Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, October 09, 1889, Image 2

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Canital Journal Publishing Company.
" .(Incorporated.)
KuRrcd at "tho postofllce at HuIem,Or.,a
second-class matter.
Bee foutlh page for tinnsof nubhcrlp-
AdcrllKrnientK to Insure Insertion (for
the same day) should Itc handed In by 1
Oorrehpoiidence containing news of In
tercut mid lniKrtuncc In desired rrom all
parts of the state.
No utlciitlonwlll be paid toiiiioiiyiiioiiH
rnntotiM diMlrlne tlio Capitai, Joi'H.vai.
served lit their Iioiimk cam secure It l.V hh
inl card request, or by word left nt Uil
Hpcclmcn number went free on iippm-ii-
Ofllc'u, corner Court mid Liberty HtrcelH.
JllTHSIIM. IIAKIIIHON paid 11 llylllj!
vmitto Chicago recently. It Is not
known liow niuny of tlHw twent.
live pair of punts lie carried with
him, but the fact that he owns ho
many trow sers fceenm to distress a
vaat number of brother editors who
have but one pulr with mi Inlliieii
tlal patch on them.
A Ni:V cement, for HeenrltiK iron
IntoHtone, Is detcilbed in hoiiio of
the foreign papers.-. The cement is
mude hv melting resin and stirring
in brick dust, which must be llnely
ground and sifted, until a sort of
putty is formed, which, however,
runs easily while hot. Hi using, the
Iron is set Into the hole in the stone
prepared to receive it, and the melt
ed putty poured In, until the space
in filled; then, If desired, bits of
brick, previously warmed, may be
pushed Into the mass, and a little of
the cement tlierby Hived. As soon
hh the whole Is cool the iron will be
firmly held to the stone, and the
cement is unite durable and unin
jured by the weather, while, unlike,
lead and sulphur, It has no Injurious
ell'ect on the iron.
JlmtnmtT Hri:Nci:it was the llrst
to define ami recognlu Altruism,
that product of late civilization
which consists of not living wholly
for ourselves but giving up some
part of our lives to others. Since
then we have seen the crowning
glory of life In the ability to pay to
the present thu debt we owe to the
past. And herein the newspaper,
speaking not to one man, but to a
multitude, has imposed by the
worltl u duty of Interpretation. It
must translate to the world the
world's thoughts and feelings and
actions, without fear or favor, bear
ing naught of malice, losing Its per
sonal life. And until this world of
ours shall bo "u slag, u cinder, drift
ing through the sky, without Its
crow of fools," the newspaper shall
bo covered with glory or shiuno ac
cording to Its ability to Interpret
with uccuraey the actions of the
Se.mi: statistician has figured out
how many Inhabitants this country
will contain the year 10S1), or one
hundred years hence. Ho shows
that our population in 1750 was
1, "00,(00. At the end of thirty
years it had Increased to 2,8 15,000.
In thirty yearn more, or In 1K10, the
nation numbered 7,i!.'!(l,8Sl. In 1810
our census gave a population of 17,
00!),l5:i. His now fully itt.OOO.OOO.
At this rale ol luciease, wiys the
Chicago Herald, our population In
llll will be about 1IS0,(HHI,000, and
In thirty yeais inoie, or In 1U50, it
will reach 100,000,000, Should a
child born this year roach the age of
one bundled, lie will bo one of the
1,000,000,000 people who will In
habit this country. To make him
self known to till his fellow eltions
ho will be obliged to rice eaily and
leuiain up till late, and get about
lively all day. If ho acquires only
local reputation It will be urn-usury
for hliu to m known by as many
Hople as now live in ten of (lie
most populous states.
Yht, true us It Is, as the French
pi o verb puts It, that the gloat men
do iiot live they aie dead: "les
grands homines n'c.i-toiit pas Its
Hout niorls." It Is ditllcult to esti
mate a living man at his true woith
or to rightly value his work. Per
sonal prejudice Intervenes even If
the critic have vital force mid In
tellectual Acumen to rocognUo nun It
whole none has been found before.
To the deail belongs n ivitatn rever
ence wo may not accord the living.
This In a pait of that old supersti
tious awe of the dead which our
foiotatheo ehoihhed through ages
mid which oven now renders us re
luctant to reduce the llfclctvi Utdy to
ashes, but would rather have It rv
bolvetl into Its elements by the slow
coiiihubtlnu of iiatuie. So euMoni
cunt u reverential glamour round
the dead and not ooldoiii diaws a
volt between us mid (ho living.
There aiv poilmps now More us
men who are the otmU o that
bright baud of w liters, the Ium of
whom huajiixt pjiNM'd away, Dick
ens, Thuekeray, Kluglcy, ltemlu
and (.'olltiito but this "purblind moo
of mortals" qtujioi view them
Tim: honor of being the highest
point on this hall of earth lias been
cmloskd for by vaiioiis mountains,
but for years it has universally been
accorded to Mt. Everest, one of the
Himalayas. Now it seems that that
claim Is superseded. The Halifax
Critic says that if more recent obser
vation be correctly reported the dis
tinction belongs'to n peak In the
Inland of Papau, or New Guinea
Tliis monster is said to havo been
discovered by Capt. A. J. Lawson,
of London, in 1881. According to
him the new claluialnt lor the
mountain championship is 32,703
let in height, bclng3,781 fret higher
than .Mt. Everest. The new giant
has been named Mt. Hercules.
lilt; VfcltllltT IISA.MUM'.S.
W. I). Suit, Druggist, IJIpptiH, ltid.,
testifies: "I can recommend Electric
Hillois as the vco 'et icinedy.
Kvi bottle sold lias given iclief in
ev.-rv c.ise. One inn n took six bottle1),
and was cured of lUieiim.itisni of 10
veals' Hlnudlti'z." Abraham Hale,
dnigj'.it, Jtollcville, Ohio, ulilrins:
"'I libeit selling medicine I have
ever handled in my ao years' experi
ence, IsKleclrie Millers." Thousands
ol others have added their testiino
n , mi that tlie veidlotir- unanimous
tint Kleetiio Hitters do cure all die-en-i
of the Liver, Kidneys or lilood.
(July a half dollar abotile at Daniel
,1 I'o's diiigsloie.
Tlie Useful Union.
I emonude made from the juice of
the lemon Is one of the best and
safest di inks for any person, whether
In health or not. It is suitable for
all stomach dibooses, excellent In
sickness, in oases of jaundice, gravel
liver complaint, inflammation of the
bow els and fevers. It is a specific
against worms and skin complaints.
The pippin crushed may be 'used
with sugar and water and taken as
a drink. Lemon juice Is the best
antiscorbutic remedy known. It
not only cuies the disease but pie
vents it. Sailors make daily use ol
it for this purpose. We advise
everyone to rub their gums with
lemon Juice to keep them In a
healthy condition. The hands and
nails are also kept clean, white,
soft and supple by the dally use of
lemon Instead of soap. Tt nlso pre
vents chilblains. Lemon is used in
Intermittent foveis, mixed with
strong, hot, black coll'eo without
sugar. Neuralgia, it Is said, may be
cured, by rubbing the parts aH'cctcd
with n cut lemon. It Is valuable
also to cure warts. It will alleviate
and dually cure coughs and colds
and heal diseased lungs, If taken
hot on golns; to bed at night. Its
uses aro manifold, and the more we
employ It internally the better we
shall 11 ml ourselves. A doctor in
Home is trying it experimentally in
malarial fevers with great success
and thinks that It will In thuu su
percede quinine. Kohoboth Herlad.
This remedy Is becoming so well
known anil so popular as to need ne
special mention. All who have used
Electriu Hitters sing the same wing
of praise. A purer medicine does
not exist and it is guaranteed to do
all that Iselaiined. Klectric Hitters
will cure all diseases of the liver and
kidneys, will remove pimples, bolls,
suit rheum and other nllectious
caused by Impute blood. Will drive
malaria from thesysteni and pieveut
us well as cure all malarial fevers.
For euro of headache, constitution
and Indigestion try Electriu Hitters
ICnlire satisfaction guaranteed, or
nionev relunded. l'riie AOets. and
$1.00 per bottle at Dan'l J. Kry'n
ill ug store.
Thootfehaiikcsut the leading clear
ing houses in tlie rnlted States dur
ing the week ended on the ".8th ult.
aggiegated l,tHt2, I25,70S, against
I,01I,US0,7S3 the previous week.
As compared with the correspond
ing week of 18SS the Increase
amounted to 0. S.
We desire to say to our citt.ctis
that for yearn wo have been celling
Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
sumption, Dr. King's Now Life Pills,
Hueklen's Arnica Salve and Klootrio
Ltltters, and have never handled
remedies that sell as well, or that
have given such universal satisfac
tion. We do not hesitate to guar
antee them every time, mid wo stand
ready to refund the purchase price,
If satisfactory results do not lollow
their use. These- remedies have won
their gioat populailty purely on
their merits. Sold by Daniel J. Fry,
Allen Chulkor, a fanner and hN
daughter while eroding the Kilo
railway truck In a buggy at Oar
rctlsUllo, (., on the iKih ult., were
ftruck by a fast train and killed.
AU.NTIE llll,IF..Vi:i.
II P4r J5 ' ii u
Women Will Havo Protty
Tight -Fitting Shoos.
"For beattfu't tale what iKv jour mother
Jo to ) on ehll Jrvu that umVc you m Imusry ?"
"l'!ov, imtU, hc k1v u Joy'i Yeo
tallo iNirMimrllli nud tli u tut good "
T, S, Mtltou, ot Ml lut ttroct, tii FTaurii
(S ilU- "IhadlKH-'uiUUustorwcvkuliU
a dlwrdcrol the ltu'r nud Ltduo). 1uaUy
wy wile, Uvouilug rl(btuo.t, vroouivd a
Uottlo of Ttio CallloniU ltuidy' Joy'
YovlUo 8rt4rlll. It curv-U mo rljlit
ii. lu uct dM m raut h lor no that ! rvo
Nome of the Wlilma That T.adles Have
with Iteferenre to Their Foot-Gear I
AVliy None Hut Sweet-Tempered
Men Should Sell 8hoe.
" A man In the shoo business dies twenty
years beforo his time," said a whlto-haircd
shoo-dcalor In ono of tho up-totvn rotall
stores to a Now York Sun reporter. "It Is
tho hardest business thcro is. If a lady
wants a bonnet sho buys ono she can get on
and not hurt hor head, but If sho wants a
shoo sho tries on every ono In tho store, and
then limps out in a pair two sizes too small,
and scolds and says wo havo not good
shaped shoes, because thoy hurt her feet.
It is n trying business. A man docs not livo
out half his days."
" But your hair is white.
" Yes, my bair Is white It is tho busi
ness. It is also thin that is the business,
too. It was all different when I was young.
Wo had not many kinds of shoes, only a few
sizes, and Just two different widths. Now
thero aro hundreds of styles of shoes six
teen sizes and eight widths, and you havo to
try them all on tho samo woman sometimes
to pleaso her. When I was young a woman
put on hor own shoes with littlo help. Now
we havo to tako off tho old shoes, button all
the twenty-flvo or thirty pairs of new ones
we try on, tell all sorts of stories about tho
sizes, bo careful indeed not to hurt tho
bunions and corns that wo must protend
not to sec, put tho old shoes back on and tho
rubbers, pick up the bundles, help tho
women to tho door, and close it after her.
If women would wear tho sizo shoo they
need I would like it better, but thoy won't
if thoy know It. Do you know what a largo
42 shoo is? Well, now, I will tell you in
confidence it is n 7. When a woman asks
for that kind of a shoo 1 mark tho number
from a pair of 78, Jit it on hor feet, and sho
goes away delighted. But three-fourths of
tho ladies havo too small shoes. I stand by
my door Sunday and watch tho pretty girls
go by to church. Thoy aro sweot, bright
eyed, red-checked and straight-limbed.
God mailo them good but thoy can't walk
in a straight lino; they go dipping and
dodging all over tho walk in crooked paths,
liko tho wicked tho Biblo tells about. Why
is that! Thoy aro looking for soft stones
in tho walk smooth places becauso their
feet hurt so badly. Thoy can not step
square and stand on tho curbstone, and
thoy dread to put tho foot down on tho
" Wo havo to fit tho head and tho foot,
too, when wo sell a shoo. Tho head says
'No. 3, A A,' j tho foot says a '5 EE' wo
can't fit both with tho samo shoo."
" Aro girls or married ladies most partic
ular about their shoes!"
" O, girls will wear small shoes any way,
but often a married lady comes in and says:
' I woro u No. 3 shoo beforo I was married,
but now my market is made I will bo com
fortable,' and wo sell her a Ave. Tho first
vanity an elderly woman gives up is her
prido ubout small shoos. To tho day of hor
death her bonnet must bo becoming, hor
dress must lit nicely, hor glovo bo neat, but
sho will Bay of hor shoe: 'Givo mo some
thing easy.' You sco sho has spoiled her
feet in her youth, and uow sho must do pen
nnco with twisted toes and three-cornered
"Women aro much harder to fit than
men, but whoa u man is a crank ho is tho
worst kind of a ono. Dudos aro tho worst
of all to deal with. Thoy don't know what
thoy do want.
"A woman came In ono day and asked if
wo had 'kldnoys.' I showed hor kid boots
and it was all right. Anothor asked for
'oxen tiso, and nnothor for 'paper goat,' and
thoy nil, without exception, wanted shoes
too short, I novor known woman to ask for
long enough shoos unless sho was very old.
"Tho largest sizo I sell is a No. 10, and tho
girls that wear thoso shoes havo brains and
brooding enough to ask for that sizo, und
not malio mo try on every number from six
up; but wo havo several customers who
havo a nine shoe, and wo daro not toll them;
they would novor try it; so wo mark it a six."
"It Is thirty-ono years ago to-day slnco I
bocamo a shoomakor," suld Mr. Alexander,
" and I think no article of woariug upparol
has improved nioro than tho fashion and
shapo of shoes. Hero is u caso of shoes
which was manufactured in Now York and
rocoived a medal at thaCnstal Palace, Lon
don, just beforo it burned, some tlmo in tho
fifties. The most stylish street shoo then
was a low, heelless gaiter, laced on tho in
side of tho foot, iiiado of cloth of all colors,
from tho most delicate lavender to a seal
brown, with or without a narrow foxing of
patent leather scarcely half an inch wido.
Tho delicate shndss of blue, pluk and lavon
dor were tho most popular streot shoes,
while for tho bouse tinted satin shoes em
broidered with a vino in bright, soft shades,
or in plain colors, wero selected by women
of fashion. Slippers had no heels, and wero
held in placo by ribbons crossed and
strnpcd round and round tho anklo. Tho
solos of these shoes woro straight and nar
row, having no ureh at tho instep, tho tops
cut liko a congress gaiter, with no vamp,
reaching only to tho bend of tho uukle, und
bordered with laco frilU or silk fringe with
tassels. Ono pair of buttoned shoes wus
displayed so low that 11 vo buttons fastened
it tho buttons being of brass, tho shoo
Itsolf of palo gray cloth, foxed narrowly
with patent leather, with three tiny straps
of tho leather ornamenting tho too. An
othor favorite stylo'was in tho Jenny Lind
buekskm, n low shoo cut nil In ono piece,
with u seam in tho back and no heel. Thero
woro also streot shoos worn with light hoso.
Thoso shoes woro all mndo and stitched by
hand. Ono clerk could wait on half a dozen
ladies at oncu in thoso days, as thoy put tho
shoos on themselves and we had only two
widths and few varieties. If a shoo was too
narrow a lady took tho noxt slo larger; if
that was too narrow sho took tho next sizo
still. Of oour.se it was too long, but wo
tilled tho toe with cotton batting, and it was
perfectly satisfactory.
A Memory f Thml. .Slocn.
Thaddeus Stevens had two weaknesses:
An unconquerable love for poker and a
heart so tender that he would givo his last
cent to rellovo distress. Between tho two
lit) was usually rery far from " Hush," Ono
, night ho had a run of luck at cards, came
j out winner to tho amount of nn evcu illO,
and whoa his cheeks wero cashed ho re
ceived a crisp now bill of that denomination.
, Next morning ho went to tho Capital at tho
' usual time, and wus there waylaid by a
(.oKllor's widow, who hud a piteous tale of
sorrow und suffering to relate. Steven put
hia hand in hu pocket, found tho $UV) bill
It was all ho bad and handed it to tho as.
tomshed widow, A fellow-member was
standing by who had seen the game tho
'night beforo aud kuew wero tho money
catuo from Stevens caught hu eye, uulcd,
'aud by way of explanation said- "God
moves In a mysterious way HU wonders to
Sweet I'uiiUlilurut.
A Kansas schoolnu'om has introduced a
new feature in her school When ono of
tho glrU raii u word, tho boy who spells
Hood' Saranpnrllln purities the blood!
builds up weak and debilitated systems,
gives strength to weakened
Hood'8 nerves, overcomes that tired
feeling, tones tho digestive
SarSQpa organs, Invigorates andreg
r 1 1 1 a ulates the kidneys and liver,
mitt expels disease, and gives
vigorous health. Young
people say i "It Is the best M&k.G8
medicine we ever took." . . A .
Old peoplo say : " It makes trlO WOaK
us feel young again." So orori
good a medicine may well Olrano
be called "the true Elixir of Life."
Heod'a Sarsaparilla Is sold by all drug
gists. $1; six for $3. Prepared by 0. 1. Hoo.
A Co., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mail.
The Best Residence Localities
fit the city
of Portland and other prosperous towns are those owned hy men or corporations y
have the disposition and anility to improve them. fl
As a general result of numerous
experiment, candle power, as de
termined by means of the Bunsen
photometer, nfIord9 no correct
measurement either of light giving
energy or of the luminosity of the
source of light, the direction of the
error always being sucli as to favor
sources of a low degree of incandes
cence when compared with those of
higher temperatuie.
"Another wonderful discovery ha
been made and that too by a lady in
this country. Dis.eo.se fastened its
clutches upon her and for (-.even
years sho withstood its severst tests,
but her vital organs were tindei
nijncd and death fcccnied imminent.
For three months she coughed inceb
aiitly and could not sleep. She
bought of us a bottle of Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption
and was so much relieved on taking
lirst doso that she slept nil night
and with one bottle has been miracu
lously cured. Her name is Mrs.
Luther Lutz." Thus write W. C.
Hamrick & Co., of Shelby, N. C.
Get a free trial bottle at Daniel
Fry's drnu store.
Anthony Walker, a river pilot, on
the :20th ult. successfully made the
dangerous trip down tho rapids
from Grass Island to Goat Island,
above Niagara falls. It was a peril
ous undertaking.
liucklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salvo in the world for
cuts, bruNcs, sores, ulcers, salt
rheum, fever sores, tetter chapped
hands, chilblains, corns aud nil skin
eruptions, and positively cures plies
or no pay required. It is guaranteed
to give perfect satisfaction, or money
relunded. Price ilo cents per box.
For sale by Daniel J. 1' ry, drug
gist. A boiler exploded on the 28th ult.
In u quarry nt 'Wrightsville, Pa.,
killing Lemuel Barnes and his wife.
Loans nodulated mut closed without de
wy wnea becurlty lhtausiuciory nun
Title Good !
l'rlneliml und Intorest payable nt our
Snlcni oillie. Loans made on farm prop
arty. Money Ready When Papers Completed
Tlioo wishing loans for Improvements
or Mode uro requested to call on us or eor
Otlteo with Duncan A llooth, ft) htnte M.,
iSalcm, Oregon.
Milliner and Dressmaker,
Inltcfl tho lit dlra of Salem mid vicinity to
rail and Inspect her select Mock ot Full
.Millinery that lms Juki arrived. Sho will
pay iMrtlculnr attention a No to the luted
Myles of itreMiiklnir.
New Fish Market.
Allen Kliodo. hasct-tablUlied a new Klah
1 Market on StntoMrts.1, mid ho Ucepsa good
kiipnly of tls.li, iMHiltiy mid irumo.
Ule him a cull mui your order will bo
promptly attended to. s-'Jvini
a n -i
And litis Corporation is determined to
Mdilu it
1st' Attractive , Ml
To the cit v of Salem. They have at this time fifteen teams employed and the contemplated Improvements hav
. i ' " T i !... .,j.i ,-. ...nl.a iha rli-lvr. lonllii.r frrttn ftammeraifil sf rpet, through Tlivratd mid TTIr.1,
scarcely ueguii. -it n iihcmu iu imtn .uv ...... ....... 0 0 ujU.
land additions and around Highland Park
Of Ore"on. The line of the Salem Street Railway Company runs through the middle of this addition, and no
lots will he more than two blocks distant from the line. Highland Park will in the near future be
Lots in Highland Additon are High and Dry and Well located; Most Excellent Drainage
The soil is black and rich. From all points a fine view is obtained of the public buildings and our highest!
mountain peaks. Arrangements are already ueing maae lor tue locauon oi two enureuea m uus uuuiuuu, ana
a number of residences are soon to be built. Buildings only of the best class will be permitted. Residence loU
within tho limits of the city of Salem are worm on an average overflow, we can sen you ueuenois m ixigu
i...,.i ,i,iif!,, .... fM.o.ti.iri nf tii mnnw nni Viplnc itlrpetlv on the line of the Btreet railway thev are Dractt
cally not half so far from the public buildings and the business part of the town as the majority of the so-
called "inside lots."
Buy a Lot in Highland Addition for Three Hundred Dollars,
And let some other fellow pay $1000 fur an inferior lot not so well located. With the difference of $700 you can
build a beautiful cottage, or put it out at a rate of interest that will buy you nearly two thousand streetcar
tickets every year.
A flrfct-clnsH Variety I!ii7nrr will be
opened up In tlio new brick building Just
e.istof Dr. KoMlund'H, on Court Htreet.
A Select Line of Variety Goods
Arc expected Immediately direct fiom the
Kiiktcrn markets that will be sold at astonishingly
Watch for further announcements con
cerning opening day.
W. S. MOTT, M. P.
(Formerly of Williams Grove, l'a.)
Ollleo for tho present at
No. 470 Commercial Street!
Calls In the city or from the country
promptly responded to. 8-16dw2m
Small Farms for Sale.
A numbci of tcu-acro tracts of desirable
and within one and a half miles of Salem,
at prices ranging from $.V) to S100 per acre.
Apply to
G-SD-Im Opera House Block
C. M. L0CKW00D,
Headquarters for the Willamette Valley
for the celebrated Columbia bicycles nnd
trloycle. The Columblas are well known
are the best made, and have valuable Im
provements for tho year Those uantlnsr
machines will do well to call on or corres
pond with ine before purchasing.
Oitlco at Gilbert llros.' bank, 'J07 Com
merclal street, Salem.
Uitls for Alloy Sowers. (
lltdsulll bo received by the following
commlttivof the city council up to Octo
ber Nth, 1SS9, at .1 o'clock p. m., for the con
structtoii of alley sewers through blocks
Nivs. I, - 3. , 7. -ii. SI, 3 VU :, Si, 51, 5J. &.L
W. CS, u TO, 71, Til and 77 tu the city of
Svilem. i
l'l ins and specifications may be seen at
the City Kecoiiler's olnco,
A. K. STUANll.
Commlttceou Streets nd Public Property ,
Kilcm, October 1, fKJ.
Ice-Cold Milk Shakes!
Conservatory of Music
Of the Willamette Uulver tty Salem, Ore
gon, tho most successful Music School on
tho Northwest Coast. Courses In music am
equal to Eastern music schools. Yearly at
tendance of nearly one hundred nnd tlfty.
The able corps of teachers for the coming
school year will bo Prof. Z. SI. Purviu,
Leona Willis, Miss Kva Cex: atsUtanl
teachers, Miss Lulu M. Smith, Miss Hully
Parish, and Miss Mamie Parvin.
llranches taught are Vocnl Culture, Piano,
Organ, Violin, Pipe Organ, llarmouy,
Counlerpolut, and Class leaching.
Diplomas given ou completion of course
yena mr catalogue ana circular.
7-St PAItVJN 7-SitSm-wlm
Dealers In every variety of
Lumber Delivered on Short Notice.
Yard at the Agricultural work, Salem,
Oiegon. Mill located four and a half miles
northeast from Salem, on the John Martin
donation land claim.
Slab Wood 50c Per Cord.
Call nnd seo us before purchasing else
where. d-w
Slntrle lots and acres. One half mile Wert
of Halem P. O. Qood soil, all clear and In I
fine condition. Alt ready fer plnntlnil
fruit and shrubbry at once. Each piece!
ironis on a nice street, ana no city isx.
Kansas House,
Corner ot Court and High Sts.
E. M. LAW, Proprietor.
We have taken a new name but
will continue to servo our patrons with the
best the market aflords, give them u
cordial welcome to Our Jlome. Terms
reasonable. Give us a call and we will do
you jood.
No Chinese employed.
Store Enlarged
Having enlarged mybtore I am nowablo
to supply you with all kinds of groceries,
feed, cigars, tobacco, crockery and glass
ware. Country nroduce of nil kinds slwnvs on
hand. If you have not traded with me be
fore, I respectfully solicit a trial believing
I can suit you both In prices und quality.
Commerolal Street, Salem, Or
I'lj New Butcher Shop
l AT
Ami all kinds of tobacco ut
Gaines Fisher, Proprietor. I
turner Kerry and Liberty street, N. K. cor '
from Cuemekete hotel, Salem, Or.
' I
(!J urcoiiimodnttons for commercial
travelers, PIrst-cIasx rigs ulwaj s on hand
Charge rvMwutable
New Express Wagon.
Call and Sea
Salem's Popular Job Printer,
XI. siate insurance uuuaing, iwr. ur
merclal ana chemekete streets 'o-m
If you have r200 or $300 to Invest in
business that will
Clear You from 5 to $15 a Day. 1
tlon, see the exhibition on the corner of
commercial ana state streets.
Salem Music Store
Headquarters for Chlckering 4 Bon'.
Steinway. Haileton, Colby and fc""9"
Hnnos, Wilcox A White Organs. Cath or
94 State Street, Patton's Block.
O smith, has removed his shop to
the corner of Commercial and ChemeMie
streets, where he is ready ,to servt i im
public. He is now prepared betterww
ainiB tniln all trf nsla AfuODrtn mild CftlTUC
maklnr nnd repah-lne: all kinds of black
smithing and repairing, and a Re"it
horse shoeing business. efk',
flu them In a sclenllflo manner. HP""
attention given to the construction of wsg-
onsana carnages, iiemeumcr w j.
opposite State Insurance building.
Have opened up s flrst-clata butcher shop
at the above locution, where they will bo
pleaeU to son e the people u it h t he
1 1 hva TTTwi t J? nnsi a
whoMtliai'UM nnu wtMiAlf friT VOfl,
of all kinds that the market affords. 1 call and see us In our new location. y
Ule them a call and be convinced of the, are better prepared for work now thsa
urSL'?!rnf,elr,.nlw- ever hnvmgsecuml more room. 10-Mf.
7-Uoods dell eretl frfe.
Btate strsfW
"&S?ich,re'iwllWUiJKr97 HBtpcrlilontokUiher. A
' I lUa uo(v iin tuiktiviMii rapidly
Has started a new express wagtn and U
uuw n-ttdy lu deliver Uig(ttf t and (mm
the depot, und to any wm of .lie city, I
roeriy :WiJi vy i&) h suwbv notio?, ' i
fc7R in tOKnAMONT,lcalbniade
D J IU Dc.JJ working for us. Agents
preferred who can furnish horse and
give their whole time to the business. Spare
moments may be profitably employed aUo.
A few acancles In towns and cities. B. F.
Johnson i Co., KXU Main su. Richmond,
N'. lt PlMlstatn SFHSnil hllvlnna cv.
peVtMM. NiTVlnd about scadinf
.nf ntiifyt (.PW
Carries a select Hue of family groceries and
Country ppKluc-. such us apples, fruits of.
all kind, u.iti.tutt. tmublw, ttt, alwtJT V.
oahand, Vhlim m VHrl MW')8!