r THE CAPITAL EVENING- JOUKKAL. itf. 4. THE C1PITAL JODRUL rUTJLISHED DAILY, EXCEPTHUNDAY, BY THE Canital Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) Entered at tho postofflce At Salem, Or., ns second-class matter. JACOB L. MITCHELL Manure). See fourth pago for terms of subscrip tion.; Advertisement!! to Insure Insertion (for he RAine day) should be handed In by 1 o'clock CorrcHpondonco containing news of In terest and Importance Is desired from nil parti) of the state. No attention will be paid to anonymous communications. Persons desiring tho Capital Journal served nt their houses can secure It by pos tal card request, or by word left at this ofllce. Specimen numbers scut free on applica tion. Office, corner Court and Liberty Streets, FHIJJAY. DECEMHEK 6 A aoo many people are firet-clnss christians until tlio contribution box comes around. When a woman can wash flan nels bo tunt they will not shrink, ho knows enough to get married. The legislature should seek among those hlgh-moraliet of Seattle and Spokane who offer ?25,000 or MO.OOO to get the Sullivan prizefight, for a clerk to the committee on Public Morals. The Texas legislature Is trying to pass a law to eliminate that favorite untensil, the six-shooter, from Lone Star state Biciety. If it succeeds there will bo n big emigration from Texas, as many of her people won't be able to see what else there can be to live for iu that state. "Pooh?" ealdJodcs to a young man who was complaining of his Jack of worldly goods. "Of course, But think of the great men who have come to the city worth 50 cents uud died worth millions." "Yes," answered the wise young man, "but I would rnthor come to the city worth millions and die worth fifty cents!" "UNitKQUiETKi) love and suicide" are becoming ho frequent that it looks as if something should bo done to bring into uso again the old time "lovo powders," which were said to make peoplo lovo one another under the most unfavorable circumstances. Still, however, thoso who commit suicide for lovo are generally fools, and perhaps it is better to let nature take Its course. That distinguished olomcut of society which over claret during meals, champagne a little later and brandy to wind up on, Is still having troublo about tho proj)onslty of tho masses to indulge In malt liquors, and it in still discussing the mlvlsi- blllty of removing from the path ef . tho common citizen tho allurements of lager beer. The moral suflorlngs of that distinguished element are even painful to contemplate. Even In Conservative England the times aro Indued changed. Tho cuno hH always been considered ns necessary, a part of tho school master's possessions as tho spelling book and corporal punishment pre vail there to an extent that would not bo tolerated here. A school master was recently sued by the father of a pupil whom he had un mercifully beaten by caning him on tho hand, and tho magistrate gave Judgment against the pedagogue on tho ground that can ing on the hand was attended by a risk of injury, and there wero "meth ods of corporal punishment quite as available, eflacaclous and not necos harlly attended by any risk, which the defendent might havu used.', UUU NUW NAVY. Now. that the question of ships for the new navy has been so far settled an to mako it certain that wo can build vessels which arc fully equal in all respects to those of other mar itime powers, publlo attention be ing directed to tho armament for our navy that is to be. It Is not generally known, perhaps, that the government owns and controls a process for hardening steel which makes tho peuetratlvo powers of our heavy ordinance projectiles superior to that of any other projectile yet manufactured. Tho process Is a secret one, but tho result has already been alluded to by the European writers on military allhirs. Com modoro Sirard, chief of tho Naval Jluronuof Ordinance, has Just Hied his annual report and It contains many ('matters or general Interest, among others a reference to armor piercing shells. Tills report states that during tho past year the six-Inch armaments of tlin PlifirL'iitfiii Viiiltiiuii .....I - w "- I . ... mitt Petrel wero completed and sent to tho vessels, and thut the armament for tho J Suit I more is ready. The eight-Inch guns for the Charleston and Uultlmore will be ready within tho current year. The armuments for tho Philadelphia, lieuiilngtou, Concord ami Ban Frauc'.seo will bo finished us soon us tho Vessels are ready for them, io Tlio estimates for tho Naval JliW reau of Ordlnnnco for the ensuing fiscal year amount to $5,545,724, which is certainly very moderate. With the present facilities for man ufacturing It is probable that no more than this could be expended to advantage. There will certainly be no disposition on the part of con gress to stint the naval estimates, as the sentiment of the people is practically nil one way. The de mand for the a new navy has grown so strong as to break down all con siderations of partisan politics, and democrats and republicans will vie with each other in urging the com pletionofan effective force of war ships, with which the United States may defend her honor on tho ecean nsshe has already done with wooden veseR A SIIOKT WOltLII This is a short world. We may praise It or despise it, we may love or grow weary of it; but however we may esteem it, its course is very brief compared with the vustnessof tho world to come the glory of the endless ages that stretch themselves before the saints of Heaven. Com pared with the mighty possibilities of tho everlasting state, how brief, how transient, how uncertain is the stage in which we live. Our life Is a vapor that vanislieth away; our days are swift as an arrow's flight; time hastens on with restless strides, and tno great, grand future of etern ity rolls steadily onward to meet us as wo pass tho boundaries of this transient world.- Oh, that we who have been charmed by earth's beau ties, and entangled amid its snares, could learn liow brief its story is; bow soon its pomp shall fade, how soon its joys shall pass away. "The life that now is." is like one grain of sand as compared with the wide reaching shore, and the joys and pleasures that have engaged our thoughts are but motes In tho sun beam when compared with tho en during glory which shall fill th eternal existence ot God's redeemed with brightness and gladness per petual as tho years of heaven. This is a short world; whether it be filled witli Joy or sorrow, light or shade, It matters little. Hero we are to work or wait, but soon all will bo over, and tho eternal day will dawn; the clouds, and shades, and storms will pass, and oh, that we, when the morning breaks, may, as "children of light," be found watching and waiting, prepared for the bright and everlasting day. Wonder whether really crime or law came first. Law came very early in tho history of 'things. If wo remember aright Adam and Evo were Instructed not to eat fruit in the Garden of Eden. So It would Bocin that law camo first and led to crime. Would they have eaten tho fatal apple if they had not been told to? Thoy were found out. How? This has beon a puzzle to thoso clear headed peoplo who want facts, and reason, and other troublesome and dangerous things. Yet it is not so diftlcult. It must have been a green apple and tho evidence wa tho ef fect. It Is easy to tell tho boy who has eaten a green applo to this day. It is ono situation iu life where presenco of mind absolutely falls.' And down the corridors of time has rung that irritating, exciting and upsetting commandment "Thou shalt not eat of the forbidden fruit," aud It governs everything from cholera morbus to social ostracism. Wo have got so many varieties now of forblddon fruit that wo overcomo tho difficulty by a Uttlo careful trans' planting and grafting. How au EuglUli Farm Hand Fares. What would tho averago "umi help" iu our country towns think If ho was required to work as many hours as the "hand" on an English farm? Probably ho wouldmit con descend to think about Biich a ridic ulous subject. Ho would simply not work, that Is all thero would bo to It. Hut tho uverage English laborer Is not so lndopeudaut, aud some Americans who havo been rusticat ing In tho tylcnl English cottage on a big farm, forty miles from Lon don, this Hiimmor, havo had their compassions greatly excited in his ibohnlt. "Old Joe" walks two miles from tho village every morning to bo promptly at work by live o'clock. Ho never leaves oil until I) o'clock, and for these llfteed hours' labor, of tho most laborious pott, lie relieves three dollars a week! A slaves life compared with this free Jlrlton's is one of luxurious ease; yet' luxpttcof all, "(Jul Joe" httrt inaniti-ed to cele- ibrato his Huventy-tifth birthday. A '"Labor tiny" would Ik a wtupendotiB farco for this poor old soul under the clrcumitantes.llostoii Humid, A Directory for a I'ciniv. People will boon tonne- pestering tho drug clerk by asking Air a direc tory. Tho person who wishes to look up on address will only have io goto the corner of the blorour (ep iu front of any hotel or publlo place, or go almost any whero, Iu fact, drop a penny In tho slot and then read tho interesting volume for hours f wants to. The directory lien on fitsHldoon a small wooden box-llko platform. The under side is nailed fast to the box, while a curved nickel-plated Iron bar which runs Into the box presses down on the upper cover. When the penny is dropped In a catch which holds the bar is released, the bar can be pushed back and the book opened. The reader, however, must hold the cover down tightly, for the moment be lets go the bar snaps back and only another penny will re lease It. A great many of the machines arc already in uso in Brooklyn drug stores, and they will soon be till over. It is proposed to put them on all the L road stations, too. New York Corn St Louis Ttepubllc. The Hottest Spot on Kai-Ci. The hottest region on the earth is on the southwestern coast of Persia, whero Persia borders the gulf of the same'name. For forty consecutive days in the months Of July vvil August the thermometer has been known not to fall lower than 100 de grees, night or day, and to often run up as high as 12S degrees in the af ternoon. AtBahrin, in the tvntie ot the torrid part of tills turf Id belt, as though it were natuie's intention to make tho region a unbearable as possible, no water can be obtained from digging wells 10'J, 200 or even 500 feet deep, yet a comparatively numerous population contrive to live there, thanks to copious springs, which break forth from the bottom of the gulf, more than a mile from shore. The water from these springo is obtained by divers, who divo to tho bottom and fill goat-skin bags with the cooling liquid and sell it for a living. Tho source of these sub marine fountains is thought to bo in tho green hill of Osman, some oOOor COO miles away. A Sad Accident. Western Judce;"You are charged, sir, with being a leader of a party that hunted down and lynched a horse-thief. The days have gone by when citizens of this great common wealth can tako the law into 'their own hands, hence your arrest. What have you to say?" Prominent citi zen: "I un't guilty, Jedge. I'll tell you how it wus. Wo caught the fel ler and tied his hands and feet. Nothin' wrongabout that, was there, Jedge?" "No, that was no doubt necessary." "Wall, Jedge, there was a storm comin' up and we coulden't spare him an umberella very well aud so we stood him under a tree. That was all right, wasn't it?" "Cer tainly." "Wall, tho clouds kept gatherin' an' tho wind was purty high, and wo didn't want him blown away, so wo tied a rope around his neck and fastened the other end to the limb above not titc, Jedge, jest so as to hold him and wo left him standin' solid on his feet. Nothin' wrong about that, was there?" "Nothing at all." "Then I kin bo excused, can't I?" "But tho man was found suspended from that tree and stono dead the next morning." "None of us had anything to do with that, Jedge. You bco wo left him standin' there in good health and spirits, for wo give him all ho could drink when wo said 'good-bye;' but you see, dur ing tho night tho rain camo up, an' I 'pposo tho ropo got purty wet an' shrunk a couple o'fect. That's how tho sad accident happened, Jedge." New York Weekly. The Pulpit aud tlio Stage. ltev. F. JL Shroat, Pastor United Brethren Church, Bluo Mound, Kun., says: "I feel it my duty to ten wnat, wonuers ur. King's .New Discovery lias done for me. My Lungs wero badly diseased, and my parishioners thought I could live only o few weeks. I took live bot tles of Dr. King's Now Discovery aud am sound and well, gaining E6 lbs. In weight." Artuur .Love, Manager Love's luinuy Folks Combination, writes "After u thorough trial and convinc ing evidence, I am conlldent Dr. King's New Discovery for Cousump- won, uuiiis 'em an, ano cures wiien everything else falls. Tlio greatest kindness i can do my many thous- anu menus is io urgo mem to trv it." J.m trial Dottles at Dam' J. Fry's Drug Store, Regular sizes GOo. and $100. Under tho presidency of Minister Phelps tho Americans iu Berliu celebrated Thanksgiving day with a dinner, followed by a concert and ball in tho rooms of the United States legation. A CALIFORNIA BE.VSATION. irctaluma Courlcr.J It Is reported that tho sales ot tho "Califor nia Remedy," Joy's Vegetable Barsaparllla, bsvo grown within a few months till they ore now really sensational. Tho way the fame ot thii production has spread Is simply marvel ous. Bix months ago It was unknown. To day it Is all over the country. It is euthorit I ttrcljr ttsteU that they hero been actually Citing U away In Ban Francisco to peoplo afflicted with dyspeptta, sick fccadachw, ln digestion and llrer troubles, not to bo paid for unlcM It cured. Buch practical tests aro so stsrtllnely convincing as to bo almost sen sational. It ts stated that two ot tbo actlns principles of the new remedy belong to tho vegetable kingdom of California, and aro so well kuown to us all under common names that It would surpriso us It told them. Hut wo are not surprised at anything Callforolan, and this recent discovery of tho new medici nal virtues ut IU vegetable kingdom Is but another Instanco ot tho astonishing POHlbiU Um of a kU sad cllattt like ewt. Catarrh a constitutional and not a local dlMM md therefore It cannot bo cured by local ap illcatlons. It requires a constitutional rem, tdy llko Hood's Sarsaparllla, which, working trough tho blood, eradicates the Impurity hlch causes and promotes the disease! and Catarrh' tffects a permanent euro. Thousand! H leople testify to tho success of. Hood's Sana larllla as a remedy for catarrh when othei reparations had failed. Hood's Barsaparfllg ilso builds up tho wholo system, and nuktt fou feel renewed lit health and strength. Catarrh' 'I used nood's Sarsaparllla for eatanfc md received great relief and benefit from It fho catarrh was very disagreeable, espeelallj n the winter, causing constant discharge froa ny nose, ringing noises In my ears, and jalni n tho back of my head. Tho effect to clesj Catarrh ny head In the morning by hawking and spit tag was painful. Hood's Sarsaparllla gar! no relief immediately, while In time I wal mtlrcly cured. I am never without Hood'i larsaparllla In my house as 1 think It Is worst ts weight In gold." Mrs. O. B. Gibd, Mi llghtb Street, N. W., "Washington, D. O. Hood's Sarsaparllla lolttby all dniGglstj. Sljiliforgi. PreptredcaQ iy C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mm IOO Doses One Dollar' The worklngmeu of Kentucky declaro their Intention of preventing convicts from working as railroad builders in their state. Diphtherla,which has been preve lent for several weeJtB in Berlin, hat become epidemic, and many parts of the city are quarantined. Many Berlin butchers havo gone Into bankruptcy in consequence ol the continued prohibition of the im portation of cattle and pigs. A Blrmiugton man has invented a metel that can be distinguished from gold only by experts, though it can be turned out for 60 cents a pound. Beware of tint Threatening iMiier. Do not neglect a cough or a ny af fection of the luags. Delay is Fatal. Holden's Ethereal Cough Syrup will cure you if taken promptly. Larg,i size $1, small 50 cents. For sale by all Druggists. A Paris butler won last month the $100,000 prize iu the Exhibition lottery. Hid wife runs tho goat carriages for babies in tho Tuileries' garde u . Epoch. The transition from long, linger ing aud painful sickness to robust health murks an epoch in the life ol the Individual. Such a remarkabh event is treasured in tho memory and the agency wherebv the good nealtn nas been attained is gratel in ly blessed. Hence it is that so much is heard in praise of Electric Bitters. So many feel they owe their restora tion to health, to the uso of the Great Alternative aud Tonic. Il you are troubled with any disease ol Kidneys, Liver or Stomach, of long or short standing you will surely And relief by use of Electric Bitte'rs. Sold at 60c. and $1 per bottle at Dan. J. Fry's Drug Store. Tho Australian legislature has passed a law taxing all married couples living with their mother-in-law: $ 100 if residing with tho hus band's mother-in-law and $120 if with the wife's. Bucklon's Arnica Salve. Tho best salvo in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, ormonej refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Dauiel .T. Fry, drug gist. Meeks & Minton Havo received and answered over One Thousand Letters of Inquiry RELATIVE TO OREGON SINCE JUNE 17, '89 No charges, no commission, unless we sell your property. John ,A, Carson, COUNSELOR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC . Member of the lUr of Ontario, Canada. Office, 89 Stato, Street, Salem, Oregon. REFERENCES AT TORONTO: lion. HlrThomns CJalt. Chief Justice ol Common l'lrns! linn. Jim Mclennan. Jildgeof the Court of Appeals; Hon. W. 1. 11. Street, Judge of the Queen's Uenob. Motley to loun. NOTICE. VTOTICK Is hereby given that the ex IX pouso usscssmeut of two hundred do!, lurs each for ftbe mouth of December, 1n, against, tho liicorimrator'a stock tu tho Gold Mountain hud Dry Dutch Counol ldutedGold and .Silver Mlntnr comnauy. Is past due and unpaid on tho following shares, to-wlt; No. 15, 1,000 share; No, IT, six blind rod shares: No. 41 to 47 Inclusive, nulunsaioh'. So und 135. SO shares each: Nos. -at), m and VH. 10 shares each; Is'os.tiO.SI, lad and 131. SUi.lii.res each; uud No, 121, GO shares standing In the nnme of K. Kurnest Austin, uud the same will be bold to Hiy wild uiteoasmeut nt the oflloe of wild company, Iu Hulein, Oregon, at tho nour oi -j ociock in lue uncrnoou, on Wednesday. January K, IStU, unless said iuosmeuiisruuiue.oreuiu!ume, wirriffii&i The Best SERE," In the city of Portland mid Imve IIGHLAND ADDITION TI Me m io I 11 To the city of Salem. They have at this time fifteen teams employed and the contemplated improvements havt icarcely begun. It is intended to make tho drive leading from Commercial street through Riverside and High and additions and around Highland Park THE FINEST DRIVE IN THE STATE Of Oregon. The line of the Salem Street Railway Company runs through the middle of this addition, and no ts will bo more than two blocks distant from the line. Highland Park will in the near future be i THE MOST POPULAR RESORT ABOUT THE CITY OF SALEM. Lots in Highland Additon are High and Dry and Well Located; Most Excellent Drainage The soli is black and rich. Froni all points a fine view is obtained of the public buildings and our highest mountain peaks. Arrangements are already being made for the location of two churches in this addition, and i number of residences are soon to bo built. Buildings only of the best class will be permitted. Residence lots within the limits of the city of Salem are worth on an average over $1000. We can Bell you better lota in High land addition for one-third of the money, and being directly on the line of the street railway they are practi cally not half so far from the public buildings and the business part of the town as the majority of the so called "Inside lots." Buy a Lot in Highland Addition for Three Hundred Dollars, And let some other fellow pay $1000 for an inferior lot not so well located. With the difference of $700 you can build a beautiful cottago, or put it out at a rate of interest that will buy you nearly two thousand street oar tickets every year. This Space is & ! !TIr.T Dicing School. Everv Mondnv nnd Tintraiinv t niti..) and Children's class Saturday afternoon. .r J,ra'Jlculrs Inquire ut Diamond's iiuniuxiuuiromiuio JZ t lum. and 2 to 4 p.m. DORRANCE BROS. Dealers In every variety of OREGON LUMBER. DRESSED AND UNDRESSED! Lumber Delivered on Short Noiice. Yard ot the Agricultural works, Salem; Oregon. 1111 located four aud a half miles nortneust from Salem, on the John Martin donation land claim. Slab Wood 50c Per Cord. Call aud see us before purchasing else where. r d.w Conservatory of Music Of the Willamette Unlver-Ity Salem. Ore gon, the inohi successful Muhlu School on the Northwest Coast. Courses In musloar equal toKuKtcrn music schools. Yearly at tendance Of nearly ana hnnitrl anri An Th.nhlA Ml.n. itflnnakAn b a k-.. -. school year will be l'rof. Z. M. Varrln. Leona Willis, .Mix Eva Cex: assistant r -7 ,. . 2 ""mut joiunB, minituiu M, Blllim, ansa liully IX.vl.ll nH tile. Ia...Ia ll...tu 'acners.MUsi.ulu.il. Smith, Miss Hully arish, and it is Mamie l"arvln. UruachesUught are Vocal Culture, Fluno, rgan, Violin, Pipe Organ, Harmony, lunterpolnt, and Class Teaching. ...., mmu 'iijw .j.u.i.ib urv.u. uru Oreai rVlittl tsrki-ili. t Diplomas given on completion of course Bend for catalogue and circular. Z.M I'AIivnj. 7-SM3ra-wlm. New Express Wagon. WILLIAM HQLCOMB Jlas started a new exuress wucun nod la now ready to deliver ooggago to and from .i.. dennL un.l m niivuirt r .i.. ..... Cox ot" "fivi Residence other prosperous towns are those owned by men or corporations who the disposition and ability to improro them. -IS OWNED BY ORH LID And this Corporation is determined lost Attractive Mil Reserved for Kansas House, Corner ot Court and High Sts. E. M. LAW, Proprietor. We have taken a new name but will continue to serve ourpatrons with the best the mnrkut nftnrd. Hv .i, .. cordial welcome to Our Home. Terms reasonable. Give us a call and we will do you ood. No Chinese employed. LOANS. Loans negotiated and closed without de lay when seeurlty Is satisfactory and Title Good! uEl,nclE?1 an.d Merest payable at our balem office. Loans made on farm prop- Money Ready Wlica Papers Completed orTi?Sh!2S..'2,.Bi .for 'mprovemems 2?em,,Ohrenn.Can B00'"' New Fish Market. Allen rthfMlpfl linanctnl,llBY,A ... Market on Statestreet. and be keepsa cood supply of tUh, poultry and game. S ove Wm a call und your order will be promptly attended to. S-23-lm Ji For tutresa si f ks CAPITAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, At.. Salem, . . Oregon. A. P. AaMrrmoKo.Mngr. K. L.Vitr, Prfa. Business, Shorthand, IJrritU, rsamstU, u uxb btirtault. Day sod evening Session. Students sdmltted Boggs. WtCMS, v Localities I! to ATTENTION FARMERS! Single lots and acres. One half mile West of Salem P. O: Good loll, all clear and la fine condition. All ready fer planttnr fruit and shrubbry at once. Kaon piece fronts on a nice street, and no eity tax. THOMAS & PAYNE 8N STATB ST. SJs.X,8$M. T. J. CRONI.SE. Salem's Popular Job -Printer, AT HKUNEW QUARTEBS IK THK -State Insurance Uailaing, Cor. Com mercial and Chemskete street HU Teachers' Examination. VTOTICK Is hereby given that the next J.1 regular quarterly,examlnatlon of ap Pllcant? for .teacher's certificates will, be held at the court house In Salem com mencing at 12 o'clock m. of Nor. 37,1119. All applications tnurt be present at the opening session on the 27th. D. W. YODER County superlatendent of schools for Ma rlon county, Oregon. L. S. WINTERS, THB PBOPIB'S OROOBR Carries a select line of family groceries and provision that are sold at reasonable rates, country produce; such as apples, fruits of all kinds, potatoes. Yerat&ble: at., always on band. Call at IOO flnnrt .lr Ralam. P. H. EAS1WS Salem Music Store Headquarters for Chlckerlng A t Son's, Steinway. Haxleton. Colby and Eassnoa Pianos, Wilcox White Orgaas. Cs r Installments. 94 State Street, Patton's Block. W2dw JAPANESE BAZAAR! BRANCH. 8TOBK OF ANDREW KAN & CO., 204 Commercial street, opposite FostoAee, Salem, Or., direct importers of Japanese and Chinese Curkitks, And novelties as well uflm nnnxtlala Chi. nwre, Clossonle, SaUusna, Brosuw. Ivory, kJilul. JiatUnr. Pine Tea. W . t.i si "P6! o"8! Country orders nK.Hl ...r. . . "- wuiupuy uiicuaea to. Wholesale add re- PRINTING. aNEOKTHK LAKQiXr HBTABLWM. meau In the Bute, Lower rates tkaa ... ri!n.d uipMt stock Legal Steaks 1 toebtate.a-'d hlit ji...Tn sudlu MM JWMi fTIMtV MUMS VfVMf