Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, November 18, 1889, Image 4

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    '"W' w"'r
One ycnr by mull . ? "0
Hlx months by mail 2 .fl
Tlirco months by mall . 1 i-i
Vzt week. dclUcred by currier 15
One year by mall . !1 fi
Hlx months by mall 7
One year, If paid In advance 1 0
Hlx months, lr paid In advance 5
PerZadvcrtlsIni: rates applj" at this office
who do not secure their paper regularly
will notify this office, giving nddrc, and
the matter will bo attended to at once.
Office, corner Court and Liberty, .Streets
11kunionMi:i:tinci. AtthoAlku
Ilcsperian debating society Sutur
dny evening n most (spirited and
Interesting discussion took placu
over this proposition t'liittlie national
banking lawn of the United States
should be repealed, the president
deciding that the negative had the
best of the qrgument. Four new
members joined this growing society
on that evening mid its meetings
are growing moxo and more inter
esting every week. The i.uestlon
for next Saturday evening is, "Ue
solved, that fjie Australian system
of voting should bo adopted by the
severaUstates and territories in the
United States," With John O'Shea
to maintain the, nlllrmatlvo as
leader and M. 0. Sturr tlie negative.
At the last ineetlnjA the cociety de
termined tliut a joint or reunion
meeting with the sishpr poclety the
Atheneunt-should bb held in tho
near future, nnd to that end a com
mittee consisting of AVl M. Kaiser,
Frank Davoy and WJ. D'Arcy
was appointed to confer with the
ladles and make arrangements for
thoprjected meeting, with a pro
gramme of literary and musical ex
ercises, These Joint meetings have
always proven a source of groat
pleasure in tho past, and this one
will be anticipated with like feeling.
A Pair ok Hums. Many funny
ami laughable sights are to bo wit
nesbed at the depot most every day.
The latest thing in (his lino occurred
a few days ago by a couple who had
stopped oil" in tialuih a few days,
whllaou, their bridal four, and were
just leaving for Portland. She
weighed about 10!) pounds as well as
the reporter could si.o her up, and
was sixty Vein's olyiige at least, while
he tipped the beam at about ninety
nine and lH(kcd as though he had
seen llfty Ktnulners. lie left her
alone for ten yiiimtes while he had
their l)ngg!igeeheckod. "Oh, Hen
ry!" she guypiM out on hia return,
"you don'
rtjkndw h
low long it K-eins
since you went away! I was getting
so nervous 1
us for ffeiir somcthinir had
himi)cnu1l-lo voul You must be so
carefulfdear! Yoti will for your llt
tlo hhrdlo's sake, won't you, dear?
1 knw I'm a silly ltlo thing, but.I
v worry the moment you get out of
my sight. Am I not a foolish little
girlV" "My pet!" ho said In return,
"what would your boy do without
you?" Tho train arrived at this
point and the fun was stopped.
Ln.MONfj. Tho Joitii.vaii editor
wishes to return thanks to Win. .1,
Clarke for n mo line, delicious and
'argo lemons that hiiiti found place
on our desk through Ills hands.
Theco lemons were raisoi in Califor
nia, by Mr. . B. Dytuf, who will bo
remembered tls a forincr resident of
Haloni. Mr. u)yitraeted as rost
master hero, yfearjngo, and built tho
Liiduo ivIi1,oiii,Wii KtistRtilum Ho
went lo California to better his
health, and nvrAv years ago started
a lemon umUflralige orchand, and a
few davbfjo siMit a box of choice
lemOiiH U) ijirs, B.A, Clarke, as Mr.
Clarkb'uiVfd Mr. Vi'iir were close
frliMids.JJTha leinonaro thollrst heJ
has gathered from his orchard, and
are oPa lino variety. Tho peel Is
very thlir, and an extra llavor Is
possessed . by I hem. Mr. J. (J.
Wright has three or four boxes on
sale, at his store on Commercial
Tiiky ari: Homi:. Mr. Chas.
Cosperiiud Mr. Ueo. Drown, arrived
homo yesterdaynjui'Jiliig from a two
week's soloumnidrlio sin round
ing or thai hiifctllng eltyjxknown by
tho naiuo offean FraneiVo. They
wont to Sai Franeihco jv water,
but returned home overland. Their
trip was n ph asanl one. 'phe weath
er was lino all tho thno during
their stay, land tho lloys made
good use of th6 situation.
Upon tholi rrlvatfit the depot
Sunday morning-, It Is said their
capital was fait vanishing from
hlght. That Is they would have
been well supplied with llnauco
had red paint not have been so dear
r.t the port of 'Frisco.
Jockkv Jvii.i,i:i). Henort ivaclicd
this city yesterdjiy (hat llilly Slew
art, the well known Jockey who
was Injuiod atOaklaud, Cal. a
short thno 11:40 tiled yesterday. In
riding a race cat Oakland the
saddle girth broke ijrid In trying to
keep on tho horMjJijs spurs caught
the animal In ti6 lhiuk. cutting it
to rear baokwiuds vltli him ami
Injuring him from which ho died.
Ho Is thu Jockey who rode Coloinu
at tho Oregon Stale fair last Septem
ber, and will bo remembered by
many who witnessed tho races du
ring the fair.
,., Hi:n:i'rioNToMisrf Moodv. The
Astoria Pioneer ofJiie lllnst snvs:
5J in. .Mq,odv, wjfo orVx-Govemor,
'Moody am hyr daugliter. Mis,
I'.dna, who have hiHjti spl'iidlngsev-
erai iiaysin tniseuy, ivtiirnedlionie
nv nisi I'vt'iuug'H sieapier. i lieu
visit was n most cnJoyAhlo 0110 and
Tuesday eveijlngti number of young
society people gave MKs Moody an
Inforiual rtt'piioiidi the pailowof
tho Oisjidenti)'Uri'l. Among lliu
jircsent wen MIsm's Genevieve mid
Alice Bell, Miss (Itihslo Gray. K. G
Itogers, S. K. Gordon, K, 'A, V urgu-
sou, J.. .. wniugcrumi otiiers,
Si;wi:u (VwiNii In. Tho eon
tractors tuo having a morions tliuo
digging tho tronch for tho Furry
Htiift sower. YPfftwdiiy evening a
cavf-lu otvilrrcd which tilled un
about Icn fift of tla'xcavatloii, it ,
Is lucky llnil tlioi'iie-lu occurred on
biimltiyi'MU.julgut Imvii Injured
boinu uuforttiuiito victim. I
Tho Grand Stnto of Oregon lias (lie
Conditions nnd Products to Mako
lior Peerless.
Oregon Is just now becoming well
known nil over this grand United
States of ours. She now sails forth
under n Hying banner which sends
forth the tidings that she possesses
the advantages and conditions to
become the icerless state of the
Union. Now is the time to lay tho
foundation for the future greatness
of this state Oregon wants the
good people of the Northern, South
ern and Eastern state here, men of
iudustrv. canital arfd mtsh to de
velop tiiomiruy diversified resources
of the country, t.
'Plm trrt ititMi ttuwtft t i ftfiiMiti
fie silver miucs.mude Colorado and
t.'io wheat ilelds'have made Dakota
what she Jft; grain and stock raising
have made Illinoi; corn has made
Idwii afid Nebraska; copper has
mudc ilichigvn, mid line liorses
have mhdo Kentuoky famous the
world ever: ship building bus made
Maine, ana granite quarries have
made New Hampshire. Ohio may
rank first in wool, Now York in po
tatoes nnd hay, Texas In cattle u::d
Pennsylvania in iron and coal, but
where is the state in the Union, that
has all tlifcsc resources combined
like Oregon?
She will yet rival California in
her gold mines, Colorado in her sil
ver mines, Dakota in her wheat
fields, Michigan in tx copper, and
Pennsylvania in hWeonl and iron.
New Hnmpshhc in'her granite ana
Maine in her shipbuilding. Where
is there a better conn
(1 flsllillL'
raising fiuit growing
tlian Oregon?
Not onlv does slie
rival all otlfer stales iiiHheir chief
production but she possess advan
tages which many of them do not.
Wo will in a short time, surpass all
other countries in tile world in hop
blicpntscft&cHtliu greatest propor
tionate extent ot navigable waters,
have tho finest harbors, the most
fertile soil ofany state in the Uhion,
And above nil other advantages is
our salubrious healthftiKcliniate
Good health is tho olio great requisi
tion; without it allelse would
amount to naugllt Here there Is
no ague, no plagurw, no" long cold
wiuteis, no hottuniiicrs, but a cool,
invigorating brec.e from tlie briny
dceii I'rnin mil mill ntf tin vmir In
the other. Inducing your friends to
come hero you can havoNiothing to
regret. There is no danger or' Kan
sas not winds, JSebraslca's hail
storms, Alabama's yellow fever, Mis
souri s ague, u.iKota's blizzards or
Mississippi's negroes,
ARTiciiios ok Incorporation.
Articles of incorporation wete filed
with tho sccietary ot State to-day,
as follews: Tho American Histori
cal Publishing Co.; principal olllco
is in New York City, N. Y., with a
branch olllco at Salem, Oregon.
Capital stock ViO.OUO, divided into
shares of tho vahuj of $30 each, witli
Napoleon Wells, Geo. E. Verger,
and Frank M. llarden-
brook, as 1icorpefMors: also
1'he Washington Nat I Ami Build-
ing, Loan an
lnve.itment Co.
with a capital
toelt of irtO.OOO di-
vided into sbii
?10 each. Thli
res ot Hid value ot
principal olllco lo
Seattle Wabhiligton.
with Jlobert
Nor.m, .las. Uaniltou
Kewis, I. V,
Kddy, J. M. OlrtKcK O. Graves,
I. 11. AI. duller as incorporators.
Launching Out. Tho hardwaio
llriu of J. C. Brown & Co. received
tho Hist complete car load of hard
ware shipped totljs city, tills morn
ing. It has not lit;oii made., public
yet, but this old reliable llrrr Is keep
ing pace witli the tapUKgrowth of
Salem and beginniuS'tuo llrst of the
year they will launch out Into the
wholesale business lot hardware.
Tills is somplhing tlfiit Salem has
long ncoded, I. 0. several large
wholesilfe business houses. It is
needless to say that thh llrm will
meet with success, as tho way in
which they have conducted their
business In tho past is an assurance
of this fact.
How to St'uci'i'i). An ancient
philosopher on being asked how to
succeed replied. "Do as successful
men do
" Tills may bo tri
lendedbut It U
do to iivgrea-rex
110 in tlie
sense Int
xtent, as 110
two pel sous aro
irfounded by ex-
aetly tho same el r
mstnuce. There
is one tiling, howov
111 wiileh we
emi and should linit-
wto bticcesslul
nusiness nion it wo topovould suc
ceed, and tliut Is in adveMlsing; for
successful liuslneNS men almost In
variably ate large advertisers.
To-NioiiT. The Chicago Comedy
company aro in the city, and open
their week's engagement at tho opera
house to-night by utceeiitlug "Fn
gaged." Tho trouuo ariTIn splendid
trim and will preout tlift play to
nlglit In all Its vifu. Don t fail to
attend, you are sjiro of siKMullng a
(leiigntiui eveiiiuy. 1 luxaitintssion
is fixed at a iviisouablr"Tato, ami a
largo audlenco is suro to greet tho
company this evening.
IIi:turm:i Hmu;,-Mr. Kugeuo
Willis has retulted lhonie utmi his
trip up mi Idaho and Washington,
and is lookin'rverv healthy. The
many fiiends (t M. Willis aivgl.id
toscj hint return fi Salem, ami he!
is kept busy I .-dTiv, shak
witli them.
. .
nig nanus
i;At Ni:w.s.The,Modnu
IMI.l I 1 l.l .I. I Hl'.MWlltfl7 1 III uv
...in 1...
iii from PiirtlaiultuW evening,
bunging a lo..d of gfnci-aUmeivhau-ilL
'. Owln-j; lo thtf lowuvss of iho
water, the O. P. C..,jt not ruu-
niugauy bo.ih 011 tho in
pp.-r Wll-
1 Maiiiixi:i:y
portion of iM
VKD. A larno
lluery for the
ed In this city
woolen mill In s a
ami womnii'ii are
iMIv eii'iiiged
tiwlay In putting I
up t wlli not
bo lomj befo10S.1l
ru.il w:i
111 iiimniij; oniiT.
Jti:Mi:tiu-:n 'W
meniiiir ner-
formaiico of ili&l'hl
1 go ienicii:
company at thjh oteil himse, rhm
ovonlug. It will IWn ruro treat.
James lK'vliii l!kjiifs best now,
Vl nil
and two Tin Horn-UnniMcrs
a Disgraceful Sunday
StreNt Scene.
The quietness ofMhe Sabbath dav
was distu 1 bed ycstenJay by n street
sceno enacted within the corpora-
Hon of the city that
go down
on the records as 0110
disgraceful afl'airs ever
on tlie streets of Salem.
There is a family k
name of Woods w
force are well acmufnted with who
were the prinejf5.il actors n the
street free-for-alrshow, of yeterday.
Woods has a jfrcat knack for mon
keying wltlf tlie "strip ot pusle
bo.irds" nivfl since he has chosen
this profession ills wife has. It is
said, stridden from the paths of
a virtuous and loving companion
anil 1ms encouraged 11 desire
for strong drink, so much so
indeed, that she sometimes "takes
on board" enough to cause her to
forget tlie toils and sorrows of this
.rthly world. I
Yesicrday, a jicn-ral family row
was the order oil the day, nnd the
woman left home and vi.iitcd the
back door of a aloou, where she
obtained a sufficient quanlityof that
'.'sue-'t-for-gel-nieiot" irf banish
the thoughts of all family troubles.
She then" started out State street for
a wnlk, and neavthe University
grounds, was oyortauen by her
"beautiful (?) husband," who pro
ceeded to cngifgo her in a Sullivan
and Kiiraiif light, He pum
melled her 1ver the head and face
witli his list while his com
panion tin-horn gambler stood
lazily up against a tree and looked
on with seemingly much satisfac
tion. The scene attmctcd the attention
of a young studojit In the University
building, Who raised the window of
his room and, leveling a rifle at tho
pair, demanded lic brutal slugger
to "hold up his lipnds." He was so
enraged, however, that no notice
was taken of the command although
it was given tlirces times in a com
manding voice.
After "Sullivanl' had .-did the
pummelling act to lus sailmction lie
demanded of his wjfe. lo "get up
and go home, that Ije' would show
her how to run !ifiy." The two
tiu-horns then eucn caught an ..rut
and went to Court street thence
went west oiv'the Mime to their
"happy honfe," the "Kill' van
gentlemen" liowevcr not forgetting
to lam his wife over tlie head ever
few feet with an umbiella.
ino scene 'was witnessed by a
number of lcndim; citizen's who nro-
nouueed It onqof the-niost disgruco-
iui nuairs evqr yunesseu 011 ine
streets. '
The womajrfis a sister to tlie
notorious Jordun boys and tho
husband arfd Ids fine partner tire
well known among the gambling
crowd, 'lis n pity mat t lie wtiole
crowd welt) not arrested and the
stiong arms of justice allowed to
deal out to them their just dues.
Tin: Journal Sanvtjoni:i.
The JoiuuNAi. was openly sanction
ed from tlioypulpit in tuo city on
lust eveningAoii its Jlght against
the mob ot young nirti and gang of
utds wno
)ceu making a
ring nrounu tne
outer door of tMb In;
and "catching on.'
It was a plrT.sant it
louses of worship
' inter services,
iliceuble feature
last eveifing tbiv
the number
of "(.Vleheis-on"
had largely
demiulHticd and tlios
who did the
seen to act
Tho younir
uuiiardiSuable act we
in a Miletly nianner
ludics'of tho city who
havo self re-
snect have taken the matter in hand
The Jot'RNAii is happy to say and
promise to render their assis
tance in forever putting, h. slop
to iho disgraceful scene.
A JpURNAii eportcriw a ge,it)e
uiau who claims toarfino up well in
asocial way, follow a young 'ady a
half block froiiijirehurch bouse door
last evening niifl "catch-on." Now
this tiling IfasXbecome rediculous
and the Ji"i:nai, jiroposcs to
state toiyo fuels; that will cause
some pAplo peoplo to wonder
if tills praclico la continued. Of
course- tlieio Is soineiunes au excep
tion to tho ru'es of see'ng a h'dy
homo from such a place hut it is sure
ly 11 fuet ll'id every night n gentle
man is not detained outside until
after services.
TnAcuuus' INVi'itu 1:. Prof. 1Z
11. AleiM.'oy tins instrel
from Arlington, Liinca
ho lmsbcjii aa2iidmrr''i
1 i hst re
turned home
oimty, wtiere
1110 teactieis
instltu'i which wrilte'd at that place
tho Mih ir.ih 11th and 15th of this
Month. Ho rtpor.ithat all the
teachers In trait coUitw:is pioaent
mid a very succefu' njce.k"' was
held. Ho wlllnU.Miil tho teachers'
county Institu j atlfeppner.
Notary 1'it.ii The followlnsr
were appoint HliTfotanvs public by
tlie governor
to day.Tj A' Veil I
Sears, of Portia
ibd, S. r Wlshard.of
East Portland ahCao
of Linn county, Oregon.
J I. Colr,
"Tho darknessof dgniko a mautlo
is lying.
On theohUdrenyrjoyvaud tho child-
n'li of sorroiv,
Who, whllo tlo still moments mi-
livcilril arelllylng,
Are dmiinltig fuftluit new holiday
stock at J. GTWright'tf."
Kkki'I.vo in Link. Tho Ron Ton
icstauraiit Is keeping up in style
with the fast growth of Salem. It
Is becoming tho favorite eating place
In the city
Fish, Fish. Tho Baltimore fish
market on Court street is tho place
to get your tlsh, poultry and game.
Fink Wkathku. During this
fine weather you should call at Gil
bert & PatterMin'a for your groceries
Nr.w Auiuv.vii ov Cloaks. -Something
now, nobby mid nieoat
Liinn Brown's Commercial street.
rainless dental operations at I)r
T. U. Smith's, DO State street.
jsni&s H,mu ,i,'f,n of tois
M. f'. Li nt n !iu ni
this morning,
:.:v. ::i MtfAfce left
nr 11 iiiryim ine rmu
l.irt 1 co.: the n
for Je7vrson on btislnesi
Yr. ?L Ladue todk the morn
in lor I'oiiiani
inn VeaMifcluiTiCl home
1: li'
ht fri.m
her Visit to Portland.
11 ry leit tin
rrt; 'onforsiJ
. .1 ... ., .....
Eastern cities.
' company ar-
if veil l'l t
city fr
iAlb:my this
Mr. H
train for 1
vitjt to tl
Mrs. In
dams n ml ou Vcrnlc
have rcturf
d home frfni a pleasant
trip to friendsnrtne Ea3t.
Mis-i Minnie Thr.lt h r, v'.io hns
been spending a few weeks In Port
laud, returned hn:e h-.'-t evening.
M.'s Daisy D.uilcls, of Albany,
spent Sunday in thVciry, the guest
of her Iriend MiLUlie Hackleman.
11. 11. Miller, of tVo GoLl Moun
tain and Dry Gulch (Hold and Sil
ver mining companylXin Portland
011 business, V .
Mrs. Foster, of imfr Mehamu, is
in tho city visitin Her brother, Mr.
Thos. Hubbart on Commercial
Harry Singtleton returned home
to-day from Lebanon wUerehe went
to Spend Sunday,! It is said, with
B. W. Sayre
his farm
on South Prairie
remain in
this city for a
Mr. Say-
ro has been sicfc
ometimo past
and it is liopcc
will do him soi
Clioapi'st, stionce-it niul bct, Wright's
('uuipiiunU HitmPt of Hnrsnpirlfln Holts,
jilinploM. Ci-y-ilpcliiNll -i! bcfnit) it. Clivnsca
ind uirii'hus tlio blond. Kold Ijy n't drug
WrislitV Cnsi'iir.i O:ni!p-itlon re"edy
prumufs a rfsnlnranil lfiillliy m-Moii of
I ho bowels, nlili iliscRtlou and vlll notlr
iiinioTim incwi .enjuivo hiotmuii. unit
(lieu .alio it readily. Sold by nil dwists
All may pot.sess penrly whlto teeth, pure
bn-ath nnd healthy ruiiis by using
WrlKht's Myrrh Tooth Sn-ip. Itp'uovcstar
tnr, pu-vciii , dn'i. 'iolilh all iiiugglstel
K. ' ' ' d r m.jli I'aro heats
thro.ii;uj.l h.iu- , cuies nstlnnu nnd the
most oh.tinuio coughs nnd eolds. Try It.
Sold by nil druggists.
Wrlcht's Hon Celcn nnd Chamomile
Hitters n lellnbla tonic, nppetlzcr nnd ap-
parieni, invigornics xne aigesiive organs
una preveuis ayhpepsid, can ue reueu
on. Sold by nil druggists.
Supremo Court.
Sawjm, Nov. 18, '89.
John (Jart, aprj." vs. Lassard and
Lucifer, resp., appeal from Multno
mah county; argued andsubmitted.
Alex Bernstienjatt'y., for reip., A.
F. Sears and NlHDrSiiuou, ntt'ys.,
lor 11pp. 1
William M!oriker, app.ys. The
Portland and SVillametto Valley
railway company, lcsp.; appeul trom
Multnomah county; judgmdnt for
non-suit reversed and tho anise re
manded to thocourt below for
further proceedlis; opluicfri by
Lord, J.
Levi Anderson, appsvsLS. J. Mc
Cormick, et al. resp.; appeal from
Multnomah county; argued and
Make No mistake.
If you havo nindo up your mind to buy
Uood'sBirsnparlllndo not bo Induced to
tnko any oilier. Hood's Snrsopnillln Is a
peculiar medicine, possessing, by Its pecul.
lar combination, proportion nnd prepare
don, cur.itho power supeilor to any other
aiticloof thoklnd before the people. For
all allVctlous arising horn impuio blood or
low stnto of tho sybtem It la unequalled. Be
suro to get Hoods.
Ilolverson's "ad" on first
EDES. To the wife A Mr. Ed N.
Edea, otr Saturday' Nov. 10, 1889
twins a boy aud ghl.
Ed has beep wreathed in smiles
eve.' since, and is iho recipient ot
many coi.3ra1.ul. Pons by his lilend.
Ed Is a thin balever In the fact that
tho popuLl.onW Salem must be
lucre. ed. He Is now thiiiklng of
ou'arglng the Are ent quar.eis of
his eleiunt y.iuay Kitchen to eor-
icpond wnti his new family
Mother nlid clridren
ro uoin
icely and Ed hi" vfallen
more in
love witli tiregoii
'Din .ln.iuvn.
extands cdngratulatious
ALL15N. Ath's homo JivGo'den
da'o, Vt shin-non, Tbui.lay. Nov.
r, fS'Jjrov.j.H. APo.
Mr. A'lin Is (ho f.'itfor of Mis3
Loit'o A lu one of ihe f1 ehen
at the E. j.S 'em schwl aud Mi"i
Abblo Alio 'Avho'sriXudlu-r school
nt the Wld.rou , uivci-sKy. His
ikuighli 3 r'cAved llio d tidings
by teleMni aid lvvo "one 10 pjy
their ti
d vjoi
fit their dree. 83d
HUUCE. Mra. Vllznbcth Jlruce,
tiLtnl 07 year 11 niuntha nnd 3
days, at lier noin in East Port-
laiiil, after au llltiAs of throe days,
Nov. 17, lSjft.
Mrs. Itriu was lrn In Plko
rati ii ty, Missouri, l)eoelj,iler 14, 1821
ami leaves ftur sons iuu(a dauelitor
to iniuirn hr doutli. Oil tho Ufh,
Iut hiisUuul tltetl or Jiwt lireo days
hoforo llfo jKisseil from thoboly of i
his Ix'lovefl wife, Mr. Tliok. llruoo
who live alioiit llvo inlIeuorth-1
'went oftleelty is a son of thabovt
' deceaseil Jbouple and returneil vgaln
l to Portland this niornlnir to view for .
' to Cl.emawa
lljL. r.ionr.ng
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Tlie Salem Land Company
1 Si., a .1 " , J . 1"" . ""ey,
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Dodd's Beauties of Shake-
Wn.l n.fj l.t.I T...'
Established 1868 1
The Oldest and Sfaunchcst Between Sacra
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tfinLT? l8!,l.led to traveler, coUee:
1 Snli1"?48 nH8Uont the United States.
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and city warrants cashed. WeoflerpaU
??vA'h?i',lons consistent with con
Kervathe banking. 103t6w8t
Take no Tafli- from any young man. but
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hSm ?2X. W. J1' 1ateai Process,
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Cutting and Fitting
owraw f JUrfon? W0, " !,
i-yiviivu a lyUUlUULCl. nKK I'll
i New Hrftssma.hr
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I'.f fcf!lV
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With specialties In
Valerian China Tea Sets,
French China Dtnner Sets.
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Of which we constantly keep a lull line . '
and open stock, enabling us to make up'
Ulnner and Tea sets of any size, or sell bjitt
the single piece. The finest assortment o
Ever shown In Salem.
Ot thu latest and handsomest- patterns In
S-Plcase call ana'examine. our stock.
201 CommerciaTstree"''
Salem Co-Operative Association
Choice Groceries!
In White Granite and Decorated Ware,
Qlassware. etc, Bee our stock and prices
Has Just received a new line of the latest
style of hanging lamps which will be sold
at the most reasonable rates. We also
rarry a full line of Groceries, Feed, Cigars,
Tobacco, '
Crockery and Jtava$!
lectlonef,n't0 S1!!npl? 0!Wew ,lne Pr n'
No. 228 Commercial 8treet, Salem, OrQOt
Chas, Pugh, Proprietor -
(SuccessorTo Bellinger Co.)
.V complete line always in. stock.
f wck Is bought newandtoroash.af
fording me the opportunity to siltlb
lnot reajuinatil . nrlru '
t,Orfoe jjd jon room at Bdllssr't o!4
-AND- , ,j.
Farming Implements""