v V. SUBSORIBE ron A.DVER riSE' IN THE CAPITAL JOURNAL CAPITAL i JOURNAL. THE CAPITAL JOURNAU TIlU BEST PAPElt IN SALEM. IT Wl1.lt UK A GOOD INVESTMENT. -You will he well pleased with lt.fl r!J -Tho Terms nro Most HcnsonnblcCW m h VOL. 2. SALEM, OTtEGON. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1889. NO. 208. I Abstracts. -For reliable and correct- ABSTRACT OF TITLE, Call on Hip- Salem kirn ami knJ tap F E. any, AUSTIN, Manager. NO. 221 COMMERCIAL STREET, SALEM, OREGON. The only complete set of Abstracts in Marion county. Mo ami ore w DM. -O- P. O. Box 200. GEO. K. SMITH, PROPRIETOR II NSTALLMENT HOOSK ! -DEALER IN FURNITURE, Window Shades, Wall Paper, Pictures, Mirrors, Moldings, Frames, Baby Carriages, Wagons, Rugs, Stationery. Notions, Holiday Goods, Croquet Sets. Hammocks, Etc. Tents, Awnings, Etc. made to order and kept constantly ou hand. 307 COMMERCIAL STREET (BANK BLOCK), SALEM, OREGON. -0 J6Goods of all kinds sold on the regular installment plan In the city at Smith's Auction House, corner of Liberty and State streets, Salem, Or. CASHMERES. 40c, 50c, GOc, 75c, 00c and ?1 a yard. A large assortment of good values. Ladies' cloth and waterproof. VELVETS. Our lines can't bo duplicated in the city. All shades, styles and prices are represented. FLANNELS. Small plaids, good quality, 25 cents a yard, a better quality and a larger plaid for COc, 75 and $1. Light white flannels 15c a yard, worth 2-c, better onesatSOc, -10c and 50c. worth 45c, 50c and 75c. Also red, pink and blue flannels,' a nice fresh assortment. TOWELS. Gooa linen towels at SI a dozen, sold every where else for $1.25. These are goinc fast. Damask towels at 20c, worth 25. Fine Turkish bath towels, white and colored, 25c. These prices are within the reach of everybody. A WORD TO THE MEN. When you get ready to buy your winter underwear, call at the Capital Adventure Com pany's Store. You will save money thereby. See if you don't. We have Oiled and ltubber Coats and Leggins, Rubber Boots and Shoes, and everything else you need to make yu com fortable. CLOTHING. Men's Youths' and Boys' Suits aud Over; coats, all styles and sizes. We can suit the Laborer and Me-' cbanic as well as the most fastidious. A new line of umbrellas just received, cambric and silk covers. Get our prices. These Finer corsets ut SI. $1.60 CORSETS. "Little Beauty," 50c, "Pasadena," 7oc are good articles, and very clicap, and . a large line. BSfEverybody who trades at the Opera House Corner goes away pleased. O CAPITOL AMENTUM COMPANY Willi WU, SALEM, - OREGON. Lunn &, Brown, 239 Corner State and Commercial Sts, Call Special Attention to their Fine Lines of ladles', Misses' and Children's CLOAKS. REMEMBER WE ARE THE ONLY ONES HAILING Springer Bros.' Cloaks, Morper Dernuurger & Cos.' Cloaks, Philadelphia Cloak and Suit Cos.' Cloaks. ed of the very-latest patterns aim ih. - - you in style, fit and price. Come and see them. We also make specialties of DRESS GOODS, KRAUSSE & KLEIN Carry t-u Laruest, Line of . Boots and Shoes COMPRISING- JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Groceries, Faints, Oils and Window Glass, "Wall Fa pcr and IJordcr, Artists' Ma terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fcnco rosts, Grass Seeds, Etc, NEW TO-DAY. Miss Jennie M. Long, AT THE OPERA HOUSE ON Wednesday Evening, Nor. G, Will kWo nn entertainment of eliolco read ings and recitation, Including the Chariot Race from Ben Ik AI.SO TRANSLATION FROM TIIE GERMAN nv . GENEVIEVE WARD. Admission 33c. Itoiervcd seats 50c, Mox scat at l'aiton's book store. Grand Concert I MUSICAL AND LITERARY! Opera. Hou.se, OCTOBER 20, 18S9, Tho following well-known performers will take part: MTSSKS PAWUSIT, "WILLIS. SCKIM3K, riCOTT, HALL And others. Choruses by tho M. K. choir. PROF. Z. M. PARVIN, Director. Ticket now on snlo nt J'ntton'H book storo. All KentH&OcentH. Tho eomblno being minwui .-...., Key WiHt Cigars unit clB.irottii nt tho old lrirnM. uvh t'rit m niruia bvih. prices, oysters oi hours for 25 cents. Fine Private nil Dining Rooms fiirf.imllle. U. W. Hellcnbmnd. "jnpr'c lur. llcllcnbmnd's outing parlors, No a Commercial strcot, ron ham:. LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. SIIK SOIH1IIT NOTOltHTTY. A flirt Who Was Very Anxious to Cow hide Somebody. Willow Sritixas, Mo., Oct. iJ-3. Travis Tnylor. a iiilddlc-nged man with a wlfo u'tul two children, tho other tiny wrote n nbto to Miss Fan nfe Osborne, daughter of n respect able fanner living just out of town, asking her to elope -villi him. Tho girl aud her mother brought tho let ter to town yesterday and showed it to friends, aud upon tho advice and encouragement of a large number of citizens tho girl purchased a cowhide and went to find Taylor, ilbo found him in tho olllce of it hotel, but Miss Osborno was prevented from strik ing him by tho landlord. Taylor put himself In clmrgo of Justice Young for protection. Young start ed to accompany Taylor home, but was stopped by tho girl nnd her mother. They began whlpplngTny lor, but Young seized the cowhldo and arrested tho girl. He placed her under a bond, which was quick ly tiled by a largo number of indig nant eltlzuns, aud as soon as tho Justlco eamo out of his ofilco tho girl proceeded to wallop him with the cowhldo iu tho presence of a largo aud appreclativo audience. Tho Justico did not again place tho girl under arrest. W1IKAT mtOWKKS. They lso ft large stock xr....t. rt.ivUnml Youth's Calf. Kin and Nailed Hoots, of Men's Calf Button, Congress and Gaiter Shoes of tho Latest aud Best Styles aud Finish. -O- FIVE HUNDRED DOZEN t Ladies', Misses' and Children's French, Kid,' ifebblo Omit, C.Kld, Don gola Shoes, Sandals, Slippers, Ties, Etc. Bargains In all Lines. KEATJSSE & KLEIN, 211 Commercial Street. Staple, and Fancy Dry Goods, and CARPETS 239 Corner State and Commercial Streets Ben Forstner k Co. We will sell lower than ever before Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hate and w Rubber and Oil Clothing, Blankets and Quilts. Wo also have the best and largest stock of ft IN KOMIS AND AMMUN IUN I SSTCome and see us before purchasing elsewhere and save money ! 17V3II HALK-Ono horse, double set har 1' iicss, one fiirm wagon, ono 10-lncli steel plow nnd ono grlndntono, Inqulro ut Kronen laundry comer or Ohemckotii nnd Slimmer streets. A New Dressmaker. MRS. F. A. CRUMP, A Now York Modiste, who litis hud llftccn years' experience In Cutting and Fitting Would bo pleased to bco tho ladle of Sa lem at her rooms, No. 401 Summer street, corner of Marlon. j) New. Express Wagon. J. O. HARRIS iTnuutiirtAii n new Exnrcss wagon nnd Is now prepared to deliver goods Ut all parts ol tho city, baggage to and from tho depot on short notice" Give him u call and your order will bo promptly attended to. Miss Leona Willis, TEACHEIt OF MUSIC. Hold n Very Important Conven tion at St. I.ouls. Sr. Louis, Oct. 2o. Wheat-growers oi tho Mississippi valley as sembled here yesterday to organlzo for future action. Walter N. Allen, president of tho Funnel's' Federa atlon, called tho meeting to order aud made a lengthy speech on the needs of fannors. Ifo said: "If farmers would organlzo like manu facturers to control product Ion and regulate tho output In tho public market, they could, In common with all producers, set tho prlco of their own products Irrespective of cLuor.tirnriiintinn or the, Dowor oW voidable tendency to tho presont system Is to bring tho price down to tho lowest limit at which tho flood supply can bo produced. In order to avert impending ruin, wo must roverso this order of things. Tho power to establish the value of ono bushel of American wheat and one barrel of mess pork can control tho markets of the world. This power is to bo centralized agency of tho federated farmers of tho Mississippi valley." Other addresses were inailo iu a similar vein. Ex-Socretary of Agri culture Coleman was made perma nent chairman of tho convention. Show ut tho Eat. WlNCIIIMTKIt, Va. Oct. 121. It snowed most of tho day with tho thermometer near tho freezing point. Thirty-six years ago to-day snow fell to a depth of fourteen inches, breaking down trees and shrubbery. Reports from Staunton and Harri sonburg report that tho weather lias been extremely Inclement all day, alternately raining, hailing and Subject ADDITIONAL CITY NEWS. UNIVERSITY NOTES. Miss May Bolso of tho class of 89, and Miss Nettlo Meredith visited the school Thursday. N. E. Terry went down to Port land today, to tako in the exposi tion, He will return Monday. Prof. Van Scoy went to Corvallis yesterday morning, where ho will deliver a lecture iu tho evening. Lovi Mageo canto iu from Toledo, Monday and went down to Port land, toseo tho great fair before en tering school, Visitors have bcon very numerous during this week. Come again friends wo welcomo you and nro pleased to have yon seo what wo are doing. Tho academy rhetorlcals took place Thursday. Tho efforts of most of tho students showed duo preparation. The aventgo prepara tory student now feels relieved of n burden for another llvo weeka. The college rhctorlcali aro still progressing. Tho following aro some of tho orations of this week: F. J. Brown, "Intemperance;" 8. F. Belknap, "European Emigra tion;" J. J. Fitzgerald, "Insignia of Character:" Miss Mluuio Frlekey, "Knowledge and Its Power." Mrs. Chadwell, of Aberdeen, Wash, aud Mrs. Hiuisor, of Porno roy Wash, arrived in the city dur ing tho week to visit I heir sons who have becu quite ill, but. are Improv ing nicely at present. Tho gcnoral health of tho school is Improving and not nearly so much sickness is reported this week. J. West, a prosperous farmer, of Clatsop county, was iu tho city tho tirst oi tuc wcck, looiting alter prospi ty, wn lruit ig tho view of moving with his family to Salem. Ho succeeded in buying forty acres of land about two miles west of tho city, Ho was well pleased with Salem, and will booh movo his family here to enjoy tho advantage of Saloni's good schools of which she may well bo proud. Tho Phllodorlaus at their meeting last Friday evening, discussed tho question ltesolved that; "tho pulpit all'ords a better field for elo quence than tho bar." Tho ques tion was warmly debated ou both sides, Prof. ItorK aud Hon. E. H. Belknap, were present and Joined with tho boys In their dismission. Tho entertainment tho oyonlng of Nov. Oth, by Miss Long, teaohor of reading and olooutlon, iu tho WII lametlo university, bids fair to bo perfect in every detail. Miss Long has met with great success, East as ii mililln iviulur aud nromlscs Sulem ono of her best programmes. Tho Icrahl, thus closes nnlntli Evenlmr llcrald. thus an encomium on her reading there. "It Is not out of tho way for to say that Miss Long's efforts proved a literary and artistic success, anil sho well deserved tho crowded house." Tho Philharmonic choral class was reorganized last Monthly evening at tho conservatory parlors undor tho most favorable circumstances. The class was never bettor represented, both in numbers and musical talent. This class promises to bo ono of tho best entertaining features of tho coming season. They report oftlccrs as follews: Director, Prof. Parvin; president, L. F. Helluiapj Vlco presldcnt, Miss Suslo Harrington; secretary and treasurer, N. E. Perry. Mi:nioi)iHf Bkhvicim To-morrow morning at M. E. church. Sublect, "Adorning tho Gospel." Evening, Addresses to young people, A. rropeny i-oihcu v,um- snowing. Wm. Brown k Co, lessons ijlven In volco culture ami Hal Iunln8liiic. piano urn! oruun. Hpcchil at tention given to beginners. Can bo seen at tho Conservatory, or ut tho residence, cor ner of Center und Capitol streets. lOKJinl actor.?' All welcome. Salem Co-flperative STORE! Choice Groceries! CROCKLRY In White Gruite ml Dewateil Ware, Ghuaware, tc, Hee oaritoclcand pri. 136 BTATE STHKET, SALEM. Established 1868 1 The Oldest and Stauncltcst Between Sacra- atnto and t'oriiinu. LADD & BUSH, Bubti, ta BuilJiog, Salem, Oregon. DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, Leather and Findings. J, H. HAAS, Watchmaker and Jeweler, COMMERCIAL STKIJBT. KlniUchutf work imnrunteed. Olvo lilin a call und you will not regret It. 7-31 ml exchange .mb. kept, loan., iwmw, "ft on every part of " wnu -",,, eoueo 1-tteMOf credit '"" .'Yk. UniledSlatH'. nerval" e u PIANOS FOR BENT- New Haws bliop. . v Wiley UMOOnne. tkril.r- 1 v- 1 , cysz WOOL, CASH PAID FOR HIDES, PELTS, AND FURS. TbU Iwums rurrl a lnrg Mock of flrmt cIim gfid from tbe boil munufiictiirer In the world, and I prepared W ; give nallnfac llon.bolli In my uud quality, to every one m ho will purrlutMi godji m llirm, GEORGE WILKINS' NEW BUTOHEU SHOP On Liberty Urcet, acre tho bridge la North Halem. All klndu of ineaU kept ou band. "" No. 2:1 Commercljil Street, TUKItt UlSINthS BUUItlMI. Probably no ono tiling lmw canned bucii a irreai revival oi trnuu uv nun- II T T.'...l, It..... ut.r.mtl Mll.lr ll vlin IUI tit rif B lU(,nwiun ...-.. r---"0 away to their cuHtoincra m many free trial bottlea of Dr. ICIn' New Discovery for ConHimintlon. 'I heir trade In Biiiitily enormouln thlHvery valuablo"krtlclo from tho fact that it always cure and never dlnappoIntH. nriiiia. fvldn. Asthma. HronchitlM, Croup, and all throat and lung db uoum milrtUlv f-iiri'd. You call tit It iu.k.k. imvliiir liv frol I luir ii trial bot tkfree, largo hUj tl. Every bottle Thoy Helluva In Advertlnliitf, Indianai'oi.ih, Oct. 24. Tho Na tional AhHoclatlon of Manufacturers and Dcalorn In Proprietary Medl cincflat lt niiuuul meeting to-day elected It. N. Pierce of llulhilo prenldcnt. Among tho vlco-prehl-dcutH Ih C. H. Jiiui'Hof llloomiugtou, III. The liUHluew) of tho iiHMoclatlon laHt year wuh 2i,OW,000, of which 10,000,OfKJ waanpont In advertloluj.'. IJraldentown, Flu., him a genuine curiosity in tho Hhape of a threo legged pig. Tho little thing Ih per fect In every reaped, being the finest of ii litter or six, except that his left foreleg In absent, tho place where It should have been being marked by a boneless projection aboutan Inch lu length. Ho Deems to get around with perfect ease, and Is always ready wr a rrollc wltli ins little brother and sisters when they come around. Persons visiting Casco Island, Me,, rix-ontlv beard u sound like that which an old fashioned windmill mlulitsend forth Iu a galo They went to tho south side Island, where iliey witnessed tho astonishing sight of a pitched battln between a seagull aud a crow. Tho gray bird won, "knocking tho erow out so badly" that ho was easily captured by ono of the visitors. niHlurbiinceit ol tho peiieoful summer mieh ns Diarrhoea, dysentery mid cholera Infantum, promptly evicted by Wrlulil's blackberry cordial. Pold b all druKuinls You can't nlford to havo an oiroliijlv breath anil decayed Wit".,, Wright s Myrrh Tooth Hoap prevents both. Try It. Hold by all ilrilKUlstx. It lm been proven Unit Wright's lied Cro Cough Curt) eu.es Ihrimt and liinjc troubles of lonif slandluir, when all other romcdles falll Hold by all druexUts. Joliu Jones, a Norrlstown hunter, has shot with a small rlllo an owl shaped bird or bright yellow and white tints, with faco like a monkey nnd an ink mark on Its breast resembling a heart. A lurge fish hawk caught a three pound ImsH lu tho mill pond at liar monsburg, Pa., and arter Hying somo distance with It was obllucd to de scend, when It was frightened away and left it prey. Ono day recently, not having any tlilngpartlctilar to do, tho captain or aschooner lying luTampa bay count ed llie liumuur in suitrus in mK'", and he made tho figures 700. As ho Is crosseyed und nearsighted ho al lows that somo of the fish must havo got away whllo howuscouutlugiuid aro to bo lumped In at about fifty. Titmice, especially great tils, aro held lu gre.it horror by many boo keepers, who declare that they aro their greatest enemies, and accuso them of tupping til the entrances to tho hives and snapping up tho Mw I'ullo Plight Nenroiiiw nnd indlge- tionuy wngui iiop, y?'"i r...r'."r, u i ... .i, . wimt la ISIlllTS. A llt-anuiui Mllliiuiua.i.ii4 i no tlllljr vwiliu Hlfc lt iirvui v. . i .iIIm ktrti'iKtheiiliiK uud InvlKontUotf. Hold by Wiilsa r I. M i 1 .Two.BOod BKte" KMft3ro; ati4H. Ker inwrwurr UTH1MI pnf -- i. !.:. ORKOON WHrrailUll H. W,Cx. BA.M2M yfof y rf mmto er irt W rMe. -l m -