""Hl?1?1' WZwrvwr"- V,MK SUBSCRIBE FOB THE CAPITAL JOURNAL -TilK- BEST PAPER IX SALEM. A.DVER riSE IN ' CAPITAL JOURNAL THE CAPITAL JOURNAU IT WILL IIK A GOOD INVESTMENT. ra-You will be well pleased with lt.-e 9i-TheTcrminro .Most Ilcn.onnbloTEJ VOL. 2. SALETtf, OREGON. FRIDAY, SEPTESLBEll 13, 1SS5). NO. 171. rfyi? "!' !"' --tsLw' Something New. I to-day plnce on sale a complete Hue of All Silk Windsor Ties at 18 Cts. Each, Called cheap everywhere nt 25 and 30 ceuts. I also hnve Men's Woolen Overshlrts, Men's Laundried and Percale Shirts, Men's Underwear and Hats, left from the E. L. L. Johnson stock, that I am very desirous of selling, as I intend to keep only ladies' goods, and want more room for mem, ana in oraer to maKe tnese goods move otr rapidly I shall com mence, to-day and continue through Fair week to sell the SHIRTS AND UNDERWEAR (Men's only) at a great saciiflce, and shall cut the price of Hats right in two, which will ninke them much less than manufacturers' cash. This is no bait for every hat is marked in customers see that we do SELL THEM AT JUST HALF PRICE ! My goods for full and winter trade are now all in and again I invite you to come in and inspect them whether you want to purchase or not. My Motto T " Always lead and never follow." T Flolverson, RECEIVED! We have just received direct from the manufacturers the best se lected stock of General Merchandise ever brought to this city bought for cash, and it will be sold for cash at prices lower than any credit house in Oregon. We wish that every one in wunt of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Blankets, Comforts, Yarns, Flannels, Groceries, Guns, Amuni tion, Sewing Machines, Cutlery, Hats and Caps, Fancy goods, Knit goods CLOAKS In fact everything in Staple Goods T6 COME TO THE FARMERS' STORE, No. 227, Coznmsrolal Street, Salem, Oregon. , S&T)on't be misled. You can save money by dealing with us. BEN FORSTNER & CO. School Books A complete line of STATIONERY, " ALBUMS. GOLD PENS AND FANCY LEATHER GOODS AT J. BENSON STARR'S NO. 100 STATE STREET .... SALEM, OREGON. Real Estate AND INSURANCE. Having removed my office, to 95 State street, I am now better prepared than ever to do a rush I Dg Esta AlfiO Fire and Accident Insurance Written In the best companies doing busi ness In Oregon. Call on me at once. Isaac A. Manning, 95 State Street. Q BO. F. SMITH PROPRIETOR. SMITH'S ii DEALER IN FURNITURE, WINDOW SHADES, WALL PAPER, PICTURES. Mirrors. Moldings, Frames, Baby Carria ges, Wagons, Hugs, Htatioaery, No tions, Holiday Goods, Croquet Bets, Mammocks, Etc. Tats, Awiuirs, Etc, Made to Drier. 307 Commercial St., (Dink Block), 9ALBM, ... OREGON. jb-Geala of aH kinds sold on the rssra rlBMaHuimt ptan I the aM-? Real Lte Business Installment House plain figures and we mean to let the New Bank Block. 5 Has removed her millinery store to the room adjoining the Capital Jouknai, and is now ready to do ALL KINDS OF MILLINERY, She has Just received a new stock of the latest styles and can sell cheaper than any other house In the city. Give her a call and your orders will be neatly and promptly tilled. It Is the only place In the city where you can purchase a Felt Walking Hat for the small price of One Dollar and Fifty Cents. NO. 211 COMMERCIAL STREET. KRAUSSE & KLEIN Are offering big bargains In Boots anil Shoes! We will sv yon money and guarantee the gooJ. Large r hlpments arriving dally and the stock will soon be complete. Call and see us. KRAUSSE k KLEIN, 211 Commercial Street. You eas't aAerd to have an oflbasl-e breatti and decayed teeth. Wright's Myrrh Tooth ttoap pr-rU both. Try It, BaUhyaHdmwlits. fa McGregor Whci M THE PEOPLE'S STORE. Capitol Aikiite Company, OPERA HOUSE 'CORNER, Salem, Do You Wear Clothing? Wo will sell you a good suit lrorn $5 to 20, according to quality. Competition defied. Shirts, " Collars, Cuffs, Hats, Caps and Umbrellas, a good assortment, ami cheap lot uisii. Jewelry Gold and Plated, of the latest designs, fifty per cent, lower than you buy elsewhere. Underwear, The best and cheapest Flannel, Dalbrlggau, Lamb's wool and Merino Prices to suit. . Dress Goods. Nice, new, clean goods, .suitable for the season. OUR MOTTO: alike. Av ITW fA -AT Grfeiem CAPITAL BUSINESS COLLEGE. In Pint N it!on A, P, ARMSTRONG, Manager. Will open for tho Reception "f BUSINESS COLJRSI2 Includes Spelling, Grammar, Writing, Ar ithmetic, Correspondence, Commciciul Law, (Single and Double Entry Itonk keeping, Banking and Huslnc Forms, Business and Ofllce Practice. ENGLISH COURSE Includes Reading, Writing, Mental "and Wiitten Arithmetic, Spelling, Grammar, Correspondence, Geography, History and Commercial Law. Day and evening sessions. Students admitted at any time. . Prlucip.il for Catalogue. s sume THE RELIABLE GROCERS KELLER Corner State and Liberty Streets, Salem. Specialties in Table Luxuries, Fine Tea, and Coffee, Creamery Butter, Cream Cheese, etc. WE LEAD W CANNED GOODS. Remember the Place and Call Guns! Just received the finest Hue of Shotguns, Hides and I'lstols from Chicago niid more coming. We will sell lower than tiny other house In fialeni. We defy all comixdltlon, 1'oriLind not excepted. Also kii-p The Best Sewing Machines In the market from ?&" to gJQ cabh, and In cniiM'tiou will run the Ut Guu Shop In the state. Come und kii us before huylng e!evi here. BEN FORSTNER & CO, Oregon.. Vi' ? Courteous treatment and fair dealing to nil n..:--,. THIS - il bank building E. L. WILEY, Principal, Students, Monthly, September ft. SHORTHAND COUHSB Includes Hhorthnnd, Typewriting (2 hours dully practice) Penmanship, Spelling, Ginnimar, Correspondence, Mani folding, letter Copying, Business Form, Hiisliicss mid OHU'o . l'mctleo. Address the k SONS, Guns! P residential Appointments. Washington, Sept. 12. I. V. Darling has been appointed post master at Condon, Gilliam county, Oregon, vice I). II. Crimble, re signed. A postoftlce has been established at West Seattle, King county, Wash ington, with Clin. M. Cooper as postmaster. JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Groceries, Pnints, Oils mid Window Glass, Wall Pa per and Border, Artists' Ma terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and Shingles, Bay, Feed and Fence Fosls, Grass Seeds, Etc, NEW TO-WAY. REED'S OPERA HOUSE. PAIR WISIsW, Commencing Monday, Sept. 10 BIG 4 BJG minstrels! 25 Performers 25 V. A. Cooper. J, I'long, ChnrloH Colib, II. Foster, CIiiih. Strong. 1). CnrlMo, V tjtunil, H. Chapman, Jus. Kellchcr, K .Meredith, II. Evans, Turk Leu, K. Clmndlcr, tins llo ciin. Hugh Dougherty, Uvorge Woods, J. Williams. Prof. Bernstein's Brass Band 12 SOLOISTS 12. i-Vutch for our parade. Popular prices; fit) mid 75 rents Gorge, V. Mntlicrolo Milliliter. Lew N. Ijcvlsnn Huslncss Malinger. A BARGAIN, If you hnvo 8-JX) or $K lo Invest In u 1hibIiios Unit will Clear Yon from $9 to $15 a Day. Good for fifteen years, without competi tion, M'o tho exhibition on tlio comer of Cnuiuiurcliil und statu htreets, JAMES FUSIL 1. II. EASTON'S Salem Music Store IlendnuarterH for Clilckurlng .t Bon's. Rlelnwiiy. Ilnlelon, Colby mid Liiici-hoii I'ltiuos, wlleiix Whllo Organs, casli or IlistiillinontH. 94 Stato Street, Patton's Block, 0-1 2d w tali Lemonade! CIGARS,' CANDY, NUTS, And all kinds of lobneco at JAMES BOWMAN'S FRUIT STAND, (I'ormcrly owned hy licn.on) on HtiituHt. SMITH'S AUCTION 1I0USK, Corner of Liberty '! HUito Mi eels, Hulcui, Oregon, Mill HAI.K OK l.KnK. If .Kilt MALI! OH LKABU AVho Hants to piirchaiw) or le.is II. IJ., thlsolllco iiirchasu or Ie.isoa saw mlj.7 Address U-UUwlw tr.NTi:n, r AS'l'RTtYiy u young iii'irrTeiT'iiiiiu o? II uiiiiih iiiuiiiiiiu'iiis, ixmuon us book-keeper, cleik, buck drhcr, or In fuel any pluco of trust Address Jhos. W. Mill, tuiiviu. liisiu rcicmice. roil ham: I.VJU MALK.-A I'AIIM OK JJl ACHKrt V nil iiuilcr fence uud cultivation, In the iiest ruiigo country or lutorn Oregon. Tho beat clinuie ever ollervd for a man to engage In stock ruining. For particulars call on or address W. II. HVAIlS.Hjiltiii, Oregon. hoenrrv m)tici. 0 I.IVKUillOKNo. IS, I. O. O. I-'., incuts In Odd Ft IIhuV Hull lilintulrs. Cornei Coiiiincrilal und Ferry streets, ciery HaU uruiiyai r,uyi. in, J.T.OItKdU. JAH, WALTON', Kwriitury N. CA. H.-H-dgwIik I'm), No. 10, I),mrt- mi-iil of Oregon, niU'ts e cry Holiday evening uttlui hull over tliu Oregon Uinit oompauy's otflce. VUltlng coiurudes nn cordially Invited to attend. A. W. Ijiia vokii. Tost Coiiiiiiader. II. r. south wick. Adjuta'it. fllOl'KsSIONAI, VMlltH. L.B.KKfrr. MAIOCr'.MKIKf, k' 8. HICIKPA IV)I)eiilllryr.iliils extraction of teeth with new priK-4s. o mill crowns iiiuiIm ana set. Ilrli k dental otllee nearois.ru liuiue, Malcni, Or. J J. HIIAW.attorney at lnw.Hulem, Ore- K"'i. Olllce up-ntulm In thu I'utton block, 1 1 1 1 YfTiTTIA KZ-tfibCiill. i."k: Mccoy I physician and surgeon, luu locuied and taken rooms uvrr rwuire rurrurs in grooery more. I'liroine ill. caws u spec Mil ty, CoiuultMtiiin fa. II TtrTU'ILLlAlfrf, KilJvooa.M'JIKH , aud Typewriter tjpynt. Wlllmuke nu reports or iriau, etc; ooiiynig on lyis writer accurately and neatly done, onico uvr A. T Yeaton't furniture store, Com. areil ttrtf t, Halttq, LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. T.VNXKK KKSHINS. What the President Hint to sny--lle Aill Likely bo Offered Some Other OOlco. Washington, Sept. 112. Com missioner Tanner's letter of resignu tlon is now mtuio public. In It lie says: "Tho dlflcreuco which exists between tho secretary of the Interior tuul myself ns to tho policy to bo pursued In tho tulmliiistrntlon of the pension bureau, has reached a stage which threatens to embarrass you to the extent which 1 feel I should not call upon you to sull'er, and as an Investigation Into ail'alrs in the bureau has been completed and I am assured both by yourself nud tho secretary of tho lnterlor,coir talns no retlectlon on my luteiiritv as nn individual or as an ollleer, I herewith place my resignation In your hands, to take eflect at your pleasure, to tho end that you may bo relieved of any further embarrass ment In the matter." President Harrison, In his reply accepts the resignation, to take ef fect when the successor mutinies. and adds: "I do not think It neces sary In this correspondence- to discuss tho causes which led tho present attitude of nU'alrs. You have been kindly and fully advised of niy views on most of these mut ters. It gives mo pleasure to say, as funis I am advised, your honesty has not at any time been called In question. I beg to renew tho ex pression of my personal good will. It Is thought by many that Tanner will ho ollereil some other govern ment position that he cm till with out so much hub-lnil) and one that will not requlie as much attention. A l'AYINU ENTEUTKISK. The Canadian New Mull 1'acillc to Add Three Stenmcrs to Tliclr Line. Ni:v YoiticSopt. V2. A Arontre al special says: T. O. Shaughnessy, present assistant general inanager of the Canadian Pacific railroad, has been appointed to (lie position of as sistant president. Ho leaves for England by way of New York to day whero ho will contract for three steamers of oOOO tons each, to steam eighteen knots an hour, for the Pa cific mall service for China and Ja pan. Tho vessels to be purchased are to be of tho same model and de sign as tho North German Loyds strainer Lahn to cost $1,000,000 apiece, ami to bo delivered at Van couver in eighteen months, If pos sible. President Van Jlorno In an Inter view to-day says that nothing short of universal disaster will prevent tho company from earning JC'O.OOO, 000 next year, and $8,000,000 net, or 0 per cent, on Its capital. Tho gov ernment guaranty of a percent, ends in 1803 and the company expects to make the btst of It while they can. Neiifilo Still it Prisoner. Han Fkancibco, Bept. 1!!. Argu ment In the Neaglo ease wus re sumed to-day before Judge Hawyer und Kablu. The uttornoy for Neagle contended that the prisoner was justified In law ami reason fur shoot ing Terry, ami asked the court to dismiss him from custody. Dlstilel Attorney White, of Han Joaquin county, argued In Itehulfof the Juris diction of the state, and claimed theeiluie wus committed on state soil, and Neagle should be tried hi the state. White submitted the case ufter usklng the court to turn Neagle over to tho state for (rial. The court then iidouruetl until to morrow. It Is hard to say how the case will terminate, yet everything favors Neugle. A Dangerous Operation. Ni:w Vomc.Hept. 10, Jane At bur ton, who wus leceutly admitted to tit. Luke's hospital ns a patient. While at the hospital an abcesx formed on her left lung. An Incis ion wus made, and the inlcrimeoja showed protruding from the wall of one of the arteries of the heart tin eye of u needle. It was plainly tin cause of tho aneurism. The needh was caught with a small forceps mid after much dllllculty was gently withdrawn. The little hole In the xrlcry vas Immediately eloscd bj coagulated blood, and thu hemorr hage was trifling. Within twenty, four hours thu heart returned to Its normal heat, and tho respiration wushooii natural. Hhe Is now almost well, and there Is nothing now to prevent her infect recovery, Tho medio wusbwullowed by ills At bur ton twenty-six wiirsiign, when she M ten yert old, TIIK ST0IU1 STILL RAGING. .Many n Soul Hits t'ountl n Watery Grave Ureal Destruction Vessels host. Lkwis, Del., Sept., 12. No lan guage can picture tho torriblo scone along tho coast. Tho wind Is blow lug almost a hurricane, driving the rain with a force that cuts like hall. A half a mile beach of sand, between the town and tho coast, Is now n tossing ocean, bearing wreckagoon every wave. Through the mist of spray tho battered sails and naked masts of a score of deserted and ills mantled vessels nto dimly seen. In all, twenty-seven vessels enmo ashore here. A vessel was sunk of! Drown shoals, and all tho crew drowned but two who got ashore on n raft. An other vessel was sunk on Shears' shoals. It Is not known whether tho crew escaped, Tho total number of lives lost will probably exceed forty. Five of the eight men who composed the crew of tho E. and L. llrynn, perished where the vessel struck on llrand burno shcals. The mate ami two seamen caught a spar and drifted all night. At daybreak the others were discovered. One of tho sailors' dead bodies was still lashed to a spur. Two survivors were picked up by a tug ami brought ashore. There Is great concern over tho crew or tho pilot boat Jibe Tuluell. Sho put to sea Monthly ami has not been heard of yet. Pilots John Dames, Lewis Dortrand, James Hoinland and Derry Hickman and a crew of eight men are on board. Tho story of tho two nights on the Morse anil Parker Is ono of suf fering and dlspalr. Tho storm In- created In violence, and it seemed as If the boats would go to pieces. All attempts to stay on deck were abandoned, and tho men on both boats strapped themselves to tho rigging and resigned themselves to their fate. All Wed nesday afternoon and night ami until noon to-day they remained bound to tho rigging. Wednesday night tho storm howled and lieut against them. Those on the Parker took to thu rigging sev eral bonis before those on the Morse, and late last night by their cries It was evident that they sullbrcd ter ilbly. Early this morning nearly every man on both ships wasulmowt dumb from exposure. Finally, tbosu on tho Parker could stand It no longer, and the crew of tho Morse saw ono of tho men tear away the cords that hound him, ami with a yell consigned himself to a watery giave. A few minutes later another followed his example, then another and another, until the last man, the captain, was seen to throw himself overboard and disappear In tho an gry billows. A Murderer (lives Up. Los Anh:li, Sept. 10. Early this morning a party of hunters, camped six miles north of Hanta Monica, were shocked at the appear unco In their ennui of n Mexi can about forty-elght years old, covered frou head to foot with blood, it was learned that tho Mexican hail had a tight at tho beach some time during tho previ ous night with somu fellow country men, who had, the stranger assert ed tried to rob him, The man gvo the name of Juan Joso Plua, and said that hu wanted togotoHautn Monica to give him self up. Ho was taken into town by the hunters, and upon the olll cers going out to tho scene or the reported light they found lying on thu beach thu d.-atl body of Luis Marline, with his head crushed In, seemingly by a rock. There were vcrul kmfo wounds on tho body, and the blood was so clotted upon his race that Identification was luiosblo until it had been washed oil', It Is thought that It Is nothing more than a cold blooded murder. The dale Continues. Wahiiinciton, Sept. V. a. A. M. -There litis been no change In the poiltlou of thu storm on the Atluutiu coast. The storm center U at Nor fork, where It has Iteeti since Tues day morning; A high northeasterly wind still prevails on the New Eng land coaxt with a maximum veloc ity or thirty-four miles per hour nt lloslon ami llfty-two miles at Dlock Island, On thu Virginia and North Carolina const the winds are blow ing at thu rate or twenty-five to thirty miles mr hour from tho northwest. North winds onj tho coast Will ciiilliiiiKil'ir n tin day. Pa iilvMileutuI opoiiitlcnsiit Dl T. Q,B i th'-.IU .Statu sirvt. i&jyy&AjJiat j . njt. i1 "rft?l.t