Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, September 18, 1889, Image 2

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nv thk
Canital Journal Publishing Company.
Entered at tlio postofflcc nt Hulcm,Or.,a
second-class matter.
Hce fourth page for term of subucrljv
Advertisements to Insure Insertion (for
tno same (lay) snoum uc banned in iy i
Correspondence containing ncv of in
terest nnd Importance I desired from nil
parts of the state.
No Attention will bo wild to nnonymoiiH
Person desiring the Capital Jocknai.
erved nt their houses can secure It by
1itl card request, or by word left nt this
Hpeclmcn numbers scut freoonnppllcii
tlon. omen, corner Court nnd Liberty Htrect.
Tiik Chicago Times Indulges in
this sort of a trlpple pun: "Tlmt
HGiintc committee him gone away
Hind. It pulled down Its Vent, got
out of Plumb, nuil Htld Kniewoll."
"Anothiik Negro Lynched" Is
the head line which coven n tele
graphic paragraph from MifniftRippl.
It Ih strange tlmt the typo lotmdcricH
do not stereotype thin II no for rjoutl.
crn nowH nnd give (ho printer boys
that much innio"phat."
A story comes from Itciio, In con
nection with the JJrown-Keriunrd
elixir, which in good enough to be
true, if It is not. The story runs
thnt n rancher there hnd nn old
'uirse to which lie wns tnticli at-
tuched, but which was
down by the imiitiiitlcH or old age
ho that It was all he could do to
hobble along. In fact the poor old
hoi-M! was a victim to nearly all the
Ills that equine flesh is heir to.
Knowing of the wondrous virtues
claimed for the elixir, the kind
hearted rancher made or procured
some and tried It upon the old
horse, and mark the result. The
old fellow walked oil' with the erect
head and lively gait of it colt, nnd
with no sign of stillness or lameness,
mid as the magic fluid circulated
through Ills veins, the venerable
Hucephiiliis broke first Into a trot,
and then into a run, spilled his
owner out of the buggy Into the
stieel, kicked the dashboard into
splintcre, and then broke for the
country; nnd thnt wns the last that
was mm'ii of him.
Dit. Hautlktt has beaten Dr.
Carver's ncord In breaking glass
balls, which was (iO.OOO balls In six
days, Dr. It. having broken 04, 107
in that lime. Ho the c untr.v may
now be considered comparatively
'Jlintrunsutluiilio steamship lines
accumulate every year about GINK)
steamer chnlrH, the personal property
of passengers. They aro stored in a
great warehouse In Hobokeu, and
overy day come letters from owners
asking thai they bo forwarded. Each
chair Is marked with the owner's
name when it goes aboard.
Tin: estimated product of cereals
of the state of Kansas this year Is
its follews: Wheat, l(l,()(K),(MKI
bushels; corn, i!7r,MM),000 bushels;
oats, 00,000,000 bushels. This is n
larger aggregate than ever before
raised In the state and perhaps ex
cels tlmt of any other state. Hx-ehange.
It Is the theory of physiologists
that the population of the world Is
renewed once in about thirty-three
years, that is to my that three tliou
"iintl million persons tlio every
crntury. Of these theie may be a
few bundled thousand good men
whose memory survives them half n
year. There are a few authors who
me heard of in the next generation.
A scientist who has Ihm'H so for
tunate as to make n valuable dis
covery Is embalmed In the biograph
ical dictionaries, and is so made
known to the men of science or to
theetiilous of the succeeding cen
tury. A Homer, never Identified,
tlio only prize poet of his epoch, lives
on Into what a modern lyrist calls
the "deathless ages," which count
as nothing in the broad roll of
eternity. History transmits to
posterity the names of those who
have ruled over great nations.
Tlir.itilaro about $7.(10 per capita
of money In circulation in the
United Btntes, and the farms in
Kaunas passing into the hands of
eastern capitalists on an average of
600 per day; while more than two
uu.n..u ...nib iiu. fiiunlrv seek
ing work. Has not tho "Hitzzard
Circular" plot coino to be realized,
of capital controlling labor by con
trolling tho money market?
Tin: men who declare against a
form of government which permits
the administrators of said govern
ment to rob the people tiro called
traitors and anarchists; but, the
men who administer the laws and
make them to rob, and who do rob
the people by these laws or legal en
actments are called statesmeut, pa
triots and great political philan
thropists. Funny, isn't it?
Hi'OKANi; Falls has u street
cable railway the rope of which Is
pulled by water power. There is
plenty of the power to spare, for the
cable, which Is !W,o00 feet long, is
whisked through the channels at
the rate of nine and a half miles an
hour. This is pretty rapid travel
ing for street cars. Tho fastest tlino
uiado In other el tics Is about six miles
an hour. Tho Kpoknnu line Is
probably the only street-car system
in the world operated by water
Tin: lepoilsof the four Admirals
on the staleot the ICugllsh navy no
doubt created a profound sensation
In England, but much that they
say Is not news to those who have
followed Hlr Charles Hercsfoul and
other critics of the Drills!) naval
establishment. If a very large ap
propriation to build additional ships
had not Ufi) Just made by (Ireat
Krittnln we might assume that tho
documotit was merely disseminated
to create a sentiment in favor of a
Parliamentary grant; but under the
circumstances wo ant fonts I to lv
lleve that the Kngllsh Admirals ait)
telling the truth, and that the
llrltlhli navy Is not all that some of
Its admirers fondly supwed It tol
Tin: great waves which recoup
against wharves and piers and
houses and well-made mads, and
ruined them from Manhattan bench
to Lnpo .May. wtro caused ty a
Tiiiim: aro thoso who never forget
a lost one. There aro widows who
never remarry and never lay aside
their mourning. There are mothers
who never forget their dead child
ren; friends who never cease to
lament their departed friends. Jiut
neither widows, mothers, friends
nor orphans can stay the dread tor
rent of oblivion which sweeps over
all, leaving only a glimmering hope
of Immortality. What would the
poets do without the oblivion us a
theme and the mournful changes
rung upon It under tho heads "iro
more," "Nevermore," "Loved onco"
and terms of similar import. The
"Nevermore" of Kdgar Poo Is like a
death's head at a feast. "They
never loved who dream that they
loved once," says Mrs. Browning,
who evidently did not believe in
oblivion. And who can forget the
words of Longfellow's "Hyperion?"
No more! Oh, how mystically
mournful aro thoi-o words. They
sound like tho roar of the wind
through a forest of pines.
(invmi.voit Hovnv of Indiana Is
In favor of pensioning everybody.
In a recent speech he said:
Our revenue on distilled spirits,
fermented llipiors and tobacco for
the year ending June .'10, 1SS!),
amounted to nearly ouo hundred
and thirty millions of dollars -SIL!),-
00:1,0011111 amount that Is greater
than would bo necessary to give
1,000,000 veterans a pension of $8
per month for life, and defray all
other expenses of the pension de
partment. This Is the tax against
which the Bout hern states aro ar
rayed In Congress m solid phalanx.
Do not say that that therevenuo de
rived from whisky and tobacco is a
tax upon tho people of the United
States. Tho iisoof both Is vicious,
anil tho revenue Is collected alone
from thoso who Indulge In their um.
Admit that their uo is either a
luxury or a vice, they would lo used
to the same extent whether a reve
nue was derived from them or not,
and In the last six years this revenue
alone has doubled the total expenses
of the pension department.
Yesterday, the annlversiry of
Mexico's independence, was cele
brated throughout tho country, tin
ineiiso crowds tilled tho stnvts of
tho city, cheering for President Dins
as "tho apostle of tho nice."
Tho Foollaliness of Persons Wlio LI to Un
der an Ancestral Shadow,
"I'm just Hko my father; I shall die
Tho speaker was playing tho arrant fool,
and I told him so, writes Harkley Harkcr
In 4l.n V.. V.U YtTnnl.1.. II.. .a n LI,
. . , ... vuu nuiv A ui jv t cuniv. ..u nns u uiv
i Lifeiiui ( ailing, had been for some months off color.
I called on him In his sick-room and found
him much depressed. Ho had tho notion
that ho had Inherited "a short-lived consti
tution," whatever that may be. Tho life
Insurance people had asked him, in their
curious catechism, whether he resembled
his father or his mother tho more strongly,
and if cither, which. This was a revela
tion to him; ho had never thought of It be
fore. II o concluded that he resembled his
father, who had died at thirty years of ago.
My friend Is already forty-six. His phy
sician assured both his wife and mo that
nothing gravely threatening wus tho mat
ter with him. Wo found his devoted wife
and I that his fathor had died of fever
contracted on the Isthmus. But It is no use :
tho poor dunce has tho notion that he Is to
fiuJo away "Hko his father." Of course
this Is nervous fatiguo, nothing more nor
less; it is Incipient nervous prostration. But
tho item of heredity in tho caso presents a
common delusion.
Pooplo presume on longevity as well, be
cause they "como of a long-lived family."
Singularly, a gentleman boasted this other
cxtremoto mo tho week before last, He
was quito suro of advanced ago, "because
his fathor, grandfather, and away back all
his ancestry were long-livers." And yet as
I wrlto, that very gentleman is dead.
I am certain that both hope and fear are
inspired, without reason and against rea
son, by tho popular notion. It may be true
that longevity or short life is inherited ; but
tho trace is so feeble that In thobattloof life
it is not worth either expecting or dreading.
If you got such a notion Into your head it is
a fntuous demon. Your father, for in
stance, died at sixty years of age. You
will dread tho epoch. You will erect a
stono wall of fatalism for yourself right
there. Unconsciously to yourself you will
continually bo calculating upon it with ap
prehension. You will not talk about it.
oven to your wifo, till you have approached
your flfty-elghth year; then, as you get a
trlflo worn, and perhaps sick, somo day,
you will lot out your fear. It will torture
your loved ones ; it will baffle your nhvsi-
cians as they wonder what can nil you, and
you aro ashamed to tell them. It will actu
ally cripplo your nervous force, subtract
from your stock of vitality; and there is lit
tlo doubt that tho pure, unmixed foolish
ness may hasten your death. Your fathor
will havo had nothing to do With your
death; but you may hasten your own death
by psychic depletion. Thoro is far more
ovldcnco that men do actually causo their
own promaturo death by apprehension
than that a hereditary limit causes it.
To prcsumo that you inherit tho longevity
of a grandfather who lived to four-scoro is
oven moro absurd. It may not have been
vitality with tho old gentleman at all. Ho
may havo had a no moro poworful organism
than ordinary men. But a quiot, uueveut
ful lifo, exceptionally f rco from any heavy
strain, may havo kept his hoart throbbing
bo long. If you are hard pushed and over
doing; if you solaco your alarm by refer
ring your guilty mind back to tho shadowy
graudslro rather than taking wholesome
rest, tho probabilities nro that you will
snap your mainspring boforo you know it.
Tho theory will make ono moro victim, and
you nro tho man. Theory is ono thing, but
fuets nro hotter. Quito likolyyour grand
moinor wm tea you tlmt you look and act
older nt forty-five than hor liusbund did at
sixty. You live in a moro exciting aud ex
acting ago. You nro a city man ; ho was a
country man. You like fancy dishes; ho
homoly food. You sleep mornings; ho
nights. You aro fretted bymonoy, as by
politics; ho was frottod by nothing worso
than nn unruly ox or a showor on his now
mown hay. You are housed in a shop, or
factory, or ofllco, with tho dovitalizcd air of
modorn furnace heai; ho, this noble octo
genarian, lived among mountains, or
breathed tlio broath of tho wldo, wide sea.
Do not presume on tho vonorablo fellows
that wont before you; thoro Is a temptation
anil a snaro in it. ovory time.
Evory man must sail his own ship. In
tho namo of tho kind Creator, do not think
you nro going to cough your lifo away be
causo "consumption is hereditary iu our
family." Facts show that tho decided major
ity of victims of this terrible malady aro tho
original casos; notutnt can bo discovered
Inancostry. Think of It t Tho majority of
consumptives, I reassort, nro tho first eases
In tho family, I havo It on good au
thority iu pulmonary maladies that de
cidedly tho vast majority of tho offspring of
consumptives finally dlo of othor diseases.
It is not to bo douiod that there is a law of
heredity In dlsoaso. But tho children pro
disposed toconsumptioii, for instance, being
forewarned, aro forearmed to caution; tnk
lugoxcollentciiroof thomsolvos thoy out
last their moro thoughtless nolghbors.
Probably over eighty percent, of tho liisano
aro original cases; that Is, in neither branch
of tho family, within throo generations, can
bo found an insano ancestor. I will not at
tempt figures, but modleal authority tolls us
that dlsoaso of tho heart, the llvor, tho kid
ney is inmost always original.
Header, live under no ancestral shadow.
Live In your own sunshine. A morel ful
Creator has given us onch our day. Tho
dead can neither hinder nor help us much.
Wo havo our chance. Kaon lifo is unique
In Its own individual beauty or deformity.
It Is mj father's good example, which, ad
miring, I purposely copy, which bonotlts
mo. It Is the heritage of his worthy name
that helps me, moro than blood or gold. It
is the subtle copying of his virtues or vices
that no doubt Is u powerful Impulse. To be
Hko my father iu character h qui:o possible;
but oven Oil I must seek after with reso
lute purpose. The bugbear of hereditary
brier lire I too shocking, is a cruel fetish of
quasUclotioo that 1 would be glad to drive
outof tho home of many a sufferer. There
Is, however, this curious discovery that I
nave made: Many people seem to actual) v
regard sucii
The Chief Reman for MO great n
cess of Hood's Sarsaparllla is found In UM
article itself. It Is merit that wins, and UK
(act that Hood's Sarsaparllla actually ac
complishes what ts claimed for It, is what
has given to this medicine a popularity an
tale greater than that of any other sampa
nI prit Wini rilla or bloo1 pnrt
IVItJIll VVII1& ner before the pnblia
nood's Sarsaparllla cures Scrofula, Sail
Rheum and all Humors, Dyspepsia, Sick
Headache, Biliousness, overcomes Thai
Tired Feeling, creates an Appetite, strength
ins tho Nerves, builds up the Whole System
Hood's Hnrnnpnrilln is sold by all druf
rists. $1; six for (5. Prepared by C. I. Hoo
i -o.. Apothecaries. Lowell. Mas.
A flood Word for the Nonpareil.
It isn't right it isn't fair to jeer
at Jack Dempsey. Iu his profession
(degraded though it may be) he has
always beeu an artist. A squarer
lighter never put foot In the ring.
Always honest, always brave, and
always modest, he is entitled nt least
to the consideration which these
qualities merit. Chicago Post.
"Another wonderful discovery ha
been made aud that too by a lady iu
this country. Disease fastened its
clutches upon her aud for seven
years sho withstood its severst te9ts.
but her vital organs were under
mined and death seemed imminent.
For three mouths sho coughed inces
siuitly and could not sleep. She
bought of us a bottle of Dr. King's
new Discovery lor Consumption
and wus so much relieved on taking
first dose that she slept all night
and with one bottle 1ms been miracu
lously cured. Her name is Mrs.
Luther Lutz." Thus writo "W. C.
Hamriek & Co., of Shelby, N. C.
Get a free trial bottle at Daniel
Fry's drutr store.
Information was received yester
day that the grand prix and gold
medal had beeu awarded at the
Paris exposition to Prof. Ilowland,
of Johns Hopkins University, for
his photographic map of tho solar
spectrum and his concave grutiiiKS.
This Is In nddition to the grand prix
and medal awarded to Johns Hop
kins University for its publication.
MAltlT vnxsT
Wo desire to say to our Citizens
that for years we havo been selling
Dr. King's Kew Discovery for Con
sumption, Dr. King's New Lifo Pills,
Hucklen's Arnica Salve and Electric
Bitters, and havo never handled
remedies thnt sell as well, or that
have given such universal satisfac
tion. Ve do not hesituto to guar
antee them every time, and wo stand
renuy to reiunti tno purchase price,
if satisfactory results do not follow
their use. These remedies havo won
their great popularity purely on
their merits. Sold by Daniel J. Vrw
Yesterday Governor Thayer, of
Nebraska, Issued a proclamation,
quarantining Nebraska against the
Importation of cattle, from Logan
aud Weld counties, Colorado. This
Is douo because there is said to be
Texas fever iu thnt region.
Russia's finance appear to bo iu
competent hands. For tho first
timo iu years the reports show a
balance iu favor of tho government.
Tho transition from long, llngeriu
The Best Residence Localities
In the city of Portland and other prosperous towns nro those owned by men or corporations who
have the disposition and ability to improve them.
And this Corporation is determined o
To tho city of Salem. They have at this time fifteen teams employed and the contemplated improvements have
scarcely begun. It is Intended to make the drive leading from Commercial street through Itiverside and High
land additions and around Highland Park
Of Oregon. The line of tho Salem Street Railway Company runs through the middle of this addition, and no
lots will be more than two blocks distant from the line. Highland Park will in the near future be
Lois ill Highland Additon are High and Dry and Well Located; Most Excellent Drainage
The soil is black and rich. From all points a line view is obtained of the public buildings and our highest
mountain peaks. Arrangements are already being made for the location of two churches in this nddition, and
a number of residences ore soon to be built. Buildings only of the best class will be permitted. Residence lots
within the limits of the city of Salem are worth on an average over $1000. "We can sell you better lots iu High
land addition for one-third of the money, nnd being directly on the line of the street railway they are practi
cally not half so far from the public buildings and the business part of the town as the majority of the so
called "inside lots."
Buy a Lot in Highland Addition for Three Hundred Dollars,
And let some other fellow pay $1000 for nn inferior lot not so well located. With the difference of $700 you can
build n beautiful cottage, or put it out at n rate of interest that will buy you nearly two thousand street car
tickets every year.
Paiiers, Mechanics
Your attention Is respectfully called to
tho special ndvuntages of
Win. R. Wliile's Patent Gate,
Which received tbo highest honors ever
given to gates nt New Orleuus World's Fair
Call nnd ask toseelts wonderful and slm-
Jle mechanism, which, In the words of the
ury on awards. "Is a wonderful comblua
tion or simplicity. AlEothe
Lone Star Hay Press,
Tho price of which. $100, puts It within tho
reach of thoordmary tanner.
Theodore I'alin. agent. County rights
farsale. On exhibition nt corner Liberty
nnd State ttrocts, Salem, Or.
W. S. M0TT, M. P.
(Formerly of Williams Grove, Pa.)
Otllco for the present at
No. 470 Commercial Street!
Conservatory of Music
Or the Wlllometto Unlver lty Salem, Ore
gon, the most successful .Music School on
tlio Northwest Coast. Courses In music aro
equal to Eastern music schools. Yearly at
tendance of uenrly one hundred and tiny.
iiiuuuiu wri oi micuvrs tor mo coming
'fcchool year will bo l'rof. Z. M. I'arvln.
I.eoim Willis, Miss Kva Cex: assistant
rue transition troni ion, unKerinir ""." " ",'Liiiu Tm siuiii , iis, i i
and imltiAilblukiifea to robust health , ftri&Hi mi Mamio"i"rvin! """J
Culls In the city or from tho country
promptly responded to. 8-16dr2m
ltobcrt Btowrt, of I'eUlutun, recently hd
queer oxpodc ucc Ho write;
"CMbuucle wul lolli afflicted my fce and
ucck for wcclt, Vlutlly I procured bottlo
of i)no of tlio lradtuc SrparllUi. To my
iiiarKsan epocn in tno me oi mem- orunenesinugiit nro vocai culture, I'luno,
dividual .Such a remarkable event ' iJ'"10'
Is treasured in the memory nnd the iiinioinnhKlvenonnimmrtinnTirmiinu
agency whereby tho good health hits
noon attaineit is grcntnilly blessed.
Hence it is that so much Is heard in
iral!-o of Electric Hitters. So many
feel they owe their restoration to
health, to thereof the Great Al
terative and Tonic. If you aro
troubled with any dbeaso of Kid
neys, Liver or Stomach, of long or.
short standing you will surely find!
relief by use of Kleetrlo liltters. I
Sold at 50o. anil $1 tier bottle at Dan-1
lei J. Fry's Drugstore. '
Send for catalogue and circular,
.. M r.UlVIN
A numbei of tcn-acro tracts of desirable
and within one and it half miles of Salem,
at prices ranging from Jo0 to Jim) tier acre.
Apply to
6-avim Opem House Hlock
Dealers In every variety of
Lumber Delivered on Short Notice.
Yard nt the Agricultural works, Salem,
Oregon. Mill located four nnd a half miles
northeast from Salem, on the John Martin
donation land claim.
Slab Wood 50c Per Cord.
Call nnd see us before purchasing else
where. a-w
Kansas House,
Corner ot Court and High Sts.
E. M. LAW, Proprietor.
Wo have taken n now name but
will continue to servo ourpatrons with the
best tho market nftords, glvo them it
cordial welcome to Our Home. Terms
reasonable. Give us a call nnd wc will do
you ood.
No Chinese employed.
Oregon State Fair
Twenty-ninth annual exhibition nt Salem,
Commencing Monday, Sept. 16,
Continuing ono week uuder the manage
iment of tho O.egon Stnto Board
of Agriculture.
OVER $1,500
n Gas
i Premiums
rho comptroller of the ctirrcucy
yesterday authorized the First
Nation bank ofOakesdale, W. T., to
begin business with a capital of $50,-
C. M. L0CKW00D,
SALEM, . -
Store Enlarged
Having eularged my btoro I am now able
tosupplyjou with nil kinds of groceries,
feed, cigars, tobacco, crockery and glass
ware. Country produco or all kinds always on
hand. If j ou havo not traded with mo be
fore, I respectfully solicit a trial believing
I can suit you both lu urlcett and aualltv.
Offered for agricultural stock, dairy and
mechanical exhibits, for works of art,
fancy work, and for trlats of speed.
Running and letting .Races
Important Improvement have been
made In the premium list.
Reduced rates for fares nnd freights on
all transportation lines to and from the
Men's day ticket
Women's day ticket
Men's season ticket ..
Women's season ticket.,
.. 100
Send to the secretary at Salem for a pre
mium list. J. T. APPERSON.
1 "resident
J. T. GIIEGO, Secretary.
respect for their horodltarv
boiiti In tho nature of tllial oletv. Thev wl111 ntisiness willlll capital ot oU, Hrndciuartcrs for the Willamette Valley
think It saoiv iKiou, to die of m,y but nu In- 003. , ?&MJ&?& Commercial Street. Sulem. Or
... ..," r. j --.,-.,, ..... .......... ,
hereillted malady. They insist on lu
htorm which Htnrted In tlio f'.irllJ ,urt''s ndo uuitm vorw. Tht judo
Morm wiuu HtiiriiHi m tno 1 1 ni- wo j0M M(h , gmiM, but wviue
iii-nu rrva nun riui'iKiti mriuuMy uuo ttuieut tint Joy's VejeUUo RrnprllU
the Atlantic. It does not mviii to
havo uNVctfd tho barometer on any
part of our coatd toawnrulnn ex.
tent, though It in probable that btich
wnruliiK wiih felt at tho Islands that
wore near the imlli of the ktnriu.
For lack of It lu our Atlantic wtv
norlM many hli NilKdoui toiliul
trouble oirhouniilngx, and tho lo
pgrvi;utti an linmeiiMt mud. Tho
(Rlainlty HiiKt;cttri cable communion-
lion with tho Island', tlmt warning
plKimttflliny keep uhlpplnr tit tuifo1
I'H'I'OPUIHI t'jV l'l"jx't UfjH'nl.
dried up lolls ud Uco cruptloui tuitrsd ot
IoiyIue moro out, m the poUili timparllUt
do, I bought bottle. Tho crtct i aitonlta
tug. Tho rarbuurlct aud bolU bcgu to dry
um aud In two rclt my face u at w oil aud
tuoothat ew-r, My brother alto tool a bottlo,
with tho iauio bcucfit. Koiurt Uvkwakt,
IVtaluma, Cat."
KxrJutory Note. Tho mineral, lodldoo!
IVtiiu.wuti-hi. UioUuUot nearly all other
MrvvarllUi, attacks tho blood direct, tieuco
(orc impuiltlci through tho ttln, creatine
morr DolU and ttnJra. Jo)'a Vegetable
arirllla act opioUely. IU Vivtabta
Mttcatw-( tllmulaio tho tarlout aecrvtlro
orgMis and thus rllniluato all laipurtltca
tbroliKQtuo natural rbauiiclLheNNdrU-iun
rlwjde ati'l tklu irumtotu a oe, xhi
Klim CoUrctlim of l'rarli.
The tlnest private collivllm of ponrla In
Franco beloni; toMUo. I)one, slster-lu-Uvv
of Thiers. It Is valued ut 1,500.000 f raiica.
Mmo. Tiller, her sister, shortly boforo her
death, iruvo to tlio State n pearl necklace
worth 1(UU fniuc. TUt uecUlaco I now
i In the, Thiers Muacutu la tho Louvre. The
l)uc!ios it'lTxet, who, after Mile, l)osne,
lias tho fluent jowela of all French women,
' Ki.esea u diamond uockluco valued ut I
1,'AXMVK) fruues. Mine. Henry Bay has a I
necklace of wlilto aud black pearls worth
4ft0,CVu fraue.
TitBopwecdUnow bolnjj utlllied for
making oap for market A factory has '
been atarted ut Uutbrlo and Wichita, Kan., j
whoro tho roo4 i;rov pleutltullr, Th
pioneer ot tho rJalu discovered lu ua
forty year ago. The root, without any
manipulation, is mi excellent aubstltuto for
a bur of soap.
ttuiu. trulls planted in furrow will not
tsdurt drought iq yr41 these plant ad
ar- . ure the best made, and lune valuable lin.
iimvement. for flio vir Tlm.. utmii.. i
were machines will do well to call on or rone-Z I
On theste.viuer Kdnm, which
rivctl lu New York yeaterdy,
lOll Anib.4 fnim Svrln Tl,,v nr ' l'nJ "! 1'ie lHrortpnnhalng.
, , , " J" J , , uiiav at Ullbert llnM. bank, SI Coin
locketl uj), pciidlne; action as to their merciat street, b.iiem.
It should bo LTiit'nillv known Ihat !
Dr. Henley's l)andellon 1nlu lu-' f
bUIVriil lliarlv limtt.lltit mill lmr."ivil t
tllgcbtion, dUK'U nervoud denrwrion
iiiul low spirits, nvvrconifs luck of
eueruy and wakeAiliutviaiid will In
fuc new life tiud MixuKth Into the
weakest Invalid. Sold b I). W.
Com puny,
I Ktro aud Ma !
New Butcher Shop
Halem. Oregon ! ila.1 "Jil1 H!,' .1t-5""?tL.ef ?.?P
.- mu aauuvv IVUtiUIl. ItUCrU IIy Will 1X1
jm Iflnli UM I 'Gaines Fisher, Proprietor.
pleased to serAO the jeople with tho
of all kind that tho market utllml..
(live them a call and bo couvlncnl of the
u-imrnv oi ineir ineut
smith, has removed bis shop to
the corner of Commercial and Chemekete
streets, where he Is ready ,to serve the
public. He Is now prepared better than
ever to do nil kinds of w aeon aud carriage
making and repairing; all kinds of black
smithing and repairing, aud a general
horse shoeing business. He has all kinds
of shoes .steel, trotting, hand made, tc.,aDd
tits them In a sclenttfta manner. Special
mention given tothe construction of wag
ons and carriages. Itemember tho place
opposite State Insurance building.
i delivered free.
t- nli nt-d Kilt wutrr tl.h, ultry, game
and tiy.tert iu their aruMiu. Ou Court aln
opiHioite tho opera hou
line hundred doxen chic icus wauled.
I.UKIKH, I'nijwletor,
IWuer Kerry and Liberty trcts, N. E. r
from Chemekete hotel, Halem, Or.
Uood arvuniniodatlona (Or ronimertUI
tra Vetera, t-trnt-claaa rig alwwya on liamt
, Uiantea reaallv
fc7R in tOKn MONTH run be made
' lV M-wu woruing ror u. Agenu
preferrvU who can furnl.li liorx; and
give thelrwholetlmo tothe buslnt-K. biurc
liiumeuta may be pmrltably cmpb td iibo
A few vacsiuciea In towns mid elite. II. K
JohBxm On., IttU Main sL. It.chm.jn.l.
JJ. 1L Please state age and biulnoa ex.
perteon". Never mind about .ending
ttiupftr reply. It. K-J A nx. miw-
Have moved to 47 and
where they are now read;
49 suite atreel,
lv for worK. au
our old iwtrons and friends are Invited to
call and se us In our new location W
are belter prepared for work now than
ever having secured mure room. JM-tt
Feed and Boarding.Stable.
3-Ilay and cvits sold and'deHverHI
StAtdes on Ktn street, iek of oW