ppiiPiBppjupiy yppwpgigiipPlpywiPlipww1 w mm wumgmwpwp ippwuiL jmwHwywpf w wpwwwwhip"! SUBSCRIBE A.DVER riSE IS THE CAPITAL JOURNAL IT WII.I. llti A GOOD INVESTMENT. a-The Terms nro Most ltcnsonnblcrW THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, CAPITAL JOURNAL. TUB BEST PAPER IN SALEM. 03-You will be welt pleased with lt.- VOL. 2. SALEM, OREGON. TIITJKSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1880. NO. 20G. Abstracts For reliable ABSTRACT -Call Salem Abstract and Land Company F E. AUSTIN, Manager. NO. 221 COMMERCIAL STREET, SALEM, OREGON. ft"The only complete set of Abstracts In Marion county. P. O. Box 260. GEO. K. SMITH, SMITH'S INSTALLMENT HOUSE! DEALER IN- FURNITURE),'' Window Shades, Wall Paper, Pictures, Mirrors, Moldings, Frames, Baby Carriages, Wagons, Rugs, Stationery. Notions, Holiday Goods, Croquet Sets. Hammocks, Etc. Tents. Awnings, Etc. made to order and kept constantly on band. 307 COMMERCIAL STREET (BANK BLOCK), SALEM, OREGON. O -Goods of all kinds sold on the regular installment plan in the city at Smith's Auction House, corner of Liberty and State streets, Salem, Or. Miss Leona Willis, TEACHER OF MUSIC. Lessons given In voice culture and Ital ian singing, piano and orgun. Special at tention given to beginners. Can be been at the Conservatory, or at the residence, cor ner of Center and Capitol streets. 19-lflml For success at the CAPITAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, Salem, - Oregon. A. P. Armstrong, Mngr. B. L. Wiley, Prln. Business, Shorthand, Tjpnrritinj, Fumuisip Mi Ingliik ItpirtmmU- Day and evening Sessions. Students admitted any tioi--. Call at the College or address the Principal for catalogue. City Tax Notice. The Salem city taxes sure now due and payable ot ray office with Williams fc En- fland. Taxpayers will please govern bemselves accordingly. E. J. SWOFFOKD. City Tax Collector. Real Estate AND INSURANCE. Having removed my office to 85 State street,! am now better prepared than ever to do a rushing ALSO Fire and Accident Insurance Written in the best companies doing busi ness In Oregon. Call on me at once. Isaac A, Manning, 95 State Street Notice to Cannery Men! A large Cannery and Fruit Drying estab lishment would do well at Aumsvllle, Or egon, as plenty of pears, plums, prunes and cherries, raspberries, blMclcbejrtes, also plenty of green corn, peas uud tomo toos could be obtained for canning purpo ses. There U a grand opening here f such n establishment. AUMSVILLE Is located In the midst of a good grain, fruit ana siock coouniry. For further particulars address: T. H. MADISON, Aumsvllle, Marlon county.Or. 10-10dwlm GEORGE WILKINS' NEW BUVOHBR SHOP Oa Liberty lU-eet, across the bridge la North Jeta. AUWniUoweaUkeptou ksd. -" (jctucctte Real Estate Business nud correct OF TITLK, on the- PROPRIETOR K Established 186B! The Oldest and Slaunchest Between Sacra mento anil Portland. LADD& BUSH, ' Bankers, Iron Building, Salem, Oregon. Accounts kept, loans made, exchange, on every part of the world bought and sold, letters of credit Issued to travelers, collec tions made throughout the United States, Dritlsh America and Mexico, state, connt and city warrants cashed. Wo oiler pat rons accommodations consistent with con servative banking. l(K)tw3t WM. SARGEANT, DEAI.EK IN fall Paper, Pictures 1TRAMBS, MOULDINGS, BRACKETS, TOYS, FANCY GOODS. Commercial Street, Salem, 0i. .New Ha Tl V IVILrhnnnnirnflnn fit nclr nt ITnr- nessund Saddlery on hand and invites the public to rail and inspect his stock. uepair nuri. u npwmu j. 23-4 Commorolal Streot.Sulsm NEW RESTAURANT! MRS. A. C. LEABO ' Has taken charge of the W. C. T. U. read ing room, and hus started a first-class res taurant in connection with the same, for A GOOD MEAL Give bera call. No Chinese ore employed. Kverythlng about the establishment Is neat and clean and in good order. Hoard by the day, week or single meal. Call at the Opera House building, Court street, Halem, Oregon. FOR SALE. A Span of Mules ! Wagon and Set of Harness! A BARGAIN FOR SOMEBODY Call at this office for particular. A. A. OSBORN lias 208 acred of The Best Pasture Land in the State, One mile from the bridge In IoIk county. lartlea wishing pastor will address ' A.A.OSUOKN,iialiu, Shop Capitol, Adventure Company -p- CASHMERES. 10c, 60c, G0c,'-75c. 00c nnil vl n yard. A large assortment of good value?. Ladles' cloth nud waterproof. VELVETS. Our Hues can't be tlupliuntctiiln the clty.sjAll ullmlrtQ tarvlpa nnrl rrlmwi nru mrnvwjnnriWl. A 9rf9 FLANNELS. Small plaids; a oeuer quality anu a larger piniu ,ior oue,. to aim t. ijignifc whlto llaunels 15c n yard, worthflfc better onesut30e, 40c and 50c, worth 45c, 50a and 75c. Also red, pink and blue llaunels, a nice fresh assortment. TOWELS. Good lluen towelsj'at $1 a clpzcn, sold every where else for $1.25. Thesoare goliYc'fiist. Damask towels at 20c, worth 25. Flue Turkish bajth towels, whito mid colored, 25c. These prices are within tho reach of evoryuody. Jk- A WORD" TO THE MEN. When you gU ready to buy iV- J'our winter uuderwear, call; lit f-VtjD Capital Adventuro Com pany's Store. You will save riidrtey thereby. See if you don't. We have Oiled and Rubber" Coats and Lcggins, Rubber Boots v aud Shoes, and everything else you ueed to. make y.'ti com i? forcible". ' CLOTHING. Men's Youths' and Boys Suits and Over coats, ''all Htyles and sizes. We can suit the Laborer and Me chanic as well as the most fastidious. A now line of umbrellas just received, cambric and silk covers. Get our prices. CORSETS. ''Little Beauty,'' 50c, "Pasadena," 75c. These are good articles, and very cheap. Finer corsets at $1, $1.60 aud $2. A large line. BSTEverybody who trades at the Operu House Corner goes,,, away pleased. "r ' T"- -O- CAPITOL ADVENTURE COMPANY, SALEM, KRAUSSE '.. -JLXrriMhe. LfC&L,Liuf of , - ,- Boots an COMPRISING Men's'Boy's and Youth's Calf, Kip and Nulled Boots. Also a largo stock of Men's Calf Button, Congress and Gtdter Shoes of the Latest and Best Styles and Finish. -O- PIVE HUNDRED DOZEN Ladies', Misses' and Children's French, Kid, Pebble Goat, C. Kid, Don goia Shoes, Sandals, Slippers, Ties, Etc. Bargains in all Lines. KRAUSSE & KLEIN, 211 Commercial Strcnt. School Books A complete Hue of STATIONERY, ALBUMS. GOLD PENS AND FANCY LEATHER GOODS AT J. BENSON STARR'S NO. 08 STATE STREET Wm. Brown k Co, DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, CjgO r ,i J3.X goqd quality, 25 cents a ynrd.'f OREGON. xxacxnctfMas&j & KLEIN SALEM, OREGON. Leather and Findings. CASH PAID FOR WOOL, HIDES, PELTS, AND FURS. This liouse carries a large sUx:k of first- cisas gooas irom me oesi iiianuiacturers in the world, aud Is prtiirtl to give salUfae t Ion, both In stye aud quality, U eitry one who will purchoMj goods ol them, No. 2J1 Commercial Street, 8AUBM . r . OKBOOft Shoes ! JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Groceries, Pninis, Oils and 'Window Glnss, "Wall Pa per and llorder, Artists' Ma terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence Posts, Grass Seeds, Etc, NKW TO-lhYY. Grand Concert MUSICAL AND LITERARY! V.Opera JHou.se, OCTOBER 29, 1880, $ The following well-known performers will take part: MISSES PABHlSH, WILLIS. SOMBER, SCOTT, HALL Ami others. Choruses by the M. K. choir. PROF. Z, M. PARVIN, Director. Tickets now on ruIo lit ration's book stoio. All "cuts OOcents, A New Dressmaker. MRS. F. A. OBUMP, A New York MoillHto, w ho litis hud lll'toeii years' cxpciienec In Cutting and Fitting Would bo plenscil to see tho liulles of Sa lem nt hor rooms, No. -101 Summer stieel, comer of. Marlon. New Express Wagon. J, O. HARRIS tins started u new Kx piths wni;on aud is now prepared to deliver Koods to nil parts ol theclty, biiKgiiKO to uudfiom llio depot on short notlee. (Jive him a cull uud your order wll bo promptly nttcmled to. I'Olt HUNT. AMAKllIKl) COUl'MJ or two ladles or two gentlemen mny obtain, ul reiiKou utile rates, cood board with u nicely fur nished suite, of rooms In u lino locality, com enlent to the street uirs, by culling at .1(17 Winter stifet. rait sai.i: tut i.i!Ai:. i.tOll HAIiK OH I,KA8K. Who wants to ' purehusoor leusoimnw mill? Addiess Ml. II., this olllco. Il-Udwlw i'oh ham: I.10H MAlili. A I'AHM OK 3J0 ACUIW I1 nil under fence uud cultivation. In the best riinuo country of liusteni ureiton. The best chuueo ever ottered for a mini to engagu In stock rulslng. l'or particulars caiion or address W. H. I1YAHS, Bulcm, Oregon. ho(;ii:tv noticics. KNUmT8()I'IYTJIIAH.-Hegulur meet ing on Tuesday night of each ueek lit T: ft) p. m. I.. It. BriNHON, O. 0. w. a. a. wati:hh, iv.orn.undn. 0I.IVK1.OIXU: No. 18, I. O. O. !'., meets In Odd Kel lows' aullu)i stul rs. (,'oniei Commercial nnd Kerry streets, every HuU urdayut7:.'i0p. m. J. T. OHKUO. WM. CI.AHICi:, HecrcUiry. N. U, f J A. It. Hedgwlck I'ost, No. 10, Depurt " incnt of Oregon, meets every Monday evening at tho hall over iho Oregon Uuid company's olllu-. Visiting comiudes an cordially Invited to attend. A. W. I)iiAY(Ji:ii. I'ost Com madcr. Ji. K. Houtii wick, Adjutu it. t'KOI'KSSIONAI. CAHDS. U B.HKliry, iUllK H. HKIIK. r 8. HICIKKAtVL-Dentlstry ,-I'alnless 1 j, extraction oftieth with new process. Also gold crowns made and set. Ilrlek dental olllco neur opera house, Hiilem, Or. f J, till A W, attorney at law, Halem, Ore ' gou. OIIlcu upstairs In the ration block. UYHICIAN.-MHH. Oil. il. K. MCCOY I physlclun and surgeon, h.is Iix-ultd and taken rooms over Kmlru Farrar's grmery store. Chronic diseases a spcr Tulty. Consulliitlou free. l-'Jldw lir J'. W1I.MA.MH, HTKNOUKAl'IIKIt H, and 'typewriter Oipyist. Will make reKrts of dials, etc.; copying on tyix wrlteraecur.itely and neatly done. Olllic over A. T Ycaton's lurnlluro store, Com inerclul street, Halem. ClIIAIlUy C. CUHT1H, M. I)., Hur.on I and lioiiio-o)atlile physlclun. Olllcc and resldenm, New Hunk UliK-k, ;tu7 Com. mcrclul strtet,Kalem,Or, Olllco hours H to Vu. in. and from H to.) and 7 loKp. m. 1)1 eiiHtsorthurictum and chrouludlsiusesu spolalty. 1'lfteen ye.irsuxK-rleiici, iIh T C. HSIITII, M. I)., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON fsWJlllcu ullh lir. J. N. Hmlth, (irlsuold bliM.k, Halem, Oregon, 1I1KIK HISI.MHS IIUUXIMJ, J'robuhly no one thing has canned Much u great revl vul of trrnlo at Dan iel J. vry'it Drugstore us their giving awuy to their customers m many freo trial bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Their trudo iHslniply enormous In this very valuable article from tho fact that It alwuys cures and never disappoints, Couuhs. Colds. Asthma. Bronchitis. Croup, uud ull throat uud lung dis eases mileklv cured. You can test It before buvlni' bv ucttlnir u trial bot tle free, largo sue 1. Every bottle I warranted. LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. A BTAUTMNO SCKNi: IX COUltT. A AVIfo Voliuitar.ly Confesis Complic ity in Her Husband's .Minder. Easton, Pa., Oct. IS. Tho triitl of Wlllituu II. Rurtholuiuow, for the niiirtler of Wnshliigton Dlllnnl, was stopped suddenly yesterday by n sensational eonfesmou. The widow of tho murdered man cninc into tho court determined to goon the stand and tell all she knew about the murder of her husband aud plead guilty to murder In tho second degree. This was a great surprise to tho lawyer and ati adjournment was taken until af ternoon. Mw. Dlllard was thou placed on the stand aud testified that she had sustained Improper relations with llartholom cw two years before the death of her husband. It was dually determined to murder Dlll ard, and a fiendish plot was con ceived, Bartholomew llxed Dill ard's gun so It would be useless and then said he would como to tho house tho next night uud would make a tlisturbaueo In the chicken roost, when Mis. Dlllard should bring her husband out witli hit gui, and Bartholomew would kill him. Tho programme was carried out. Dlllard went out with his gun and ho was shot dead by his wife's pai amour. Tho woman broke down several times while telling the story, lie fore tlio murder lliutholomow want ed tho farm, so they might all bo together, and when Mrs. Dlllard would not agree to that he wanted her to go Went witli him. This she refused to do so long as her husband lived, and the lesult was a determin ation to murder lilin. Mrs. Dlllard Is U!l years of age. VIGTOIUA. HtiNHATION. lltlo to Ileal Kstato In I.iirgu Ainoiiii Involved, Viutohia, B. C, Oct. 23. A big real estate sonsutlon la developing in thlscity. Many years ago, back in the early'flftles, when the gold ex citement was attracting thousands to this province, among others came Douglas McTarvlsh to seek his for tune. MoTurvish settled down in Victoria aud bought real estate In what Is now tho heart of the city. Ho married an Indian woman by whom ho had ono child a girl. In a few years MoTarvish and his wlfo both died a fow years later anil tho little girl was left to tho care of strangers. Shegrew up to woman hood, married and has been living hero ever since, totally unconscious that her father had left anything of value behind him. A short tmiu ago a man, who hud been a friend of MoTurvish, In the old goltl days, aud who knew Mc Tarvlsh hud owned considerable property, begun to look tho matter up. MoTarvlsh's will whs discov ered iu an old sufu of tho Catholic bishop, where It had lulu for years. Tho will iHMiucuthcd to his Infant dutigliter property In tho city now valued ut nearly half a million dol lars. Tho records, upon search be ing made, show that tho noting woman is the rightful owner of this largo property. It is said tho Hud son Bay Coinpuny, uppuroutly los ing sight of tho fact that tho prop el ty hud been sold to McTuvIsh, has been selling It again, and now some of the Uncut business edifices in tho city are erected upon the property to which tho owners have no title. A long aud bitter con tested law suit will certainly be the result. Tim .Mortgages urn Worthless. TopiiKA, Kan., Oct. iSJ. Ill the old days of pre-emption in Kuiihus it was a common practice for pre omptors to make arrangements with loan companies for loans on (licit laud l.i advance of dual proof to enable them to pay the government for their land, millions of dollars huvlng been hoi rowed ami mortgn- ges given therefor. Droughts, crop fullurcs, etc., have iiiude II dlllleult for the mortgugees to pay their In terest regular, and wholesale fore closures have been threatened bv thu loan companies. John O. T 1 111 yer, a settler, being threatened with foreclosure, employed a lawyer to defend him, uud, according to the rulings of several Judges nud the findings of courts that the transac tion was Illegal uud tho notes uud mortgage Invalid, thu cjisj was ho decided. This decision is u revolu tion to tho settlers of tho southwest uud tho successful uttorney has been engaged by over iiiX) settlera In posi tion similar to that of ilijlyer'ti to defend them, while tho loan com panies are aghast ut tho prospect of having their mortgages judicially declared worthleas. Arizona Territory, Wasiiinoton, Oct. 23. Lewis WolJloy, governor of Arizona, yester day submitted his annual report to the secretary of tho interior. Con cerning tho Mormons tho governor says: "Arizona hud a law disfran chising all who practiced, taught or encouraged polygamy. Tho first legislative act signed by my lato predecessor was u repenl of that act. I request and urge congress to repeal tho repealing net anil re-establish tho nbovo territorial law. Politically thrj Mormons seem to havo adopted Iho plan of sending colonics or 'stakes' to surrounding Territories in sulllelent numbers to form tho power between tho two political purtles. They uro willing to trudo with either, but remain trno only so long as tho Interests of tho church aro best served. Tho church Is their law, nnd nil other law Is subservient to tho orders of tho church. Tho Mormons in this territory number about 8,000." Tho total taxnblo property ot tho territory Is given nt $20,575,002. Tho total terrltoilnl indebtedness is $762,000. Tho total territorial, coun ty and city indebtedness is about $2,002,010. Tho governor requests that congress bo asked to pass a necessary net ullowlng tho territory to Issue long-thno bonds. Ho says lie is assured that tlieso could bo negotiated nt probably 4 per cent, certainly not to exceed 5 per cent. Till! I'KNStON IIUHKAU. (leueral Itiiiini nt Ills Desk Tiiuuur a Hack Number. Washington, Oct. 23. (Jouoral Oiccn B. Bnum yesterdny morning sit t In tho chair lately occupied by Corporal Tanner nt tho Peuslon Olllcc. Ho received a number of friends who called to pay their re spects, nud mudo a tour of tho dif ferent divisions to see the mothods of procedure employed In each. Secretary Noblo says ho Is not wor ried by tho publication of Commis sioner Tanner's last letter, uud ho will make no reply to It. "I have done witli Tanner," ho said to-day. "Ho is a back number with me. All that ho publishes I have scon Itoforo and I think it doesn't need any re ply. If ho wants to mako mo a target ho can do so; let him lire uwuy nil ho wnnts to." Lost III the Itulii, Santa Bosa, Oct. 23. LustSun duy tho two year-old child of Joseph Montz, who resides neur HebustoMI, wandered uwuy from homo nud tho neighbors scouted tho surrounding country, but tho little fellow had not been found ut Inst accounts. A heavy ruin hits been fulling, nud if tho child lias not been cared for by some unknown party It must Inivo perished. Kltlnappml lly Indians, IIhmina, Mont., Oct. 23. A spec lal from GruutEullHsaysthutudvlccH from Olusgow stuto that a party of armed men httvo Just left there for tho Canadian side In search of Char lie Moore, a young boy of that town, who Is supposed to have been kid napped by some Creek Indians, who, up to yesterday evening, had been cuiuped on Cherry creek, two miles from town. The boy was seen In company with a squaw named Looking Glass, going up tho trull towurds Cherry creek. Gois'ti East. Mr. 1). V. Wugner leuves Monday for a trip to his old homo ut Baltimore, Md. Ho will be absent some time uud will stop on his wuy ICust ut Denver, Colorado, ind consult Ids brother who is a physician, In regard to his health. .Mr. Wauoricr has many warm friends in this city who wish to hear of his eurly return to this city with Ills lost health regained. Kim: Vi:atiii:h. During this fine went her you should cull ut (1 li ne rt k ruiiersoii'sioryourgroceriei'. Puinless dental operations at Dr T. U. Smith's, 00 Stuto street. You can't ulloril to havo ull ott'eiulve breath unit decayed teeth. Wright's Mvrrtl 'I'ttfifll Kiu.li tir.iv.tnl.1 lu.tli. 'IVi' 1. Hold by all druggists. I'ut tol'llght Nervousness anil indiges tion by Wright's Hop Celery uud Chamo mile Hitters. A healthful stimulus, uud strengthening uud liiMgorut.ug. Hold by It. W.t'og. ,,,.., A Uussluu inventor lias introduc ed u most curious and Ingenious jiiemniiieter, lu which tho sumo record Indicates ut thu sumo time Iwith tho velocity nnd tho direction of tho wind. Iu (Juiiuuiiy uiu pui)lloschoo!a nr I all taught by mou, s.iMw'1?''" safoih.flBar .HihSiSi"' miSMSHiKAr;ii,ifa. J- .- ... ammmmmmmmmimm