n SUQSCUIBK roit ADVKR riSE IN THE CAPITAL JOURNAL IT W1I.I, UK A GOOD INVESTMENT. 3-Tho Terms aro Most Itcasonnblo-ffia THE CAPITAL JOURNAL CAPITAL JOURNAL. T1IK UEST PAPER IX SALEM. C3You win bo welt pleased with it.-ffj! VOL. 2. SALEM, OBEGCXN. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 18S9. NO. 204. Abstracts. For reliable mid correct ABSTRACT OF TITLE), Call on the Salem Abstract and Land Company F. EX AUSTIN, Manager. NO. 221 COMMERCIAL STREET, SALEM, OREGON. DSSrThe only complete net of Abstracts in Mm ion county. P. O. Box 2G0. l GEO. F. SMITH, SHuIS ITALii DEALER IN- FURNITURE) Window Shades, Wall Paper, Pictures, Mirrors, Moldings Frames, Baby Carriages, Wagons, Rugs, Stationery. Notions, Holiday Goods, Croquet Sets. Hammocks, Etc. Tents. Awnings, Etc. made to order and kept constantly on hand. 307 COMMERCIAL STREET (BANK BLOCK), SALEM, OREGON. O ' figy Goods of all kinds sold on the at Smith's Auction House, corner of Miss Leona Willis, TEACHER OF MUSK!. T .w.innr. iilllfln In Itnl.Q nilltllPa ,1 Tl 1 Kill flan singing, piano mid organ. Special nt- Ercniiou giveii 10 uegiuuers. uii uunti-nai I the Coniervatory, or at the. residence, cor Iner of Center and Capitol streets. 10-IUml o jT" For success at the CAPITAL BUSINESS COLLEUE, Kf K.il.m. . Ortcron. LMMCflie I) A. 1. ARMbtno.NO, Mngr. E. L. Wiley, I'rln. Business, Shorthand, fljpewrlting, Ftnminthip nd Englith Ileptrtmetts. SDiynnd ivcnlng Sessions. Students admitted any nm . ...... ..... ....,.-". ..-.- the Principal for catalogue, ' City Tax Notice. n.1. a OnlnHn aI1 .a-tai. n CA TinW HllA nnri I payable at my office with Williams & Kn- I gland. Taxpayers win pieaso govern fcthemselvcs accordlcgly. City Tax Collector. Real Estate AND INSURANCE. iTuvInc removed mv office to 05 State litreot, I urn now-better prepared than evor I to do a rushing ' M AtSO Fire and Accident Insurance written In the beat companies dolnj? busi- m l fw.r,fn refill fn IDA fit HUPP. Isaac A. Manning, 95 State Street. Notice to Cannery Men! A largo Cannery and Fruit Drying e-dab- llshment would do well at Aiiuisviiie, ut- eon, as plenty 01 pairs, piuins. iuu ad cherries, ruspoornen, uuuitiKiniB, Iso plenty of green corn, ioa8 and toma a .ih iv .ihtnliuxl for rannint? Durno- KST There is a grand opening here 10 such Ml estauiisumem. AUMSVILLE jvj located In the midst of a good grain, Iftult and stock coountry. jjvor lurtuer purwemura inmn--; AumiVllle, Marion oounty.Or. ilO-lOdwlm GEORGE WILKINS' E5W BUTOHKR SHOP ii Ijlberty street, cro iud uimso u orth ualera. AU Itluds of meats kept ou eall ate Business J PROPRIETOR J regular installment plan in the city Liberty and State streets, Salem, Or. Established 1868 1 The Oldest and Stauneliest llctwcen Sacra mento and Portland. .ADD & BUSH, Bankers, Iron Building, Salem, Oregon. Accounts kept, loans made, exchange on oery paitol iho world bought und sold, letteisof credit Issued to travelers, collec ttons mndo throughout tke United States, llrltlsh America aud Mexico, state, county and city warrants cashed. Wo ofler put- roiiH necomtuonaiions consisieui wini con servntio banking. 10-3tllw.it WM. SARGEANT, DCAI.Elt IN Wall Paper, Pictures FRAMES, MOULDINGS, BRACKETS, TOYS, FANCY GOODS. Commercial Street, Salem, 0., New i ! B. V. Wiley lias now a fine stock of Har ness and Saddlery on hand and Invites the public to cull and Inspect his stock. Repair work n specialty. 234 Commorolal Streot.Salsm NEW RESTAURANT! MRS. A. 0. LEABO Has taken charge of the W. C. T. U. read ing room, and has stinted a first-class res taurantln connection wllh the same, hor A GOOD MEAL Give hera Kill. No Chlncsonre employed. Kverythlng about the establishment is neat and clean and In good order. Board by the day, week or single meal. Call at the Opera House building, Court street, Salem, Oregon. FOR SALE. A Span of Mules ! Wagon anil Scl of Harness! A BARGAIN FOR SOMEBODY Cull lit this office for particular. I! A. 'A. OSBORN Has 308 acre of The Best Pasture Land in the Stale, One mile from the bridge in I'olk coumy. Purlieu wishing pasture will aadie s A, A. OSUOKN, riuU in, Capitol Adveiitime -Company. CASHMERES. 10c, 50c,- COc, 75c. 90c and $1 a ynnl. A largo assortment of good values. Ladies' cloth and waterproof. VELVETS. Our lines can't bo duplicated in the city. All shades, styles and prices are represented. FLANNELS. Small plaids, good quality, 25 cents a yard, a better quality and a larger plaid for -50c, 75 and 1. Light white flannels 15c a yard, worth 25c, Juetter onesat30c, 40c and 60c, worth 43c, 60c and 75c. Also red, pink and blue llannels, a nice fresh assortment, TOWELS. Good linen towels! at, $1 a dozen, sold every where else for 1.25. These are goinc fust. Damask towels at 20e, worth 2-3. Fine Turkish bath towels, white and rolored, 25c. These prices are within the reach of everybody. A WORD TO THE MEN. When you get ready to buy your winter underwear, call at tlio Capital Adventure Com pany's Store. You will save money thereby. See if you don't. We have Oiled and Rubber Coats and Leggins, Rubber Boots and Shoes, and everything else you need to make you com fortable. CLOTHING. Men's YouIIib' and Roys' Suits and Over coats, all styles and sizes. We can suit the Laborer and Me chanic as well as the most fastidious. A new line of umbrellas just received, cambric and silk covers. Get our prices. CORSETS. "Little Beauty," 50c, "Pasadena," 75c. These are good articles, and very cheap. Finer corsets at 1, $1.50 and 2. A large lino. JOSyEverybody who trades at the Opera House Corner goes away pleased. O CAPITOL ADYENTURE COMPANY, SALEIVE, KRAUSSE Grry"tluliiiriest Line of Boots COMPRISING Men's Roy's and Youth's Calf, Kip and Nailed Rooix. Also a large stock of Men's Calf Button, Congress and Gaiter Shoos of the Latest and Best Styles and Finish. -O- FIVE HUNDRED DOZEN Ladies Misses' and Children's French, Kid, Pebble Goat, C. Kid, Don gola Shoes, Sandals, Slippers, Ties, Etc. Bargains in all Lines. KRAUSSE k KLEIN, 211 .Commercial Street. en Forsf Wo will sell lower than ever before Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hate and caps, Rubber and Oil Clothing, Blankets and Quilts. Wo also have the best aud largest stock of GUN GOODS AND AMMUNITION ! tSTConio and see us before purchasing elsewhere and save money ! m. Brown k Co. DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, I jjL-Jimisip - OREGON, & KLEIN ner k Co. Leather and Findings- CASH PAID FOR WOOL, IIIDKS, l'KWVH, ANJ) FUItS. This liotitu mrrles n large stock of ilrst t'lass h(sm1k fiuiii the best inanufacliirers In tiie vwiilcl.iind l preured loglvu sallkfao lion, imiiii in nje una quuiiiy, to every one In will mrtlmsug(H)UHi, them, No. i'M t'oiniut'iclal Street, SAI.IJM ... OKKOON JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Groceries, Paints, Oils and Window Glass, Wall Ta per and lordcr, Artists' Ma terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence Posts, Grass Seeds, Etc, NEW TODAY. A New Dressmaker. MRS. '. A. ORUMP, A. New York Modiste, who htw laid flftrtn j cars' eMierlciico 'n Cutting and Fitting Would bo pleased to ben the ladles of Sn lem nt her rooms, No. HOI Summer street, corner of Marlon, MILLIONS IN IT! The quickest way to earn money Is to get an Agency for HUBERT HOWE BANCROFTS History of Utah, The only true, history of Mortiionlxm fiom Its origin to tlio present time; endorsed alike by Mormons mid (Icntlles. Written n itnutii prejudice so you can see UTAH AS IT IS ! Nothing so nearly approaches the mirac ulous as the ri-o ol u new religion, founded bj mi illiterate man, in ilia keenest coun try In the world, and In tho ago which has gl en us the greatest Inventions. The finding of tho plates, their tiansla tion, the II rst preaching, obtaining con verts, founding of Nauvoo, origin of Po lygamy, the exile fiom three states, touud lug a prosperous Btato In a desert beyond civilization, to bo oertoken mid passed by riers, uio executive aoiiuy 01 iirignam Yiuinc. tho Mrucirlo between Moi monism mi (I the United mates this Is as thillllng as a novel yet tiuo history. Kveiybody wains it Men and women wanted eervwlieioas agents. You can Make from $5 to $25 Per Day Kxperlenco unnecessary as the woik sells at sight If properly piesented. No c-ipltal required as wo give SO days' lime to deliver and collect befoio paying im, A complete, Full Morocco Canviisslnu Outfit sent for $1.2.5, Apply for good teirltoiy Immediately us It is being fast taken up. The History Company, 723 Market Street, San Francisco, Cal. School Tax Notice. The school taxes of Distilet No. 21, In Marlon eounly, mo now dun and p.iyablo at tlio clerk's olllce, No. 101 Com t street, In Opcin IIouso block, Kalem. Tho same will bo deemed delinquent unless paid within sixty days from (late. DAVID H1MRSON, School clerk. October 15, lfc8'l. MRS, M. E. WILSON, )l II I HUT to ) Invites tho ladies of 8alcm and vicinity to call and Inspect her select stock of Fall Millinery that has Jiut arrived, Hliowill piy particular attention also to the latest styles of dressmaking. FOR ItlSNT. AIIAIIHIIII) COUl'l.K or two ladles or two gentlemen limy obtain, at, reason able rates, good muni Willi u nicely fur nished suttu of looms In a lino locality, convenient to thestuet oils, by calling ut 3U7 Winter street, ion ham: ok i,i:am:. f .1011 ham: CI I" purcliiihoor W.lI.H.,thls( MOK HAMJ OK MOAHF,. Who wants to l or lease a itiw mlh? Address iolllco. iMJdwlw rou ham: nOKHAMC-A FA KM OF :fc!U AOIII-S L' all under fence and cultivation, In the best range country of ICastern Oregon, I'hu best chance eerollcied lor u man to engage In stock raising. For particulars callou or addicss W. II. IlYAKS.Halem, Oregon. SOOIKTV NOTIt;i. 0MVH1,OI)O1:No. IS, I, O, O. F meets In Odd Fellows' Hall upslahs. Coinci (Jommciclal and Ferry slricts, every HaU uid.iyitt7:.'IOi. in, J. T. GKi:l(l. WM (T.AKKi:, Kecrelnry. N, O, fj A. 11. Hedgwlck l'ost, No. 10, Depart- '" ini'iit oi inegon, inceis every .m on nay evening at the hall over the Oregon IjuiiI Mimpauy's olllce. Visiting (oiuiades an coiuiaiiy invneu loaiienu. A. W. I)HA iokii. l'ost (.'ominader. li. I' . houtii wick, Adjuia it. l'KOFKiSIONAI. OAKIIS. Ii. H. HKirr, M aiik H. HKir-r, f S. HICIFFACo. Donll.liy. I'alnless 1 J, extraction of teeth wllh new pincers. Also gold crowns made anil set. Ilrlclc dental olllco near ojiera house, halem, Or. J, HHAW, attorney ut law, Hnlem, Ore ' gon, Olllco upstairs In the I'attou block. niIYHIClAN.-.MHH. Dil. M. K. McCOY I physician mid surgeon, has located and taken rooms over hipilre I'anar's grocery store. Chronic (Uneaten n spec laity. Consultation fieu. li'Jklw T 1 WII.MAMH, HTKNOUKAl'JiKIt II , anil Typewriter Ujit. Will make ti'lxirts of trials, etc.; coming on type writer accurately anil neatly done, Olllui over A. T Yealon's furniture More, Com mercial l reel, Hal tin. -OlAltl.hfl (J CUItTIH. M. I).. Hurgeon j ami Homo-opal hie phj sh Ian. (Jlllie anil residence, New Hank Ulock, .'107 Com ine.ilal tn et, Rilem, Or Olllco hours s to tin ui.und fiom 2to3aiiil7 toM p in. Dis til ic of the reeluiu and chronic Ulcascn pj-'altj, FllUrii emexiH"rlence. dw LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. ASIATIC ciiom:ka. Feais That It Will Iteadi Kurope l'rnm I'ersln. Pahip, Oct. 10. Tliu cliolorn spec tcriins tuipeared ngalti unci it wns recently tiie subject of discussiou nt tlio Academy of Medicine, says the Chronicle's special dispatch. Dr. Proust read an exhaustvio paper, which meets with the approval of the medical and sanitary authorities of France. Three months ao the cholera appeared in jMcsopotnmlu, unci it has now been propagated in Persia. On August "1th tho epi demic was raging at llagdad. At that place from the, 20th to tho .'list of August tlio death rate was from 200 to -100 persons a day. Since tiie pest of 18:11 no epidemic lias been so fatal, fn September tlio ehrtlera spread from tlio Eu phrates to the Tigris. The scourge lias now reached the Persian gulf, the southern portion of Persia is in vaded and Sehira. is threatened. Tho city of Iteulit has several times been the point of departure or place of passage for cholera. Of several epidemic coining from Hindoos-tan uuil Afghanistan to Persia, two in vaded Europe, in 1830 nml in 1810. Itecht is not yet contaminated, but If tho cholera does reach Egypt, it being already at Kirmauwguh and llamdeu, the solo safeguard of Europe will be to depetid upon tho measures taken by the Russian government on tho frontier. Tin: floods in uiii.va. An Otllelal Itepuit Ueeeheil From Minister Denby. Washington, Oct. 21. A dis patch from Minister Denby, under date of August Jllst, referring to tlio ravages of the Yellow river in China, savs: "The damage caused by the latest break in its banks is irreparable. Owing to tho deposits of silt it la estimated that li'ty years must elapse before tho lauds inun dated will be useful again for agri cultural purposes. A peculiar fea ture of tlio trouble is that tho de posits in tlio bed of tiie river are so constant in accretion thai any sys tem of prevention of these breaks in tlio banks caused by tlio riso in tlio bed of tho river, to bo efleetive. would cost a most enormous sum of money. "Jt seems likely a radical system of prevention of these outbreaks will never lie adopted and the Hoods may be expected eacli year. Ilouan, one of tlio most prosperous prov inces, is ruined. Anliiii has buffered terribly, and now Shantung is sub merged. The sulfering of 10,000,000 people produced great distress which tlio means of the Government are inadequate to provide for. Foreign ers have jiouied out money liberally in contributions to alleviate the dis tress." MKS. MnC'IIM.I.'S KKTIIKN. She Itcaihcs V iishlnglon Solium hat Impi'oieil. Washington, Oct. 21. The wife aud daughter of Senator Mitchell, who havo Just returned from it trip to Kurope, are now at their home on Connecticut avenue. Mrs. Mitchell is somewhat better than she was when tlio steamer reached New Yoik, but is still far from strong. She has received a number of calls from friends who arc glad to see her once more back in her native land, and havo expressed tlio hope that she may fully recover her health. Aid For Jin) mid (ill Is. Washington, October 21. The President has written a letter to the Chairman of tlio Hoys and Girl's National Home and Kmplnymont Association in which ho says that the objects of tho association have his wannest sympathy. Thoy should, lie says, have the intelli gent support of national Cnugicss and Ktuto Legislatures In tho appro priate splieio of each. Wiiat is done to promote patriotism and good cltionslilp in neglected clasnts must bo done Del'ore habits of vice and pauperism have become settled. The Indian Oniiiiiilssloii, GliTiiiui:, Iml.T., Oct. 21. Tlio Indian Commission had a conference to-day with tlio Jowa Indians on the Iowa rcrcrvulion. General Fair child explained the desire of tho government to purchiiBJ tlio reser vation and allot lands in seveialty to members of tlio tilbe. The chiefs consulted all tlio aftei noon without reaching a decision in the matter. The couinilo-ion leave for the Sao and Fox reservation to morrow ami will stop on their return for a fcec oii I consultation with the J owns, Tanner a Hack Number. Washington, Oct. 21. General Green D. Rauni this morning sat in the chair lately occupied by Cor poral Tanner at tho pension office, lie received a number of friends who called to pay their rcspect, and made a tour of the different divisions to see the methods of pro cedure employed in each. Secretary Noblo says ho Is not worried by the publication of ex Commlssioncr Tanner's last letter, ire will make no reply to it. "I havo done with Tanner," ho said to day. "Ho is a back number with mo." All that ho publishes I havo seen before and I think it doesn't need any reply. If ho wants to make mo a target, ho can do so. Let him fire away all ho wants to. Forest ITros In Wisconsin. Dl.AClC IllVKll Fai,ls, Oct. 21. Forest fires are doing n largo amount of damage just west of hero many acres of young timberaro be ing destroyed. As everything iu as dry as tinder buildings and hay and grain stacks aro in danger. Tho air is full of smoke. Word comes from Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, that forest fires along tho railroads aro spreading rapidly in all direc tions around tho settlements. As yet no buildings Iinvo been destroyed. A Colored Men's League J Chicago, Oct. 21. John G. Jones, a lawyer of this cltv, with a number of prominent colored men indiffer ent parts of tho country, has ar ranged to call a conference of tho leading men of the eolored race from every state and territory iu tho Union, to meet in Chicago next Juno for tlio purpose of forming a national league for tho protection and elevation of the colored race iu the United States. A Verdict or Sutcldu. Sackamiinto, Oct. 21. The cor oner to-day hold an Inquest on the body of Joseph II. Smith, who shot and seriously wounded his wife on Saturday and .then killed himself. Tlio jury rendered n verdict of sui cide. Philip Gebliaid, who was taken into custody on suspicion of having commuted tho crime, was discharged. A Fast Steamer. Victouia, 15. C, Oct. 20. The steamship City of Puebla arrived yesterday morning, lifty hours from San Francisco, being tlio best record between tho two ports. Tlio previous lccord was llfty-ono hours and twen ty minutes, also made by tho Puebla. This recoid also beats the best record between San Francisco and Port laud, a 200 miles shorter run, which Is llfty-ono liouis aud leu minutes, niado by tho State of California, wllh Captain Debuey iu command. A Hlg Fortune. DiDDiii'oitD, Me., Oct. 21. Cvrus P. Derry, an employe In the water power machine shop, received in formation to-day of tho deatli of an undo In California, by which lie will coino into possession of 1,000, 000. Tho deceased undo was Silas EmeiHon of Mountain View, Cal., who went to that State from Har rison, Me., at the time of the gold discovery. J lo leaves property esti mated to lie worth 10,000,000. (ioreil by a Hull. Wifiiita, Kas., Oct. 21. John Coulter, a fanner living near Derby, iu lids county, was killed by a mad bull to-day. Tlio bull attacked him iu a field and gored him in a fright ful manner. One horn pierced Coul ter's throat below the chin and pro truded from his mouth. He was dragged some distance in tills man lier before tho horn became loosened from his head. ltii.ist.il Allm. Gki:i:nvim,i:, Ala., (Jet. 21. Tills morning a qiianol between a negro aud a young white man named Roberts resulted iu tho negro pour ing gasoline over Itobcits. All other negro touched oil' the fluid with a lighted lamp, and instantly Roberts was enveloped iu flames. Ho ran wild up and down tho streets and was literally roasted alive. Olio of tlio negroes husbeon arrested. Appointed Consul at llitue. Washing io.v, Oct. 21. -The pres ident has appointed Ooar F. Wil liams United States consul at Havre, Franco. A holly .Sliiiiliin. Tho latest bonnet lscalled"KIIfel." Jt will bo worn at tho theaters, and only tho boys iu tho gallery will know what gooi on on the Htajo. Detroit Journal, Fini: Wi:ati i int. During thia Hue weather you snotilil eui ut (111- I hert it Patterson's liiryournroieiltv, nt. W