.r- W-S TITE CAPITA! EVENXtTG JOTTRNAL. THE CAPITAL JOIMAL PUBLISHED DAI LY, EXCEPT B UN DA Y, BT THE Canital Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) Entered at the poslofllco at 8alem,0r.,as second-class matter. JACOB L. MITCHELL Manager, Hee fourth pago for terms of subscrip tion. Advertisements to Insure Insertion (for the same day) should be handed In by 1 'clock. Correspondence containing; news of In terest and Importance Is desired from all parts of the state. No attention will be paid to anonymous communications. Persons desiring the Capital Journal served at their houses can secure It by pos tal card request, or by word lea at this office. Specimen numbers sent free on applica tion. Offlce, corner Court and Liberty Streets. SATUUDAY OCTOIIEIl 28 SATURDAY READING! Vivian Bayard Gets Mingled Up In Love Affairs. THE BEAUTIFUL LADY OF THE LAKE HU Deloyed Who Is a Daughter of a Millionaire Fails in Her Love and Marries Another. "But talking now of love pcrhiip-. you may remember The little girl we met In the country lust Beptembcr" Vundyke llrown. "About Vera Hay no?" It was Will Bayar.I who asked the question. He had eomo up from tbc city, with half a dozen other men, to camp for a lew weeks in the W1h eotiHin woodn. Just now, however, he was paying a visit to his cousin Vivian, in tho lactcr's comfortable quartern at the best town hotel. "Well, what about her?" eounter questioned Vivian Bayard. He was a picturesquely handsome and romantic looking fellow. He was tall, and lanquid, and graceful. He had big, black Spanish eyes, a straight nose, a silky, drooping mus tache. Indeed, his appearance was distinctly Byroulc. Will? Well, Will did not look like a gentlemanly brigand or a sentimental pirate. He was tall also, but rather clumsily built. His features were rather Irregular, his hair and mustache were auburn, his eyes wero a clear, decldtd blue. His manner and voice wero very frank omt mjimih.ui juu ftSIIJg tO marry her?" Vivian laughed lazily and ran his white hand through his hair. "Well, if you aro not tho most pestering follow for asking blunt and awkward questions!" Will noticed the equivocation. "I don't see why you ilud tho question awkward," lie wont on, witli grave persistency. "She Is certainly lovely enough to suit even your fastidious taste." "Oil, as tar as that goes, she's the very prettiest littlo thing I'vo ever seen and tho sweetest." "And tho best," added Will, in that quiet way of his. "Decldodly!" agreed Vivian. Ho reached over so tho table near for a book of tlssuo leaves and a packago of poriquo tobacco, and pro ceeded to roll himself a cigarette "Well, then," said Will, going vigorously baok U his Inquiry, "ac knowledging all this, and having been so devoted to her ever since you'vo boon up here, tho question is, do you Intend to marry her?" Vivian struck a mutch and lit his clgaretto before he answered. "There is nothing which would so eutrauco me." Will was becoming exusperated, "Do you mean to?" ho demanded again, frownlngly and emphatically. Vivian laughed lightly. "My dear boy, you aro far too on ergetlo for tills infernal weather! rtowevor, as I'm too lazy to-day for oven verbal sparring, I'll answer tho question which you, by tho way, uavo no business to ask. N. I would love to marry Vera, but I can't altbrd to." Will's face darkened. "And yet you've been haunting herlikoher shadow, aid making herfaucy you were deatl in love with her; and now" Ho paused expressively. His cousin's eyes drooped, "If she fancies, hIio'II bo about right," ho wild carelessly, but with au evident etibrt, too. "Iain dead In love with hor!" "Thou, why In thunder " be- gan Will. Vivian Bayard thing his cluaretto iutde aud stood up. "Because," replying to tho tin asked query "because I'm engaged to Fauuy Gllmau." "You are?" "Iaui," Will also rose. "Tiien you are a more dishonor, able follow than I took you for." "Will," Vlvhitj bad tsrowu wlille vltl jmwvm "I mean It." His cousin ground an oath be tween his teeth. "I will thank you to attend to your own affairs for tho future!" he said. And with that he stalked out of the room. That evening he went to Bee his little rustic sweetheart. And he thought, as he looked at her, sho certainly was charming enough to make a man willing to relinquish Miss Funnic Oilman and htr $200,000. He recalled Maurice Egan's pretty sonnet avowing. "There wero no tiowers till the iirst child died," and he paraphrased It to suit himself. "There were no ilowcrs till Vera lived," he said, looking at the deli cate, snowdrop face, the pausy-dusk eyes, the rose-heitrt lips, the hl; stamen gold of the hair, tho sweet- pear pink ot the cheeks. And her youthfulness, her Inno cence, her absolute trust in every one, were delicious and pathetic. He wished he really wished, from tho bottom of his heart he need not go buck to the city in Sep tember and be Immolated on or at the altar f conventionality, pru deuce, nnd prosperity. He had found these few weeks, during which he hud been almost constantly in Vera's society, so rest ful and refreshing and delightful. She hadn't been to Vassar, as had Miss Oilman, nnd her fund of small talk was extremely meager. But all this was, by contrast, very pleasant, ho thought. Poordearlit tle girl! Ho hoped he really hoped she had not grown tocarefor him. He took her out on tho lake. He remembered all his life long just how sho looked that evening. The soft milk-white gown; the little sailor hat set back on the bright, curly hair, which below her waist fell in ringlets of raveled mist; the round arms, bare from the elbow to tho delicate wrist; the gentle, lovely, laughing, girlish face. "Do you know," watching her closely as ho said it, "I have tho most miserable lit of the blues? I am obliged to go away." "To go away!" Like a Hush tho rudiatico went out of her countenance., leaving it otldlv pained and pale. "Yes. Lookout, for that boat!" Sho was steering. Around them in the lcaf-frluged silver oval many gay little preasuro crafts were speed ing to and fro. "I'to been in paradise up hero Imf T Tyuil, .o wlvrslt rAriuui llj"lr' His wedding day! Sho uttered no word only looked at him with wide, startled eves of ono who hears and hardly compre hends. "Yes," ho went on uneasily, feel ing that Bilenco between them was unendurable. "She is a nico girl- not very young but vory nice and clever. I feel, of courso I'm a lucky fellow." "Yes!" she murmered, sillily . Sho would have given twenty years of iter life to have been able to answer airly and indifferently. nut she was just a littlo country girl untutored in the defensive de celt and fashionable fabrication. The August dust was stealing u p, urcamy, sweet-scented and peaceful, when ho parted from her at tho gate of hor mother's cotUige. When she, as usual, gave him hor hand a moment, ho leaned toward her, bent his handsomo head. "Vera," and tho dark, liquid oyes wero full of fervor, faclnation. "I leave to-morrow. Won't you let mo kiss you good-by. Fiercely sho wrested her hand free. "I think," with a superb flash of scorn, "that you forget yourself Mr. Bayard!" Sho fled up the path between tho stilt' a ml spicy geraniums. Tho following morning Vivian Bayard left (he lakes. He went first to his club. "Baok so soon!" cried his particu lar chum, Charllo Kollog.g O Vim Vi oiiib T .1.... ....... 1. 1.. .-.,. .., cvu 1 oiljllUBU lb IB III! secret now I'm booked for nmtil mony tho 1th of September." C'hurlio made a grimace. "You aro, you poor devil! And what nilserublo maiden havo you resolved to make Mrs. Vivian?" Ho laughed at the friendly raillery. -iior name is Funny Oilman." ''Millionaire Oilman's daughter?" "Yes." "But, my dear lad, don't you know Imvou't you heard " Ho broke oil' jwrplexedly. "Wow what tho douce aro vou driving at?" Bayard cried. "Oh, nothing, stammered Kollog. "There Is Orlnsdrath. Kxcuso me! I must seo him." And oil' ho rushed. In a rather disturbed me, but I find I do not love you as I thought. I nm to marry Sig d'Angellettl this morning, and sail at once for Italy. Indeed I wish you a better wife than yours sin cerely, Fanny Oilman. Quite blankly young Bayard stood anil stared at the letter. Thci over him rushed a quick, hot sensation of mortification, of Insulted pride. But this was soon succeeded by a rapturous iluh of freedom. Let her go her fortune also! He would marry little Vera now! To be sure, he had not much to marry on. The b train of a summer outing hud quite shattered his slen der income. If lie were only as wealthy as Will, now Will, who, wero he mar ried, could literally emblazon his wife with jewels, should he choosr, and live at Newport In tho summer and Florida in the whiter. Blessed Will! Well, he would go down and marry Vera Hay no anyway, and trust to luck to keep a roof over their heads. Perhaps he could manugu to knock a few thousand out of (lid Hayue; perhaps Will would bleed a little; perhaps oh, the future must take care of itself! With which blissfully bohemian resolution lie went back to the lakes. He had been awuy a fortnight a year it seemed when he alighted at the fumiriarstutiou. Another train had just pulled in. He stood on the platform, gnzing at the passengers surging into the Pullman car. Suddenly his heartstrings gave an agonizing tug. There greut heayens, It could not be! He positively glared at the young follow in the light gray suit at the slender, star-eyed little creature in tho dainty traveling costume of stem-green surah. They wero passing. They saw him paused. "How aro you, Vivian?" cried Will, with tho bonhomie of a thoroughly happy man. "Vera my wne, you Know aim i are go ing to Saratoga for awhile, and then to Europe for a few months. There is our train, love." Mrs. Will Bayard bowed, smiled, and passed on, entered the Pullman car with her husband and was whirled away. Saturday Night. bTATi: ov Ohio, City ofTolkdo,! Lucas County, S. S. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that lie is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing busi ness in tho elLv-afCnlviHiiivryalH firm will pay tho sum or ONE HUNDBED DOLLABS for each and'every case of catarrh that can not bo cured by the use of Hull's Cu tarrh Cure. Fuank J. Chunky. Sworn to before mo and subscribed in my presence, tills Cth day of De cember, A. D., 188G. skal. A W. Gleasox, Nntnrv Pnlillf. Hall's Catarrii Cure is taken in ternallv and acts directly on the blood ind mucus surfaces of tho sys tem. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney & Co. Toledo, 0. Sold by druggists, price 75 cents. The Chief Benton for MO great 8U& sess of Hood's Sarsaparllla Is found In th Article Itself. It Is merit that wins, and thi fact that Hood's Sarsaparllla actually ac complishes what Is claimed for it, Is what has given to this medicine a popularity and sale creator than that of any other sarsapv Mpn-it Win rllIa or bl00d pnrt IVien l Will!) flcr before the public Hood's Sarsaparllla cures Scrofula, Salf Rheum and all Humors, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Biliousness, overcomes That rircil Feeling, creates an Appetite, strength ins the Nerve, builds up tho Whole System Hood rinrxnpnrilln Is sold byall drug Isls. SI ; six for 55. Prepared by 0. 1. Hoo Ui., Apothecaries. Lowell. Mast. The Best Residence Localities In tlio citv of Portland uinl oilier prosperous towns nro those owned by men or corporations who hiivo the disposition mid ability to improve lliein. NEW TO-DAY. IE HANGING LAMPS THOMAS BURROWS Hns Just received a new line of the latest style of hanging lamps which will be sold at the most reasonable rates. Wo alo carry n full Hue of Groceries, Feed, Cigars, Tobacco, Crockery and Glassware ! Don't fall to sample our new lino of con Icctlonery. No. 220 Commciclal Street, Salem, Oregon, John A. Carson, COUNSELOR, ATTORNEV-AT-LAW AND NOTARY PUIJLIC . Member of tho Bar of Ontario, Canada. Olllce, 0Htnto Street, Salem, Oregon. KKKEUENCKS Ai' TORONTO: Hon. HlrThomns Gnlt, Chief Justice of Common l'lcus; Hon. Jiinics Alcl.er.nnn, Judgoof the Court of Appeals; Hon. W. 1". U. Street, Judge of tho Queen's, Bench. Atoney to loan. Tmr ouiiiuurunr "Gummy HIGHLA TION IS OWNED BY-- THE Mm mm ! And tli is Corporation is determined to Male iTie OS Attractive t To the city of Salem. They have at this time fifteen teams employed and the contemplated improvements havo scarcely begun. It is intended to muke the drive loading from Commercial street through Riverside nnd High land additions and around Highland Park THE FINEST DRIVE IN THE STATE Of Oregon. The Hue of the Salem Street Railway Company runs through the middle of this addition, nnd no ots will be more than two blocks distant from the line. Highland Park will in the uenr future be THE MOST POPULAR RESORT ABOUT THE CITY OP SALEM. Lois in Highland Ailditon arc High and Dry and Well Located; Most Excellent Drainage The soil is black and rich. From all points a fine view is obtained of the public buildings and our highest mountain peaks. Arrangements arc already being made for the location of two churches in this addition, and a numberof residences are soon to be built. Buildings only of the best class will be permitted. Residence lots within tho limits of the city of Snlem are worth on an average over 1000. We can sell you better lots in High land addition for one-third of the money, and being directly on tho Hue of the street railway they are practi cally not half so far from tho public buildings and the business part of the town as the majority of the so called "inside lots." Buy a Lot in Highland Addition for Three Hundred Dollars, And let some other fellow pay $1000 for an inferior lot not so well located, build a beautiful cottage, or put it out at a rate of interest- that will buy tickets every year. With the difference of .$700 you can you nearly two thousand street car Is Consumption Incurable? Read the follewing: Mr. C. H Morris, Newark, Ark., says: "Was down with Abscess of Lungs, and friends and nlivsieinns lirniinnn .! mo an Incurable Consumptive. Be gan taking Dr. King's Now Discov. cry for Consumptlou, nm on my third bottle, and able to oversee tho work on my farm. It Is t.lm iii.. iiicuiciiio ever maue." Jesso Middlewart, Decatur, Ohio says: "Had it not been for Dr. King's NcwTJiscov'cry for Consump tion I would have died of Lutiir Troubles." Try it. Sample bottle free at Daniel J. Fry's drugstere: TIIK VKUUluT UNAMMUl'S. Y;,1X S.!',lt' DrK8Wi JMpims. Intl.. testifies: "I can recomiiionii vf.wii.-i. Bitters as tho very best remedy. Every bottle sold has given relief In every case. Ono man took six bottles and was cured of Rheumatism of 10 years' standing." Abraham Have. drugg Ht, Belleville, Ohio, affirms: "Hie best selling medicine 1 have uver iiauiiieu in my at years' experi ence, is Electric Bitters." Thousands of others havo added their testimo ny, bo that tho verdict is uuunlmous that Electric Bitters do ram nil .ur eases of the Liver, Kidneys or Blood. Only a half dollar a botllo at Daniel J. l-ry's drugstore. liurkleu'M Armca Salve. The best salve In tho world for outs, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rneuin, lever sores, tetter chapped hands, chilblains, corns and nil M.-i.. eruptions, and positively cures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed iiifjivo ponocisausiacilon, or money relunded. Price 1M cents per box. x-ur saie oy jjaniui .1, Kry, gist. Or the Assassination of DR. PATRICK HENRY CR0N1N HENKY IVI. HUNT. The Greatest Sensation of the" A Ml QV. It Is the only complete and nuthentlo book on the subject, Brimful or liltlierto unpublished rncts nnd contains docu ments never befoio given to tho world. 1'iofUsely Illustrated with original nnd nncly executed ocffruvlngs of the prlncl- l)nl llCLOrs nnil Rrwnna In tl.n ... 1... I. addition, a view of tho court mom duniiK the prosrcbs of tho trial; of tho weapons with which tho unfortunuto physician met Ills into. A valuable pictorial history of this i;re-it-est of modern crimes. Kverybody' wants this book. It A BONANZA FOR AGENTS. Strtkowhllo the Iron Is hot I This Is tlio S iLi 5 i""" nuthentlo edition pul- ; kz: ;"'" pases. AgeniF aroheu Inp from ten to tlfty copies a day and are ...... ...H i.iuacj, ncim -ni cents ror com- plcto canvassing outfit Immediately and name cholco of territory. Address THE HISTORY COMPANY, No. 721 SInrkct Street, San Frauclsco, t'al TTmrmiimTSTurarr A first-class Variety llauvr will bo opened up In tho uow brick bul.dlnir Just iinwiund's, on Court street. cast of Dr. A Select Line of Variety Goods Aro expected Immediate! I'JISUTU uu tontshlnglv V illfnnf flSIM 41. n KasU'ru markets that will be sold at as- LOW PRICES ! Watch for further announcements con cerning opeului; day. OltEGONUN RAILWAY CO. (Limited Line.) CIIAS. X SCOTT, - - Small Farms for Sale. A numbet of ten-acre tracts of desirable nnd within one and a half miles of Salem, at prices ranging from SO to S100 per acre. Apply to WILLIS & CHASIBEItLIN, 0-20-Im Opra House lJlock rJ0KT?2OTCT3BTaS" Dealers In every variety of OREGON LUMBER. DRESSED AND UNDRESSED! Lumber Delivered on Short Notice. Yardlltthn Afrlnilitnrnll frti.lro Onl.n. Oregon. Mill located four nnd a ha'lf miles' northeast from Salem, on the John Martin donation land claim. Slab Wood 50c Per Cord, Call and seo us before purchasing elso w iicrG. d"W Iterrlvcr. .i' nndnftcrJuneSI Inland until further notice trains will run dally (except Sun day) us follews: EAST SIDE. CohurgMull From 1'oit. land Lv. I.v drug- MEUIT WINS. We desire to miv ) mr ,iii,.,o . -, "... v.iiAviiq iV i-V yi tW0 "uvo k'" Belllmj . ixiiiji a umv discovery lor uon sumntlon, Dr. Klnu'sNew Life Pills, Bucklen's Arnica Salvo and Electric Bitters, and have never handled remedies that will iw w,.ii ,, h... have given such universal satlsfae- lain. vo uo not 4 statu of mind, Mr, Hayard went out, lumped in a hack and was driven to his bachelor apartments. Un his table hu found quite a stout; of mull, amonir It a highly perfumed vpUtle incited on mon- THIS P-VPKIl u k.l " "ltt u ouramtHl ecru iwiier. a..,cv m ?.,!.., !K'i!f!?'Sli "Vlvhm denr." It ran. "do forulva lif'i'V.'.h l,P!r"!' rowntmcu , ..,.-, ,-t,-,w--t "! inrci " u '4v (ynj. uesuaio to guar- autec tuemeverv tiuu ami ut.v!,h.,i ready to refund thu purchase price. If satisfactory results do not follow their use, Thetm remedies have won the r great Mpularitv purely on their merits. Sold by Daniel J. Fry, druggist. "" Ar 8.00 am d.m p in 10.00 10..V1 n.o,- 11.10 11.25 11.!!.) lilO liSO il.:i5 lilt 1.1W l.Sl) 5.50.; '21 ' 3.13 3.1S 3A5 Ml V-07 6:55 0.SO p 111 iPortl'd -Mall STATIONS. iTuw'rd I'ort land toutini) v&w vAr. 3.i5.pm, w "i r mrtci C. M. L0CKW00D, SALEM, ... OREGON, Headquarters for tho Willamette Valley for the cele jrutcd Columbia bicycles and trleyclei. Tho rn iimiiin. nm ..ti i. ........ nro the best made, and havo valuable im provements lor tho year Those wnntlnir machines will do well to call on or eorrc point with mo before i.nrclinslnjr. Olllce at Ullbert. llrru.x l.ii.l,- ow . merclal street, Salem. ' " W. S. MOJT, M. D. (Formerly or Williams Grove, l'a.) Ofllco for tho present at KKSIDENCE, No. 470 Commercial Street! ATTENTION FARMERS! Single lots and acres. Ono half mile West ofbaleml'.O. Good soil, nil clear and in fr?,?. n,dlt oni ,AU rendy fer Plnntlne fruit nnd shrubbry at once. Kach piece fronts on a nice street, and no city tux. THOMAS & PAYNE 8r STATE ST. SALEM. Call and See T. J. CRONISE, Salem's Popular Job Printer, AT HIH NEW QUARTERS IN THE , .S1'6 Insurance Uuildlng, Cor. Com merclal and Chemekete streefi '0-ltf Calls In tho city or from tlio country promptly responded to. 8-16dw2m wmtory of Music ltav's ljiinllii- St.I'aul's, Woodburn, Towiiscnd, MUAiiBd, Down's, Hllverton. Johuston's Mill Hultzorliind. iistBldoJunet., Jlaclcny, Aumsvllle, Alo ' O I'Crossluif, West Bclo, Crnbtrce. Hpleei, Tallmau, l'lalnvlew. llrowusvllle, llovlaud, Ar Oobunr. AH I.V IXimmutlon Tickets at t wo Ly 2.3S 1.10 1.15 1.10 12.M iaa l''J0 11.15 1MU u,ss ll.lt lais iaa 10.10 10.00 o.:u 0.02 8'IU 7.12 &: ti-oa n m wi 1110 Willamette University Salem, Ore- r,"v;"";"""' """T" Jiusic ecnoiii on ho Northwest Coast. Cours.es In nuislo nro equal to Eastern music schools. Year y "S teudnnco of nearly ono hundred nnd tlfty Ihoablocorpsoftaehers for ti10 cuintne school year will bo l'rof. .. M. farvi, I.cona Willis, Jl Us Eva Cox- asslstaiit teachers. MIss'LuIu M , 8inltlXilsJ jli lly l"arlsh,aud Miss JIumloI'arvln. orcan, lolln, Ino Oreuu. linrinonv Counterpoint, and Class 'ttnientiis" 5 ' iJ.V i0Ui"a Hl;c" on "'Plctlon of coun-o .Vciid for ca iilpeuo and circular. . M I'AltVIN. 7-i)d3m.wlin. Kansas House, Corner ot Court and High Sts. E,'M, LAW, Proprietor, best tho iiuirint. nftni.fi i., ... ". cordial welcome to Our 'hS me. ' Terms InfH10- O'vousa call and wo will do No Chinese employed. A BARGAIN, If you, have 8200 or 8300 to Invest lu a business that will Clear You from $5 to $15 a Day. Commercial and State streete. corner ol JOSEPH FTJSCH. LOANS. Loans negotiated and closed without de. lay when security isbatlsfactoiyiml Title Good ! Principal nnd Interest payable at our fcalem otllce. Loans i.uidd Ton t,vw , p" Money Ready When Papers Completed BLACKSM1TIIIM and WAGONMAKM. JHLVtI'lI,TUE RELIABLE BLACK ff, mltn!. nas removed his shon to s rce?srneTn5erclal.ana Ch"mePkeU miblip' hSJ""1 ready, to servo the evertod?iiiiw P,eP"red better than cerioao all kinds ofwaeon andcnrrlnn ?.m"n,n.S nd repalnnff. nnd a nnnni ...... w. . - n . rm Jie nas ail kinds horse shoelnn SJgSM'ff" Jrot ins hn5 'SS&Z&SSi :? '"V" ' a scientluo manner Knrlnl attention given to tho constracUon ofi1 uux uiiu nirr nirna i.--,i . ; opposite StA fr;,v""c. "'.Y,eI.-lBe P'aco Insurnnce building. nrV.w,shln-' loans for iniprovemeiits SLl'5 aro r"luS?.ti.d toc-ulloiiiigo?ci J! W3UT11 HAMILTON. Booth, mi state St., respond. OllU with Duncan mucin, uregon. L. S. WINTERS, THE PEOPLE'S QROOER nmvna.,se.,.c.e.t.?0f nimlly groceries and Kind! hand. provision thutnret.nlri at. rA.?nnnifit..T UkTn,3P?u.ce;8Uch ns nPPlos.frnlta of " WMU OUVCl, OUIUII1. oeuts por NEW LIYEKY STAKLK. Gaines Fisher, Proprietor. Corner Kerry nnd Liberty streets, N. E. cor from Chemekete hotel, Salem, Or. Good accommodations for commercial tru elers. Klrt-class rig always on hand Charges reasonable New Fish Market. Allen Rhodes hasestnbllshed a nun. fc-ii. OIv bin. o JLfn Y ""' "'"c. nmnimiunii..i.'u om . ,...,, ...,clluru lo T. H. EASTOiVS Salem Music Store our order will be ss-im stations havllug agents. mllo ou mile at ... ,, rluec,lV,,?,?tM, A"Kcl w'n t! rr nndfmm WI holt Allnerul Hprlngiimdut wHlburn with Southern I-aclllo company trUlllS foraild IVlllll IHlrlljin.l llr i"o-tipd,yi9at T ' New Express Wagon. H1LL1AM JI0LC0MB Ha btnrted a new express wacou mid U thlTdSSSf ndf '!Ver 'SW "" from lue ucixit, uud to uny uurt of ilia div notice, New Butcher Shop AT NO. llO STATE ST. axgkyixeTjefferson. lu.h-,,,!w,c,l.ul' fln.tla butcher shi. . . ,v fflMU Willi ItO CHOICEST AM) RENT SIE-VfH of.fil! k.,.nd Umt ll10 iuruetuilrdt' Headquarter for Chlckerlnc i.Vinfc..WHi P"5y na Emerson iMtiuiiienu: w ""e UnfttU8 t Bon's, Cash or 94 State 0-12dw Street, Patton's Block. uierlorlt y of tholr incus. frUooiUdellm, coHvlnc.,i(,riiie BUCKSMITIIIXG and HORSESHOEING. SffllRIPOB i?. ?: " nnd w An,V.fH,l""nro nw ready for work, ;m n'T "V" '" mends are Invited t State stree A v can unit t..i ii in .. --vw ?' ua iicii n7. " j"t cw looauon, wt tuiiyiub secured nmrerogM. .i.tr.