J t--r -sIIKWB.i ' " subscribe: FOR Tt-v-ri-rirf-Tyr 1 - j A.DVER riSE It THE CAPITAL JOURNAL IT WILL 1IK A nOOD INVESTMENT. 3-Tlio Terimnro'MoU llensonnblet THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, CAPITAL JOURNAL. THE BEST PAPER IN SALEM. 3-You will be well pleased with lt.-e VOL. 2. SALEM, OTiEGOIN. SATTTBDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1SS9. NO. 172. -car Something New. I today place on sale a complete line of ill Silk Windsor Ties at 18 Ob. Eacli, Called cheap everywhere ut 25 and 30 cents. I also have Men's Woolen Overshlrts, Men's Laundried and Percale Shirts, Men's Underwear and Huts, left from the E. L. L. Johnson stock, that I am very desirous of selling, as 1 intend to keep only Indies' goods, and want more room for them, and in order to make these goods move off rapidly I shall com mence to-day and continue through Fair week to sell the SHIRTS AND UNDERWEAR (Men's only) at a great saciiflce, and shall cut the price of Hats right in two, which will make them much less than manufacturers' cost. This is 110 bait for every hat is marked in plain figures and we mean to let the customers see that we do SELL THEM AT JUST HALF PRICE ! My goods for full and winter trade aro now all in and ncaiii I invite you to come in ana inspect tnem wiietner you want to purchase or not. My Motto : " Always lead and never follow." T. Holverson, New Bank Block:. THE PEOPLE'S STORE. Capitol Adventure Company, OPERA HOUSE CORNER, a Salem, Do You Wear Clothing? Oregon. ? We will sell you a good suit trom S5 Competition defied. to $20, according to quality. RECEIVED! We have just received direct from the manufacturers the best se lected stock of General Merchuudise ever brought to this city bought for casb, and it will be sola for casn at prices lower tnan any credit linuse in Oregon. We wish that every one in want of Dry Goods, Boots and. Shoes, Clothing, Blankets, Comforts, Vurns, Flannels, Groceries, Guns, Amuni tion, Sewing Machines, Cutlery, Hats and Caps, Fancy goods, Knit goods Shirts, Collars, Culls, Hats, Caps and Umbrellas, a good assortment, and cheap ' for Cash. Jewelry, Gold and Plated, of the latest designs, fifty per cent. lower than you buy elsewhere. Underwear, The best and cheapest Flnunels, Ralbriggnn, lit. Lamb's wool and Merino Prices to sul Dress Goods. Nice, new, clean goods, suitable for the season. The Host Advertising. The most eftlcient advertising in behalf of Hood's Sarsaparllla is that which comes from the medicine itself. That 1, those who are cured by it, speak to friends sull'ering simi larly, who in turn derive benefit and urge others to try this succeesful medicine. Tints Its popularity Is rapidly widening from this cause alone, niul more and more aro be coming enthusiastic in behalf of Hood's Sarsaparllla as it actually demonstrates Its absolute merit. All that Is asked for Hood's Sarsaparllla is that it bo given a fair trial. If you need a goo;l blood purifier, or building up medicine, try Hood's Sarsaparilla. The Nenglo Case. San Francisco, Sept. 13. Judge Sawyer will render his decision In the Neagle case ut the opening of tho circuit court Monday morning. The opinion Is expected Jo be a very lenghty one. A road poll tax of ?4 lias been assessed against every male Inhabi tant of Seattle, between the age of 21 and 50 years. LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. CliAHS SI'KKCKIjKS talks. CLOAKS J In fact everything in Staple Goods TO COME TO THE FARMERS' STORE, No. 227 Commercial Street, Solera, Oregon. 1 Don't be misled. You can save money by dealing with us. BEN FORSTNER & CO. School Books A complete line of STATIONERY, ALBUMS. GOLD PENS AND FANCY LEATHER GOODS AT OUR MOTTO: alike. Courteous treatment and fair dealing to all CUCUASud40h6d' i V$, -A.T TH12- J. BENSON NO. 100 STATE STREET - STARRS SALEM, OREGON. Real Estate AND INSURANCE. Having removed my office to 05 State street, I am now better prepared Ihnn ever to do a rushing Real Es ts iteBusmess Mrs. McGregor Has removed her millinery store to the room adjoining the Capital Jouhnal and Is now ready to do ALL KINDS OF MILLINERY, She has Just received a new stock of the latest styles and can sell cheaper than any other house In the city. Give her a call and your orders will be neatly and promptly filled. It Is the only place In the city where you can purchase a Felt Walking Hat for the small price of One Dollar and Fifty Cents. ALSO Fire and Accident Insurance Written in the best companies doing busi ness In Oregon. Call on me at once. Isaac A. Manning, 95 State Street. Mi Way? NO. 211 COMMERCIAL STREET. FRESH LEMONADE! Ice-Cold Milk Shakes! CIGARS, CANDY, NUTS, And all kinds of tobacco at JAMES BOWMAN'S FRDIT STAND, (Formerly owned by Benton) on State 8t. A OOOD CUP OV COKFEE. , Is a great attraction for a reUurnt- Tb eaSfee drawn from IleUtnbrand's rat ; nt CoSee receptacle U oae of the many Great Attractions of tils eatlag parlors. Thnimn-lt nf niri rf hh txeeHtul coffee are sola every week. KRAUSSE & KLEIN Are offering big bargains In Boots and Shoes ! We will save you money and guarantee the goods. Ln f hlpraenU arriving dally and the stock will soon be complete. Call and see us. KRAUSSE k KLEIN, 211 Commercial Street. sn't aSord to have an oSsasive and deesyeJ teeth. Wright's aresoH. every ww. - t y" j-b -rh jjoap preveaW both. Try M. BBdBMatahemaBol be equaled to MV,B " ,j ii. riera vj mn w - Yoq Asa as for jtei I CAPITAL BUSINESS COLLEGE. In KlrstNutlon.il bunk liullillnu.J A. P. ARMSTRONG, Manager, E. L WILEY, Principal, Will open for the Reception of Students, Monday, September I). BUSINESS COURSE Include Spelling, Urammnr, Writing, Ar ithmetic, Correspondence, Comincrciiil I aw, Single and Doublo Kutry Hook -keeping, Banking and Jlunlne Forms, Business and Ofllee Practice. SHORTHAND COURSE Includes Hliorthnnd, Typewriting (2 liourH ilnlly practice) 1'cnmnnslilp, Spelling, Grammar, Correspondence, Multi- folding, LctterCopylnB,HnslneKH rorniK, Business and Ollleo I'm et I co. JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Groceries, Vaiiits, Oils anil Wiiiilon' Glass, Wall Pit per anil Uorder, Artists' Ma terials, Lime, Hair. Nails anil Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence Posts, Grass Seeds, Etc, Ni:W TO-DAY. REED'S OPERA HOUSE. FAIR WEEIC, Commencing Monday, Sept. 10 BIG 4 BIG minstrels! 25 Performers 25 I'. A. Cooper,.!, Kiting, ClmrlPN Colib, II. Foster, (,'lins. Htronir, I). CiirlUIn, K Htiuirt, S. L'lmpimin, .las. Kellelier, K Meredith, 11. Kviiih, Turk l,en, i:. Chandler, dim lie Iran. Hugh Dotflierty, Uinii-kc Woods, J. WllllllIllN. Prof. Bernstein's Brass Band 12 SOLOISTS ia. OS-WutcIi fur our parade. I'npulnr prices; CO and 75 cents, He is Sanguine Over tlio Successful Heel Culture on the l'nnllc. Sax Fuancisco, Sept. 13. Clans Spreekles, the sugar king, arrived lust night, niter several inoiitlisjb seenee in Enropu anil the Eastern states, hero he has been engaged In business connected with his new sugar refinery nt Philadelphia. Spreskics stated to-day thnt every thing was in readiness for the start ing up of tho gigantio establislnnent at Philadelphia. "I propose to de vote the balance of my life, wild tho llniuicler, "to my sugar business, leaving my other interests to tho nmuugcniont of my sons." Speaking of the beet sugar In dustry of the Paelllc const, ho said: "It will not bo long before the farm ers of this country, and especially of tho Pacific coast, will arrive nt tho conclusion that tho production of sugar in tho United States Is of more vital importance, as far as prollts nro concerned, than Is the production of wheat. Of course, when 1 spenk of tins matter, liefer to tho production of beet sugar. Beet raising is tho coming farming industry of this coast, and I propose to show tho farmers that this statement Is n fact. Careful calculation will show that a sulllcieiit amount of beets can be raised on the soil of this statu alone to make enough sugar to answer the demand for consumption of the entire United States. Farmers can easily net $r0 per aero from their land by raising beets. When our ten new factories are started in this state, they will be able to consume all the California farmers can produce. TUOUIUjK IN VIKW. Tim OlMM'L'O 1' Low .'. I-uvliihon Motliurbole, Manager. iiunineM amuiiKcr, roil halk ENGLISH COURSE Includes Heading, Writing, Muntnl and Written Arithmetic, Spelling, Grammar, Correspondence, Oeograpliy, History and Commercial Law. Day and evening sessions. Students admitted at any time. Address the Prlnctpil for Catalogue. THE RELIABLE GROCERS. KELLER L SONS, Corner State and Liberty Streets, Salem. Specialties in Table Luxuries, Pine 'Tea, and Coffee, Creamery Butter, Cream Cheese, etc. 1J10U HAI.IC--Kluvcn hciulnf lioitu, twelve ' head uf ynunKcnttloniHlllvn llrst-clnns milk cowh, one koocI uurlc horn. Iiwinlro of II. U. Allntow, 'Jul ('oniiuereliil Htrect, Salem, or ut my farm tlirco mill a half allies Mmtli itt Turner. JOHKI-II WoCIITKNIIAVHKN. A. BARGAIN, If you hiivo 8J) or S') to Invest In u IjiislncKH thnt will Clear You from $5 to $1.1 a Day. Onoil for llftce.li yearn, without competi tion, nee tho exhibition nil tho corner of Miiiinicraiui una miuu hireem. JO.SKPJr KITSCH. WE LEAD IN CANNED GOODS. Remember the Place and Call Guns! Guns! Just received the finest line of Shotguns, Itllles and Piutols from Chicago and mora coming. We will h-JI lower than any other house in Buleni. We defy all competition, Portland not excepted. Also keep The Best Sewing Machines In the market front 2T, to $40 cash, and in connection will run the best Ouu Shop in the state. Come anil see us before buying elsewhere. BEN FORSTNER & CO. r. ir. eaktOiVS Salem Music Store for Chlekerlnir A Son'n, m i.iiiernou HendiiunrlerH CI. ..I.. ....... Ili.ulr...... ...lit... 11.1 OlUliinilj. jiii.ii'i.fi. w.ji.j t.i.u ,.i...-r.i. I'lanuit, Wilcox t WliltoOriMiM, t'mtli or IrutiillinviitM. 94 State Streot, Patton's Block, li-12hr (IIX). Y. KJI1TII I'llOI'llII.-KIl, SMITH'S kfallmciii lloiisH i)i:ai,i:h in FUHNITUHE, WINDOW SHADE?, WALL PAPEH, IICri'UJIICS. illrrore, Molillnitn, I'laima, ILihy Cnrrla gn, U'jk'oii", lluic, Hlutloutry, No tion, Holiday (IcmkU, ('nUel SeU, UuiuliKK'kt, Kir, Tents, Awnioy, Elf., Mule lo Order, 307 Commerciil St., 1 Bkk Blockj, SA.MC.M, ... OKIiOON. mr3xi of all klniU U)Id on Hie regu lar Inafallmrul Jilni In tho elty; SMITH'S AUCTION H0USK, Otmvriit IJlMfflyuinl stole lr't,Mj, em, iirnjon, County Seat Chunked by Murli Dilllculty, Trouble Ahead. Toim:ica, Bent. 12. Tlio bitter feeling between the citizens of Itu venuit and JCmineneu over the un settled county seat question was re newed yesterday by the removal by V. K. Willliinis,treasurerof county, of the records of his otlleo from itu veniiii to Kmlnenee. A tftiard of itaveuua clti.eiis has been detailed to watch tlio treasurer to prvent his removal. Yesterday tho guards attended a Judicial dis trict convention, and Williams load ed the records of his ollleo Into a wagon and was about to drive oil when the alarm was given. The guards hurried from tho convention, and arming themselves, hastily hitched up a team and started In pursuit of the treasurer. At a cross road they mistook another wagon for the treasurer's and followed the wrohg trail. They were too slow for tho team In udvauce, and In their rage Ured several shots at the tho supposed fugitive, who dually escaped. In the meantime Williams had reached Kmineneo and put tho rec ord In a place of safety. The citi zens have armed themselves In an tlcipatlou of tin attempt by the Ha venua people to capture tlio records and return them to their city. Not a Hail Slnming. ViCToitiA, Jl.C, Bcpt. 12. The bark Doris lirodersou cleared for Loudon to-day, with 2H,IKK) eases ol lra.er river salmon, of thisseasonV puck, ilohort Ward A; Co. are the sliipers. Tim carg.i Is valu.-d at $107,215. The vessel sails to-morrow. Tint llnslersou will he iol lowed by the clipper ship Titaula. .-jailing about the 27th lust, for Lon don, with ttO,000 cases, valued al tUU),(HM. The third vessel to sail will be tho Clermiin bark J. II (Itibtcdc, with OOOD eases valued al 1125,000, Tlie (Jrenl Strike Kuilnl.. London, Bepl. l.'t. A conference was held to-day between Cardlnn Manning, on hehati of the strikers, mid the directors of the dock com p:inlcn, The cardinal stibiultteed proponuls for a settlement. Them ihe cardinal I)elleve4 will lie ac cept e 1. The Joint cotuiiilttee to consider tin proHsalH of tho strikers agreetl thai tho wages demanded be eoucedetl, to take ell'ect Nov. -I. The lord may or, at a conference with the direct orsoftho dock companies, gave as siiruiiocH Ibat the men would he reaiiy ti lgiii work on Monduy, Tho strike Is virtually settled. A loot; iliryclri Hide. CmcAdo, Hejit. 13. Tom Iluo, tho bicyclist and captain of tho Chicago club, starts for Han I'VuncIsco to morrow evening. He Intemls to re turn on hit wheel, starling from it") Pnlace hotel tt iux)ti Saturday, Sep tember 21, In order to win n hand some gold medal at a stake ho must beat Tom Stevens's record of 69 days. Arrangements have been made to keep track of him tho entire journey by telegraph. Tho route will bo through Southern California, across tho Mojiivo desert and nloug the lino of tho Santa Ke railway to Kan sas City, then taking the lino to Chicago. HlKHIiY T'KKSOXTvT. W. A. Munly left on tho. after noon train for Portland. Miss Ada Thomas, of Turner, Is In the city on n short visit. Miss Ida Janes returned homo from her visit to Huttcvlllc. Hon. W. II. Odell loft on tho afternoon train for Portland. Miss Jessie Looney of Jefferson, Is in the city, on a short visit Mr. and Mrs. Jtev. Knight left this morning forn trip to Kugene. Mr. Hendricks and daughtei of llarrisburg aro In tho city on 11 visit. Miss 151 In Hurley who has been sick for sometime past with t,ho fever Is Improving nicely. Miss Agnes Aitkou left to-day tor Mount Angel wlioro sho will commence leaching school Monday. Mrs. J. Sedgwick or ltlchmoiid, Indiana arrived in this city this morning on a visit to Mr. G. W. Hunt of High street. United States Marshal Unrn drlck came down from Jcflcrsou thin monilngand took an Indian trom this city to Portland for trial. i.otuh siimmvkyT Tho motor lino question on tlio third page. Head it. T. Holverson is making some very low prices. Head his adver tisements In this paper. tf. Don't fni i to read the news on tho second and third pago of to day's paper. Painless dental operations at Dr. T. C. Smith's. 1)2 Slate slreel. Preaching at Wade's Hal!, Bun day, at 2::i() o'clock p. m. by Hev. Dollarhlde. Head Joseph Myer's ad. It will Interest you. Holiness meeting every Sunday afternoon atltocloclc, 115 High street near Agricultural works. All are welcome, Remember tlio big rentnurant 011 the fair grounds is Just the place to get a llrst class incut. There wlil lie a train running to ami from this city to tho fair grounds next week which will ac commodate a largo number of people. People ate wondering why Cut terlln and Lussier'H photograph gal lery Is so crowded lately, and by In quiring It Is found that they do the best work In tho city, Services at tho usual hour at tho Christian church to-morrow. Morn ing subject: ''That Jesus Is the Christ and Sou of Clod." Tho accidents that have ha pened in the elty this week have hail no ell'ect 011 the low prices at B. l-'arrar's for groceries. See their line display of fruits. It's tempting. Tlio Windsor ties that wo ad vertised aro gone and they went tor less than 18 cents. However, wo will have more In a few days again and will sell them at Hie saiuo price, 1'. Holverson, Remember that tlio Hon Ton restaurant Is the place to get n gooil meal for twenty-live cents. there will be Sunday school at tho Congregational church next iuuday. Vou aro all Invited to at tend. (Epicurean tea, paints, oils, varnish, window gass and a Hue duo of general groceries at Gillert .t Patterson's. tf. Harriet Gordon was admitted to 1 scholarship to tlio mute school nc 'ordlng to the act approved by th" lojluliitiiro Get. 21th, 1880. For a good square meal you 1I1011I1I go to tho Hon Ton restau rant. Tlio collie made In their .latent milieu urn Is delicious and healthful. Try it. Tlio man who Is too stingy to jpeml a trllloeach week to supiort h homo pajsir, but will borrow Ids neighbor's paper, Is certainly doomed for thut p'ace, "where tho worm dletli not, and the tire Is not quen ched." With futuret ltiiiuru blood ooiirwi, through tlioyteiu ullliileuth la lit wuke, Wright' Comoouui! I.xtrucl of gunuuii. rllui eurol nil blool it mimm. Hold by II. M , t an t U 4 Vrr '