! V sspf fr st, SUBSCRIBE Fon ADVBR riSB IN THE CAPITAL JOURNAL IT Wlt.Ii UK A GOOD INVESTMENT. J-The Terms aro Most Rcasonablo-S THE CAPITAL JOURNAL CAPITAL JOURNAL. THE BEST PAPER IN SALEM. 43-You will be well plwiBcd with U.-C VOL. 2. SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1889. NO. 202. Abstracts. For reliable and correct ABSTRACT OF TITLK, Call on the Salem Abstract and kill Company, F E. AUSTIN, Manager. NO. 221 COMMERCIAL STREET, SALEM, OREGON. B&The only complete set of Abstracts In Marlon county. P. O. Box 200. GEO. K. SMITH, T FURNITURE, Window Shades, Wall Paper, Pictures, .Mirrors, Moldings, Frames, Baby Carriages, Wagons, Rugs, Stationery. Notions, HolIday'Goods, Croquet Sets. Hammocks, Etc. Tents, Awnings, Etc. made to order and kept constantly on hand. 307 COMMERCIAL STREET (BANK BLOCK), SALEM, OREGON. O IffiTGoods of all kinds sold on the regular installment plan in the city at Smith's Auction House, corner of Liberty and State streets, Salem, Or. Miss Leona Willis, TEACHER OF MUSIC. Lessons given In voice culture nnd Ital Ian singing, piano and organ. Special at tention given to beginners. Can be seen at the Conservatory, or at the residence, cor ner of Center and Capitol streets. 10-lGml For success at the CAPITAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, Saltm, Oregon. A. P. Abmtkono, Mngr. E. L. Wiley, Prln. Business, Shorthand, Tjpiwritlng, Pmnunihip tnd Insist Icputmenu. Day and evening Sessions. Students admitted any time. Call at the College or address the Principal for catalogue. City Tax Notice. The Salem city taxes are now due and payable at my office with WHHama &. En gland. Taxpayers will please govern themselves accordingly. - E. J. SWOFFORD. City Tax Collector. Real Estate AND INSURANCE. Having removed my office to 95 State street, I am now better prepared than ever to do a rushing 1 ALSO Fire and Accident Jnsurance Written In the best companies doing busi ness In Oregon. Call on me at ouce. Isaac A. Manning, 95 State Street Notice to Cannery Men! A large Cannery and Fruit Drying estab Ilshmeut would do well at Aurosvtlle, Or egoa, as plenty of pears, plums, prunes and cherries, raspberries, blackberries, also plenty of green corn, peas aud toma toes could ne obtained for canning purpo ses. There Is a grand opening here foi such an establishment. AUMSVILLE Is located in the midst of a good grain, fruit and stock coountry. For further particulars address: T. B. MADISON, Aumsvllle, Marlon oouuty.Or. 10-lOdwlm GEORGE WILKINS' IBW UTOHKJ SHOP On Liberty street, aeross the brhtaa la North lew. aii "" ofmeaU ksfet mi Ccueectte Real Es ate Business PROPRIETOR 1STM1T HOUSE ! DEALER IN Established 18681 The Oldest and Staunchcst Between Saera sento aud Portland. LAOD & BUSH, Bankers, Iron Building, Salem, Oregon. Accounts kept, loans made, exchange on every part of the world bought and sold, letters of credit issued to travelorH, collec tions made throughout the United States, British America and Mexico, state, county and city warrants cashed. We offer pat rons accommodations consistent with con servative banking. 10-3tflw3t WM. SARGEANT, DEALKU IN Wall Paper, Pictures FRAMES, MOULDINGS, BRACKETS, TOYS, FANCY GOODS. Commercial Street, Salem, 0.. New Harness Slop. B. F. Wiley has now a fine stock of Har ness and Saddlery on hand and Invites the public to call and inspect his stock. Repair work a specialty. 234 Commercial Street, Salem NEW RESTAURANT ! MRS. A. C. LEAB0 Has taken charge of the W. C. T. U. read ing room, and has started a first-dims res taurant In connection with the same. For A GOOD MEAL Give hera call. No Chinese are employed. Everything about the establishment Is neat nnd clean and In good order. Board by the day. week or single meal. Call at the Opera House building, Court street, Salem, Oregon. FOR SAIvK. A Span of Mules I Wagon and Set of Harness! A BARGAIN FOR SOIH Cull at this office for particulars. A. A. OSBORN Has 308 acres of Tk M Pasture Laid ii tic State, ox miu him the brtdce In Polk county, fteswlngrewlad J Capitol A take Mpy. O CASHMERES. 40c, 60c, GOc, 75c, 90o nnd $1 a yard. A largo assortment of good values. Ladles' cloth and waterproof. VELVETS. Our Hues can't bo duplicated In the city. All shades, styles and prices are represented. FLANNELS. Small plaids, good quality, 25 cents a yard, a better quality and a larger plaid for GOc, 75 atid $1. Light white flannels 16c a yard, worth 25c, better ones atSOc, 40c and 50c. worth 45c, 60c and 75c. Also red, pink nud.bluo flannels, a nice fresh assortment. TOWELS. Good linen towels" at $1 a dozen, sold every where else for $1.25. These are going fast. Damask towels nt 20c, worth 25. Fine Turkish bath towels, white and colored, 25c. These prices are within the reach of everybody. A WORD TO THE MEN. When you get ready to buy your winter underwear, call at the Capital Adventure Com pany's Store. You will save money thereby. See If you don't. We have Oiled and Rubber Coats and Legglus, Rubber Boots and Shoes, and everything else you need to make ytu com fortable. CLOTHING. Men's Youths' and Boys' Suits' and Over coats, all styles and sizes. We can suit the Laborer and Me chanl o as well as the most fastidious. A new line of umbrellas just received, cambric and silk covers. Get our prjees. CORSETS. "Little Beauty," 50c, "Pasadeua," 75c. These are good articles, and very cheap. Finer corsets at $1, $1.50 and $2. A large line. BSyEverybody who trades at the Opera House Corner goes away pleased. CAPITOL ADYENTURE COMPANY, SALEM, KRAUSSE - -"-Curry t lu- Largest Line' of - . Boots a COMPRISING Men's Boy's and Youth's Calf, Kip a'nd Nailed Boots. Also a largo stock of Men's Calf Button, Congress and Gaiter Shoes of the Latest and Best Styles and Finish. -O- FIVE HUNDRED DOZEN Ladies' Misses and Children's Freuch, Kid, Pebble Goat, C. Kid, Don gola Shoes, Sandals, Slippers, Ties, Etc. Bargains in all Lines. KEAUSSE & KLEIN, 211 Commercial Street. Ben Forstner & Co. Wo will sell lower than ever before Clothing, Boots aud Shoes, Hats and caps, Rubber and Oil Clothing, Blankets and Quilts. Wo also have the best and largest stock of GUN GOODS AND AMMUNITION I jtffiComo and seo us beforo purchasing elsuwhere and save money I Wm. Brown k Co. DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, rsi risk plssssssssssssSisssssssssssiSilssssssH - OJREGON. -" i & KLEIN Leather and Findings. CASH PAID FOR WOOL, HIDES, PELTS, AND FURS. This house curries a large stock of first cIush goods from the best manufacturers In the world, and is prepared tohe satisfac tion, uoui in iu uiiu iiiuuiy, iu every one who wlllpurclmse goods il them, Shoes ! No. 21 Commercial Street, SAI-RM - - - OKISGON Tiir Mechanics' Fair. Parties attending tho Mechanics fair should leave their orders for groceries at Gilbert & Patterson's. Tho Bon Ton restaurant is with out doubt the most desirable place in the city for a substantial meal. The cotleo served at this favorite restau rant cannot be excelled. Foil Rent. Two neat furnished rooms, for rent; eentrally located. For particulars call at this ofllce. Fisu, Fish. Tho Baltimore fish market on Court street is the place to get your nsu, poultry ana game. Peculiar In the combination, proportion and prep aration of lbi Ingredients. Hood's Hnrsa pnrllla accomplishes cures where other nreDarutlon full. P cultnrlnltscoodnnmo at home, which Is a "lower ot strength abroad," peculmrlu tho phenomenal sales It has attained. Hood's Saroaparllla Is the most successful medicine, for purifying tho blood, giving strength nnd creating an appetite. It lins been pnnen that Wrigk.'s Ited Cross Cough Cure cures throat mid lung troubles of long slnnding, when all other remedies fall! gold by all druggists. You can't nllbrd to have, nn omiuslve breath and decayed teeth. Wright's MyrrlvTooth Soap prevents both. Try It, Hold by all druggists. Put to Flight Nervousness and indiges tion by Wright's Hop Celery and Chamo mile Hitters. A healthful stimulus, nnd strengthening nnd Invigorating. Hold by H. W.Cox. A. R. Peck, confidential book keeper in tho Chicago ofllce of P. Lorillard & Co., has disappeared. It is stated that he has overdrawn tho firm's monoy to the extent of several thousand dollars. Tho White Caps in Wilson county, Tenn., made a search for tho Mor mon Bishops who had returned to that county after having been driven away, but the bishops ovaded tho regulators and got away in safety. JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Groceries, Paints, Oils and Window Glass, Wall Pa per and Border, Artists' Ma terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence Posts, Grass Seeds, Etc, NEW TO-DAY. Just Received At Chnrles Calvert's Mllllnoi-y Ruzuurouc of tho finest lines of Millinery Goods eer brought to Hnlem. All goods aro of tho lntcstdeslgn nnd have been brought direct lioiii the Millinery Emporiums of Hnn Francisco. Tho ladles of Bnlem and surrounding country are Invited to call nnd Inspect this lino of goods. School Tax Notice. The M-hool taxes of District No. 21, In Marlon county, are now due nnd paynblo ut tho clerk's olllro, No. lot Court street, In Opera House block, Kulem. The same will ho deomed delinquent unless pntd within sixty days from date. DAVID SIMPSON, School clerk. October 15, 1889. WANTED, WANTED A man with twelve yenrs' experience In hnrdwaro want a po sition In an Inland Oregon town, can fur nish the best of references. Address "IfAimwAnE," Capital Journal. FOIt IlENT. A MARRIED COUPLE or two ludlcs or two gentlemen may obtain, nt reason 3 rates, good board with a nicely fur nished suite of rooms In a tine locality, convenient to tho street cars, by culling at 307 Winter street. Toil HALE (Mt I.K ASK. Ull U A T I' Mt? ILUaM t'Vin ...n.... tn niirnhiiKQ or Iqako a saw mill? Address II. II., this olllco. IMIdwlw FOIt SALE riOK HALE. A FAUM OK 320 AOREH r ull under fuuco and cultivation, In the best raugo country of Eastern Oregon. Tho best clmncu c er olfercd for u man to engage In stock raising. For particulars cull on or address W. II. 1IYAIW, Salem, Oregon. SOCIETY NOTICE. eLIVElX)I)OKNo. 18, I. O. O. F meets In Odd Fellows' Hall upstairs. Cornei i..iinmcrcinlnnd Ferry streets, every Hut urduyut7:'K)p. in. J. T. GREGG. WM. CLAHK E, Hecrctury. N. O, 0 A. H. Hcdgwlck Post, No. 10, Depnrt- ment of Oregon, meets every Monday evening at the hull oer the Oregon Ijind company's oillee. Visiting comrades un cordially Invited to attend. A. W. DiiAYOKii, Post Commader. II. F. Soutiiwick, Adjuta tt. I'ltOI'IMSIONAI. CAIllJH. L. S.HKIFK. MAItKH.HKIW. T S. BICIFFACo. Dentistry. Painless Ij, extraction oftcctli with new proces. ATm) gold crowns made and utt. Ilrlck dental olllce near ojicra house, Kulem, Or, J J, HHAW, attorney nt luw, Hulem, Ore- gon. Otllco up-stulrs In the Pulton block. PHVHICIAN.-MIIH.DR. l. K. MtCOY physician uud surgeon, has located and taken rooms over Hqulre Parror's grocery store. Chronic discuses u spec laity. Consultation free. l2-21dw WP. WILLIAMH, HTENOOItAPHEIt , and Typewriter Copyist. Will make reports of trials, etc.; copying on type writer accurately and neatly done. Olllce over A. T. Yea ton's furnllure store, Com mercial street, Kalem. -tHAULKS C. UU11TIH, M. 1)., Hurgeon j and llomo-oimthlc DlDslclan. Olllce and residence, New Hunk Ulock, SU Com. merclal street, Salem, Or, Olllte hours 8 to 9 a. m. and from '1 to S and 7 to 8 p. m. Dis eases O.' the rectum und chronic diseases a specially. Fifteen ymrsexperience, aw LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. AIIM MLOWN OFF. A Sovcnteen-Yenr-Old Hoy nt Albany Meets With n Terrlblo Accident, Special to the Capital Journal. Alhany October 10, 3:45 p. m. Whllo hunting in a small boat on the river abouc three miles above Albany this afternoon, Ben Clolan a seventeen year-old boy, had the great misfortune to have his right arm was blown completely off and when assistance arrived his arm was only hanging by tho biceps aud was amputated this evening at this city by Drs. Ellis and Hill. Ho is in a prccau cious condition. Senatorial llatlroad Committee. San Francisco. Oct. 18. Tho senatorial committee on Paclflo rail ways visited the Union Iron Works and inspected the hull of the now cruiser San Francisco this morning. During tho afternoon a tour of the bay was made and the alleged de fenses were viewed from Senator Hearst's yutch. The programme as mapped out by Secretary Brlggs, of tho committee, is as follews: To-morrow at Palo Alto the famous stable and Lelaud Staudford, Jr., university will be visited. Then tho party will proceed to Monterey, spoudiug Sunday and Monday there, and returning to this city on evening of latter day, Los Angeles will then bo visited. After returning to this city tho trip noith ward will bo broken nt Vina, Teha ma county, whore President Stan ford's vineyards will bo visited. Tho committee will then go to Portland and from there travel east over the Oregon Short Line as far as Denver where they will disband. North Yuklma. North Yakima, Oct. 17. The citizens of North Yakima aro much incensed at tho unscrupulous methods Olympla has adopted iu trying to boom her real estatti by spreading the report that North Yakima has withdrawn from the capital contest. North Yakima has not withdrawn from her aspirations for capital honors nnd will enter the contest next election with renewed vigor and stay to n finish The district court now in session will supply ouly two criminals for the penitentiary, one for ouo year, the other for eighteen months. Court will adjourn to-morrow. Tho poles for tho telephono system are all iu pluco and soon our citizens will hear tho monotonous hello, hello. A Crime Confessed, San Josi:, Cal., Oct. 18. C. F. Smith, who has been working on a ranch near Maderia, to-day sur rendered himself to tho deputy sheriff, saying that whllo working as cook iu tho Bucodn hotel, Wash ington, In Juno last, ho stole $410 from his employer's truuk and came to California. He suys ho can re fund all the money except $120. A telegram from Bucodn this 'evening says that Smith is wanted thero. Pacific Coast Nuval AfTulrs., San Francisco. Oct. 18 Tho United States steamers Ranger and MoAithurwlll soon leave the navy yard at Mure island, where thoy havo been for several mouths. The Ranger will return to tho hydrographlc service and the McArthur to tho coast survey ser vice. Tho Adams, now stationed at Samoa, will probably bo ordered back to Mnro Island next spring and taken out of commission. A Speculator's Death. Chicago, Oct. 18. James M. Sel over, once quite a noted Wall-street broker, und of late years a mining speculator, died to-day at tho Lelutid hotel, of brain fever. Selover ac quired considerable celebrity a few years ugoiu connection with a phys ical encounter ho had with Jay Gould. Ho oama to Chlcugo, It Is said, to sell somo Idaho mining property. Youthful Fire Fiends. Kansas City, Oct. 18. A large number of Hinall Incendiary fires liuvo occurred recently. Tho jwllce have discovered that tho Incendiaries were a band of school boys ruuglug iu ago from 11 to 16 years. They wcra regularly organized uud called themselves Captain Kid's pets. Tho leaders are under urrest. California Grape Yield San Francisco, Oct. 18. Instead of being as large as was expected at tho beginning of the fruit season, the grope yield of this state bus fallen ubout 20 per cent, below tho crop of 1888. Stage Robbery. Baker City, Oct. 18. Tho Baker City and Canyou stage was held up at 0 o'clock this morning near Union creek, and tho mail sacks robbed of all registered matter. The robber was disguised by having n dark woolen scarf tied over his head nnd face. The driver described the man as weighing about 135 pounds and that ho was dressed in dark clothes. After tho robber bad relieved the mall sacks of all registered matter, tho other mall was replaced In tho sacks and thrown in tho stage and tho driver ordered to proceed on his journov which ho did without delay. Work For the Sun Francisco Mint. New York, Oct. 18, A special from Washington to the Post says: Of tho silver bullion purchased yes terday by tho treasury department, $200,000 is destined for tho mint at San Francisco, which will bo started again. It is denied that there is any political significance In the re newal of tho work there; but colu ago is $1,300,000 in arrears. The Storm u the Couit. San Fkancisco, Oct. 18. Tho storm which began on the coast yes terday extended into tho interior, and nearly every section of tho state lias received a good soaking. Tho fall of rain, however, appears to have been heaviest along tho coast. Santa Cruz leads in rainfall for tho past twenty-four hours with a record of 3.41 inches. A .Monarch's Esrapc, Medford, Oct. 18. While return ing from un excursion into the In terior yesterday tho sultan of Mo rocco had to cross a swollen river to get to Fez. Tho sultan crossed safe ly, but twenty of his body-guard, who undertook to swim the river on their horses, were swept down the stream by the raging Hood nnd drowned. Maggie Mitchell Is a Wife. Boston, Oct. 18. With regard to the reported marriage of Magglo Mitchell, tho actress, to her leading man, Charles Abbott, last Saturday, tho Boston, Herald announces to day on authority that the ceremony took place at tho residence of tho actress in Long Branch, on Juno 13th Inst. A Ferocious Jaguar. London, Oot. 18. A scrubwoman was cleaning tho cuges at tho Ham burg Zoological Garden this morn ing, when a jaguar plunged his paw through tho bars of tho cage and managed to lacerate her flesh so frightfully that she died In a short time. CONDENSED DISPATCHES. Tho condition of tho king of Port ugal is worse. His paralysis has In creased. Tho Semite of Mexico hits upprov tlio contract with Senor Roman! for a line of steamers connecting th gulf points. The English tory organs aro mak ing tho most of tho recent scandal from Chlcugo about fixing tho Jury for tho Cronln trial. Tho bodies of thirty-six men on tombed in tho explosion ut tho Bon tilee colliery nt Lougtou, Eng., Wednesduy, have been recovered. Heryey, who uccldeutly shot him self lu the abdomen on Tuesday morning at Baker City, Or., died yesterday from tho effects of tho wound. The Capital Freehold Land uud Investment Company of England has filed n charter with the secreta ry of stute of Texas. Its operations will embrace 3,000,000 ncres of syn dicate lands lu tho Pnuhuudle. Cup I till, $15,000,000. Tho colli n containing tho remains of Ralph Waldo Emerson, whoso grave was disturbed Saturday, has been placed lu nsccurcly bound box, which iu turn has been deposited in a grave composed of blocks of gran ite, cemented together and securely fastened with u granite covering. Tho generally nccepted theory is that tho act was committed to cre ate u sensation. Thero Is a cairn, surmounted by u small American Hag, on top of Pike's Peak. It was begun by Miss Field, a Topekn school teacher, and Is a memorial to Lucy Webb Hayes. Tho Veteran's Association of Ministers of the Genesee Conference, of ubout fifty members, in annual meeting ut Lockpoit, N. Y., has adopted u resolutlou Indorsing Cor poral Tanner. $$ Fashlou-makera predict that tho ursullne cloaks will soon become ubiquitous, JMHW. '