."fsjjtfw MR - rvm THE CAPITAL EVENING JOUKNAL. I' lb . It ' w tKi THE CAPITAL J00R1HL TKKM8 OP HUBSCIUITION. DAILY. One year by mall...... .... -.......W 00 Hlr month by lnnlLt .. ... 2 60 Three months by mall- ........ . 1 2j Per week, delivered by carrier...... 15 WEEKLY. Onn vwir hv mnll UH 181 6 Hlx months br mall ..-.. . 7i Una year, If paid In advance. ...-- 1 0 Blx months, If paid In advance 6 For advertising rates apply at this office AllHiibBcrlbcrstoTllKCAMTAl.JouiiNAl. who do not secure their paper regularly will notify this office, giving address, and the matter will bo attended to at once. Office, corner Court and Liberty; .Streets A Nahkow Escapk. Yesterduy about noon Mr. W. H. Humphreys accompanied by Miss Millie llodgeru, met with quite an accident while on tho road to Maeleay. They had started from Salem to nttend tho dedication of tho now church at Maoleay and when they reached what 'is known as Glover's Hill which 1 a a long steep grade, in golnirdowti UiIh Incline the back hand of the unriKus broke letting the main portion of the har ness fall down 'aroutfd the horse's feet. This 'rijhtened tho animal and ll ctarti'iV on a de..d run down tho steep graifo but sh'ed ' oututnonjr V,e onk Krn,H loti"sl(3o of the,road und for wvc al yards things went .prett lively. When within about fifty feet of tho IV. jt of the hill tho hoVpe.stumb'ed and fell and the binrgy.'-iuid'iU occupants were thrown Inahcpto the ground. Tho horse manured la gain If'i feet and Jte,,-ai kicking. Mr. Humphrey and lie lady oy this time find escaped ltoni tho buggy, and after, ii few vloous kicks l.ie animal .Kicked hlmaelf loose from tho vetflcle and started on a dead run Wr the Maeleay dedication but failed to wait for ins p.'ssengerH. After the participants In the atlair hnd picked themselves up an ex amination Bhowed that neither hod sustained any injuries and thai Mr. Humphreys was tho only loser, as his hat was missing. Tho unfortunate cnunle weie compelled to "foot If tho ro mainins: d'stanco to Maeleay and did not arrive until tho services were almost over, The horso was found fr-fato bo severely-Injured, uud tlla buggy iiHiaiy acmniijjUHi, mho cjcu- ants had a lmlpp&facQpo from ejng badjy injured, and may call themselves vciy lt:ck indeed. & TIio Suloni ami Silvcrton Motor lino will ulslmrso over $150,000 of foreign capital in its construction. Will Salem drive this enterprise nvny A Hii.k. Last week a stranger , camo to tho city and represented htnviolf to bo a grand army man and claimed that ho had walked from The. DvUlen to Salem and was with out money or food. Ho went to 1. "VY. MVthewa going through n long explanation ho won Mr.rMathew'a svmpainy ami w4w sem vun an or dpr to YVtll'a' restaurapt for sup per, breakfast ud lodging. Tho ri,ex day hv securoi a ooiitraot to do Bono grubbing for partlos and went to tho court nouso and representing Milmnelf o Captain Babcock as an. old Grand Army man,, tho Captuli gave film an order or furnished lunrwlth tools to grub with. Ho failed to dohls work ac cording to agreeiopt and ho was dlsohurged. Ho camo to this city and going to tho water works ho ob tained work of Mr. Martin who fur nished him a pair of bopts and somo clothing. Friday ho obtained his money and suddenly loft tho elty and various bills behind him. Thero is no doubt but what tho man is a dead beat and defrauds tho people where over ho goes. Ho gives his name as Taylor, le sandy complected, wears chin whiskers, a stilt hut and is very roughly dressed. Ho works the Grand Army racket to perfection It Is said. Look out for him, ho Is a beat and needs watching. Nkvi'outtoSai.i:m. For months Balem and Albany have been dlscus Blngand planing a railroad to As toria buys tho Yaimlna Republican. The indications now point to an early construction of a road from Albany to Astoria. Tills would Slvo tue. people of tho' latter city Irect connection to tno east and south at Albany. To 'the east via tho Orcgoiv I'acltlo and to tho south by tho Southern Paul (Jo. It will be or greater advantage to Astoria than to Albany, as Albany now has, by tho Oregon Pacllle, a shorter and cheaper route to tlip ocean at Yu qulua. Salem has po direct lino to a seaport except Hie Inland port at Portland and theruoro no competi tion. Tho most fei)tible route for the capltol cltv, shorter, more easily constructed, and 'a nearer point to Ban Francisco is tt build a road through King's valley down the Sllotz to Newport, tapping tho As toria & Albany road and, tUo Wet Side system of' tho Southern Pacitlo. A largo subsidy could be secured for the construction of this road In Polk county and on this bay. It would pass through a lino country abound ing hi timber, stone and coal, Miat would Insure tho road a profitable busirW from the start. A rixul over tail routo would bring Salem many miles nearer to a first-class seanort than could bo otalned by any ilno that could bo constructed to Astoria, Wo advise tho people of Salem, In dependence and Isowport to set to gothcr and Investigate this mat or and we believe that they will see tho practicability of tho project. A PLOT NEATLY FOILED, George Woods and Wife Make nn As- snin-Tlie Journal Editor Will Condnct Funeral Services. Last Monday evening trfe Jouit nai, took tfie pains to devote the better part 6f its space to' an article In which otwnotoriou Geo. Wood and his damsel figircd conspicu ously, together with n tin-horn gamuler, who pro,yls tho streets of Salem lato at night with his dirty hide well soaked with the fumes of opium. , It would sctfm that the article did not exactly strike the &hpvo parties favorably arid on Wednesday eve ning tlicv fmlfl n. visit to the editorial rooms oi me jouknali auu pemanu ed a retraction of the article from the bauds of tbo editor and manager ot tho Journal. The matter was taken, "under advisement" of course and no retraction made. This caused Woods and his better-half to niulfe threats that tho blood of the editor was all that would satisfy their appetite for revenge. For teveral nights they were known to watch in dark recesses of the streetB foi the editor with tho one intention to way-lay him. They had no op portunity until Saturday night when lu coining mound tho corner of Commercial and Court streets on ( ;ou rt street shortly after 11 o'clock the editor J. L. Mitchell wes nab bed unaware by the liotorldus couple wljo gave vent to sdmo threatening words and pro posed to settle tho hiatter t'jere and then. They had been lWlhiu In tills s,iot several' minutes, knowing full well that Mitchell would pass this place ofi his way to tlieoilice. Mitchell Wan totally un armed at the time, arid ho saw that his only chancoyaif to set up an ar gument until soufeone would pass along, who nibjlji render some as sistance, as it was out of question to tackle the villains Imarmed. Some leu minutes Bad elapsed, when tho city-marshuf and three of the city police olllfers began tp think that thoifrlr Of birds mid sVvoopcd down on Mitchell, as ho had peen lu con versation with them before he left for his otllce. Accordingly, they started around to make an investl ihu'oii. and when near tho scene. they soon learned of tho trouble by (IlU flWUV l(tll V4CH-V JJ bftIV IMJ V Ck.Ua ants. Tho ofllcers placed themselves near by and awaited develoimcnts. Soon alter they arrived several other persoiis were attracted to tho spol, and Woods, urged by his wife, be gan afresh to attempt to maul thecal to,ou h(s refusal to make retraetioi)s that hoknew was untrue. Wootls continued until ho slapped Mitchell lightly on tho face with his Ltand. Mitchell attempted to strike liiin with hisumherclla, his only weapon, when tho finale yelletf further husband to piill his njVolvodfr At this instance Clty MarshalJEtoss rushed In and rrestl the nplr of beauties and esoprUTd them lio tho cooler assisted hr Police Q(nlcers Mlnto and Gliw. This morning Woods was arraigned beforo lie- Icorder Conn pd a ojiargo of .assault and on pleading guljty was sent up to tho couuty Jail foi ton days and his wife vas allowed io .plead guilty only to gruuK anu disorderly con duct for which she wllrdangulsb be hind tho bars for four days. This pair of toughs have caused, tho polico authorities no lljt(le amount oftroublo and their c'qnductVnpou tlio street has been of.rtu Insulting nature to deccut people for "stimo lime. At Eugene they gaVaMho authorities no fjUlo amount oftrou blo and a warrant is?out naujV for their arrest. Woods also mado'hlm self consplououslat Junction By al most beating the city marftual to death and has now started 6n tho warpath in Saleqi. Tho Maroon-hfircd reciter of the morning contemporary made sK.'clal cflbrt in noticing itlio afl'air, to save himself froyi a inuuliug by these scrubs and nowcoines con gratulating hlmsell that he "has struck tho lead." Htv.lad often been t'etalled to ascertain nlets in regard to such conduct audVowdyism for tho Jouunai. while he was em ployed as Its reporter, lut tho pro prietors were compelled h dlsohargo iiim, owing to tile shrunken condi tion of Ids splnoaud his instlnctlvo nesire, iiko wio ground nog,io "iiunt nis uuie." Tlio assistaiifo of tho city inai'shal, with his ablo corns of assistants, will not bo needed with this pair of Dualities lien alter, as wo nave mado H)K'uhl arraiigemeut to conduct tho morgue and funeral services our selves, should It become necessary. Funeral notice given later on. Tlio people must have tho news. L.vtiiu: The woman was released atlliKO, after depositing tlio required line, which was collected among tho tin-horn gamblers mid thugs. Laboring men! Von want employment in building the Motor line. Saturday's Sight. Saturday afternoon about four o'clock a re porter of the. Iquknal mado an ex tra trip to the qepot where he found Haggngeninu Jlarllng and Section lloss Pruuty of The O. & C. It. R. well nrmed with to large revolvers and upon Information it was learned that three tramps, (t,wo whltemen and one negro) had broken Into tho Chinaman's house near ,tho depot and they were captl;rid by the above named men, but on condition that they would leave this part of Oregon, they were turfed iooso and In less than ten mlniftes thW were beyond Thos. Davjason's hoase, one mile south of th" depot. Itis not necessary to say that the negro, was scared so bad that he was wlilte. When tramps think they can fool with Darling and Pruuty they wlI have to get up early in tho morn ing. A Nnw Bank. A young man named AInpworth, bookkeeper In tho Bush hnk of Salem, spent Monday and Tuesday In Newport. He was hero to'Jook ovpr'the ground with a view of &stab)rsliing a bank. He represented quf'slde parties who have ample cartfUil. If a national bank is cslaMibIien u portion of the capital win bo subscribed by New port people. A banlls ona of the institutions needed iuvthis place and it would soon pay falrvproflts. Ya qulua Republican. Eivkii Nilvs. The Modoc will bo up from Portland iwujjlit bringing a shipment if general ihrclmndlse. Tlio river is now at a gooa, boating stage and Itlis hoped tlia it will continue to rAlso so logs canJie float ed down thejriver. A repoVter in viewed Mr. Moores and hu stated that tho river had not riser enough vet to bring logslpwn tlnriver. It Is now about fiw-fccx above low water mark. F. H. BARNES, Pres. Runaway Accident. T h i b niorning'nhout 11:30 ns Mr. Bow man of North Sdem was out with lila fnofn lin cfrriK.r1 nf n Tin,rFhllir'c linu" 'n sotno litiMticss and'dM not ' H..V. MATTHEWS, Treas, 1'lteli Ins horses except t.vln'j thr"' jlpw thn brake nd tlio li'T'ici' (winded it whs neai dluncr Mm" I fo they started for honVT A they were turning tbcetfrnet of a teuco which sticks owfin theSrosc'. the wheel struirfr the corner nd they got taartfed and away thov went running some distance whVn the toiii'ue came down running into tho nroiind .nnrl lirpnktntr nlf nrnr thf v'.t'oh bed. The wagon upset And J and .no nirtner damage was done, WM. HOWARD PHELPS, Sec. W. F. BEAVER, Solicitor. The Salem Land Company, Incorporated 1889, I LAiton BlukCrane. Allan Rhodes lecelved thlflanorarng, from Jefl'erson, n large b!upctaup, meas uring six aud onj4taIMeet from tip to tip of wingjK will y mounted be a hue by Mr. looking Rliooes and bird. will S.ticm wants no "strndrtiors"' or "tender-footed" men in the Council. "Motor or no Motor" is tlio question lulles don't n until you see tho Lave just arri B.own V. Don't fin Kitchen will ghing (Hiiik PA r iake any in new I ied at ..s".. CAPITAL STOCK $30,000, PRESENT TO YOUR NJCE r rget tlfat til 1 serve ti sj)ca nun ha'c i oi.tis uia; Lunii iv Candy alTliaiiks- Nnw Cnossw'ALK. Henry Price with two or throo men arc busy putting down a ciosswplk in front of the Capital enjdua company's house which is a very good move. They are placing itsome higher than tho one beforenckit may not be so muddy. Tho cit$ council should appoint sono manvto keep tnc crosswaiKB viraued on. tt is a disgrace to tho ojty when a person can hardly tell tlio walk from the street. If tho Motor Lino is defeated by tho Council, Salem loses an enterprise she needs, and one which will materially help Iter progress. - m Bad Accidknt. Saturday James Herren,whq is employed at tho usy linn, met wll4i 'an - accident which will lay him ujfor some time. He was hauling wowl andiu some way had the misfortune to badly injure his right hand. Tli injuries were drqsscd by Dr. WillCAmson, physi cians at the asylunf, auJ James Is noy Uble. to bo around. ' Tho acci dent was u very painful one. Ditch QyERtfLOWED: Tho ditch running dowu'tbe nllere northward ly between Oottagoand Church street Is full luidvhasbegun to over f'ow. It would ba'a good thing if this ditch was propurly drained and tho water ran iifto he sewer, It would bo much' healthier in that fiortion of the pity if somo action n this matter was taken. iMi'noviNa. Jack Green and son who was hurt la the accident by his horse mid wagon gorhc over the em bankment Is Jmprovihg nicely l'hillpwtell who had hit collar-bone broken Is on his way to recovery Jared Musser tho young; man who had the mis&irtuuo to shoot his hand nearly olrisjuw.iriiprovlnir. THE UKST HAKINU P0WDEK. Showing Their TlIANKBOlTlNO DlN N Kl'.. Itu- member tho Thanksgiving dinner at tho W. 0. T. U., hall on Court street. New England dinner served from 12 until 4 o'clock, only 25 cts. All donations requested to bo on hand Thursday morning by 11 o'clock. AH cordially Invited. W. C. T. U. MKfnuo. IUgular mooting W. GT. Vi to-morrow nemoon, Tuesday, Not. 20. at the hall on Court Uva ,al 2:30. Full attendance desired. Til ANKHVINO Xl ITS N J it. T ll O Candy Kitchen restaurant will make preparations io furnish an elaborate dinner on .Thanksgiving day. lloxes for family or private parties. This wllljjo the best place In tho city on this occasion. Tin: Hon Ton. Its no use to look further, the Bon Ton Itestaunuit Is setting the best and mast substan tial meals of any catlni; lion so lu tho city. captured and has guilt like a large- tliat Have never & Patterxou'a bo- Rcad Holyeraoii'ti "ad" on firat Glbbs lias been iMiifeed to his number tiro doing traded at Gliltert fori'. The Kkvliio stuvt ear ciinimny will soon Iki busy const i noting their road up Chemeketo street, during tlio ine.iiitlitK' buy your groceries at Sijulro Kai ni r'ri. , Juki1 Ui:n:trK? latlliw' foli hutau uoods nl Mih utore near the oiTcr.i hoie. Kinit, Kihu. The Haltliiiortf llbh market on I'ouit street! tliophieo to get youi llhli, piiiltry and game. of order, rx1-1 them Some ufllcinl Tests, Coaiparatlyo Strengtli nni Which is Mftgt Eionoinicul. - Tho below tabulated statements are extracts from public teats of baking powders, mado fo ascertain their relative valuo )y practical uso in baking. Tho powdar containinir tho largest amount (of available leavening gas (excludhijr tho alum and phosphate powders) not only produces tho 11 nest, most delicious and wholesome food, but is lliemcHt economical in use. jf United States Government Chem ist, Professor Edward Q. Love, found tho comparative strength of tho powders named at follews: Cublo In. Gun Knine por oz, l'owdor. Royal labsolutely pure) 127.4 Patapseo (alum powder) 125.2 Hantord's None Such (fresh) 121.6 lIaiiford'sNoucSuoli(not fresh) 84.35 Charm (alum powder) 110.0 ClovelMid's 110.9 Sea Foam. 107.0 Dr. Prlce's-i- 102.0 Professor U, W. Parsons, N. Y. College of Phmmaoy, In tauts nuulo for tho Grocerat assoelathm of Now York, found tho strength of six brands us follews: Name Crf In. Gmperoz. Royal (absolutelwpur) 180.05 Cleveland's ...f. 110.04 Sea Foam . ..!,. 113.13 Dr. Price's.-: Y. 109.27 liosford's .. ,j 102.04 Testa by Profeo MoMurtie, late Chemlst-ln-ChkuAs. Agricultural Department, Washington, D. C: Nmiiu L'i. In. (Jas poroi Royal (absolutely puwi 189.05 Cleveland's.- 104.10 Dr. Price's O0.C5 None Such (Hanford's) 77.24 liosford's (Phosphate) 71.00 It will bo noticed that tho Royal produces from 17 to 40 per cent, more leavening g.isihau any other , cream of tartar powder, aud is cou- nv.jv,i.-i lUllb l4llfl llll'IV KVU' Tt'Mim 1 li:ovKr7-Sn t)i r d n y Drs. Cartwilufht.i'.nil' Jessuw remov ed u tumor fi-oiii Percy Jory's neck and he is now Imprpvinghicely. PUURIA' PERSONA. Geo. S. Downlngyreturued 'home to-floy from his trip to Stay tonj J. S. McCaiu took the morning train for a trip to Grant's Pas Wm. Hartness left on th6 after noon train for his home dear Me hatna. Hugh TliompBnfaioy able to attend to duty in the state treasur er's olllce. ' t W. A. Muuly is In yPortland, where he has ben spciming a few days. Ho will retg,r,iiUiis evening. With its olkii broken llttlo w.itury Kcrltmble sutrcrlii has wonderful puilflcs the und the bkln Salt Itliouin. ltolilnp, dry P'lliiful powc lis hot Nlcln, und the ne Inde- Sursupurilla vcf this disease. It xiiels the humor. witnuit a scar. Send for book cc ouie, Loi cli alnlujj munyi I. Hood A. Co, statements ol ithecarles, WrlghtV Hop Cilo'y and Chamomile Bitters uicllubUi tonic, appetizer and np parlent, Invigorates the digestive organs and provent-s dyspepsU, can be relief up on. Sold by 'all druggists. l . It Ijliould Not lie. Editor Jeviinal: I notice in al most every batch of bills against the city there is oVio or more In favor of a member ofthe council. This should not be, Vind every memGer of that body should rigidly abitain from having business with tho city and cluims against it for hlmsalf and fellow members to pass upon. The impropriety of it is manifest. He makes a claim against the.clty, and men voies inai ine cuy suau pay it, If he nominally abstain from vot ing, the committee ok claims, com posed of his fellow members, feel a natural delicacy In reporting against ms ciaim, anaxnis teuow members feel a dellcioy in voting against its nllowauce. a ring might be formed Jand themayor uuu nn iiiu uiuiiiueiH pub tu yiaiins and all agreelug Jlo support aoh other's bill. The 'members of the city government should have no business with thf city. If they havo any, delicacy should prompt them to resign. X. ENGLEWOOD ADDITION ! , 4 Which is situated fpon high ground overlooking the city, and only four blocks from the elegant High School building. The horse car line will soon bo running to the school build ng on their new extension up Center street, and are headed for this addition. Tho Electric line will pass within one or two 'blocks of t y and one or both of these lines will eventually traverse the full breadth of Englewood. This property Is selling Tapldly to a class of investors who will put In tasty, substantial improvements, which added to the building, grMIng and other public improvements, which we propose to put on, will insure to the investor an ample Pr?"f: ' J to sell again, or a tasty, handsome neighborhood if he desires to make it his home. There Is nothing in the city that will equal It. Or if you desire acre property call at our office over tho Capital National Bank, and we w 11 show you, free of charge, the cheapest and best live and ten acre tracts In the country, , the nearest into the city and that which will double quickest in value. We mean HAMPDEN PARK and FAIRVIEW ADDITIONS. TERMS EASY. To the poor man with but a few dollars, this is a grand opening and should be Investi gated at once, and young men should not slight It. . .. . . , , If this add. should happen to catch the eye ot some one at a distance, we request that you send for descrip tive hand-book of "Salem and Vicinity," Salem Land Company, Salem, Oregon. DIED. us Be i ,JWV jue.va reen, Sun- the Infant Ire. J. A. o place to- lug taken to LOONEY.r-At Hazel day, Nov. 21, 1889, twins oi Air. anu .Liouucy. Tho funeral wjll morrow, tno renin l Maeleay for burial SCOVILLE. At t parents, Sunday Mr. Charles Scov 2o years. Charley has been' sick sapie time past and yestcrdtiy ho wa taken away, juiuerai was tins atteruoon from his father's risldeuco In South balem. A Siarprise TO THE LOVER OK GOOD BOOKS Any of the following 12 Mo's, full cloth bound, gilt sides and back, delivered or mailed to any address for 60 cents per volume. Robinson Crusoe, Arabian Nights Entertainments, Swiss Family Robinson, Scottish Chiefs, Thaddius of Warsaw, Children of the Abbey, Don Quixote, Vicar of Wakefield, Paul and Virginia, Bunyan's Pilgrim Progress.Bunyan's Holy war, Gulliver's Travels, Child's History of Eng land, jEsop's Fables, Baron Munchausen, Last Days of Pompeii, Ivan hoe, Waverly, Guy Mannenug, Stories from French History, Tom Brown's School Days at Rugby, Dog Crusoe, Gorilla Hunters, Wild Man of the West, Goscoyne, Freaks on the Fells, Shifting Winds, Floating Light, Bear Hunters, Kangaroo Hunters, American Family Robinson, Adventures.in Canada. Under the Holly or Christmas at Hopeton House, A Million Too Much, The Two Bequests. Gavroche, The Gamls of Paris, Grimm's Popular Tales, Grimm's Household Stories, French Fairy Tales, Standard Fairy Tales, Norshern Lights, Lady Green Satin and her maid Rosette, Pickwick Papers, Martin Chuzzlewit, Oliver Twist, David Cop perfield, Nicholas Nlckleby, Complete Letter Writer, Prehistoric World, History Stories, English History, Ancient History, Modern History, Orange Blossoms, Cook's Voyages Around the World, Battles of the Re public, Camp Fires of Napoleon, Romance of the Revolution, Remark able Events in the World's History, Evening Amusements, Modern Classics, Travelers in Africa, In the Arctic Seas, Children's Bible Stories. Lady of the Lake, Memorable Scenes in French History, Frontier Life, Dalriug Deeds of American Heroes, Thrilling Adventures on Land and Sea, Modern Story Teller, Christmas Stories, Sea and Shore,Life of Na poleon, George Washington. Daniel Boone, David Crockett, Henry Clay, Andrew Jackson, Old Curiosity Shop and reprinted pieces, Barnaby Rudge and Hard Times, Bleak House, Little Dorrlt, Dombey & Son, Un derground City, Tour of the World in Eighty Days, At the North Pole, Desert of Ice, Wreck of the Chancellor, Christmas books, uncommercial traveleres aud additional Christmas stories, Talo of Two Cities and Great Expectation, Our Mutual J?riend, Edwin Drood, Sketches, Master Hum phreys' Clock, etc., Three in Norway, Jane Eyre, Lucile, Anderson's Fairy Tales, Handy Andy, Three Guardsmen, Tom Brown at Oxford, East Lyune, John Halifax, Gentleman, The Last of the Mohicans, Adam Bede Holidavs at the Grange, Tennyson's Poems, Idyls of the King, Par adise Lost, Hold the Fort, Evenings with Moody and Sankey, A Batchelor's Blunder, A Cardinal Sin. Adam Bede, A Lucky Young Woman, A Fallen Idol, Anne Grey, Anderson's Fairy Tales, American Chesterfield, American Notes, As Ih a Looking Glass, A Trooper's Adven ture, A Talo of Three Lions, A Wicked Girl, Arnold's Poems, Bag of Diamonds, Baptized with a Curse, Beotons Bargain, Biographical Sketch es, Bound by a Spell, Book of Songs and Ballads, Betsy Jane Ward, Barnaby Rudge, Boy Conqueror, Boys' Own Book of Indoor, Boys' Own Book of Outdoor, British Female Poets, Browning Mrs., Poems, By Woman's Wit, Calhoun, J. C, Life of, California History, Campbell's Poetical Works, Carl Bartlet, a story for boys Chinese Gordon, Comic Speaker, Course of Creation. Court and Times of George the 4th, Charlotte and Lucy Temple, Creasy's Battles, Dawn, Dombey and Son, Dicken's Child's England, Dicken's Christmas Stories, Dicken's Character, Sketch es, Doctor Cupid, Dr. Jekell and Mr. Yade, Dodd's Beauties of Shake speare, Dick Cheveley, Duke's Secret, Econemical Cook Book, Elliot, George, Poems, Elizabeth, the Exiles of Siberia, English History, a story .ui uujOiiuiuiK,jivii ueuiuM, explorations ana Adventures, .fairy Jtsells iuumua jjuvo, juuiuua xueu, rair women, melon's .bequest, frozen Jfl rate, Favorite Poems, Flowers From Fairy Land, Footprints of Fate, Gems of Prose and Poetry. Goethe's Poetical Works. GoHsmtth' Poer: leal Works, Good Measure, Grade Goodwin. Only 700 volumes in stock, very few duplicates. euriy. Send your orders in home of his 24, 1889. ged about l lUttCJ iftoruooi In Souti T. JVEcK. Patton, 98 State Street. Dancim School. tbii -A line lot of , aiuilyMs of bakl mhor millinery Now York State ToMor'i millinery as well us. for s If yuurorir.nl U out member N. It. Unylor repairs mimical. Tho Goveriuneiit JL'hemlst. Prof. Edward O. Live, ho mado the nvders for tho rd of Health, 5. Government, Royal Baking of pure and nt s. It does linn or pilos is substance," says: "i find rowiier compose WllPICMIIIIO not contain e pluite or'otlie kg y.i M, uurt'ii- MHier v rliduritu PPM Every Monday and Thursday. Ladles' and Children's class Saturday aiternoon. tor particulars Inquire at Diamond's Muslo Hall lrom 10 to 12 a,m. and 2 to -1 p.m. REED'S OPERA HOUSE. Ms Even us good as new, Plenty of eggs at Geer Co.'a fish J market, on Court street POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tim mu dor uver varies. A marvel ot Poriiy.KtivnKlHidwholeKomenes. More vamwiiU'wl tluiii the ordinary klodf, and cannot Iki kuld In competition with tha Multitude oflour test, ihurt weight alum or ao-pmle ixnukrs. Hold only la can. KOYAk 11 K1N0 IVlWDKHOOlW WatUi.Y Leivlit Al. Jnhnvnn A f Miat VWw. !au.t,ciiTgou. " ' lVUlg November 28th, '8D. MUSICAL AND LITERARY ENTERTAINMENT For the Relief of the Destitute ! Meeks & Minton Have received and answered over One Thousand Letters of Inquiry RELATIVE TO OREGON SINCE JUNE 17, 'SO No charges, no commission, unless sell your property. JAPANESE BAZAAR ! UIIANCH STORK OF A programme of choice selections Mill be presented by Mlu Leona Willis, Soprano. Miss Jennie Lone, ElocuttouUt. Mm 1'earl Scott, AccompanUt. Mrs. W.S.noggs, Contralto. Prof. Z. M. rarvln, Tenor, J. II. Rots, Baritone, Admission 36 and M cents, eat on sale at FatioaV. ltervqrt ANDREW KAN & CO., 3l Commercial street, opposite Fostofflce, f w,,, MMSV 41UPV4K1D U Japanese and Chinese Curiosities, And no velt'les as well as fine porcelain Chl- iii re , v-iossonie, BaUu ma, Bronze. Ivory Curvln n.Hlllr n. cti-'SUJEtflilS . nlfln l.MJ n. r'T: J :,f.tsu:s attln k. Hna Twii: bi. fiimMiZTZltZS & ni .. . . .- ww. wtucia .uMtp u niiouuea io. mil, Countrv nrrtsni Wholesale and re- PIANOS FOR BENT. . r- - miiv vcicvbu tut L2un nr lastaUment olan. l."or lnftrmt in A FULL LINE -OF- Crockery and With specialties In Valerian Chiaa Tea Sets, ;, French China Dinner S& BIDGVAYJS FAMOUS Buckingham Pattern -OF- ROYAL V c SEMI-PORCELAIN Of which we constantly keep a full line and open stock, enabling us to make np Dinner and Tea sets of any size, or sell by the single piece. The finest assortment o CHAMBER SETS Ever shown In Salem. A PULL STOCK Ot tho latest and handsomest patterns in Glassware. S-Please call ana examine our stock. WELLE R BROS., 201 Commercial Street. Salem Co-Operative Association Choice Groceries I CROCKERY In White Granite and Decorated Ware, Glassware, etc, See -onr stock and prices 126 STATE STBEET SALEM. H L THOMAS UUBROWS Has Jnst received a new line of the latest style of hanging lamps which will be sola at the most reasonable rates. We also carry a full line of Groceries, Feed, Cigars, Tobacco, Crockery and Glassware ! Don't fall to sample our new line of con lecUonery. No. 228 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon, I NET HARDWARE STORE Chas, Pugh, Proprietor. (Successor To Bellinger Co.) HARDWARE AND Farmingriemente alwsWta steak,.. W A V .1 A eompleU line if- 'tbe Mr stficif Is hniilit bast ond'Sor flStfk. fording me the opportunity W mSK1 i ae om ana latest Improved naaoaiswy always oa band. umoc ce and Ktnre muu at ftalllnaar't oM c I stand on Wate atreeu