L v-r i VU fc . . '! m'Mll lptii 4w SUBSCRlDIi FOR THE CAPITAL JOURNAL,; Til I ADVURTISE J IN CAPITAL JOURNAL HE CAPITAL JOURNAL A IT WILL KK BEST PAPER IN SALEM. A GOOD INVESTMENT. 3-You will bo well pleaded with lt.-ts 49-Tlic Terms nro Mint ItenonnbleTO VOL. 2. SALEM, OEEGOjSt. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 18S9. NO. 187. 9 ' Ladies Ciishtuore IIosp, black aud colors, nt 25e, sold everywhere at 40 cents, , Silk Handkerchiefs 25 fonts. A few of those'irfen's luts loft which must go at half price. ' BLANKETS Sl.oO PER PAIR ! iuens uiiiiurweuruiui minis going nt a great reduction. A full line of Surali SilUs, extra quality, at 75 cents per yi I show more dress goods than any house in Salem, and piece I sell with the latest trimming. My Men's Underwear and Shhts going nt a great reduction. any piece i sen witn tne latest trimming. jUy r CLOAKS Are of tlu best make and latest style"!. They were bought cheap nud are marked very low. If you contemplate buying let me show them to you. n -o- Years of experience as a caterer to the public enables me to buy the right kind of goods and at the right kind of prices. JGSMy Motte: "Always Lead and Never Follow." T. HOLVERSON, ' ; NEW HANK BLOCK, 301 COMMERCIAL ST. RESIDENT LOTS IN Nob Hill! The whole plat id in a fine state of cultivation, seeded in clover, with a good turf. No grubs, no stumps, no rocks or gravel, soil good, elevated aud level, has a fine view of the city, surrounding country, the mountain Ganges and suow-capped peaks. Pure cold well water. Is twelve blocks south of the Chemekete hotel and postofllce blocks, on Commercial and Liberty streets. These lots are offered by Geo. II. Jones on monthly or quarterly installments, without interest until paid. They are now actually worth in cash more than the prices r. ed for them on long time without interest. If you want lots call on him at his real estate office No. 206 Commercial street, Salem. GEO. H. JONES. Highland Grove, On the Oregon Pacific Railroad Two Miles South of Mcliaina. Lots can be selected and purchased by applying to S. M. McLane, mail carrier, .or N. Mills, at the station, who will allow the plat. 'Prices are reasonable and the location desirable. GEO. H. JQNES, . Real Estate Office, 206 Commercial Stieet, Salem. Real Estate AND INSURANCE. Hnlug iemocd my office to 0.5 Suite Ktreet, I am now better prepared than eer to do a ruslitng ,ALS) Fire and Accident Insurance Written In tue.lHKs6mpanle doing busl ness In Oregon. Cult on me nt once. Isaac A. Manning, ! 95 State Street. "FRESH LEMONADE l- Ice-qold Milk Shakes! CIGARS, CANDY, .v..:;;u i. nuts, . And oil kinds of tobacco ut, JaMHwS FJtlliTjSTD Formerly owned by Ueuon) on State St. A GOOD CDF OP COFFEB. I( a great attraction Tor a restaurant. I The coffee drawn from Hellenbrand' It entCoffe receptacle Uone of the many! creat Attract ;ium v. w.. - -- tbouuui laouuiuiu...- V.ntV r. 1 . r jfliU exMllcut coffee RealEstateBusiiiess rani, and can mntcli Hub removed her millinery store to the room ndjolnlng the Capital Jouiinal and Is now ready to do ALL KINDS Of MILLINERY, She has Just received a new stock of the Inteit btyles nud con sell cheaper than any other house In the'elty. Olvo her a call and your orders will bo neatly and promptly tilled. It Is the only place In the city where you can purchase a Kelt Walking Hat for the (.mail price of One Dollar and Fifty Cents. Which Way? NO. 211 COMMERCIAL STREET. KRAUSSE&. KLEIN Are offering big bargains lu We wllf ave you money and guarantee be goodi. Large rhlnmenU arriving dally and the nock will Mon be complete, ,Call and see KUAUSSE A: KLEIN, 11 f7iiiiinfrpfnl StroctJ You can't afford to have an offenilve breath and decayed teeth. Wrtghlt Mrs. mm WsaiSlioes! tatol Iflvpjitiirfi'fjOiiiMii?: o CASHMERES. 10c, 50c, GOc, 75e. 90o ami $1 a yard. A . large assortment of good values. Ladies' cloth anil waterproof; VELVETS. Our lines can't bo duplicated In the pity. All shades, styles aud prices are represented. ,, FLANNELS. Small plaids, good quality, 25 cents a yard, a better quality and a larger plaid for 50c, 75 and $1. Light white flannels 15c a yard, worth 25c, better onesat80c, 40c and 50c, worth 45c, 50c and 75c. Also red, pink and blue ilannels, a nice fresh assortment. TOWELS. Good linen towels at 1 a dozen, sold cvery where elso for $1.25. These are going fast. Damask towels at 20o, worth 2-5. Fine Turkish bath towels, white and colored, 25c. These prices arc within the reach of everybody. A WORD TO THE MEN. When you gef, ready to buy your winter underwear, Ciill at the Capital Adventure Com pany's Store. You will save money thereby. See if you don't. We have Oiled and Rubber Coats and Legglns, Rubber Roots and Shoes, aud everything else you need to make y.iu com fortable. CLOTHING. MenVYouthd' and Boys' Suits aud Over coats, all styles and sizes. We can suit tho Laborer and Me chanic as well as the most fastidious. A new Hue of umbiellas just receivedj cambric and silk covers. Get our prices. CORSETS. "Little Beauty,'' 50c, "Pasadena,'1 75c. These are good articles, and very cheap. Finer jcorbets at $1, $1.50 and.2. A large line. BSyEverybody who trades at the Opera Houstt' Corner goes away pleased. ' -O CAPITOL ADVENTURE COMPANY. SlLEM, - - THE RELIABLE GROCERS IXLLLLl i Corner State and Liberty Streets, Salem. Specialties in Table Luxuries, Pine Tea, arid Coffee, Creamery Butter, Cream. Clieese, etc. --O- AVE LEAD TN BANNED GOODS. Remember the Place and. Call CuMmZ&zJJ AT CAPITAL BUSINESS COLLEGE. In First National Imnlt building A, P, ARMSTRONG, Manager. E. L. WILEY, Principal. Will open for the Reception of Students, Monday, September 0. BUSINESS COURSE Include Spelling, Onunmnr, Writing, Ar ithmetic, Correspondence, Coiumercliil I.w, olngle and Double llutry Iloql; Ki .plii, Dunking and IluMncv Purlin, liuilue-s nnd Oltke "' I'iflctloe. ENGLISH COURSE Includes Beading, Writing, Mental nnd Written Arithmetic, Spelling, Onunmnr, Correspondence, Geography, Hltttory and Cotiiinerclnl Law. Day and evening sessions. Students admitted at any time. Addn-ss (he Principal for Catalogue. Wm. B DBALESKS IN BOOTS. AND SHOES, rl I p o v i m to ..m !rspo OREGON. eiMvieM' THIS SHORTHAND COURSE Include Shorthand, Typewriting (2 hour dully practice) reumnnshlp, Spelling, Uiiiuimnr, CorreHpoudcnce, Muni- folding, letter Copying, IIindneHg forma, IluxIneKH nnd Olllco Practice. - - k SONS, rown k Co. Leather and Findings- CASH PAID FOR WOOL, i HIDES, AND I'UHS. TliU liuuie isrrlek btrgo I-U. of flrt cLi.a fiul from the Vnl iiMknuCx-tiirer In I lie m.rMi. .-!.! t lfrMi-l mtf Mtilnfno luili. ' lU ) HII'I tMftlll), Hi Ull) dlit hIiv .t.l! (uixhw. j((J. i ibeui, No. 231 Commercial Street, ?,vl I M - ' - OKUOUN "'""', tnnocont .len I.ynrlied. UxtON, W. A., Oct. l.-Rellablo iufortnation front Rluelleld, Mercer comity, shows the recent lynching fj of the negro, Samuel Gamer, to have been on a par with tho hanging of John Turner in Greenbrier county, in July. Like Turner, Garner was lynched for a crime he rover committed. Ho was charged with a criminal assault on a seven-year- old girl. The Mercer county author ities have made a number of arrests of parties having a hand lu the lynching and the suspects are in jail at Princeton. There is n deter mination to go to tho bottom of the matter aud there has been quite an exodus from Rluelleld in conse quence. The Next World' Pu'.r. Nkw Yomc, Oct. 1. A cable special from Paris oil tho prospective world's fair, contains an interview with M. Fugatono TouaUa, tho Jap anese commissioner to the Paris Ex position, in which he favored San Francisco as the best place for tho fair. Tile commissioners from Ger many favored Chicago, while nearly all tho others want it held In New York. Over three thoiuand French de fcerters who have been living in Geneva have been benelltted by the late Amnesty law, and have left with their families to return to their country. JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Groceries, Faints, Oils ami Window Glass, "Wall Fa per ami llorder, Artists' Ma terials, Lime, Hair. Nails ami Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence Fosts, Grass Seeds, Etc, NKW TO-UAV. A Wonderful Discovery. Without medlelno or Rurftcryl A won derful dUcovcryl Hiiro )iro cntlon and cute of pllaMpd ku eral other dUorduni. Hcud M) renin 111 P.O. order or 2 cent 8binil8 and L-ct Information uorlh n thoimnud half dollars. Address C. IRWIN, 323 Front Htreet, Bun I'mnclfcco, Cul JO-'.'d wlm l'tlll ItKNT. I "Oil ItKNT III a lino locality, nleely 1' furnlNhcd room with kikmI board tit reasonable rules, for piirticiilaiH cull lit IA7 Winter street. NEff WR1BTY STOIIBI A flrat-clriHH Variety ltarirr will bo opened up In tho now brick bul.dliiK Jiml cunt of Dr. ItuwInnd'M, on Court Htrtet. A Select Line of Variety Ms 'Arc expected Immediately direct from tho Kiuttern murket that will bti wild ul us tonlahlnuly ' LOW PRICES ! Watch for further uiinoiiiieumciitH eon ecnilni; opening day. L. S. WINTERS, THIS IEOIUIC'S OUOOBR, Curries o oelect lino of family (crocerleH nnd iirovbdon that uro Mild ut ruiMiniibloriteii Utiuiitr irotliicu; such u iiiilcn, fiultit of ull kluilH, wiIhUh-h, fK-tublfH, etc., iiluii)K Mil hund. Call ul 100 amrt utriet, Halein. WM. SARGEANT, DKAI.I.K IN Wall Paper, Pictores I'KAMICS, MOUI.DINOS, fillACKETS, TOYS, FASCV (iOOI)S. Commercial Street, Salem, 0.. New Harness Shop. It. V. Wiley linn now u fliio Um Ic of liar ncMtand Muddier on hand nudliivlte.. I ho public to cull and Inilxct lila tUiek. IUlulr work u clully. 234 Commorolul atroul.Suluni MRS, M. E. WILSON, Milliner InIU- theldiMif Halem and vicinity U cull mid I in pet t her telect Utfk or hall tllllluery that iuu. jutt urrlveit. Hhewlll a punlrulur oiunllon ulu.Ui the luti.t iyle of dn-Miiuklnic. City 'I'ux Notice. The Kalem city lAtm uro now due unit lOublunt my onlu with Wlllluiu4 i:n KUniL Tkxuayn will pltu.e komtii tbt mtln- uevordtcvly. K. J HMaYYOHl. 'li y Twx lAfU-tor, LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. a mu'ciu.ic.vN vimmv. WanblllKton Ooen ltepubllcnn by Man)' Tliouvnnil. OiiYMi'i.v, OoU 1. 10 t. m. lte- tnrns m far roeelved tit tlio headquar ters of tho re)tihlicnti state central committee inilieato that tho consti tution lias heen ndojited by a very heavy majority. It la certain also that tho republicans have elected their state ticket, representatives in congress and a large majority of tho members of the legislature. Thurston county shows n heavy increase of tho tolal vote, and goes republican by 1500 to 500. King county isjreported to have elected the whole republican ticket, except superior Judge. In 1'lerce the vote is very heavy, and largely for the constitution and the republican ticket. Whitman county is repotted against tho constitution, but lias gone republican. Clarke county is reported largely in favor of the constitution aud tho republican ticket. Half tho voto of Seattle is thrown for Olyinnlii for tho capital. Nearly the whole voto of tho state south and west of Olympia, except anmall voto at Contralla, is also for Olympia. fierce is about evenly divldtkl be tween Olympia aud other points, Olympia canles most of tho counties down the Sound by good majorities. 1 1 :."() i. in. Spokano Falls reports .'00 to 100 majority. A largo major ity is given, too, for tho constitution. In Clarke county so far the republi can state ticket is elected 2 to 1. I'lerco county gives the republican state ticket a large majority. The republicans carry everything in tho county. Thurston county gives the constitution over 1000 majority, t'ho republican majority on the whole ticket in Thurston Is 450. Lewis gives titrong majority for tho constitution and tho republican stato ticket, and electa tho whole repub lican county ticket. So far au heard from the vote against prohibition antl woman sullVago Is two or three tootle. It Is claimed at tho head quarters of tho republican Mate cen tral committee that tho constitution will linvo 20,000 majority and tho re publican stale 8000 to 10,000 major ity and that the democrats will not elect more than twenty members of the legislature out of 105. All places so far heard Mom report an enor mous Increase of tho total voto. 112:80 it. m. In Whitman county the constitution is getting a better vole than heretofore loported. The republican statu tieket has two to three hundred majority. Tho whole, county republican ticket seeiiis to bo elected. The capital count I lore shows two to ono for Olympia over all so far. hi Spokane county tho estimated majority on tho republican stato tloket is eight hundred. No esti mate of the voto on tho capital can bo given to-night. hi Walla Walla county 020 votes are counted, giving a republican majority of 21 1. Tho whole republi can legislative tieket Is elected. AT I.IIAHT TI.W THOUHANI). 2 a. in. At republican head quarters it is claimed that tho slate ticket Ih elected by at lctwit 10,000 majority, and It is considered doubt ful whether the democrat have elected ten members of tho IcjIhm turi'out of 105 in all. The majority for tho constitution can HttirccJy bo estimated, but will bo very large. Indications me that sho majorities against woman HiiMrugo and pro hibition will be heavy. The Olymj lansaro Jubilant over tho voto this town lias received for tho state capital, but it Is hardly probable that it has obtained an absolute majority. A IlOItlttlU.i: CIU.MK. Th Deplorable l-'ali of Hll l'.l;hU'eii Veur-Old tllil, St. Loijih, Oct. 1. A Hjicclal from Hahatha, Kan., nays: This placo Ih wildly excltid lo-ulght over a brutal amault on Kva I'urtly, the eighteen-yctr-old-yearduughterof a wealthy farmer. During the absenco oflur parents at church, an unknown man entered tho house, seized and chloro formed tho girl and brutally as saulted her. Carbolic acid was then poured down her tliroutand she was left to die. Tho latter net cost hus- plclon upon tho discarded lover of the victim, but he was not arrested. Squads of men were sent out to capture tho (lend and a tramp named Itlchard Hollow was arrest ed thouuh there is no direct evi dence iiguiiiNt him. Tho prisoner narrowly e-caped lynching. The girl cannot live through lh night, INDIAN MAltlttAtllN. A Titcoinu Julian Decide Mlllll, Tll'eni til Tacoma, W. T., Oct. 1. -Judge Beverly of tho Probate Court ilias reached an Important coucluUi.V concerning tho disposition of Tudiaii estates on the I'uyalhip rcsefHititiii.1 that are now under consideration of tho l'robato.Coutt. 'iM'ierenro'twen-. ty-eight of theso estates, left by In dians who have died" within the last two or three years. Many of theso dead braves were married sev eral times, sonic according to terri torial laws and some according to Indian customs. Tho question at issue is whether the children of wives married according to Indian customs only aro legal hell's of dead Indians. Judge Beverly Kindered long over this question, as lie disliked to rulo that Innocent wives married accoid Ingtocustoni and theirohlldren had no claim whatever upon the estates of their dead husbands and fathers. He has reached the conclusion that theso wives aud their children will have to be left out in the cold. Judge Beverly could tlnd no estab lished precedent in tills ca'-c, and consequently ho had to use his own judgment in reaching his decision. Hu thinks the only hopo for illrgit'. mate wives and children will bo a special enactment by tho legishttuio pinking marriages by Indian cus tom legal. Peter Stanup, tho best -educated Indian1 of tho tribe, (s now at work at, tho reservation getting tho evi dence needed to settle tho twenty clghtcases Into systematic shape, so that thoy can lie more iaslly dispos ed of, hi most of the cases it is likely that Stanup will be appointed administrator of tho estates, as ho Is one of the few Indians on tho reser vation quallllcd to act in that cairn city. As the Itidlans"have no com plete tltlo to their land on tho reser vation, all that tho Probate Coutt can do Is to dlslrbuto the peisonal property and tho possessory tltlo of tho estates to bo settled anion-j tho legal heirs. The question of who aro add Avho are, hot legal hell's may come up again when tho United States Qov cromoi'ti t tho end of tho twenty years that thoy havo to wait, issue patents to tho Indians fnrthclrlands. Sonio of tho estates to bo Bottled aro valued at from 2Q,000 to 5-125,000. Judge Beverly hiij'h that all of tho Indians now get married according to "white iiius'h stylo." Keulnr.4 HxclUid. Oitawa, Oct. 1, it. British Colum bia adylees to-day , Hay that the, United States cruiser Hush, will boo n call at Victoria on her way south, iui it is feared trouble will ariso between tho crows of tho bc'lcd, Healing schooners aud their friend,) and the crow of tho I tush If the latter attempts to anchor In the harbor. ' The crews of the scalers, most of whom are now at Victoria, aro In tho wildest Htato of excitement over the hm of their Hiimmur'H work and tholcoiillgtlcation oftholr skins. They Hay that if thoy cannot get redress through tho British Clovoru meut thoy will tako It out of the United States cutter that Htolo.thelr HCIllskillH. The ml II tin U to bo held ready to prevent au attack on (he cutter. There aro many roughs at Victoria wlio would Join the Indignant scal ers i( tho latter attacked tho Bush. Not To lie Parted, London, Oct. 1. Despite all rt poits respecting tho breaking oil' of tliueii ffimieiu o Count J I atfell to Mis lliiutltigtoii, there Is (ho best authority for saying that an amicable agreement has been com pleted, and tnat ariangemcutH for the wedding aro progressing. Tho miuriugo Is to take place next week hero In London, Coudert Brothers of Now York aro arranging the marriage settlement. I'oalal Cli rli I'rulmi, London, Oct, L Tho postalolerkn held two largo iiiietlugs hereto-day aud formerly protested against tho rulo of pay they aro receiving and the treatment of their denuuds by the secretary. They havo decided to form a union, aud a strike will probiblv follow unlesn their griev ances are adjusted. Tho movement to have tho Amer ican Hag dlripluyetl on public school buildings in growing In favor. Tn Nowhurgh, N. Y It Is proposed to hayo tho Hag hoisted every school day In the year, and a colored guard to attend to It, selected each mont(' from the hot who ir, i m m t'ij 'IV w 1 V if. HoWbyaUdniKiitf, Wi eg?wHfni ' 2 fp '