o TILE CAPITAL EYENESTG JOURNAL. TIIE CAPITAL JOURNAL Real Estate Transaction. Daily transfcw furnished to the Capital Joukxai. by tho Union ti tle abstract cempany: Levy Whlteaud vf to An drew JE. Hcrvcy, It 7 blk 21 of Salem 8 12-") 00 Albert BrigKselal to T. W.Rutherford, Its 5 and.G blkl3ofMariou 2.30 00 films. Knvilor nnrl vf in Jacob G. Miller, 54 acres in sec 12 t 4 s, r 1 w 5 00 R. H. Rutherford to T. W. Rutherford, 57 acres bo tween Pickard and Adams d 1 c 1000 00 W. C. Hubbard et al to Region Bolien, blk 10S in Hubbard's nd to Hubbard 43 00 A SCRAP OF PAPER SAVES llKlt LIFE. It was just an ordinary scrap of writing paper, but it saved her life. She was in the last stages of con sumption, old by physicians that she was incurable and could hvo on ly a short time; she weighed less than seventy pounds. On a piece ot wrapping paper sue reau ot Dr. King's New Discovery, and not a sample bottle; it helped her, she bought a-large bottle, it helped her more, bought another and grew bet ter lust, continued itii use ami Is now btrong, health', rosy, plump, weigh ing 140 pounds. For fuller particu lars send stamp to V. H. Cole, Drucgist, Fort Smith. Trial bottle of this wonderful discovery free at Dan'l J. Fry's drug store. People who are in a hurry to go to law arc frequently in tvyice as much of a hurry to get away from it. Merchant Traveler. Deatness Can't Be Cured 13y local applications, as they cannot reach the dlseaeed portion of tbe ear. There Is only one way to cure deafness, and that Is by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucus lining of tho eustachian tube. When this tube gets Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when 11 Is entirely closed, deafness Is the result, and miles tho Inflamation can bo taken out and this tube restored to Its nor mal condition, bearing will bo destroyed forever; nine cases outof ten are causedby catarrh.lwhlch is nothing but an inflamed condition of tbe mucus hiirficcs. We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure. Prlco 75c. per bottle. Sold by all drug gist. F.J. Cheney & Co.. proprietors, Toledo, O: Of all the gifts that nature can give, us, the faculty of remaining si lent, or of answering apropos, is per haps the most useful. llucklen'H Arnica Salve. The best salve iu the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, Bait rheum, fever sores, tetter chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 centsjier box. For sale by Daniel J. Fry, drug gist. A great man is happiest when he can sit down and write his memoirs and forget all tho mean things he knows about himself. This is tho season of tho year when tho raw, cold winds create sad havoc with tho hands and complex ion. Soft white hands and a clear "peachy" complexion can bo as suredly preserved by tho frequent application of Dutard's Specific. If rubbed into the skin well it leaves no greasy .surface. Tho skin absorbs it. Sold by D. W. Matnews. It la well for philosophical medita tions to Indulge the fact that in all organic existence tho largest amount of wind produces the heaviest swells. Nothing is so great au instance of ill-manners as flattery. If you flat ter all the company you please none; if you flatter only one or two you aflront the rest. Oregon is one of the most produc tive states in tho Union. Its vast miueral regions contains gold, tilver, copper, iron, and coal. Its immense tracts of grazing lauds support thou sands of cattle and sheep, and its extensive agricultural rcgious pro duce all tho cereals iu abundauce, tbe yield per acre being, in somo in stances, the largest iu tho world. Among the useful aud valuable prod ucts ot tbe Web Foot State may be mentioned Oregon Kidney Tea, which has proved a boon to thou sands alllicted with pain in the back and kidney difllcultfes. It is purelv of vegetable composition and uever ails. Sold by D. W. Mathews. MAUKKT KEl'Olir. A Synopsis of MiaStarkets lluying and Selling Trices. 8KI.I.ISQ I'RICra.. t NliouldenJ-8ugar cured.per lb,12 He llrcakfiut bacon 15 to 17c. Hams Musrar cured, per lb, 10 18c. Jteef-a & li'4c Pork-J10Uc. Mutton-Jl3Jic Veal-1012Uc Timothy teed Per pound, 8c: felling. Ited clover seed Per pound, lis. White clover seed l'er pound, 31. 'Means 5c per lb., selling. Oat meal Se.llmf at 5 to 7c uuvi.vc.ritiCE. Wheat Kle net. Hour l'er barrel, f L50. Oau Per bushel. 23 ITte. llarley-1'er bushel, Mte. Hran lVr ton. 1J at tliu mill. Htiorts l'er ton. Hi. Chap l'er ton, 114. lloito quoted at 10c per lb, Kge aw per down, potatoes Per tiiuhel, SOc, Corn meiil 3o per pound, cheeae ISo per pound. Dried apple Per lb., u Dried plums lVrlb. 7&Sc Jlrled jicries Per lb. 10e. Dried prune Per lb. 10c. ltutter:Sc per pound for good lMid lie per lb. Hnms l'er pound, liaUe. Itacon side IU wr lb. feaoaldent 10o ier lb. Chlcke..-aftSperidox. Ilec'n fcwl . Dw-f-Ou foot S 3XC Wool Per pound, ate. Turkeys IVr pound, like. IUw,old-Prpouud,ltJc. , Vuunrrhlrkenv Per ixiuad. Vc lttfcs Wtf HWe ssveh, I pnYAl POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varle. A marvel ot purity, strencth and wholesomeness. More economical tlmn tho ordinary Jflnds, and cannot bo sold In competition with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold onlv in cans. Hovai. Uakino PowDKttCo.,10UWnll.N.Y FOR SALE OK LEASE. tT a T f nn T ttaP ii. . ' tiurphn.s.ft nr Imso n rhw mil. 9 Aiirtrnta V. H. 11., this olllce. I----- --- --"- - " ....... ....... W. 9-Ddwlw WANTED. ArANTUD liy a young married man of r T uusuvjss attainments, position as book-keeper, clerk, hack driver, or In fact any plnce of trust. Address Thos. V. Nutt, Salem. Good references. KOK SALE J 71011 SALG Eleven head of hogs, twelve head of young cattle ana flvo tlrst-class milk cows, ouo good work horbo. Inquire of E. O. Mlutow, 203 Commercial Rtreel. Salem, or at my farm three and a half miles south of Turner. JOSKI'll WOCHTENHAITSKN. T.W11 SALE. A FARM Ob' H20 ACHES P nil under fenconnd cultivation, In the best range country of Kai-teru Oregon. The best clmncu ever ollered for n man to encage In stock raising. For particulars call on or address w. II. BYAUS, Salem, Oregon. SOCIETY NOTICES. Ol.IVE LODGE No. 18, I. O. O. '., meets In Odd Fellows' Hall upstairs. Cornei Commercial nnd Ferry streets, every Sat- uruayni7::;ui). m. J. T. GIIEGG. JAS. W ALTON, Secretary. ' N. GA. It. Sedgwick Post, No. 10, Depart- ment of Oregon, meets every Monday evening attho hull over tho Oregon ljind company's olllce. Visiting comrades an cordially Invited to attend. A. W.Duayqek, Post Commader. 1J. F. SouTinviCK, Adjutall. PltOFKSSIONAL, CAltllS. L. B. SKIFK. JlAltKS. SKIfK. LS. SKIFF i Co. Dentistry. Painless , extraction of teeth with new piocess. Also gold crowns mailo nnd set. Ilrlck dental olllce near opera house, Salem, Or. f J. SHAW, attorney nt law, Salem, Ore ' gon. Omco uivstalrs In the Patton block PHYSICIAN. M IIS. DU. SI. E. BIcCOY physician and surgeon, has located and taken rooms over Squire Farrar's grocery store. Chronic diseases a spec laity. Consultation free. 12-21dw w P. WILLIAJ18. STENOGRAPHER . nnd Typewriter Copyist. Will make reports of trials, etc.; copying on type writer accurately and neatly done. Otllce over A. T Yeaton's furnlluro store, Com mercial street, Sulem. A BARGAIN, If you have $200 or S300 to Invest In a business that will Clear You from $5 to $15 a Day, Good for fifteen years, without competi tion, see the exhibition on the corner of commercial anu auiio sireeis. JOSEPH FUSCH. P. IL EAST0X-S Salem Music Store Headquarters for Chlckcrlng fc Bon's, Stelnway. Hazleton. Colby and Emerson Pianos, Wilcox fc While Organs. Cash or Installments. 94 State Street, Patton's Block. 9-12dw GEO. F. SMITH PROPRIETOR. SMITH'S Installment House ! DEALER IN FURNITURE, WINDOW SHADES, WALL PAPER, PICTURES, Sllrrors, Sloldlnc, Frames, Ilaby Carria ges, VVagons, ltUK, Stationery. No lions, ifollday Goods, Croquet Sets, Uammocks, Etc. Tents, Awnings, Etc., Made to Onler. 307 Commercial St., (Bank Block), SA.LI5M. - - - ORBGON n-Coodi of nil kind sold on tho regu lar Installment plan In the city: SMITH'S AUCTION HOUSE, Corner of Liberty and .State tret, Salem, Oreson. Proposals Invited. The lWrd of Trmteoi of the Orreon htMloImuineAolum in; lie -alel proiM. MUfortheUbortir building nUitli Uowe attlie Vjlun.. Ilim od rlUiallou at tbeoafce of C. A. lloU-rt. urtbltvt. Ti.e rlebt to reject ny und nil bid 1 rt?rril. I Tday, P'J-IStI-oyi k. Out. W. MclluipE, i O. W. Wkbb. Hoard of Triatvr. ) W-.A,Mfi.er,awltoj.r4. A. E. STRANG, No. 303 Commercial Street, SALEM, - - OREGON. dkAlki: is STOVESand RANGES riunibtnsr, Gas and Steam Killinj. Tinware and Artistic Metal Vork a Specialty. ?-Acent for the RICHARDSON UOYNTON COJ1PANVS Furnnroi. F- tabltshed in IMS ATTENTION FARMERS! Single lotsnnd acres. One half mllo Vest ofSaleinP. O. Good soil, all clear and In fine condition. 'All ready fer planting fruit nnd shrubbry at once. Kach piece fronts on a nice street, and no city tax. THOIVIAS & PAYNE b. STATE T. SA.LI2M. Call und, See T. J. CRONISE, Salem's Popular Job Printer, AT HIS NEW QUAUTKRS IN THE State Insurance Ilulldlmr, Cor. Com mercial and Chemckete streetw '0-ltf First National Haul SALEM, OREGON. ft'M. N. IjADUE. ; President. DR. J. REYNOLDS, - Vice President. JOHN JIOIR, Cashier. GENERAL BANKING. ExchanKO on Portland, San Francisco, New York, London and Hong Kong bought and sold. State, County and City warrants bought. Farmers aro cordially Invited to deposit nnd transact business with us. Liberal advances mnilo on wheat, wool, hops nnd Other propeity at reasonable rates. IuMirauco on sucli se curity can be obtained at tho bank In most reliable companies. ESTA11L1S1IKD 11 V NATIONAL AUTlIOUlTY SALEM OREGON. Capital 1'aid up, Surplus, - $75,000 - 10,000 R. S. WALLACE, . - Picsldent. V. W. .MARTIN, - Vice-President. J. II. ALHERT. ..... Cashier. DIRlCTORSi V. T. Gray, W. W. Martin, J. M. Martin, II. S. Wallace, Dr. W. A.Cuslck, J. II. Albert. T. McF. Patton. LOANS MADE To farmers on wheat aud other mniKet- ablo produce, consigned or in stoi t, either in private granarlcsor public warehouses. Stale and County Warrants Bought at Pur. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonablo rates. Drafts drawn direct on New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Portland, London, Paris, llcilln Uuug Kong and Calcutta. The Oregon Frail Dryer. It is EiLsy to Operate aiul Ecu nonilcnl in Fuel. Awarded first premium nt tho Oregon Slate Fair in 1SKI, '81, '8S, '80, '87. 'W, and nt the California Ktato Fair in 1m7, iiml the Ban Joaquin county Fair In 1M7; awarded (irand silver Medal at tho Portland Me chanic's Fair In lh&S. Mnnufuctured In Mven slze. For circular and price list ad dress II. S. JOKY 4 SON, Salem, Or. IVHtolIlce box 'AB. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY Uraduatcif students In Classical, Literary, I Normal, Iiusincss, law, AND-" MEDICAL COURSES. It ii thootde.t, largwt and leant exptu lve Intltutlou of learning In tbe North, weat. School open (lrt Monday In September Send forcutaloguetu TIUW. VAN KCOV. President. 17: Kulem, Oregon. FORliEMLY! BATIVi;'r !' ' lUtg MAKEOOSi UUXbXialCnwnCuuviUW-Ynir. lunlnWk, i.l...U,. l)rr4 4 tuu i I . I ITi ' 1'f nMft I ll ln,lnl-tlu Tho Capital National Bank I wooir r ,'initQ UUiJlUl Ha.s J3een And Greatly Improved and Now Is Tie CHEAPEST NEWSPAPER IN OREGON! THE BEST HJIILY NBWSPAPB IN MARION COUNTY1! Read Our Reduced Terms! WEEKLY, one year, $l.r,o. WEKKLY, six montlis.- .fO.W Now Read Our Discount for Cash WEEKLY, one year, fl.00. MlJKKLY, six moiit lis,.. ..f 0.50. WAS THERE EVER ANYTHING EQUAL TO IT? NOW ROLL IN THE NAMES, AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUI5 ONE-"'HrRD OFF FOR CAHIL Our Old Subscribers Now in arrears are. urged to lako tulvuutnfto of our big tllHeount, by Het UiiiK old accounts and Joining tho grand throng of one dollar BiibHcribursr THIS IS NOT A SPECIAL OFFER But u solid, iieruumont rcauotiou. Vo lmvo coino to tay TO ONE AND ALL We pay, send us your names. If you want to take advantage of our "one third off for cash," mid aro not where you can get powtal note of othor convenient method of remitting, send us your nanus nnd state that you will remit nt first opportunity. This will ensure your being placed on tho dollar list. J. J. CULVER County Surveyo JAMES WALTON, Topographer. W. H.IBYARS. Civil Engineer, Ilyars, Culver k Walton Surveyors k Topographers, Surveys, dniflH, pint limps nnd dUHcrl)iiniiM of In mis, townlulM, und romU, (lllclicH, KlreelH, ewerv, iilktj'B, etc. otn., undo und fiirntxlicd at rrtiwmiililt, nrlr. IM Uoht 6olah TAMr. conic und linos nx- w. u t. oumiv tabllHlioillmmorluliiul tot,.t, Jlold notes. GmdtM lur dltclirs, romU, Mrc-etn or tew. ertf, with PftlmutcH furnUlitil on uiipllwi. lion. A del re b County Surveyor's olllce. Sclim, Oregon. OREGONUK RAILWAY CO. (Limited Line.) CHAS. X SCOTT Receiver, On nndnrterJii!io21 18811 and until further notice trains will run dully (except Hun day) an follews: BAST SIDIS. CoburMnll il'ortl'd JIalf 'fow'rd I'ort , land I'roiu I'ort land STATIONS. L. K.COaiil Lv UJiSpin " I0.UI rauriMNiirAMrv Ar. 3.i5.i 111. rK)t or r Mlreel ltay's Ivinulinf, Ht. Paul's, Ar iosu 11.05 11. IU 11.25 11-V, liiu liso il.'i ll VLtt IM USA W'oodburn, Townscnd, McKtc, Mt. Angel, Down's, Hllverlon, Jolnutoir. Mill Hultrerluiid. 1.40 1.15 1.10 IHM ma irjo II. IA 11.10 11.11 10.111 I0M KutrlldoJunct., jiuciray, Aumvllle, Alo Z21 3.1J a. nj' bin trM p sn 0 1' CroMlug, Wet Hcio, f'rabtrce, Hiilcei, Tulln.un, Plalnvlevr. Ilrownsvllle, IkivrUud, 10.10 10X0 IL-lf) VM kJd HiS 7.12 (UI (Vbu. Alt two Alii Ar 1.V l.v Coin in ut Ion Tickets at twoeeuts nor mile on nulel at sUtlous iiavjIuK agtiits. Connection at Sit. Angel with stat'e fur and from V 1 1 boll SllucrHl Hprln and at WotMlburn uriibboutbern Pacific oomiiiy trains for and from Puf lland, or C1IAH. S. C1T, lleeelver. Central 0c, N W Cor, first and line, PorlUBd,Or(o rJ9tSL lj a Enlarged For the Public Good. It Isnn liidlnputulilo fact thut tlie Imiul. noiiiCHt vestibule trultiH thai nro now run on llio Anicrlcuii coutliicul mo tliiwu on tlio llutlliiKton route, IciivIiik from Union di'lHitlii Denver, ulMiUt. I'nul, liniiiuMiito ly on urrlvul of nil tlirniiKli trulim from the wcxt. '1 lie llrstiind xccond cIuhh coucIicm nro iniiKiilllccnt. tlio rccJInliii; clmlr emu killurli. tlio l'ullinuii Hlecpcrx uxtromcly luxiirlunt, and as for tlio meals that are xcnedln tlioso palnco Ilurlliii;lnn dining rrm yum yum. Tlio next time you kii (list to Kaiisus City, Clilenno or HI. UhiIk, If you mention to llm ticket ncuut tliutynu want your ticket to lead Jrom l)wifr or HI. l'aiil oer tlio lIurllnKtou loute, you will Cut it, mid you will ulwayHlio i;lad or If you ko via tlio Northern or Canadian Iticlflc, the elegant vrstlblilo tnilliH of Tho llurllnglon lloule, bctueen Ht. l'aiil itudClileiiKo, or Ht. IOiils, will carry you along I ho eastern Hlinrool llio .MUslsslppI river lor u dUtumo ot V.'i) miles, amidst scenery mat cannot lio kurpimsel;or, Ifyou uo via tlio Oregon Hliort I.lni) orSniilliern i'acltlc, nnd your UcKsl imtX vlu Tlio JIurllUKlon Itouto fiom t'lieycnuo or Den. ver. viii wlllisiss lliroiiL-n all tliu thrlvlm; I ell lew and towns Iwalod In what Is ikijiu. I In, I V 1 nfllvn fl III.. 11.. rl rl llinlVtnHu.il I'or further Information njiply to A. U.' I' or further Information apply to A. U. Sheldon. General Attciit, M rlret street, Portland, Oregon. 1-lUdA wtl OTho nUVHKB'OUIDKU Uauad Mm-cU and Oopt., oncb your. It I au oncy. clopodla of uioful Infor. Diatlon for all who pur. NBhT chaao tho luxurloi or the I nooenltloi of life. We can clothe you and furnUli you with all the noeetssry and unnoceaiary uppllanoei to ride, walk, danco, iloep, oat, flati, hunt, work, ko to chuicb, or atajr at homo, and In various aizei, I0U1 nnd nn&ntittea. Just rllruro out what is roqulred 10 do all those thlntcs j COMFORTAflLY. and you can make a fair ' oktlmata of tho value of tho IIUVKHU' UUIDIJ, whloh will be sent upon receipt of 10 cent mj pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111.114 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 11L rucks and Drays, MORGAN &. MEAD Aro now provldid with line new drays and trucks mid arc pri'jsired lonoull bust. nes In that lino In the bent of sliaw. They five their i-rsonal niK.rvlou lo alt work. CurnerHUlo nnd Comiiidrclal strict $50. HORSES. $50. 0 lie hundred head of brood inures and you 11 burses for wile, run ur filly . ...... lul ... . I... kllMII. TUII (1.... rotti ex 1 i ixl in tho spmu Two lino linn, Clyde ami Per-limu M'X-K, wenjbl slii. vn ond'nilt.i buii'lnsl: b ve la-en . with Hie lund for I be si.t ibleo Vrurs. rljtmnl Ux'l; fror.i the Iwsl (juulll) ol ! inuies, Kor iwrttruiarsndilffi urw ' W H. IIVAIIH. . vtt, xiiiH,Or.' fortbern I'acilic llailraail. okeat wwusa routk TWO KAST TUAINS lUlliV I NO CI I AM) KOK CA1W SHORTEST LINE TO CHICAGO And nil points liil via St. l'AUL and MINNEAPOLIS. The Northern lMcltlc mllnvul Is the only lino running IVcngor trains, SciMiul class oleoiK'TO tfico of cliarse) I.iixurloiiH Day ntiU'lieo, rullniiin l'alaco Hlceping nir. 1"iUihv Hilling Cars, (ineaM Toe) from Port land fb the cast. eo thut your ticket road via tho Northern l'aclllo ntllnvid and avoid tlio clmiigoofiiirs'. I.OAVO I'otllnnd nttiu. m.iind S:10 p. in. dallynrrlo nt MlnneaiHills or St. l'aiil at tl-Oip. ui. l'.m-io Division, Trains leave Kronl nnd 11 street dally nt 11:05 a. in, and 8:10 p. in.; Arrive ntTaiMina at 7:10 i in and IsWn m arrive 5cntlloH:Ma in andt:X)p. in Through Pullman l'iilnco Hleoplug Cai, elegum day coneiics, tlnest palace dining cars between lVrtlmid, Tacoinnand Scuttle dlieot. Dally service. A. D.l'llAHl.TON Asst.Ocn'l l"ass. Agent, I 'J I First St., Cor Washington Ht., Poitlaud, Oregon. Depot Corner Klrst nndd Htreots. J0HNF.STRATT0N&SCN Importers nnd Wholesale dealers In MUhlCAl. .MKHCllANDISU New York, H and l.i Walker Ht John 1 Hlratton's Celebrated Uu isl.in Out Violin strlnirs, the l-'inestlutho Woild. Our Ounrantee II n dealer i evolves u complulut, (which ho believes to lie lionesti Iroiu any niuslciaii to whom ho has Mild unyortlicso htilngs, ho Is aiitliorlrtd by us to give him another suing without cliuig'.,iuulall such loss wlllbu muilogood by us loour custotneis. wllhollt iiilbblooi iiucstlou. (llowarool Imitation.) Dealers will plcaso send tor ilescrlnllxe cutaltKUu. Trad supplied at low est price. rn MS SCMOO Boys ': i n cl G i r 1 s . The school will open on tlio "111' of September. Tluiniiinli liistunv Hon In the primary ami ail v.i need English Branches. LATIN AND ELEMKSTS OK MUSI -lu come,' 'iKItMHiind fiirlher inroriiiiilioii may be 1'iid on iippllcutlon lo KKV. T. II. POST. Cor. Chcmekcla and HtatoHls. R-'AMf DR. JORDAN k Co.'s .MUSEUM OF AXATOMV "Bl Market ht.Hau l''riinclsco Admission ." t ciltH. (louiiil It-it 1 11 how lo avoid illKeai.e. Consultation mid tieatnicnt personally or by loiter, on spermatorrhoea orgeiiltal weakness, and all dlseiissoormeii, Hcnd for a hook. Private olllce '.Ml Consultation free. Oeary stretjl. JIAKVKUHJS MEMORY DINCOVHRY. I Only Genulno Syitcm of Memory Training Four Oooki Learned In one reading, 'Mind wandering cured. Every child and adult greatly benefited, Oreat Inducements to coiicuponilenot Classes:, Prospectus, with opinions of Dr Win, A. Iliiiuinouil, the woihl lamed Hpccliillst In Mind Diseases. Daniel (Jrccnleuf '1 hoinii sou, 1110 grcai i-sjenoiogisi, j. 31, iiiicaij .. .'.. ... ....... ... 1.111. utu kivti, . mj . -iiiiH'Kini, , 1 , , ill, I, D. I)., editor of tlio Chrlollun Aloeuic N, Y., Itlchard Pro tor,tlieHeliritlat, llom V. . Astor. Jiiiluh 1. lleiilamuii. mill others, scut hmI free by Prof. A. I.OINKTTK, Vm riDyAin, N Jl-W-fO. dw QMS OP TIIK I.AIKJI4T IWTAIIIilHII liienlN Iu tbo Htatc. Invcr raien 1I11111 .inland, Ijirtest sls:k Ia-kiiI lllaulis lr tlio State, n d lilKKi'St illsuillllt. Heiul fcfi prlco list of Job prlntliiif. nnd calalouiiu 01 legal blanks. li. SI. WAITM, Hteum Printer Huinn Oret'on, tliu it ' of tM lire Ml aud uiut iisUbla Ihauo. uul t lV Ferry's Seeds I). SI, FKIlltV A (X). in knuttSKlMiNl lu t Ui La rye it Seedsmen nine worm. 1) M.FEimrACo's IlluttMMl.lloKriu. lliatuil'riMd SEED ANNUAL For inoo win bo milled mrr Iu all ii.linuU, tnil ) UAL lul1, rllftliaiuin. 1., . -r- I "." v ". ..sr'iSi&S5 u.a.FEnnTcu.,ueiroit.MicU. Ills iilllsiu thick us liuud-Kri'liid . How, Anil where they fell us certainly they s'i w WUH Ktltl Of OIIO (if tllOMJ iKIIOmill (IocIom iii tlio curly Uiium, ulm nilglit well liuvu laeti willfil llio ulil-(lo-eaiiii of iIcjIIi. Tlio MiOi'ri-r from tlu M-roful.i, ullli hou-m iim hail uh JoIh, 11 ceil not now t'tirriu llio lny liu win horn, for Dr. I'li-rtV (iolilen Medical niscovury ( if atoro liealtli ami liemily, uiiulltu anil Htrcntftli. KsKciily Iium II iimnlfi-ntcil Uh Mluii(;y In cnriiiK aallrheiiiii, lutUr, liolln, faruiuioliT., mmh'vl'm, HcrufuliiiiH wirt-ij und nwill liign, lilii-Joliit ilUiisf, whlto bwill lug;, Koltro or thick neck, iiml fii lurgitl glfliids, VJ yiAtt mark; Qi fP PRINTING Mm i;uf,itaN'i .jmt&ojs&u the yaouiha roitte. tOREGOX PACIFIC RAILROAD And Oregon D'oUipnii'nt company s steaiiislilplinc. iini k s shorter, 'JU hours less tune than by iiny otnei lotite. Kiwi class through passeiiKer nnd rrolghl lino (nun Portland ami all points In tho Vi. I iiiivuo Millov to and from Sati Kranclsci.. TIME SCHEDULE, (Kxcopt Sundays): Uiivo Albnnv 1,-fJOl'M l.cavoCorvallls -lMOl'M Arrive Yaqulna KWP.M l.cavo Yaqulun ...... .(H'iAM Ix-nvo (VrvnIIU ....... 10:35 AM Arrive Albany 11:10 AM O. t C, tralus imiiih-cI ill Albany nnd Corvultts. The abovo t.Mtns connect nt YAQUINA with tho Oreitoii Development Co's l.lno jfHteii'.ishlps between Yamiliia nnd Ban KraneNco. SAII.1.MI DATKS. STHAMKIW. FHOM YAQUIN JVIUuinetto Vallov. Monday iSept. II Wltlainette Valley... Tuo-duv " 17 Willamette Valley, Wednesday " !l 8TK MKItS, K1SOM HAN KIIANCISCO lll.miotte Valley Wednesday, Kept. I Willamette Valley... . Krhlny " l:t Wlllaiiietto Valley Kiturduv ' il Wlllnnicttc Valley.. . Sunday ' a) This company icscrves tho right to oliiingo sailing dates w Itliout notice. ...V " I'liKsenporH nim Portland nnd nil lllaiuette Vnlley points can make close connection with the trains of th VAOl'lXA llOUTKnt Albany orCorinllls. .indlr destined to Han li incNco, should arrange to ui rive at Yaiiuina tho evening tictoru date or sailing. IMsseiigrr :ui,l Frelghl Ititrs r.is tbo liiiwcst, lor Inibrinatlon apply to Messrs. V1'1'?1; H i l-'n-'Klit nnd Ticket Agents 'Mi nnd LUJ riont st Portland, Or. or to C.C. 1UH1UK, Ao't (len'l Krl. .t Pass, Agt., Oivgon PiielllcK. It. Co.. 0 1..U.HW..:u(,..r.(5eMOPi,J!1"0r Pass. Agt. Oicgon Development Co., )l .Moiitgomory c:.; Han Kranclsco, CalJ llouicuiber the Oicgon Pacltlc's popular summer oeursons to Yiuiiilnn. Imw nito t ckets me now 011 sale, good every Wednesday and Saturday Imni Albany, Corvalllsand Philomath. " Yours truly, 0. C flOUUli, A.O, P. Agent tiiiu iu uuiiiuiiiKi VIA Soiillmrii Pacilic Company's Lino. Tills MOUNT SHASTA HOIJTR rinic liehuTii Salrm ami Snu t'raiirlnroO 'I hill) -six Hum a. (I.M.'iroUNIA HXPIIIMS TllAIN IIUN llAtLT. III.TWKI.N I'DlllT.A I'll AMIS). I Smtli. I 1 tteitli: l:lMi. 111, l,v. Poitlaud Ar. 10: 1.1 n, 111, T:o:l 11, 111, :n 1 1. in, 1 l.v. HutOIII 5 A", 7HJu, in. I Ar. Han I'Viin. l.v. :W).jii. LOt'AI. IMMISI.I.II 'I1IAIS ( )A,t I'l.lT hi! Mill). H.tKI a. III. 1 1:10 11. 111 V.'ll) p. III. IA'. l.v Ar. Portland Hnli'iii lillgCUK Ar.) if I.' p. 111. l.v. I i:':o'.' p. m. l.v. t u.m 11. 111. TOLLMAN BUFFET SLfiBl'BBS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. I'or necsiminoilMlon ol hccoiiiI class passciiircisiitinclied lo epics Irnlnc, ThoH. P. coinpji'iy'M ferry makes con licctlon with all llm rcKiuar ttiiins onth Hast Uiiio Division Imiiii lootol I Klrto Poltlilllll. Vcsl S11I0 Division. IJclivcrn I'orllaml anil Cenallis: 11 iii.v (rri:iT hpniia V). 7'.) 7i7inrri;7"Torlfitnir ""ai'.T'W1 ip""i". lyili ji. 111. Ar. .('orulJli l.v. I 1;.' p. 111. A"l ' AT I iiTiiy-!?! 1 d" Wir "i 1 1 1 si'duncc C XI n trains ofOrcifon Paeltle Ilallroad. Through tlol.otslo all points itoulli and east via California ieunrjiAiN--iiaii.y r.xuiii-rnWNiiAY. lu'J) p. in. I l.v. " I'nitliuid Ai7ri).rtla. in. M.iW 1 1, in. I Ar.Mo.Mlnnvlllol.v. 6:19 n. 111. Throuch Tickets To all Mlt.tn "DIJTII nnd HAST VIA-- California. lor lull nihil matioii rojcuriliiiit ratei. map, etc., apply to the Company's uyjciit. I '-uleii. Oruioil. . li P. llOmillH, Ait. (I. I', nnd Push. Ag't 1 II, KOi;ill.i;it. Munauur. j Oregon llalhvay and Navigation COMPANY. Columbia lliver Itoule.' rrnlns for llm cl liav I'nrtiand 1117 il am anil WAl 11111 dully. Tie 1 U to mid frnu prliielsil iKilnts III tin UnlieoHtnti'i n itdn mid Kuropv. lllei;iiit Xcff Dining Csrs. HUMAN' nM SLEEPKIIS. I're Kniiilly MiiIiik Chih run IhroiiKh mi I xpri'ks tiiilim lo ijiuuIkH, Coiiinlj MuI'-himI i(MiiHnitCtt) wiihoiit uhoiiift ; i'(iinieiioiisitt Poiiluiid furNanl'ii - 00 mid Piitfot Wound polius. I'or lurllmr inrtlculant (iddrt any HGi niiif tin' uunisi.) or A. L. MAXVEU, O. I. A T A 0. J HMrril.Wkl.'l UanAKr,Piirlliml. I f. P. RANKIN'S 'aint Shop Xo.iiAl CViiiineruliil St. Koiim anil ('urrliijfu J'nliitiii, Hlijii wrlthiK, l'dit'r Iiuii)(liix mul ikionitliiej, 'uil tinting; ami l.nl siininliii; oxcftitftl in tlit) Ititiot t. W. Epori6iicod Workmen Employed, Satisfaction Guaranteed. l1 in. I m uu iKt'dv y'ii Ji I yi.nr , wiri,. it 11 i i i 1 ak( jr asj -i. smBr