IV "-f pv THE CAPITAL EVENINQ JOUBKAL. Hi R n I I v 7 TflE CAPITAL J0I1ML. TKIIM8 OK HUIJHCIUITION. nAIIr. Ono year by mull W g Hlx months by mull f 9 Three monthi by mail ...... l Per week, delivered by carrier 15 WKKKI.Y. One year by mall.. . .... . $1 60 Hlx months by mall . One year. If paid In advance . 1 0 Hlx months, If paid In advance 6 Kor nflvortlslng rates apply nt this ofllcc AllHubscribcntoTnECAriTAi.JouNAi who do not secure their paper regularly will notify this offlce, giving address, nnd the matter will bo attended to at once. Offlce, corner Court I and Liberty. Btrcots COMMKIlCIAIi ADVERTISING. Considerable merriment has been caused the past two days at Taeoma by the novel method of ad vertlsinu adopted by the Humboldt House, corner of .Fourteenth and A streets. On Tuesday a man was hired to pa rade a wheelbarrow with but one brick In It, all day, and his bebav lor was so outside tho ordinary that he fooled even the police. In the morning this man took eight bricks and left one at each street corner from Twelfth to Fourteohth street on Pacific- avenue. Theii with one brick in his burrow he started on the rounds. The first time he came to a brick he stopped,' deliberately placcdihls brick on the ground, re placedjit with the other, looked at his watch und moved on the same as before at the next corner the op eration was repeated. Ho refrained from answering any questions, and kept on bis roundsin tho same way until ho binio to the corner of Four teenth ftrvct whoh he quietly went down to the Humboldt House, entered the .bar, bought aud paid for adrlult, only to repeat the same performance over a'jivlu. The man's curious behavior attract ed the attetfqon of a good many on the street! who thought ho must certainly bo cnusy. Finally the at tention of nrpolicqnnin was called to his queer prformauco and the man was arrested. Hc protested that lie was itnployed Wi wheel that brick around in order to entice ueoDlo tothe Humbolt house. Not- wltfisLatidlnc this tho man watf taken tjb tho police court and was gotofFbyhlB emplojr, the justice ininkipg the matter a good joke. Qultoi nu&bor of peoplo followed tho mun until ho went Into tho hu loonboforo they tumbled to tho sell. Yesterday tho same man was wheel ing About thofetreets a transparency saying: "Humbolt house, corner Fourteenth and A, fifty newly fur nished rooms with bar attached, which closes promptly utll o'clock." Tho police again disturbed tho ad vertising procession by forcing the man to koep off tho sidewalk. The papers of that city suy that some thing now iliuy bo looked for to-day. '' "MoTimu's Lovi:.- Monday night the doors of Heed's opera house will swing open for the performance of Helen Blythe, in her great success, 'Mother's Love.' Tho Oregouian or December tho 3d, suys "Miss Helen Ulythtf In her strong emo tional play, yMotlier's Love," open ed an engagement lust night at the ow Park, iuiuby tho st length and finish or hor acting, fully justified (he praise that Has been lavished upon her. Tho ploy. Is n domestiu story of n I loving woman yielding her youuir Jieart to a kin' man; his I full throu Arctic vovuiro to sav wiuiUnoHS. Trom which return for vears: his wife's sufferings, prlvntioniihml eflorts to euro fortheir child In tli meantime, and tho hus band's tluul return and reunion with his loved ones. Tho incidents kre well tsJd ind there is a vein lor 'amusing comedy wliich serves arf a foil to hoheavler scenes. Mss Hllon lilytln) in tho roloofEdth Jiordon doesKsomo highly artlstlo work, There are several strong scenes In which sho Is slugulrly reminiscent of (Mara Morris, tho queen of emotionuMictresses. JEspe clally is tills so in tnttjcllmn.jrof tho third act, where her cfiircT Is tuken from her, Tho quick, nervous niove monts, tho intouso feeling, tho signs of mental pulnare all there. In the fourth act, too, where she recovers her child, sho exhibits strong emo tional power. Sho dresses in splen did toilets also in tho scenes requir ing them, und her regal llguru well becomes thorn." ' Havu Nor Ami'UTAtki). Tho doctors hilyo not yet amputated WultcrLonnon'surni. They will wait until ho hu bettor health. Mr. Lonuon lias Yullercd considerably vlthhis arm nr about one year, und bus already- lost two bones out of tho forearm7 and ho says that If amputation will strut his suftcrlngs It must bo done. Jl lnul tho mis fortune to full agulnsba taw while at work luitlio Capital sLAimborlng mill, whlfli caused the itbuyo re sult. Waller is an holiest, hard working young man and it is very Bad to know that tho poor fellow is having so much trouble. His friends wish him till tho luck in the world in his troubles. What a Motok Link HasDoni:, Tho first electric motor lino In Or ejroiiia tho lino on tho i, st side of the river opposite Poitluud, running from Third and 0 streets .Co Cen tral Albhm. 'hys road win built with tlit) hearty approval of tho city government of AiblniC, and the property contiguous fn.it lias appre ciated one-third in yrilthv. In Salem too, tho agitation for inoiur lines continues becniUKf clear-headed eltl y.ens see that the growth of tho place will bo accelerated by it. Ore gon City cannot uttord to lie an inch behind her neighbors In vim und tho display of euergy.--Oregon City Courier. Who Was It. This morning about 1 o'clock a. m., the police on duly heatd tho sharp reKn of a re volver lu tbo direction of North Sa lem and hiwcLr hud tlio ivnoit died uuut weal; gh Mrlnk; an e hlmTfom his ho does not uwuy in tho itbUunoj mill! a second one was hcurd'in tho neighborhood of. tho depot Au Investigation fall eUo roveuUiny cause for this work niHt It limit haw neon done by ,'jomo tlioujjlitUW iierdmi who de Iredouly to chum the authorities a little trouble, ITS A SUKE GO. The Railroad From Salem to tho Sra . ,.,., i is nn Almost Settled ract Kc- ceiving Consideration. For some thno tho fact has' been realized thu Salem must have a di rect route totho sea in order to bet ter faclliate ho transportation ac commodations to and from our city and to .that end a citizens' nietiug, was called last evenimr which met at the pri vate parlors of the State Insurance company and thoroughly discussed the matter and st the wheel in motion. t Tim m.inftn.r itfna nHntlHf.rl v fl number of Salem's most enterpris ing ana thorotlgii business men, among whom were Eugene IJrey man, H. Lunrf, Dr. L. LJlowlnnd, J. F. Brown, Werner Breyman, T. H. Barnes, l)f. H. J. Mi 11 thorn. C. B. Moores, S T. Richardson, W. H. Phelps, J. Ill Albeit, W. N. Ladue, I. Vanduyn J. A. Baker, H. W. Cottle, E. Ml Walte, and Mayor Geo. Williams, wbo thoroughly sue the critical situation Salem is placed in if sho cannot st'eure a direct route to the scu. These gentlemen spent several hours last evening in discuss ing the best possible couise to pur sue, aud nlo other important matters. At a late hour a commit tee of ten composed of H. W. Cottle, C. B. Moores, Wer ner Bipyman, W. H. Phelps. W. N. Ladue, J. F. Brown, 8. T. Rich ardson, I)r. H. J. Mlntliorn, Mayor Georiro Williams aud J. 11 Albert. were annolnted to draft articles of Incorporation and present them at the next meeting which will be held to-morrow night. At tho meeting last evening It was decided to solicit stock to tlieamouut or $200,000, and that tlo stock books bo opened inimeaditely for this pur nose. Salem, will lio doubt raise $100,000 worth of stdbk, and as soon its tho same is subscribed an assess ment sulllclcnt t,o c6ver the necessary cost of a prelimln survey will be levied and tho good work will go merrily on. , , ! There will bo po bonus asked for In tho construction of tills line. Every person subscribing so much stock will have ft. certificate of stock issued to him Uf that amount. There is no doubt, no question, but what this lino Ivlll bo In tho course of const ruction nt a very early date. Salem has signified her desire to have Bitch a line and her citizens have taken hold of the matter with a vim aud push that acts as a safe assurance or tlio building of the line as has been proposed time and time again heretofore. All abroad for tho seal Buy your ticket via tho Salem and ecu coast route. To-NiaiiT. Tho opera house will bo occupied this evening by tho "Mirror of Ireland" company and a full house is promised. The Los Angeles Herald says: Tho "Mirror of Ireland" drow jk largo audience at Armory HAtl last night. Tho pictures introduced were very In te cstlng, representing, as they did, bits of sccnerv of that land, and historical piuts of tovjs and por tions that ardenshrined in the heart of every true Irishman. Betwcen the pictures were iutroduSed some very clover lilts of acting and n number of character songs jy Dun and Joslo Sullivan, These sketches introduced "Barney, tho Joinlcal Guide,'' "Nota. the Little Ei leruld," "The Dutch Traveler," "ft uldoon, the Solid Man," HMureliifl Pat," "The Irish Dude," unMrOIalony, 'the Fortune Teller." AH of the Impersonations were heartily en cored, and many ot the pictures were vigorously applauded. At Monmouth and Independ ence. Miss Jennie M. Long, assist ed by her pupil, Mias Grace' bcriber, are preparing to render a delightful literary" programme utMonniouth und Independence, onnext Friday and Saturday evening. Tho citizens of both placet can depend on beiu.-r wo'l entertainod,anu should avail themselves of the opportunity to be present on tHis occasion. Both Indies are excellent. Miss ljong is an elocutionist of rare ability, aud has the endorsement ot the press and publiojvlierever sho lias appear ed. Miss Stiribcr is fast becoming a noted reader and impersonator, aud tho two ladles are fully competent to render a delightful programme. It has Beuun Eahi.y. The holiday trade this year bus begun soverul weeks in advunco of any sea son thus ftvr,. The wttractions In novelties and holiday goods this year are very e.vreimlvonnd Salem's enterprising merchuuts now have several hundred dollars wmth of these goods displayed in their show windows. Tluy merchants are al ready frelini: otuto ubllaV4 over tho prosH'cuve uig run tins season. Consulerubleitrudd Is now going on In this lino tttid tho holidays almost four weoks oil yet. Considerable of this good trtde can bo laid at the door of some judicious advertising. Lively Runaway. A lively ruimwiiy occurred on Liberty street, yesterday. AVteum .Belonging to Broolts Wngiiomboonhio frightened and run away, bolh horses being badly crippled. Mr.sWng'0" "iie cccdcd In stopping them after they had gone considerable dlstauce. The wagon was also wrecked. Going to I)i:antvt'.u. Tho Ladies Aid Society, of it ho BapUat church have divided U paper tluvcli Tho work will opniinenoo lit church. ODiiiineuco t once. and in a short 1 1 no they will have tuc wans aim ceuiug ucHiuiiuiiy decorateil. -- PuisoNEii jtm-Uuirn.AND. Mar shal James Ross toolutniiau named Stevons to Pdrtland toluy, where lie is wauled u a ciuirgoK lauvny iroin a iiweiinigv. ir. kobs win turn homo to-niomiw. J ro- , Wanted to Rent. A small house or cottugo with llvo or six rooms. Inquire at Capitaii Joint NAi.olllco. tf Xor.vHY Apivjnwwujnt. Chas, v-r i. iiyue, or uukt ci'i was ni- poiuieu uoiury putuio uv mo uoy prnor iQ-ay( OrroiiTUNiTiES for Goon In vestment. In this Issuo of the i Capital Journal are several i notices asking for houses to rent, ' ,,,,.,. flipf. , 1u ,, fo llin Zon. elusion that towelling houses area i scarce nrtiolcVIn Salem just now, While tills is aVdesiruble condition, 11 n so fur us it indicates thut our town is enjoyiuV prosperity, it Is not udvnulngeoutrto the Uusluess in terests of the'plueeX The Jouiinad knows of one fumlrv tHat wished to settle here last woekVbut was com pelled to go elsewlioT for want of quarters. This is rong. Our real estate owners catium ulftird to over look the mutterfit providing com fortable and low priced houses for rent, in their iifixlely to make more Important nen-s. Nowx that our town jfs on the advance we cannot tuioni to let nnv one co by, We hope the par ties advertising in this papers for houses can be accommodated and thus add a few more to our growing number. Any one who will build a nimfbcr of cottages for families, in or about tho city, can find' renters for them at once. Boat Nr.ws. The Orient went un the river tills morning aud will be bncli to s.uemlo-nignt wuen she will lay over and will Rroceed to Portland to-morrow. Shol tooK up :i laree number (ff stallions to work on the Oregon Puclfic railroad. The Bently and ThrW) Slstert wl vl nr- rive In Salem tlils-.cyjunng. AllTICLES OK lNCOlirOHATK N Art'cles of incorporntion were filed with the sscretiy:y-r4stato to-day, as follews: Tho TolfadoNid Yaqulua City Telephone companyJv principal ofllcc In Toledo, Bqnton county Or. With Clias. F. J odes, J. H. McNeil and B. Yuitlier us incorpomtors. e. Society Notes. The society ed itor wishes all news inJiis line to be at the office as curly iispovLiblo to morrow, to insure proper crasslflca tlnnH. Tlin SnturdnviH issue will do- Vote its usual space jo thlsyuranch of news. Tiiains Late. TlJe'Trnjniing train has been delayed for ruany liours for the lust lew days. I The causae is said to be a wrtsliout jJut. If everytliing works good TtbwWlU be on usual time hereafter. GHANTEI) A PAltDlrffTi Sr.m'l Abraham was grunted! a puiaon lu n was granted! a pair day, to regain him tci cttrzcils'iip. He was sent to thenoiiilentiary fioni ottCSri served his lull term, Mnltnoman cou .. . W.J loiceny, nnd has Holiday Goods. Opened lids week, nu entire now lot ot novelties sultubie, and in fuct, just tho thing for holiday gifts und presents, at the White Corner. J. Meyer. 12-lm Go to Mr. Benson's New Candy aud Olgar Store, for the finest lino of candy, cigars and tobacco, In tho city. All good, new und fresh. lbO Stuto street. tf. Gmn WiiiL he Remembered And if you want to be remembered by your friends, givo them a photo graph of yourself, tuken by Catter lin & Lussler. Sco Win. Sargent's fine line of holiday goods, consisting of plush goods, albums, oil paintings, toys, picture frames, toilet sets, etc. House Wanted. A place or about six rooms, for a small family, by Juuuary 1st. Address II., this olllcc. tf Painless dental operations atDr T. O. Smith's, 09 State street. ItEAL ESfATE THAXSACTIONS. Tho following is u correct list of the real estute transactions filed at tho ofllcc of tlif county leuoider to te day: 11. Thompson and Mary E. Thompson to ljeu isilcii, acres In 1 7r 8 w; ' $ J. W. Johnson et nl to'Lee Bllyeu, 8J acres In t 7sr!l w; E. M." Croisun toClias. Fraukjltsl, A, 5 J and 8 in blkC, of Sublimity, W. II. Murray difd wf to Mrs. A. Sacry; 1 acre in t 0 s r 1 v Franklin H. Bryantnd wf 4(100 1 15 1000 to LeoBelgem; yucro hi t 7 s r 3 w Paul Frank tq'Clius Fniuk, 100 acres, in t DA r 1 w 2000 S200 IU JM IJrOlfiUU to L11U8 Frank, Its 11 and 12 in blk 1 of Sublimity i 23 v-1 "Wo l'oltat With I'rltle" To tlio "gooil nnme t lionio," won by Hood's Bursnpurlllu. In Lowell, Muss.f wlicro It Is prepared, there Is mora o Hood's Hnr.nparllla bold than of nil o" her medicines, nnd It has given tlio best sails faction since Its Introduction tea years nso This could not bo If tho medicine, did not posscksiucilt. If you sutler from linpuie blood, try IloodV S.irsnparllUi. WrlRht's Hop I'elcy mid Clitimonillo Hitters urcllatiw tonle, npm-tlser nnd j pnrleiit, liivlgomtes tho ulgestlve onni nnd in events d)spepilA,eivii bo relied up ou. bold by till diiigclsts. Cheapest, strongest nnd best, Wright's Compound Extract ol Sarsnpmtllii. llolls, pimples. eryslHlns lice before It. Clonuses und enriches tlio blood. Sold by nil drug gists. All mny iossess nearly whlto teeth, pure breath and heiillhy gums by Indus Wright's Myrrh Tooth Sonp. Itemovestnr tar, prevents diHiiy. bold by ult drugglb'l It. C. C. O., lted Cross Cough Curo heals throat and lungs, ernes iistlinm mill tlio most ob.tlii'int ixnighs nnd colds. Try It. Sold by nil druggists. Ex-Pi-csidout White of Corucll University, Just back fi"oinextensivo EuropeiyirjniilrtsJ. says Vienna has been siade, pei1ni, tha hand somest city in tho world. Constan tinople coHtlmies vile. German J papers nseertilmt both os - Empret Frederick audyorbister, Princes AHce, regularly reVortwl to their mother, Queen Victoria, tho secrets of Girmauy's diplomatic and military operations during S70. Tlin u.ii'L'ni Tin nn nf Tf oiilnnL-v il.Klnii Miolr ItV'niiltmi of vfrvinllnir ' ueuuro ineir indention "ij'rtu'iniui; ..W ,, W. ... Vn.. ... --,- V...MW... convicts iroin VMiKiiifns ruiu-onii builders lu their stnto. TXIVRRSITY NOTES. W. E. Perry, of the senior floss is confined to his room by an attack of inalnrla. Mr.. Nate Conner, of Polk coun ty, whoiat ono time was a studf lit of Willamette University, witnessed chapel services Wednesday. A. W. Wann, an old-tlimvsiiidunt has becu spending a few tlajs in the city. Ho nnticiputeuentefng school after the Christmas hollifuyb. The colkgo btudent drew their subjects Weduesdhvf for cLapol ruetorlculs, which will begin im mediately after theholidays. , The semi-term fhetorlcals of the - ycude'ny classestook phQe yester- 'cniy. 1 tie average ooy nowyiccis a burden lifted for another five Weeks. A. W. BowcnJo.v, of tho cliiss of '8p,wns elected recorder at Jtfferson, Monday. Willumette'sboyH usually make their mark. May tucccss at ttml him. Miss Minnio Lansing, of Ohio, en tcrotl snhool recently. She e.itvrj tliu s))!uunore elass. The higher j'liiserfiire the ones we are pleased to wo fylod up. Wiii.Xc'url and Chas. Hemstock crilered Vshool the lirot of the week. Mr. CurlWas bete the fiist of the year, 1 was called home dn ac count of sickness. The Philpdoriau society nas ar ranged a programrno for An open meeting uaxc Friday evening. These meetings are given that the friends may see what thoyaredoing. Levi Magee of the icnior class, has had charge df profsor Arnold's classes in writiugvindbook keeping durii the week, t: is also teaoh- ing private classes u: these studies. The Piill jhurmo' Villi jlmmmic choral club, iisi.sted by Salem's; nest talent, will give an entertn nnientvln tuc opera I l . .r hou-e next Tliursdliy evening. This premises to be ooejot .1 . i . . , . ttjjd bct con certs of tlidfacasoii. certs of tlu fat Tlii.ro will There wil , ... .. .1 bo an elocutionary Pr Wl the uirfvcrMty chapel next 1 uc3dacvening given by the pupils in elocution. Tills will bo tho first of i sefrics of contests given under theVupervisiou of Miss UUIJ. H- L'he open noiisu wtiicli was in t . tended to have .uccutgiveu this eve ning, by the doan and young ladies of1 tile Womaus college has been in definitely postponed, on account of the sickness of one of the girls at tlio college. CONDENSED DISPATCHES. Blaine has recovered from his re cent attack of lumbago and resumed his duties. The Miner house, East Tawas, Mich., was burned Thursday morn ing. Two corpses were found in the ruins. Five men were injured. In a fight of drunken negroes at Lumberton, Robeson county, South Carolina, Jack Hunt, Tom Collier aud Julius Embra were killed and half a dozen others injured. Shuhok Ingio, the Japanese sailor who murdered Muro Com! Contari, a fellow-countrymeu, in New York November 10, was convicted of mur der in the first degree. Manchester, England, is only half lighted. Tho men in the municipal gas works threatened to strike and Were locked out and replaced by non-union workmen, who are fed aud lodged in tho works. Tho most active day's business lu grain characters in tho history of Baltimore was done Wednesday. Nino steamships were chartered to loud full cargoes of grain to Cork and elsewhere for orders lu the months of January, February and March. Tlio total charters cull for 8.12,000 bushels. OJIKCSON rOSJVI. SIATTEKS a Clork or the Vnt Ulall Resturntlou of Seric Deiimiided. Washington, pec. 5. The super intendent of the railway mall service has notified Congressman Hermann that ho bus nppointed W. T. Locke of Huntington, Or., us railway mail clerk on tho new run between Green river, In Wyoming, and Hung ting ton, in Oregon. Mr. Hermann made an argument to-day before tho department for tho restoration of tho mall service in Oregon between tho towns of Oak land and Looking Glass. This ser vice was discontinued under the new administration in tho Interest of economy, and now slnco he has presented what he asserts are suffi cient reasons for its restoration, he proposes making a test cose of this, iti order to ascertain how far his stuto may expect liberal recognition as tu its mull facilities. Charles Miles was to-day appoint ed poatmuster nt Laurel, -Yellowstone county, und Mrs. C. B.'Scrlb ner, nt Ramsey, Deer Lodge county, Mont.; A. Haskell at Cooperstown, Griggs county, N. 1)., aud M. Tiles ton, ut Auburn, Marlon county, Or. - 'i Wright's Cacar. CMntlvtlon remedy iroulolM tt ulliniuil iieAuiiy actiou of the boneU, uliis algentlun und will not lr rllnte tha iul euslllvo Btoiunch. Chil dren Ultf It widlly. Hold hy H drlt, F. H. BARNES, Pres. H. V. MATTHEWS, Treas. The Salem Land Company, Incorporated 1889, I J r CAPITAL STOCK $3Q3DO, 'J PRESENT TO YOUR NOTICE NGLEWOOD ADDITION! Which is situated upon high ground overlooking the city, and only four bloc J ' ""igh bchool building. The horse car line will soon be running to the school building on their new extension up Center street, and are headed for this addition. The Electric line will pass within one or two 1 blocks of t and one or both of these lines will eventually traverse the full breadth of Englewood. This property is selling I rapidly to a class of investors who will put in tasty, substantial improvements, which i added to the biillding, gjndlngand other public improvements, which wo propose to put on, will insure to the investor hn ample profltlf he i desires to sell again, or a tasty, baudsome neighborhood if ho desires to make it his home. There ""j-K the city that wilt equal it. Or If you desire acre property call at our office over the Capital Jional Bank, and we will show you, ree of charge, the cheapest aud best five and ten acre tracts in i the country, fe7ret into the city and that which will douole quickest in value. We mean HAMPDEN PARK and FAlRVIEW ,ADITI0Ng. TERMS EASY. To the poor man with but a few dollars, this is a grand opening and should be Investi gated at once, and young men should not slight it. If this add. should happen to catch the eye ot some one at a distance, we request that you send for descrip tive haud-book of "Salem and Vicinity," Salem Land Company, Salem, Oregbu. , PURELY PERSONAL. Mr. Abe McOirlft returned to his home in East Portland, this morn- Miss Millie Hastings took the morning train forner future home In Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. C. ATJRoberts were passengers on the'rnorning train, for Portland. S McKinW Mitchell, of the French Prairie Gazette, was in tne city last night on bu Miss Ida'Bhuiton, pi Brooks, is in the city visitinguit he residence or her sister MrsAAVm. Rennie on State street. Miss Sallle KiuleyNwho has been visiting at the residenceor Mr. Wm, Rennie, took the afternoon train for her home in Portland Miss Ina Albright, of Portland, who has bjfeu in this city visiting Misses Belie Golden and Louise Huelat, returned home to-day. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel ot purity, strength and wbolesomeness. More economical tlmn the ordinary .kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multttudo of low test, short weight nlum or phosphate powders. Sold only In cans. Ho yal Bakino Powder Co.. 10B Wnll.N.Y Lewis M, Johnson & Co., Agenta, Port land, Oregon. S. W. Thompson & Co DBLKRS IN Watches, Clocks, Jewelry! Their elegant stock of holiday goods now Includes one of the finest nnd most core pleto lines of Ilownrd, hlgln, Walthamand Uocktord watches, also an exquisite and elegant selection of DIAMOND GOODS ! A choice line of Solid and Plated Silverware. Also an exhibition wliich will be sold at bottom prices. 221 Commercial St., Salem. NEW HARDWARE STORE Chas. Pugh, Proprietor. (3 ucccssorTo Holllncer & Oo.) HARD W ARK AND A complete line always In stock, M ktock Is boueht new and fotcajh. af. fording mo tho opportunity to till at the liinnt reasouabl i prices. sIuhysom hand. i ue ih-ov ana laie.i improvea maenmery Oofot) and store rcosw at BeJllBfW's old tnd en hmm htmu tanning Implements This We Will Display in Our West Show Window -A CHOICE Toilet Case ! Consisting of Celluloid and Oxidised Silver Dressing Cases, Bpby's Toilet Cases, Gents Shaving Cases, Manicue Sets, Playing Card Cases, Cuff and Collar Boxes, Etc., Etc! WE DEFY COMPETITION. In quality and prices. They are unexcelled by any goods manufactured' in this line. All goods marked in plain figures. lv ln The East Window We Offer This Week: Dore's Illustrated Editions Paradise lost, Dante's Inferno, Purgatory and Paradise, JBiblft Gallery and Europe Illustrated. - The publishers prices for the above works is $ 0. Our prices this week : $1.5G. T. JVEcF. Patton, Clearance Sale. Our annual Clearance sale will commence SaturcVw,-! November .2d, and will continue until January 1st, 1800. Our.stock oonsistsiJfi , - Men's Youth's and Boys' 'Clotliingllats, Caiis, B'oofs;al()X Men's furnishing goods, blankets, flannels, comforts, rubber and oil clothlnjr, ladles' cloaks and Jackets, gossamer goods in great variety. ., J ul v "w'i'hv'S8' cl?Ska ?nd Jnclje hje all been made to order fdr us since last in Ms lift w.T? i'J10.1! E gK".'.8 to .offer yu at eo. bHt the best selected stock in mis city, we shall close out tho entire stock REGARDLESS OF COST ber?rn?api?HMnk'Te2lvod' s?e10HrKOoda bcfre youbuy. Remero. per mo place, .FAUMKI18' hfOItK, 207 Commercial street, Salem, pr. REED'S OPERA HOUSE. TWO NIGHTS ONLY. Friday tmd Saturday, Dec. 6, 7. Special engagement of the renowned Dan Morrjs Sullivan's New Irish Comedy Co, In their latest San Francisco Comedy Suc cess, entitled "KITTY FROM CORK," Replete with all the latest comie and top. leal songs new dunces, specialties and netr, clean Irish wit. A ton of nlflcent new scenery from the brush of D, a. Mtrom . . Birong. of the Queen's iiffiH,A2lM3 aud vTued at w, . uvuubn.aij pnriuriUUUCe, ufunr lJltU, ou ,HUU TO COQIS, lteerTedseU76 eeata. Naw on Mle at WM. HOWARD PHELPS, Sec. W. F. SEAVR, Soliditor. Week luc -V-r r. .ii LINE OF- -O- OF- -o- 98 State Streeti BEN FORSTNER & CO. VI - .3" REED'S OPERA HOUSE. Thursday Evening, Dec. 12th. grand Concert 'W BVTHE rt v )l PhilharrfnTc-. Society CON8EHVATOia,Y. OF MfBIO, Assisted by iilss Jlallle Parish, MU Leona Willisana the guitar and mandolin trio, (Messm Keilur, Chase and astuB). Chorus of 40 voices. The concert closing w Itu the un vll chorus, w ith chorus, anvils, orchcbtru, druiua. etc . Aduilw.lou su cis; gallery 35 els. Reserved seats without uxtru; charge nt lttons boolc store. 7k THIS PAPfiUSKtSiS- Aenuv. bl imil i:'. MuruliuuL'H KinhBlUfef Wu t runclsao. Cttilfonla, where e&Btraetr ornavertisinceHnbemadetwIU s K " v . ( i- .'. u-aA.taaatfcA-gau-