Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, October 07, 1889, Image 2

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Canital Journal Publishing Company.
Entered nt tlie KMto(llco lit Hnlcin,Or.,as
second-clii'i iimtliT.
Hoc fourth page for terms of subicrlp-
AdvcrllsrniciitH to Insure liiKertlou (for
(tut kiiiiic day) should lie Ininclcd In by 1
UorrcHioiiilciicc eonlnlnlne news of In
terest and Importance In desired from nil
parts of the suite.
No attention will lie uld toiinunyinoiiH
f'clXUIRllPMlrllll' Hi" ("AI'ITAI. Jomiinai.
served nt tlielrhoilM- run secure It liy -ial
caid requeht, or liy word left at till
Hpeelmcn niinilieri fccnl fiieon uppllcii
tlon. Olllco, corner Court mid l.lhuity HtrcetH.
Tin: Emperor of Morocco will give
proiH-T reparation to Spain.
Hv an cxploilonat I'luddock, I'a.
eight men wero fntnllv hiui I.
HiHiior A. Iv. Kimiii.i:, a pimiil'
nenl mormon, died nt Kunoli,
Ulali, Wedne.sdiiy.
Captain (J. I-. ISai 1,1 uv, the
well-known Arctic whaler, died al
New Bedford, Ma"-.
Tin; Columbia Hotel, at Cape
May, N.. I., which cnt 8l,MH) has
been destroyed by lire.
MASSACiiuMrrih Republicans at
Boston, nominated Lieutenant Gov
ernor John ('. A. Binekett for gov
ernor. Tin: .State I''annei-h' Alliance con
vened last week at JiicliMinville,
Kla. About .MM) delegates u eie pres
ent. Sa.miji:ii li. Cai.iivi:m,, I). I)., I.
L. I)., ex-prcHldent of Vawar Col
lege, died suddenly at rrovidenee,
U. I., lasl Thursday.
Tin: coasting steamer Captain
John has been seized by customs
olllelals and is liable to forfeiture for
violating Hie navigation laws.
Mahv Ann Donniili.v, the muse
who was stabbed by Mrs. Kobert
Bay Hamilton, has been engaged to
appear as a fieak in a diinu museum.
A ui:si)M'ti). was adopted by
the Protestant Kpiscopal convention
of the dioceKO of New York oppos
ing any radical change In the Book
of Common Prayer.
Mil. Ui.aiwioni:, In a letter tothu
.Sabbath Observance Conference al
Paris, atlilbutes his long life with
preserved faculties in gieat pari to
the piivilegcs of Sabbath rest.
Tin: commission appointed to se
lect a site for a navy vard on the
Pacific coast north of the forly-see-oud
parallel has recommended the
selection of a point on Puget Sound.
Ilr.v. Ciiai'MX Woonitt'iv, a pop
ular pastoi of Boylston, I ud., and
Mrs. Loulwo Covelt, the pietty wife
of a wealthy limner In his eongio
gation, have simultaneously disap
peared. A new business dlieetory of Johns
town and surrounding burroughs
contains tlie names of olH) business
and professional men. I (also shows
that there are now thirty-six grocery
stores anil fifty-one saloons in the
Tnr.uieat Urookfviri.iloV.. u . I
be enlaiged In capacity, and a huge
district now filled with largo build
lugs is to bo cleared at either end nt
immense exnense. to atlord better ,
approaches. All this j
to piepaio for ISUil.
belnir dime
Tm: now state of Washington
contains W',771 sqiiaio miles; l,liW
miles of shore line; l,l!Hl miles of
navigable rivers; 10,000,000 aciesof
magnificent timber, which will last
at the present into at which It is be
ing cut, 1,000 years; 10,000,000 aeies
of mountain and mineral land, most
of which contains IIuiIhtj 10,000,000
aeivs of prahle and plain; fiOO.lHM
acres ofalluvlal bottom laud. '
. .
reiKirts nine failures In the Pacific
coast states and territories for the
week ending September iii, as com-
pared with (ho nine for the previous
week and thirteen for the cor-
responding week of Isvs. Tho fall
mi for the pa.it week are divided
among the trades as follews: Two
Jewelers, one contracting company,
ono well Uuvr. one miner. iiik nlau-
Ingniill, one restaurant, one saloon,
one general stoic,
Tin: season Is at hand when hunt-
crs of all ages get their gnus ready
and go forth to tmg tho shy and w-
eluded game. It Is not imperuuenl
therefore, toadviK'thesportinan not
to blow down the mu.leiif tho gun,
not to playfully point "an unloaded''
weajxin at a filend, and to takocaiv
when he alms at a mark It U not a
nuinan iK'iug tninsioinusi ty the
Icivem and shadows of tho woods
into the aH'inliIauc of a ikvr.
Jiteruul vlgiluueo It the price- or
rnMy on x i prt pf bwnn,;r(l
sawdust. graves on the banks of the great
There Is evidently great need forrver) here are onen dug In ashes
n new invention for the cheap and am lava, just as on the mountain
easy utilization of pawdupt, atid If Hides beyond the city of .Mexico."
inventive people wouiu stuuy tne
subject doubtless something prac
tical might be realized. In Canada
the depositing of sawdust In the
rivers is forbidden by law. Ite
ccntly thero was a conviction and
fining a prominent mill owner, nt
Petcrboro, for depositing sawdust
and mill refuse In the Otonabec
river, in contravention to the regu
lations of the department. Mr.
Irvine, the defendent in the case,
was lined $o0 and costs, or twenty
days' imprisonment. In rendering
judgment, the magistrate said that
the evidence showed that large
quantities of -awdust escaped from
the defendant's mill Into the Oton
abee liver, which river contained
valuable llsh and was navigable for
steamers. It was well known, lie
said, that the mill refuse fiom the
Petcrboro mills for the past forty
years had been freely emptied into
tlie river, and that for twenty inilci
below the lanksoftho river iveic
lined with accumulations of saw
dust, and that at the detrenehmeiit
into Hieu Lake the mouth was al
most entirely closed. J I is under
stood that the government has in
structed its inspectors to rigidly en
loree the sawdust legiilatious.
To discontinue your advertisement
Is like taking in your sign. If you
want to do business you must let
the people know it. Standing ad
vertisements, when changed Ire
uently, aie better and cheaper than
reading notices. They look more
substantial and business like and In
spho confidence. I would as soon
think of doing business without
eleiks as without advertising.
A Gnu, farmer in Crook county
has this year put up eight tons of
hay, which she cut with a pair of
shears. She has for a neighbor a
young man who has sold a thoiMind
budles of shingles made with a pock
et knife.
Tlie bittlu Wile at Hume.
The, dear little wife at home, John,
Willi over mi much to do,
Hutches lo set and Imblcs to pel
And no many thought of you;
Tho ticautllullioiiHohold lulry;
l'llllng your homo with light,
Whatever you meet to-day, John.
(Jo cheerily homo to-night.
l'or though jem aio worn and weary,
You needn't liu ciossor curt;
Tlicmiire words like dints togcntlo hciuts
Thciu aiu looks that wound and hurt;
With the liey In tlio hitch at home, John,
Diop tho tiouhlu out ol sight;
Tothollttlo ulfowhuls unit lilt;,
Cochcrrlly homo Iu-iiIkIiI,
Nnniing of Washington Territory.
A coiiespoiident from Olympia to
the St. Louis Globe Democrat tells
how Washington was named in the
There Is an Interesting bit of his
tory about the manner In which the
territory came by Its name. Wash
ington was not the choice of tho
early settlers of tho north country.
Thu pioiiecis held a convention
at Montccollo, on tho Cowlitz liver,
in ikk, i ney wanted to sever re
lations with Oregon aul become
a separate tenltory. They adopted
a memorial to congress. In that'
document they set forth their popu
lation, lesources and area, anil
asked to bo recognized as a territory
with tho name of Columbia. Tho
j congressional committee, to which
the memorial went, reported favor-
i ''bly ,l l,Ul aml talned tlio name of
K'oluiuliin. But when tho bill was
lu,t "l)0n "H lw"K. Kentucky
"" - ,Hr, luuiumi n. !?tantou, arose
and moved to substitute Washing
tun lor i.oiiimni.'i. ue argued tliat
Columbus hat! leen honored by hav-
lug tho District of Columbia named
after him, hut no state or territory
had been given tho name of ti,0
fatherof his country. Mr. Stanton's
amendment went through and by
this change, in February, ISM,
Washington Territory got tho name
which those desirous of havluir
ponie other, wero not strong enough
n....i .
Oregon s ominoes.
Jaqln Miller sayH ho talkeil with'
,m 0,a "ivgonlnn, within tho past
"''rty years, who saw Mt. St. Hel-
l'"rt lu m-'tlvo eruption In lS-li
"'vul oUl ",!, was at The Dalles,
,,K'11 " HutUou Hay post, at the
time ami niIiI that two inches of
iihluw fell I here. And 1 read on
good authority that It Is a matter of
record (hat an Irdlan traveling on
tho spur of tho mountain at the time
r ll' "iptlou was treated by an
Kugllshbtiigoon at one of tlio Brit-
lull Hists for Injuries to his feet from
hot lava, that well ulgh proved
fatal. Juseph Meek, our first delo-
gate to isnigri's fmni Oivgon, told
me, when a little "my, that he had
mvii tixsvs that wero kully burnisl
by How lug lava, hut still staudlng.
Still, there may U some rvnun for
doubt and mhvuIiiMoii In all this;
but theiv U no doubt alsnit the lava,
tutu and pumice vtono which you
encounter ut the very outNct when
you attempt to uskv
auow peaks either
In Qrt an, ud
ml niiv nf il..v . c. .i,.: .. " " . V" tiieirtiM.!, i nets) reiiictiiesiiavo won iunurtxl
111 W-UUIIiylon wr 1 i; .ffli Mei i ' their merits. 'A ldhvftai lei J.Krv. ! W.
mld, (U- vtry,iar?-,""M,W" -,M' w -h-ihwjt rtn,.,,,, --.-- "$?'"
A Senator of Hip I'arly Days.
Oliver Hampton Smith was elec
ted K'tiutor from Indiana in 18.'!0.
When the election was over, Smith,
who wits a good lawyer and had
been In congress eight or ten years
befoie, took a drove of boas down
to Cincinnati, going on foot all the
wnv. On the way be arrived at a
tavern, covered with mud, unwashed
and nnshi'.ved formany days. The
crowd surrounded him. eager for
news of the election. "Who's elec
ted senator-.' Hendricks?" "No."
"Noble?" "No." "Who then?" "I
uiti." Tlieie was a dead s.ieneo for
a moment, and then some one asked,
"who are you?" A stump spcach,
with all the mud clinging to his
clothes, was neeessaiy to convince
tli'-m of ins right to the title of sena
tor in the "njjfts-' of tin United
Fi hint's Sinking Fund.
The Engineering and Mining
Journal describes a longsciiesof ob
servations that lias Ivoii can led out
all over Krance since Hie year 1884
for the purpose of detecting any
variations of t lie level nl t lie land.
These observat bins show thai a de
piction fKiiii south to north is in
progress. While on the coast of the
Gulfof Lyons no alteiatlon of the
level has been noted on (be line be
tween Marseilles and Lille, a stretch
of H'M) kilometers, the ground is
sinking towaid the north at the
vailous rate of three centimeters
yearly. Should this rate of depres
sion continue, northwestern France
would in the course of a few cen
turies encounter a calamity similar
to that which, at the end ot the
thirteenth century, befell the Neth
Hoy mid Kap Mine Fight.
Charles J'aitlctt, a young lad, had
a desperate encounter with a bald
eagle while hunting in tlie Sylvan
Lakes woods, near here. He saw
tlie bird soaring above the tiee tops,
and shot at it.
He only succeeded in slightly
wounding it, and as soon as It drop
ped to thogiound It arose and went
boldly toward the boy and began an
attack upon him. The bird fought
viciously with talons and beak, Hy
ing at him and endeavoring to
gouge out his eyes, f n the struggle,
that lasted several minutes, Bartlett
could with difficulty freo his cloth
ing from tho long, sharp talons of
the bird. Finally ho released him
self, and ran sulllclently far away
to shoot another charge at it. This
time he killed the aerial monster,
which measured six feet from tip to
tip of the wingi. Burlington Cor.
Philadelphia Inquirer.
A Valuable Timpnim'.
Chief of Police Packard, of Hart
ford, Conn., carries a watch that is
indeed a novelty, as well as a valu
able timepiece. Without opening
tho watch tho time of day or night
to the niiuuto can be ascertained.
By pushing down a spring on the
outer edgo of the case, the hour is
given by tho striking of a miniature
gong, as are also the quarter hours
and minutes. If, In the night, the
owner wishes to know tho time, it
Is learned in a very few seconds,
and Is found out in this way: If it is
six minutes to !! o'clock, ono of three
little gongs will strike two; two
gongs then strike alternately three
strokes, each giving the three quar
ter hours, and another gong strikes
nlno two hours, thieo quarters and
nine minutes, making tho exact
time six minutes to a. Tlio chief
Ha,a tlmt "I'-'veii years ago the watch
wol,Hl wwl ,,i-wi u "t '' present
tlmp ,ho watches are sold for flot).
H'wton Herald.
The Sultan of Zimzllmr Inw iMn.il i
an edict empowering the command-
crs of the Kngllsh and German war-'
. .........
ships to scorch al Zan.lbar boats.
Tho decree provides that eveiv
.1 . ,, r, ,. , . , ,
win who enters the Sultaln'H donilu-
ions after November hall be free. '
- -
(iladstone says he regards hi.
four's Catholle
Tor hi en' wVo liat divt juur mothrr
"I'lcaw, nuutte, she give ui Joy'. Vi"
tiUo tsir4iitlll ud its awful gool "
T,8,Mlltou,o"Ml lMtitn.Vt,Sau rmuiU-
is write "lh.ttvulllugtorwis.lwiii
. ....'." "-.:: ."-:" r - " ii
niiiiii iir.iivt ti iiki i ii.iiiiiiiiii.iu i....
ded to divert lightning from st. Iking ei.ee. Is Klectrle liuf Thounds "Jwu. WrS. t "il iCv'i'n5 ' $" m pr.-an'dTuau't'J?
the Pnruell I'lininiNslon tt the nt others have added their testimo- Iahiuh WiilU, Miss Eva cex: usitant mirwm T.t,.,r.
owning of plrlhuen IJSISlftVi1 BURH0WS'
AUTli: l'KKi'LKW.l). Only a half dollar a Iwtile at Daniel -,Ju.",.'r'H,ln' Mnd & ehuK. I
'vm iriwirMu in ,t ivumiiritu lllll'Il Vir lltlltil Ul in mi'1!! vmirv' ttviinri. iruuiUKT ui ui-ny UlIU IHimirtU uni
KvlttA nt T r.llf,ld 1..... l. .... "T -". J w '
-V 1UU . BlllUi Ultt Ikl'IIlltl 1H.III1 " al..l.. fill III. .
a a ..... v-kBllkfcm .!. L I nil It! Ilk A IK U 1 (. 1. Ull -.-..
- " iivuv ii cunti m i cat ii,..ii. .,, ..,.,i..i... ,,.i.. ,. m,v n..v .-
Hood's flarsnpnrllla purifies the blood,
builds up weak and debilitated systems,
gives strength to weakened
Hood's nerves, overcomes that tired
. feeling, tones the digestive
o a r 8 Q pa " organs, Invigorates and reg
r 1 1 1 a u'ates tho kidneys and liver,
expels disease, and gives
vigorous health. Young
peoplesay: "Itisthobest Makes
medicine wo ever took." . ,
Old peoplesay:" It makes tnO Weak
us feel young again." So orrki,c
good a medlcino may well "Ong
be called "tho true ElUlr of Life."
Hood's flarsaparllla Is sold by all drug
gists. (1; six forS. Prepared by 0. 1. Hoo4
& Co., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass.
The annual report of the En
glish postofllce department shows
that during tho year which ended
on March 31st 1,558,000,000 letters
were delivered In the United King
dom. Besides these there were 800,
000,000 postal cards, newspapers and
packages handled. In the telegraph
ic branch of the service nearly 60,
000,000 messages were delivered.
That branch, however, shows a de
ficit of 240,000 lor tlio year.
"Another wonderful discovery ha
been made and that too by a lady In
this country. Disease fastened its
clutches upon her and for seven
years sho withstood its sevcrst tests,
but her vital organs wero under
mined and death seemed imminent.
For three months she coughed inces
santly and could not sleep. She
bought of us a bottle of J)r. King's
New Discovery for Consumption
and was so much relieved on taking
first dose that she slept all night
anu wini one oome lias ueeu miracu
lously cured. Her name is Mrs.
Luther Lutz." Thus write W. C.
Hamrick & Co., of Shelby, N. C.
Get a free trial bottle at Daniol
Fry's druc store.
In the Terry case, San Fraucibo,
Deputy Murslial Naglo has been re
leased on J5000 bonds, pending an
apiieul to tho U. S. supreme court.
Judge Sawyer declared tho hoini.
eido clearly justifiable.
This remedy is becoming so well
known and so popular as to need no
special mention. All who have used
.hlcctriu Bitters sinir the same sonir
of praise. A purer medicine does
not exist ami it is guaranteed to Ho
all that is claimed. Electric Bitters
will cure all diseases of the liver and
kidneys, will removo pimples, bolls.
salt rheum and other affections
caused by inipuie blood, Will drive
malaria fiom tliesysteni and prevent
us well as euie all malarial fevers.
For cure of headache, const! nation
and Indigestion try Electric IHtters
Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or
money reiuiulcu. Price oocts. anil
$1.00 per bottle at Dan'l J. Fry's
In tho Ives trial, Now York, E.
A. Woodruff", his confidential clerk,
testified to cousplracty to rob eor
poiatlons, and confessed himself a
liuckleii's Arnica Salve.
Tho best salvo lu tho world' for
cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt
rheum, fever sores, tetter chapped
hands, chilblains, corns and all skin
ci uptious, and positively cures piles
or no pay required. It Is guaranteed
to give perfect satisfaction, or money
retuuded. Price 2.") cents per box.
For sale by Daniel J. Fry, drug
gist. The suffrage question of the
Wyoming eoustl tlltlon requires tho
. . - ' f
l'lletor.s to read hnglHh, and permits I
"',lm'" i '.
TllK UUMtT r.UMsioi'S.
n.MUt, uruggist, Hlppus
ml.. ,
tc.Ntllleh. "1 can recommend
..,vi3 HO IIU 1VIJ I'lai ilium).
Kvery bottle sold has given relief in
every cae. One man took six bottles,
and was cured of Rheumatism of 10
IlllliTH ns thit v.rv liiwl roiiimlv
oar Mandii.g.'' Abraham Hare, '
uiiiL-rinM. itt!iioviiu. umo. uiiirnw;
"ItielHt selling medicine I have
, .....f . ... ... f 1 "
- ... -
J. Kry' drugstore.
Thirty thousjuiiToutof 40,000 jkhv
ple In Jerustlem are HcbrcwH, atid
tho Israelites bid fair to again bo-f
come the priHlomluaut pcoplo lu
We desire to ty to our citizens
that for years wo have boon i-olllng
Dr. King's Xew Discovery for Con
Miinptlon, Dr. Klng'sNew Life Tills,
HueklMiV Arnica Salve and Kltvtrle
lllttei-s, and have never handled
remedies that xell as well, or that
have given Mich universal sjitisfac
tlon. Wo do not hcsltatu to guar
antee tlu in every time, nml wobtniul
K'?. fmf tho purchase,, rice,
KiiisitLCiorv ruiiH tio not xuiiow
The Best Residence Localities
In the city of Portland and other prosperous towns are those owned by men or corporations -ftho
have the disposition and ability to improve tlicm.
ake It
To tho city of Salem. They have at this time fifteen teams employed and the contemplated improvements hav
scarcely begun. It is intended to make the drive leading from Commercial street through Riverside and High
land additions and around Highland Park
Of Oregon. The lino of the Salem Street Railway Company runs through the middle of this addition, and no
lots will be more than two blocks distant from the line. Highland Park will in the near luture be
Lois in Highland AiWiton are High and Dry and Well Located; Most Excellent Drainage
The soil is black and rich. From all points a fine view is obtained of the public buildings and our highest
mountain peaks. Arrangements are already being made for the location of two churches in this addition, and
a number of residences are soon to be built. Buildings only of the best class will be permitted. Residence lots
within tlie limits of the city of Salein are worth on an average over $1000. We can sell you better lots in High
land addition for one-third of the money, and being directly on the line of the street railway they are practi
cally not half so far from the public buildings and the business part of the town as the majority of the so
called "Insido lots."
Buy a Lot in Highland Addition for Three Hundred Dollars,
And let some other fellow pay $1000 for an inferior lot not so well located.
build a beautiful cottage, or put it out at a rate of interest that will buy
tickets every year.
A llrst-eluss Variety Unznrr will be
opened up In tlie new brick building Just
east of Dr. KowlnndV, on Court street.
A Select Line of Variety Goods
Are expected Immediately direct from the
l'liKtcrn markets that will be sold ntiis
touMiiiiHly LOW PRICES!
Wntch for further nunmincementH con
cerning opcnlne day.
Small Fans for Sale.
A numbei of ten-ucro tract of desirable
find within one and a half miles ofSalem,
at prices rungtng from foO to S100 per acre.
Apply to
6-lXv.Im Opera House Ulock
C, M. L0CKW00D,
Headquarters for tho Willamette Valley
for the celebrated Columbia bicycles and
iriiycies. The coiumblas are well known
uro ,ll OC8.' ninde, and have valuable lm-
UmvpllUMltM fur 1li vojir Tlirki.it u-imlltn.
machine will do well to call on or eorre
I iKind with me before unrchnt.lnir.
luinn wiin inatiar
OlMco at Gilbert Hro bank, 207 Com
merclal street, Salem.
f, &'&?
hnVrtrtiiwi f ,.... r..-.Y7.: iisz
HMita v.Ktat si'iii t(-R III I1IUMC uni "
iual to Eastern inulo schooU. Yearly nt-l
... . .... ... v ...... l .. . i a ... j ;. i
1 I1IIV. 1
I1lomas irlveu on coniiiletlnn nf ,hihi-j.
ih'ttA forcntaUvueand circular,
Z. M 1'AltVIN 7-ad3iu-wlm.
Gaines Fisher, Proprietor.
Corner Kerry and Liberty struts, '. E. cor
from Chemekete hotel, Salem, Or.
Good arctuuiuodallous for coiumercUl
travelers, Klrktlass rig always ou hand
Charge tvaoujblo
New Express Wagon.
uer exiims u-uron and U
dllvcr Oil irirtt to and from
nd to auy Krt of the clur.
nj- Kinq attrra Oil bvn ,
oral id
Ami this Corporation is determined
W. S. M0TT, M. D.
(Formerly of Williams Grove, I'a.)
Oltlce for the present at
. 470 Commercial Street!
Calls lu tlie city or from the country
promptly responded to. MGdw2m
Dealers In every variety of
Lumber Delivered on Short Notice.
Yard at the Agricultural' works, Salem,
Oregon. Mill located lour and a half miles
northeast from Salem, on tho John Martin
donation land claim.
Slab Wood 50c Per Cord,
Call and seo us before purchasing else
where. d-w
Kansas House,
Comer ot Court and High Sts.
E. M, LAW, Proprietor.
we navo taken a new name hut
win couuuiio 10 herve ourpatrons with the
best the market nftords, give them u
cordial welcome to Our Home. Terms
reiusonable. Give us a call and we will do
you .jood.
No Chinese employed.
Store Enlarged
Having enlarged my store I am nowable
toi-upplyjou with all kinds of groceries,
feed, clgan., tobacco, crockery and gloss.
m . ....
i.."yuSi.Ji7u.?'0' ""inas always on
.! ". -T".. . ". " -
uiAiiLi. i v nil inivH iifii l ni n an lru i ma m
New Butcher Shop
Haveoivnedup & tlrst-claw. butcher shop
at the above looatlou, where they will b
pleaded to berve the )eople with the
of all kinds that the market atlords.
Ghe them u call and tie couvlmvd of the
superiority of their mcil.
4Good delivered fre.
$75 to $250SJMrT,u;n
prvrcrnit uh can furnl.h M liooe aud
gletheirwhoIeUmtothebukliis. Spare
muiueuU may be profltAbb" employe! Abo.
aicw nniucif ui luwiisuuu culrs, ILK,
JohnMin A Co., UU Main t Itlchiuond
N U-
u l1oae state age and buUues ex
rrleuc. vr mind atom ending
I ir. - - V -V - " I " -- JTTWI
mm !
With the difference of $700 you can
you nearly two thousand street car
Single lots and acres. One half mile West
ofSalem P.O. Good soil, all clear and In
fine condition. All ready fcr planting
fruit and shrubbry at once. Each piece
fronts on a nice street, and no city tax.
Call and See
Salem's Popular Job Printer,
State Insurance Building, Cor. Com
mercial and Chemekete streets. '0-ltf
If you have $200 or $300 to invest m
business that will
Clear You from $5 to $15 a Day.
Good for fifteen years, without compeU
tlon, see the exhibition on the corner of
Commercial and State streets.
Salem Music Store
Headquarters for Chtckering A Son's,
Stelnway. Hazleton, Colby and Emerson
Pianos, Wilcox 4 White Organs, Cash or
94 State Street, Patton's Block,
t) smith, has removed his shop to
the corner of Commercral and Chemtketo
streets, where he is ready ,to erv tn
public. He is now prepared better than
ever to do all kinds of wagon and carriage
making and repairing; all kinds of black:
smithing and repairing, and a general
hon-e shoeing buslneos. He has all kinds
of shocsteel, trotting, hand made, etc, and
tits them in a sclentlflo manner. Hpeclal
attention given to the construction of wag
ons and carriages. Hcmember the place
oppositoHtate Insurance buUdlng.
Have moved to 47 and tt Bute street,
where they are now ready for work. AU
our old patrons and friends are Invited to
call and mm us In our new location. We
arc better prepared for work now than
ever having secured mure room. 10-1-tt
Carrleaa lct line or family groceries and
pniMklon that am sold at reasonable rates,
country pr niui such as apple. fruiu of
on baud, v lat f00 Cwn K,Pr'M