.WFfe-- -W'lf',TrV"rT! UiHIIHjM -. X J3KT1" THE CAPITA1 EVENING JOURNAL. HIE CAPITAL JOURNAL. THAT JIOTUK LINE. The Motor Line Company Talks Ilusi bpss Does Salem Sea the Im parlance of (lie Hond? .Sai.um, Or., Sept. 14, 1SS3. Ed. Capital Jouknal. Spvak ing for the M iriuti County Im provement company, I wish to say that after many vixalious delays the work of securing tho right of way for our motor lino has so far progressed that we are now about ready to definitely locate our line and commence active work of con struction. As a rule we have found that our proposed enterprise is looked upon with favor; only a few, however, have seemed to realize what It means as an energizing force in the development of the I country and as a factor in the up building of Salem and Silver-ton. It is not my purpose, however, to enlarge, at present, upon this phase of the subject. Our routo through the city is yet an undetermined question, iu fact, it has sierued to iu at times as though tho people of Sa lem were either indifieient or op posed to our enterprise, but, be that as it may, we have reached that point where we must have some ex pression either of approval or the contrary. The work must be enter ed upon soon or abandoned. It is our purpose to push the road to com pletion by the first day of 1890. To do this we cannot take time to in terview' each individual citizen of the city and vicinity, but wo are prepared to explain to any and all who feel an interest in the success of our enterprise and plans, and we believe that we cau convince the most skeptical that we mean busi ness and that we are operating upon a basis that must necessarily be suc cessful as well as profitable. Our stock books are now open to any who may bo made to realize that, as an investment considered from purely a business standpoint, It is not only safe but very profitable us well. Our office is room No. 0, Murphy block, where we shall be found after Tuesday morning next, ready and glad to give all the In formation within our power to all who' are earnestly in favor of the enterprise. Our time will be too much employed to be given to th e illy curious, but to the friend') of the enterprise woextenda welcome, and not ouly that but earnestly invite your attention. Did opportunity ofter we would go before the citizens emnasso, and make a full statement and explanation by which means much time would be saved. We flatter ourselves that our enter prise, if carried to completion, will do more to develope the country aud build up Salem than any half dozen others yet Inaugurated, and we have talth to believe that we cau produce such evidence as to make the people realize tho fact that we are not vis ionary nor overstating the case. We want investigation aud criticism, and to the extent that wo may be able to Inspire confldonce, we want co-operation. We have no antago nisms to other enterprises but on the contrary wish them all success; the success of one helps every other. Very Respectfully, W. H. Odki.l. Dearness Can't Be Cured Hy 1 oral applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There Is only one way to cure deafness, and that Is by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucus lining of the eustachian tube. When this tubo gets Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or lmperlect hearing, and when It l entirely closed, deafness Is the result, and unless tho Inflamatlon can be taken out and this tube restored to Its nor mal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh.lwlileh Is nothing but an inflamed condition or tho mucus surfices. We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any fcuse of Catarrh that cannot be cured by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all drue- y. J. Cheney Co.. proprietors, Toledo, O: llaeklen'ii Arnica Salve. Tuo best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever soreu, tetter cliapixnl hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, nd positively cures piles or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Daulel J. lry, drug-, Ku This Is tho D season of the vear I the lluillngton route, leaving from Union a Bc-uMju ui iuu . ' ji-f,. ln Denver, also Ht. Paul, Immedlate i, cold winds createsad Sf VFrlVal of all through trains from the tiA liiitiita nnrl fwmrAfTi -.. 'i'i.a risif mid knmri rlasji mahett when thu raw liavoc with tho hands nnd complex lou. Soft white liund-i tmd a clear -peachy" cnmplexlnti em bo n auredly prvservexl by the frequent application of Duiard'8 t'ptclfic. If rubbed into the skiu well it leaves no greasy aurtaai. Tho skin absorbs it. Sold by I). V. Matnews. Oregon U one of the most produc tive states In the Union. Iu vat mineral regioas contains gold, silver, coper. k-oii, aad cal. Iisiumieuse tracts of grazing IuikU upport thou sands of cuttle und sheep, and its extensive agricultural regions pro duce all the citv.iIs iu abundance, the yield iter acre being, in some in Blauct, lite largest iu the Wurld. Arnnii? t lu'iiseful and valuable nnxl- ucts uf the Web Foot State may Us.i which has proved a boon to thou- rand atllletwl with julu in the back aud klduey dJHiUte. It Upurelv ot vetwtab)eonwfMsitioH aud never flta. JoW by D. W. Matbf ws. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. Amnrvel ot purity, strength nnd wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot ho sold In competition with the multitude orlow test, short welcht alum or phosphnto powders. Sold only In cans. KoYAl. ISakinq rowDEUUo.,100 Wall.N.Y FOR HALE OK LEASE. I Olt SALE OH LEASE. Who wants to niirchnao nr Inaan i cntv will. A ilHvnua 11 tl. II., this olllce. ---.-.. -" - - us uuicaa 0-9dwlw WANTED. WAJs I ht) lly a young married man of business attainments, position as book-keeper, clerk, hack driver, or In fact any place or trust. Address Thos. W. Nutt, Salem. Good references. FOR SALE JjlOtl SALK.-A FAHM OK itt) ACKKS 1 all under fence and cultivation. In the est range country of Eastern Oregon. The best chance ever oirered for a man to engage In stock raising. For particulars cull on or address W.II. 11YAKS, Salem, Oregon. SOCIETY NOTICES. OLIVE LODGE No. IS, I. O. O. F. in Odd Fellows' Hall upstairs. meets finrnfii Commercial and Ferry streets, every Snt- luuitv lit :ou u. in, J. T. GREGG. JAS. WALTON, Secretary. N. 0. ATlt. Sedgwfek-1'ost, "KoTIOT Depnrt- ment of Orecon. meets uverv Munitnv cvcnim;nttho hall over the Oregon Lund company's olllce. Visiting comrades an cordially invited to attend. A. W. Dkaygkii, I'ost Commnder. li. F, SoUTliwiCK, Adjutall. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. L. S. Skiff. Marks. Skiff. LS. SKIFF & Co. Dentistry. Painless . extraction of teeth with new procet.8. Also gold crowns made nnd set. Ilrlck acnt.11 otllco near opera house, Salem, Or. J J. SHAW, attorney nt law, Salem, Ore- gon. Office up-stalrs In the Patton block. PHYSICIAN.-MKS.DR. M. E. McCOY physician and surgeon, has located and taken rooms over Squire Farrnr's grocery storo. Chronic diseases a spec inny. uonsunnuon iree. - iz-zmw w. P. WILLIAMS, STENOGRAPHER nnd Typewriter Copyist. Will make reports of trials, etc.; copying on type writer accurately ana neatly cume. uttice over A. T Ycaton's furnilure btore, Com mercial street, Salem. Proposals Invited. Tho Board of Trustees of the Oregon State Insane Asylum invito sealed propo sals for the labor for building a bath hou.se at the asylum. Plans nnd specifications at I he otllco of C. A. Itobert, architect. The right to reject any nnd all bids Is reserved, nlds will bo opened nt i! o'clock p m., on Tuesday. September 17. 18SD. SYLVESTER PKNNOYKlt. GEO, W. MCllKIDK, O. W. WKnn, Board of Trustees. Wm. A. Munlky, Clerk of Hoard. Trucks and Drays. MORGAN & MEAD Are now provided with fine new drays and trucks nnd are prepared to aoall busi ness in that lino in the best of shape. They give their personal supervlson to all work. CornerStato land Commelrclal streets. $50. HOjlSES. $50. One hundred head of brood mares nnd young horses for sale. Forty or fitly colts expected in the spring Two fine horses, Clyde nnd Pcrdieon stock, weight sixteen and seventeen hundred: have been with the band for tho past three ycurs. Original stock from the best quality ol marcs. For particulars address orsee W. H. HYAI18, vit. Salem, Or. Th'j ilOYULS GUIDE If Oi I I lssusd Mi-ch and Bept., each year. It is an ency clopedia of useful infor mation lor ail wno pur chase the luxuries or the necessities of life. We 00. olotto you and furnish you with all the necessary and unnecessary appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep, eat. fish, hunt, work, go to church, or star home, and In various siies, styles and quantities. Just dguro out what is required to do all these things COMFORTABLY, and you can make a fair Mtimau I of the value of the BUYEI1S' QUIDS, which will ba ent upon receipt of 10 cenU tucpay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. U1-U4 Michigan Avenue. Chicago. HI. For the Public Good. It is u ludlsputable fact that the band .mint vMtlbule trains tbat are now run on the American continent are thoe on west. Tlie nrtnna boona cwim roacnes it,-..i alia Inliuf pnalr mra .uh.irh thfl iiillinnn sleeoeni ex t re in til V I luxuriant. And u for the meal that re !.nn.A in M.ruA itr'nr llurtlni'tfin dlnilliT I served Jn 'tlioe induce BurtlnKton dining j .. , . . ctw-yumyuiri.,The next lime you ko Xorilial. BllSinCSS. L'lff, east to Kanu City. Chicago or ht. Louis, I ' If you mention to the ticket agent that you . AND want your ticket to read from Ienver or n' M. Panl orer the Ilurltngtnn route, you Mr.IA, oM innrn r',getU,andyouw.,i ...ay.be MEDICAL COURSES. Ifyougovlathe Northern or Canadtan , f'ulrtr-. the elrtrnt vestibule trains of I ... The JlurlJngton Itoute, between HU Paul ' It lithe olileit, largct and ltat xpet ind L'Llea3u.ar Ht. IouU, will carry you she In.tltutloii of learning In Ihe North aionrtberatern shore of the MUuluh'l'l wet- . ..... riveV tor a dUtanci of Xi) tulles. amld.t hcbool opens flmt Monday In Heptember ierytDalcannotbeurixued:or.lfyoi Bend for CHtalogue to ioVla the Oregon Short Une or Southern . TJIOS. VAN , Patlnc. and your tli reads via Tho, 1're.ldcnl. Uurlington Itoute from '.'heyenne or Djrn. 17: H-rn. Orrcnn. r"J . m u inraufn all tne thriving " - cine and towns located In wnatlspopu- larly fceevnu the llroiioi ineLonuiitui Kf' further Intjrwstloa wigftoA U Sbfldon - ortlHBd.oniroB. -iKUwtt CiIirrni "t .. ?'?! iut to rlli--N',vouin nd ladig ttoa by VfrUM HP Otrry sad Cluw He B!Mw. a boHttfal Hlganto.aa -nwtbl aad iariwfJ. o!J " lyi.yf.ee. 1 A. EX STRANG, So. 30,1 Commercial Street, , SALEM, - - OREGON. DKALKR IN STOVESandRANGES PlambiDg, Gas and Steam Fitting. Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty. 3-Agent Tor the RICHAHDSON A 110YNTON COMPANY'S Furnaces. Es tablished In 1M! ATTENTION FARMBRSI Single lots and acres. One half mile West of Salem 1. O. Good soil, all clear and In tine condition. All ready Tor planting fruit and shruhbry at once. Each piece fronts on a nice street, nnd no city tax. THOMAS & PAYNE 8r ST-A.TIS ST. S-A-LISIvl. t Call and. See T. J. CRONISE, Salem's Popular Job Printer, A T HIS NEW QUARTERS IN THE XX ainto insurance isuuaing, r-or. uom mercial and Uhcmekcto streets '0-ltf SALEM, OREGON. WM. N. LADUE, ; President. OR. J. REYNOLDS, - Vice President. IOHN MOIH, Cashier. GENERAL BANKING. Exchange on Portland, San Francisco, New York, Iondon and Hong Kong bought nnd sold. State, County and City warrants bought. Formers are cordially Invited to deposit vnd transact business with us. Liberal advances mitdo on wheat, wool, hops and other property nt rentoname rates. Insurance on such se curity can be obtained at tho bank in most reliable companies. BjTAULISllKD nY NATIONAL AUTHORITY SALEM OREGON. . 75,000 - - 10,000 Paid up, Surplus, - - It. S. WALLACK, - - President. W. W. MARTIN, - Vice-President. J. II, ALBERT Cashier. DIRtCTORSl W.T. dray, W. W. Martin, I. SI. Martin, R. S. Wallace. Dr. W. A.Cuslck, J. H. Albert, T. McF. Patton. LOANS MADE li farmers on wheat nnd other ninritc-t-ulile produce, consigned or 111 Mom. either in private granarlesor public warehouses. Stale and County Warrants Bought at I'ar. COMMERCIAL PAPER discounted at reasonable rates. limfta drawn direct on New York, Chicago, Sun Friiifisco, Portland, London, Paris, llerlln IIdiik Koiur and Calcutta. Tli Oiwii fruit Dm p. 0 It Is Easy (0 Operate nml Eco nomical in Fuel. Avnnled first premium nt Hie Oregon Hlulo Fulr In IM'. '&!, 'W. 'W. W. 'W. u"d at tlir Ciillfornla HUite Fulr in liw, anu mo B,.n J oanuln county Fair In 18S7; awarded (imnd Hllvcr Medal nt the Portland Me cliuiiiit's Fair In IKSH. Munufuctured in CM.ti 3le. For circular and price list iut- arrrn it. M. JUitv boi,riiem,ur. l'utoIlco Ixix 'JnO. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY Uraauales Htudents In Classical, Literary,. Scientific, 'Vftn RJ!QS&3 iT ?.3 81 t rtltl HICI1 iJ6lIi mwmvm V m m m w -m m n m m kfiUTlWrU!"WiiX-:$Vl i3Jji,X4tz'ntituJttuSi'fSf jjur-;-- .uji yySZy JtyJajfe!?Jl?'' P 7 f - r tT7m I. AmiTrT I fsiili.m 4stHmWWMW.,WIMa,t.t I First Nationa Bank The Capital National Bank k Capita Has Been and Greatly CHEAPEST NRWSI'APER IN OREGON ! rn ME BEST FAMILY NEWSPAPER IN MARION COUNTY! Read' Our Reduced Terms! WEEKLY, one year, f.r,0. Now Read flor Discount for Cash WEEKLY, one year, frl.00. WEEKLY, six months, .0.G0. WAS THT3RE EVER ANYTHING EQUAL TO IT? NOW ROLL IN THE NAMES, AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR ONE-mIIIRD OFF FOR CASH. Our Old Subscribers Now in arrears tiro urged to take advantage of our big discount, y set tling old accounts and joining the grand throng of 0110 dollar HiibicriborHT THIS IS NOT A SPECIAL OFFER Hut a solid, permanent redticliou. Wo have oomu to tay TO ONE AND ALL We wiy, send us your names. If you want to take advantage of our "one third oil' for cash," and are nut where you can get postal notes of other convenient method of remitting, son.! us your name and stale that you will remit at first opportunity. Thm dollar list. J. J. CULVER County Surmo JAMES WALTON, Topographtr W. HiBYARS. Civil Engineer. Byars, Culver Walton Surveyor! & Topographer;, Survoys.dnifts, pluti. mapsuud UpscrlplloiiK of lands, townlnts, nml r.nulH, dltrhcs, stiettH, seucrs, nllcys, etis. ct ., made und furnished itl rfvifcnnrililn nrlfoa. Illf Lkimt Soias TsMr. corners und lines rot, w. u t ousur tjihiishod rrnm original Tiwr,.T. Hold notes. Qradua lor ditches, rouds, streets or sew ore, wltli Ohtlmntos furnished 011 applica tion. Address County Surveyor's nfneo. iolcm, Oregon. OREGONUN RAILWAY CO. (Limited Line.) CHAS. X SCOTT, - - Itefclver, OnnndunerJunoZllSSaandiintltfurthtT notice trains will run dally (pxrot Hun. day)ns follews: BA8T BIDK, Coburg Hull rortl'd Mull From Port land STATIONS, iTow'rd I'oi I land l,v. 8.(0 urn Lv li'ijini " IO.WI l-OHTI.ANDl'AW v Ar. S.tJ.pin. Kool of K Htreetj luiy's uuming. Ht. Paul's, Woodhurn, Tnwnwind, MeKre, Ar 1.40 I.IK 1.10 I2.1 VJM IZ'M 11.11 11.44 1IJW 11.11 10.41 11.05 11.10 11.25 lt'j lilO li.'J ii;v, I.W IM hJM I HU Aligcl, ixiwno, Hllrerton. 1 Jolinntoa's Mill' Hwllzrrjnnil, I MttHliluJiinct,, jiucirny, Autmvlllc, Alo 8.Z1 2. 3.13 a. 1 5 CM Ol'CrouinK, WrslHcIo, Cr.ihtrte, Hnlcei, Tulliimn, llaluvlotr, llrownivllle, llowUnd, 10.10 W.W ma s-io 7.12 L30 Cohurr Alt 6CQ am Ar p III l.V.r Coinmutiou rickt-t at twocfiils per IlllleoU Mlrjll t4tllOUk IMtWUf Pgt-Jlt. tinirxtl'iii nt Mt. Anacl with HAjm fi r bint fruni U'ilholi illnrrul HjIhh nnd a ilburn wl'lifrtuthern IVrtSootHHumy truwlornud ftoiu i'urtUttq.w III Art. V. KtXrr. !( r. OnxraJ Oak, K WO. Klrst ami Hr.e, HiiaUnt,Orroa. miiiM Irila.rg;ecl Improrod and Now Is The WEEKLY, six months,- --$0.75 will ensuro your lieing placed 011 the SEE HERE! Jf theio Is anyone In tho whole state of Oregon who wants to return to the east he should read tliiHndvcrtlheiufiik A Bargain For Somebody r 1 1 EASTERN PROPERTY To Exchange fur OREGON LAND! A GOOD CHANCE fKH- fwniiUrsii si thbi tmtf, I IMnh Pacific Railroad. GKKAT OVERLAND ROUTE 1 TWO FAST THAI NH DAII.VI Ul'HANUEOF CA11S SHORTEST LInTtO CHICAGO And nil iHlnls VU1 via St. PAUL and MINNEAPOLIS. '1 ho Northern Pncltlc rullrond Is tho only lino ruunlnj: lMs.si'imortmlns.Sotxmd class sleepers (Ireo or clmrRc) Luxurious Day couches, rullinan l'alaco HlcvpniR Curs. l"alaco DlnliiRCars, (moiiN 75c) from Tori land to tho cast. cc thnt your ticket read lit tho Northern llu-lllo railroad and uold the chatifroofcars. Leave Portland nt fa. in. and MO p. in. dallyarrlvo nl Mluneaix)lls or Ht. Paul nt (Wtt p. 111. Pacific Division. Trains lcno Front and U street dally at 11:5' a. 111, and 8:10 p. in.; Arrive nt Tnninut at 7:10 p 111 mul 4:'JJa innrrlvoSenttlaKSSn in amlOiIHp. 111 TIii-oukIi Pullinan l"alace Sleeplni; nrs, elcKtinl day ctMcnes tlncNt mlaco dlnliiR cars lietween Portland, Taeoiiiaand Seattle dlicct. Dally service. A. 1). CHAItlroN Asst. (len'l lNiss. Aeeat, IS1 First St., Cor asliliiRtonSt., Portland, OrvEOti. Depot corner First muHl Sln'lK. JOHN F, STRATT0N & SON 41 and Walker Mt. John F. Slnittons (Vlehrutcd Htuslan Out Violin Ktilnrs, the Finest in tho World. Our ilunrniitpe K n dealer receives n ooni)lalut, (which ho brlluvestobo Ikiih) from any niusielau to whom ho has sold any of tlicso strliiKX, ho Is authorlred hy us to give li t in another Klrlns without eliaiK'.', and all such loss will ho uiudoirood hy us to our customers, without quibble, or question, (llcwaruot Imitation.) Dealers will pleiiHOKoml lor descriptive entnli;iio, Trad supplied at lowest price. ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL, -KOII - Hoys nncl Girls. Tlio school will open on the "lib of September. TlmrotiKli Insti no tion Iu tho primary and auv..nced English Branches. LATIN AND KLEMKNTS OF MUSI -In couine.- '1 iCUMH and further Information may hn I'au 011 application 10 HKV. F. II. POST, Cor. L'liemekcta aud HlatoHls. R-'JO-tf DR. JORDAN & Co.'s MUSEUM OK ANATOMY 7ol Market St. Hall Frauuleco AdmlKHliin i'K'rnlH. do and learn how to avoid dtacaxc. CoiiKiillntloii ami tii'iitment porsiinally or hy letter, oil Hpcrmaturrlioca orKcnllnl wcaltncKH, and all (IlsnikMi ofiiu'ii. Komi for a hook. Prlvnto otllco VII CoiiHiiltiitloii free Uenry street. MAIIYKL0U8 MEMORY DIKCOVKIIY. kl'Only Gcnuln Syitem of Memory Training Four Booki Learned In one reading, Mind wandering cured- Every child and adult greatly benefited. (Jreal Inducements to corri'Kinlencr I'lUHHUM. Pronpccliis, with opinions ofDr Wm, A, llnmmoiiil, tho world-mmcd HH'cIhIInI In Slliul DiHeiiKi'M, Dmilel (iri'viileaf Thump non. tliu L'reut PsyclioloulHt. J. M, Illicitly l. D., editor of tho Christian Advocate N. Y.. Mellaril Pro tor,tliuHuleutUt, lions W. W, Astor, Jurtali P, lleiijainiiu, nml others, sent post free by Pi or. A. I.OINIiTTK, :i7 Fifty Avn., N V Jc-ia-Mi. dw PRINTING. ANK OF TIIK I.AUOIXr ICHTAIII.IHII. UimiiiIh ti the Htntu, Ixiwur rates than I'oi I In ml. Ijiruint stock Ial llluiiks li tliohlulf, a (1 IjIkkihI discount. Menil fii iirlcu lint of Job prliitlUK, nnd ratalou-ito o! IckhI blanks. K. M. WAITIC. HUin Prlnlur Hulem Ormou. cr ": ,rjou,ooo !r.''i" fJIrrr.-'liiin cf tIM Uttnt sud luuat fiLUluum, mi Uur qm Ferry's Seeds U, FKItttr OO. w suuvloJsad la Lx lln Large t( Sttdtmen In th world, D M.FnunrAOo-s tin sod VtU& SC0 ANNUAL Tor IBBO wm Ik m.iL-i rrr Ui hll tptiUunlii, tiA 1 UAi (mi ri.tiM... i..r' 1 --.r'.im ." brUMt Ostllltr Is sxliUat. mkUU.JI, V, iiuuui ftruno 11. '. 04rdn. yfrTisrv 'J4 slwuM und tut It. Addi r mVLimww rhIt O. M. FERRY .CO.,OelrU.MIA. Jlls pills as thick aa hund-KreaidM How, And where they fell us certainly Hie slew waw aalt of 0110 of tlioo ltwintiit i!ic(orM In tho early tline-t, wli mlijlit well havu lx.en failed the uM-ilocutiip of death. Tho MuU'ernr from tho wrofulu, wjth tunvn a Imtl an JttVu, iitetl not now curno tho luy ho wan born, for Dr. I'torvw'H (Joldeii Miillcal Dlboowry will ru stnro health ami U-aiity, aiotlto ami utri'iilli. ljictlully liaa It inuiiiii-Muu iiH (Miienoy in curing Kilt-rlieuin, totter, IxiIIm, eiirouiielw, core eyes, MrrofuloUM aoro ami tiwelt lllK, llllf-jolnt (Itseavv, wlilto xwoll- isiuh, Koiiru or 1 hick ihhju, una n largfUjflHnds. VvO . MAIIi St J atrm lira n Ir'l ..sV.l UNTii&. mi:vnrwm jmtetlOjzMru SBMSSSr. J THf YAnulNA R0UTE' OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD And Orcirnn Dovclopment company's steamship line. iB miles shorter, 20 hours less time than by any othci toute. First cjass thniiifh iisscnirer unit freight line from Portland and nil points in tho Wil lamette vnllcv to nnd from San Francisco. TIME SCHEDULE, (Kxcept Sunnnysj: I a-vo Albany --..... i.-oopm Iave Corvallls ........ po i Arrive Yaqulna &:PM l.cuo mill nn 0:45 AM lnvc CVrvallls lftKAM Arrive Albany ....... n:10AM ,J)- ,.c tr"lt!' connect nl Albany nnd Corvnllls. The above trains connect nt YAQUINA with tho Oretroii Doveloimient Ls I.lna f HtciiMshlps between Ynqulnn and 8n r ruucl). SUMXO HATES. STKAMKllS. rilOV YAQUI.V JVIJlaiiictto Valley Monday Sept. II 1 amctto Valley Tuesday " 17 Willamclto Valley,.. .Wednesday " 25 STRAMKIU. riUIH SAN mivrniiv. , ame 0 valley ..Wednesday, Sopt lllamette Valley.,... . Friday lliiinctto Valley... Saturday ' lllainetto Valley Sunday " Tins company reserves tlio right 4 1.1 1 21 to Vi ri . "1IK ,,"llT' wiinoiii notice, win :rJ?,Sx!'".i!erH "T"11 ""fH'iud and nil lllailll'ttn V.lllnv .wilntu n.m n.nl.n .. ciiiinectlon with tho trains ..f tl.. YAQUINA IlOUTKnt Albany or Uorvallls. mill If .Inst nml f u... i. ..ri. '..""'. I - "' t. .' l.,.).l,, SIII1UH1 nrnuiRo to nrrlva at Ynqtitnn tho ovcnlim ,Jnr fi FrelKht Kates Alwsvs tko if m"i t wr '""'""ntlon apply to Messrs, ULM.MAN Co., Fre k it nnd Ticket Airejita and 202 Front st.. Fort laud, fjr. U.O. 1IOOUK, Ao't acn'l Frt. A lliss.Agt., Oregon nicinalt.il. Co., niI.HASWKM..Jr.aen5i0Fr,,!11'0r Pass. Ast. Orciton Development Co., SOI .Montgomery st Sun Francisco, CnlJ Iteniember tlio OregHii Pacltlu's popular siiiiiiaeroxiairsioiis to Ynniiliia. 1-owrnto tickets nro now on sale. Reed ovory Coi'valllsniid I'lillomath. Yours trulv, (J. 0. f lOUUK, A, (I. P. Agout to California VTA Southnm Pacific Company's Line. TIIK MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE. Unit liclumi Salem ami San l'ranclsto-2 Thirty-six Hours. t'AI.tnillNIA I'.XPllKSS TUAtN IIUN DAILT. 1IKTWKKN POI1TI.AK1) AS1IB. Y. Worth." Ii):l5n. ui. 7:.M a. 111. 4:Mn. in. 1: i.r. Ar. Portland ArT Siilom !.v. Han Finn. I.v. 0:11 P. III. "((. II. 111. 7:o p. m. t.OCAl t'AHSKMOhll TKAIN ( llAII.V K. CKIT HUMIAY). Ml) 11. Ill, 1 I,v. 11:10 a. in I.v 1:10 p. 111. Ar. Portland Halcm Kugcuu Ar. U:I5 p. 111, I.v. 1 1S-J13 i. in. I.v. I t'.-OU a. 111 PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. For accommodation ot second cluks piiHKriigersattnelied toorpioss trnlns. II10H. P. company's terry makes con iieutlon with nil thu regular trains on th hunt bulo Division Iroiu lootol 1 strcn Portlaml, Vcsl Sido Division, llclwcrn Porllanil anil Cervallls: IIAII.V (KXI'KIT Ht'NIlAV). 7::Oii.in.riA-7 IIKii. III. J Ar. "Vol fiii litl" (Nil Vllllls "VK I.v. u:Jo p. in. !::) 11. 111. AT"Alliiiiiy ami CorvaiiiH coiiuect Willi ui. 111 in wri'ipm I'ltcinn itaiiroail. Through tickets to all ikiIhIm south mid east via Callloriiln K X IJ IKXH 1 1 1 A I N-J I IA 1 1 . V'lyt eKI T HUNtlAV. 4:.VJ p,"m, i.v. i,.sirrar.iAr.Tiowu; Ar.Mu.Mliiiivillal.v. CilAu. Ill, 111. Through Tickets To nil points 'WITH and EAST VIA California. . ror lull inloriiiutioa regurilinu rates, maps, etc., apply to thu Company's agent, rialcui, Orcicnu. K. P. lUxilIIW, Ait. (J. F. und Pass. Ag't It. KUKHI.KIt.l MauugSr. Oregon Railway and Navigation COMPANY, Columbia River Route.' Trains for the cunt Uavu I'ortiamtut 7:A mil and -.: pin dally, Tic its to nnd from principal iHilnts In tin U11II11I Mali m. Car iidHiiud KuroHi. Klfganl New Dining Cars. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS. Frio Family Blecpliu Curs run through on J.xprenN trains to 'Jmiiliu, Coiinull III11IU mid Kaiiuis t'lly wltlinut chango; Coniiecllonsnt Portland forHiin Francis, cuuud I'ugct Hound (Milnts. For lurther imrtlculars uddress any ugent of tlio iKiinpiuiy, or A. L. MAXWELL O. V. A T. A O.J.BlIiTil,0i.'l Manager, Portlaml. H. P. RANKIN'S Paint Shop .Vo.iKIJ Coinnierdal Bt. JIouho am! I'urrhiKO I'alntlna;. Blh'ii writing. liiKT ImiigliiK ami tkcoratliiKi Wall tinting ami knU soniinliiK uxeeutiMl In Ilia lutt-wt 4,vl. Experienced Workmen Employed. Satisfaction Guaranteed, Call am! we 11 Ufure you let your worjf,. ii i