Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, September 14, 1889, Image 2

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    "T!V-' '
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11 V THE
Canital Journal Publishing Company.
Kntrcd nt the postomco nt Hnlcm,Or.,a
second-class matter.
rice fourth page for terms of subscrlp-
Advertisements to Insure Insertion (for
cue mime any) should bo iianucu in uy 1
Correspondence containing news of In
terest nnu importance is uesircu ironi an
parts of tho state.
No attention will he paid to nnonymoim
Persons desiring the Cai-itai. Jouiwai,
served nt their houses mu sceuro It by ihih
1ol card request, or by word left nt this
Hpccitncn nuuiliciK sent free on applica
Office, corner Court and Liberty Streets,
The Journal's Fat Reporter on
Secret Societies.
The Reporter Decides to Make an Un
conditional Surrender.
Jt 1h no ue: I ivo It up; I ll make
n surrender mi unconditional sur
render, everybody may pi-mint my
nanio to tlielr Hpeclul Hccrvt widely ;
I'll join It; I'll join anything and
evcrytlnnjf. (.' unt mo in, bovn; If
I am not a uiemlierof all the twenty
secret sodetieK before another year
Ihuihhc1 It will not lie my fault. I
have come to this resolution without
nuking my wife, Initslio will eminent,
it Ih that or ileal h with me. My first
notice of this was laststinuner when
I wan unlng home one night, and
stopping to pick up a pin stepped on
my thumb, I cried mil "O my
thumb!" and stuck it in my mouth.
A man Jumped from a passing team
and cried: "Where have yon hid
him. brother?"
"Illm?" who, you Idiot?" I angrily
asked. '
"Why, our brother who now
wants help; you did not ask the
question right anyway, but never
mind, you probably are young."
"Our brother! wauls help! ask the
question right! What do you mean?
Are you crazy?
lie looked somewhat surprised
and queried: "Did you not say "O
my thumb!" and put It In your
mouth?" "Yes," I explained, "for
I stepped on It."
"Are you not a member of the
Men's piotcetlng Husbands from
Wives Society?"
"No, I said.
"Well, you fool, what nro you
using their signs fort" and ho angrily
moved towards his vehicle again.
Shortly after this, while standing
ut the door of tho Reporter ofllcc,
waiting, a stranger crossing the
street, I blushed ally from my nose,
and then put my linger in my vest
pocket for a dove, when the stranger
rushed to mu and exclaimed:
"Urother of the twenty-seventh
degree, I greet you!" and ho took
my hand In a very careful manner
and shook It.
"Thodovllyoudo!"! said, "and
who are you anyway?"
Hu looked a little disappointed,
but replied: "I am tho X X X A I,
Unadulterated Knight of the Owl
of the Tent, of tho twenty-seventh
degree, and by that token I greet
you," and ho rubbed his nose and
put Ids hand In his vest pocket.
"Well, I am no X X X Owl of tho
twenty-tteventh or any other de
gree." 1 explained.
Whereupon ho straightened him
self up and with lleieeness Inquired:
"How dare you, you miserable de
ceived steal and use the signs of our
noble Order In this wav?" and he
gave mo a wltheilug look and
marched majestically away.
One Sunday after this, while I
was rolling on tho grass at the Wil
lows, I became somewhat sleepy,
and rldug to a sitting Hsltlon 1 very
naturally stietehed my arms up and
yawned s.iylug, "Hi-hodium." You
can Imagine my suipiit-ont seeing n
dozen or tlftccu men running to
ward me, exclaiming:
"What Is the dunger, brother?
How win wo help you? Wo have
come o your as. stance," t te., etc.
"Mutter hel ? There Is nothing
the matter with me and 1 don't
..Want uny help," I said somowhat
They It oUi d a little cr,dexed In
their turn, and one of i htm said:
"Are you not a tueniUr of the noble
Order of the 1) itible and Concert
trHted Ksscuco of limruvid and
coming home from burying my
nunt, I met u gang of grown up
hoodlums who greeted mo with:
"Noble and Reverend Slgnor, how !
goes the night?"
Not wishing to Irritate their feci
ings, I just said in a soothing voice
"So-so," whereupon they exclaimed
"He Is one of us?" Each one ran to
iue,grasped my hand and rubbed his
nose against my shoulder, s.iylug as
he did se: "Noble disciple of the
No-work Order, thus we greet you."
"Noble fiddlesticks!" I exclaimed.
"I am not u member of your loalllng
society," whereupon they commenc
ed to cry eut: "IJe Is a renegade!
he Is a bloated capitalist! be is a
man that docs not believe that prop
erty should be divided!" and they
followed after me throwing stones
und epithets.
A few weeks ago, as I was stand
ing at the door bidding my wife
good night, preparatory to going
and burying my aunt, I said in a
soothing tone for thu purpose of
quieting her, "Thy power is next to
Omnipotence, O woman!" where
upon n framework of bones, with
a skin drawn taut over them, cloth
ed in the habitude of woman, rustl
ed to mo with the lemurk: "No
other sign Is necessary to show one
of the Daughters of Ophell.i. I am
glad to llnd that you are with us,
that you believe we have rights
rights so powerful that all the rights
of men are pigmies compared with
"You go to !" I exclaimed.
"Not if the Daughter of Ophelia
knows hcitelf, and she thinks she
does," and she rushed at me with
open arms. 1 was fearful that those
sciawny suaUe-Iike feelers would en
circle me, and I called for my wife,
who quickly came to the rescue, and
there was a revolution a revolution
out of which my wife came forth
and stood by my side, with her
hands on her hips, as she watched
the Daughter of Ophelia untangle
heiself and move away. Then she
drew a long breath, and pointed
over my head with a males He finger
s.iiil in u sonorous veice: "I like
not that lean, hungry-looking Ophe
lia, and her tlra-m is only imitation
sllkanyw.iy ."
Only day before yesterday as I
sat at my desk, biting my finger
nails, and thinking what I should
report, a man came In; after watch
ing one moment he scratched his
head and looked at me sharply.
Just at that time feeling the lobe of
my right ear Itch, I scratched It,
whereupon ho put his fingers to his
lips and said: "Worthy comrade,
what other sign or token have you
that I may know you aro worthy to
pass on to tho next degree."
"Oh, youv'o got It have you?" I
said, for I have tumbled to these
things now, and as I shied the ink
stand nt htm I uttered the one sylla
ble "Get!" and ho got.
Yesterday, as I leaned on tho caso
of one of our pretty girl compositors'
and rested my head on my hand,
she looked pleased and said: "I
did not know, Fatty, that you had
Joined us. When were you inltla
t d?"
1 said nothing, but fled. I had
evidently made signs; I did not In
quire what.
Nowadays If I do not grasp a
man's hand they eall mu cold, and
If I do I am liable to give the grip
of somo secret society that I do not
know of and then lie called an Im
postor. If 1 lean against anything to rest
with both hands In my pockets I
am giving the signs of the members
of the Grand l'nuadruma. If I don't
have but one hand In then It is some
other society; if neither, still an
other. If for any reason I double up my
blind, I am at once greeted as one of
the 1'ccpo' Day hoy unit n shllalah
Is thrust Into my baud.
If I cut an apple or orange Into
halves before eating it, some blank
fool Is very apt to come up and take
half, saving as be docs so, "Ah! I
teo by that token that you aro a
member of Geoige, McGlyun k
Co.'h lodge.
It Is no use. 1 have got to Join all
tho secret societies for protection, for
then, and only then, flmll I know
wuni signs lit iiuiKU uiiii wnai wonis
to say
Peculiar I'eotilo Who Constitute an Inter-
tine Feature of Capital Life.
Ono of the saddest features of the always
varying Hfo la Washington, says a corre
spondent, is the gradual disappearance of
tho "old-timers." I do not want to call
them tho "Colonels." "Majors" and
"Judges," for that would Include somo
who do not really belong to the charming
and clever parasites who are meant by tho
"old-timers." They aro broken-down gen
tlemen, persons who havo seen "better I
days," who nover did and who never would
work, but who aro yot persons of flno at
tainments, charming conversationalist,
agreeable in their manners, and yet always
waiting near somo genteel bar for tho invi
tation that will surely como to indulgo in
something genial and exchango a flash or
two of brilliant wit or narrate somo thrill
ing story of romantio personal experience
in tho days when they were rich in slaves
and land and lived tho lives of veritable
sybarl cs.
Five years ago, when I first began an in
timato acquaintance with the vai legated
Hfo of this political capital, there were per
haps a round dozen notable hangers-on of
this typo. Hardly one of them but could
quoto the Latin and Oreek classics by tho
rcumin the original tonguo; most of them
woro well read In elegant literature of all
times, and could discuss it in tho most
charming manner; all of them had been'
actors In real romances and tragedies of
luxurious social life, and scarcely ono had
any parts so objectionable as to mako him
shunned by tho best gentleman with whom
ho camo Into contact. Now they havo
dwindled away to two or three. That Is,
there- is only that number In sight Sov
oral aro dead.
Ono has just como forth after sovcral
months In tho hospital, and immediately
bogan to stnko his old friends for tho
generous entertainment which was the
moans of sending him into retirement.
Olio has actually abandoned tho hospitable
precincts of the hotel bars and tho appetiz
ing and lnoxponslvo frco lunch, and is
making a threadbare living by copying and
letter writing for this and that ono of his
frlcads, who like to encourage tho old boy
in his novel attempt to cam his bread by
tho sweat of his brow. It was a departure
that was frowned upon in an almost savage
manner by tho others of his crowd as being
not only degrading, butas a pernicious
innovation upon a time-honored precedent
which tended to bring them all into con
tempt. It was a daring thing to do, and has
resulted in tho uttor ostracism of tho bold
old boy, but ho has stuck to it bravely in
the face of many temptations and dis
couragements. I fear there will bo a
change soon, however. Evidently tho
'iinchoon that comes by purchaso is not as
liberal ns that which comes without money
und without prico. Tho poor man grows
thinner and thinner, his volco sounds as
thoiich thoro woro a vast vacuum in his
stomach, and if ho does not find starvation
preforublo to receiving tho cut direct from
his old friends he will doubtless soon be
scon at regular intervals hovering about
tho best layouts of froo lunchoons to got
tho freshest salads and ilsh-balls and pork
and beans and cold meats when they first
appear. Not ono of them has a watch.
That useful bit of gentlomon's woar long
ago wont tho way of thoir "undo" to
ovorlastlng oblivion, but some mysterious
intuition Informs them to a second of tho
timo when tho froo lunch will bo spread,
and tho moment when this or that friond
who will sot up tho drinks will present his
wolcomo faco upon tho sccno.
They havo bcon a great study to every
student of human nature in this town of
queer characters, Dut their raco will soon
bo ended, and thoro is nono to tako their
placo. Their tribo will becomo oxtinct
with tho dropping out of two or throo tot
tering forms which aro yot to bo scon in
their favorito haunts, and what that moans
to Washington you who aro not to tho man
nor either born or educated will nover
know. It means tho passing away of fig
ures which mora than all olso suggest tho
lifo of tho arlstocratlo South boforo tho
war, and in their indolence and inability to
do tho least thing for their own mainten
ance toll of tho immeasurable effect of tho
curso of human slavery.
The Chief Reason for UIO great 8H
cess of Hood's Sarsaparilla is found In th4
article itself. It Is merit that wins, and OM
fact that Hood's Sarsaparilla actually ac
complishes what is claimed for It, Is what
has given to this medicine a popularity and
tale greater than that of any other sarsapa-
IWIai4- A5 no rllIa or elood purl
IVierlt VV I MO fler before the publia
flood's Sarsaparilla cures Scrofula, Sail
Rheum and all Humors, Dyspepsia, Sick
Headache, Biliousness, overcomes Thai
Tired Feeling, creates an Appetite, strength
ins tho Nerves, builds up the "Whole System
Hood' Hnrnpnrllla Is sold by all druf
-isti. t;slxforJ5. Prepared by C. I. Hoo4
iCo.. Apothecaries. Lowell. Mas.
The Best Residence Localities
In the city of Portland and other prosperous towns are those owned by men or corporations who
have the disposition and ability to improve them.
mm i
Hie UolnntlOe Way lu Which it New York
Mail Won it Sweelheart.
Thoro is a girl of astonishing loveliness
who has just becomo engaged to a middlo-
aged member of a certain yacht club, and
if 1 can bullavo tho story that I heard from
tho unsuccessful rival of tho yachtsman in
tho raco for the sweot ercaturo's favor, tho
tirlzo was won in a decidedly unique and
ingenious way, wrltos a Now York corre
spondent. Tho successful suitor owns a
largo steam yacht and also a small racing
cutter. On ono recent aftorncou when
there was a smart brcczo blowing ho had a
Httlo company tako n spin with him down
tho bay aboard tho cuttor. Tho beautiful
prize mada ono of tho party, and ruorry in
deed was tho dash out to sea and roturn, to
tho jolly tinklo of banjos and tho pleasant
refreshment of a chain pagno luncheon. As
tho cutter bobbed up tho bay and Into smooth
wator tho compauy was sprinkled about
thi deck talking and staging and hav
ing a generally good timo. Tho beau
tiful girl was lying book against tho
muiusail near tho mast, listening to tho
compltuionta of tho ownor of tho cuttor,
who stood just forward of tho mast Sud
denly, and boforo any warulug could bo
given, tho man at tho tlllor permitted the
boat to luff. That brought tho main boom
round with a rush. Tho beautiful girl was
swept without nny shock whateverclean off
tho rail, and dropped with a splendid splash
Into tho water. Without hesitation tho
yachtsman jumped ovor tho side, and soon
had tho spluttoring girl grasped tightly in
hit arms. In less timo also than it takes to
tell It the boat was rounded up alongside of
them, and they were lifted dripping to tho
"It was an act of Inhumanity and fool.
to expreHH himself without hardiness," said tho young fellow who lost
giving tho slgim of koiiio Order,
will be a Joiner,
I wmP?
lUrltlcd lllue Men? and d'd you not ' txa.lt ot you'i health."
"Urldk-et, I would gttc all lay wealth tot
make our n'gu ofdlstrvr
"No," 1 replUd, "1 J M tietohed."
"Wank hlml kick him!" tome
ono cried. "He la an Importer und
eavesdropper." And they begun to
pass me around among them us they
Mould n football, until I finally
made in v m.h) more dead than
"tfure, wa'ara, ou newt ouly slvu j, for
that's the prlco ol six bottiei oi v. v h. , at
General F D Legitime, the Ex.
President of the Republic of Haytl,
sailed from New York Saturday for
Paris on the steamer La Bretague.
Klvo sanors of the British sbip-of-war
Acorn have deserted at San
Francisco, charging harsh treat
ment. To prevent further deser
tions the ship has put to sea.
"Another wonderful discovery ha
been made and that too by a lady in
this country. Disease fastened lU
clutches upon her and for seven
years she withstood its severst tests,
but htr vital organs were under
mined and death seemed imminent.
For three months she coughed inces
santly and could not sleep. She
bought of us a bottle'of Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption
and was so much relieved on taking
llrt dose that she slept all night
and with one bottle has been miracu
lously cured. Her name is Mrs.
Luther Lutz." Thus write W. (J.
Hamriek & Co., of Shelby, N. C.
Get a free trial bottle at Daniel
Fry's drmr store.
The new cruiser Charleston, built
by the Union iron works of Suu
Francisco for the government bus
fulled to come up to the contract re
quirements. A skeleton believed, to be that of
John Bartlett, n wealthy eccentric
disappeared mysteriously nineteen
years ago, has been found at Nor
wich, Vt.
Dining a dispute nt a bnll game
at Darlington, S. C, Leon Dnrgan,
a feou of Congressman Da r gun,
struck the umpire marshal! a blow
from which ho died. He is under
AVo desire to say to our citizens
that for years wo havo been selling
Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
sumption, Dr. King'sNew Life Pills,
Bucklen's Arnica Salvo and Electric
Bitters, and havo never handled
remedies that sell ns well, or that
have given such universal satisfac
tion. Wo do not hesitate to guar
antee them every time, mid wc stand
ready to refund the purchase price,
If satisfactory results do not follow
their use. These remedies have won
their great popularity purely on
tlielr merits. Sold by Daniel J. Fry,
The examination ot Joshua Mann
and his mother, Mrs Frederic J.
Swlnton for conspiracy with Eva
Steele- Parsons- Brill-Mann-Hamilton
!ut a marriago with her and
in palming oft' on him ns his own a
baby tonight for ten dollars from a
mld-wlfe, is now being held In the
Tomlis police court, New York.
And this Corporation is determined to
Me It
To tho city of Salem. They have at this time fifteen teams employed and the contemplated improvements have
scarcely begun. It is intended to make the drive leading from Commercial street through Blverside and High
land nddltions and around Highland Park
Of Oregon. The line of the Salem Street Railway Company runs through the middle of this, addition, and no
lots will be more than two blocks distant from the line." Highland Park will In' the near future be
Lots in Highland Ailditon are High ami Dry and Well Located; Most Excellent Drainage
The soil is black and rieh. From all points a fine view is obtuined of the public buildings and our highest
mountain peaks. Arrangements are already being made for the location of two churches in this addition, and
a nuniberof residences are soou to be built. Buildings only of the best class Will be permitted. Residence lots
within tho limits of the city of Salem are worth on an average over $1000. We can sell you better lots lu High
land addition for one-third of the money, and being directly on the Hue of the street railway they aro practi
cally not half so far from the public buildings and the business part of the town as the majority of the so
called "inside lots."
Buy a Lot in Highland Addition for Three Hundred Dollars,
And let some other fellow pay $ 1000 for an inferior lot not so well located. With the difference of $700 you can
build a beautiful cottage, or put it out at a rate of Interest that, will buy you nearly two'' thousand streetcar
tickets every year. '
Farmers, Mechanics
The transition from long, lingering
ami painful sickness to robust Health
marks ait epoch lu the life of the in
dividual. Such a remarkable event
Is tieasured in the memory and the
agency whereby the good health has
been attained Is greatfully blessed.
Hence it Is that so much is heard lu
prah-oof Klectric Bitters. So many
feel they owe their restoration to
health, to the ute of the Great Al
terative and Tonic. If you nre
troubled with tiny dlseitM) of Kid
neys, Liver or Stomach, of long or
short standing you will surely find
relief by tifco of Electric Bitters.
Sold at 50c. and (I per bottle nt Dan
iel J. Fry's Drugstore.
Workmen digging a ditch near
Itcuiifeclacr, Intl., discovered f-139
lu gold, several wutchea and other
wiltmbks, U'l loved to be the plunder
of an old gang if robliors.
Your attention is respt-ctfully called to
the special advantages of
Win. li. White's Patent Gate,
Which received tbe highest honors ever
glreu togntesntNewOrleanM World's Fair
Call and ask tosee Its wonderful and sim
ple mechanism, which, In the words of the
Jury on awnrds. "Is a wonderful comblna
tlon of simplicity." Also the
Lone Star Hay Press,
The price of which, $100, puU It within the
reach of the ordinary farmer.
Theodore Pnlni, ugent. County rights
farsale. On exhibition at corner Liberty
and State htrects, Salem, Or.
W. S. MOTT, M. P.
(Formerly of Williams Grove, la.)
Onlce for the present nt
No. 470 Commercial Street!
Calls In the city or from tho country
promptly responded to. S-16dr2m
TtliOKlrl. "Tho old fox was willing to risk
nor ma in order to piaco nor unuer omiga
tlont to him. Hut It is just here. Eue has
promised to marry hint, but I shall bo with
in hailing distance of hor, and if I dou't
break the match then I'll stay a bacholor
tho rest of my day. I havo ono last re
sort when I can't win her by honest atten
tions." "Whstisthatl" I Inquired, startled at
tho Insinuation.
"I own that man at tho wheel who let the
boat luff. I sot him o place ou thn yacnt ot
a friend of mine, and I'll pay him a hundred
dollars If 1 nud that bis testimony 1
11 looks very much aa though courtship to
theso latter days was developing Into a
I Tit ElTnth ConintJuiduicnt. "
t...t.... rll Ift IrtvS. V.p.fMM Kdrdtarl! Y . vmw w.... vm....,... ... . w
ii . . - ...TI-. P"t ' thoprieator tho Lovite, who passed
IU male yea as Inbi : aa: uf , wa am. i 0 ou tno oX&r ,u nlte,a ot uUng tho
w. J. Itamw. ol IW eath it xt, fcn WWuledman on tho highway, but byre-
muclttt, wiliest f hare bwutaklus Ms tnM ngtum meddling wltb tfaoaursot
VrtblBrMrmMrlthlmBwbencnt. he4Uhy ppfc D, rndolng from goattp
II Is perfectly n4cudtd to build up utrvoui, od .pUad the circulaUoa or Idto re-
run-daw nauduoru out women." Mri-lnsl. ! .,; fw intrfNauvi betM frtiuuit
Ur?ofJCT.Uititret.Mr,a.wrer,ct or lo other D0Bl'i doweatk affairs-It ttU ltuturfr .".
IK-nry itmt, and hundreds el itacM rdato ! IV T. i.l!K LZTJTt L wI o?rH,, tiiwm Uwi
jbeisw-eiwlmwwlththorttr-ifHUWsl- UmU f sWiWtnt, yfcgfcyy W hundred !
Conservator)' of Music
Of the Willamette University Salem. Ore
gon, the mast succcs&fiil Music School on
tho Northwest Coast. Courses In music nro
equnl to Eastern muslu schools. Yearly at
tendance ofnearly one hundred nnd tiny.
The ablo corps of teachers for the coming
school j ear will be lrof. !5. SI, IMrvlu.
I.eona Willis, Miss Kva Cex: assistant
teachers, MUs Lulu M. Smith, Miss Ilully
Parish, and Miss Mamie Pnrvln.
Uranches taught nre Vocal Culture, Piano,
Organ, Violin, l'lpe Organ, Harmony,
luuuierpoini. anu uiass lencuing.
Diplomas g(cn ou completion of course
Send forciilnlosue and circular.
Z. M l'AUVIN 7-S3dSm-wIm.
A numhei of ten-acra tracts of desirable
nnd wlthluoneanda half miles of Salem,
at prices ranging from JOO to I1W per acre.
Apply to
O-'JiVlm Opera House Block
C. M. L0CKW00D,
Ilmdipmrtrrs for the Willamette Vnllcy
fur the celebrated CoiumbU bIv'Cls and
IrtiycU. Tlie Columbia arw til known
nre t ho lw( mmle.aml lia aliiublelm
pnneinciits for tho yi-ur Tluve wuntths
machines will do well to mil on or rurtc
knd llh me In-fore puirhnslng.
ou.itt ut (iilU-rt tiro. Uutk, 2 '7 Cum
merclul utrcvt, sialem.
Dealers In every variety of
Lumber Delivered on Short Notice.
Yard at the Agricultural works, Snlem.
Oregon. Mill located four nnd a half miles
northeast from Salem, on tho John Martin
donation land claim.
Slab Wood 50c Per Cord.
Call and see us before purchasing elso
where. d-w
Kansas House,
Corner ot Court nud High Sts.
E. M. LAW, Proprietor.
We have taken a new name hut
will continue to serve ourputrons with the
best tho market a (lords, give them u
cordial welcome to Our Home. Terms
reasonable, dive us a call nnd wo will do
you inod.
So Cliluese employed.
Oregon State Fair
Twenty-ninth annual exhibition nt Salem,
Commencing Monday, Sept. 16,
Continuing one week under the manage-
Iment of the 0cgon State Hoard
of Agriculture.
OVER $1,500
In Gas
Store Enlarged
Having enlarged my store I am nowuble
to supply you ulih till ktrdsor groceries,
feed, cigars, tobacco, crockery uud glass
waie. country produce of all kinds nlwuys on
hand. If you true not traded with nia be
fore, I re8ctftilly tollclt a trial believing
t can suit yon both In prlcos and quality.
Commercial Street, Salem, Or
Offered fon agricultural !stock,idalry and
mechanical exhibits, for works of art,
fancy work, and for trials of speed.
Running and Trotting, Races
Important Improvements have been
made In the premium list.
Reduced rates for fares and freights on
all transportation lines to and from the
Men's day ticket
Women's day ticket
Men's season ticket..
Women's season ticket..
- 23
Send to the secretary at Salem for a pre
mium list. J.T.AM?ERSON.
J. T. QREQO, Secretary.
It slioulil bo tiiumllY known that
Dr. Henley's Danilellon Totiio lu-
survaa Hearty umK-llloaiui tucrvtiMU i
iiivmiiih, (iisti-! iit-rvi.ua wi'iiivnsiuii
unit luw fplrlts, overcomes lack of j Jus. alukkt. Asmt
energy ami wakefttlnetrfantl will ln-i
ftiMt iiiu-Hfo niul Htrt'iii?tli Into thai
weakest Invalid. Sold b I). V.
m ii a n v .
hire and Ma
Huleiu, Oivgou
IU1U 'Ml M
Gaines Fisher, Proprietor.
New Butcher Shop
J-Vvh ncd salt watrr lUh, p.mtry,Rome
tHI V.IMIM !.,
i.i.r Prr i.nd I I1im .tr-A V X kr
Uuiu CtK-liitUt-R- hitt-I.S.ilnr..Or. I
ikood rvutniul.iiums for comment. I
tru)F r1rl-cUa ii4 alury rm feuud
I late opened u p't tint-clays butcher shop
at tha abote location, where thry will be
plcared to serve the people with the
of all kinds that the m&rket afford.
lilt e them a cull and to eou limit of the
supei Unity of their inrtils.
-Uod ddlt emdnee,
7R In $9Rn ""
iiwvnrsvl tho mn rumUli n .,. ,,uj
... v tit-tr if ui'ivitliir iuiuc UUVI. -c ri.inlt
.loii.tni i, ay Louvtifln i!vi- mu .. ..
A tow vnmnricntu louiw-iii.t -t .- Ii. r
JuUUmU J.CU, ltu lla.j .I, u.l, ,..!, .
V.1 '
". U I1Mftlcn3car.dbiHne-i' ex
rvrttmc. Netty Mil ml hImmsi rmllni
smith, has removed nls shop to
the corner of Commercial and Chemeketo
streets, where ha Is ready to serve the
nubile He Is now nronared better than
ever to do nil kinds of wagon and carriage
tniilrlnc nnrt raiMlplnv. all Irlmla nf hbtS
smithing and repairing, an a general
horse shoeing business. He has ail kind
ofshoes,steel,trolting, hand made, tc, and
fits them In a scientific manner. Special
mention given to the construction ot wag
ons and carriages. Remember the place
opposite State insurance building.
Have moved to 47 and 49 State stre
whera thv um nnw iwaav for work.
our old patrons and friends are invited to
call and see us la our new location. J
are belter prepared for work sow than
ever hat ing ecured mure roam. JWX
Feed and Boarding Stable.
4arHv ml nU iaU u4 AtHfttit
fW P,J vagwraia tswpajusy
I OKI HR, iTvfrtrtw, jO'Mqrwtn-MWMtJt
on Vvnv street, Utek ef ioef
: J.MjffSUj .