.1 SUBSORIBE .'1 adver riais IS THE CAPITAL JOURNAL tT Will. 11K A GOOD INVESTMENT. 85-Tho Terms aro Most llcaionaulo-a THE CAPITAL JOURNAL , t: TIIK BEST TAPER IN SALEM. ' i ;1 3-You will bo well pleased with lt.-fc VOL. 2. SALEM. OREGON. THURSDAY, NOVELS LHEtt 21, 1SS9. m XO. 230. CAPITAL JOURNAL LADIES! Buy your Dress Goods and Trim mings nt Buy your Corsets and Kid Gloves at Buy your Cloaks and Jackets nt Buy your Handkerchiefs and Ties at Buy your Hosiery and Underwear at Buy your Blankets and Flannels at Buy your Table Linens and Nap kins at Buy your Shawls and Furs at Buy your Jewelry and Fancy Goods at For Bargains in all lines of goods go to HOLVERSON'S! BUCODA ervein -o- Una I have the exclusive agency of this coal for Salem. It is shipped to me direct from the Bucoda mines, and I ofler it at such prices as never before heard of in Salem. Delivered for $7.70 Per Ton ! In Wood, Sand and Gravel I am better prepared than ever to accom modate my customers, having a very lmge stock on hand. My wood Is now all measured before sawing and I guarantee full measure. Call in and see me. Remember my place of business is in the State Laud and Trust Com pany's buildings, No. 95 State Street. GEO. D. GOODHUE. Wm. Brown k Co. DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, Ssftf Finest Stock -0- KRAUSSE & KLEIN Carry tho finest and most elegant Fa IN THE -O- . jSTGoods sold by them contain Will Al 1 111 t Vl latest styles, better miing ami mure uu,w Ii.A ?;; Thov cam a com- Goods bought direct from the manufactory. KRAUSSE & KLEIN, 211 Commercial Street. lyiOORES & GILLESPIE, Real Estate and Insurance. Money Loaned on Real Estate Security I We have ome choice bargains In city and "JmmwM In Grain aud Fruit lands allslzes. Give ua a call at J17 uoramwu street, and we will show you what we have. COAL ! Screened. Leather and Findings CASH PAID FOR WOOL, HIDES, TELTS, AND FURS. This house carries a large stock of first class koocIs from tlio best manufacturers In tho world, nnd Is prepared to plvo satisfac tion, both In stye, nnd quality, to every one who will purchase goods ol them, No. 231 Commercial Street, SALEM - - - OREGON in the State ! 'B STATE ! tho best jj'StttoS not Wfta? Capitol Adventure Company. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries, Provisions, Crockery, Glass ware, Woodcmvarc, Fniiey Goods and Notions. ALL KINDS. OF PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. Everything You Want Under Oiie lloo o JUST RECEIVED : Eight Bales of Cottou Hats, which we will sell for 15c a pound. ' Men's Knco Gum Boots $2 50 Men's Long Gum Boots 3 00 LOOK AT OUR CLOTHING PRICES. Men's black suits S fi 00 50 Men's suits, usual price $12, now 50 Men's suits, usual nrico S15. now 50 Men's suits, usual price $20, now - 15 00 50 Men's suits, usual price 22.5Q, now 18 00 OVERCOATS. A Reed overcoat 7 50 Fifty overcoats, usual price $15, now 11 50 Fine light overcoats, worth ?18 aud ?20, now oil'ered for 15 and 10 50 rjQy-Orders from a. distance promptly filled. Goods delivered free to any part of tho city. Please give us a call. -O- SALEM, GEO. W. JOHNSON, Pies. II. A. JOHNSON, Jr., Tresis. CAPITOL ADYENTURE State, Land and Trust Company ! (Incorporated.) LOAN BROKERS -AND DIULKItS IN Real Estate 95 State Street, Salem, Oregon. o People looking for investments and seeking residence property should see thu Motor Line Addition and West Salem. Lots in either of these additions will make you a choice and convenient home; will mako a neat return as an investment in a short time. It Will Pay Ion to Investigate before making a purchase. To those hunting lots to build on, wo will sell you a lot bv you paying 10 down and the balance in monthly payments. To those wishing to invest, for speculations We Will Give Terms that will allow you time to sell the propeity to mako your pay ments, giving you an opportunity to buy and bell with a small capital. We ha'vo A Few Choice Lois In Oak Lawn Park Addition that we nre offering at a bargain. Wo alo have a list of choice bargains in nearly every addition to Salem. We liavo some choice aero tracts. We have Farms and Timber Lands 1 No ono seeking such properly should conclude to purchase without examining our list. t W. F. PECK, Manager. -o- Sate, land and SALEM, School Books A complete lino of BTATIOXEVx GOLD PENS AM)Nciy (U)Qm XT J. BENSON STARR'S NA 01 STATE STJUOKT .... fcALTOM, OltKCJOK - - 0 00 11 50 miv ) - OREGON. l 11. D'AKCY, T. C. SHAW, Yico-Prcs. Tins u OREGON, f!ftl Company, Notico. Notice is given that F. E. Austin has resigned the management or the Salem Land and Abstract company and has severed all connections with the same. The management will be assumed by F. V. Waters from this timo on. Xotico Is hereby given that F. 15. Austin is in no way connected with the Gold Mountain and Dry Guleh Con solidated Gold and Silver Mining company, either as secretary or di rector. It. II. Mu.i.i:u, Ass't. Sec. JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Groceries, Faints, Oils and Window Glass, Wall Fa tier and llorder, Artists' Ma terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence Fosts, Grass Seeds, Etc, X13W TO-DAY. -ielp Wanted Three men to tlo light clearing cloo to tho city; ! per tiny. Girl for general housework, German preferred. Three rooms up-M.ilrs, two furnlshetl, ono unfurnished. No chlltlien. Tucuty-llvo men to tlo l'ght clearing. Girl wanted forgonem! housework. If vim want heln of nnv klml or If von aro looking for a Munition, call on or leavo your order nt Employment Offloo, 21U Commercial Micct i I vm n ii iii )J1W lutANCii smiiK or ANDREW KAN & CO., "01 Commercial Hticct, opposite I'omIoIIU-o, Salem, Or., tllieet importers of Japanese and Chinese Curiosilies, And noNcltlcsas wt'Uaslino poiceluln Chi iniwAiv, Closonle, Sntxumn, llinuso, !ory, CiirvingH, Silk, drupe, Satin, KmumldorlCk, Aiattlng, Kino Trap, etc. Oimntty oideiu promptly attended to. Wholesale and re tail, Watch This Space Kor tho 1'rogrnmmo of MISS LEONA WiLUST Thanksgiving Entertainment ! Meeks & Minton Have rtcolvnl and uiiMrrrvd out OncTliousanil Lcttcior Inquiry N15LA.TIV1C TO OWICGCJN SINCE JUNE 17, 'SO No rliiirsa, no coiniululoii, iuiImm wo cllyourprH.'rty. Employment Olcc ! WantciI-IVnltUiii by it limn lo Uibewrfl of tock mid itii iilHirtwliHir nr dty. Oiwil ruferciicM gl'm. Wanted: A girl to do laundry work! Two men wwtit tiuly work lu or out of J i no city, A l )y ovmiIii yw "Id wnnl u fI tloii ui any kind of uoik. Jf you wwnt cmpioyiiiMit or arv looking or hulpoilIoiiDruilJrtKui. PWMJI'.S &.SIIIVK, w n.mtinTi.ai au, I jitair LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. NATIONAL GRANGE. IT li:.MAM)S ItlSTKICTIOX IMMinit.VTIOX. Ol" Small 1'aniM and American Shlpi l,e-ilred-dciirBo'H Shiglo-Ta llieiu-y Conili'miuud, Sack am unto, Nov. 20. Hi the National Grongo yesterday tho re port of tho Committee on Pot Diem nnd Mileage was adopted. Tho Fi nance Committee reported tho books of the seeiotury and treasurer cor rect. The receipts for the year were $l.'i,09S 95; expendlturds,?Ul 703 32. Ono thousand dollars was allowed for editorial work, to bo dono under tho control of tho master and lect urer. A resolution was adopted indors ing tho California law as to tho state furnishing the text books at cost. The report of tho committee on foreign rcIatIons,favoring the rosl fic tion of foreign immigration, the build ing of American ships and thoown ership of small farms, was adopted. A resolution was adopted eon (learning thu single-tax theory. A resolution was adopted to mem orialize congress to favor tho manu facture of jute, lino straw and other textile fabrics for uso instead of cot ton bagging, and mako an appro priation therefor. A resolution In favor of biennial sessions of tlio National Grange was defeated. A report was adopted favoring silver coinage nnd tho circulation of paper money Independent of na tional banks in suiUeicnt quantities to prevent financial embarrassment. Mrs. Addlo S. Halo, of Connecti cut. Hindu it lino report on women's work in tlio grange, and 2500 extra copies of It were ordered. Tlio report of the committee on agriculture was adopted. Tlio time and place of holding tho next annual session will bo llxed to morrow morning at 10 o'clock. 'The sixth degree Is being conferred. to night on a large number. A LION'S ATTACK. Tito Children Narrowly INcapo Ili'lnc Killed hya Mnn. Kltr.sxo, Xov, 20. Joseph .1. .Street, a fanner residing near Center ville, and the larger pint of the population of that place and vicini ty, are now on a limit in the moun tains for n California lion. During tlio past two months farmers living east of Ceiitervlllo have missed numbers, of calves aud lambs, but attributed tlio loss to coyotes or bears. Traps were net for both those beasts, which lu early days always proved fatal to such in truders. Last Wednesday Fanner lla.el ton, living lu King's river canyon, claimed to have seen u California Hon prowling around his sheep camp, but his story was discredited by his neighbors. Early this morning two chlldiun of Mr. Street, ahoy aged 12 and a ulrl aged 1), while on their way to school driving it horse to a buggy, were attacked by n California lion in King's rlverswamp. Thomiimid made u spring out of the bushes, lauding on the horse's back, but was thrown oil by the violent plung ing of (ho tenilicd horse. The buggy was completely smashed, the children being thrown out, but foi Innately they sustained no serious injuries. The lion disap peared in thu undergrowth as sud denly as It had appeared, -Several persons examined the (rucks inade by tho beast aud bud no doubt that they wero those of a California lion. The animal had probably wandered along the river banks from Its moun tain fastness and becoming hungry made the attack', but was scared oil' by the cries of (lie children. It has been n long time since a lion has been olinwid ho far a way from its muni haunts far up lu the Blerra. 'J'rcitil.ln Owr Indian IjiihU. I'iiiltiti:, 8. J)., Nov. 20.- There Is n protuuo of other eoinpliuutlous In the Fort Pierre laud trouble. Tho 0IU.011H think they have discovered that the laud next to tlio mile HquurVf which they clwlui us it lown site, Is it school fecctlon, aud on that WHiro are taking up laud and erect lug buildings thereon. Thu Indians and Mjimw iiiuii had taken up Iho laud In ttvvuridlty aud aro trying to make trouble. They thruutu to tear tho building down. l'luuty ofeggx at (Jwr Si C'o.'h floli market, 011 Court street. i:ntrrprllii; 1'nrmern, Fmm.vo, Nov. 20. An irrigation district under tho Wright law, cm bracing 200,000 acres surrounding the towns orScInm and Klngsburg, was formed Saturday. The district Includes land through which (lows tho Fowler Switch, Conterville, Klngsburg, Emigrant and Liberty canals. JJonds to tho amount of $250,000 will bo issued. Canals in operation will bo bought and other water rights bo acquired. PHILOMATH NOTTS. Philomath, Or., Nov. 19, 'S9. Some of tho Hadieal students sera naded our little village, 0110 night last week. Joe AVileox has moved his barber shop in tlio law olllcc, ono door north or J. K 1 lenklo's store. IMshop Hott preached a very able discourse lu tho M. E. church Inst Sunday to i largo audience. The Liberals or tho IT. 11., church gave tho Radicals olllclal notice to day to move out of all tho buildings belonging to tlio church, also to turn over to tho legal olllccrs nil other property belonging to tho church or college. Bishop 1L J. Becker, delivered a very interesting lecture last Wednes day ovenlng at Whitney's hall. His subject was, tho Warn and Woof of human life.' lie will also "favor us with ono or Ins Oriental lectures Wednesday evening, tlio 27th, at tho M. F. church. The bishop is a very ablo speaker and always has a largo audience. Slmlllo tlm Dock KiHT01t.lmm.VAn: A city elec tion is near at hand aud inasmuch as wo aro all anxious to see the city prosper and each aud every part grow, and tho people have a fair deal, It might bo good policy to se lect good square-dealing men who know tho dld'erenco between thg highest and lowest bid on any sub ject of llnanelal Importance and men not Interested In any Hchonie calculated to bias their actions to ward any now enterprises that may be Inaugurated. Men who are not under obligations to (ho powers thnt be, (and are), who can and will act ficely and squarely wllh all concern ed. And really, after so long "a deal" ns we have had the deck might be shtilllcd once more with propriety. A Citiziin. PlJItl'XY PKUSON'Ah. Mr. J H. McCain is visiting at Grant's Pass. S. A. Clark was a passenger' for Portland to-day. Mr and Mis V. 1L Heed came down from Turner on the afternoon train. Mrs. Napoleon Davis and sou I Toward left yesterday, for a visit to Vancouver. Mrs. I. MeLalleii, of Portland, Is visiting at the residence of Mr. C. .Snowden, Miss LI..I0 Church left this city to-day for a visit to Chicago. Slio will bo absunt about live months. Mr, J. S. McCain has established a branch house of Van Horn & Kane, of Kan FraiiciHco, Col., deal ers In school supplies, in this city. Itev. P. H. Knight will preach at the Congregational hall, formerly known as the old Masonic hall, next Sunday morning and evening. Mr. Kulght will deliver the second of Ills series of lectures on Practical Views of the Divinity of Christ. Kiigeno Register. Sup man Court. Hai.iiji, Nov. 21, '80, P.. Fvardlng, icsp, vs. W. 10. Mc Ginn, npn.; appeal from Mtiltuoumh county; Judgment 1 oversell, aud the eases remanded to the court belotv, with directions to dismiss. l (I. Illeklln, resp. vs. Patrick .Mcl.ear, iqip.; ajipeal from Multiio 11111I1 county; Judgment of the court below ulllrmod; opinion by Thayer C.J. Kdwnrd W. Bingham, resp. vs. K. M. Kern and J, v. Kern, anu.: un pen I from Multnomah county; judgment appealed lioiii reversed nun me uiiiKu reiuaiuieti to me court bulow with directions to dismiss thu respondent's complaint without prejudice to tho right of thu re spondent to commence other action for tlio recovery of tho puvtusslon of tho premises herein referred to. Opinion by Thuyer, C. J. i.i - Aiu'in.iJ or iNcoiiroitATioN. Article of incorporation were tiled with thu secretary of state to-day as follows; Thu Journal PiiblUhlug company of Portland, Oregon, with W. H. Chapman, Win. T. Mulrnud John Kelly as Incorporators capital stock jO,0UiJ divided Into slmteiof $100 each. H H r i. j w 51 Mil I ,11 in 1 - n u i ! I . .HI m ' M l J 1 1