rrpmwffr1 mp VO y y? Wis. yi . " . 'A- & - s Jvfc. THE CAPITAL EVENIKQ- JOUKNAL. sm I V OUTWITTING A GRIZZLY. 1 1 X Vonori J Trmreler Tells now Ho DunwltDp m ilteree Old Dear. Ho was a viSaoroblo and InteUigcnt man ' !; ?Mft "d most popular scientific and and had been a grcal traveler, and ho kind- BSffiK $&g K&'SS&S1. $$S$ ly uuuurwuH. iu vrauo uwuy an uuo nour or L""J 'U,",""1' Best class of Wood Eniraf. telling: a New York Evening Sun reporter of Eft. ftatoA?fcBa!rS tho true Inwardneai ot California Ufo In too i " W, AgffinriBr5Sa w 8r . ..A Villa j tVVin atflMM I ' fmt-hllla of tho sierra. "I had sovcral very curious adventures down there," ho said, "and, by the way, yomnjr follow, If you ever happen to go to that region you had bettor throw off your patent leathers and your boiled shirt to be . gin with, and put on corduroys and high cowhide boots. Tho brush down there has thorns throe inches long, barbed like fish hooks, and you would soon leavo behind you that costumo with more ot what Is inside of it than would suit you. 'As to your question about grizzlies, I'll tell you my first and rather remarkable ex perience with ono of those varmints. I was a kid, not yet twenty, and new to tho'region of the sierras, havinir comn -fmm th v.t but a few months before. On a moonlight nigus cany in Apru i was gently mcander Inir homo on mulAharlr T wa .......i o -- ...mi uuuuiuu with the execution of a tw.lrnt.lmifa . t had foolishly lent my pistol to a friend early in me uay. x naa almost reachod the ranch, having only a short stretch of chapparalto pass. I had heard the settlers allude re spectfully to old Ephralm. They said ho was ucruest iu lno spring, alter ms winter's siesta. He's alwavaan ni7ltr -iifnmo ..j after a man has had a wipe or two from his taions mere is seldom enough left of that man to tell the tale. "On this evening I speak of I was dog tired, as I had been riding all day. I had almost fallen asleep on my mule, when jumping Jehosaphat I how that mulo did jump 1 Standing ahead, as Urge as life, on th bank of a little brook, was a big grizzly. He grinned at tde and growled in a way calculated to agitate the nerves of Ajax, the follow who defied the lightning, much more thoso of a tenderfoot, aa I was then. "I had heard enough to know that if I turned tall, that is tbe mule's tail, I could leave Ephralm behind me, but on the other side of him was home, and J had my share of grit eyon then I had heard of the notion entertained by some people that a man can master tho most ferocious wild creat ure by looking him in tho eyes and advanc ing straight upon him. Even a greenhqro would back out of such an experiment with Ephralm, the most ferocious of all wild creatures. "Suddenly I remembered I had in my pocket a large box filled with friction matches, those made with plenty of brim stone for use in a strong wind.- An idea occurred to mo, and I patted and encouraged mu uiuiu, woo iremDieo. so i thought she would drop down under me, and urged her boldly right in the face of old Bruin. When within a few feet I suddenly struck a dozen hukcubs ana wrew mem right into bis open jaws. Never was there a more sudden change from defiant and malignant ferocity to the most abject cowardice. The huge brute actually cowered and shook with ter ror equal to that of the mule herself. "This was something altogether outside of his experience. I suppose he thought ho had struck a prairie fire on muleback. Even the mule saw the situation and gained courage. She advanced and I kept a con tinuous shower of burning matches. Lucki ly a rather strong wind blew from me and carried away toe fumes. In fact this is what brought toe varmint to me, he having winded me. To cut things short, old Eph turned tail and ignominiously fled. "Now, strangor, I might proceed to relate further how I kept at toe heels of that old grizzly and kept setting fire to his fur until he was entirely burned up; but in this skeptical age it may be well to suppress some of the facts of the case, for fear of be ing doubted." ENTIRELY REFORMED. Baw aa -Elephant Was Instrumental sa Redeeming m Drunkard. One of tho strangest stories of a drunk ard's reformation is told in tho Philadelphia Tina. William H , a prosperous trades man of Eastern Pennsylvania, lost his property through unforeseen business troubles, and, leaving his young family, went West to retrieve his fortune ; but dis couragedby want of success, he took to drink, and finally became a degraded loafer. He drifted eastward again, and was Han in Troy, N. Y., hanging around liquor saloons. He bad lost his manhood, and even his Yery name (having long been ashamed to be called by it), and men knew him as " The Worm of the Still." Onoe, soon after the arrival of a circus and menagerie combination to exhibit in toe city, toe drunkard saw one of the keep ers purchase a pailful of whisky for a sick elephant, and sneaked after him to the circus tent, following the Impulse of his raging thirst The keeper put the bucket ot whisky down before "Betsy," tna sick eiepnant, and she drank about half of it. The intelli gent brute knew it was medicine, and did not propose to take more of it than she thought she needed. The bucket, still half full of liquor, was left standing near her, and the keeper's attention was called away for a moment. Hardly was his back turned when a bloated, red face was poked through under toe canvas, and its pair of watery eyes were fastened greedily upon the bucket Betsy fixed her keen little eyes on the in truder, stopped swaying to. and fro, and waited to see what be would do. He did not notice her. The fascination of toe whisky blinded him to every thing else. The bucket was beyond his reach. He drew himself under the tent until he could dutch it The Instant that be did so, Betsy flung her powerful trunk around his waist, ana whirled him up in me air. She did not mean him any harm, but he was tampering with her medicine, and sho would not stand that So he had barely time to give ono wild shriek ot terror, when she tossed him thirty feet away, where he struck against one of toe ponderous wheels of a lion cage, fell to the earth with one leg broken, and three fractured ribs. She did not attempt to follow and hurt him, for she had no malice. He was carried away on a stretcher to the hospital. The rest of the story is a pathotlo romance. The wretched man's recovery ,was so slow that fllteen weeks passed be fore he could walk on crutches; hut in that long time the thorough hospital treatment hud cleansed all toe liquor out of him, and he had begun to look something like his former self. . ,. . I"i Am- aKn nftrtv of ladles Visited the hospital, distributing flowers and read ing matter to toe patient, one of them, a handsome but sad-faced young woman, stopped by bis chair, and gazed at him as U strangely startled. "Father," she said, "you den't remember ae. I aa your daughter Mary." It was twelve' years sUace she bad seen him, but she knew him. She bad him conveyed to her home as soon as possible, where, In time, he was re etored to healtfc, .found good employment, ad begaa a new Ufo of sobriety and in dustry, whleh continued to the last Hta adveatere with toe elephant sonear ly fatal to Uss, awed the saeaas 0 en tire reformation. ARCHITECTS A BUILDfia H Edition of Scientific American. 0 atnSralDhiaHCSif?;.5fch lM.n8 contains colore! H cti. a copjr. MUNH & &rausnxs2' msrbesecnr. All hv annlv. Ins to llUNZ A Co, wh( tiaTA hftA nA. axe made ot PATENTS wirarj- cxDcrienca nnri ri t iraKFHHB. &'. A5H1SH. KndeSce Titrlrtlj eonfldentlal. uw" wm" TRADE MARKS. lot OBce, applr to Mdnn & Co , and procurt mmedlate protection. Bend or Uandboofc C0PYRIOHT8 for books, chart, map, tc., qulcklx procured. Address . MUNN Ss CO., Patent Solicitors. Objibal Omen sa Bboadttat, N. T. ELLIS & WHITNEY, Proprietors of the Favorite Livery and Feed Barus Good rigs always on hand and furnished ou short notice. specialty. umce ami oarns at me corner or Trade nod Commercial streeu. $500 lW9m JH JUW Vftl'l AN eWkm.KA8t flgwsrri .71 ..-7r?. mis mis HEALTH. a tS.S.l.Cn?u " aJde, Balsnia No. 1 Curci Chancres, first and iscond taSes: Soreicn tho Legs and Bedy: Sort Ears SSfftimS e.t0-i CopPe'-colored Blotches, Syphllltlo Catarrh, diseased Scalp, and "all Primary forms ol the disease known as Syphlls. Price, FK 00 per Bottle. lie Rlehau'a Onlden Balaam No. a Cur.!,-TS.rt,latyt Mercurial Syphilitic Rheu maHsm, Pains in the Bones, Pains In tho Head, back of the Keck, Ulcerated Sore Thioat, Syphilitic Hash, tumps and con-t-acted Cords, StUfness of the Limbs, and eradicates all disease from the system, whether caused by Indiscretion or abvse of Mercury, loavlnc; tho bbod pure and healthy. Price SG 00 per Pottle. bo HlchauU Golden Nuanlsh, Anll- uuitj ior no cure or uonorrhqia. Gleet, irritation Gravel, and all Urinary or OenU in Disarrangements. Price 3)3 50 per Bottlo. 1 Rl chem's Golden Spanish In. Jectlon, for severe cases of Oonorrhcca, Inflammatory Gleet. Strlctures.&c. Price JlTiO per Bottle. Z.e Rlchnn's Golden Ointment for tho effrctlvc heallngof Svphilitio Sores, and eruptions. Prlro$l 00 per Box. Lo Illchnu's Golden Pli's Nrrio and Brain treatment; loss of physical pou- cr. excess or over-work. Prostration, etc Prf ce 3 pO per Bor. Tonic nr.d Nervine, Sent everywhere, C. 0. D., securely packed per express. C. F. men A.TtDS & CO. , Agents, 127 & 420 bansomo street. Corner Uay, Sin Francnco, Cal. CIRCULAR MAILED FREE. WILLAMETTE . UNIVERSITY Graduates Students In Classical, Literary, Scientific, Normal, Business, Law, AND MEDICAL COURSES. It Is the oldest, largest and least expen. slve Institution of learning In the North- School opens first Monday In September BendforcUloIUetoogyANBcoY( President. t7; Salem, Oregon. 0REM1AN RAILWAY CO. (Limited Line.) CHAS. N SCOTT, - - Receiver. On and after Jime 23 18S9 and until further notice trnlus will run dally (except Sun day) as follew: BAST SIDE. Coburg Mall From Portland STATIONS. iPortl'd Mall &ow'i d Port 1UUU Lv. 8.00 am .". ' Am J.U.W 10.50 11.05 U.1U ' 11.25 ,1U5 i LJ.10 i 1Z30 ' 11.35 ' 12.41 ' 1.06 1.36 i 6M 131 2.13 3.13 8.45 35 4J1 &07 fcS5 Ipoktlandpawv Foot of F Btreei, stay a uiuuuij,, Bt. Paul's, Woodburn, Town send, McKee, ML Angel, Down's, Hllverton. Johnston's Mill' Hwlt7.orl.qnd. East tilde Jurct.,1 Mocleay, Aumsvllle, Ale OP Crossing, WestSclo, Crabtree, Splcer, Tillman, Plain vleir. Brownsrllle, Itowland, Ar.S.45.i)iu. AT M fcfiO Ar P nnmmntlnn mile on sale Coburr. Alt LV GEO. F. S.vIITH, PROPRIETOR IIS mum -DEALER IN FURNITURE, Window Shades, Wall Paper, Pictures, Mirrors, Moldings, Frames, Baby Carriages, Wagons, Rugs, Stationery. Notions, Holiday Goods, Croquet Sets. Hammocks, Etc. Tents, Awniu, Etc. made to order and kept constantly on hand. 307 COMMERCIAL STREET (BANK BLOCK), SALEM, OREGON. SAIvEMI INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT Oregon's Most Wj iy! o 8S-Goodsof all kinds sold on the l eg ill. r installment plan in the city at Smith's Auction House, corner of Liberty and State si reels, Salem, Or. Abstracts. For reliable and correct ABSTRACT OF TITLB, Call on tho Sal d Ate fact ai'Lii Company, Aa wo send this paper by thousands over the whole length and breadth of the land, many peoplo who know Salern by its reputation will be pleased with a little history of ita various attractions. OREGON PACfflTOROAD lve Albany . Leave Corvnllls Arlve Yaqulun Leave Yaqulun Leave Coivnliu Amve Albany B W. VVTATERa, Manager. NO. 221 COMMERCIAL STREET, SALEM, OREGON. jj-The only complete set of Abstracts in Marlon county. P. O. Box 260. First National Caul SALEM. OREGON. WM. N. LADUE. President. DR. J. REYNOLDS, Vice President. JOHN MOIR, Cashier. GENERAL BANKING. Excnnnge on Portland, Ban Francisco, New York, London and Hong Kong bousht ant" sold. Slate, County nnd-C.ty warrants bought. FaiinerH are coidially Invited to deposit vnd liausact business with us. Liberal advauces made on wheat, wool, hops and otuoi' property at reosonaDie lates. Insurance on such se curity can be obtained at the bank In most reliable companies. ESTABLISHED BT NATIONAL AUT1IOEITT The Ca)ilalNa,tional Bank OK SALEM - - - OREGON. Paid op, - Surplus, . . - R. 8. WALLACE, President. W. W. MARTIN, - Vice-President. J. H. ALBERT, S- - - Cashier. DIRtCTORSi W. T. Gray, TV. W. Martin, J. M. Martin, R. 8. Wallace. Dr. W. A.Cuslck. J. II. Albert, T. McF. Patton. LOANS MADE To formers on wheat and other market 10,000 able produce, consigned or in store, either m private granaries or jmbllo warehouses. State and County Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonable rates. Drafts drawn direct on New York, Chicago, Ban Francisco, Portland, London, Paris, Uerlln Hong Kong and Calcutta. Northern Pacific Railroad. Lv Z38 2.28 1.40 1.15 1.10 12.55 1&32 12.20 11.15 11.16 11.38 1L14 10.48 icua 10.10 10X0 9 JO 8.02 &&2 8'1 7.42 &3 fcOO am GREAT OVERLAND ROUTE. TWO FAST TRAINS DAILY I SHORTEST UnTtO CHICAGO And all points East via St. PAUL and MINJXiiAi'Uijio. The Northern Pacific railroad Is the only line running Passengertralns.Seoondclaks sleepers (free of charge) Luxurious Day coaches, Pullman Puiice Hleepmc Cars. Palace Dining Cars, (meals 76c) Irou) Port land to the east Bee that your ticket read via the Northe.-n Pacific railroad and avuid the change ofcarH. Leave Portland at 8 a. m. and 8.40 p. m. dally arrive at Minneapolis o- Ht. Paul at 6-05 p. in. . , . Pacific Divisiow-Tralns leave Front and O street dally at 11.M a. ra, and 8.40 p. m ; Arrive at Tacoma at 7:10 p m and 4:20a mairHeSeattUKSam inuA5jp. m Ubrough Pullman lalace Hleeplng C,,i, eleeant day coaches, finest palnce dining cars between Portland, 7vrainafnd Heale direct. Dally sen Ice. A. D. CHAnLTON Asit: Oen'l Pass. Agent, mFht BL, Cor Washington HL, l'orusna. u.tgou. Depdt Corner First andCl btreeti. City Tax Notice. The Salem city taxet are now due and payable at my ofllee with Williams A En gland. Taxpayers will please govern themselves accord Injly. E. J. SWOFFORD, City Tax Collector. GEORGE WILKINS' NEW BUTOHH5R SHOP On Liberty street, across the bridge In North Salem. All kinds of meats kept ou hand. 6-SoU For the Public Good. H Is nn ludlspr table fnrt that the hand, somest vet Ibi'le trains that are novviuu on the An'eilcnu coiuiueut aro those on theIiullU!LOU roine. leavlDe lVom Union depotin Denver, al o 1st. Paul, immediate ly on a.ilvulof niuiiiongh trains loni the west. The lU'svnntl fcccoud c'mi catches ruo magnlllceni, the iclnlng chair cars biibiub. the Pullm.'ii s'eepeiii extremely luxiulaut, nd ps fo.' ilionjeab that are sei-ved iu 'tlicsa paVce Di'rlfnston dining vj.ne uoxi n tv. Chlcaio o! If you mention lo ibe I'ckei. agent that you errs ymu yum. vine eat to Kansas Ci next tluie veu no Chicago or Hv. Louis, want your ticket to ic.nl li-om Denvei or St. Paul ove the Uuilinston itnte, you will get it, and you will nlwuys be glad of it. If vou rola .be Noitliern or Canadian Pacific, the e'eiaut vestibule trains of The Dmllngtou Route, be.rcen Ht. Paul ana umcago, o.' rji. jjoim, win cany yuu nlouj ue eastern hhoeol the MIssKsmpI rlvei for a distance of 350 miles, luntU.t sceueiylhntcannci,be.ui-pas!.ed;or, lfyon go viiv i be O.-ejon H'jo.t Line oi Boulhe.n Piiclilc, aiul yo.ir t'eket leads via The Ctuliu-jlon lloi'lo from Cbe?enne or Deu vei.you w I'pjn llirouguall the thriving cUlcsend (owui Jottxtetl in what lsno'Mi I ily known as the Ilcntlol the Continent. TOi1 ImlSier infoimalioa apply to A. C. Hbrtdon. General Agent, SS First street, PonUmLOtegon. 4-ld4wtt Tho citizens of Snlem tiro n very proud people pfoutl of tho beauty and fjuno of their city. With 15,000 population, possessing lare wealth, wo enjoy all the mo'.lcru ndvnnecincnts of our sister cities llko Portland, Seattle aud Tacoma and S.m Francisco. Slieets are lighted by electricity and traveled by hofto caw. Tho most ln.isuiflceut public water works supply pure water lrom tho WUlaruelto lu plonty and most adequato Are protection. Wo have tho district telegraph messenger service, letter car riers, two telegraph oftlccs and two expicss companies. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Fine stiuclurcs abound throughout the city. Tho school buildings are numerous and largo aud tho high school is as grand a pilo as is often seeu. Tho famous Chcmeketo hotol, built as a matter of pride by Salem's wealthy capitalists, leads all on tho Paciflo coast as a flue liotel. Tho stato has located hcic extensive and imposing buildings, the Stato houso, State Peulteuiiary, Stato Iusano Asylum, Stato Blind School, Stato Deaf and Dumb nialo school and tho United Stales Indian Training School. Ele gaut private ichUIcuccs aro common but of yet greater lutoresl than these are tho miles aud miles of pcasaul homes of our thrifty mechanics; thoreln lies the surcy of our iuluro. CHUr.CHES. All deoomlualloas havo prosperous chu.'chcs aud flno houses of wor ship. The Womeu's Christian Temperanco Assoclallou is flrm'y estab lished and Intends bu'lding n maguiliccnt business b'ook and is prosper ing. It has a lino H'muy and reading room for pub'lo use. NEWSPAPERS. We have two dailv ncwsiMiicrs. The OAriTAL Jour.NAL Is the less aged but a sprightly sheet which spraug "at once into the (till flood tide ot success. Any new eotcrpiise comlmr to Salem will find r.ble support ers, If tbey aro worthy of it, iu the pubUc spirited ctV'ors of our newspa pers. AMUSEMENTS. Tho Reed's Opera House is a largo aud excellent one. There are numerous summer resorts, several flue parks, an excellent trotting course, bicyclo clubs, social clubs, etc. THE STATE FAIR Meets hero annually aud is a ;;ient success. It attracts thousands ot peoplo from all scctlous of tho country. NO MALARIA HERE. This is one of thoso clean, pure Western cities where almost no malaria now exists. Our death rato Is way down in the bottom figures and we havo no epidemics. ATTRACTIONS. Our natural scenery is Bwiss-llke. Mod u talus almost entirely sur round us rendering drives outside tho city very beautiful. Rivers and trnnr. nfipnms wood-lnnds. abound in evcrv dlicdou. Cllv is practically free from debt rnd taxes are moderate. Our l.iboilng c'.ifses never have resorted to strikes, boycotts or anarchism rs v,tiies aro r.ood, work plenty aud want almost unknowu. We have all tho becrefc o.de.f in this city that is possessed by any other cllyof twico ;ts po;ui!ai!ou, and all In a flourishing condition. COME WITH US AND WE WILL DO YOU GOOD. Salem Is a good place to live in and it is a good place to do business in. Any new branch of trade will piospor hr e loi frcilllies aro ample and compefcut help plenty. YTo h.tvo nil the nioJve powers water, steam, gas aud elecuic. Real esiale mav bo had fbi' fiiciory sites at rea bonablo prices. People may Ilvo be.-o wll'i grea economy, or In luxury. Our baukiug facilities aiouobu.'passcil. Wo have a duo outlying district of farm lauds. Old rcsldeuts reui.Mu, thevo aro almost no dep.u lures, and now ones ore fast coming among us. WHY NOT INVESTIGATE SALEM? If you would learn more of tho resources of Salem and surrounding country send for the CAPITAL JOURNAL, tho best paper on tht Pacific coast to-day for iho money. It Is reliable aud stands on Us own footing. Address tho Capital Jouhnal, Salem, Oregon. J. L. MITCHELL, Manager. And Oittm Deve'omieut company's) stoai.ivm il't'e. L'. iII-m t. n Woura laitn.ierj u by ru c.ie. lonto, Flt nil kl ?''-4. l-w '. rim . ol ht line jvo.rtru.U'.id am' rll olui ni .In Will lame.tev.klle. orjdl.u;j ho'u Fi.mclsco TIME SCHEDULE, (Kxccpt Huml ys 1-00 PM IM0PM aJOPM 1(45 AM HK5AM 11:10 AM Om-inS traln!I C0nncct nt Albany and Tho above trains connect at YAQUINA with tho O.-oaou Development W Line jf bw i Jtsltlpirbetwecn Vaqulna and Han rvtviici co SAIUNQ DATES. STIAMKBS. rnoit TAQtrtM W amette Valley .-.Monday Sept, W amctte Va ley Tuesday K l Willamette .Valley, Wednesday " ?j STEAM KM," 1-ROlC SAN "RANClSCO Willamette Vrllcy.Wcducsdny,8ept, 4 Willamette Valley FUday " is lllamette Valley Saturday ' 21 Willamette Valley Bun clay " 29 ivinis company reserves tho rliht to cunuie sailing antes without notice. . N- -B. lvs eiirre.-s n-pm lortLua and all Willamette Vnlloy points can make close ronnccllou Willi tao trains of the YAOU1NA UOUTEatAlrnyorCon-allls aud if dostlucd to Ban Fmucisco, should arrange to an 1 6 at Yaquiua vho evening befbro dnto of sa Hug. " ramat? ami Frelgkt Rstts AIwsts the UULMAN A Co.. Freight nud TlcUet Agents a and 20i Front st, roi Hand. Or., orto O.C. HOaUE, Ao't Gen'l lrt. A Pass. Agt., Oregon Pacllio r. It. Co., O H.IIA8WELL,Jr.GcuMK't"&,0r Pass. AgU Oregon Development Co., SOI Montjomciy :.; Ban FmncUco, CW The Oregon Paclflo sleamboaU on the Wlllamettee river division will leave Port laud, south-bound, Monday, Wednesday and Friday nt 6 a. m. iirnve ai uorvams 'ittcsaay, Thursday and Saturday at S.'J0 p. m. Leave Corvallls, north-bound, Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8 n. m. Arrloat l)rtland, Tuesday, Thursday au d Saturday at 8.S0 u. in. On Monday, Wednesday riid Frldajr both north snd south-bound bopti Ho over night at Balem, leaving there at 6 a. m. O.G. IIOGUK. A.a.F.andl'.Acnt, OveHand to California via Southern Pacific Company's Lino. THE MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE. Time Betwtta Silcm aid Sss Frsicliestt Tklrtjf-ilx lloors. CAHrOHNIA KXrilKHS TRAIN KDN DAILY UETWKKN POUTLArU AND H. V. Ilouth. I " I KoiThT; i&) ). m. Lv. Portland XrT T(Ffi5 a. ni. 6l)).m. Lv, Halem Lv. 7Vla.ni. 7H5 a. m. Ar. Ban l'run. Lv. 7-00 p. m. LOCAL I'AMSKNaKll TUAIN ( DAILY XX CKIT SUM DAY). 8.00 a.m. Lv. Po timid Al.l 43 p.m. 11:10 a. m Lv Halem Lv. f 12 .'ij p, in. 2:10 p. m. Ar. Kimono Lv. I UCJu. m . PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, For accommodation ol second class puKsengers attached to ozpress trains, 'IhoB. 1'. company's turry makes con uoctlon with all tho regular trams on th Kust KIdo Dlvltlou n-om lootot i strce Portland. (Vest Side Division, Between Portland And Cervallis: DAILY (IXCKIT fllNDAY). 73d iC'm. Je21p. m. Lv7 Ar. Portland Corvallis "ArT Lv. (SiU p. in. 1:10 p. in. J. J. CULVER County Survsy AMES WALTON, Topogrtphir. W. HJBYARS. Civil Englnssrj Byars, Culver & Walton Surveyors & Topographers. Bin veys drafts, p'ats ni-ipsmul ('.ccrlpi'ons ofUuds toini'ot, rnd lo.ul-1, (iltcJoi, i.tieals, Enwei' nl ,o c. etc., m.u'enniU iiixuedat i-easonnble 'irices. Old corners aurtl.nes re-es-t l)lls.ied f.t)io.ljlual field notes. nmrie,. fur t. IfhpH. HKK S. ln.CtU O: era, with estlmatei ft'inWied ou applica tion. Address County Surveyor's oDlce. Belem, Oregon. MLTjK3SmWki A LhmtSouji Ta kiui. tusur TSfT, T. A. B. STRANG, 2So, S03 Commercial Htreet, TlckeU at twoceuts jier it stations having agenU. . i.w .,... tnr ZzBmsLmax FOR MEN ONLY! a MCITIUC 1t to" r I1" KAHHOODi AFuSITIVEoturslsn rs WI1 lilI!w7uM M trMU.l Si4u I. w. SALEM, OREGON. -DrALXR IM- STOVESandRANGES PluiblDg, Gu and Steam Fitting. Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty, s-Afrcnt for the BOYNTON COMPAMy'H Ubllsbed In lMt nlCHAHDHON A Kumaces. t! JUST OPENED. Prfh and salt wrier fish, poultry, lm and oysters in tbelf ean. On Couitlst, op Kwfie the opcm tioi'. One hundred Aua c I'ciens wanted. u J GKiLUl, Proprietor. HEAUND INHUIIANCK Company. Fire and M tine. JOts, ALBEHT.;As:ent, . Halem, Oregon 1 New Dressmaker. mrs.f.a:orijmp, ANewYork Modiste, who haihadrncen yet r expe. cuce in Cutting and Fitting Would be plea.il; n -ee .lie 1. 1 OMorR. lemai. Uer inoms No. 4C!Biimnic id, co.ner oJlft.lou. Just Received At Charge 1- c. - JI 1'iic.v 1! mm of tlioilw 4.IH10 nl (ill no vtloctl ou-r tl.-oif lit .ol. 'am. .'I 'oqilsn o (' Hio iHtoitt'o iiii unci lmo iscc.i I) ou3lit r-U i.oni tho i. II nciy i:.n o Imus of i.'ii r.j'ueLco. The lndlc oKiloin mil HUrrouiii'lnif couuti-y ai e .u Ued lo tall mid Inspect this one of ifooiN. A MONTH can be hide rfui'im. acciiis nrefarred who can furnish iiorne mm $75 to $250 Miss Leona Willis, TEACHEH OF MUSIC. Le.jons given In voice culture and Ital Irns'mliij, piano and on. u. Hneclrl nt loiitloii liven to licginne n. Urn uesceurt the Con ervt uiiy, orut me loildence, Co. ner oi Cciuer rnd Cupltol utiecti. Itf-lbml J. H. HAAS, Watchmaker and Jeweler, COMMERCIAL STKIUICT. 1'lulcli votV iriinrnulpcd. Olvo him audi ami you will not ittu I It. 7-Slml 'J'XIE I'AVOIUTE iliar. and Peel Rooms. ' ' I! ,Y live their whole tlnis to tho biislnc-.s. Sjiai e moments may be prolitably cm ployed nlo. A few vacanclM In town mid dtlci. II. I . Johnson 4Co., 1CK iialn U.. Jl.ilunoiid, Vo. N. IJ. Hease state aje and btislueu ex. perlenc. Never mind about sendlnif stamp for reply. Il.F.J.ACo. 4mHi . toblished 1363 1 The Oldest and St&urcbcsi Belrceo Saer? icrlo aod I'orfftoi LADD & BUSH, Bankers, Iron BuPiiiug, Mm, Oicyn. AccpunU kept, loans mat'e. cstli. ii-e on eve yiiauof the world bought end wild, h of credit Issued to truveiei. colicc. . Jin de througboukths VaUtAHU m, u , i America and Mexico, state, jwun.y anil c . warrant cr.hed. VVeorre.,p- ions r ouoawnortatlons consistent with con-sei-v. iv banklutf. KWUfwa "dearg!rls7 .te noTfty f.tiln any young man, but If tlieyoltvyou auice IWjx of HtHerliMril'j .Square Chocolate Creams, made osily liU PaUnt Pne, Uke them, and Ull them to coin aicalu, for lhy aie superior to any mad In the United HUtes. Flilo7-CUSi CI'JAR STORE At Alo.liiy wuit Coi vullls couuvel with ilulns uf O.eoi) 1'iiclllo ltallroiid, 'i'lirouKhtlcLeLstoull K)lnts south and emit via Culiroiulu KXI'IIKHHTItAIW (IIAILV KXCKITHUNUAY i.'iiii. in. I W. Portland Ar. I BOOa. ill. b.03 p. 1.1. Ar.MoMlnnvllleLv. 6:15 a. ra. Through Tickets -To all points 0UTH and EAST via' California. I' or lull information regarding rates maps, etc., apply to the Company's agent Hiilem. Ori'irim. K. I'. ltOUKItH, Asst. U, y. and Pass. Ag't It. KOK1ILEU.I Manager. Oregon Railway and Navigation COMPANY. " Columbia River Route.' IN ill IT Imported and Domttsstlo CIGARS AND TOBACCO ! !24fi Commsrolul Strosit. ft (Jeary street. OR. JORDAN & Co.'i MUSEUM OF ANATOMY 781 Market st. Han KrulicUco Admission ait-en ts. Ooanit learn how to avoid dlwase. Cousultutlou and treutmtnt iiersoually or by letter, on speriiiuterrtioca orgenltal wruknt-as, and all dlseasse of men. Knd for u book. I'rlvute oltlce 211 Consultation free. MPS, M. E, WILSON, InvlU-s the Indies of Balem and vicinity to call and inspect her select stock or fall Millinery that has just arrived. Hhe will pay particular atuutlou also to the latest styles ofdrvsimaklDg. trains for the east leave I'oriland fu7s'5 am and .UU'im dully, llo cilorm' "on prlnclpnl 'minis lu I lit UllliU...a. CrfJ adaaud hiiio.ie. Klegaot New Dinio Cvrs. . PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS. Kn-e Kamlly Bleeping Cam urn lliioujl; on Kxpress trains to Omnh. , Couucll lllutrs aud Kansas City wl.Iiout chr uto Connections at 1'oitland forHan Francs co aud I'ugvl Hound pol.1 k. Kor lurtber particulars address any agent of the company, o.- A. L MAXWELL, O. V. 4 T. A U,J. flMITlI.Otu'l Manager, Portland. MAltVKLOUS MEMORY DISCO YEBY. Oil Osnulss Syitsoi of Minor; TralalngJ fear Botii Leirnsd Is ens ruclng. Mind windsrlaf cufJ. Evir child nd adult grtatl bsntli.sd. Clrtut IndiiteiiisiiU to cvrrraoudenc Classes. 1'rospectus, with opinions of Dr Win. A. Jlttiniiuiud, the world-fumed Hpeclallst In llud Dlsrusrs, Duiiltl (Jrt-nltuf 'Ihomp. son, the grrat i'sychoiogUf, J.M, llucKly 1), I) , editor of tho Uhrlstlun Advocute N, Y.lHlihardi'rootur,lhuiu.li)iitlst, lions. W. W. Aslur, Judah 4', Uenjumaii, and others, teut post free by 1'rof. A. LOWKTTK, 3T J'lftyATS., NY JflWW. An I !.W i'i Jtfi ,1 I ''!) I if i m H I. ; in i t .' 4 i-.. &-