',:i:'..'g-:.if...-itYi,,jlailA,...i;gn.tt,ifc- ..m,-.ma. aaar EESXssasszac: "r yjes THE CAPITAL EVENING JOTJBNAL. k if THE CAPITAL JOURNAL FUHLISHED DAILY, EXCEPTHUNDAY, BY THE Canital Journal Publishing Company, "" (Incorporated.) Entered nt the iistofllco nt Salem, Or., us sccond-dnss mntti-r. JACOB L. MITCHELL Manager. HOMES. The following from the Tncoma A (iroat Cause of Death. ThcAVurago unnuul death rate In Globe strikes forcibly In Salem and j America from cholera, yellow fever, smallpox, typhoid fevi r. diphtheria and .scarlet fewr, all combined, due not icach the enormous total of deaths from coiiMiuiptiou. Sco fourth page for terms of subscrip tion. . Advertisements to liisero Insertion (for the some day) should bo linudcd In by 1 o'clock. Correspondence containing news of In terest nnd Importance Is desired from nil parts of the state. No attention will bo paid to anonymous communications. Persons desiring tlio capital .iouiinai. served nt their houses can secure It by pos- ofllce. jal card request, or by word left nt tliU Specimen numbers seut freoonnppllca- tton. Office, corner Court nnd Liberty Streets. THURSDAY OCTOHKR 17 In 1854 England had at sea a ton nage of 7,900,000. Tn 1888 she had 26,000,000. It Is dnugeraus to carry clg.rs ex posed In your pocket. They are sure to go oft. "I can knot," Is the paradoxical way lu which a clergyman tells matrimonially-inclined people what he can do for them. Tin: broken gambler who went to work lu a shio yard helping to "cop per" a steamer showed the ruling possessions to the last. The people of Johnstown are de manding the appointment of (wo detectives to find what has ben done with the relief fund. Can any thing happen in Pennsylvania that does not call for Plnkerton's men to And out about it? Talmaoe has long wanted to visit some place where the English language is iiotspokeu, and now he is going to Palestine. IT he had only thought of it, he might have visited the Anglomanias circles of Brooklyn and New York, if to find a place where the English lungiu'e is not spoken was his only desire. Ax Albany "Journalist" of the !) week persuasion, who has been in the business about two num is, was telling some young ladies ol Salem about the cevera demands of his profession upon his biaius and time, and said It was veiy liyinjj to bo obliged to work all ni'jht. A small girl who heard the last re mark, asked him with great inno cence if ho was in tho employ of the sewerage company. tho Journal reprints It: Taco ma to-day has a population of not less than 40,003 souls, and each month brings astonish ing numbers In addition. Nevtr in the history of this great north west have the workingmen of any city hud such graud opportunities for saving ihelr money and build ing homes for themselves as in this city. Every corporation, mill, foundry, machine shop and manufactory, of whatever kind, should most heartily encourage the laboring man to have his own house and lots; some place that he can call his own; his home. Tho worklnginen as a class own their own homes In Philadelphia, and that city lias twice as many dwelling houses as any other city in the world, according to popula tion. The auaichists and agitatois llud but few dupes among men who have their own homes, as has been dem onstrated, and the man with his home forms :i worthy pirt of the great aggregate of property in a largo community. , 'i hero are 20,000 laboring men in Philadelphia, who hold $.'0,000,000 worth of homes. Out of -ISo.OOO families in the lit tle Alpine republic of Switzerland, 401,000 are householders, and there lu lies the great secret of tho patriot ism and prosperity of that people, who have defied tyrants and hurled monarchy from their thrones. With the encouragement of the schools of art, sehods for manual training, free public reading rooms and libraries, gret't universities, and good government, the country flourishes, but before them all we must cultivate and encourage the acquisition of happy and contented homos. This will prove discourage ment to useless strikes, and drive anarchism back to tho father of lies, from whence it came, and will make America all we hope and expect in the increase of freedom and enlightenment. Six or more custom houses ate to he established on the Cnnmll.in sh'c of the lnturuatiou.il boundary l.e- tweeu Manitoba and the Ito;ky Mountains. The Atlanta Constitution pub lishes statistics of the negroes of Texas to provo their prosperity. It says that "tho negroes of Texas own 1,000,000 acres of land, pay taxes on $20,000,000 worth of property, have 2000 churches, 2000 Sunday schools, 2000 benevolent associations, ten high schools, 2300 common schools, 3000 teachers, 125,000 pupils attend iug schools, twenty-three doctors, twenty-llvo lawyers, 100 merchants, 5000 mechanics, fifteen newspapers, hundreds of farmers and stockmen, and several inventors. A late poem begins, "He lies up on the bare hil'-Mde." The poet probably referred to EM Perkins. He will lie upon the slightest provo ocation, not to speak of a hill-side. STATE OF OHIO, CITY OKToLlUlO, 1 Lucas County, H.r. J Frank .1. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner ol the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing I tisi negsln the city of Toledo, county and state afoiesaid, and that said firm will pay the stun of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and eveiy cae of catairh that can not be cured by tho use of Hall's Ca tarrh Cure. Fhank J. Ciiem:v. Sworn to before me and subf-ciibed in my presence, this 6th tln of De cember, A. I)., 18S0. seal. A W. Glkasox, Notary Public. 1 Tail's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally and acts directly on the blood end mucus surfaces of the sys tem. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney & Co. Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, price 75 cents. Chicago's gro.it public building, the Auditorium, is Hearing comple tion, und is expected to.be ready for a trinud opening DeccimH-r 0th. The Resignation or DrTJJarnes P. Kimball as Diteetor of the Mint, has been accepted, and it is believed Edward O. Leech will succeed him. A St. Louis business man recent ly wanted a second-hand typewriter, so he inserted an advertisement in tho morning papers reading: "T want a fair or good typewriter," and gave his address. Ho received one reply from a man who had a ma chine for sale and seventy-eight re plies from girls, whogayo their speed per minute, with many details that were not particularly relevant, such as tho color of hair and eyes. Near ly all pleaded great necessity for work and ollercd to begin on any terms. Tho Incident convinced this man, as It would probably convince most people, that tho supply of female typowrltois and steno graphers Is largely in excess of the demand and that tho laugu.igo needs a now word to describe the type writer who wears bangs. Hanoinos and bank failures are aliko lu one particular. They couse more or less suspense. Uinm-Yumin-Wow! "How Important a matter is kiss ing! Just as important as eating, if not more so. The next time you v'sityour best girl kiss her softly and thoughtfully. When slio rises from her cliair lay your arm quiet ly r.rouud her waist und draw her to you. Of course ehe will play bashful and turn away her face. Then turn her face to you by plac ing your left hand on her right cheek. Look straight down into her eyes for half a minute and bow your head slowly. Don't pucker your lips; don't press your mouth on her so hard as to knock out her teeth. The lips should just touch, thcu a slight pressure, a slight move ment of the lips, and you feel a sweet tremor which is balsam to your soul. If you kiss like this you know how to kiss. Aliiina is going to try a curfew ordinance, says the Oregonlau. Such a law lias been in force In Kust Port land for about two years, during a part of which tlmo it has been reasonably well enforced. Tho bell still lings promptly at t o'clock, warning tho children oil' tho streets, but as no ouo takes tho pains to see whether thoy heed tho warning or not, it cannot bo claimed that tho boys quietly depart for their homes at that hour. Tt Is idle to say, how over, that such an ordinance cannot bo enforced, Tho experiment bus mot with sufllclcnt success in that city to provo that tho men can con trol tho boys If thoy will take tho troublo to do so. Tho people of Al bina will do well to start lu this busi ness with a plain undcrstaudiugthat It Is ono of tho ordinances that will not enforce its lf, and bo prepaicd to back it up with some vigilance and determination. Otherwise tho boys will continue to evade It, and after a tlmo will como to laugh lu tho faces of tho city fathers as Indian Sign Language. Although there are seventy-three different languages and about 800 dialects spoken by tho American In dians, the sign language is equally understood by all the tribes. Chief Natchez, of the Pluto tribe, Is an adept in tho sign language. In Washington City, some years ago, he held a consultation by signs with tho best experts, in which ho gave an account of the troubles existing at that time with some bauds of renegade Indians up near tho Oio gnu line, discribiug a trip ho made tothocanipof tliohostlles. Natchez enjoys the almost solitary honor of having his talk published in the Government repoitsou these mat lets, with a fullexplanatiou of every sign he Usui hi conveying tho in itelllgcnce bought from him. He was hluhly spoken of bv uovern- ment exjKjrtH for his great knowl edge of, and readiness lu tho Indian sign language. lloston Traveller. Tho Iowa elu'eso factories talk of uruanhing into a corporation, and want a name. Wo suggest tho Mile society. IT WAS lO OVUj Tlll.ll: I.IM.US!) IIIUIMlMi. Probably no one thing has caused such a great revival of trade at Dan iel J. Fry's Drugstore as their giving away to their customers s-o many free trial bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Their trade is simply enormous in this very valuable article from the fact that it always cures and never disappoints. Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Pronchifis, Croup, nnd all throat and lung dis eases quickly cured. You can test it before buying by getting a trial bot tle fiee, largo sie 1. Every boiile warranted. There is a movement in Michigan to have the national Hag displayed on all school houses in the slate, and Governor Luce heartily indorses it. It is estimated that 80,000 Amer icans who have viMted Europe this season have paid to the compauiis for passage botli ways upwaid :f 14,000,000. Little Women Are as a rule, possessed of happy dispositions; but when these sweet disposition!) become soured and ir ritable, in consequence of tho long train of distressing feaiuics peculiar to female complaints, they are not then companionable to say the least. It is the duty, not only ot little wo men, but ol all women so atlllctecl, to brim; about tho subjection, and immediate removal, of these painful maladies This u easily accom plished by tho use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, tho great spe cilie for "female weaknesses." It is a positive cure for tho most compli cated aud obstinate cases of leucor rhea, excessivo (lowing, painful men stration, unnatural suppressions, prolapsus or falling of the womb, weak back, "female weakness," an teverslon. retroversion, bearing down sensation, chronic congestion, inilamumtlau and ulceration of the womb, inflammation, pain and ten derness in ovaries, and kindred ali ments. All druggists. Thero is too largo a sentiment in opposition to the use of Central Park for the World's Fair at New York, and the move looking to that site Is being abandoned. StAlUCKTlllTrOHT. VSft The Chief Rcnun for tno great ru cess of Hood's Sarsaparllla Is found In th4 miclo Itself. It Is merit that wins, and UM fact that Hood's Sarsaparllla actually a eompllshcs what Is claimed tor It, Is whlfl bas given to this medicine a popularity an lalo greater than that of any other sarsap Mrit Wins rlUa or blood pnrip IVI til 1 1 VV 1 1 Id fier boforo tho pubUa, Hood's Rirsaparllla cures Scrofula, Ball Rliciim and all Humors, Dyspepsia, Sick Heartache, nillousncss, overcomes That rirmt 1'eellng. creates nn Appetite, strength ni tl.e .W i vc, biilMi up the Whole System Hoot's Mnr-mviirHla Is sold by all drag -Iti. oi. r.H-m. Prepared by 0. 1. Hoot I'n.. Ai'oilirc.iririi. Lowell, Mass. The Best Residence Localities In tho city of Portland and otlior itrc.sj-.orcus tcvits nro those owned by men or corporations who hnvo tho disposition nnd ability to iniprovo them. A WOMAN'S DISCOVERY. "Another wonderful discovery ha been made and that too by a lady in thlsCeVHLS Disease fastened its clutcbes1!Hn her aud for seven years she withstood its severst tests, but her vital organs were under mined and death seemed imminent. For three months she coughed inces santly aud could not sleep. She bought of us a bottle of Dr. lung's New Discovery for Consumption and was so much relieved on taking first dose that she slept all night and with one bottle has been miracu lously cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz." Thus write W. C. Hamrick & Co., of Shelby, N. C. Get a free trial bottle at Daniel Fry's druc store. It has been discovered that the city of Cincinnati owns nearly ?1, OCO.000 of real estate, of which all knowledge had been forgotten. MAlttT u.s. "We desire to say to our citizens that for years we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Cou sumptiou, Dr. King'sNcw Life Pills, Buckleu's Arnica Salvo and Electric Bitters, and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satisfac tion. We do not hesitate to guar antee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not follow their use. These, remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. Sold by Daniel J. Fry, HIGHLAN r-. U ADDITION TH mvm mw IS OWNED BY I LID WW And this Corporation is determined to Me It lie 1st Attractive Ml To the city of Salem I They hnT ttTo at this time fifteen teams employed and the contemplated improvements have ". 'o make the drlvo leading from Commercial street thmuirh Rlvratrtn ni wii, land additions and around Highland Park h NEW TO-DAY. Mi IIANfilN THOMAS BURROWS litis Ju-t received a new lino of the latent style of hanging lamps which will bo sold nt tho most reasonable rates. We also carry a fill I line of Groceries, Feed, Cigar, Tobacco, Crockery and Glassware ! Pou't full to sample our new lino of confectionery. No. 22U Commercial Street,. Salem, Oregon, THE FINEST DRIVE IN THE STATE Of Oregon. The line of the Salem Street Railway Company runs through the middle of this addition, and no lots will bo more than two blocks distant from the line. Highland Park will in tho near future be THE MOST POPULAR RESORT ABOUT THE CITY OF SALEM. Lots in Highland Additon are High and Dry and Well Located; Most Excellent Drainage The soil is black and rich. From all points a fine view is ohtaiued of the public buildings and our highest mountain peaks. Arrangements arc already being made for the location of two churches in this addition, and a number of residences are soon to be built. Buildings only of the best class will be permitted. Residence lots within tho limits of the city of Salem are worth, on an average over $1000. We can sell you better lota in High land addition for one-third of the money, and being directly on tho lino of the street railway they aro practi cally not half so far from the public buildings and the business part of the town as tho majority of the so called "inside lots." Buy a Lot in Highland Addition for Three Hundred Dollars, And let some other fellow pay $1000 fur un inferior lot not so well located. With the difference of $700 you can Duna a oeautnui cottage, or put it out at a rate of Interest that will buy you nearly two thousaud street car tickets every year. NEW VAR1LTY STORE ! A first-class Variety Iiazarr will bo opened up In tho new brick building Just east of Dr. Kowland's, on Court street. A Select Line of Variety Goods Aio expected Immediately direct from the Kastcrn marlcots that will be sold at astonishingly LOW PRICES A SjuopHlx of ttie Markets Ituyiiig and soiling I'rlceo. HKI.MMl 1-ltlCKS. .Shouldci-s-Bugar cured.per lb,Viy(i He HreaUlast bacon 15 to 17c. Hams Sugar cured, per Hi, 10 18c. roils siaidkc. Mutton i$u:. Veal 10 12e. Timothy wed 1 Colonel-Well, what's tho matter now T I'rlvatc I've got liver trouble and dytpep- Ia, and ought to get leave for thirty day. I'nlDiicI-ril glvo you ton, and if you taVo Joy' Vcgvtublo Bareanarilla that will bo long I'UUIlgll, l'er pound. Sc: hcllhiL'. .. . .-. .. ..-. .', i.. lieu ciovr seen l'er pouuu, ise. Whlto clover need l'or pound, SMo. " lleiins to per lb., helling. Oat meal So.llng at 3 to Co. IIUVINQ I'ltlCKS. Wheat ttJJie net. Klour l'or barrel, 84. 10. Oath l'er bushel, Si 6 USc, Hurley l'er bushel, 60c. Hrun IVrton.m.'iOat the mill. HlmrtH l'er ton, Sl.'i 50. Chp l'er ton, Sl.r. Hops (Quoted at 8!le per lb. KgB S3o ner dozen. rotutocN l'er bushel, IV, Corn meal :c per pound. Chcehe UkijlSo per pound. Dried apples l'er lb., Wu'e. (Ireen apples 50eSI. l'er box Dried pluuih IVrlli. lt37c. Dried poaches l'or lb. 10 Dilcd prunes l'er lb. UVJKie. llutter .'Wapor pound for good I.urd lOOlloperlb. Hams l'er pound,1012Je. Hiuim sides 10 per lb. Shoulders 73l'o per lb. Chlckons-.ftQlOo per pound Hogs-Oil fiKitit'&W Ih-ef-On root ixA Hi 3Kc Wool l'er pound, 20o. TurUeyi. l'er pound, lOo. Hums, old l'er pound, lOe. Young chickens l'er pound, Va (lee-.e- $U to S7 per do. Ducks $3 to JO per do. John A. Carson, COUNSELOR, AHOIuW-AT-LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC . Member of tho liar of Ontario, Canada. Ofllce, 09 State Street, Salem, Oregon. llEFEItENCES AT TORONTO: Hon. Sir Thomas Gait, Chief Justice or Common Pleus; Hon. James McLennan, Judge of tho Court or Appeals; Hon. W. I. H. Street, Judge of the Queen's Bench. Money to loan. Watch for further nnnouucemcntf) con cerning opening day. No W. S. MOTT, M. D, (Fonnoity of Williams Qiove, l'a.) Ofllce for the present at RESIDENCE, 470 Commercial Street! Calls In tho city or from tho country promptly responded to. 8-lCdw2m Sfliall Farms for Sale. A numbei of ten-ncro tracts of desirable and within one and n hair miles of Salem, nt prices ranging from f50 to S1U0 per acre. Apply to WILUS A CHAMUERLIK, 6-29-Im Opera House Block MRS. M. E. WILSON, ilincr and Dressmaker, Invites tho ladies or Salem and vicinity to call und Inspect her Belect stock or Fnll Millinery that has Just arrived. She will pay particular attention also to the latest styles of dressmaking. An attempt waM made recently to wreck tlio Wisconsin Central i.t.s souger train, but a party of hunters discovered ami removed tlio obstruc tions in tlmo to prevent it. Tlie Crime of (lie Century ! Or tho Assassination of DR. PATRICK HENRY BY HENRY M. HUNT. The Greatest Sensation of the Age! C, M, L0CKW00D, SALBM, ... OREGON. Headquarters for tho Willamette Valley for the celebrated Cniunililn hlcvclpo nmi tricycles. The Columblas are well known are the best made, nnd have valuable Im provements for tho year Those wuntlng machines will do well to call on or corres pond with me beforo pnrclmslng, Olttce at Gilbert Bros.' bank, 207 Com mercial street, Salem. DORRANCE BROS. Dealers in every variety of OREGON LUMBER. DRESSED AND UNDRESSED! Lumber Delivered on Short Notice. Yard at the Agricultural works, Salem, Oiegon. Allll located rour and a hair miles northeast from Salem, on tho John Martin donation land claim. Slab Wood 50c Per Cord. Call nnd see us beforo purchasing else ".;. u-w ATTENTION FARMERS! Single lots und acres, or salem P. O, One half mlln Went OOOd Roil, nil nlpnr nnri In lino condition. All ready rer planting rruit and shrubbry at once. Each piece fronts on n nice street, and no city tax. THOMAS & PAYNE 0N STATE ST. SA.LE1VI. Call and See J. CRONISE, T. Salem's Popular Job Printer, AT IIIH NEW QUARTERS IN TH Htate Insurance Building, Cor. Com mercial and Chcmekete streets '0-ltf Conservatory of Music Of the Willamette Unlver lty Salem, Ore- kuu, iuv iuwi Buucnaiui iuusiu oCUOOI Oil li ,uui iuv luua. Duu.nuill 4UUB1U OCUtXIl Oil he Northwest Coast. Courses In mnt.ii- nm equal to Eastern music schools. Yearly nt- icuuunt-D ui uvuriy ouo nunurea una nny The able corps or teachers ror tho coming school year will be lror. Z. M. liirvln. Imnn Wlllla Alio V..o .. .... teachers, Miss Lulu M. Smith, illss Hully rnrlsh.aud Miss Mamie l'urvln. 1J ranches taugbtaro Vocal Culture, llano. Organ, Violin, Pipe Organ, Harmony Counterpoint, and Class Teaching. Diplomas given on completion or course Send ror catalogue and circular. Z. M PARVN. 7-25d3m-wlm. NEW LIVERY STABLE. Gaines Fisher, Proprietor. UONANZA FOR AGENTS. ly na tboy lmvo long boon nivtislom ed to dolii tlio&o of their mothcro when these kindly but mistaken creatures hnvo mildly biiKgestwl thut (lioy "oomo Uomo fiirly,' lluoklen's Arnica Salvo. Tho best eulvo lu tlio world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt " ' " tTvdir, meeker, of tho Baldwin note, Ban1 rheum, fever boics, tetter chnpned I only reliable i"hi out ooi(. rruucljco, writes: I havo ipeut many n dol. hnuds, ehllblnliia, corns and all skin j'JJ. Nearly fioo p.ig It Is tho only complete and nuthentlo book on the subject. Brimful or hitherto unpublished facts and contains docu ments never beforo glvou to tho world. Profusely Illustrated with original nud llnely executed engravings or tho prlncl. hi iwiuia uiiu sn'lll'a ill Ilia lliivuj, ill addition, a view or the court room during Corner Ferry and Liberty streets, N. E. cor the prosiess or the lilal; of the weapons from Chemekete hotel, Balem, Or. with which tho unfortunate phjstdun met ' ' his fate. A va lua lil o pictorial history or this gro i est or modern crimes. Evervbudv wants I this book. Kansas House, Corner ot Court and High Sis. E. M. LAW, Proprietor. We have taken a now nnme but will continue to serve ourpatrons with tho best the market nUords, give them u cordial welcome to Our Home. Terms reasonable. Glvo us u call and we will do you ood. No Chinese employed. LOANS. Loans negotiated nnd closed without de lay when security is satisfactory and Title Good ! Principal and Interest payable at our Bnlom olllco. l.oans made on farm prop erty. e r Money Ready When Papers Completed Those wlshlncr loans for lmnmm,.. or stock nro requested to call on us or cor-??P0nd-... t "HTH A HAMILTON. uJS.w,JJ1 Duncim Booth, 09 State sU, Balcm, Oregon. A. BARGAIN. If you havo $200 or $300 to invest in a business that will Clear You from $5 to $15 a Day, Good for fifteen years, without competi tion, see the exhibition on the corner of Commercial and 8tate streets. JOSEPH FUSOH. BLACKSMITIIIM and MG0NMAK1NG. JOHN HOLM, THE RELIABLE BLACK smith, has removed tils shop to the corner or Commercial and Chemekcte "treets, where he is ready ,to serve the public. He Is now nrnnnrad hpllpr than ever to do all kinds of wagon and carriage making and repairing nil kinds nf black- smithing and repairing, and a general horse shoeing business. He has all kinds orshpes,steel,trottlng, hand made, etc.and fits them In a scientific manner. Special attention given to tho construction or wag ons and carriages. Remember the place opposite State insurance building. Good accommodations for commercial travelers. First-class rig always on hand Charges reasonable Jar foriucdlelnei, but tho only thing that ever eruptions, and positively cures piles opped my uver troublo and dyspepsia was or no pay required, it is tjuunuiteeu Strike while tho iron Is hot I TI'U Is tho hemic tuition pub- ;os. Areutc me tell. i egciawo Barsaparllla. Cmstav Solomon, of 238 Valencia street, Ban 1'raiiclii-o, writes that it has entirely freed Mm nt hl imiiKcitjQa did ilck bcadiclvj, toulve perfect wit Ibfaet ton. ormouuv refunded, l'rleo 25 cents per box. I For sale by IJ.uilol .T Fry, drug I gist. I lug from teu to fifty copies it duy aud ur. iijiiuug money, aenu J vum lor plete vanvuhtfiig outfit Immediately New Express Wagon. at'im w niiia iirr isi.i- iitttttiu iiat iauii outfit Immediate y and I lllbblAJI lllllAAimn name choice of territory. Ad.Ue.-s Has started a new eznreu wmrnn nnd L THE HISTORY COiU'A.W, l&'W WSr.SjFfflt ofS No.W! ?,rket Street, Han Francisco,.. jf f "ny k'n4 0n ShPrt New Fish Market. Allen Rhodes has established a new Fish Market on Slat o street, and he kwmnrr.virt supply or fish, poul'ry and game. Give him a call and your order will be promptly attended to. ' 8 aim New Butcher Shop NO. llO AT STATE ST. L. S. WINTERS, THE PEOPLE'S QROOER Carries a select lino of family groceries and provision that are until at rraixnnnhle rites. i-,9ntry produce; such as apples, fruits of nil kinds, potatoes, vegetables, etc., always on hund. Call at 100 court street. Sulem. P. H. EASTON'S Salem Music Store Headquarters for Chlckorlng 4 Son's, Steiuwiiy. Hazlcton, Colby und Emerson l'lunos, Wilcox & White Orgm, Cash or Installments. 94 State Street, Patton's Block. 9-12dw ANGEVJNE & JEFFERSON. Have opened up first-class butcher shoo at the above location, where they will bn pleased to serve the people with the BUCKSMITIIIXG and HORSESHOEING. II hi trail CHOICEST AND BEST MEATS Have moved to 17 and 40 8UU street. of all kinds that thnmnrkAinm.rj. wnero tney uro now ready tor wow. ah UthwSMSShnyM or th Vi ol(l,P,"8 1'nJ Wends are invited to uperlorltyortir meauT fthe c"11 ?ua bet us ,n our ew location. JH X-Ooods dellveredAe are iter I'"pared tor work now than ruwflaenverearree, ever having secured rovre room. J-if) j r J, JtAI&lm. Ajmt -tl&. dC, .