Ift THE CAPITAIi EVENING JOURNAL. k p r TO CAPITAL J01MAL. TKUMH OK SU1JSCUIITION. daily. One year by mnll . .... ..$ 00 six month by mull - " V) Three month by mall. 1 2. Per week, delivered by carrier. 15 WEEKLY. One year by mull . . 51 5 Hix monwm uy man . i One year. If paid in advance I 0 Six month, If pnld In advance ... Q Kor advertising ratcH apply nt thU ofllco AllSubscrlbcrHto.TliECAl'lTAl-JoUiiNAf. who do not sccuro their paper regularly will notify this office, giving address, nnd tho matter will be attended to nt once. Office, corner Court I nnd Liberty; Streets CohLKKN 1J awn. The attendance nt tlio opera house Inst nijfht was the largest of tliCz-Aveelt. Tlie de cided lilt of "Lonif Strike." na plny cd on the previous evening, mic eeeded In drawing out n largo at tendance. The 'great Irish drama. "Colleen IJawnj" is a deep one and to understand the play well a per son wns cntnpllcd to-put his entire mind on the play. Alls Virginia Snow us "Tha Colleen Jlfcwn" won the admiral iini of the audience. Her acting was cll-verly done liml she pustiilned her purt well. Vlis. A. Devlin, as ".lyles," roiilplclely raptivated tlie audience. j'Hhuie then and .Jjtmes is n great boy." Arthur Sumeiland, in hU iil' fluiilt part imt "Kittlier Toin" was looked upon lAt 'Vi nine a tin ac tor of much Vblllty. Nop a few time.- In his pan was lie nrfpluudcd hy theaudieiii.r MIv Minnie Has" quelle as "Slireikh" wi ulven a diuut role hut hW amy tflustercd It. Miss Snow earned of the hon ors of tho evening. The company to-night produce "The Diamond Mystery." This pl.iv lias always proven a success and delights the theatre goers. Don't tall to be pres ent to night as "Devlin wants to show ou the law ou It." BusiNESsXcirANQE. This morn ing, Mr. A. T Yeaton, the Commer cial street furniture dealer sold his entire stock ilf furniture to Mr. Huron, late of Adrain, Missouri. The change wnspno wholly unex pected by anyon'e iu(he business circle. Mr. Yeaton, has been an ex tensive dealer In furniture for the past twelve yenrs, Ail during that time has built up. A handsome trade. The new proprietor, Mr JJuren, Is a gentleman offifteen years experi ence in the furniture business, und the JovusAu in behalf of the busi ness frutofnlty extends to him a cordial -welcome to our city, lie comesvith a high recommendation us a business man and a worthy citi zen, and will no doubt meet with a cordial welcome. A FEARFUL WRECK. The Tus r earless Lost; With All on Hoard ut the Month Jbf the Uuip- qan Rive . A Skiihws MistakK. Walla VaIIu Statesman nays: ThuAStales ninn made u very grtevouerror in Ita Thursday's issue, In wlfich it bald "V. O. Biifth, it Thuron county, has been for mrty-flvoyyears '" the penitentiary." Jt should have read "W. O. Bush, oiTmirstnn county, has been forty-flvoi years in the ter ritory.;' pardon, rwiion. Wehimibl and glfdly Our yfiroof-; beg Mr. Hush's make Vader this cor- notlced tlte error of the lync, iiut his atten tion was attracted to souiethlug else at that inoiifent, when ho returned to his sheey he overlooked It. The typo and trie proof-render Intend to draw straws to ascertain which shrill go to the "penitentiary for forty-live years." Ti:km Exi'iitKi). Three prisoners were released from the penitentiary to-day. They ivereKd Schmeedtzcr, one year for larceny; Ah Lee, u Chinaman, three years Jfam Mult nomah county, and Frank Brown, one year from Multiumlah county for larceny. The lastnanVd prisoner is only 10 yciirsof age He will leave on the evening trainfor Cali fornia, where hi9.purents live. A ticket was purchased Jjy his father and sent to the son aiid he will re turn home and try and lead a dif ferent life. Social Would. 'IWrrorrow the Jouhnal will puuhshfu list of the doings in the social world of the city for the week past, if "Njcro has been a social galherin.tr, a tt party, a reception of any kind or wlythlug in the line of aHociallevent At your home please notify the society editor who will look alter thc-viiurftcr. All news in this line should bo handed in not later than. ten on to-morrow. Bound OvEii.-Mr. Brown, the gentleman of North Salem! who was arrested yesterday! for shooting a cow, was given his preliminary ex amination this nmrtiing before Jus tice Goddell whrfsaw lit to bind the accused overlo thegrand jury in the sum of S7.j whlcliSho promptly furnished. t 'Assuming Siiau:. It won't be long until the new urick store rooms on Commercial stmjbf between Court and Chenieketivjvill bo ready for occupancy. The' Workmen are busy putting inilato glass and doors and fitting up the interior. The rooms will be handsome when completed. The sad mjws of the loss of the steamer tug FeKrlessrenchcs thecity to-day and is as ftdhjws: The tug Fonrlessojf Coos bay, Cap tain James Hill coinrHaiidlug, ran on to North Spit, atl tlic-inouth of the Umpqua rlver.Tuesday evening, and soon went to pledes, not one of the crew or patenters esciiplng. She was on her return trip from Astoria, where she hall to go to take a lot of Chinamen, lately discharged from the canneries on Coos bay. At 3 p. m., Tuesday, she was seen oil Upper Ten Mile, steaming slowly down the coast outside the brcakers,.which vre ruuuing very nigii, anuit u ociock tier wnistie was heard oiV the mouth irtvthe Ump qua. At u quarter to seeu she gave tnrce suarp w-nisties.f wlilcli was the last seen or heard of her until the next nioriiiugheu her pilot House witn tlie end wore in, a small boat, the stern, one ide-f her hull and numerous smalrpiecesxere dis covered coming tin the river" with tho tide. T.he stciuner Juno at onco steamed down to tue mouth of the river and put a searching party ashore and the bctu:h was partrollcd for miles to the south, but no bodies were discovered. Qther parties who came down the coat from tlie north reported that they had seen no bodies in that direction. The gener al impression of seafaring men Is that she had sprung a leak, and that tho captain was attempting to get into tho river in order to save the lives of thoc on board, and either miscalculated his position or was blown out of his course by tho-heavy wind pre'ailing at tho tiufc. The uumuer lostr saiu to ue inoin ten to llfteen souls. plneu i -i generally She was seventeen by Simp- Tneuiir.i: at Noutii Sallm School. Quito an exciting time was tho scene at tho North Salem school house V Wednrsdny. The teacher untlertoWj to tHrash a couple of small boys iorXsonie misbehavior and one of tho yivall boys older brother eoneludeiriio would'nt seo his younger brothyr thrashed. He went after the tciycliWaud ran him around the school hoiyse taking the stick away s'rottr hlmid breaking It up and throwing itiway and threatening ho teacherXthat ho would wrltilils name ou a piece of imper and put it ou his list and paste it on his nose. Tho scene created Home disturbance but the big brother now wishes no doubt, that he had staid out of tho fuss. A Haud Kid. At Portland last Wednesday, Charles Mahwherty, a child only nine years old.-'oti com plaint of his mother, was'oxamlned in tho police court as an Incorrigible. His parents can do nothing with him. Ho Is dlshoniwaud has stolen from his cmployccAon more than ono occasion. IIyviiihl leave his homo at night, sfeallnk out of the window wlthynt his parents know ing anything about It. His last aehlovenieivf was wherein ho stole a watch anii'sold It fur renU. The judge made an older that tho child bo turned over to tho Hoy's and Girls' Aid Society. Ilouitii) CnossiNfis. The street crossings arc in a moftt horrid shape. iUtid ami siusn cover tlieni iroin tlie drntli of from one jo thfeo inches I deep. Something sliouldlie done in regard to tins mattc as,(nc citizens are surely not going flrfie compelled to wado through such streets, dur ing all tho rainy season. Satuuday Matinki:. The Chi cago Comedy Company will glvo a grand family mutinae on Saturday, at U:.'t0. Tho beauti "ul pfcrv "Kath leen" will bo prodi ced, and It will be a special product ou for tfhe ladles and children. The ndmUslon has been placed at tlie sniu,Lkim of 20 and ,'10 cents. Children will bo ad mitted for 10 cents. Cluh Mi:iri'iNci Tho Salem Pleasant Hour Society will conduct their regulur senu-irfunthly danco this evening at thilir h ink on Stato street. All inenlbers imd their friends are reqticstcu to bo on hand at 8:30. A good tinre is anticipated and good music will De-frrruished ou this occasion. Don't Pathenizi: I'ijodlkus. 01 vo peddlers the cold shake. Their Interests ara no concern to you. They have no business rcputa'tlon to sustain niut aioyhiore likely to skin out, than not There Is abso lutely not ono HJglo advantage In buying from pddler, therefore glvo thu Itinerants )w shake. There Is not an article thoysull that can not beW)tight as ulibuply of the dealers n your own town, who py taxes and help to build It up, while tho peddler -ioes nothing for us. Trade with thoniorchaiitH and let tho peddlers go. Si'ixuAL Notick. All who Intend furnishing donations for the Thanks giving dinner at the M. 10. church, are requested to bring them not later than ten o'clock ou Thanksgiving morning, as dinner will he served from twelve o'clock noon until throe o'clock p. m. Boat Ni:ws. The lodoo came up from Portland tlilsiuorniugaiid brought about seventy totw of gen eral merchandise. Bile went ou up tho river to Buna ViVta ajid will return to Salem tc-nlgut, aild leave for Portland at fii.'IO in thriiiornlug. "Where did you yet that hand some dress," asked dnuumy of an other, as they met out tho street yes terday. "Tills Is onot of tllnso now pieces just recelyedvajy'ljuiin it Brown's, direct from the East. OiriTixo lii:AiY. Lumber, ties and all neeessaryiaterhtl for tho construction of tlicv, Capital City Klectrlo railway Hne'hNjeing placed on the grounds.fuid wo-ik of con struction will commence soon. Tlie 1' earless Nyas no; considered seaworthy built on Coos bay ittiou years ago and was owni son & Co. X The following named weKC among the lest: James Hill, fcaptaiirkyal ter Keating, and HenrV Crow, engi neers two deck liands, lOcorgo Mai sliall, a canuerymau. CapUiin James Hill, was a gentle man who was well known over tho state. He has been a captain on those waters for tho past 12 or lo years and In this time has been in three or four bad wiecks but has luckily escaped unharmed until tho last one in which It is supposed beyond a doubt that he lias lost his lite. (Jap tain Hill whs a son-ln-la.vir'of Hon. P. P. PaluieiVTScottVrtu'tr, Douglas county, and hisXwife is a niece of Mrs. W. H. ByarSW this city. The poor uufortUL((lc vhstim leaves a wife and three chihfrvii to mourn the loss of affathcr. Captain Hill was well ftojuainted with the mouth of tho riveVviiud it is fauppoied that thu gale was so strong that it drove tho vessel from Its bearings and tdro it to pieces. Tho scene where tho wreck occurred is a devastlng one. dn itonducted ihuisdny, and leh !.- in- lly con- ich iiieels s dis- :ie!J have TuANKStnvjKar--Thanksgiving will soon bo hefo. B sure uuu leave your order fo a nice fat turkey, goose, duck, or dreesied chicken; llsh of nil kinVls; fresh Baltimore oysters, eggs, cliltus, cwibs, shrimps which can alwaybe found at Qicr & Co.'s llsh nnn poultry house, 101 Court street. Insank Man. Aloho Curtis, of Ashland, aged tweuty-stJyen years, was brought to tho alylum to-day. He is not very violenJhd refuses to talk. UNIVERSITY NOTES. H. A. Krus one of Prof. Pnvin's piano pupils Vlayed the chapel march Tuesday. .a. u . jsowersox. o; ;nc ciaw e: h,d, Lut uow locaftdat Ji.Teison, i;k in the city SuuiMy. Several visitors bavX cheered the school by their Dfesenck duiingthe week. Come ajiin. The inllltifrv comnaiiv clccicd I'rof. Starr captuiu, Wednesday. ( jiit;tln Pyringer having rtlgned. I'r.if. vn Scoy went to Ilalsey S.itunlaywhere he preached Sun day, returning Monday morning. Max Mouserand II. Perkiiis, who have bfenout of school several weeks, on account of sickness, have re-entered thAr clt-sses. Jt is reportedVhut tho school will have two days vacation for Thhnks glving, to allow tose who lLvo near to eat turkey at u) Rev. J. S. Mc chapel exercises exhibited an utlus troducing into the sc"hi Levi Atagee ijstioei dui'tlu;.' a writing el a f.R, at the Univetfty after pclfol ) mKsod in tfl afterno.iii. Prajcryfhtcctins have luen each evyhitig tills week in the vcreitvrbtiilding. They have well Attended, and several been converted. Tho Philharmonic choral clasa anticipate giving an entertainment some time in December. The class has been doing good work and will doubtless give a good programme. Virgil PerirWer, of the senior class, has been eugafeed to teach a part of the day in the Capital Business College. He still does his school wor!;, and leaches several classes i th.it institution. The University baud h cured a room down tpwn wbI'e they will not disturb the students who think studying and band practice are at enmity wheiifcurried ou in tlie same building. Herbert ooirprcsoiueu the mu seum with lymib from IShoal Water Bay. Thiispecimen wVs pi evented for the benefit of the prent zoology class, ylio lsi.s been disputing about cetaXi peculiarities of IIiK animal. Henry 'i h.imau, of Flora, Indiana, and a brother-in-law to Prof. Van Scoy, visited the university the first of tho week while spending a few days with the Professor's folks. He left Wednesday for the Flora univer sity, where he will spend the win ter. Among thftchapel orations of this week were: S. W. Stryker, on "Con- F. H. BARNES, Pres. H. V. MATTHEWS. Treas. WM. HOWARD PHELPS, Bee W. F. SEAVER, Solicitor. The Salem Land Company, Incorporated 18S9, J ' CAPITAL STOCK $3O,Q,O0, PRESENT TO YOUR NOTICE ENGLEWOOD ADDITION! Which is situated upon high ground overlooking the city, and only four blocks from .the elegant High School building. The horse car hue will soon be running to the school building ou their new extension up Center street, and are headetl for this addition. The Electric line will pass within ono or two blocks of it, and one or Dotn or these lines will eventually traverse tne mil oreautu oi jugiewoou. xuis piu-iiy boiuub nipuuy to tug ana which added to tho building, grading and other public improvements, which wo propose to put on, will insure to the Investor an ample prontif he desires i ciuwiui mvesiorg wiiu win jiut iu uisiy, suusuuiwui nuijiuvciucuio, to sell again, or a tasty, handsome neighborhood if he desires to make it his home. nil I 1.LI-- i .. "" xuere is uuiuiug in tue citv that, will oriiinl ir. Or If vnn HpalrA nnro nrnnflrf.v nnll nt, our office over the Capital National Bauk. aftd We will show you, free of charge, the cheapest aud best five and ten acre tracts In the country, the nearest into the city and that which will double quickest In value. We mean HAMPDEN PARK and FAIRVIEW ADDITIONS. TERMS EASY. To the poor man with but a few dollars, this is a grand opening and should be investi gated at once, and young men should not slight it. If this add. should happen to catch the eye ot some one at a distance, we request that you send for descrip tive hand-book of "Salem and Vicinity," Salem Land Company, Salem, Oregon. ilasses ip uis'pro- Just Rkci:ivi:d. mlllnery goods justretei i lesier's. 10 line of d at Mrs. Plenty of eggs at Qeer & Co.'s llsh market, on Court stieet. Read 1'i'Kc. llolverhon's "ad" on first I'UKKhY PERSONAL, ,li:i A CALl'.-lUlO evening train stmieka alf In Parrish's ilddlUoi KlLLKI) bound ling ca evening killing it. ago was done. south year- tin last No lUo'r dnin- Natuuali.kd Cjlti: McDonald filed papers Clerk Babeock, dcclarii tlou of becoming a cil I'nitcd States. n. John vimi County g ills lnteii- en of the Among Tin: Di.haiii.i:i). Mrs. James White, who has been sick for tho past six weeks Is, 1imv on the road toiocoyery. Jack (liven and son, who wro lujured by their wagon going wer an eniban'knieiit, aiii ieeoveiingsJwly. Jaivd Mus ter, who had tlitViuisfortuiio to have his hand shof oil, Wednesday, Is some uetior io-dfty. rroi. Han. die's elilldfen, who have been under tho weather for tho past two weeks, are now improving nicely. Rich ard Sayre, who has been III for some time, Is better to-day. Had uo T.uc'uit Hack. -The morning contemporary had loswal low tlkr lull doMi of tbukleadliiK ed itorial ptfiillshcd wonietimu.igo In whloh tht Kildi'tlmt, "iiikcoinniii.. "K01' i!0,(a.l!,ul,U'l '" thvmS 'w lHi)ii captured and has columns urfthtmt the nroncr namunf i,.,j .. i.i 1. in... .. i II.. vurfi.r ,.H,,..,. D.nrM.. II ... "."" i b '"." luiKV ... -v' ... .i. .. . V M.. '. "' nuinierar' doing mat nave vHnd to tak'er back. Tho pill was a . dw isf in) Pi ortlaud Mr. Frank Davey on business Dr. Dlvon has returlld from his trip to Portland. s Mr. L. AVclcli rctjimtal homo to day from Washington. Prof. E. B. McElffly loft this af ternoon for a trip dowiitho road. Miss Nolllo LltchllelQ returned homo to-day from Mor visit to Eugene. J Supt. George Downiugl took tho morning train for Stuytoyon a busi- ..r.r posit Ltcn.NHi: 'ix) WiiD.-Av marriage license to wed was to-day drained to James P. Feller and 10Ue)f Garrett, both of Marion county. Tin: Bon Ton. Its no use to look further, tho Hon Ton Restaurant Is setting the best and nuvst substan tial meals of any eating house iu tho city. ness trip Doug Jones, a compositor of tho Oregonian is m the cltoti a visit to lll Hllllll,). jr Mrs. F. Lotk)y returned homo from Portland Sho was accom panied by herlanghter, Mrs. A. J. Gibson, wlioha8oine from tho East. Mitket N .MUtuKf. If you luivo nuulo up your mlncl to buy IIihkI's S.irMip.irllluilo nut bo linluml to tnUoiuiy other. ItiHia'8 Snrsunrlllt Un ix'oulltir liioitli'luc, ptMMslui;, by Its jiecal. tiiriNimbliudUm, proiHirtlon and )reianv tlon.i'iimtUt! iHiwor hiiivrlor to any other nrtlvlo of iuo kind liofni'u t lut miifi. i-'itp all nllivtlaiis nrUIni; from impure hlixxl or iow kuuq oi nut synu'm ii m uiioiiunueu, ne miotOKCt HikkK teutment." T.). Taylor on "Re sults of Culture.'V O. F. Tower on "Signs of the Times," nnd Miss Victor read a goodssay on "Civili zation offthe Jnaians." To-day Anil ll . 1 1 r1 . .1 1, AM 1 1. . 41.M.4 ....... uuuviuui:u luciMb lun 1.140 llisb lui 1x1. The second term orations will brj- ginfsoon, each beingr allowea to choose his own subject, The Philodoiians will aiscuss at their meeting this evenUfc the ques tion, Resolved; "Tha1,uo laws should be enacteoVcompeUlng the observance of tha,fftibbath aa a day of worship or'rest." The debate will be opened on tho affirmative by J. J. Fitzgerald, on the negative by F, T. Moore. Considerable Interest Is being takeu iu the question and a lively discussion may bo expected. Duration of a Lightning Flash. Tho researches of Dufour, Col la don and Trouvelot have shown that the duration of a lightning flash is not infinitesimal, but, that tho' flash lasts a mcasureable time. For in stance, explains science, if one sets a camera iu rapid vibration, and ex poses iu it n plate so as to receive tho impression of tho flash, it is found that the Impressions appear widened out on the negative, show lug tho negative to have moved during the time tho flash, was iu ex Istenco. .A Surprise TO THE LOVER OP GOOD BOOKS Any of the following 12 Mo's, full cloth bound, gilt sides nnd back, delivered or mailed to auy address for 50 cents per volume. Robinson Crusoe. Arabian Nlgnts Entertainments, Swiss Family itoDinson, tscottisii unlets, Tnaudius ot Warsaw, Children of the Abbey, "Dftn Olltvnto Vtiwii of AVolroflolfl Tnlll on1 in..lnln nnnimnla 'Ptln.t-lrvl Progress.Bunyan's Holy war, GullivgrkTravels, Child's History of Eng land, iEsop's Fables, Baron Munchausen, Last Days of Pompeii, Ivan- uoe, vvaveny, uuy juaunermg, stones trom Frencn History, Tom Brown's School Days at Rugby, Dog Crusoe, Gorilla Hunters. Wild Man of the West, Gascoyne, Freaks on tho Fells, Shifting Winds, Floating uigui, jiear jaunters, lvangaroo tuntcrs, American Family ltoninson, Adventures in Canada. Under 'the Holly or Christmas at Hopeton House, A Million Too Much, The Two Bequests. Gavroche, The Gamis of Paris, Grimm's Popular Tales, Grimm's Household Stories, French Fairy Tales, Standard Fairy Tales, Norshern Lignts, Lady Green Satin and her maid Rosette, Pickwick Papers, Martin Chuzzlewit, Oliver Twist, David Cop perfleld, Nicholas Nickleby, Complete Letter Writer, Prehistoric World, History Stories, English History, Ancient History, Modern History, Orange Blossoms, Cook's Voyages Around the World, Battles of the Re public, Camp Fires of Napoleon, Romance of the Revolution, Remark able Events in the World's History, Evening Amusements, Modern Classics, Travelers in Africa, In the Arctic Seas, Children's Bible Stories. Lady of the Lake, Memorable Scenes In French History, Frontier Life, Dairing Deeds of American Heroes, Thrilling Adventures on Land and Sea, Modern Story Teller, Christmas Stories, Sea and Shore, Life of Na poleon, George Washington, Daniel Boone, David Crockett, Henry Clay, Andrew Jackson, Old Curiosity Shop and reprinted pieces, Barnaby Rudge and Hard Times, Bleak House, Little Dorrit, Dombey & Son, Un derground City. Tour of the World in Elcrhtv Da vs. At thn North Pnl. Desert of Ice, Wreck of the Chancellor, Christmas books, uncommercial traveleres and additional Christmas stories. Tale of Two Cities and Great Expectation, Our Mutual Friend, Edwin Drood, Sketches, Master Hum phreys' Clock, etc.. Three in Norwav. Jane Evre. T.uefln. Annprsnn'a Qriry Tales, Handy Andy, Three Guardsmen, Tom Brown at Oxford, LZast Lynue, John Halifax, Gentleman, The Last of the Mohicans, Adam xeue xiuimavs Bl iUe grange, Tennyson's .roems, idyls or the King, Par adise Lost, Hold the Fort, Evenings with Moody and Sankey, A Batchelor's Blunder, A Cardinal Sin. Adam Bede, A Lucky Young Woman, A Fallen Idol, Anno Grey, Anderson's Fairy Tales, American Chesterfield, American Notes, As In a Looking Glass, A Trooper's Adven ture, A Tale of Three Lions, A Wicked Girl, Arnold's Poems, Bag of Diamonds, Baptized with a Curse, Beotous Bargain, Biographical Sketch es, Bound by a Spell, Book of Songs and Ballads, Betsy Jane Ward, Barnaby Rudge, Boy Conqueror, Boys' Own Book of Indoor, Boys' Own Book of Outdoor, British .Female Poets, Browning Mrs., Poems, By Woman's Wit, Calhoun, J. C, Life of, California History, Campbell's Poetical Works. Carl Bartlet. a storv for hnva. OhhiPCA fintvi ?rv.i Speaker, Course of Creation. Court and Times of George the 4th, Charlotte lAnnuT?mii,GU?r.easy's:Battles:Dawntr)ombey and Son, DicKen's Child's England, Dicken's Christmas Stories, Dicken's Character, Sketch es, Doctor Cupid, Dr. Jekell and Mr.' Yade, Dodd's Beauties of Shake- Bi.-ro, jjick ueveiey, iJUKe's secret, Jiconemical Cook Book, Elliot. George, Poems, Elizabeth, the Exiles of Siberia, English History a storv for bOVS. Ellmnp. TCvll n.mllia l?vnlnrH,.,0 on,l A, li;l.. ....... TX.1.I- T.-,.' un, 'p b rn,rrLr"."a"".uuiu,c!' iry "s- st, frozen Pi rints of Fate. lomUliln T)nn. leal Works, Good Measure, Grade Goodwin. ' ' Only 700 volumes in stock, very few duplicates. Send your orders in T. McF. PA.TTON, 98 State Street. A FULL LINE' OF Crockery and ! With specialties In Valerian Cliiaa Tea Sets, French China Dinner Seta. RIDGtWAY'S FAMOUS Buckingham Pattern -OF- ROYAL SEMI-PORCELAIN Of which wo constantly keep a, full line and open stock, enabling us to make up Dinner and Tea sets of any size, or dell by the slDgle piece. The finest assortment o CHAMBER SETS Ever shown In Salem. . A FULL STOCK Ot tho latest faud handsomest patterns la i Glassware. " l" 3-Please call ana examine our sjock. WELLE R BROS., 201 Commercial. Street . .m uu.d, ruuiuuj wcu, run nuuiuii, jpeiou's ijeque rate, Favorite Poems, Flowers From Fairy Land, Footp uems or irose anu lJoetrv. Uoethfi's Vnot i Wm-Ua ni bitter one but it had to bo takei,. traded at Gilbert IV. never Patterson's bo- Hivuii ItihlNU. 01iik to tho late rains the mer btiHilhOii t) frw Inches, but not eiioyuh for thu boats in run with wifelyY There Is a lareo aniountofloesieiulyv to bo brought J.i the t.'apital LuiiibvHiiKinlll when the river rises so they iiuiIhi brought down. The Klectrlo street car eoniimny will soon be busy ceustructliit: their road up (,'honieketu stivet, durlnir the nu'iiutlmo buy your groceries at riuiro I'arror'H. I'lsu, Fisu.-tTio llahluioru llsh GeorKW W. Chllds Is "fond of col- in.iriici ou rou ii htuvt is tuu place to j;et your llsh, poultry aud uame. I II 111 til .blWU ILHlfltl tl't.lt.V !Ultl .., lirtHiili unit lioiiltliy uiuua by ulinr WrlKlUo Myrili Ir)UiS.uii. lteiiuiveitiar- tin-, pivvciiu ili-iiiy. bold by all drugtfUiM - i i .i It. ('. LM'.. HtM fro Omicli Cure heals IhriKU'aiHl luiip. cured uMhmu and tho mtwi uiiiiiiiiu ixiuKiia ami ixiitis. iry , Sold by all driiKKlt, Return of the Favorites AT REED'S OPERA HOUSE. SIX NIOUTS ONLY AND SATURDAY MATINEE! COMMKNCINO MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18 1 OF TUB- PEOPLE'S FAVORITES, THE Chicago Coincdy Company Iu an cntln'ly new reportoire. CHANGE OF PLAY LIGHTLY, Mouilny.. Tuenduy Wednesday. Thun.daj- rTiuay. . Kngagcd .Lady Audley'n bee-ret .coueen uawn Baturday. Matinee. ..The UUmoud Mystery -ivong birme .Every body's Friend .Kaimeeu A fruitful opuortuiiity Isolleivd, Nkw Aitittv; noinviiiim; new, liiiiiii v nrnuu'h 'W rKBj mi vers in uiO)Tri!ii.uH,s. or uiikvs, lemons' crauberrlej, raisins, M? ifn SU'bb' CUiAKS. - and nice at lerclal htnHt, cuimiits, cltrJus, oraimu ulid lemon . IxuillniTi IlKs.lpcaciii'afiriiucs audi PalulcKt dental operations nt Pr other inilU, ufsllaJWrlBht'. I T, (.'. Hinlth's, 00 State street. loot I n g authors' manuscripts aud the letters ofgivat .men. Philadel phia Republican. Joe Jefll'rson, the artist, encroach es ou thotiuioofJelVerson, the actor. Mr, GhuUtouu chops down trees, while lllmuaruk prvfra beltxer wter, POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel ot purity, KttviiKth and wholcnomenes. More economical lhau the ordinary kinds, and ninnot Ix) Mild in conipeUtlon with thu multitude oflovr tent, short welKbt alum or hopliate lHiwders. Bold only In cans. torAL 1UKINO INJWOKKCOIIM Wall.Y IwU M. Johuwm ft Co., Agents, Port Und,Orrgttnt l'Omilur nricni. "Ii ! nnri M.' (Inllnrv children Sue. iliUnn-. miniu ;tn inu-..! sUirufiOe. ' ltox sheet &OW own nt Pmtlnn'il. vlinm ranvru mu ran iwt nun riTiimir nvtra charge. Just Received At Charles Calvert illlllneo' Ils'fMsrfone' ut lunuuciiiiuai ai jiuuiavry ums ever brouht to Balrm. All good I are of the latent design and have been brought direct from the Millinery Ecaporlunw of Ban Francisco. . The ladles of s4eiu HBdMlwiDdlng country are lBVV,to call fHLt this um oj mnnt. Meeks & Minton Have received and answered over One Thousand Letters of Inquiry RELATIVE TO OREGON SINCE JUNE 17, '89 Salem Co-Operative Association M ii :) . Choice Groceries I CROCKbrY In White Granite'y Decorated Ware, Glassware, etc, See onretockand price 126 STATE .STREETSAIiEM. FINE HANGlNGtAMPS THOMAS JJUJIROIVS Has Just received' a new line of' the latent style of hanging lonjps which will he bow at the 'most reasonublo rates. We also carry a full line of Groceries, Feed, Cigar, Tobacco, No charges, no commission, unless wo -- vi'.J I 11KANCU STORE OF iSF ANDREW KAN & CO., 201 Commercial street, ojijioslte Po..tofflce. Salem, Or., direct iiiijorters of Japanese and Chinese Curiosities, And novelties as well as fine porcelain Chl naware. Uloksnnie. KntBtimu n..., r..": V"?;1!"88 5ilk rePe 6am! Kmbrolderiw.' Crockery and Glassware f Don't fall to sample our new line of con lectioncry. No. 226 Commercial StrecCaa.lem, Oregon, STORE! 4b r" Chas. Pugh, Proprietdr.. 1hvvybu, luwwMmimw; j catling. Fine Tea, etc. Country ordew nromntlv u!nniiHi m ivi,niii.-jV" tll-- " """" PIANOS FOR KENT. Two good upright pianos for reut, aUo a flrt Class omin fnrknlit -lia.i. r.. ... .. on the InstalTment plan. For Informntlon "jwirou Tuweor i-urviu at the Corner. r)-ofmuicorutliU residence. 8-l6-)m HARD TfiJi J1X i-A-S. I -JVy wjBbSR? IK "fPt- sz&. dtr i-fi-r iJlW ' iV. A,T,t tf&Sk- Farm A complete line always In stock., M f slock is bought new and for cash, Mb fording me the opportunity to sell at tM U10t reUMlimhl nrl... m. 'The best and lausstjrnprovea machinery always oa hand. r - ,. POltiee kBd ti.m mnma al ltlllninr,S OW A v a-sJJr4rA . ".