THE CAPITAL EVENING- JOTJENAIi. " THE CAPITAL JODMAL rUBLIHIIKD DAILY, EXCEITHUNDAY, v TUB t Canital Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) Entered at tlio pmtofnce nt Hnlcm,Or.,aH second-clas matter. JACOB I. MITCHELL Hinlr. . Hec fourth page for terms of subscrlp- Aderllsement to Insure InKertlon (fur (be same day) should be handed In by 1 o'clock. . , , , Correspondence containing news of In terest and Importance Is desired from all arts of the slate No attention will be paid to anonymous oommunlcntlons. Tersons desiring the CAriTAl. Jooiinai. served at their houses can secure It by rem tal card request, or by word lea at tills office. Hpcclmen numbers sent free on appllcn- Offlct, corner Court and Liberty Htreels. WKDNKBDAY OCTOHBH S, 188!) A Cadmus, Mich., farmer feci n flock of swine (several gallons ot elder which was not soft. Tlio hogH went on a glorious old drunk for three days, nnd a few of them pass ed peacefully away, never reallzlmj what had touched them. Tjik tanneries of this country have vxhnusted the oak and hem look Hupnly of New Kiig'und and are rapidly using tij the hulk of New York and I'euiiHylvanla. There 1h nothing like leather, and If future generations are to iw It the tannin-producing material ot the country must he renewed. The AiiHtrinn black wattle, an imiclii, is the r'obest in tunnln of any tree k'Jowu. It will not grow where there is Trosl, ami therefore must L'low on tills Coast, if at all. It has the property ot rapidly renewing itKi'lr Fioiii the stump when cut oM, and plantations of it on lauds that will grow nothing else may lit) the menus of locating the iannliig in dustiy of the United Htutts in Oregon.. Sam Jonim Is stirring up Lake eamp-uucllng. In a on the "(Jood Fight" he lti:v. ltouud wriiKin miI.I: How long would it have taken to coii(Ur thoBouthlf half the North ern t-o.dlcrs went lounging, drink ing nod dancing with the Southern aini.v-jiiKt whul the chinch Is dolnV Don't iihk (loil to tin n his guns on the devil and kill half the church ut the Hist licit. Joshua drew tlie lino and siild: "Come over to the Lord's nltle." Ho who does this leaves the devil's territory. Tho devil and the world nre not harming the church to-day, hut memhers of the church mo doing a power of damning. If you ran your husineut as you run your church (ho sherlll would sell you out in six mouths. Bo the devil would sell out yourehu'cho for he has a hlg inortiio on t'.ieni only they won't h lug anything In the market of this wor'd or tho net. O.v Soptoiubur 1st 1 st tho French government took forclhle pocvslou o the telephone system throughout Franco upon the hroiul ground that the telephone system is too vnst a monopoly to he p.'iiiilttod to remain In t helm nds of a private corporat Ion, and that, like tho postal telegraph systems throughout Europe, It should Ih i tin hy tho goverumeut for the henellt of tho people. The eharteied corporation which eon trolled the telephone system In Franco, the Bocleto CJeneralo ties Telephones, resisted the government to theend, and to the last moment refused to furnish inventories or give itiiy information concerning the value of Hh nroiiortv. it lutu nl. rf ready eommeneed legal prtKieedlngs f?3 in lunut nf u.t.iirtiiir ii lii.tivi In. i" -- r -...., - demuity for the loss of so valuahle a uiouoH)ly, Hut Its desires or iuten tlous In tills mmter will scarcely ho regarded; and meanwhile the French government is conduct l.ig the telephone service without break or Interruption. As a llrst result of government control ariaiigements have lsen made for reducing the a inual rental of a telephone from f 1" to lib, and the cost of live ml.iutcn' talk Is to bo live cents In stead of ten cents. Tho scant cere mony with which this monopoly has been handled by the French authorities Is certainly In marked contrast lth the ad.'i.inls tratlvo methods that prevail lit this country. Kftrts of liubor-SutiiiK Marliiiifry. In the niunufucturo of textile fabrics one girl do to-day what two generations ago would have re quired the united lalsir of KM rt soiis. It U mvdlessto Kiy that one girl does not get as much wages as Washington Letter. (Ftom our regular turre(Minrient.) Washington, Kept. 29, 18S0. After six months of ofllce, Mr. Harrison and his cabinet have now made each other's acquaintance. There is a marked cordiality between them, and the president lias learned to rely more on his advisers and bet ter how to estimate their worth. In t this process of getting acquainted, Mr. Wlndoin has gained immensely In influence. It would have to be a mightily strong argument that would prevail with tho president over thu advice of his secretary of tho treasury. There Is a something In Mr. Wlndom's placid disposition that has greatly taken the hincy of tho president. He has on no occa sion shown himself to be in the least disturbed or lacking in resource. The spirit which enabled lilm tj rise to tho emergency when hr nnide the bond extension In Gar th Id's time, Is still with him, and Mr. IJarilson has come to fee! that in emergency can arise to great for liN pint ris. It was this confidence in i In- M-eivtary of the treasury that Ic-1 led the epilation against an ex I. ixflon of congress. In cabinet W imloiii Isiih a (pilct way ot t-ettlntr I'.'li I is arguments that gives him great power. Jl is said that he can it le a complex piohlciu mole con- chely than n.y other member of the cabinet.- lie i- a limn ofmaivel- oiis amiability. If Mr. Harrison oyer iiad.iuy sus pieion that Mr. I'.laino wauled to run the ailministiatloii he no longer holds it. After all the talk that law been on that subject It was bill natural If Mr. Blaine fell under some constraint on entering the cabinet not to press his views too stiougly to the front. It is the com ment of observlont men who have been watching allalrs pretty close ly that he has shown a wonderful amount of prudence since he went to the head of the Statu dup-irlnicut. and Instead of the estrangement that was predicted grow up bet v on them u greater confidence has ap peared, and Mr. Harrison turm more frequently to I he Maine man for advice and is moio apt i follow th it advice when ghen. Proctor is the Abraham Lincoln of the administration. He resem bles thu host portraits of Unc.iln and Is credited with some of the characteristics of that great man. Ho Is probably thu nnst popular secretary ot war with the olllcers of the service that has presided over that department for many years. He Is a man of more polished man ners than was the great abolitionist president, but he has that same air of honest simplicity that so marked Lincoln. He would stand better as the personification of aihtirutiou Hint as the lcprcseutatlve of frown ing war. Mr. Traoy Is the shrewd and aggressive, man of the cabinet. He looks out from under his shaggy gray brows with a pair of sharp little eyes that see about eveiything that Is golugou. He Is always approach able and has the hearts of the men who have business with the depart ment and have, In former times, so often been forced to submit to tedious delays. Secretaiy Noble, perhaps, has had tho least comfort out of Ids position, He Is a good lawyer and a man of ability, but he evidently feels the want of experience In public life. Now that Tanner Is gone he may be happier. Mr. Wanuiimaker has not only lived up to his reputation as a business man, but Is acknowledged to bo tho best organizer and most methodical man In the cabinet; and, withal, tho greatest hiintlcr. Six month's observation does not neem to have changed tho popular ltn- pulsion of Farmer Husk. He Is th same ''Uncle Jere." As a good at torncy general Mr. Miller has vindi cated the president's selection. Tho coming congress has a deli cate and dlllleult duty to perform In steering tat m con the Seylla of econ omy and tho Charybdls of extrava gance. It will not bedeleried from providing for national defense and general warfare by reason of the vast amounts neocNsary to provide forlsith. Hut In neither should it listen to lhu-e who would have It waste largo sums In m'Iioihh ol doubtful utility or of pmely local advantage. The lepiibllean partvls pledged to economy, but not to part-bunny, Wheio public works of a truly national character are icqiihvd It Is true economy to give whittle iictvjwary, t hat the end desired may tie r-pceillly ant ecoiioiniiunj reached. Wo have fortunately pass ed the era of cutting down opeiiM'c A DILEMMA. v I fain would limpid lines attune Into the climbing crescent moon; Hal) her us "Luna calm, serene," And eulogize her "silvery sheon;" I might tho "silent stars" exalt With comments upon heaven's vault; Uutwhonlcomo to think It o'er, It's all bean done so well before. To sylvan and sequestered haunts I might repair and tuna my chaunts To mountain, fountain, rock or rill, To dale and vale, to brook and hill. I might s'ng of the rose's blush, Or praise tho llnnot'and tho thrush; Yob, that I would, but whot a bore I It's all boen dono so well before. I might become a misanthrope, Forego tho charms of joy and hope. Assumo a pessimistic pose, Compare lift) to a withered rose. With morbid cynicism sigh And all the cburms of life deny; But think of tho dyspeptic corps It's nil boen dono so well before. ' Of Cupid I might sing anew; But rhymes for "lovo" are, oh I so few; And every Strephon nowadays To his own Phyllis tunes his lays. Besides, all bards, the worst and best, llayp their Ideas of love expressed O, crant mo, Muses, I Implore A subject never used boforo. Harry II. Smith, In America. CHOOSING A HUSBAND. Talo Which Shows That That GUttors la Not Gold. All ltX) jveixuis used to get, but there Is Home tfomitttiiNitlou In thoeheapnooi oll u mwm KMl(, wltlm it ie.; ml t. oi ine goons proiiueeu. mo ihku ' tUoeltecl upon the ivhv aim suoe inmimry snows uini sixty 'P. httiatlou Years airo slioc-maklm: was ex-1 cluslvely limited to men, whoo average proiluctlon wan :) jvilrs a year. Forty years ago women and childrou wem employcl, and the um) of machluury Iiich'smhi the capacity of each bund to 1V0 pairs : ywir. Thirty yean ago It had In creased to 67U pairs, and ten years ago toii,6iW (uilrs. Uuuillloii, Out., vaivihcy in the in levari (o the ttlll v of liiniulh. Htiiuerof Pensions is nut materially changed. Tho friends ol .Indue Ilea, of Minnesota, liwlst that In will get the sltlou If It is not am-pd-d by Midor Warner, It I generally Ik llovedihat It will go to a Western man, ami (hat Now Yotk's claim to tite place will lw Igttoivd, provldetl Major Warner eventually declines. "Two offers at once I You are. truly a fav ored imihlon, Rose," nald Annotto Lewis to her young friend, Itoso Lllton, in n guy tone. "It Is husband or no husband with most of us ; but you have u choice between two." ' And happy shall I be tf 1 have tlio wis dom to chooso rightly," was tho reply of H(e. "If it were my caic, I do not think I should have much difficulty in making a choice." "Don't you! Buppo-o thon ynu give me tlio bouelit of your preference." "Oh, no, not for tho world!" replied An nette, laughing. "I'm afraid you might bo jealous of mo afterward," "Never four. I umnotofu jealous dis position." "No, 1 won't commit myso'f in irgard to your lovers. Hut if they were mine 1 would soon let it bo known where my prcfcrciico luy " 'Then you won't assist mo In coming to a decision." Surely I um en titled to this act of friendship." "If you put It upon that ground, iloso, I do not bco how I cun roftiso " "I do put it upon that gtouud, Annotto. And now, I ask you, us u friend, to give mo your opinion of tho two iouiiK nun, Jumes Hiimbloton and Marcus Gny, who huvo neon such wonderful lUlniei.ons In my huiablo Kelt' its to become suitors for my hand at the t'umo time ' "Decidedly, thou, Hose, I should prefer Muicus Oray." "There is about him, certainly, Annotto, mueV to attract a. maiden's oye, and to cap tivutu her heart; tiutit has occuricd to mo that tho most glittering surface does not ulways indicate tho purest gold beneath. I romembur, once, to have scon a massive chntn, wrought from pure ounces, placed bosido another that was far tnfi r'i r hi qiml iiy, but with a surface of tea times richer hue. Had 1 not bcua told tlio difference, I should have chosou tho lattor us in every way moru vuluublo. Uut when it was ex plained that one boro tho lino of gonuino gold, while tho other had boon colored by a procoss known to jowclors, I was fctruck whli tho lesson it tuught." "What lesson, Hosol" "That thu richest substnnco lias not always tho most glittering exterior. TlaiS real worth, satistled with tho couscioUKuess of lutorlor soundness of principle, assumes tow Imposing exterior nspocts and forms." "And that rulo you apply to these two young inon I" "lly that rulo I wish to bo guided, in somo degree, In my choice, Annotto. I wish to kcop my ml nil so balanced that it may not bo swayed from a sound discrimination by any thing of imposing exterior." "Hut is not tho exterior that which moots tho eyo all wo can judge from I Is not tho exterior a true expression of what Is wlthlnl" "Not by nny means, Annette. I grant that it should bo, but it Is not. Look at tho fact I have just named respecting tho gold chain." "Hut thoy were Inanimate substances. They wore uot faces, whoro thoughts, feel ings mid principles find expression." "Do you suppose, Annette, that bad gold would ever have been colored so its to look even more beautiful than that which, Is genuine if there had not been men who as sumed exterior graces "and virtues that wcro not In their miudi No; tho very fact you adduce strengthens my position. Tho tlmo wus, In tho earlier mid purer ngos tlio golden uges of tho world's existence, when tho countenance was tho truo Index to tlio mind. Then it was a well-tuned In strument, and tho mind within a skillful player, to whoso touch every muscle und chord and minute tlber gave answeriug melody. That time has passed. Men now school their faces to deception. It Is an art which Hourly nil practice myself mul your self too often. We study to appear what wo are uot. Lock at soma men whom we meet every day; with faces whoso calm ness, 1 shuuUl vuthur say rigidity, give no evidence that a single emotion ever crossed tho wnvelcsh ocean of their minds. Hut It is not so. The mind within Is active with thought and feeling. Hut the Instrument formed for It to play upon has lost Its tune, or bears only relaxed or broken chords." "You lmvo a strange, visionary way of talking, sometimes, llut" replied Annette, as her friend ceased t peaking. "AH thut may da for your Oermim truusceudeutul tsts, or whatever you call thotu; but it won't do when you come down to tho mat ter of-fuct business of life " "To me it seems eminently a practical principle, Annette. AVe must act la all im portant mutters la life with u just discrim ination; und how can we truly discriminate It wo are not well versed iu those philo sophical principles upon which, ami only upon which, right discriminations can bo made I" "1 must confess, Hose," replied horyoung friend, "that 1 do not see much bearing that all this has upon tho matter under discus sum; or, at least, I cun not see tho truth of Its application. Gold never assume a leaden exterior." "Weill" "Wo need not bo very emlneut philoso phers to distinguish ouo from tho other." "No, of course uot," "Very well. Here I Marcus Oray, with a genufno golden exterior, and James llambldtou, with a leaden one.' "I do uot grant that positlou, Annette, It Is truo that Mr. Uamblotoo It not so brill lam uud showy, but I huvo found In him end o,uuMy that I have uot yet discovered iu the ei iter " "What is ihatl" "Depth of feeling and high moral principle." " ou certainly do not pretend to afttrta Hood's Hnrsapnrllln purifies the blood, ' builds up weak and debilitated systems, gives strength to weakened Hood'8 nerves, overcomes that tired feeling, tones the digestive o Q T8 a pa " organs, Invigorates and reg rllla elates tho kidneys and liver, expels disease, and gives vigorous health. Young people-say: "It b tho best Makes modtclno wo ever took." . ... Old people say. " makes nO Woak us feel young again." Bo orni good a medlclno may well oirong bo called "the true Elixir of Life." Hood's Sunapatilla Is sold by all drug gists. $1; six for $5. Prepared by 0. 1. Hood & Co., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. Colonel James Beld, a lieutenant in the seventy-eight HHanders at Waterloo, is now in Scotland, visit ing the scenes of his childhood. He has lived iu Canada for the last seventy years, and is uine'y-six vers o'd. A CALIFORNIA 8EX8ATIOW Pctaluma Courier. It is reported that the sales of tho "Califor nia Remedy," Joy's Vegetable BaraapariUa, liai e grown within a few months till they aro now really sensational. The way tho f atno of this production has spread Is simply marvel ous. Six mouths ago It was unknown. To day It Is all over tho country. It Is authorita tively stated that they huvo been actually Elvlng It away in Ean I'rancisro to pcoplo afflicted with dyspepsia, sick headaches, In digestion and liver troubles, not to bo paid for unless it cured. Such practical tests aro to btartllugly convincing as to bo almost sen sational. It Is stated that two of tho active principles of tho new remedy belong to tho vegetable kingdom of California, and are so well known to us all under common names that It would surpriso us If told them. But we arc not surprised at anything Callfornlan, and this recent discovery of the new medici nal virtues of its vegetable! kingdom Is but another instanco of the astonishing possibili ties of a soil and climate like ours. A Siberian explorer left Po king with tho intention of penet:r tlng Thibet. Ho is accompanied by a Chinese e&cort. Tho route will bo along the Great Wall to Lanchow and Lake Koko 2To . The Best Residence Localities In Hit' city of Portland and other prosperous towns are those owned by men or corporations who have the disposition and ability to improve them. U I P LI I A ft n Has II nanaV m m W II 111 n I fJI 51 I I J s i y S S L.1 Si U ADDITION -IS OWNED HY I K m LAND OOMPiNT ! And this Corporation is determined to Male t Til is tome mm THE VKItllllT UNANIMOUS. W. D.Sult, Druggist, BipptiH, ind., testifies: "I can recommend Electric Hitters as the very best remedy. Every bottle sold has given relief In every case. Oiieinan took six bottles, anil was cured of lUieumatlsiu of 10 years' standing." Abraham Hare, druggist, Hellovillc, Ohio, afllrms: "lliu bent selling nicdielno 1 have ever handled Iu my 20 years' experi ence, is Elect rio Hitters." Thousands of others have added their testimo ny, .so that the verdict is unuiilmous that IClcctric Hitters do euro all dig cases of t ho Liver, Kidneys or Blood. Only a half dollar a botile at Daniel J. Kry's drugstore. MAKIT WINS. We desire to say to our olti.ens that for years wo lmvo been belling Dr. King's New DNcovery for Con sumption, Dr. Klng'sXcw Idfo Pills, HueUlen's Arnica Salve uud Electric liitters, and lmvo never handled remedies that sell as well, or thai lmvo given such universal satisfac tion. We do not hesitate to guar antee them every time, and wo btand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not tollow their use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. Sold bv Daniel J. Frv. uruggisi. Tho John Crouso Memorial Col lege for women, at Syracuse, N. Y., was dedicated Sept, IS. Addressee hy l'rof. Little, of the University, Prof. Uigs, of Auburn Theological Seminary, and Dr. Duokley, of Now Yoi k. The building cost foOO.OO,). To the city of Salem. They have at this time fifteen teams employed and the contemplated improvements have scarcely begun. It is intended to make the drive leading from Commercial street through Riverside and High land additions and around Highland Park THE FINEST DRIVE IN THE STATE Of Oregon. The line of the Salem Street Railway Company runs through the middle of this addition, and no lots will be more than two blocks distant from the line. Highland Park will In the near future be THE MOST POPULAR RESORT ABOUT THE CITY OF SALEM. Lots ill Highland Additon are High and Dry and Well located; Most Excellent Drainage The soil Is black and rich. From all points a fine view Is obtained of the public buildings and our highest mountain peaks. Arrangements arc already being made for the location of two churches iu tills addition, and a number of it sidences are soon to bo built. Buildings only of the best class will be permitted. Residence lots within the limits of the city of Salem are worth on an average over $1000. We can sell you better lots In High land addition for one-third of the money, and being directly on the line of thu street railway they aro practi cally not half bo far from the public buildings and tho business part of the town as the majority of the so called "inside lots." Buy a Lot in Highland Addition for Three Hundred Dollars, And let some other fellow pay $1000 for an inferior lot not so well located. With the difference of $700 you can build a beautiful cottage, or put it out at a rate of interest that will buy you nearly two thousand streetcar tickets every year. Farmers, Mec SPECULATORS. Your attention Is res)ctfully called to tho special ndvitntagcs of We R. White's Patent Gate, Which received tho highest honors over Rlrcu to gutesntXcwOrlciing World's Fair Call und uhIc to Bee Its wonderful uud sim ple mechnnlsm, which. In the words oftlie Jury on awards, "Is a wonderful combina tion of simplicity." Also the Lone Star Hay Press, The price of which, J100, puts it within the reach of the ordinary larnier. Theodora l'ulm, agent. County rights farsale. On exhibition at corner Liberty and State htreets, Salem, Or. W. S. M0TT, M. D. (Formerly of Williams Giove, Io.) Olllce for the present at RESIDENCE, No. 470 Commercial Street! Calls lu tho city or from tho country promptly responded to. 8-16dw2m ATTENTION FARMERS! Hlnglo lots and acres. One halfmlle West ot Salem P. O. Good soil, all clear and In flno condition. All ready fer planting fruit and shrubbry nt once. Each piece fronts on a nice street, and no city tax. THOMAS & PAYNE et, STATE ST. SALEM. Small Farms for Sale. A numbei of ten-aero tracts of desirable and within one and a half miles of Salem, at prices ranging from $30 to S 100 per acre. Apply to WILLIS A CHAMHERLIN, 0-15.1-Im Opera House Block C, M. L0CKW00D, SALBM, ... OREGON, Headquarters for the Willamette Volley for the celebrated Columbia bicycles and trleycle. The Columbia are well known are tho bAt made, and have valuable Im provements for tho year Those wanting machines will do well to rail on or corres pond Willi me before pnrcnaiilng, Orrtco at Gilbert Jlros.' bank, 207 Com increlal street, Salem. DORRANCE BROS. Dealers In every variety of OREGON LUMBER, DRESSED AND UNDRESSED! Lumber Delivered on Short Notice. Yard at tho Agricultural works, Salem, Oregon. Mill located four and a half miles northeast from Salem, on the John Martin donation land claim. Slab Wood 50c Per Cord. Call and see us before purchasing else where. d-w MTKI'SY. This, remedy is hecoinlng so well known anil so popular as to need no special mention. All who have used Klcctric Jlittersslng tho same song of pralco. A purer medicine dins not exist and it U guaranteed to do till that Is claimed. Electric Hitters will cure all diseases of the liver nnd kidneys, will roniovu pimples, hoils, salt rheum and other atleotions caused hy Impure, hlood. Will drive malaria irom thesystcm and prevent as well as cure all malarial fevers. Koroiiro of headache, constipation and Indigestion try Electric -Hitters Entire satisfaction iriianintecd, or money rclumlcd. Urlco oOots. and M.U0 jht Untie nt DanM J. Fry's' drug store. Conservatory of Music Of the Willamette Unlver-lty Salem, Ore koii, theiiuMt MirctMintl Mule School on tho Northwest Coast. Courses In mu&lcnro equal to Eastern musla bchools. Yenrlv at tendance of nearly one hundtvd aud Hfly. The able corps of teacher for the coming ohool year will be l'ror.'.. M. l'arvin, l.eona Willis, Miss Eva Cox; assistant touchers, Miss Lulu M. Smith, MUs Hally l"arlsli,anU MUs Mamlo 1'arvln. llranehes taught are Vocal Culture, t'lano. Organ, Violin, Hpo Organ, Harmony, Couutcrpolnt, and Class Teaching. Diplomas riven on eoinnletlon nf rotirso Vend foreatulKgue and circular. Z.M I'AUViN 7-25d Sm-vrlm. Kansas House, Corner ot Court and High Sts. E. M. LAW, Proprietor, Wo havo taken a now name but will continue to servo onr patrons with the best tho market aflords, give them a cordial welcome to Our Home. Terms reasonable. Give us u call and we will do you .rood. No Chinese employed. Call and See T. I. CRONISE, Salem's Popular Job Printer, AT HIS NEW QUARTERS IN THE State Insurance Building, Cor. Com mercial and Uhemeketo streets '0-ltf As BARGAIN, If you havo S200 or S300 to Invest in a business that will Clear You from 55 to $15 a Day. Good for fifteen years, without competi tion, see the exhibition on the corner of Commercial and State streets. JOSEPH FUSCH. Store Enlarged Having enlarged my store I 0111 nowable iMlPIHVou ullh nil kinds nf t-nwsirl.w feed, cigars, tobacco, crockery and glass- ware. Country produce of all kinds always on hand. If you have uot traded with me bo fore, I respectnilly solicit a trial believing I cau suit you both In prices aud quality. THOMAS UURKOWS, Commerolul Street, Sulom, Or 1 If. EASTON'S Salem Music Store Headquarters for Chlckerlng A Bon's, uazieion, uotuy ana Emerson Vfiltieic l'lauos, Wilcox 4 White Organs, iiisiaumenis. Cash or INSURANCE Company. Kir and Marine. that Mr, Or Um niltbtr mUog nor prhv A VtUMWS lHSt'OVKKl. "Another wonderful discovery ha Uvn made aud that too by a lady in this country. Disease fastened Its clutches uiKUi her ami for seven years she withstood its Mvcrt tests, hut lur vital organs undei mined aud death mvuuhI Imminent. bor three mouths she couched inces santly ami could uot sleep. She bought of us a Kittle of Dr. King's Is'ew Discovery for Consumption and was. so much rvlIuviHl on taking llivt dose that she slept all night ami with one Kittle has, bevu mlnicu lously cured, Her name Is Mrs. Luther UiU." Thus wrlto l Hamrtck A Co.. of Shelby, . l Good aoeommovUtion for commercial Cictn frvti trial bgttlu ttt l.iule ttwvtlw, Hwt-ci.rl lvmy ou hna trv' 0ru nturc. ICWiHm(K JOS. AUlEHT, Agent, . Balew, Oregon NEW LIVERY STABLE. I Gaines Fisher, Proprietor. IVruer Frr- nd Liberty street. N. K. cvr from Chemekete hotel, Salem, Or. New Butcher Shop AT NO. llO STATE ST. ANGBYJNK & JEFFERSON. Have opened up a flrst-elass butcher shop at the above location, where they will bi pleased to serve the people with the CHOICEST AND REST MEATS of all kinds that the market affords. Give them a cull and be convinced of the superiority of their meats. 4uooua oeu verod rres. 94 State Street, Pattern's Block. tUSdW BL1CKSMIT1IIXG and WAGONMiKINB. JOHN HOLM, THE RELIABLE BLACK O smith, has removed his shop to the corner of Commercial and Chenieket streets, where he is ready ,to aerv th public, lie is now nrenared better than ever to do all kinds of wagon and carriage and repairing; all kinds of blacu- and a general He has all kinds makln smithing and repairing, horse shoelmr business. of shoes ,steel,trotting. hand made, etc.and fits them In a sclentlflo manner. Special attention given to the construction of wag; onsand carriages. Remember the pUc opposite State Insurance building. BLACKSM1TII1XG and HORSESHOEING. SCRIBER & POHLE Have moved to 47 and 49 State tXtt & sPJ lUJ)UUworklu where they are now readv for work. our old patrons aud friends are Invited to ran ana see us in our new location, we I are better prepared for work now than A MONTH can be made " ernavmg secured mor room. KW-u. fur us. Agent give their whole tlm to the bUklnrM. Spare at for i prererreu who can furnish hore and uiumeuumay be proOtably employed alo. v icw vacnneieo in iou ns ana cities. ILK Richmond, Johntou A Co., lu.0 Main st. Va. N. 11. mve state are and business ex Nrtcnre. Never tulud about sending Ji4wp for rtnijr, B,f,j,4v, t-Het-Hi WESTAC0H t NYE. ;, Feed and Boarding Stable, A3Hav and oats snld and daltvfrad i?toiet on j-1 rrr urtet, MH W 1 mi&4S3rtMM4wr93S?ml wwwwa?w