'I rii iiiiuivnif nutiuiiijr, ur, t iwit. rm- vmi aim i,Miiiirio iirn IU DORWANCJ5 BROS, VliuHtrry mrUlyui OREGON LUMBER, MWJMVM AND UNI)ltliHHIl)l tiuUt lklil(IK(J on Ullrf MJft, . VulJiil I if Arliilluiii nwlu, nUm, Ihtfiiu, Mill lo.-d uur m h liiif uitUi liKill.fii.l Iiuiii iUUiulMUhi4uliii HliW liuUwIMI J U4 Mill, Slib WwmJ DOc hr Cord, l4H HUI H Ul XUI lUilHltf Din of hi'ii ur id M iiiniuni I liiur ut muuw, hi. HiV Huf ibMtwl ilfl, i UIHI U fhUit aif f !(."' MiJI'tK WMW HWIM . I!'! fjHKuuHr i ihmiii ur nuumr 4 M mmm V w mmr ,i.piM ui..if .ir iiia wiiuiiy I tomwilitfitufbftirltMiUiHlilw.inatot, llltAydnn illiliim n,ulifk4TuiUtiIU I wfomru4Xmmi, New Exprsss Wigonij4"-! wmvmt, WU44AH HUmMH rultlt' 4 U rUtlU w ft wUftwt lMM fitA It i Mi af 7 ww""" "' -IS OWNED BY- L And this Corporation is determined -OF AN- -CONSISTING OF- Thirty Pieces to & STREET, prowntwl U) every purcluiserof ouu Kansas House, Corner ol Court mid Jllh HU, E, Mi LAW, Proprietor. will onniluuu lu ff v uuritulrfiiii wftu Urn Tii 'I i7"f nnwun. yitu iim u h iuldlu wiluilim lu tlur fi'mt, Trniu 'jSflgtf "l" fUu49liY4u tfVMttrnnuvUfv4, LOANS, TJtle Good I I'rluiiliM I Hll.i) llll.lwl H)li i liUf MUI VHII I! immniiu uim f,iu llf Mw My Wk fym i'mfrkl ;UMf lIlMM tii gnu New Fish Market, kPH. hwHili h4 UfUtt Hwtoii HfHj MUil itwMwmHi '-i--'- -i-ii.-i 1 is Attack DECORATED II BOGGS mxi awaiaiittsiMi mm ! to (T JR M .1 Altar nil Id4; Given .wkyjbylf ) SALEM, OREGON, pound of our "Itullance C'n Ttm," L. S. WINTERi,' THIC I'KOl'hH' QHQ9MHV Umrtiit telx-t )HOf faWlJj' IMMaMHl v, if, mmnH Salem Music Store wW'lj IMi 14 llito IM, filtw'i Wk. tlWw n m mm lim.HHMUH.Hr AKDBBW KAN k CU PRINTING. UV. ill 'hU lu iaa:.i IHf1 II) f mmtiih DhMlXl rrifr'T ' r biiihwii nwf rw a )BwAw, Imtmat wmwmwmw SJ i " 3Wr ". ttirtmH