15? JXQjp f ". . SUBSORIBE tjfo , -rou- A.DVER riSE IS THE' CAPITAL JOURNAL, LTAL i i . JOURNAL . Ki i -Tltt- , BEST PAPEIl IN SALEM. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL IT VIM. UK A GOOD INVESTMENT, 3- You will be well pleased with lU- -Tho Terms nro Most Reasonable '"HI it! l TOL. 21 SALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2G, 1S89. NO. 234. CAP fi LADIES! Buy your Dress Goods and Trim mings at , Buy your Corsets andJKld Gloves ut Buy your Cloaks and Jackets at, Buy your Handkerchiefs and Ties at Buy your Hosiery and Underwear at Buy your Blonkets and Flannels at Buy your Table Linens and Nap kins at Buy your Shawls and Furs at Buy your Jewelry and Fancy Goods at For Bargains iu all lines of goods goto HOLVERSON'S! BUCODA COAL ! Undervein Screened. ' 0 I have the exclusive agency of this coal for Salem. It is shipped to me direct from the Bqcoda mines, and I offer it at such prices as never before heard of in Salem. Delivered for $7.70 Per Ton ! In Wood, Sand and Gravel I am better prepared than ever to accom modate my customers, having a very largo stock on hand. My wood is now all measured before sawing and I guarantee full measure. Call in and see me. Remember my place of husiness is in the State Land and Trust Com pany's buildings, No. 05 State Street. GEO. D. GOODHUE. Wm. Brown & Co. DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES,, Finest Stock -o- KRAUSSE Carry the finest Fa IN THE anil fin -'O- 1 aiSdi bousbt direct toil tile nwnufkclory. BBAPSSE & KLEIN, 211 Commercial Street. " MOORES & GILLESPIE, Real Estateiand Insurance. Mnnfiu Loaned on Real Estate Security I ta ZXSi SrtS K Leather and Findings CASH PAID FOR WOOL, HIDES, PELTS, AND FURS. Tills bouse carries a largo stock of first class goods from tbe best manufacturers In the world, and Is prepared to glo satisfac tion, both In stye and quality, to every one who will purchase goods ot them, No. 231 Commercial Street, SALEM - - - OREGON in the State ! k KLEIN and most elegant STATE ! ? ." BT&3I er Foot m Capitol 1 Wore tapy. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN i Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries, ProTisious, Crockery, Glass ware, YYoodenware, Fancy Goods and Notions. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. Everything Yon Want Under One Roof. JUST RECEIVED : Eight Bales of Cotton Bats, which we will sell for 15o a pound. Men's Knee Gum Boots $2 50 Men's Long Gum Boots 3 00 LOOK AT OUR CLOTHING PRICES. Men's black suits $ 6 00 50 Men's suits, usual price $12, now 50 Men's suits, usual price $15, now 50 Men's suits, usual nrlco $20. now 50 Men's suits, usual prico 22.50, now 18 00 OVERCOATS. A good overcoat $ 7 50 Fifty overcoats, usual price $15, now 11 50 Fine light overcoats, worth $18 aud $20, now offered for $15 and 10 60 Orders from a distance promptly filled. Goods delivered freo to any part of the city. Please give us a call. -O- SALEM, GEO. W. JOHNSON, Pres. H. A. JOHNSON, Jr., Treas. S ana CAPITOL MM ato, Land (Incorporated.) LOAN BROKERS AND DEALKHS IN- Real 95 State Street, Salem, Oregon. o People looking for investments and seeking residence property should seethe Motor Line Addition and West Salem. Lota In either of these additions will make you a choice and convenient home; will make a neat return as an investment in a short time. It fill Pay Ion to Investigate before making a purchase. To those hunting lots to build on, wo will sell you a lot by you pay lug $10 down and the balanoo in monthly payments. To those wishing to Invest for speculations We Will Give Terms that will allow you time to sell the nropeity to make your pay ments, giving you an opportunity to ouy and sell with a small capital. We have A Few Choice Lots In Oak Lawn Park Addition that we are offering at a bargain. We also have a list of choice bargains In nearly every addition to Salem. We have some choice aero tracts. Wo have Farms and Timber, Lands ! No one seeking such property should conclude to purchase without examining our list. W. F PECK, Manager. o kill and Trust tapiw, mm 5 SALEM, School -A complete Jlne of BTATIONERY AT J. BENSON. NO M BTATE STREET 9 00 11 50 15 00 H OREGON, P. H. D'ARCT, T. C. SHAW, Tice-Pres. irasi mm i OREGON. Books COMPANY m n Estate GOLD PENS ANDncy LEATHEU G00DS STARR'S PALEM, OREGON A Few Questions Asked. Salem, Or., Nov. 25 '80. Editoii Jeurnal: I havo ob served of lato that you aro taking considerable interest in tho welltare of our city and county, and aro set ting tho people to thinking on va rious topics tor their future good. A question has arisen in my mind about tho Motor car line. What is it? Aud how is it run? 1 under stand that tho city council has de cided that tho tracks or rails of the various car lines must conform to tho present surfaco of tho streets, therefore I am most awfully pu.zled oyer tho problem of how tho cars can run up Ferry street to Liberty, then down iu that quagmire along Liberty to Trade and then jump up on the embankments in Trado and up on that street and on and out of the city. I don't think it can bo done, and it looks as though It was a very sly way the city fathers had of sitting down on tho enterprise. That is tho way my neighbors look at the matter. II. Tho Grangers nt Woodland. Woodland, Nov. 23. Tho excur sion briuglug tho delegates of tho National Grango, 200 strong, arrived here at 7 o'clock this evening. Thoy wero met at tho" depot by tho Citi zens' Reception committee, attend ed by a band. This evening tho Grangers wero tho guests of tho citizens and will bo entertained uu tilthelr departure Sunday afternoon. A reception was given at tho opera hoilso this evening. Judge C. H. Garouto delivered an address of welcomo, which was responded to by Mr. Humphreys, Muster of tho Grange. W. H. Mills, of San Fran cisco was present by invitation of the Business Men's association aud delivered an Interesting uddress. Disposing of Sewage. Many are tho efforts that havo been mndo to satisfactorily disposo of the sowago of largo towns. Tho ro sultsof experiments carricdou under the auspices of tho Wimbledon Sow ago works, England, make It appear that a more satisfactory answer than usual has been inado to tho problem. Tho method employed thero consists of sterilizing and precipitating tho sewage with herring brine aud milk of lime. It la, claimed that the de struction of micro-organisms is im mediate aud complete, aud that there remains positively no disagicc abla odor. JOHN HUGHES, Dealer iu Groceries, Paints, Oils and Window Glass, Wall Pa per and Hordcr, Artists' Ma terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence Posts, Grass Seeds, Etc, NEW TO-DAY. Help Wanted Qlrl for general homework, acrman preferred. Hoy, 1(1 to 18 j euro old, to do chores unit make lilniholf useful. A iteudy iltuutlou to tho right one. Uermum incurred, Hlx men to chop wood ut JI per cord. Girl wanted for general liousoworlc. If jou want help or nny kind or If you aro looking for u Munition, cull on or lcu e ) our order ut I2mpIoymont Offloo, J1 Conimerclul Htrect Ileiiiililicun Primaries. N OTICI2 In hereby glttn that tho city I)...,..I.IIa..i i inilmil tiAinllllllMI tfUlll v JVVIJUMIU-Jiu m;ii iiim-v iiiedatUiooincoor J. (I. Wright tlilH Hat urduy evening, November aid, ut 8 o'rkx k n ... fi'.r tlm lltlfltfltiM tt ill ulL'flfltlfll? tllU ll'uio'nnd platu cil holding the llrpuulliaii pr inline lor in coming ruy rut-nun, ' J O, WltlUIIT.CIminiiun. Thn central commlttieoonslnU of 11. (J, IllnKhu!n,ltwurd;J.D,ilc'ully, lid ward; K.M. Walle, aiwurdj Art Dllly, hli wurd; and J. O, Wright, Chairman. .n.rw.,1 1tfk1tt .ulll. .il.utlt fllrn1l.li. ,1 Ir room In n fliiu locality, convenient to the Htnct cur, may he hail ut ruutOnuble ........ I. .-.Ill.ii.nt fj!7 ll'lnlfr ufri.tf- ,uitn ,j n,,,, " .- -..---.. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. WanUd Position by a man to take euro of -lock and do chore In or near city. Uood reference given. Wanted: A girl to do laundry workl Two men wont tcad work Iu or out of the city. A boy neventetn ;mr old trnriU a po! tlon ut any kind of work. Wanted: A mau wllhu lamlly to run a ranch. If you want employment or are looking lor help cull on orudtin. piucjiii's & biiivjs, S Commercial M. , Upstair LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. DEATH IN A MINE. rOUKMIKHIlS PERISH IN ANnEUOIC ATTEMPT TO SAVK PKOPEUTY. Over BOOO LnliorliiR .Men To Ho Thrown Out or Emplojment ly the- Accident An Appalling Sccno Witnessed. Burn:, JI. T., Nov. 23. About 5:30 o'clock yesterday morning n flro was discovered on tho COO-foot level of tho St. Lawreuco mine, of tho Anaconda company. Fortunately there were few men in the mlno or iu tho Anaconda, which mine ad joins aud Is connected with tho St. Lawrence on every level, tho lire haying broken out in tho interval between tho night and day shifts. All of theso reached the surfaco in safety. Tho draft created by the fire caus ed tho air to suck down through tho St. Lawreuco shaft, through tho levels to tho Anaconda, and carried tho smoko up tho Anaconda shaft. Thus the workings of tho St. Law rence wero cleared of sinoko, while all of tho connecting levels and shafts wero filled, and tho fire doubtless spread into tho Anaconda thubors. A solid column of deuso smoko issued from tho mouth of tho shaft. Tho shaft houso was filled with miners who seemed spellbound at tho omiulous spectacle. It was known among them that quantities of powder wero stored iu somo of tho lower lovols, tho Igniting of which meant certain dcsttuctlon to tho great underground workings. At this juncture four men cumo forward aud volunteered to go down and try and get out tho powder, and thoy wero at onco lowered into tho shaft. Theso wero Henry Page, Jerry Sullivan, Pat Muiphy and Tim Koleher, and thoy aro entombed and undoubtedly dead, as a party of six men soon followed tho tour un fortunate men into the depths to rescue them, but wero forced to abandon their perillous undertaking aud return to tho surface. Tho bodies of two of tho en tombed victims aro supposed to bo on tho 800-foot level. Page and Keleher wero on tho cage coming out of tho mine, when thoy wero overcomo by tho smoke, fell oil", and their mangled remains aro doubtless now in tho dump, 1000 feet below tho surface. Tho origin of the tiro Is open to conjecture. Soveral theories aro ad vanced. Olio is that It caught from a lighted candle carelessly loft stick ing In the timbers iu tho crosscut. This seems to bo tho most plausible. Both mines are bulkjicadcd and sealed, and by tills me.uis Super intendent Carroll hopes to smother tho fire. Tho bulkheads havo serv ed to prevent tho II io spreading thus fur, but should the Humes break through into tho other levels aud Into tho forest of timbers It would mean tho tying up of probably tho most valuable copper anil silver mines In tho world, tho loss of lain, dreds of thousands of dollars aud tho enforced Idleness of 6000 men. jimmy iion:. Governor 1 1 1 1 1 Cllve tho Hunk lliirglur III Fruedoni. Ai.HANV, N. Y., Nov. !.-Ciov-ernor Hill has decided tho case of "Jimmy" Hope, the notorious bauk burglar. In view of tho facts pre sented, thu Governor has revoked tho warrants heretofore Issued to ar rest Hope. It appeared that Hope wus compulsorlly brought into the state from California on a reijiilsl. tiou, und, upon his release from prison, was Immediately arrested under a requisition from Delaware. Governor J J 111 has filed uu elabor ate decision, holding that Hope Is entitled to a rcannublu time to re turn to California after his release here, and liuncc his arrest was pre mature. The point of law Is an ill. terestlng one, In regurd to which there havo heretofore been many conlllctlng decisions. Hope Is now In custody at New York, and under this decision must bo discharged and given uu opportunity to return to California, If hu so desires. A I'reuchor Mucks llliiistilf ( Death Council Humph, Iowa, Nov. 2M. At noon to-day tho body of Ilov. Murtiu Horenseii, an Episcopal clergyman, wus found In a wood slad near his premises, with a deep gusli In the neck und uuothcr on the left wrlat. He hud bled to dcuth. It wus evidently a case of deliberate suicide, insanity is the only reason assigned. Horeusen was sixty-four yersof age. OKECION 1THMS- A ltobberSrnt Up for Smen Ycnrn-Hry floods Morcluilit AaHlgn. Poivri.ANi), Nov. 23. To-day John Cuso was sentenced by Judgo Stearns to seven years In tho state prison. Case and Myron Lookwood a few weeks ago made a raid on a Chlneso wood-choppers' camp, near this city, and attempted to rob them. The Chlneso made a spirited resistance, fighting with hatchets. Lockwood was so badly chopped about the head that ho died tho following day. Caso was also severe ly cut with a hatchet about tho head. During tho fight s voral shots wero tired by tho robbers, and one ( hinainan was severely wound ed. Only n few days beforo tho at tempted robbery of tho camp, Case broke Into a house, and on being discovered in tho act bv n votimr man named Charles Kalllch, tho robber knocked him down nnd at tempted to cut his throat with a razor. Caso has already served one term in tho penitentiary, and Is con sidered a very dangerous follow;. At tho same tlmo Judgo Steams sentenced George Smith, for robbing an old man, to tho penitentiary for tlneo years, also John Harry for four years for robbery. Tho total loss caused bv the de struction of tho public school build ing in East Portland lust night will reaoli nearly $20,000.! .There la in surance on tho building of $12,000, In tho following cempanies: Nortli British and Mercantile. SG000: Columbia Fire and Marino, $4500; New Zealand, $1500. Tho linn of Lewis &. Isaao Jacobs. doing a general dry-goods business, inado an assignment to-dav to Eiuil Frank for tho benefit of their credi tors, Their nsscst,eontnined In their store in tlds city, are estimated at WO0O, and their liabilities at $11,111. There aro a number of San Fran cisco and Portland creditors. MAhSACKEI) IIY HUsSIANS. A btory or lllnody 'limes In Aluskit til tho ririlos, Victoiua, IJ. C, Nev: 23. Sam Evans, an old minor Just returned from tho Yukon country, relates u strange story of a massacre of In dians by Russians in 1833Inrovougo for tho murder of Lieutenant ller nard in that year. An old jIJussIuu priest at Mulato told Hyufis Mipw llcnmrd in 1852, with a party, went up tho Yukon river as faif'a Mulato In search of Franklin. Tho party was attacked by Indians and Ber nard wos killed. Tho priest point ed out the spot where tho deceased Lieutenant was burled, aud Evans fixed up tho grave us well as ho could, erecting a rude tombstone with tho name of tho deceased and the name of the ship Enterprise. After tho murder of tho Lieuten ant's party had another fight with the Indians, killing thlrtjvsoven of them, onoof tho white men being badly hurt. Tho following spring the Russians In largo force went tip Koyukuk ilver, and under prutensu of trading got tho Indians together from various cumpjj along the river und butchered fifty-three natives, men aud women. The IIiuhIuu lost four men during" fight aud then returned to St. Michaels. An old Indian, one of the silrvlVors of tho massacre, still living at Mu lato, told the story to Evans. Hu allotted Ciiosule, Un.ltOY, Nov. 23. MIms LlzIo Muth, a youngludy 2.1 years of ago, a native of 1'hlludclphlu, acting as telegiaph operator at (lllroy Hot Springs, attempted suicide yesterday morning by taking half uu ounce of creosote. Medical aid was ut once sent from hero und the lady assisted as far as possible. Kite acknowled ged to Dr. Thayer that she had taken tho poison with suicidal in tent. Her recovery Is hopeless and death must result In a few hours, 111 health und bud news from the Eas(r It Is supposed, caiucd a despondent lit. Shu hud no relatives on this coast, hut many friends. She (eft Philadelphia about three years since uiitl bus been a teltigrupher hero since her arrival. Krutllo M'unU it I'lrflit Hi.WTTI.i;, Nov. 23. A coinblno Is Isjlug formed hero t Induce Sullivan and JaekHon to 'llght'ln this city. The plan Is (o raise a purse of f 23,000 for tho pugilists. If successful thu parties will build u pavilion cupublu of holding 0000, In which the fight will takopluce. Admit Albert, employed on rull rouil coustriictloii.work near Walla Wiillu, wus run over by the cars und killed last Friday. M 'l i i -I'l 'J i a h i W W i ii 1 1 t i h m j1 t,. i m Aft m f I i II tfreet, and we will show you what we have. 'r'' -.ft ..iiLJ,