Trr - a M BUDSOHintt lOU 'Aa-jv is .'l.'mri( ( advijk riaic IN- TUF PAPITAI inilRMAI CAPITAL i ml. wi mm wuunnnu j4 JOURNAL. niK BEST l'APEH IN 8AL12M. THE CAPITAL JOURNAU IT WILL UK A GOOD INVESTMENT. 9Ybu will be well plcused with It.-tft .iii t S-TIio Term nro Most Hciuoniblo-a Ah VOL. 2. SALEM, OTIEGON. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1889. NO. 250. Y JtLm fi m -o- The "Napoleon Glove, uiiocond , Tie "Our Own fcc," at One Dollar ! Thin J r glove that gives good satisfaction and will plcauo you. Our SO cont glove you pay elsewhere- 75 cents for tWKoraember, this week only, at abovo prices. T. HOLVERSON, THE GLOBE Real Estate n M LCafi and Exchange! -292 Ccpmercial Street, SATvBiyj, - mtmBsaessssss Seliool Books A complote line of BTATJONERY, ALUUMH. GOLD PENS AND FANCY LEATHER C100DB AT- J. BENSON STARR'S NO 01 fl'f ATK HTIUSKT BALKM. OKKQON Wm. Brown k Co. 13KAUKMH IN BOOTS AND SHOES, " Slippers, mm wwdww I) KIUUBSB H,, m cmimM ATTENTION I raal H, Diamond, Sale! of Alexandre, only $1.50. - OREGON i . Leather and Findings CAtll PAID T0H mat; JIIDKH, ww, ahj vuwt, HmU'mmmMHirit tfAfsKM ' ' WMHWOH Slippers mm l KLEIN'S, Wfwt, Urn wm W jyiw il I - Ui M IU LWM TTMMi flBBWP I f? f n"' " .ri-' X-mas Tidings. Do You Want to Buy a Dress? If bo, como and seo our elegant dress goods. We can suit you In Quality, Stylo and Prlco. Ah, but you are sure to want ono of those Fascinators, now that the cold wcatuens coming on. Thoyaro going fast. All shades bluo, black, red, pink and white, plain, beaded and cider-down tdge. They are per fect beauties. Toboggan Hoods, Woolen Skirts and Jackets, until you can't rest. -O- Christmas Gifts For u RICH AND POOR. EVERY ONE IS TREATED ALIKE AT THE OPERA HOUSE CORNER ! Bo wise! Havo common sense. whero you can save monoy. Wo will help you to get us much happiness as possiblo out of your money. We do it by low prices. M ADVENTURE Opera House Corner, SALEM - GEO. W. JOHNSON, Pre. H. A. JOHNSON, Jr., Trcas. j State Lani and Trust Cwaiiy ! (Incorporated,) LOAN BROKERS AND UUAI.KIUi IN Real Estate 0G State StrQt, Salem, Oregon. o l'wnilu looking for liiVMtmaiiU iul taking mUUim poxrty ulioiild m I liv Motor Ilit Addition Mini WM Hulem, Ia u tdtlitir of (Ik-mi itddllloiia will umkv you m eliolc and wHwnloiit lioiiist will nmktt a iiwt ralum mi luvwliiiajit n a short limn, It 11 Pay You to Investigate lfr iimktiiK purcliw. To lliww hunting lot. to Inilld an, wt II you m lot by yuu imyltm W iluwn wild Ilia Uluiiw In il my hmhU, fu thw wishing to Invwt for mahim Will Mi HIoiiIIjI HyHini We WW GJve TermB IM will kw W Uw Itjwlllli. riH-ry . make yugr iy; Uwd, kIvIhk you km MijMfluulijr w fcuy Mini dl winftiiill w4li( Wliv , A Few drift IxiU In Oik Uwn hrt 'Addllloii Kinnw ind Tlrnhwr Utndw J wlwtHii i wwIwIkm (Air IW. .ind ami Tfiist Compnny, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmt State, MAJCM, HNK HANGING LAMW (witrj ui tewut I the Oli and Young Buv at tho Oocra Houso Corner - - OREGON. V. H. D'AItCY, T. C. SHAW, Vice-Pros. Mew tVUidkita fu ra jr 1 un Choice Grocerist ANY Hit A Cold Waves ro prctllcted with rollablo accuracy, and people liablo to tin paliiB and aches of rheumatism droad every chaugo to damp or scormy weather. Mthoush Hood's Snrsnnarllla la not claimed to bo a positive spociflo for rheumatism, tho rcmarkablo cures It has effected show that It may bo taken for this complaint with reas onable certainty of bouefit. Its action In neutralizing tho acidity of tho blood, whloh is tho cause of rheu matism, constitutes tho secret of tho success of Hood's Barsapnrllla. If you sudor from rheumatism, clvo Hood's (jarsaparllla a fair trial; It win uo you goon. JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Groceries, Faints, Oils and Window Glass, Wall Pa per and Border, Artists' Ma terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fenco Posts, Grass Seeds, Etc, MEW TO-DAY. THE GLOBE 292 Oommorctnl Street, Bnlom, Oregon Help of all kinds furnlisbedoa short no tice, Any person wanting help of any kind or any person looking fur employment will flud It to their advantage to call on in. N. McCain, Manager. REED'S OPERA HOUSE. SATURDAY, DEC. 21, '80. The Jinglers! The bent colored Jubilee company ever before the public The Uhlcajro Inter Ocean tuyit "The Jliigleri were encored until enoorea ceaaed to be a virtue." The Tribune ay: "The JlnKlen were received wiiu iuewuaeieniuiiiam." ItMrT4 teat n otnU. Ueaeral admit loa 60 cents. He cure your eiu early. Hiieet at I'atton's Hook Htore new open, SALEM cc Wanted Klve men to chop wood; lour mru U) chop wood uud split rulls, I'srtons bavlDtf lioiue U rmt should llil llivm wild us. IVrsnns loo 'or li-limf any kind, or psrsons IoosIiib for situation will avt Wlmlv In ull ii n or auilirsallur our office at No, SSM CoiMiiisri'lul slrml. All uruvr win rsiir our proinpi aiisiuiou. VMhhlVHAHMVK, AkU, SANTA CLAUS .AMD- J. G, Wright Hg In tuimum in (lis "j;ly Mils vl Fmnf foil i'iu piijtjf (Jive E.Ti)My W M n i HUM Miiiiii lliiiiliillillilili(i 1 IIAUiW imUUVWM lH UUJ MJJ) -ft 1 1 iff mi n.i i'i ii i,ihWHWHT, m&m Employment Agency Employment D C....,i,. miiiiiM SALEM TO NEWPORT! A Coraraitto From Newport in tho City To-Day. LET 'RSI GOME I MORE THE BETTER! An Enthusiastic Meeting this Morning Proposed Road From Newport, King's Valley to Salem. Last evening a committee ap pointed by tho Newport Hoard of Trade, arrived in tho city and sIb niflod their deslro to meet with tho Salem Hoard of Trade, accordingly President John Wright called a meeting of tho board at 11 o'clock this morning at tbo parlors of the Capital National bank. At tho appointed hour qulto a number of prominent citizens wero on hand and a few minutes after 11 o'clock President John Wright called tho meeting to order, with I. A. Manning as secretary. Presi dent Wright thou Btatcd tho objeot of tho meeting, and said that a com mittee from Nownort wua on hand to see what could bo done toward constructing a broad gauge railroad from Newport through Balem. Tho committee from Newport, con sisting of Messrs. Bheppucrd, Baker and Caso wero presuut, and Mr. Sheppherd was called by tho chair, and In a few brief words set forth tho object of their coming. Ho said that last year a company was organ ized to build a road from Newport to King's valley, or to Alrllo a dlatauco of 48 miles. The lino would pass through tho Sllotz Indian reserva tion as the company had been granted that right by an nut of con gress. Alter tuo arrangement Had been almost completed it had been decided to seo what could bo done toward extending tho lino on to Salem. Mr. Shoppbord wild that tho road would pass through a wonderful timber district and also through vast coal Holds now In the hands of capitalists who wero pre paring to develop them as soon as as an outlot could bo obtained. iho lino will bo tho shortest outlot to the sea and to ono of the best harbors ou tho coast almost. A fow days ago a government ex amination was made on the bar, while tho tldo was out, and In the shallowest spot twenty-two feet of goon water was iouihi. tiio roau proposed will bo about soventy-llvo miles In length from Nowmrt to Balem. and tho heaviest imulo.en- countered wlll'bo seventy feet to tho mile, which Is considered llrst-class. Anything undor eighty feet Is con sldored HrHt-clnsH. lie further stat ed that the road would bo built to King's Valloy from Newport, oven if Balem did not take an Interest In tlio matter. Mr. J. II. Albert replied, that Ba lem Is now preparing to build a road to Astoria but that did not nut iiuv hindrance on aiding and a-lHlliig any other road to our city. Tim limldlmr of tho Astoria road ho thought would enhance t Im vuliio of proiK-rty in Hau'iu in percent, morn fore for every road iimInU'iI In hulld lug to Balem wo would bo that much moro uuio ihioii unit! to imximi, Voice from all over tho room wild w want loam (lie road built mid will do our imrl. Tim morn roads wu ran assist tin) Ixltcr, must have liii'iu," Mr. ('utile list imlernrls iiu iiiii rnergullu iiminiger of (fiu Hindi In surMiiiu) MonipHiiy wild, "our hmh Pitt will Join lifuillly mid will irivt nioruiiy iovwu u,i i'iii'rpriV' Mr. Va I llnl lieu moved lliul u mU iiifllco from lliu Hli'n Jlounl ff 'j'rmlii mi HpiMiiniMi mmwt wiiu ilinN'kvjMfUI'rdfTrHd,i,iirrli'l. Mr, ruM aiuUid i hut u mirvvy would iwkiii hi iiudo and lb" l'X'4- lion tif llmfiwd ixlttblUliiw). , Kfoii i ArlluloNvwiMirf 11 liH iiilli'iaml Inmt Anlu Ut Huwin 'il ndl. Mr (.'mm tuUd futilii'f llml lb" mill' llilltlll full IllflIV llll'liMMl Mllll (Villi iilinit'itli'if from lint ijH'piloiMlii'y hud fHJ'IVPd ul III" hiiinf lliu HuWiimiM, llnmil iw w ir i,iix4 Ml lliu mUhhUu Mini vjiii kiilnuuii In Km urn uud 1 ioum III II Mil xUMluld I'll III' fm OlMlWli hi uiii liilld lliu oMd 1'illifi-t, 'thu iwiihu nii'i M'jj'iir("J mkii'J yinn I'llllll'WUSIII ll.;llll lllluir lliu mllllUllt IIUAltlllU In ii Mil Ml lliu inula lioiimi rum' f '.... .f'. T.. twtt ,."-'. ,,M-,.nr mi i Mm) litMf w)m U Hi iu Mid UivJMj'Iumii'I lliu hit" Iteli'l 'I'tir, Ifimtli Ww OMi IU hi I'MiHv, ixmti m IUi'Iimuk' ""'" inuy 1MH'idH' M llju iimii' syijil huh)!'! llryhi riMii thutiHy, liliuiiirMu k-Mrf nr Aim in in wjdl'l kiiiiuiioiili.l iii iho ion llf M ltlHllU 1)11 IIIU lU U hull miiUs'iuii'Jy iiMlMM M VlvWiil urn uiiiuiiiiiiiJ uLit.v in nlM 1l I lit iW kiiiull wull liinlji Will I Ml 111 frit, IoImi h (iiliioiloli ii Is ill iifVti'ill UM Cil htD ioi iliwlhit mhtmj,fmi uU iMIl UliMl'I'WlMll u k lliu hjf im IU ihublb '1 im iiuiuir in WiUh Uti- ' wvnni minh IMViM nuiiulh imiiU.m plUHUfHI Ml") 'IVH Im nl (m Vnltlurt, ifwiH) i us), tumnht im i . . "... . . . i W9f IHVfVffOrt n Tirj'Vfr-'-ps. trrrin r tfilttlli-ay in, I aXaM'iMl IWIWM', .! III" ')", aTwmAi i'J wi'y vit ") .,. . - . r. I. I.I. .SI... .1. .11 . I MHMimuil.Mik y A wm ml t)munriy iirll htMhd hn vlinUthn i JjwjimJ I.I1..1I.IIII la, ill liiJ U A WOllll FOR SAIiBM. Slits Has Dangerous Enemies Within Her Midst A llomti Thrown Into Their Camp. llcpubllshed irom yestcrdny's Jouunai. by requestor ninny citizens. Tho Jouhnat., from tho tlmo of Its birth, has fought for tho Interests of Salem and her citizens, but never for tho Interest of any corporation or Individual, and to this course docs It owo its presont success. Times havo been when thero wore things going on In tho cltv that wero against tho Interests 'of tho citizens, and to show them up prop erly it took a certain amount of cash patronage away from tho Jouunai,, yet, with Its motto on tlfo wall, "For tho People," It never llluched, but proceeded to do its duty, and In tho end It is crowned by tho patron age and respect of tho best citizens A short time ago a lively boom was Inaugurated at Astoria, and as our morning conteniponuy became Indirectly Interested in a small tract of land near there, since that luno Its editorial columus havo been ablazo with tho bright future of As toria, thus it win im seen that a Salem paper that gels its bread and butter out of tho business men of Salem Is using Its might and lntlu- uco against tuo nest interests or theso satuo business mou who have so long given It tho bread of life. Tins is very uugrateuil, to say the least. They would, from their ac tions, "kill the goose that lays tho golden egg." Tho citizens of Salem nro now asking tho question, "Why does that paper Jeopardize tho interest of Its hometown for thoso of Astoria?" Tho Jouunai. answers this tiuestioit in these womb. Tho proprietors of that sheet are interested over there, and now would subserve tho Inter ests of tho men who have nursed them from poverty, for their own personal ends. It Is u burning shame, to say tho least. To Invest fu Astoria or any other property Is no crime. Tho Jouunai. Is glad to sec any of our citizens place their money where It will tin ilium thu lliost good, but when a newspaper which Is supposed lo voice the sentiments and Interests of Its own city, converts Its editorial force Into an organ for Its own specu lations, It Is lime to call ti halt! Wo nro sure tho real friends of Kaleni tho men who expict to make their homes here, ami wIioho Interests aro Identical with those of our oily will uphold tho JotntNAi, when It Insists that our home Interests should bo held sacred abovo (Iioho of any itcrsminl speculations, If tho BtntcMiuau wants lo malto Itself an outside organ, the sooner tho ieoplo know it tho better. If Astoria Is a lielter (own for Ilium than Balem they had better move their concern over In Iho city on thu coast anil malm room hero for real friends of our city, mid not Intent our town as u wolf In sheep's ololli- Tho Jouunai Is for Balem, llrsl, last mid all lint lime, uud Is willing that Astoria pujierN shall do nil In their ixiwcr fur AnIoiIii, hut wo do object to having a Balem psr turn Iruilor to its own coiiiiiiouwi'ullli mid Indocile" fa ill id a way, willed would iillicrwlwi Imi mjmiiiI id liomii, mid prolllnbly luvcsl'd In Bulcin, Wn waul it railroad u lliu ca,iiiid Anuria Ii llni plum for Hie rimd In ("rfiilimliif TliiiiiMid will Imn Mew ing in ludli I'llltM, and iivury prop, criy owner In iuiiiIi place cull ullonl iiisubscrllsillsriily lor lln cuicr iirli-i. Only Id! c'liUu Mull for lliu JiiPJiMiJiiHiifU'r, Hi" In! jmjHr In Hlcin, - - A I'MIMAIt UM'A rtM lit U'Dullur lnlufisl I'Miur I'il'M'ii In vwiiimI, l uuw lii lliu lunirls, ft MM-'Hr llml ii young llcriiimi Hum ih 'Hi-Mumtfrn Im'I'I m t)W:r' ll'MHI Pll M (Mllll Hf tllUh tUlWllH', MjiliuMid 'iiy. rMl'l J'mw mm Mll'jll'l H III!) MllU'f lliu Ullll, Mild would icnniiHiti ulnuiHir lliu pIucuwms iHild 'iillru II m?' luriiitr IIimI JJirilt'll A iwmIIu. n)iM M'iHif, lid 4'liy. m fiiuml iur'li4'fa) Jm ', u"j I IfMi u nt llif fouii, If M 'M I I viiiml, Miid Hd pIhiiiimI. JW lllls, huWVl'h iulIWHilKhl, M UiUiUfiif Willi', iiIJhih, tf i Ml liifilii wiiu Imiii'Kim1IiiiIIm In pldiiPMlid iiHUle hWy IIimI Iiu Jims wild lliu htm iUh; Mini lliul Him r iHHMII IHM WWlO.W l.u Inlitii.U mill "lll." rut trilii ihciisrfts lo HtliliMiufil IIimI Ii" wlnliimli lU;l wm, W mid) umi mlii4triiflii ilui it llifc "Imiii IllM IdiH mi viid lliiii S1W litf lu uumi h wn ';ff '!"' M mi MlMWlllllfH IIUUMf, IIMII iiii liif ilU llllli M IflMUH Mll'l MWl iW IIW Mi Mill' iIimm sin m mi 'ill tiumm jHt IwlidtlliMai, Ji'r, ."ld" ,'f liiijlLU I 'liuw'a itJUll UIOl MHsWMIUl i""'.r ."-.i. -j .7..: ii i..cinu ii.. D lui ,.,,,,-,..- - --. -. illMlUM IIIU BII4IIII II (SIMMS IM illli IllliMllM IM IHIII ii nut III ,, - - .--- - mn4imiHH i MUtdilu huW IjiMflM IMllM u mum it lliu in i huh Mll, MM If lll uiali ifcS io UvHlWl'Mt f thill -jlilMlMrMlllMHI ISilHlS- ,11.:,. 'I'I,,. lUlllllu UUJ Ui flhul Uiiijiiin.i.f llu) iiidi. mIiIi tminiilh ( til mill, hmiM itifl h lA ill im ilvvlf imM' Mill M) nil HI IwfawiiMi J'",J',,' '" imii 'hi iii l' '!" "if '1 r'nH' IiIiiimW, unit lllt i diM ul jir fflfi M'f P 9wwt .'HT'- " - 1.. 1. SUV IB j.i imi i i Y.'H i a M I .! m w m ' 7 . u M m It hi . 1 1 1! 1.1 i; i r ij .Il i'i iw v I i.ii ' '.. i i 4 QWJOMUHY liLMHI, lit, h4 W . 04 flM -TKAWMKMilHWtfl' ;? mmism i4 In u'kHHiwliwU ilWM .MW,lfMI MM'" HMW "' PTPt NO, H47 H WOH'r N'JS