M SUBSORIBE ron ADVEKTISIS IN JOURNAL. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL THE CAPITAL JOURNAL) V TUB BEST PAPER IN SALEM. WYou will be well plenpil nltli It.-S; IT Wll.t. 11K A GOOD INVESTMENT. a-Tlie Torino nro Most Kcnsonnblo-CW VOL. 2. SALEr, OREGON. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1889. XO. :102. CAPITAL r MOR u I MS ! Ladies Cashmere Hose, black ami colors, at 23c, sold everywhere at 40 cents. Silk Handkerchiefs 2o cents. A few of those men's hats left which must go at hnlf price. BLANKETS $1.50 PER PAIR ! Men's Underwear and Shirts going at a great reductiou. A full line of Surali Silks, extra quality, at "5 cents per yard. I show more dress goods than any house in Salem, aud can match any piece I sell with the latest trimmiug. My CLOAKS Are of the best make and latest styles. They were bought cheap and are marked very low. If you contemplate buying let me show them to you. -O- Yearsof experience as a caterer to the public enables me to buy the light kind of goody and at the right kind of prices. fiSTMy Motte: "Alwifys Lead and Never Follow." T. HOLVERSON, NEW BANK BLOCK ,301 COMMERCIAL ST. irrff-w,i;,'wmct""M" '" " w' RESIDENT LOTS IN Nob Hill!' The whole plat is in a fine state of cultivation, seeded in clover, with a good turf. No grubs, no stumps, no rocks or gravel, soil good, elevated and level, has a line view of the city, surrounding country, the mountain ranges aud snow-capped peaks. Pure cold well water. Is twelve blocks south of the Chemekete hotel and post office- blocks, on Commercial and Liberty streets. These lots arc offered by Geo. H. Jones on monthly or quarterly installments, without interest until paid. They are now actually worth in cash more than the prices named for them on longtime without interest. If you want lots can on mm at. ms reai usuuu mure o.w 200 Commercial street, haiein. Wol Adventure Company. -o- CASHMERES. 10c, 50c, 00c, 75c, 00c and $1 a yard. A large assortment of good values. Ladies' cloth and waterproof. VELVETS. Our lines can't bo duplicated iu the city. All shades, styles aud prices are represented. FLANNELS. Small plaids, good quality, IS cents n yard, a better quality and a larger plaid for 50c, 75 and $1. Light white llannels 15c a yard, worth 25c, better onesat30e, -tOoand 50c. worth 45c, 50c and 75c. Also red, pink and blue llannels, a nice fresh assortment. TOWELS. Good linen towels at $1 a dozou, sold every where elso for $1.25. Theo are going fast. Damask towels at 20c, worth 25. Fine Turkish hath towels, white and colored, 25c. These prices are within the reach of, everybody. . A WORD TO THE MEN. When you get ready to buy your winter underwear, will at the Capital Adventure Com pany's Store. You will save money thereby. See if you don't. We have Oiled and Rubber Coats and Leggius, Rubber Boots and Shoes, and everything else you need to make you com fortable. CLOTHING. Men's Youths' and Boys' Suits and Over coats, all styles and sizes. We can suit the Laborer and Me chanic as well as the most fastidious. A new line of umbrellas just received, cambric and silk covers. Get our prices. CORSETS. "Little Beauty," 50c, "Pasadena," 75c. These are good articles, and very cheap. Finer corsets at $1, $1.50 and $2. A large line. i CSTEverybody who trades at the Opera House Comer goes away pleased. O CAPITOL ADVENTURE COMPANY, SALEM, OREGON. THE RELIABLE GROCERS, GEO. H. JONES. Highland Grove, On the Oregon Pacific Railroad Two Miles South of Heliama. Lots can be selected aud purchased by applying to S. M. McLane, mall carrier, or N. Mills, at the station, who vill show the plat. Prices are reasonable and the location-desirable. GEO. H. JONES, Real Estate Oillce, 200 Commercial Street, Salem. Abstracts. For reliable aud correct ABSTRACT OF TITLE, Call on the Salem Abstract and Land Company E. E. AUSTIN, Manager. NO. 231 COMMERCIAL STREET, SALEM, OREGON. 8-The only complete set of Abstracts in Marion county. KELLER k SONS, Corner State and Liberty Streets, Salem, Specialties in Table Luxuries, Fine Tea, and Coffee, Creamery Butter, Cream Clieese, etc. l'nttilrrljr Sitfuki. St. Louis, October 7. The ex pectation that General Master Work man Powderly would reply to the numerous attacks inado upon him drew an immense crown to to-night's meeting at Turner Hall, l'owderly was received with great applause. Ho spoke In a general way of the objects of the order, and said it was asked why he did not advocate pro hibition. Simply, said he, because the order had not declared for it. Ho did not advocate a single tax, though a personal believer in it. Addressing himself to the charges against him, l'owderly spoke of Ills protest against the appointment of Furlong. Mr. Lewis Miller, the father-in-law of Edison, the inventor, Is, next to Bishop Vincent, tlje leading man in developing the Chautauqua idea. Mr. Miller is a well-built, solid-looking gentleman, with a gray beard and jovial face. His eyes are bright and his manners genial. Mr. Mil ler comes from Ohio, and is about f9 years of age. Having had only the advantages of a common-school education himself, lie appreciates the anxiety of others similarly situ ated to continue their studies but who are debarred by circumstances from attending college. Mail advices from the Congo are reassuring. The- Arabs maintain a cordial attitude aud navigation is unimpeded. Tippoo Tib is helpful and submissive. Iloston university has graduated 478 doctors of medicine and surgery nearly one-half of whom nro women. JOHN HUGHES, Deatlor in Groceries, Taints, Oils mill Window Glass, "Wall Pa per and llordcr, Artists' Ma terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence Posts, Grass Seeds, Etc, Ni:W TOIIAY, WE LEAD IN CANNED GOODS. Remember the Place and Call KRAUSSE & KLEIN Carry the Largest Line of Boots and Shoes COMPRISING Men's Boy's and Youth's Calf, Kip and Nailed Riots. Also u large slock of Men's Calf Button, Congress nnd Gaiter Shoes of the Latest and Best Styles and Finish. A. A. OS130RN Uiih 20S acres of flic Best Pasture Land in flic State, iiiomllo from tliobrlilunln J'ollc county. I'urllri wishing piuitiiro will iiddremi A. A. OSIIUUN, H.ilom, REED'S OPERA HOUSE. ONE NIGHT ONLY, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 01 Mable Santly's ?emalc Burlesque Company ! LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. TUP. IttNIt AT TACOMA. 20 AKTISTS. 1 TUB BIG FOUR SEIllfl COMICS. LIZZIE AHNOLI), LI DA GARDNER, KEN YON 8IKTEHB. flie Two Ureal Comedian? anil Kml Men, BILLY A UNO LI), IIAHKY J'AHKEH. -O- Real Estate WM. SARGEANT, DEALER IN AND INSURANCE. llnvlne removed my oftice to S3 Suite Mritullm now better prepared than eer to do a rushing Real Estate Business i i i i I'll ! ) (111 1 (I i i jer, Pictures FRAMES, MOULDINGS, BRACKETS, TOYS, FANCY GOODS. Commercial Street, Salem, 0i. New Harness Shop. FIVE HUNDRED DOZEN Ladles', Misses and Children's French, Kid, Pebble Goat, O. Kid, Don go'a Shoes, Saudals, Slippers, Ties, Etc. Rargains in all Lines. KRAUSSE & KLEIN, 211 Commercial Street Wm. Brown & Co, DQALSKS IN BOOTS .AND SHOES, Leather and Findings. (Jrund Hontullonul I'lrnl I'urt. A Refined Show! All Fun! 7-TiU:vU m wile ut Pulton' tier onireri Talk Cnnrernlni; tlio llr eont Mi'uri Miult', to the Amount r 8:10,000. Tacoma, Wn., Oct. " Tito U. S. revenue cutter Rush, about which so much has boon written In reference to allowing her Retiring sea captures to escape, dropped anchor in Commencement bay this morning. She Is Is on Iter way to San Francisco for the winter. Lieutenant Tuttle was met by a a reporter and asked about the es cape of the vessels whluh had been taken. In answer to the inquiry he said: "Tito previous report concerning the escape of the vessels wo took were correct so far as they wont, but they did not row n far as thoy should to make the report complete. Tlio newspapers were not acquain ted with the circumstance of tho cruise. There were about forty-two vessels in .Retiring sea. They had crews of from twenty to twenty-live men. Tho Rush had a crew of nine teen men only, and wo were crowd ed then. Wo made six captures. We had not a sulllclent crew to man tho vessels, that is plain to sco. When wo took a vessel, all wo could do was to put a man aboard her and tell her to report at Sitka. Wo took theirs' skins and arms away from them, ho they could catch no more seals Well, tolling a vessel to report at Sitka, 1000 miles away, was like toll ing a man to go to Jail and deliver himself into custody, lie would not go. Neither did the vessel. Some of them sailed down to Vic toria with one man on board. They were powerless. That was tho best we could do. Wo don't deserve any leather medals, because wo had no oilier course loft open to us. The sea is deserted now. Tito seal catch ing season is over. Wo drove all tho vessels out, and dropped into tho Sound on our way down to clean the bottom of the Rush of a few barnacles and much grass, which attaches itself to tho bottom of a vessel in those waters. There is a nice beach at Olympia for Unit purpose. When tho tide goes out it leaves you high aud dry, aud the scraping can easily bo done. Tho value of tho sealskins wo took iu tho Rehrlligsea was about 10,000 'Jiipt. KiiiiiiIiikIoii Inmini'. Poim.AKi), Or., Oct. 7. This af ternoon Captain James lCenniugton, who was into iu command of II com pany, Fourteenth Infantry, station ed at Vancouver barracks, was ar rested on complaint of his wife, charged with dangerous insanity, lie was examined tills afternoon, and recommended to lie treated at tho State Insane asylum. While undergoing examination ho was very quiet, and showed no evidence or insanity beyond a partial loss of memory, but Mrs. ICcnnliigton testi fied Mint ho has frequently threaten' ed to murder hi own family, Includ ing herself. Only last week ho as saulted his son with a sword. The dliect cause of Ills allllctioii Is a wound iu the head, leceived at the battle of Frcdciioksbuig. lie will be taken Immediately to the asylum for proper treatment. ADDITIONAL CITY NEWS. AXOTIIKlt WKKCK. The Smith lluimtl Train .Meets With a Terrible Arridcnt at Ilulsey Fireman Killed. .Special to tliu Cnpltiil Jo mini.) Ai.iiany, Oct. 8, ;t:lr p. m. A terrible accident happened last even ing at 9:1W, two miles north of Jlul scy station, by running into n band of cattle, killing three head. The engine and six ears were derailed. t,ATi:it. 4:10 p. in. Oct. 8. South bound California express train wrecked last evening at 9:20, two miles north of Halsey station, by running into a band of eattlo killing three bead. The engine aud six cars leaving tho track. One fruit ear, mail, baggage and express cars, and two Pullman sleepers. The engine and fruit car were totally demolish ed, Engineer John McFadden was scalded and bruised, but not seriously. Fireman Slociim was killed. He was badly crushed and scalded. The eiigincei and lire man were brought to Ablany about 10 o'clock this morning, and eared for. The engineer has a fam ily in Portland. The II reman is a single man. Ills relatives liv ing in Minneapolis. It was re ported that he was to have been married on the 14th lust. Tho wrecking train was ordered as soon as possible from Portland and arrived between one and two this morning. Wreck will cause about 18 hours delay. The accident was an appalling one and the wonder is that all escaped so luckily. The cattle were not seen until tho train was In a few feet of them. Tho engineer is well known on tho road and the poor llreman was one who had many friends, lilsdcath Is a sad one indeed. Fni.i. Into a Wi:i.i..Thls after noon about U::t0 Air. (1. W. Wilson came riding Into the city iu post haste from tho farm of Thomas Rruco about live miles north-west of tho city, after a physician. A .Joi'it.s'Ai, rcpoilcr was on hands soon after Air. Wilson arrived and learned that thh afternoon that Mr. Itruoo, Mr. Wilson and a young man who was working on tho farm started to clean out a well, which, is about forty feet deep. Tho young man was lowered down into the well and after being theie a low minutes coniplalnedof leellugsick. Mr. IJruco totd I kl in to come out ol the well as soon as possible, lie stinted to climb out, and when about one-third of tho way out bo suddenly fell back Into the well, lie was brought out as soon as possible, and when ho reached J he top ho was as lim ber as a dead pen-on and was in that condition when Mr. Wilson rtarled to the city for a doctor. Dr. Henderson has gone to the soeueof tho accident and will render what assistance Is possible. Tho young man was a stranger, was yj years old ami has been work ing for Mr. Bruce about olio week. NEW RESTAURANT ! JlltS. A. C. IiEAIM Hum tiikcn cIimtko (ir llm W. . 'I.I. ri'id. inK room, mill liut tliirlt-it u flrx i-Iiim rnt Uinrinit In lyinmi'lluii wllli tlio name, J'r A GOOD MEAL (Jive licrn cull. Noililm-wiiri' nnplnyi'd. KverylliliiK ubonl the etiililltiiiiriit l nwit iiml tit un ami In isooilonlrr. AUSO Fire and Accident Insurance Isaac A. Manning; 93 Slate Street. H. K Wiley hai now a nne vk i lKiiauiery u m mil nnd IntlX' lleittilr vrorlc ncwlty dleryon nandandlnviuiiue nni.iiff to cull nnd lnii-ct nil iiock nii and I 234 Commercial Stroot.Sulom City Tux Notice. .. f.-i ! im or nnvr due nnd ctaMd. T5!payr will plue SOern iMiitoeivMirdlc1jr;(WorIORDi City Tx Collector. nFnRRFwirK7NS' uSl'SKUSSlS NW 8UTOHKH SHO ii inner. bealtbrul ttlmulu. nd , ijtwrty itnt. c be t"l1" ,q fl, W,tv XkeVL V IS Ye- WOO!,, CASH PAID FOR HIDES, PELTS, AND FURS. Till. Iiuum ntrrln n large ktork of llrtt cUi gcidt from lliu txtt manufucturrrt In tlit iifl(l,und U rMitl IokIX) talUfuo tlmi. lOi Iw !) "d Uullly. Ut tnerj line m Im rflll i-urrlutMi xxla (I litem, i hi iliiv. ui-tk or tltiKltt iiiiiil, m iiim H'iiimj ImlMliif, Court trt-et,Htt!m lloiird l Cull ut Hie trn IK i, Oniii. Established 18681 Hie Oldest and Slaunelitsl Between Saera atnto sod I'ortlaod. LADD &. BUSH, Biokt rc, Iron Buildiig, Silrin, Oregon. llm Turk ;lliiii, CniCAdo, Oct. 7. The sensation on the lio.ii d this morning was the announcement that the pork clliu uad seemed an iujtinetlou against llie board of trado inspector to pre vent lilm from Issuing any certifi cates on the newly packed October jsirk. Theoll(ticyeterday leceived and jmid for ail tho newly jiaeked pork oilered, but it now trausplrts that this is the only jsirkwdd to the olliitio at a low price. Tho high- priced pork teiidend them on the late deliveries of yesterday was re fused and an Injunction to prevent Its delivery was asked for. Tlio director- met In tee rut session soon alter the board oeued. Tho Iu jtinetlou U'sldcH prohibiting the di ll very of the pork, ulho prevents the Isiard from ill elpliuiug its members for refusing to take the pork. Count Von Minister, (luriuau Am ImsMidor to i'ranee, lias bcci with Prince illMiiarvk hIiico Friday. It Is rumored that the count wUbes to resign owing to ae and ill lualtli. Tin: Ciikixi: Cahi:. -The cliccso ease as published correct exclusively in tho Capita ii Jouiinai., was tried befoio Justice Chase this after noon. Tho cano was "Th Ktate of Uregou vs. I'ied itueeho and John Aplenalp," charged with the crime nfstoaliiig II) cheese. Judge J. J. .Shaw appeared for the prosecution mil Attorneys 1. II. D'Arey and J, A. Carson appeared for tho defendants. The defense was that the cheese was not properly at tached, and after a lengthy argu ment Justice Chase sustained the contention and discharged the de fendants, Tlie easo was watched with interest, and tlio outcome was not looked lor liy anyone wlio was not on the Inside of I lie matter. Kok Kai.i;--Moihoo's cottage op poslto.M. 10. church, with or without ftiriiituie. A good bargain can liu had, Call at the house for terms. Tim: Mcciianich' Kami. -Parties attending the Mechanics fair should iciivi! uicii oiucin nil Kiiicuiii'n (lilbertit i'.itlersou's. at Kihii, l-'ihii. Tho Kaltiniore llsh market on Court s.ieet Is the place to get your llnh, poultry aud game. It. Knit Ri:st. Two neat furnished r minis, for rent; centrally located. For particulars call at this oillce. tcuouilli Jtejii, nwut iiu(4c. n.MM.. on every inui iiww(inawiuiiuiimiii, HciiAi's. This week wo aro oiler liU biruatiis In Scrap llisiks. .Notice our display and prices. T. MiF. Patton, OH State streut. Aocouuti ki-it, I(mii r irt'.rtf firf fif lliMWIlfl elt.tof f-rrdll ltutrt to lru rte.n. illev Xo.'ii ComuicrclMl Street, ICIUIll III IIEIIII Im4l " -- "- -"-. , I...,. .u tiirouvluiut ika LiilltdHUlM. I rkirJirlllu it 11 ii... 1. 1. .....,. . ui.. u.iini kti. muniv ' crtulliiK un unnellU'. t2. i.u . ....f- M..lirl leMfiftpr lull.' UtllltflVilll ttlUllUtll rout kouuiauiiHlUunt itiu littut. with cxm A Gwjd Appttit. It tvMintuil to Kt liiwltli; luit ut Itili truton II It om-n ll. om lux (o tlio imvi-rty orlminirliy i( llm IiIimmI, ili-riitiu'iMiient nl the dli(tlivu orviint. unil Hid wtuU.'iilnif rltuet i if Ilia I'lmmdiiK mviuiii. IIih1' wiiiiurruil iiRUiiiiio lor Killing tliedUMtluii. in i no wuoie lytiem Thirty-two of tho 'JU RoulauglsfH candidates noiuliiiited, have with drown from tho coining French election. It is now too lato to sub Htltute other candidates. It Is now btattd that Mrs. Lang try remains In England to bring tho llrltons who scored her acting so unmercifully yearn ago to oukuqwi ' I k?Utt&ft,pSir8Urlir "' "g m' W l V W V ' B Mn MAMM. OUlCOOh WfMV unmi lWtt ' I.