SUBSCRIBE ipu AiDvii.risis 1. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, THE CAPITAL JOURNAL HEST PAPER IX SALEM. IT Wilt. 1IK A GOOD INVESTMENT. OS You will bo -.veil pleased wjth It.tX 3-The Terms nro .Most Ilnisonable-SV VOL., 2. SALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1S89. if A YMnH A T vriJt 1 1 inLJU JOURNAL GEO. F. SMITH, BUS MUM illS DEALER IN FURNITURE), "Window Shades, Wall Paper, Pictures, Mirrors, Moldings, Frames, Baby Carriages, Wagons, Rugs, Stationery. Notions, Holiday Goods, Croquet bets. Hammocks, Etc. Tents, Awnings, Etc. made to order and kept constantly on hand. 307 COMMERCIAL STREET (BANK BLOCK), SALEM, OREGON. O fiGoods of all kinds sold on the regular installment plan in the city at Smith's Auction House, corner of Liberty and State street", Salem, Or. Abstracts. For reliable ami correct . ABSTRACT Call on SalciiiAbstract ami Lain F E. AUSTIN, Manager. NO. 221 COMMERCIAL STREET, SALEM, OREGON. XtSTTlie only'complete set of Abstracts in Marloucounty. P. O. Box 260. Wm. Brown k tiEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, ' V.! j Finest Stock -o- VJ -STsrt' - v KRAUSSE k KLEIN Carry the finest and most elegant Fall and filter Foot ffw "CilN THE STATE!, , ( ol,l by Item contain tho lie.1 ""IjI'KStrSlli'S Goods-boughtdlrect from the manufactory. KRAUSSE k KLEIN, 211 Commercial Street. Ben Forstner k Co. Iho beat am! lamest stock of GUN GOODS AND .AMMUNITION ! aS-comeina us before purchasing elsewhere and save money! PROPRIETOR i? u. OF TITLE, the, Leather and Findings CASH PAID FOR , "WOOL, Coiiany, Co. HIDES, -v- - . , ,-, ,, , PELTS, '' AND FURS, This liouso carries a large stock of flrst clat.s goods from the best mnnufueturers In the world, and Is prepared to plo satisfac tion, both In stye and quality, to eery ono who will purchase goods ot them, No. 231 Commercial Street, SALEM - - - OREGON in the State ! Capitol Mratw Company. WHOLESALE AND Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries, Provisions, Crockery, Glass ware, Woodenware, Fancy Goods and Notions. ALL KINDS OP PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. Everything Ion Want Under One Roof. JUST RECEIVED : Eight Bales of Cotton Bats, which we will soil for 15c a pound. Moh'h Knee Gum Boots - $2 50 Men's Long Gum Boots 3 00 LOOK AT OUR CLOTHING PRICES. Men's black suits S 5 00 CO Men's suits, usual price $12, now 50 Men's suits, usual price ?15, now 50 Men's suits, usual price $20. now 50 Men's suits, usual price 22.50, now - 18 00 OVERCOATS. A good overcoat $ 7 50 Fifty overcoats, usual price $15, now- - - 11 50 Fine light overcoats, worth $18 and $20, now ottered for $15 and 10 60 8Orders from a distance promptly filled. Goods delivered free- to any part of the city. Please give us a call. -O- ffl SALEM, GEO. W. JOHNSON, Prcs. H. A. JOHNSON, Jr., Treas. CAPITOL AMENTUM State, Land and Iras (Incorporated.) LOAN BROKERS -AND DEALERS' IK Real 95 State Street, Salem, Oregon. o People looking for Investments and sucking residence- property should see tho Motor Lino Addition and West Salem. Lots In either of these additions will make you a choice and convenient home; will make n neat return as an investment In a sliorttlme. It 11 Pay before making a purchase. To those hunting lots to build on, wo will sell you a lot bv vou paying $10 down and tho balance In monthly payments. To those wishing to invest for speculations We Will Give Terms that will allow you time to sell the properly to make your pay ments, giving you an opportunity io buy and bell with a small capital. We have A Few Choice Lots In Oak Lawn Park Addition that vo are ottering at a bargain. We dso have a list of choice bargains lit nearly every addition to Salem. We Imvo some choice acre tracts. Wo have Farms and Timber Lands I No ono seeking such property should conclude to purchase without examining our list. ' ! W. F PECK, Manager. -o- State, Land and SALEM, A. A. OSBORN JIiu an acre of The Best Pasture Land m the wale, One ,.U. from .he bridwln IWIc county. RETAIL DEALERS IN 0 00 11 50 J .--. ,1 15 00 5 OREGON. P. H. D'ARCY, T. C. SHAW, Yice-Prcs. Trust Company, OREGON. - -.---- New Harness Slop. ! "'lzrXVZ PMJ- Ty.t'U '"' Uulwm COMPANY 'Company ! Estate Ion-to Investigate JOHN HUGHES, 1..l .. n -M.t-.I- nn ifuaiur 111 urna-rics, Annus, uns and Window Glass, "Wall Pa per and llordor, Artists' 31a terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence Posts, Grass Seeds, Etc, N'1.W TIM! AY. THE FAVORITE Billiard and Peel Rooms. Tin: only FIRST-CLASS CIGAll STORE IN T1IR CITY. Imported and Domoatio CIGARS AND TOBACCO ! 243 Commerclul Stroot. Proposals for Healing. 1 "HIE 110AHI) OK TltUSTKES of tho Oregon statu Insano nsjliim lnllo Healed proposals for heatiiic tho now wlni; of tlio asylum with hot water, l'lnns anil Hpeclllcatlons may bo been at tho ollleo or I)r. Harry ljiue, isalcm, Oioroii. Tho right to reject any anil nil bids Is le served. Hlds will bo opened nt2 o'clock p. in,, on Tuesday, November 20, l&si). SYt,vivSTi:n l'i:NKoYi:it, ro. Y. MCllUIDK, O. V. Wkiiii, Hoard of Trustees, Wm. A. SIunly, Clerk of Hoard. ELLIS & WHITNEY, 1'ioprlctorsof tho Favorite Livery and Feed Barns Good rigs always on hand and furnished on short notice. 1'rlvato boarding of hoi bes and stock n specialty. Ollico and barns at tho corner of Trail e and t'ommcicial st roots. PROF, H. DIAMOND Is now prepared to glvolcbhons on thoVio lln, Guitar, Itnnjo and Mandolin. Those Applying this week w 111 get special terms, MUSIO HALL TO RENT To clubs and parties. Music furnished for nil invasions. Apply at Music Hall Inmi 10 to 12 ii, m. oratiesldence,217 Kront st. BUSTED! Tho combine being busted, I will sell Key West Cigars and cIcurcttH at tho old prices. OystcrH or meals served at all hours for 25 cents. Fine Private Dining Rooms for families. C. W. Hcllenbrund, proprie tor, llellenbrand's eating parlors, No, 2U5 Commercial sticct, I New Dressmaker. MRS. F. A. CRUMP, A Now York Modiste, uho has had llftoen years' cxpcrleuco In Cutting and Fitting Would bo pleased to sen tho ladles of Ha lcm at her rooms, No. 101 Hummer street, corner of Marlon. Miss Leona Willis, TEACHER OF MUSIC. I.esHons given In volco culture and Itnl Ian singing, plant) and organ. Hpeclal at lentlou given to beginners. Can bo seen at tho Conservatory, or at the residence, cor ner of Center and Capitol streets, HMHml -I Female l'aruilox. A Imli' f.lil find lfrowlnif older still. (As ludlcs will grow old; you know), be came. In tp)to of age, as young as youth but III, And old, and wrelclicu, reemc, lame, aim Mire, A lady young becamo In spltu of youth, As Indies will and why? llccauielhu truth, That keeps a lady young, they f.i'l tograsp And yielding Ut dUe.isc, dlo In Its fatal cluun. That truth l that womau'n cnkncses may bo Hubdued by Vt. I'lcrce'n Kuvorlto ITotcrlj Hon. El'OCH. rriw. tniiibltlnii frmn lone. lliiL'crlmr and ihiliifulHlcknuiM to robust Health niarks an chocIi In tlio life of the In dividual. Huch a ruinurkublu event Is treahured In tho memory and the agency whereby the good health ha been attained M greatfully blehsed. Hence it 1h that ho much Ih heard In IiralHoofElectrloJJltterH. ho iiiany reel they owe their restoration to health, to tlio uo of tlio Great Al ,.r..u. inwl 'IViiili'. If vou aro troubleI with any rilxcuM) of Kltl neyH, Liver or Htomaeh, of long or BljortDtuiidlimyou will tturely llnd r.i.t I... ut.. ,f .'.li-(rlu liltterti. Bold at 60c. and $1 jer hottlo at Dan- leu. iry' J JniKiiore. THIS PAPKK u V.K'Jttv'Sri&Ai Aiceocy. 61 and tfl Merehnt Kcljange, tun rruneloo. fullfornla. wfcero ouutruct or navtrtumj ca do umuv iur iu LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. A stuanei: cam:, A ,Mot Terribly Man-jlcil llody l'ouiid In n l.arrel St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 11. It was ascertained to-night that the nmmjlcd body found in a tar-bauol lubled "A Traitor," is tliatofCharloa Konipcr, a young man about 23 years of ago, who riWnnpc.ired from St. Paul under mysterious circum stances last June. Ho was a sou of ex-Covernor Kcmncr, the first Chief Executive of Virginia after tlio war. Kemper was sent to Minneapolis for Ida health early In tho spring. He had plenty of money and did noth ing but nmuso himself at ball games and other open-air sports. He left tho hoiuo for his customary walk, on a bright afternoon In Juno and was never again seen or heard of in St. Paul. Ho hml no outstanding bills and no plausible rei'son could Lo ad vanced for his dhappeaianee. Hi room was left as though ho Intended lo return withiu a few days. His lanlady became anxious and tele graphed to his parents, thinking perhaps that ho had taken a notion to return home. His parents bad not heard from him. Letters were then passed, but no tidings could be had of the missing boy. The only anil ultimate theory re garding his mysterious disappear ance was that ho was tho victim of foul play, as ho was known to have carried considerable sums of money on his person at all times. Ho is said to lmvo received a draft for 100 the day before his disappearance. I)o- teetlvc? worked upon tlio ease, but could not fathom tho mystery. rnero is naciuo to tno murderers. hi:vi:uu stoums. Johnston ii Nuriimly INcnpcs Auotlior l'loodSuow anil Kulii. John&town, Pa.; Nov. 11. Tho rule for tlio past thuty-slx houi-s raised tho rivers to the danger point, they oversowing their banks. Tho temporary bridge across tlio Cone miiugh ut Cambila City has been carried tiway. Woodvalo Is Hooded and somo of tho houses erected since tho Hood have been abaudonded by tho Inmates. The excitement caus ed by tho rapid and threatening liso of tho river is slowly subsiding with tho water. The river has fallen sev eral Inches in tho past hour, and all danger for tho time is past. Little damage was dune. St. LouiHt Nov, 11. A dispatch from tho Texas Pauhaiidlo says tho deepest snow In that region for twelve yeais is now on tho ground. All the trains on the Fort Worth and Denver railroad aro blockaded, and nine engines aro now In the snowdrift at Field station. The drifts aro iiiuo feet deep ut Hawloy and no trains have reached thoro slnco Tuesday. Nj:v Yoiiic, Nov. II. A heavy rain fell In this section last night, and this morning it Hooded many streets of tho city. A heavy fog was hanging over tho hay and liver, and not only was tho shipping much in commoded, but even tho elevated trains were compelled to run slow to avoid collisions. At noon the fog slightly lifted. A Curpcutur Killed. Tacoma, W. T,, November II. Kdward liufsch, a carpenter nine teen years old, fell from tho roof of tho new Presbyterian church heiu yesterday afternoon, his body re volving In tho air as it descended slxty-llvo feet to tho ground, and was fatally Injured. Jlo had a Mo ther in Ban lOuueisco and had ar rived heio a fuw days ago. tllAMI'DKO CMITIXHS. Mr. Langlry has bought the Kilns Ebcrhurd Sioro and icsldeiieo. John Couutiyiiiau Is miming u bmco of lingers, touched by n circu lar saw In tho mill. J.C. C. Lou Is bus begun (caching in district No. ii, commonly known us the CV-o DIsLict. Potatoes sceiii to bo moving rap Idlv tholr .t few days; inuny IojmIh having gonu to tho lauding Price G5 C3IU3 to iQ cent' per bushel. Saturday, tho 0th Inst., saw lively times tin tho Smith ranch, ucros tho river from bore. Mr. Hmltli hud Mild tho ranch to Mr. He'lwood anil last Saturday auction ed oil' tho pcrhoual cIeets of tho plaoa Scott Taylor did tho wind uctandmado evurybody happy by tel. ng them m cheajdy, tin t Smith wai rudlent with iinllw. Botl Is u giod oue, and got tliroUkli with ono iiioriuoiu duj's work in good time. About two huiidad peruouB weru prveut( cnxi)i:xsi:i dispatches. A boat containing four boys cap si 'ed on the Monogahela river yes Irday afternoon-and two of them wcio drowned. Tlieprosldent yesterday appointed Cb.'iks P. Lincoln, of Mi-lugan, t-cco id deputy commissioner of pen sions, i e Jo.-eph II, Barrett, re signed. Sollel says tho leeent interview between the czar and Prince 151s m. rck, during his majesty's visit to IJcrlh, resulted in a decision to oust Peidlnand of P.ulgaria from the leadeishlp ol that country. Tle ghanllc pool in which tho lead'iig glas-s manufaetuiers of tho United States -will co-operato as to tlio prlco of tho product and other matteisof Jniportance to tho trade, in progress of organization, will go into eil'eet January 1st. The long bridge connecting Cum bria City Miltvale, near Johnstown, Pa., w.i'j entirely demolished on Monday by tho high water. Tho lo-s will grclly letaul tho iciuoval of the dead from Moivvlllc cemc teiy to their permanent lesllngplaee in Prospect cenieteiy. Tlio trial of tlio mon charged with robbing Paymaster AVluinn, of tin United Slates army, ol &2!),000 hover al months Hince, began at Tucson to day. Tiie day was mostly consum ed in legal quibbling?. It is thought that the trial will last a month. ITT.MS MOM AM!. What has become of our Jomt.wu. corespondent? The, family of 0. L. Wright has mr.larlul fever. Uraudum Hughes is visiting her sou on Howell Prairie. Miss Carter, offGralil's Pass is tho guest of Mrs. M. A. Peek. Pnjf. Chuklias nrguufctl a slng-hig-eiass of twenty seholnis. Mary Walker Is spending tho winter with MraVMoKmmjy of Tur ner. Mrs. McNeill's nelee.of California is upending a few weeks in this place. Our school in bulngnbly conducted under tho eillelont uiaimgcinent of W. L. IColleiibergor, late of Indiana. Mr. Drown, of Ohio, is taking In thoNlglilHoftho far famed land of "big red apples." Mt.JHwn Is a brother of Mry.S. Condit. Mayro, Elva and Oniu McKlnnoy have gone to Salem, to attend school. Tho society of those young people will bo missed durluc tho winter. . J. II. Porler of this place Is haul Inj lumber to Aumsville for tho pu'po'oof wtutoof II. -o ( bo occupied by hhiMulf and II. C. MO.NMODTII X0TKS. 'J'ho weal her Is foggy but lino for fin m Mg. Our new InillillngH are nOaring completion very rapidly. Mi. 1'. H. Dareo has been under tho wtalher dining tho past week. Ho called Dr. iliilten Sunday morn luir, and at this time Is much im prove d. Wo are becoming very much at tache 1 to the Jii'itNAi.,aiid, with a lltllo change In the Salem mall time, ho that it would arilve hero eaily In tho morning, tho .fi uiinaj. would lio rend by a goodly number hero. Wo heartily Join uith you In praising the substantial ollbrtH of (hit enterprising men of the Capital city, and Just hero allow your cor rojiondent to suggest a subject for disciiwluu mining your IhihIiicbH men. Ills u well known fact that very many nuuplu of this valley have somehow nwjuhed an idea they must go to Portland to spend their money, and Portland's biialues men aro not slow to take advantage of such opportunity s.nnil huvo vco shro illy anuiiiged with tlHidWIurunt Hum of truiiiimitatloii mi that It btioiiia-s very cuutculcut i'or tho county customer to amain there over nlbl, and as imuh lonv'er as their coin luU. Salem could supply al thu upptirwdlcy customers at a low price us Port land, and theichy nt only doublo thelnijiiaj", but hold u largo por tion of uioiiry thut to-day uiincc ivwarlly go to purtlund. Wo would much yther er our Capital city prijier ninl oven gut rich oil tho surplus utftli thut U drifting lit a c-oulliiuuus Maain Into Portland. This would hu u very Iulercstlug (diostiuii for tip- ISoartl of trudo to dUcUT-f. l' B, iim&&fcmt i mini iAjx L-a. htbt. t. . v-4,a.