pB m-mmmimmm nrj-wtw" I SUBSCRIBE I i or. !THE CAPITAL JOURNAL A.DVBR riSE IN CAPITAL THE CAPITAL JOURNAU mi: . BEST PAPER IN SALEM. IT WILL BE A GOOD INVESTMENT. STho Terms nro .Most Ilcn'onablo-e 43-You will bo well plciscd with It.-9 VOL. 2. SALEM. OUEGON. -WEDNESDAY, OCTOBElt 23, 1SS9. NO. 205. JOURNAL. 8 II r K Abstracts For reliable ABSTRACT -Call ,10. Salem Abstract F E. AUSTIN, Manager. NO. 221 COMMERCIAL STREET, SALEM, OREGON. jg t"The only complete set of Abstracts in Marion county. P. O. Box 260. I GEO. K. SMITH, mm DEALER IN FURNITURE), 3 Window Shades, Wall Paper, Pictures, Mirrors, Moldings, Frames, Baby h Carriages, wagons, nugs, stationery, jnouoiis, jionaay uootis, Croquet Sets. Hummocks, Etc. Tents, Awnings, Etc. J made to order and kept constantly on hand. 1307 COMMERCIAL STREET (BANK BLOCK), SALEM, OREGON. -O- 8Goods of all kinds sold on the regular installment plan in the city I at Smith's Auction House, corner of Liberty aud State streets, Salem, Or. Miss Leona Willis, TEACHER OF MUSIC. i Lessons given In voice culture and Ital linn singing, piano nnd organ. Special nt Itentlou given to beginners. Can be seen at the Conservatory, or at the residence, cor- ijier 01 veuier uuu ujiiiuisut-ci.! w-.v.i. For success at the CAPITAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, Salem, Oregon. 'A. P. Armstrong, Mngr. E. L. Wiley, I'rin. Business, siiortitanu, IrpiwriUag, Pnnniiip tnd Ingluh Dtpirtmetts. 'D-ivand evening Sessions. Students aumittedj any iim umi uic hjikkbui iuiuiu, Lhe Principal for catalogue. City Tax Notice. I The Salem city taxes are now due and L-l- ... 4 ...t.V. lirilllnme Jr !.. payuuiv ut my umw vii4 iimitiwonwu gland. Taxpayers will please govern themselves accordingly. r E. J. SWOFFOItD. i. City Tax Collector. Real Estate AND INSURANCE. ir..i. MAirA mi Afn tn Ol Qtnro treet, I am now better prepared than ever UU I usuiug AU30 'Fire and Accident Insurance rWrltten In the best companies doing busi ness In Oregon, can on me ai once. Isaac A. Manning, 95 State Street. I Notice to Cannery Men! A larce Cannery and Fruit Drying estab lishment would do well at Auuisville.Or- NTO.o, as Plenty or pear., piums .prune. la i-nerneH, nuipucrriet uawutiim, so plenty of greeu corn, peas nnd tomu- m coma oe uuunueuiur isiuuiug iuii.f , There Is u grand opening here foj such establishment. I AUMSVILLE located In the midst of a good grain. rult and stock coountry. For nirther particular aaaresi: T. H. MADISOX, Aumsvllle, Marion county, Or. 10-lOdwlm GEORGE W1LKINS' :bw butcher shop ii t mrt annuu 4tiA ltfltirsk In Worth ValcM. All kinOd of meat kept ou Cctiectite Real Estate Business aud correct OF TITLB, ou the- and Land Company PROPRIETOR Established 1868 1 The Oldest and Stauochcst Between Sacra mento and Portland. LADD & BUSH, Bankers, Iron Building, Salem, Oregon. A niuixnln Irnnl 1titHU ninilA AvnllAllirA ni;uiuuLa JivfJt, iiaiuji muir. i..i.mui5u on every part of the world bought and sold, leuers 01 credit issued 10 travelers, collec tions made throughout the United States, British America aud Mexico, state, county and city warrants cashed. Weoflerp.it- rons accommoaaiions consisieui wiui con servative banking. 10-3tw3t WM. SARGEANT, DEALER IN WalLPaper, Pictures FRAMES, MOULDINGS, BRACKETS, TOYS, FANCY GOODS. Commercial Street, Salem, On New Harness Shop. B. K. Wiley has now a fine stock of Har nessand Saddlery on hand nnd In vl tea the public to call and Inspect his stock. Hepair work a specialty. 234 Commercial Streat.Salsm NEW RESTAURANT! MRS. A. tt LEAISO Has takeu charge of the W. C. T. U. read ing room, nnd has started a first-class res taurant in connection with the same. For A GOOD MEAL Give hern call. No Chinese are employed. Everything about the establishment Is neut aud clean and In good order. Hoard by the day, week or single meal. Cull at the Opera House building, Court street, Halem, Oregon, FOR SALE. A Span of Mules ! Wagon and Set of Harness! A BARGAIN FOR SOMEBODY Call at thUofflc for articular. A. A. OSBORN lias 90S acres of The Best Pasture Land in the State, One mile from the bridge In I'olk county. lwlAlMlJiu JlUIJoJi rvmrw WI'IIIMK lH.w ... A,A.08UOU.N,ralcm, I ....... ..-.. -m a I.. m urlll a..(.Ml I Capitol Adrcnture. Company. CASHMERES. 40c, 50c, COc, TCc, 00c and $1 ft yard. A large assortment of good values. Ladies' cloth aud waterproof. VELVETS. Our lines can't bo duplicated in the city. All shades, styles and prices are represented, i FLANNELS. Small plaids, good quality, 25 cents a yard, a better quality and a larger plaid for 50c, 75 and $1. Light white flannels 15c a yard, worth 25c, better ones at 30c, 40c and 50c, worth 45c, 50c nnd 75c. Also red, pink and blue flannels, a nice fresh assortment. TOWELS. Good linen towels at $1 n dozen, sold every where else for $1.25. These nre going fast. Damask towels at 20c, worth 25. Fine Turkish bath towels, white nnd colored, 25c. These prices nre within the reach of everybody. A WORD TO THE MEN. When you get ready to buy your winter uuderwear, call at the Capital Adventure Com pany's Store. You will save money thereby. See if you don't. Wo have Oiled and Rubber Coats and Lcggins, Rubber Boots and Shoes, and everything elso you need to make yr.u com fortable. CLOTHING. Men's Youths' and Roys' Suits nnd Over coats, all styles and sizes. We can suit the Laborer and Me chanic as well as the most fastidious. A new lino of umbrellas just received, cambric and silk covers. Get our prices. CORSETS. "Little Beauty," 50c, "Pasadena," 75c. These are good articles, and very cheap. Finer corsets at $1, 91.50 and $2. A large line. J8S?" Everybody who trades at tin Opera House Corner goes away pleased. -O- CAPITOL ADVENTURE COMPANY, SALEM, - - KRAUSSE Carry the Largest Line of Boots COMPRISING Men's Boy's and Youth's Calf, Kip and Nailed Boots. Also a large stock of Men's Calf Button, Congress and Gaiter Shoes of the Latest and Best Styles and Finish. FIVE HUNDRED DOZEN Ladies', Misses' and Children's French, Kid, Pebhlo Goat, C. Kid, Don gola Shoes, Sandals, Slippers, Ties, Etc. Barguius in nil Llues. KRAUSSE & KLEIN, 211 Commercial Street. ien Forstner & Co. Wo will sell lower than ever before Clothing, Boots nnd Shoes, Hats and caps, Rubber and Oil Clothing, Blankets and Quilts. Wo also have the best nnd largest stock of GUN GOODS AND AMMUNITION I BfiyCorno and see us before purchasing elsewhere and save money 1 Wm. Brown k Co. DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, IK v , ' - - OREGON, & KLEIN Leather and Findings- CASH PAID FOR WOOL, hides, 1'KLTS, AND FURS. This houou curries u lurge stock of tint links goMls fnnn lhe lxit inunufuctureni In the vtiirld.uud Is prtpiucd logHe nall.fao tlun, Uli In slje and quality, to every one ho will pun )iuc gixd4 ol Hum, No. )l C'oiiiiiicrcliil Street, SAM'.M - - OWliOON Shoes JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Groceries, Paints, Oils and Window Glass, Wall Pa per antl llorder, Artists' Ma terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fenco Posts, Grass Seeds, Etc, NEW TO-DAY. T C. SMITH, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON B-Olllco with Dr. J. N. Smith, Orlswohl block, Snlem, Oregon. A New Dressmaker. MRS. F. A. CRUMP, A New York Aroillste, who hns hnit llllccn j oars' cviiericncu In Cutting and Fitting Would be iilcnsetl to sen the liulM of Sn lem nt her rooms, No. 401 Bummer Micet, corner of Marlon. "mIluonsiniti" Tho quickest way to enrn money Is to get mi vBency inr DDBEKT HOWE BANCROFTS History of Utah, The only true history of Monnoulsm from Its orlL-ln to tho mesciit time: endoivcil nllko by Mormons mul (JoiHIIch. Wilttcn wiuioui prejudice no j ou can see UTAH AS IT IS ! Nothing so nearly approaches the mirac ulous a tiiorlsoof a new religion, founded by an Illiterate man, In the keenest coun try In tho world, and In tho ngu which has given us the gieatcst Inventions. The tlndlng of tho plates, their transla tion, tho first preaching, obtaining con verts, founding of Nauoo, origin of l'o lygamy, the exile from threoHtates, found ing a prosperous Hlntci In a desert beyond ci llbntion, to bo overtaken and passed by '(Iters, tho executive ability ol llrlghiini Young, tho Mrugglo between MormonlRiii and tho United States this Is as thrilling as n novel yet tiuo history. Kvciybody wants It Men and women wanted oi cry where as agents. You can Make from $5 lo S25 Per Day Krpcrlcnco unnecessary as tho work sells at sight If pioperly presented. No c-ipltnl required us wo give !W days' tlmo lo deliver and collect befoio juylng u. A complete, I'nll Morocco Uanvasslini Outfit sent for $1,23, Apply for good territory Immediately as It Is being fast taken up. The History Company, 723 Market Street, San Francisco, Cal, MRS. M. E. WILSON, Milliner ami Dressmaker, Invites th Indies of H ilem and vicinity to call aud Inspect her select btoek of Kail Millinery that has Jut arrived. Hho will pay particular attention also to tliolnlcst styles ofdiessmaklng. m 1(IK IIICNT. UAIUtlKI) COUF'Tk' or two ladles or two gentlemen may obtain, at rcason- i) rates, good Dounl with a nicely fin- ulshed suite of rooms In it tine locality. convenient lo the strict cms, by calling at 37 Winter street. FOII SAI-I'. OH i.kahi:, f. it in ham: tj r purchase or V. il.lt., this c ntlll HAM: UK MCAHI:. Who wants to or leuon saw nilllT Address lolllcn U-Udwlw von HAI.K nOlt HAlii:. A KAItM OK 320 ACHIM l' all under fence and cultivation. Ill the best range country of Kastern Oregon, The best chiincoeicrolleied for n muii to engage In stock raising. For particulars union or addicn W.II. HYAItS.Halem, Dregon. SOCJIUTY NOTIUIW. Al.IV U lii Odd Kellnus' Hall iiu stairs. Cornei Oommerclal nnd Kerry slueU, every Sat urday ut7i'Wii.tn. J.T, (lltKOO. W.M. (MAHKK, Kecrelury, N. (1, GA It, Sedgwick l'oiit, No. 10, Depart inent of Oregon, iiucts every Monday evening at tint hull ner thoOngon Innd eompauj's nlllcc. Visiting comiadis uri uirdlnlly Invited to attend. A. W. J)iu Vokii, lot Coiiiiiiadcr. II. K, HotrriiwicK.AdJiita it. fltOri'-SmONAI. CAHDH. I.. B HKIKK. iUlllCH, HKIff, r 8. HlflKKACo.-OentUtry.-I'.iluless J J. extruillou of leetli with new pnx ok. AUo gold crowns made and t. Ilrlck dental oflk-u near ojn-rn house, Halcin.Or. r J. HII A W, attorney nt law, Huleui, Oro ' gou, Ollke iijmtJilrn In the I'utton block. nIIYHICIAN-M IIH. Ilt. M. K. .McCoy X physlclun and surgeon, has liM-attd and bu ken rooms over Kqulre Karrar's grocery store. Chronic dUcuw. a speo Tally. Consultation free. li'.'ldw w 1. WII.MAMH, HrKNOOUAl'Iinit and TviKJvtrlterCoiivist. Wllllnuke rejrU of trials, etc.; copying on tyio wrlterucurutelv und neallv done. Ofllie ou-r A. T Yenion's furnllure store, Cjiii inercuil street, Halem. fWlAM.YM V UUHTIH. M. I).. Hurgmn w und IliiiuusiiHilhU1 iihyslcluii. Oflke mid ri-sldi'ii-, NuMTllunk Ulisk, "iJi Com merclul t-tri tt, Hal in. Or. Olllco hours K to U a. in, mid from 2 lo 3 uml 7 lo H p. in, I)l- ii-teoi luercciuui aim (.nronio uuciu.es n lipaclftltji Klltitu years eiperlenct, dw LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. Al'TKK TIIUIIUU Taliuiigo Proposes to ItitlUl n rjrger Church Than the Old One. Ni:v Yomc, Oct. 22. Ituv. Do Witt Tiilnmgo pronchctl hist llrst sermon since the destruction of tho rooklyn Tiibernnclo yestertliiy morning in the Academy of music. JTe preuelied it with the announce ment that tho church hud bought a new lot in Oreenu and Clifton streets, und would begin building n week from to-day, with impressive ceremonies. Dr. Talningo also wild that he would leave for l'alcstlno on October ItOth, to bo gone several months. His sermon was on tho baptism of lire, taking as a text St. Paul's werds: "None of these things move me." Tho sermon related to tho do strayed building, lie called for 11 nnnclnl help from all people, saying: "I have made and now make an appeal to all chiistendom to help us, I will acknowledge the tecelpt of every eontiibujloii, great or small, with my own hand. We want to bulla a larger and better church; we want a national chinch in which people of all creeds and ell nations may Unci a home. Tho contributions already sent in made a small-hearted church forever impossible. Would T not bo a sorry spectacle for angels and men if in u church built by Israelites and Catholics as, well as all styles of people commonly called evangelical I should instead of the banner of tho Lord Clod Almighty, raise tho Muttering rag of small scc taiianism?" A burst ot applause- followed this declaration, and tho speaker went en: "Jfwuhtid ?::00,000 we would put them all Into one great monu ment to Ciod. I say now to all Baptists that we shall have In it it baptistery. I say to all Episcoia llans, we shall have In our services, as heretofore at our communion table, portions of their liturgy. J say to Catholics, wo shall have u cross over tho pulpit and probably on tho tower. J say to Methodists, wo mean to sing there like tho voice of mighty thtinilerings. J do not know but f see on the hoil.ou the Hist gleam of the morn ing which shall unite all denomina tions in ono organization, dls tingUrihcil only by localltv, as in apostolic times. It was when tho chinch of ThyateilaH and the church ofAntloeh, and the church of Laodlcen. Ho J do not know but that in (lie future, and not far oil', it may bo simply distinctions of locality and not of creed, as the church of New York, the church of lloston, tho church of San Francis co, tho church of Constantinople, tho church of Armenia." MC.VATOK DOI.l'll. lie Talks Abo.it the Woik to Come lle fol'e Congress. Wabiiinoton, Oct. i!i!. In an In terview to-day Senator Dolph said: "Congress has takeu action in tho matter of immigration of Chinese laborers, and whatever Injustice have been done to cltleus of China holding return certificates, I think no attempt will be made to remove It by a repeal or mollification of the act. T intend to reintroduce my Coast Defense bill, and believe it will bring about some kind of legis lation. Wo must adopt a general p'au Tor defending our coas,s, and I think eongrocs Is now ready for It. iioth the interstate commerce and civil service laws will bo amended, but neither will be repealed. Sena tor iilalr will bring forward his I'M iicatloual bill again, hut one cannot foretell the action of tho house. The maiiiigemciitof the l'eiis'mi olllce will be Investigated, Wo must carry out our pledges and revise the tarltr." What a .Slave-dill Cos!, The pilcoof a slave Is largly In dented if she Is a good musician, and some of Unxi girls aru good duuceis and sinners. The mice of an ordinary slave glii of the desira ble icje, ranging from 12 to 10, Is (200. 1 1 she is beautiful she may be worth $2,000 and more, and If In ad dltloiisio this she Is a good musician the mother of tho sultan will give from f.ri,00 to $0,ttW for her. Jtloli blondo beutitlcs with blue och and transparent skins always bring high prices if plump und well rounded, but 1 am told tljat black girls are brought from Africa and sold for a song In Constantinople. Tho slave market of the city bin long since lieen done away wltli, hut tho buy ing ami selling still goes on under- Imtul, an t the to run of slavery out side of tho palace aro such that af ter a slavo has served seven years she must, if sho desires, bo released. More than half tho marriages in Turkey, It Is said, mndo with slaves, hut tho slave having a child Is usually elevated to tho position of wife. E. G. Carpenter's Constanti nople Letter in tho Now York World. ADDITIONAL CITY NEWS. HKKMANN'S Dni'AKTUUE. Ho Intends to Leave for Washington Knrly in November Hns Found Out tho Needs of Oregon. Congressman Hlnger Hermann ar rived at Portland yesterday after noon from Hoseburg, and Is at tho St. Charles. This is probably his last visit to Portland before ids de parture for Washington. He will leave about November Gth. going on tho Southern Paelllo via San Fran cisco and Now Orleans. Ho will visit Washington county to-day, and after a few moro side trips will return to his homo in Ilosohurg and make an ellortto catch up with his accumulated correspondence before leaving. Since his return several months ago Congressman Hermann has been continuously on the go. With the exception of a few points on tho west side, he has visited all parts of tho state to learn the needs of the people In tho way of legislation. Ho lias found that ho took a largo eon tract. "Tho tueaof tho state Is so large," ho said yesterday, to a re porter, "and tho time renulred in traversing it so long, and 1 have found It impossible to take in all tho Important points in one season." "What Is tho result of your trip?" asked a reporter of the congressman last evening. "My observation on tho coast will stimulate to lenewd oIlbrtB for tho continuance of appropriations for the river aud harbor Improvements now under way and tor impropria tions for works at now points no tably Sluslaw. I have also observed tho neccssltity for tho establishment of additional llfo-savelng stations, for a lighthouse at the mouth of the Corpillle river and possibly for an other at tho mouth of the ltoguo i Ivor. "Asto tho intoilorof tho state, T saw In some sections tho necessity for increased mail service and iii other portions a demand for tho ex tension of tho public surveys to lands occupied by bona lido settlers whocanuot actjtilro title until this is done. Improvements aro needed at the Umatilla Indian reservation. There Is a general demand ou tho part of tho people of Eastern Oregon, particularly those of Pendleton, for tho sale of tho surplus In dian lauds which our delega tion will use every ell'ort to bring about at the earliest possible mo ment. In a council with a number of tho Indian eholfs 1 found a gen eral deslro ou llielr part for tho allotment of tho lauds In severalty to them as provided In tho act of congress. I am convinced from per sonal observation and from the as surance of the Iiidlnus that this is for their best Interests aud that after the allotments aro made they would have greater inducement to Improve aud (lovolopo their lauds, which the majority of them aro not inclined to now. "To-dny I visited Oregon City anil took hi tho llsh hatclicrv on tho Clackamas river and also Informed myself as lo the Clackamas rapids. Major Jones recently made a survey of tho obstruction with a view to Its Improvement. It will bo the ell'ort of our delegation toobtaln the neces sary aid for the project proposed by him." "Who Is your preference for speak er of the next limine?" "That of course. Is a delicate sub ject. It Is not necessarv for mo to lane a position on It at this time." Fihii, Fihh. The Ilaltlmiiro llsh muikel ou Com t stu-et Is the place to get your llsh, poultry and game. it. A illg Dinner. The greatest hantpiot ever known to profane history was that to which the mayors of Fiance nut down to at Paris on Aug. 1H, in the palalsu do l'lndustrlo, as one of tho features of tho celebration of the events of 1760. Think of a formal banquet at which l.'I.OOO people were regularly seated, and which required tho pro vision of 80,000 plates, o2,000 glasses, 27,000 bottles of wino ami nearly 1,400 waiters aud scullions! It was a feast that puled old Home and tho Canal. Ilright Spots. The most sunny place in Hnglaud, being tho Hist to complete tho regis tration of 1,000 hours of sunshine since Jan. I, Is Pembroke, which has been followed closely by Jersey, Valentin, Falmouth, Isle of Man, Hasllii'js, Kastbourne, Plymouth, Dluekpool and Dublin, In the order given. Tho other stations of thu meteorological olllce, niiinlK.Tliig altogetho.1 nearly forty, fell further and further behind, tho iear heliir brought up with (Jlasgow, I-ond u uml lleiii'irrop, in the order glvu. ami. m , . lah-Ai . MMaimt. -I InMr'VtH't flY . yu.1. j-xJ mmmmmmtmmm