Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, November 29, 1889, Image 4

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One ycnr by mnll K 00
Six months by mnll f ?
Tlirco months by mnll
ler week, delivered by carrier 15
One year by mnll . ........... $1 5
Six months by mall... 7
One year, If paid In advance . 1
Six months, If paid In ndvnnce 5
For advertising rates apply at this office
All Subscribers to TiiKCAriTAiiJouitNAl.
Who do not secure their paper regularly
will notify this office, giving address, and
the matter will bo attended to at once.
Office, cornor Court I and Liberty1, streets
Too Much Thanksgiving.
Tntit Gvciilixr a tall well-dressed
gentleman was discovered in the
3d ward hugging an electric light
polo. Ho was hugging it for keeps,
and cvory little while would right
hanfl and chuck tho polo, under a
supposed chiD, at the same time be
stowing a rum-scented' smack on
tho reirpnlnt attached to tho polo
saylug, 'you-r (hie) a' daisy (hie)."
About this time along cutno one ol
tho blue-coated bras-lmttoned gen
try, and With u hd's-drunk-time-to-club-hlm
stylo ays, "Move on."
The first washeard to remark,
"come on (hie) Kate." When los
ing his grip qil tho p ilu in- fell to
tho pavementA Seeing Him his nibs
was well dresod, and thinking per
haps that ilymlght bo sonio import
ant citlzemln illMtress, ills cops de
cided to coiuluct nlm to tho bosom
of his fauily insteiid of tho station
house. Taking hlih by tho arm tlie
cop assisted his nibs to ills feet, and
says, "Where you boon?" wine (hie)
supper Ait tho (hie) club." Just
without a word of warning up came
Jonah and all tho boys from a sick
stomach, the larger part of which
went dripping from the policeman's
clothing. It smelled like sour beer,
and in it wero seen to be ingredients
of crackcrB,bologna,(5nlonH, cabbage,
and other diet ut-unlly found on free
lunch counters. Fine wine supper
you attended," says tho cop. " i ou
blue-coated (lilo) chump (hie) you
think (hlq) I'm going (hie) to throw
up that wine and game" in'c), uys
the first. Ho was taken to the sta
tion house and held for drunken
ness. Pbintkk-Lawykh. In givlugan
, .account oftho securing of a Jury in
the finite o tho Common wealth va-
Neif.. charged, with tho murder of
McCausland tho wiihhiiigton, I'n.,
Journal of November JOtb, has tho
following in it'giinl to James K.
Bayers, who will po remembered by
many here mid fu rialem, say tho
Oregonlan, as ho .was .some sixteen
yearn siuco connected witli tho Ore
gonlan, and afierwlyd with tho
atato printing ofllco when Semple
and Patterson vrcro stiuSt printers:
"Of tho defendant's counsel, James
"K. Bayers, Ewf., of Waynesburg,
was called in thd beginning of the
series of trials growing out of the
MoUauslaud murder. Ho is now 44
years of ageXuml has pruetlcod law
for fifteeu yoiirs. IIolsii graduato
oftho IndluuiVStuto university law
department, and has been promt
mnt in poluicsNora number of
years. He was nVdelegato to the
uatiuual republlcaiiconveutIon in
1884, and tho republican nominee
for congress from tho Twciity-Uist
district in 1889. Ho lso served
three years in thvarmy, oulisting at
tho ago of 10. Mr. payers fotiglit
tho Clark, Taylor and Ncfr cases
through front the start. Ho is
known us one of the best lawyers at
tho Qrpeno comity bar.
WiMj Movk. A Jouknaij ro
portor, In going byjtho livery barn
of Mluto & Lowe, vesterday, noticed
that ono of tho (joys looked very
pale, und, thluklni perhaps lio was
sick, asked him hujwas feeling bad.
He answered In a voice a little
above a vhlqper, i'yes," and nolut-
lllir In il lliitlpu miinlir. nf Mm ilnnra
and an inspeetbm soon found out
the cause ot his 'ooks, Tho notice
read na follews: Wu shall niovo
into our new burnns soon as It is
completed." Ifo hutV, been isked
tliu iucstlou so often that lie had
become worn out and was unable to
answer the people any more, and
had written tho notice in order to
help him out. When anyone auks
tho question lie points to tho curd
ou the door.
Macaiu:miki: ouhj5tju:kts. Tho
next thing after themotor lino that
our citizens and taxpayers should
have lnvlow is to 'maeadcinlzo our
business streets. A reporter was
talking wltU taxpayer to-day and
he says that he is'wlilliig to spend a
iow iiuuiircii u"innj in tuts wont.
Our reul estMt miti, property own
ers and buaWwJwjiuen should take
this matter in liaijdnd improve our
city. Salem 'Jieids better starts
csiR'olally u''tlie busliiess parts of
our city and us tho streets are now
very muddy it Is tho proiier timo to
wako tlio peoplu up. Don't wait
until summer before this is looked
up while wo have tho mud Is tho
proper time to uct on it.
Must Have It. Yesterday tho
Journal was in receipt of a letter
from a subscriber at Boyd, Oregon,
which rad as followss "Editor
Oaiutai, Journal Dear Sir En
closed pleaso find fl.s25 for a years'
subscription to your paper from Jan.
1, 18SV, to Jan. 1, 18111.
When 1 asketl my husband if 1
should renew ohr subscription to
tho Journal he said, "by all
means, for I would tat her do with
out my Tbunksgtvhijrvdlnncr than
tho Journal.7 Now, Mr. Editor
that was quite a compliment, If you
only knew it, for there are very "fow
thlugs a hard working farmer ap
preciates more than n good dinner.
Now AT SAi.KAf. Geo, Woods
and his female companion are now
in Sulem living iu their ilegruded
style and making rouble. Eugene
was nltlloted with their presence
fut years 0111) they made no end to
trouble. Eugene Register,
Saloon Rowt-A saloon row oc
curred in tliOVapltal saloon last
night, about 7 p'ojock. Js'00110 was
bauly injured; bgt a ihuu named
Aikeo curried .H'ti'ureity good blRok
Coming. Tho Dan and Jo9te
Morris Sullivan company will ai
pear at Keed'sopera house orf Friday
evening of this week and tho New
Orleans Dally News say's that Sul
livan's troupex, was presented lrst
night ton fulrVhodse. The enter
tainment they giv is one of tho best
going, and any whq expec ed to see
anything vulgar or cheap in it were
compelled last night to- admit their
error. If all "dollar" entertain
ments were1 as careful oftho oars of
listeners ns the Sullivan's, as a rule,
it would be just as well. Joslo is a
bright, piquant creature, and knows
now little comeuy mere is in "ingn
kicking." Her acting was good
throughout. Dan was generally
good. On tho whole, they gavo a
good, clean, amusingentertainment.
New Orleans Daily News," April
3, 1888.
Articles of incorporations wero filed
to-day with tho secretary of state, as
follews: Tho Astoria Street KaJI
way Co., of Astoria; capital stock,
$200,000, dfviijed Into hares of $100
each, with, j. W. ttonn, F. M.
Newell, M, Ljird, F. iu Stokes and
W. A. Sherman as incorporators.
Tho FriWlsliip JJaptlst church, of
Morse, Oiljitnl county; tlie amount
of property now ou hand is t15,000,
with H. Mrcq, G. F..MU and J.
15. Whart trustees pf said church.
AIm) the McMluvtlle Flouring mill,
principal oilier Mclrfiuvllle, Yam-
illl count v, Oregour capital stock
W0.KJ divided into shaies of $500
eaeli with F. Dnronehofr, E. W.
Kordund and P. H. Warner as In
corporators. This I!a$i Siskknadhs. Tho
Sulem Cornob. band decided to take
advantage of the bwubtiful evening,
ou last evening by tendering the
city a geneial sofenado. Tho boys
started out about ffiftQ and at 2 o'clock
this mornlngjthey were still "toot
ing" away. 'They had a pleasant
time, imd-not a fow are complaining
to-day, "of being rudely awakened
from their peaceful slumbers along
near tho midnight hour.
Tin: Pi.acis. At Clir.s. Pugh's,
corner of State and High streets,
besides a complete line of farming
implements, you will find the best
stouk of builders' hardware in tho
city. Ho ulo has the exclusivo
sale lor Z. T. Wright's AdViHIce
Axle Qrenso, which he guarantees
to bo tho best In tho market. Try a
box n lid if nofcjiH recommended you
win gei your money uucjk. jjr.
in receipt of somfetfine specimens of
new poUitouB raltjad by Mr. E. Hunt
utMulmnV Mr Hunt informs us
that he Inui, now potatoes ou the
same ground c-q'May 1st, Soptomber
1st, and Noveipbwr IMth, this year.
The samples nowjfan our desk ure
very large, yno hnrtKsound. They
are of tho "BeautvSprahun" variety
and for produeen&cannot bo beaten.
Can anyone beat the abovo?
Nisw Baiuusk Shop. Don't for
get that Chas. Johnson, who has
purchased the barber shop uti 00
Stato street, is ready to accomodate
all who want first class Tonsoriul
work done. His wife will give
special attention to hair dressing
and asks tho ladles of Salem to give
her u call or leave orders and slio
will cull at their residences. tf
Primaries To-night Tho city
primaries will I bo conducted this
evening betwecji tho hours of 7 to
8:30 o'clock at tfjk rollowlnsr designa
ted places. Ffst ward Mansion
house; secono; jvard'j-Judgo Oodell's
office in tho fid, coilrt house; third
ward city euurvviVohamber; fourth
ward Cheiuciethotel,
-- .
Uoat News. Tho Occident camo
up from Portland, last night, and
went on up tho fiver to Corvallts.
Sho will bo back to-night, and will
return to J oruam
She had about fm
In tho mornliiL'
y ons of general
'Pl!.i M, ,!,. il
freight for Salem,
J long went ilovvii
o Portland to-day
ThJ Itentlv will
with a full load,
bo up this evening fom Portland
Youths Captured. Word has
reached this elty that James Smith
and his companion named Thomp
son, who ieft tills city to bo
Cv)ino "cowboys' B were caught at
Portland yesterday, and will bo
brought back to this place. They
are very young .to NUicmpt to ue
eomo tramps, ami a refo
Is the place for such lads.
Monday's Election. Monday
tho four city c(Htroiliuon that are to
serve our elty asjHInw'niiikers In con
nection with tju! four other couucll
nien already in ofilce, will bo elected
by tho ncoiilu, For tile future well
li, J or the
fare of tho clt-idl should be careful
nun iiiu.y xiny rvuu iiov iiuo uuy
one to "fix things up."
Dr. Risi)i:ns -Funeral. T h 0
funeialof DrA. vl)..Risden will
tako place tivjnamnv (Saturday) at
law ii'i'lock'.iruiii hlsrisldence on
Court stretit,". He will bo interred In
tho Odd Fvlh
Odd W'llows' conietery. His
brother, slhto ml daughter are e.
peoted up froiiK.Cull'oniia to attend
the tuueral.
S A I) Acci D BNT, Yebterday , a bo 11 1
noon, Ethel Vcatcb, agi'd about
Hcven years, was Krifpk on the side
of the head by a rook?, thrown by n
little UaM-y boy. DrXHIchardson
wan called and tho child is now
resting easy.
ford, lately tWnu thisKa-iipnrehased
a lot tu Capital rr addition and
will build on it liiiHiedlatelv. Mr.
Swafilijd seems weir uleusett with
wri'gou nun win mane
home Ip Salem.
his Aituro
See Lunti A Brown's latcsturrlvtd
of new noods, heloro you buy.
Thcbo jioods are direct from the fac
tory, and 1110 all of tho latest luist
cm styles. l't
NOT.V PtmiJJ.Nr. Plllllps J
of Ashland, und jWlrt'ViVliner of ,,
reutlletoi), 11. lt.,JPcce
dletuu wore upiUfd
u of Pen
ry publlo
also. H,l. McHiVrgH
urt'Keu: omee litik
OreKOU-.oniee UiTUln
. v.
"Catching on" at the Church
Dook. The youne fellows who
hang arohnd the church doors on
Sunday cVeningR, near tho time
when services end, 'to "catch oil" to
a girl, do succeed in makingTom
son's colts of tjiemselves. Nift hav
ing the self-respect to eifter the
church at tlie proper time, the
young chap cranes his neck through
the "gates ajar," o obtain a squint
of the hat and front lalr of the par
ticular dear one on account of whom
his cardiac muscles leavo and tug
and strain so Intensely that his
breath is short And o think that
any girl has so little pride as to be
willing to lCt such n lovesick gander
go) homq'wlth her. Froro appear
ances, srtmo girls go to meeting only
to 'catch on" to a "feller." A num
ber of young people of both sexes
use tho church not as a means of
is much more wicked than dropping
a button in the contribution dish.
How can a girl givo tho proper at
tention to tho words of tho minister
when she is thinking of the "feller"
that she knows is standing outside
waiting for her? This "catching on"
is a social offence of which no real
gentleman or lady would be guilty of.
Thanks, Laihiss. The editor of
the joukna"l extends nis many
thanks to thc ladles of the M. E.
church, for a largoftnd beautiful
boquet that uowmUiorns the editorial
desk. He also extends thanks for a
fine dish of eakf nlt etc., etc., that
uas also lounfl roomvin our oinco
through thy thougjitfulness nnd
kindness of the ladles.
Drunk and BBpuonuiv. Win.
Hyatt was arresteiTkist, night by the
police officers Mjd placed in the
city jail on a chargefflrunkeuness.
Hill was only colubrirtuig Thanks-
lir. v
From Oak
Lewis, of Oak
J. W.
was in the city
and reports
evcrvthlnir in t
section doing
well, no istuo'
tlier of Glenn
Lewis- who
cyntly died in Polk
Brick Sold. Donuty Sheiiff
Frank Wiightoiaiisold at sheriff
pale to-day, a IoOor brick, belonging
to Geo. Clino to,K.vyramer, lor Voj.
Tho brick were soliKon an attach
ment suitr
Saloon ltCyW. Yesterday seemed
a bad day for saloon rows. A lit tie
riot occurred lu Bill Anderson's
saloon In whielvJV. Evans received
several bad cuts rtboiit the head, and
caused Dr. .Hall to" tako several
stltclies In sdwlnir up his wounds.
Teacihjs' Examination. Tho
regular coiiityyrfxaminatipn Is being
hold at tho OCurt houso this week.
There aro a Initio numbor of appli
cants this termTranging widely in
ago and experience.
Society -Events. Please have
all socletyevents handed in to tho
society edltdrSptflater than ten u.
m. tiMnorrAwTIrXyou have been
entertulnlng a frlendi or relative tho
past week let nkuow of it,
-u ..,
The Bon Ton.
furtlior. tho Bon
TI .. J 11,
Tou Restaurant. is
settini; the best and most substan
tial meals of any eating house in
the city.
Glbbs has been captured and has
confessed to his guilt like a large
number are doing that have never
traded at Gilbert & Patterson's be
lMnnlv nf Pfnru nf, f5Anv
fci Co.'s fish
murket, on Court stre
Tlie Electric street ear company
will soon bo busy constructing their
road up Clicmoliete street, during
tho meantime buy your groceries at
Squire Farrur's.
Painless dental operations at Dr
T. C. Smith's, 99 State street.
Fish, Fish. Thojffittrioro fish
market on Court 8tre4P3rini place
to get your fish,.pulfitjsviwnl'ganie.
Tho following is a correct list of
tho real estate transactions filed at
tho ofilco of tho county recorder to te
day: Wm. Cosper&Co. to II.
W. Murnhv. 200 acres 1 8 s. r
4 w, bopd. $ 4,000
S. SclnierVor and wife to T.
Gervals south half It 1 blk S,
urooiis - 1 , :
M. A. McQaIIsterahusb to
Jus. Rosell, 60 tycres t ffs, r 1 e. 1,000
AlCooledgoal to school
dlsU 112, one acVj hi die, I).
Colver for sohoot ilte. 2o
s, .ii'iiu u. iTimiiimu wuo
10 iieo. xnvc. 101 in oik iu
iu south west n'ddltfon to tho
city of Salenic "
J. B, Lewis and wlfa to J,
H. Patty, of Turner.lot 10
blk 14 in Turner. a
M. L. Chainbcrllu auawf
to Alex Putter, lot 3 iuidMn
lillr 7 In 'Piirnor- '
M. J. Cudwell and EllenX
Caldwell to Thus S. HamV
inond, portion of land in Stay
tou; T. Iu Golden and wf to Otto
Hansen It !l and 4 in blk 71
North Salem.
I Suit ltlieum.
I Willi tt Intonso llchluc. iliy, hot skin,
( ofuui broken into gainful cracks, and the
nine wmioi.v imUoa. onen cause inno
noi'llmulj MiiU-ruin, Ilooil'n KunaipnrlllBi
JlilS "lUIIRTUM IHIUlTOAUr tin urease, 11
imrltU' ilHhlKil und cxpoU the humor,
uiul ihu Hlnu lio.'ili without a sour. Send
for book luiitiiliilui; luiiny (UttemenUloi
ourci. tou I. IUhkI Co., Apotheoirle,
1 AIM Vil, .Mliim.
l f 11.1.1 ri.J f..t. ..I. I.IM 1.A..1..
' I lilvk il ...i.l it.itivj miKlj nL.I...n n .. .1 . 1.
... ...... .i.inr, .iia iiniiiil ...,u Ilia
iunUilt tlniito roughs uudooldi. Try It.
a mi iij- mi nru;:);ii,
Wrlglil' Hop Ccle-y una nuunonille
lllUt'rxu ivliublu toiili', upiHUlier nJ :iv
lutieiu, luvisoratiNi the illjjeilvo oii;iis
unit pivvi'itUi il n'ilrt, onu po relied up
oa. Mil by nil (Iiuk'hIm.
vu.Wi, rt....nv .....l u.l. . 1.(1111
INim.ioiiU'l KNlnirt nf tNirsuirllla. llolU,
lilliuilck. i'i kIiioI.ii. tloo Ueforo It. CIoiiiim-h
Pll.MII. 1 illKl1lt.ljl .11. H I.At lvll....
uiul iur(clRS UK' IiUhkI, Sold by all Urug
Wright' ira.s.ir, i.N)ntli.llou remedy
proimiliM u tvauliir anil hcilthy ucUou of
the bOHflu, nliU dtgvslluu uud fill not Ir
ritate the iuot bousltlvu vlouiuch. I'hll.
dren 0k, l ivndlly, Mo(d bl drwlit. I
Grove. Mr
Grove. xPolk
Wiii. '' UnnJ, ofiiJ-ir Brooki
in the elrv to day on IhwIi,ps.
M' : 1'iaiiflH Jfiuoi It Ti
alleiimii trnlll, fit'iivi'.it in
1() I't-
V. . IL P.iltyaTud tjlius Forroll, of,
tiicTiirnei'ilverVsiAble, wns In tho
city to-day.
Harry fJibsop returned lionie to
day, from Portjund, widie he has
been spending Tbiinkegjving.
lh: Theodora Potter formerly a
deputy sherlY of this county is
spending a few days in this city.
Dr. L. I,. Itowlutid'aud W. H.
Cottle, of the Stato Insurance com
pany, took, the afternoon train for
Elder JghirCHuc, of Pannria,
Iowa, wlH preach "ut tho M. E
church, in $outh Sulem, Sunday, at
1 o'clock a. m. All aile Invited.
Mr. E. l' Sigworti late of Oil
City, Pa., hts bough a ten acre lot
In Sunny Sidasmj(l will beIn im
proving it right off.
lillOiUvS STATU,'.".
The Farmers urvplittlng in good
tlm. this fine weuS'ie;'.
IT. C'.Lpir-y, f Salem eaincdowti
and took iantm liie eiiterlainiiKjiit.
M. L. Jones Ium built an udditlon
to his residence iihd is laying a new
walk from the housk to his store.
Itov. Thompson, Of the Willam
ette University, preacned a very in
teresting sermon at tlieM. E.church
Thanksgiving day. Su
(Meet, The
American Citizen."
Quito a number of ypuW people
from Salem attended the entertain
mentattho church, Thanksgiving
cve.o Among- the ilumbV we
noticed Miss Tilda Johnson Mrs
Kirkluud anil J. It. Fowler.
Mr. Basher and familv Have
moved to SodavllL. Mrs. B's
health has been vevy poor for Fome
time, and they thought the change
would-rnrvbtiiellcial. Levi is run
ning the farm. Wo wonder how
long he iiitendsto bite
tho concert given at
11 at tlie M. K.
church on Thauksglvlng-e-veiviis a
grand , 8Uoeofesirr"overiv way. The
program mo-Avcs carried'' .out in a
manner thai besp iku a gro.it deal of
time and ciro sjiont in its prepara
tion, by l!io5o , Uo took pait in the
exercises. After the entertainment
it Wttsounounced that a bountiful re
past wa3 spread at tho hall, near the
depot, to which the crowd adjourn
ed ami did ample justice to the good
things tho ladies had prepared for
the occasion. The proceeds were
37.73; net $32.50, to go for the benefit
of tho church.
Holverson's "ad" on first
The first two-story building ever,
erected In Fresno county was burned
at Centorville Monday night. It was
built In 1805 at Scotsburg and re
moved to Centervllle in 1868. Iu the
twenty-four years it was used as a
soloon, and, notwithstanding tho
rough pioneer days, no ono was ever
killed in tho building.
Receiver Silver of ttio Los Angeles
and Pacific Railway is paying off
back salaries due employes with re
ceiver's certificates. Merchants aro
not disposed to tako them, although
tho certificates aro authorized by tho
courts, and tho employes aro quite
us bad oft as they wero before.
BO WIE MYERS At tho resi
denco of U10 bride's sisterin Port
land, Novbgnber 28, 188S,Mr. John
AV. Bowio aud Miss Carrie Myers,
Rov. J. V. Mlillgun-OHlciatiug.
John Bowlo 1. tile sou of Judge
Bowie, formerly ofthis city, and is
well known hefo. 1$. Is the wish or
many Salem friends that John and
Ids brldo will travel together in har
mony and1 love all thrOuglrtho Jour
ney of life and that happiness and
prosperity may attend them to tho
eud of time.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A marvel ot
Purlty.streuKlhandwholeftOmeneeg. More
economical thau the ordinary kinds, and
caiiuoi be sold In competition with the
multitude of low toot, short weight alum or
phosphate iniwdert. Sold only in ntns.
,A.u.iiiu iurj.iivM,iw n ii,i
I t3 TT T i n-.TT.ri t
x1. xi. iJiiiviNjiiO, i'res.
! fT. V. ArATTTTTWH rTrnoc
on thuj7 """ "
The Salem Land
" Incorporated 1889,1
i i
Which is situated upon high ground overlooking tho city, and only four blocks from tho elegant High School
building. The horse car hue will soon be running to the efihool building on tholr new extension, up Center
street, and are headed for this addition. The Electric lino will pass within ono or two blocks of it, and one or
both of these lines will eventually traverse the full breadth of Englewood. This property is selling rapidly to
a class of investors wlm will nut. In tnstv. Hiihstiintinl improvements, which added to the building, grading and
other uublie imnrovoments. which
ill 1- - r 1 ..'
to sell again, or a tasty, handsome
mac win equal it. ur it you desire
snow you, iree oi cnarge, tno cueapestauo Dest nve ana ten acre iruuis iu iuc vmuvij, "w"'""'ri" v.v.
nnrl fhnf inrfiinh will .lnl.lr. nnlnlrodf. In irnlno Wnmnnn WAMPT1T5K PARK and FAIR VIEW ADDITIONS.
. , T. 7
TERMS EASY. To the poor man witli but a few dollars, this is a grand opening and Bhould be Investi
gated at once, and young men should not slight it. ..,,.
If this add. should happen to catch tho eye ot some one at a distance, we request that you send for descrip
tive hand-book of "Salem and Vicinity," Salem Land Company, Salem, Oregon.
A. Surprise
Any of the following 12 Mo's, full cloth bound, gilt sides and back,
delivered or mailed to any address for 60 cents per volume.
Robinson Crusoe, Arabian Nights Entertainments, Swiss Family
Robinson, Scottish Chiefs, Thaddius of Warsaw, Children of the Abbey,
Don Quixote, Vicar of "Wakefield, Paul and Virginia, Bunyah's Pilgrim
Progress.Bunyan's Holy war, Gulliver's Travels, Child's History of Eng
land, iEsop's Fables, Baron Munchausen, Last Days of Pompeii, Ivan
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Only 700 volumes in stock, very fow duplicates. Send your orders in
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Friday and Saturday, Dec. G, 7.
Bpeclul engogeinent of the renowned
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iuth,elr latest San Francisco Comedy Suc
cess, entitled
Replete with all the latest comic and top
leal songs new duueej, specialties
and new, clean Irish wit.
A ton of mncnlncent new scenery from
the brush of I. A. mrong. oftlio Queen's
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fSOOO, is ued at very performance.
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Every Monday
and Children's cli
Monday and Thursday. Lndloa'
ass paturaay aiurnoon.
For particulars
lnnuira at Diamond'
Muslallulliroiul0tol2o.nl. ami 2 tot pun.
.... ...W llll . UW. MMIIQ l.IIU, IUIV
1 II M.tf IWluDC. IUM.lw tahlla liutl. V...HU
breath and healthy iui by uVlnir
urvwiu But Hwuiuy muhis
Dancing Seliool.
we nronose to nut on. will insure to the
neighborhood if he desires to make it
',. V. T t" - - J A l. t
acre property can at our omco over iuo
. r- -i --- -.' -- -- - . . . ..
Women, lelon's Bequest, Frozen Pi-
Fairy Land, Footprints of Fate,
Meeks & Minton
Have received and answered over
One Thousand Letters of Inquiry
SINCE JUNE 17, '89
sen0yoCu1raprrer?y.COmm,"10n' Un,08s we
Japanese and Chinese Curiosities,
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f wi' CLSf,ye' Sauma. Bronze, Ivoryl
prompfly attended W wKtoffiS and
fi5?igool "Prtsnt Pianos tor rent, also a
nrstchua organ (or sale cheap for cashnr
W. F. BEAVER, Solicitor.
I f
investor an ample profltif he desires
Imln I.AMA 'PlinrO IO llrtlll
his hoi
Tnere is notntng in tno cltv
, . . . . .. . .
National Bank, and we will
try, tho nearest into the city
Crockery and Glassware!
With specialties In
Valerian China Tea Sets, '
French China Dinner Sets.
Buckingham Pattern
4 '
Of whloh we constantly keep a full Una
and open stock, enabling us to make up
Dinner and Tea sets of any size, or sell by
the single piece. The finest assortment o
Ever shown In Salem.
Ot tUo latest lend handsomest patterns In
S-Please call and examine our stoolc.-.
i ' ,
201 Commercial Street.
Chas. Pugh, Proprietor.
(QUWCMUr wDciiiDgeru uo.
A complete lino always In stock.
My stock is bought new and for cash, af
fording mo the opportunity to sell at the
most reasonablt prices.
The best and latest Improved machinery
always oh hand.
Oillce and store rooms ot Bellinger's ojd
stand on State street.
Salem Co-Opemtivc Association
Choice Groceries!
In White Granite and Decorated Ware,
Glassware, etc, See our stock and prices
Has Just received a new line of the latest'
style of hanging lamps which will be sold
at the most reasonabla ruLnn. We also
carry a full line of Groceries, Feed, Clfars,
Tobacco, '
Crockery and Glassware !
Don't fall to sample oar hw line of ooa
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4. JP' ".
Farming Implements
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land.Orer. hvilriwviawiy. SW y all drgtt
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yVnvkiiWnmmmXR&iw Cwwi mm, saltw, ow