THE CAPITAL EVENING JOURNAL. THE CAPITAL JOOfflL. Literary Note. Some tlmo ago Tho Detroit Free Press offered 3000 In prizes for the three best serial storiesbeut lu before July 1st. The result of this compe tition has been that Major Josi'pb Kirkland, of Chicago, 111., has taken the first prize of $1000. His story is entitled, "The Captain of Company K." Mr. Kirkland is the author of ''Zury, the Meanest Man In Spring County," "The McVeys" and other stories. The second prize goes to Omaha, Neb., and is taken by Mrs. Eliza W. Peattio. Her story is en titled. "The JudL'e." The third prize of $500 was awarded to EI brldge S. Brooks, of Boston, Mam. The title of his story is, "The Son oi Jssicbar." A CALIFORNIA SEX8ATIOX. Pctaluma Courier. It Is reported that tho sales of tho "Califor nia Bemedy," Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla, have grown within a few months till they aro now really sensational. The way tho fame of this production has spread is simply marvel ous. Six months ago it was unknown. To day it is all over tho country. It is authorita tively stated that they have been actually glTlng it away in San Francisco to pcoplo afflicted with dyspepsia, Bick headaches, in digestion and liver troubles, not to bo paid for unless it cured. Such practical tests nro so startlingly, convincing as to bo almost sen sational. It is stated that two of tho aetlvo principles of tho new remedy belong to tho vegetablo kingdom of California, and arb so well known to us all under common names that it would surprlso us If told them. But wo aro not surprised at anything Callfornlan, and this recent discovery of tho new medici nal virtues of Its vegetablo kingdom is but another lnstancooftho astonishing possibili ties of a soil and climate like ours. Isaac Dryfus, au aged cattle dealer of Pittsburg, was found intoxicated in a New York street recently with $7,500 in his pockets. He left $10 of at the police court. O listen! If within your home Some gentle une Is fading; Take warning, ere u summer come, Your happiness Invading, For nil the xullerlng sho endures ! needless, did you know It: Tho "Fuvorlte prescription" cures Unceasing praises show It. Truly "a household blessing" is this marvelous specific Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription for the ills of woman. Who that sees a dear fate growing each day more ethereal but will rejoice to learn that tho wife or daughter may yet be saved, and the family circle preserved unbroken? Don't despair, but try it, oven if the doctors say there is "no cure." It is the only medicine, sold by drug gists, for woman's peculiar weak nesses and ailments, under a positive guarantee from the manufacturers, that'it will give satisfaction in every case, or money will be refunded. Read guarantee on bottle-wrapper. A SCIUP 0P l'APEK SAVES IIEK LIFE. It was just an ordinary scrap of writing paper, but it saved her life. She was in the last stages of con sumption, told by physicians that she was incurable and could live on ly a short time; she weighed less than seventy pounds. On a piece of wrapping paper she read of Dr. King's New Discovery, and got a samplo bottle; it helped her, she bought a large bottle, it helped her more, bought another and grew bet ter fast, continued ibi use and is now strong, healthy, rosy, plump, weigh ing lfo pounds. For fuller particu lars send stamp to W. II. Cole, Drucgist, Fort Smith. Trial bottle of this wonderful discovery free at Dan'l J. Fry's drug store. -Rpatness Can't Be Cured By 1 ocal applications, as they cannot reach .i. -)!.., ,r,rt i on nf tho pnr. There Is only one way to cure deafness, and that H ly constitutional remedies. Deafness Is cnuned by an lnllamed condition of tlie mucus lining of tlie eusincuiau iuuc When tills tube gets Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or lmperlect hearing, nnd when It Is entirely closed, deafness Is the result, und unless the lnflamation can be taken out and this tube restored to Its: nor mal condition, hearing will bodestrojed foreven nino cases outof ten are caused bj catarrh'pvblch is nothing but an inttamed condition of tho mucus surfaces. we oner One iiuuarea uuuan icnu.u for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all drug- B F.i. Cheney & Co.. proprietors, Toledo, O: A woSuYs"5isi'ovEr.v. "Another wonderful discovery ha been made and that too by a lady in this country. Disease fastened its .clutches upon her and for seven years sho withstood its severst tests, but her vital organs were under mined and death seemed imminent. For three months sho coughed inces Rimtlv and' could not sleep. She uilil nf nan I Mitt hi of Dr. KlUg'8 -Vo.S ni-onvprv for Consumption and waspo much relieved pn taking llrst d(r-e that she slept all night and with ouo bottle has been miracu lously cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Xutz." Thus write W. O. JHumriek & Co., of Shelby, N. C. Get a free trial bottle at Daniel Fry's druc store. m r ROYAL K5VI8 J CALL AT 'WOER Absolutely Pure. Tim powder never varies. A marvel ot purity, strength nnd wholeomeness. More economical tnun the ordinary 1'lnds, and cannot ho sold In competition with the multitude oflow test, short weight nlumor phosphate powders. Sold onlv lu cans. ilovAi. Uakiso Powder Co.. 108 WnlLNYV IiCwIs JI, Johnson & Co., Agents, Port land, Oregon. FOK HUNT. 71011 KENT In u tine locality, nicely F rcaMmnblo rates, :i87 Wln'erstrect. furnished rooms with good board at For particulars call at von on i.kaxk. 171 ll S.VLi: Oil LKASE. Who wants to I' lnirclMMi or le.vso a saw mil.? Address V. II. II., this office. IMMwlw V ANTED. WANTED A uoyorglrl in every school In America as correspondent nnd agent for the only youth's ncpnipr on the Pacific coast; llbeiul p.iy. Addre.-s. scndlngsUunp, "The Young Ciilirornlim," Sail Francisco. 'Jlt3 FOK SALE FOU SALE Within the next two days, STacresof good land, 2' miles north of ftalem, on the river. Nearly nil under culti vation and well Impreved: good houso nnd barn. Inquire for particulars of Clius. I' Ik'lllngeivt Co. Slate street. FOIt SALE Thoroughbred Irish Setter Dog; one year ord; well trained; In quire al Capital Journal olllce. poll MALK.-A FARM OF XM A0IIK3 L' all under fence nnd cultivation, in the best rango country of Eastern Oregon. The best chance c er otlercd for a man to eugago In slock raising. For particulars call on or address V. II. IIYAHS. Salem, Oregon. SOCIETY NOTICES. OLIVE LODGE No. IS, I. O. O. F meets In Odd Fellows' Hall upstairs. Cornci Commercial and Ferry streets, every Sat urday nt 7:30 p. m. J.T.OHEQQ. Secretary. WM.CLAIIKE, N. G, NOTICE. CVl'Nl'lt. I'llAMIUllt, it- in, t T., Jcpti ii'ber St, 1W. ) lu-rioy g: intortiiimii may id ill i-i f( HI N"t " ' "c-nli.v S' intortiiimii ma u In Salem, or at their Branch Stoic at the Fair Grounds For n flrst-cluss clsar, or n tobacco. select plug of M1N , K M l 1 rn n In tho city are kept by them, All the leading brands always on hand. 1 heir branch store at the Fair grounds is the tinet one on the grounds. Call nud enjoy a good smoke. Baltimore Fisli Market ! JUST OPENED. Fresh and salt water flh, poultry, game and oysters in their season On CourlIt . opposite tho opera houe. One hundred chickens wanted. L. GEIEll, Proprietor. kl l-.:tie I'lilou" Ins till On tiled ll.s pot I IK'H lU"UlIlg "I "H'"l "I HI" "Mtllll'ill council 'imitlnsnll of hurvti, Sumnicr and Capitol streets lj lu? between State nnd Court stivets In s-ild city and that Thursday, October 'JI, ISS, at 7:: o'clock p.m. nl Saul council i-iiiiiuuiT mi' wni llxcd by the council as the time and place for considering said petition and taking notion thereon. L. F. CONN. City Recorder. ITT TO A. E. STRANG, No. 30J Commercial Street, SALEM, OREGON. -DEALER IN- STOVES and RANGES Plembing, Gas and Steam Fitting. Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty. for tbe niCHAHDSON I10YNTON COMPANY'S Furnaces, es tablished In 1849 3- Agent vl I ? Geary street. DR. JORDAN & Co.'s MUSEUM OF ANATOMY 751 Market st.San Francisco Adml-slon 'Jj cents. Goand learn how to avoid disease. Consultation and treatment personally or by letter, on sperimiterihoe'i orgenltnl weakness, and all dlseasseof men. Send for a book. Private olllce "JU Consultation free. NOTICE. Cot'NCU. CltAMllKlI, Salem, Or., September '2, ISSl. J Notice Is hereby glM-ii to whom It may concern th it A. Hush, president, nnd . Hrewnnu, secretary nf tlie Salem Flourlnc Mills Companv, on belialf of the Salem Flouring Mills Co, a corporation doing t list, ness and owning property In the city of Salem, have this day tiled their petition praying an order of tho common council viio.itlncnll of Front street between Trade nnd Mill streets In said city, and that Thurday, October 21th, 1SSS) at7:.'o'clock, p. m at Fiiiil council chamber, has been tlxcdbv the council as tlie tin eand place for con-UUriiig said petition and taking action thereon. L. F. CONN, City Recorder. For the Public Good. It Is an indisputable fact that the hand somest vestibule trains that are now run on the American continent are those on iim liiiriinirinn route, leavlnc from Union ii.iuiiln Denver, also St. Paul, liiimcdlate- lv on arrival of nil through trains from the west. Tho first nnd second class coaches are magnificent, mo rccining enair cars sulnirl). Hie t unman SK-t'i'uis vaiii:uii;ij luxuriant, nnd ns for the meals that are served In thoso pr.'.nco lturllugton dining rrrs vtint uni. Tho next tlmo you ito to Kansiis City, Chicago or St. IhjuIs, If you mention to tlietlckct agent thatyou want your ticket to lead from Denver or St. Paul over the llurllngtmi route, you will get It, and you will always be glad of If von go In tho Northern or Canadian Pnchlc, tho elegant vestibule trains oi The lturllugton Route, between St. Paul and Chicago, or St. Ixiuls, will carry you iilone the eastern shorool tho Mississippi river for a distance of :ViU miles, amidst scencivttiateniinot be surpassed; or, If you -o via tlio Oregon Sho-t Lino or Southern Pacific, and your tlcKct leads la The llurllngton ltoulo from Chcyenno or Den ver, you'wlll pass through all tho thriving cities and towns locnled in what Is popu lnilv known ns the lleaitol tho Continent. For further lnlmniatlon apply to A. C. Sheldon, General Agent, Sj First street, Portland, Oregon. 1-lDdAwtt J Gaoital Jonnia TH-E YA0UINA ROUTE, L I Has Been Enlaro;ecl Greatly Improved and Now Is Tlie BrWWJMgmm First National Bank SALEM, OREGON. G. A. R. Sedgwick Post. No. 10, Depart. incut of Oregon, meets every Monday I DR. J. REYNOLDS, l.m.ittl.A linll nvfr thnOrp'TOli ljind f JOHN MOIR. - - evening at tho hall over tho Oregon Land company's onice. Ylsiung comraacs n cordially niviieu 10 uuunu. A. V. DitAYGKn, l'ost Commadcr. It. F. Soutiiwick, Adjutant. I'ltOFESSIONAL CAltUS. L. S. Skifi. MaiikS. SKII'F. LS. SKIFF A Co. Dentistry. Painless . extraction of teeth with new process. Also gold crowns mado and set. nrick dental olllce near opera house, Salem, Or. I J. SHAW, attorney at law, Salem, Ore- gon. Olllco up-stalrs in the Pnttou block. E. MCCOY and surgeon, has located and taken rooms over Squire i-arnirs crocery store. Chronic diseases a spec laity. Consultation free; nllYSICIAN.-MRS. DR. M. 1 physician 13-21dw Tir P. WILLIAMS, STENOGRAPHER A . and Typewriter Copyist. Will make reports of trials, etc.; copying on type writer accurately and neatly done. Offlce over A. T. Yenton's furnlluro Btorc, Com mercial street, Salem. A Wonderful Discovery. Without medicine or surgery! A won derful discovery! Sure prevention nnd cure of titles and several other disorders. Send 50 cents in P. (. order or llccnt Mumps and get Information worth a thousand halt dollars. Address C. hlt IN, 23 Front street, San Francisco, uil lO-'.'dwlm WM. N. LADUE, - -'Piesirinut. Vice Piesldeat. - - Cashier. GENERAL BANKING. Excnaugoon Portland, San Francisco Now York, London and Hong Kong bought und sold. Stale, County nnd City warrants bought. Farmers aro nulllully Invited to deposit und transact buslm..s with us. Liberal advances nvide on wheat, wool, hops and other pro; erlj al reasonable rates. Insurance on mm Ii i-o-curlty can bo obtained at the biuk In most reliable companies. ESTAIil.IrtllKn MV NATIONAL AUTIIOHITY The Capital National Bank SALEM - Capital Paid up, us, - - OREGON. - $75,01)0 - 10,000 CHBAPEST NBWSPAPER IN OREKON ! THE BEST FAMILY NEWSPAPER IN MARION COUNTY rv OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD And Orvcon Development company steamship line, asi nilles sluirtcr, a) hotu-s les tune than by an. othet loute. First tlass tlimiiKh ivissoiuier and freight lino rrom I'ortlaud and all points In the YVII hiiiicttc vullev to and from ban Francisco. TIME SCHEDULE, (l'.xccpt Sunday.s): Leave. Uiany 1:(M 1' M IaveCorMillls -hull SI Anlvo Ymiiilim ftWl'St Ijenvc Yaciulnn .... .t:),"iASl Unixc ("orallls 10:.TiASI Arrive Albany 11:10AM O. A C. trains connect at Albany and Uorvallls. ThpnlHivc trains iMnuect at YAIJUIXA with tho Oregon Ioelojiiuent iVn Lino jfSteaMslilps between aiiutua and Siu Francisco. SAILING 1IAT11S. STVUMK1W. KltOM VACJUtN Wlll.iinelto Vallov Mond.iv Sept. II Willamette Valley Tucsdav " 17 WlUaiiii'tto Valley, Wednesday " a"i 8rK.MKlLS, Klton MAN KltANCtHCO Wlllainetto Valley. Wcdnesdav, Sept. I Willamette Valley Filday ' l:t Wlllainetto Valley Saturday ' -Jl Wlllainetto Valley Sunday " ill This company iecrves tlie riRht to chaniresatllUK dates without notice. N. II. l'asvni;ci-s fliiiu I'ortlaud and nil Willamette Valley (Milnts can make cloni iMiinrctlon with the trains of th YA11U1NA Itt)l Tllat Albaii) ort'orvalllii, and If destined to San I'Ywi-Kco, should arranuo to arrive at Vacuum the ovenllig before date of salllni;. rassciiprr ainl Fi eight Katrs lvs tho lain est. For Intoniiatlon apply to .Mcmmv. Hl'L.MAN ,t ., FrelKht and Ticket Agent "AM and '. Front st l'oi Hand, Or.l or to CO. lloai'K, Ao't (len'l Frt. A l'ass. AKt.,OrcKU l'aclllcll, It. Co.. lorviillls, or. (1 II. HASWKLL,.lr. (len'l Frt; A l'ass. Agt. Oicgon Dovelopuicnt Co., Sol .Montgomery ft.; '. San Fninel.siti, Cal" Itemeinlier the ()iegn I'acllIc'H popular Kii'iiimeri'vcui-sloiis to Ymiulnu. Lownito ticket nro now on sale, good every Wednesday and Saturday liiiui Albany, IVrvnllN and riillumitth. Youi-s trulv, i:. c. nomii:, A.ti. r. Agent girvvxn B.000.000 mM iiievo tht it ' ' pus best to laf Seeds of t&e largest uid most reiuble homo, and UU7 use Ferry's Seeds D. M, FERRY CO. at acitnowleUf ed to be toe largest Seedsmen in tne worm. D M.FEIUtTJkCo'l Illustrated, Descrip. tire and lriced SEED ANNUAL For 1080 WU1 be mailed mtC In all annllCAnta. ainfi to lut roar's customer without crderina; it, inrau. In exlitesct. I ,honld send tot It. Address O. M. FERRY. CO.. Detroit. Mich. vfeP3fBf! mm lPsiiJ-1" 'rtfrtS Trucks and Drays. MORGAN & MEAD Aie now provided with lino new drays and trucks nnd are prepared to no all busi ness In that lino in the best of shape. They glvo their personal mipervlson to .ill wink. CornorStato Und Coinmcirclal st rectii. $50. HORSES. $50. One hundred head of brood mares and joung horses for sale. Forty or llltj colt expected in tlie hpnng Two line horses, Civile and l'eieheon stock, weight sixteen nndsoventeen hundred; h.ivu been with the band for tlie past threo ycais. Original stock from tho best quality ol mares. For particulars addros3 orsio V. H. 1IYAUH, wit., Or. It. H. WALLACK, W. V. SIAUTIX, J. II. ALIIUHT, - OF.O. F. SJI1T1I I'HOI'ltlETOK. SMITH'S neiit Instil House . - President. Vice-President. . Cashier. DIRtCTORSt W.T.Gray, W. W. .Martin, -J. SI. SInrtln. H. 8. Wnllnce, Dr. W. A.Cuslck. J. II. Albert. T. SIcF. l'atton. LOANS 1VIAD1S l'o Tanners on wheat nnd other market able produce, consigned or 111 store, cither in private grannrlesor publlo warehouses. DKALEIt IN well FURNITURE, WINDOW SHADES, WALL PAPER. PICTURES, Sllrrors, .Moldings, Frames, Ilaby Carrla- Ke, Wagons, Hugs stationery. So- tlons, Holiday (loods, Cnxiuet Sets, Uummwks, Tents, Awnings, Etc., Made to Order. 307 Commercial St., (Bank Block), . - OR15GON. Stall; and County Warrants Bought al COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonable, rales, ar. J. J. CULVER County Suiveyo JAMES WALTON, Topographer. W, H.IBYARS. Civil Engineer. Ilvais. Culver iWalloD Surveyor! fit Topographers, Surveys, drafts, plats maps and descriptions of lands, townlots, and roads, ditches, streets, sow era, alleys, etc. etc., made and ftirnlsliid at reasonable nrlccs. Old Ijoht 6olar TuAitrr. cornel's and lines re-es-,L t. ourut tnbllshed fromorlglnal 10T, . v. Held notos. Grades for ditches, roads, streets or tow ers, with estimates furnished on applica tion. Address County Himeyor'b olllce. Selcni, Oregon. Read Our Reduced Terms! WEEKLY, one year, J.I..'. WEEKLY, six months, fcO.Tfi Now Read Our Discount for Cash WEEKLY, one your, tl.00. WEEKLY, six inonthi, -KUO. WAS THERE .EVER ANYTHING EtiUAL TO I TV NOW ROLL IN THE NAMES, AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OV OUR ONE-'"HIRD OVV FOR CArill. Our Old. Subscribers Now in nrrwire tire urgeil to take m1vuiiIuo of our hg discount, liy (set tling old iiccountH itiul Joining tlie grami throng of one dollar HuhserllierHf THIS IS NOT A SPECIAL OFFER Hut a Miiid. )erinniiiit reduotlou. NVp have uomo to tay TO ONE AND ALL We Hay, Hend us your nnnii'M. If you want to take advantage of our "one third oil" for oash," tutd aro not where you can get tiowtal notes of other convenient method of reinlttinv, send us your name and tttato that you will remit at llrst opportunity. This will ensure your helng placed on the dollar list. -V1A- SonlliPi'ii Pacific Company's Line, TUB MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE. Time lirtHi'ru S.ilriu ami San t'laiirlnuCJ ll.ll'l)-(. 11(1111 s. OAl.ll'OllNIA I'AI'lttwA 'UtAlK HUN DA1I.1, iiiriwi:i:.N com i,akii.niih. i "mHi7"" l N"oitir. l.l) p. in. I'i.v. "I'oitland " Ar. I 10: l.'tu. in. 0:11 p. in. I l.v. Halem i.v. I 7:".lii. m. 7:l.'i a. in. I Ar. San I'mii. J.v. 7:00 p. m, I.OCAir l' 1IIAIN ( IIAll'.V h CI. IT HITM1IA1). 8:00 a. m. 11:10 a. m 'i HI p. in. l.v. l.v Ar. 1'ortlaiul Halem Ihiueuo Ar. I :i;l.'i p. m. l.v. I lAOa p. in. l.v. l':U0 a. in Drafts York. Chlii:o. Sun KmncUco, Portland, I)ndnn,l'arih. llerlln drown dlnrt on New Horn; Koniiiind C1IAS. JIIM 1) AH WAY M li luimuu j), (Limited Line.) X SCOTT, - - Ketch cr. THEIR HLSINtSS IIUUUI.MI. Probably no one tiling has cutised such it great revival of trade at Dan iel J. Fry'rf Drugstore as their giving away to their customers ho ninny fr..i trial bottles of Dr. Klnu's New Ulscnverv for Consumption. Their I trade is simply enormous I p this very viiliiaiile article iromtnoiaci iimi n. liways cures and never disappoints. Coughs, Colds, Astlium, Hronchitis, Croup, ami all throat and lung dis eases quickly cured. You can test it heforo buying by getting a trial bot tle free, largo size 1. Every bottle warranted. J0HNF.STRATT0N&SCN ImiKirtern and Wholenale dcalem In MUHICAI. MKItt'llANlUHi:. New York, t.l mid Vj WnllterHt. John K. Hlrutlnn'H Celelirali'd Itii'slaii Out Violin Mtrlngn, the! tho World. On nnd nftcr Jiine'il 1S8U mid until further notice trnlim will run dally (oxcept Holi day) im follewn: 1SA.ST StDIC, PUS! (lib Central an Herro.i DuMIUji i " --.VrTSX'WMkcesiofScKlyAMIixiiEffMU ! Coburg Jlalli i l. i.i.i.H..irdliHMl6iTd, IUfflarilirrtfi.4 f .-... . , j.iL-, ,.. ,-4p-rllll SALEM, as-Oood of nil kinds sold on the regu lar installment plan In the cltt EITEPSY. rri.ij is liccomintr bO known nud et popular as to neetl no special mention. All who have useu Electric Bittern sing tho tame song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist anu ii is gummaw" -all that is claimed, Electric Blttere Vlll cureull illheaMM or tho liver and j kidneys, will remove pimples, boils, bait rheum nnd other aflectlous, caused by impure blood. Will drive riialaria from thesystem and prevent ; tn well as euro all malarial fevers. For cure of headache, constipation , and indigestion try Electric Hitters j Entire 64itl8fuctlgn gutiranteed, or money retunded-I'rkv 50cts. and , jl.00 per liottle at Dan'l J. Irys drugstore, SMITH'S AUCTION HOUSE, Corner of Liberty nnd 3tnte trel, Salem, Oregon. From Tort- ir. i.. ...i iIui.i4etRltlltlltALC0..BUirAl0.II.T. j 1 I.V DilPIII I ' I0.0H Northern Pacific Railroad. :: & U.IU - II II OVElHiAX!) KiJUTK. ;; m or caiw H lij STATIONS. Cortl'd Mall Tow'rd l'ori land GREAT TWO KAHTTKA1NS IJAII.V! NO CilA.Mil. WlLLAMEnE UNIVERSITY Ornduate Student In Classical, Literary, Scientific, i i Normal, Business, Law, ' IflllTISnl'AW V Foot of r Hireei ItJiy'n iJindlUK, Kl.i'aiux, SHORTEST LINE TO CHICAGO And all io!nU Kiut via Bt. PAUL and MINXEAl'OLIH. The Northern VaclfiCrailnAd fc the July llneninnlnel'ucni:urtralu,hiiiid(! leeini (fn-u of oharse) l.uxurUw J)y couche, J'ullinan TuCice SleeiMiig Uir. fulace I)lnlnisCuni,(meU T8c) Irom ror land to the wu Je that yonr ticket read vU the Northern larirle rullnmd and avoid the VIIBUV rt lluckleu'iiArnira.Sal. Ti.m iu:t .ilc in tin world cuts, urule, rheum, ani for or .. ,.,., i nMinnro 1 flfll IIIX'MI a e. -w. - .. ...... ... sores, uicers, tail ivi r-I III .Wl i.ii noLO.i rA" "' ?"."". llk'U im--"" fever tore, tetter chopi ljeae I'ortlaud nlu, ih.uiiJ (W iu. . dully urrlu aiMluneujlln or m. raui wi , (Wfi p. m. . . .. . I'Xvinc Iiivniy -Train lve 1 rwii i,dO trt dally l lli u- ". d ' i..,. 'r.w.i.iu ui "-la ! mi and - ...-"!.. II III ! ArillUitt l . 1- .. t .1 .lilllJnliw. fnriw IlIUl all Shin . . . . . . .,-.. Um irn.rrt-ttleWStt in aUti'.U p. in "r. ?;.., d ;toltivelv cures pl-.e, u . V the o -. ffiS.i ihi No'Sh-' h,5u r..u-n ivu. ,.u., a.. v,u'"""" '."..t'l I U mi-irnnteed "" ."" ' or no pay wu,,..v . ,-..-..- -n. , . Monday !n8ptemi- ' ... ...... VA hAI I'rwiai iU Ar IJKI 111 ii v Ar. 3,t5.prn. Ar 2,'W 'i.-a Cuniinutlou Woodburn, Townx-'iid, MalCic, .Ml. Ansel, Ilown'ii, hllwrloii. Jliiia(in' Mill HulturUnd. KmH Hide Juliet. J Auimvllltt, AlU () I'Crrnftlliir, U'wl Beto, '1)iUuiii, l'talnvlew. llHKr!i1ll, Itouland, MARVELOUS MEMORY IHSCOVKRY. Only Genuine System of Memory Training Four Books Leirned In one reading, Mind wandering cured. Every child and adult greatly benefited. Omit InilucoiiiciitH to rorrcHiMmduiKf CllO-M'X. rioxpi-cttiH, with oiilnioiiK of l)r in. A. Hammond, tho ivorld-taiiU'il HpfclulUl In .Mind DIkcukch, Daniel (Incnli'iir 'l'lionii mil, Hid i-rciit I'HyrlioloKliil, .1. .M, Illicitly 1). 1) editor of tho UhrUtlau Advorato N. Y., HIcliardl'ro'-tor.tlii'Ki'li'iitlHt, IIoiik W. w. AHlor, .lllilah I', llt'iijiimaii, anil oIIilth, Kent pOHt frfii by 1'rof. A. LOINI.TTIC, Mil7 I Ifty A., N V Ji. III-NI. ilw PULLMAN BllFl'liT SLHBPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. For arcoiiiniodiillou ol n'ciiiul clam piiKM'iiuvrH nlliicliril to n;innH tialiiH, 'ilioH. 1', coinpa'ij'i tiny iiialU'H con iii'cllon with all 1 1 lo iTKiilai iiiiiiih oii Hi :ast Midi) UlvMon I'ortlaml. Iiom fool ol I' Hlroo iVcsl Siilc Division. Between anil Cervallis: 1IAIIA- (KXChl'l' HMNnvy), 7:'Wa. ni. I l.. I'oitliuid I'orllaiiil jr p. AT Ar. CnrviilllH Ar. I" lli'Jlp. in. l.v.J I:'MJv.jni. Albany iitnlTni vnllls loiinrcl Ulli irnhiHof Oii'koii I'iii'lnc Itallroad. '1 hiiniL'li tlcUolN to nil polnlH Hunt Ii and (.ii8tJa t'nlMoriilii K. I'lTw-TfliAl N-"(ll. I I.V nXCIllTMUNIIAV. I:.VI p. "in. I r.v. " I'orllaiiil Ar.T"IUa. In. H.WIp. iii, j Al',.Mii.Mlilli llln l.v. ftlln, in. Throuffh Tickets I To nil poh Ik "IHITIIgamlJ'JAST VIA-- California. l-or lull inloriiialioii iouuiiIihk iiiKm, iiiiim, ('ti'., apply lo lln t'oinpaii) i au'i'iit, Salitin, Ori'L-oii. ic. i'. luxiKitH, Awi.ii, r.ami riihM.Av't II. KOKIII.KIt.! Jliuiau'ei, Our i-l- Uoburi:. Alt i lAM.v 1.10 1.15 1.10 V1JA VLZ1 IZ'JI 1 1. HI IIJW 11.11 tail 10.10 10iU iyw SUP2 SX! S-ltJ 7.12 ma U III n..n.-i..iij.H II n ili,alcr rri oniiinlalrit, (which he belluvcHto bo hoiioit r,,.,.:n,,tf i.imJMiiii tn wliom be IlliH Mill iinyoftheo utrlliKH, he In iiulliiirlziil i im to Klvo him another mrlin: wltliuiii haiK9,iindull micli Km will bo iiiadounod by un to our cintlomerii, wltliout iiiilbbly or iiUftlon. (Iluwuruol Imitation.) D-alor will jiIcjiko hend lor ilirrlplle intnlitsnc Trad mipplled at lowc.t prlc. PRINTING p I Oregon lliiilwiiy ami Navigation COMIJANV, Columbia River floutu.' QSK OK T1IK UMUUMV 1CHTA HI.IHII IiumiIh III lb" Hlali'. Iiwit rati-H tlniii . ortlauil. I.ariril hUk-Ic UkiiI lllanltH Ir tho I, late, a d blififfiit dlmmilllt. Hend fill orlrolbitof Job prlnlliiK, and iiitiiloziiu ol ciil bliinUn. i:. M. WAl'li:, Hli-am 1'rllitnr HnVm Orcton. VW rrteketK Ml Inroieent por toBlveiwrftatUfactlon. oriooney ''' ST,10 For Kile by IXuilel J bry, (Irtis gUt. '7; Hilem, Orryon, elitan. duy c"-' u. mi ' tux- ainiu eini itw n lVjmfturt rwoii.andHiii airect. lhnrru A i i . iiabi-ji.n Atot.Omll'iui.Asrnt, Ul I rl k lor W.hlnuin hu irt,u,V,ft?.on . pM tomrr Ylr odU feimt. uiand mttH saMtit ktutt'HU havilnx ugruU. Unintwtl-.n ut Ml An;l with nUiftm for KudfM-ii iVillw it ilmwml hjirliii;. and at -'i irn v,.iiit' ulteru l"atlllc ixiujiuny i... rf.rndln,.uJ';jrl'aml,Or i II VX. X. hCOTr, itcrclvt-r. be-urrai um -:.' W'for. Klrt and 1n, rtlond.OrntoD. PAUL'S SCIIOO Boys and Girls. O The itthonl (Ion lit tho primary and auvaruKi on tha iilb will oirfn of H-iilejnt-r. 'rtiorouich Inntruo ThoIlUYKliH'QUIDBU ltujd M vrcb and Uopt., each yoar, It la an onoy clopodln of ueoful Infor mation tor an wno pur- chaiio the luxurlos or me nnrnmiUiei Of lifO. Wo I ean clothe you and lurnlab you with all the noootry and unnoccmary appllancoi to ride, walk, danco, sloop, oat, nh, hunt, work, go to chuich, or itay ot homo, and In varioua lto, itylei ond quantltloi. Juat fiRUro out what Is roqulrod to do all thoau tblnKii j COMFORTABLY, and Wi mtfaaMi eatlmate of tho value of tho JJUYEIW OUIDH, which will bs aont upon receipt of 10 conta Vo pay potRO, , MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 11111 Micnlican Avonue, iuiuimu,ui. IraliiH for lli ool Iiiivh rortutiiil al7 Wi urn and U::i inn dally. Tic i ko nmllio'i principal iMilnlK In tin Unlli'd Hlalcn On. adaand Liiroi, llfgaiit New Diiiiug Cttrx. PULLMAN PALACE SLHIiPHHS. l-'rco I'aliilly HUcilii,j Cam run tbrouxb on Kxpri'M tialim to Oiualm, Council HIiiiIh and K'hiiwih City without vitalise CoiiMi-ctloiinut rortbiud forHHii I'rmmlt on nud riii-t Hound Miintii, I'ur lurtlmr imrttciilurw uddrwui any BKi'iii of Iho "oiiiwny , or A, L. MAXWELL, ". 1'. A 'J'. A ('..I HMlTII.Uu.'l taiiiiHr,ritrtlHiid, English JBranches. LITIS AND KLE1IESTS OF MUSI lu ouurwk' 'l XltllH and further Information may be bdoua,.p.itlonlrv Kf Vor, (.'htmektta and HUM r)l, U . And whero they full u cerunniy iney i" wn uUl of onu of tli(H4j iKimruiit doctorri In tho eurly tlmw, who uiluht well Imvo Im-oii culluil tin aUUlo-cnnip of ilwttli. Tim HiiHumr from tho wiroltiiu, wiui wirth iim nan um JoU'h, nifil not now t-nrMi tht iluy lio win horn, for Dr. I'utiVu (Johleii Mwllciil Dlnwivury will ro hUro health unil hvuiity, niiH)lltu und Htrength. leliilly Iiuh It inunlfeHted lt oteiiuy In curing aiilt-rlieuiii, letter, IxjIU, earmiiiflcH, wreoye, ncrofulonu wm-H und hh II liigH, liliJolt iIIm-iiiw, whlto H'll liitfs, Koitro or thick neck, mid vn larked (jlaiilli, I I. 1 KANKIN'S Paint Shop Xn.lttl Coiniiiurelul Ht. Ilmibo und Cuirmue I'liliitini,'. fiiiil wrllliiK, 1'ht TiiiiiKliitf und (kfonttlnK, Wull tnitliit' iiiul kul noiniuliit; oxiuuIikI In tlio Iwliwt tyle. Experienced Workmen Employed, Satisfaction Guaranteed. Cull unil K'u iu U'toru you lit your Iwork, . i '