Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, September 11, 1889, Image 2

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Canital Journal Publishing Company.
Knlored at llio postonice nt Hulcin,Or.,M
pecond cliin matter.
Hco fourth page for terms of (inscrip
AcHertlimcnlA to Insure Insertion (for
the snino day) should lio handed in iy i
CorreHpomlcnco containing new of In
terent nml Importance Ik deslicd from all
part of tliCKtutc.
No attention will bo paid (o anonymous
I'cmom dc-drlnc the Capital .Jouiinai.
crvcil nt their Iioiikck can serine It by xs
inl card rcrjucnt, or by word left at this
Hpcclmen numbers sent frcconuppllcn
tlon. Ofllcn, corner Court and Liberty Streets.
at 8 o'olock.
Hai,i;.m mi hI Imvo tluit linipitul.
KviniY town in Was!
rltory watitH the Miilnl.
Down! With tho'o (lauyuroiiHoId
(lllapldalcil wo xlcn aw iiImh.
Straw halH iiru out of Mylo, and
uvvrcoatH will noon ho out (if pawn
provided, i'l'.
What will you do
proposed hn'pl ul for
thu Hlulc and wounded'.
toward (hat
tho relief of
I'asti: thin in your hat -"In Iuhh
than tlmo mniitlm thu duct next rout
ear hue will lie In aetive opeiatlon.
Hai,i:m huHotii'-iown village wayn,
and thu eity council Hkoiild rcincin
hu r llii.H, and order tliow nwuiiiH
WoNii:u If tlmxuolil tottery wood
cn awnlnH iiloiiCoiiiincicliil. street
are goin; to he allowed to bland and
uvenlually lull and I; I . I miiiiv iiiiu nr
malm home po r unfortunate vicllni
for life, Riuoly not.
A French wotnnii of the depart
ment of Haute Vlenne hna hecn
condemned to death for the murder
of her five children. Her husband
hud been Hunt to prison, and In fear
of destitution the poor woman dc
elded to kill her family and then i
commit Hiiieldc. rihe invested all I
her little Htore of money In the pur
chase of articles with which Bhe
gave thu children n feast piepara
tory toftrangling them. The old
est ehllil had the matter explained
to her and calmly accepted her fate.
After killing ail the childieti the
mother opened n vein in her wrist
and had nearly hied to death when
hIic was found, the wound dres-ed
and her life was huvciI lor the guillotine.
Womon Will Havo Protty and
Tight-Fitting Shoos.
Home of the Whims That T.nriles llavn
with Reference to Thulr Foot-Gear
Why None Itut Swect-Tcmpcrcd
Men Should Sell Shoes.
Kl VI! yearn ago, w hat prospect had
Taeomii of heliu what hImi N to-day'
Has not H.ilun lulter indlcntioim I'-ir
futuru proHjioilly than Tiicoiiiii pos.
KUHHcd when alio Htarled on her road
to progre&s? Vcm, a thousand times
I'll i: county of CiiHler, In .Mon
tana, Iri thu largest county In the
United Kliilcs. it contains IH.MI!),
1120 aeruH and is lot) miles long and
1") miles wide. It a place of histo
ric interest, containing as it docs the
sight of tho gieat hattloof the l.it-tlo-lllg
Horn, wliuru Custer and his
forco Were m issaerod.
A CHtcfii.vit issued by tho Oregon
ibTrauscoutlueiital r.iilroad tl.cs
Nov. fitli as tho date for a speeial
meeting of thu slock holdeis at
Portland, Oregon, to consider and
act upon a question to tio submitted
to the, directors, whether thu capital
ofthucompiuy shill be liquidated
or go out of existence.
A machini: has been invented
that will pitch a l.a-u bull in any
shape curved or straight. A bo
turns a crank and thu ball gets there
Tlicy N(T ICotui'R.
Oh, the Ills 'if this life arc many,
And the heart breakings are not nfow,
Piircsympatliyiome not from any,
It matters not much u hat J on do.
I'lin soini tlmcrtti list myumbnlla,
Nor over Its lliiKcrlii)Ocarii;
Hut the hooks I lend to a fellow,
'1 hey never, no neer return.
'I he Imrscit may wall for tin n apcrx,
The tailor may sin p over your clothes;
Hut Ihn earth Is plagued with bookkeepers
Anil no one a cine lorlt Icnous.
The sunshine that kois fiom the meadows
Comes back wheat he fioslh shall adjourn
And tho haves play again with their
Mutiny books will nccr return,
I once ha I a wisdom of ages
Mint up In my Kbits ease for mo,
Sou' 'tis Kiie, by Invisible stages
I'roiu Murry to old Motlur (loose.
My Euclid, I still euu remember,
l.lltn tlii- odor fiom some ancient urn
SVi lit out to come buck in December.
That licet tuber will not return.
Lonnyour frlend'your dog, jcu jourslstcr,
Von will Mnd each some day no doubt;
Itut a hook goes down the long lstu,
And ten to one nuer comes out.
Do I know whom I made thu loan to?
.No, but my biulns I nted not eliuin.
What mutters It where they have gone to?
1 know they will never return.
Veil ft or Silk Jackets.
Short, slcvcless jackets of velvet, of
faille, or moire will form thu bodice
of many dressts of silk or lino wool.
Thediess material will be down the
middle of thw front of thu waist,
shirred closely at top and bottom or
drooping in blouse fashion. Tlio
little s(uaio jacket of velvet will fall
open to show the front. It Is with
out ruvuis, reaches only to the
waist line and is squarc-corncrcd.
The back may stialglit aeros the
waist orsllghtly pointed, and some
times two tabs aro added, in basquo
fashion. Silk cords In braiding pat
terns trims velvet Jackets. Silk
Jackets are somtlmes black on color
ed drcs-cs, and are then faced with
thu color of thu dress and may havo
levels of thu satnu; or u black niolro
Jacket on a black Henrietta cloth
waist may have- green or mahogany
revets and collar and cord to match
on tho edge. Kuthcr large, full
sleeves of t he dress goods are wol u
with thi'ncjai'l.cts. Harper's Itaar.
It Is no uncommon thing for a
man to willingly go dow on hn
knees ton pretty girl, but a in-iii In
Lincoln, Neb., went down on his
knees to u pretty girl bceatisu she
took a levolver and Induced him to
do so, and also to npoloylo for huv-1 ,10 ,10 Vf(ilt?It
Ing lied about her. Ilevolveis aic
I'll" 1'ivsiili'iil (!ai tip his Sent.
I was tiding on the leaf platform
of a !td avenue car one exceedingly
warm morning lust week when a
gr.iy hulicd w omaii,shabbllvdres-.ed,
hailed the conductor and got aboard.
Tucie whs not a vacant seat imy-
atid thu old
woman cast appealing glances at
rami) times even more pe.s.mslvej l0 V1IK ,,, wIlllmil rortiinutol
than a woman's ehaiins. w.llH, MMtH Kor eVtim, mlllll,w
Tin: British government have re
fused (o taken hand in the llchrlug
sea trouble and leaves It all for Can
ada to settle alone. Those llre-eateii
over the Hr tlsh V ilutnhl.i will proh-1
ably learn, oventually,lhat she don't
amount to atiy.htng In a general
way. K pedal ly will she think
this wlicn tho United States demand
thuHtirivii li r of those scalcts w lu h
dlsolH'yid tho orders of the ''piie
crew" and sailed to Vlctoila.
nobody paid any attention to thu
a..ed passenger, but llually a plainly
attlied elderly gentleman nro-o and
gallantly ollered his sit. There
was mure In the grateful look which
she gave him than In the words she
used to express her thanks, yet she
llltle knew that up less a pcisouage
than the piesldcut of the company
oppcratlng the road upon which she
w.,s ruling ha,, give Ids place to he,. iS "&
It was Harry I hut, tho millionaire. With patent leather, with three
" A man In tho shoe business dies twenty
years before his time," said a white-haired
shoe-dealer in ono of tho up-town retail
stores to a New York Sun reporter. "It is
tho hardest business thero is. If a lady
wants a bonnet she buys one she can get on
and not hurt her head, but If she wants a
shoo sho tries on every ono in tho store, and
then limps out In a pair two sizes too small,
and scolds and says wo havo not good
shaped shoes, because they hurt her feet.
It is a trying business. A man does not llvo
out half his days."
" But your hair Is white.
" Yes, my hair Is white It Is tho busi
ness. It is also thin that is tho business,
too. It was all different when I was young.
Wo had not many kinds of shoes, only a few
sizes, and just two different widths. Now
thero are hundreds of styles of shoes six
teen sizes und eight widths, and you havo to
try them all on tho same woman sometimes
to please her. When I was young a woman
put on her own shoes with little help. Now
wo have to take oft tho old shoes, button all
the twenty-flvo or thirty pairs of new ones
we try on, tell all sorts of stories about tho
sizes, bo careful indeed not to hurt tho
bunions and corns that wo must pretend
not to seo, put tho old shoes back on and tho
rubbers, pick up tho bundles, help tho
women to tho door, and closo it nf ter her.
If women would wear tho sizo shoe they
need I would like It better, but they won't
if they know It. Do you know what a largo
1'uBhoolsI Well, now, I will toll you In
coiilldcnco it is u 7. When n woman asks
for that kind of a shoo 1 mark tho number
from a pair or 7's, (It it on her feet, and sho
goes uway delighted. But three-fourths ot
tho Indies havo too small shoes. 1 stand by
my door Sunday und watch tho pretty girls
go by to church. They aro sweet, bright
eyed, red-cheeked and straight-limbed.
Ood made them good but they can't walk
in u straight Uno; thoy go dipping and
dodging nil over tho walk In crooked path9,
llku tho wicked tho Biblo tells about. Why
Is that? Thoy aro looking for soft stones
in tho walk smooth places beoauso their
feet hurt so badly. Thoy can not step
square, nnd stand on tho curbstone, and
thoy dread to put tho foot down on tho
" Wo havo to (It tho head nnd tho foot,
too, when wo soil a shoo. Tho head says
No. a, A A,' ; tho foot says a '5 KK' wo
can't lit both with tho samo shoo."
" Aro idrls or married ladies most partic
ular ubout their shoes!"
"O, girls will wear small shoes any way,
but often a married lady comes in and says:
'I woro a No. 3 shoo boforo I was married,
oui now my maricoi is mauo I will bo com
fortable,' and wo sell her a five. Tho llrsf
vanity an elderly woman gives up is hor
prido about small shoes. To tho day of her
death her bonnet must bo becoming, her
dress must lit nicely, hor glovo bo neat, but
sho will say of hor shoe: 'OIvo mo some
thing easy.' You seo sho has spoiled her
feet in her youth, nnd now sho must do pen
anco with twisted toes and three-cornered
"Women aro much harder to fit than
men, but when a man Is a crank ho is tho
woist kind of a ono. Dudes uro tho worst
of all to deal with. They don't know what
thoy do wnnt.
" A woman camo In ono day and asked if
wo had 'kidnoys.' 1 showed her kid boots
and it was all right. Another asked for
'oxen tlse, nnd another for 'paper goat,' ond
thoy all, without exception, wanted shoes
too short. 1 novcr known woman to nsk for
Ioiik enough shoos unless sho was very old.
"Tho InrRest sizo Isellis a No. 10, nnd tho
girls that wear thoso shoes havo brains nnd
breeding enough to ask for that sizo, and
not make mo try on every number lrom six
up but wo havo sovernl customors who
havo a nlno shoe, und wo daro not tell thorn ;
they would nover t ry It ; so wo mark it a six."
"It is thirty-ono years ago to-dny slnco I
became a shoemaker," said 3Ir. Alexander,
"and I think no article of wearing apparel
has Improved more than tho fashion and
shape of shoes. Horo is a caso of shoes
which was manufactured in Now York and
received a medal at tho Crystal Palace, Lon
don, just boforo It burned, somo time la tho
fifties. Tho most stylish street shoo then
was a low, bootless gaiter, laced on tho in
side of tho foot, imulo of cloth of nil colors,
from tho most delicate lavender to a seal
brown, with or without n narrow foxing of
patent leather scarcoly half an inch wido.
Tito dollcato slmdss of bluo, pink nnd laven
der woro tho most popular street shoes,
whilo for tho houso tinted satin shoes em
broidorod with a vino in bright, soft shades,
or in plain colors, woro soleeted by women
of fashion. Slippers had no heels, and wcro
hold in place by ribbons crossed and
strapped round nnd round tho nnklo. Tho
solos of these shoes woro straight ami nar
row, having no arch at tho instep, tho tops
cut like a congress palter, with no vamp,
reaching only to tho bend or tho nnklo, and
bordered with laeo frills or silk fringo with
tassels. Ono pair of buttoned shoes was
displayed so low that llvo buttons fastened
It tho buttons being of brass, tho shoo '
.1 narrowly i
tiny straps
oi mo leniner ornamenting mo too.
The Chief Itrnion for tno great snft
cess of Hood's Sarsaparllla Is found In th4
irtlcle Itself. It Is merit that wins, and th
tact that Hood's Sarsaparllla actually a
eompllsltes what Is claimed for It, Is whU
has given to this medicine a popularity and
lalo greater than that of any other sarsap
Mprit Win5 rllIa or blood pui,r
IVICIIL Wills ner before the public,
flood's Sarsaparllla cures Scrofula, Salt
Rlieum and all Humors, Dyspepsia, Sick
Headache, Biliousness, overcomes That
Tired feeling, creates an Appetite, strength
us the Ncrv es, bullib up tho Wholo System
Hood's .Miir-nparilln is sold by all drug
'Ists. 4-t; six furSS. I'i cpared by C. I. Hoes'
Co.. Anothecailes. Lowell, Mass.
A scientist has announced that
th earth is in danger, and the News
of Meridian, Miss , cemments: This
will be gall and wormwood to the
fellow who reads his neighbor's pa
per, and kicks bee ause hu can't get
the earth. Now that fcome one else
has got a mortgage on it, may be he
will be satisfied with something less.
Oregon is one of the most produc
tive states in the Union. Its vast
mineral recions contains irokl. silver.
copper, iron, and coal. Its immense
tracts oi grazing lands support thou
sands of cattle and sheep, and its
extensive agricultural regions pro
duce all the cereals in abundance,
the yield per acre being, in some in
stances, the largest in thu world.
Among the useful and valuable prod
ucts of the Web Foot Statu may be
mentioned Oregon Kidney 'Tea,
which lias proved a boon to thou
sands alllicted with pain in the back
and kidney ditlicultics. It is purelv
of vegetables composition and never
fails. Sold by D. V. Mat hows.
"Ability is a poor man's wealth:"
W-alth is quito often a rich man's
Theio wis a hog that llul In a spring
Ileuiui'ht such u cold tint ho could not
hi nc."
Poor, unfortunate, Ilatrachain! In
what a sad plight lie must have been.
And yet his misfortune was-one that
often befalls .singers. Many a once
tuneful voice ainong tliosu who be
long to the "genius homo" is utter
ly spoiled lv "cold In the head," or
on the lungs, or both combined.
For the abo mentioned "croaker"
ueuti) not awaie that any remedy
was over devised; but we rejoice to
know that till human singers may
keep their heads clear and throats
in tune by a timely uswof Dr. Sage's
Catarrh llemcdy and Or. Pierce's
Ooldcn Medical Discovery, both of
which are sold by druggists.
In 18;i;i a bill was passed in Eng
land reducing tlio hours of labor for
women and minors in manufactur
ing establishments to tun hours.
"Another wonderful discovery ha
been made and that too by ti ladv in
The Best Residence Localities
In the city of Portland and other prosperous towns are those owned by men or corporations who
havo tho disposition and ability to improve them.
And this Corporation is determined to
To the city of Salem. They have at this time fifteen teams employed and the contemplated improvements have
scarcely begun. It is intended to make the drive leading from Commercial street through Riverside and High
laud additions and around Highland Park
Of Oregon. The line of the Salem Street Bail way Company runs through the middle of this addition, and-no
lots will be more than two blocks distant from the line. Highland Park will in the near luture bo
Lois in Higlilaml Adiliton are High ami Dry and Well Located; Most Excellent Drainage
The.f-oil is black and rich. From all points a fine view is obtained of the public buildings and our highest
mountain peaks. Arrangements are already being made for the location of two churches in this addition, and
a nuniberof residences are soon to be built. Buildings only of the best class will be permitted. Residence lots
within the limits of the city of Salem are worth on an average over $1000. We can sell you better lots in High
land addition for one-third of thu money, and being directly on the line of the street railway they are practi
cally not half so far from the public buildings and the business part of the town as the majority of the so
called "inside lots."
Buy a Lot in Highland Addition for Three Hundred Dollars,
And let some other fellow pay 1000 for an inferior lot not so well located. r With the difference of $700 you can
build a beautiful cottage, or put it out at a rate of interest that will buy j'ou nearly two thousand street car
tickets every year.
Oregon State Fair
Twcnty-ulnthnnnunl exhibition at Snleni,
Commencing Monday, Sept. 16,
Coptlniiiiisoiio week umler the mmiatje-
inieiil of tho O.t'son .State Hoard
ot Agilc-itllare.
OVER $1,500
tieen niadeaiiil that too by a ladv In T r -y i i
tliii country. Disease fa-stoned its ! I M I'nnh 1nnivmilMft
clutches upon her and for suven , j I . V j'0 MlllV
yea.he u it hstood its several let. I I VS I Ullll UJillJ
nut lur vital organs weiu undei. U uuul1 L x V1U1U111M
mitud and deatli seemed imminent.
l-)r tluee lilouths shu coughed luces- I onew, fl)r llt,rlcilltllrn, h,ock, Ualry nnd
salltlv and could not sleep, bhu , mechanical exhibit, for works or :irt,
hoiuht ot us a bottle of Ur. King's fancy work, and for trials of speed.
M'w Discovery tor Consumption
W. S. MOTT, M. D.
(formerly of Williams Grove, I'.i.)
Ollleofor tho present nt
No. 470 Commercial Street!
Culls in tho city or fiom the country
promptly responded to. 8-18dw2m
and was so much relieved on taklu
ilrst diMs that she slept all night
and with one bottle has been miracu
lously cured. Her name Is Mrs.
Luther I.uU." Thus write W. (J.
llanirick & to., of Shelby, N. c.
(.let a freu trial bottle at D.inlel
Fry's drui: stole.
Ono inlulit as well try to suck a
mud turtle through a ryc-strawas to
get a bigot to be reasonable
Running anii Trotting Races
Important Improvements tuie becu
niiulolu the premium Hit.
lledncod rates for fares and frelchts on
nil tmitoportntlon lines to nnd from the
Tin: Austrian government enji,x
n mouopo'y of the tobacco buslines
In that louiitryainl derives no mii ill
rovonuivi thetefr m. 1 1 was Kvi ded
fast yoir to Inciease tho Income
from that source by raising the
price of tho vuilous forms in which
tho weed is usi'd. Tho experiment
Wiih dlmihtiotis, however, for It u1
milted Inn great diminution In tho
amount lonxumcd. In Vienna
alone tho records for the year show
that iVS.OOO.OOO less cigars were
timokcd dining tho past yc.tr thai)
in t he previous one,
A coiuu;iT ide.i ot tho condition
of the Win Mil.; oia-cs luthogreit
ivutcrsof populalbi-i of t J real llrlt
alii may Ik gathered frmi tho fut
that ono of tho U idliig educator-, of
Kdlnhurgh has auumuuvd, a the
result of long obsi'rvatiou, that llio
best bribe for m-Iuhi ehlldion for
good Muivlor would U'agoixl un-..l
of In cad and mll'i, r-ther ili.iu
minks or prints of any Mi d. Tn.
bowl of bread and milk (lit lue iiur
coiihlderi tho most mw ri'ul humus
of ktlintilatliirf lite eilldivu tugi
conduct. Just fuioy ollWing Amer
ican cr -'n'oui M-lii'ol children Mich
tin Incentive for Karnlng their
I'he nieniolis of John Illicit can-1 other f.ivorlto stylo'was in tho Jenny Llad
t bo published at piCMMit. Hs, buckskin, u low (dioo cut all la ono piece,
ii'iin (l mintii itt ! niisiir ..! (i.v in.! ri'i. ......
til l fVlllll tit UIU LtVl UMVl UV. lllVl( 1UCIU
woro also street shoes worn with light lioso.
Those hIioos w oro all inmlo and stitched by
hand. Ono clerk could wait on half a dozen
ladles nt onco la thoso days, as thoy put tho
shoos on themselves and wo had only two
widths and fow varieties. If a shoo was too
narrow u lady took tho noxt slio larger; if
that was too narrow sho took tho next slto
still Of courso It was too long, but wo
HUM tho too with cotton buttlug, and it was
.Men's day ticket . .
Won en's ilny ticket.
s m, the custodian, of his papers, cx
p! dus this by saying that such pub
li iti-iii ulil be "inconvenient to thu
ipnvn and Mr. UlaiiMono."
Tlio llrsl factory bill was jiassed In
the pailiameiit of Kuglaud In ISO J,
limiting the labor of apprentices to
twelve hours per day, and providing
for their instruction In reading
.- In
and Perfectly satisfactory.
JUltlV I.S.
We de-ire to say to our citizens
that for vears, wo havo been selllni'
Dr. King's New Di&eovory for Con-1 Mon'8 ",f0W "",wt
sumption, Dr. King's New Life Pills, j women's -Mson ticket. J.. ...
ituciviciih nniie.i -.iivonuu uaeeirio
liltteis, nml have never handled
remedies that sell us well, or that
havo given such universal satisfac
tion. Wo do not hesitate to guar
antee them every time, and we stand
ready to refund the purchase price,
if satisfactory results do not billow
their u-e. Tlioso remedies have won
their great popularity purely on
their merits. Sold by Daniel J. Krv,
.-$-' SO
.. 1 00
I ''4 rsiM ' yN
"llrUUct, I would clu' nil uiy rctlth ter
halt ot) out hottith"
"feu re, lua'uui, you ucvd only gIo . ht
tbat't the tUi ot i!x Untie ot '. V 5.', at
the ljj rail It. Joy'a Vi-jotaUo Frisui;i4
(II utai.0 )ou t ttniui; ai me, w'm,"
Mr. J. lurron, ot Its Scveuth tr-t, Faii
lruurlc, write "I havo been tVlu3 Joy's
Yet-viable fvirparilh with Iiuiikuw U-acCt.
It li perfectly iplrinlld to build upurnvui,
ruu-doHuauj vornoutHiuucu." Mrt.l'red.
Uy.'ot $ r.Ut t Ml, Mr. O. Wrnr, ol TO
lloiry trxx-t, and Imudivd o( oliii- relato
itio tatuo cxivttf nco llh itio ptiro n i--uUl
ulw cj tUi Californlt roaijKjuaJ.
A Mnimiry of Thud. SteiiMu.
Thiiddous Slovens hiul two weaknesses!
An uneonmioroblo lovo for poUor nml a
heart so tender that ho would kIvo his lust
cent to rvliovo distress, llotwivu tlio two
lu was usunll' tery far from " Hush." Ono
night ho bud a run of luck at cards, camo
out wlauer to tlio amount of irn even firtl,
und whoa his checks woro cashed ho ro
coivod a crisp now hill of that denomination.
Next morning bo wont to tho Capital at tho
usual time, and win there waylaid by a
soldier's widow, who hud n piteous tulo of
sorrow nml suffering to relate. Stown put
his baud in his iKx-Uot, fouud tho 6100 bill
it was all ho bud and huiulcd it to the as
tonished widow. A follow-jnombor was
standing by who had seon tho game tho
night before and know woim tho money
iiuuo fnm Ktovena cxiughl Ids eye, suitlcti,
und by way of oxpliinui.oa saul. "l!ol
moves la a mysterious way Ills womlors to
Miei-I I'onUlimriit.
A Kansas kohovilniu'uui bus introduced a
new foiiture tu hor ehol Wken one of
tho girl missee. a word tho boy who spulfet
It cvts iornusioii to kiss her. As a rcult
the bo are Improving rapidly ,
An exchange says that a small
piece oi gum camphor burnt on a
hot stove two or throe times u day,
will rid a house of tiles and miistiui
toes without the tisoof screens, be
sides purifying the air and making
the building more healthy.
1 1'UCIl.
Tho transition from long, lingering
and painful siektio. to miuist lualtn
marks an epoch in tho life oftheiu
dividual. Mich a remarkable event
I- tiva-urx'il in the memory and the
agency when-bv the good lic.dth has
Ikh-ii attalncl Is greaifuilv hlcsel.
lleiuv it Is that svi much is hei.nl in
priiiseof KUv;rle Hlttorts So many
iel Jhey owe their trituration t.
he.ltti, to the Use of (he iinit Al
terative and runic. If you ni
trmblctl with any dL-cm or ICut
n, Idvi-rorSttmirtch, of Um$ w
bh-rt btaudiug oti will sur.l Uu-i
rxlut by iiso of Kkx-trtc Ijttt. is,
ild tit 6iK. ami $1 nor bottle tit 1 .a-
lei J. Frx's Druustow.
-'end to tho secretary tit S ilem for n ore-
nilum list. ' 4.T. AlTKltXlN.
J. T. OKKOO, Secretary.
jjruTcr. 0,000,000 f '" "' n
, . , , tvtin bee', to buy betit
oiiM uuTBSi sua laati ruuu noiua, and uiej
Ferry's Seeds
hmlth, has iemocd his shop to
tho corner of Commercial nnd Chemcketc
streets, heio ho Is ready to bcro the
public He 1- now piepared better than
over to do all kinds of Miijjon nnd carriage
miking and iep.iiriiiR; nil kinds of blnck-
smiiiung nnu repairing, anil a general
horse shoeing business. Helms nil kinds
ofNhnov'cel,trottlng, hnndinude, etc., und
tits them in a kclcntlfle mnnner. 5peclal
attention glcn to the construction of wag
ons nnd carriages. Hcmember the place
opposite State Iimiranco building.
Importers nnd AVlioles.ilo dealers In
nnd 45 WnlkcrSt .John F. Strntton's
Celebnited Hu slan Gut Violin strings, the
Finest in the World.
tartiMt raslUtoww
la ulituM.
M wnm? & rv.
icknowloJiJ to ba the
largest Seedsmen
In the world.
O ILFekbtAOoi
lii uul lncd
For 1089
Will i mii.i rarr
to J1 nijlrnfa Anil
to lU Wt-I CtUtOMtl
witooat nnunn. it J.mV
aV? u 't Erfr penco nrhu
1VU or Flower Snsfi
Hnvo moed to n nnd 4!) Stnto street,
where they nro now ready for work. All
our old patrons nnd friends nro United to
cull nnd see us iu our new location. We
nro better prepared for work now than
ever having seemed more room. 10-I-tf.
DR. JORDAN & Co.'s
751 -Market st.Snn Fmuclsco
Admission '25 cents.
Gonnd learn how to avoid
disease. Consultation nnd
treatment personally or by
letter, on spermnterrhoen
orgenltnl weakness, nnd nil
dl-easseof men. tend for n
book, i'rlvate olllce 211
Consultation free.
Our Guarantee II u dealer receives a
complaint, (which he bellu es to be honest)
from nny musician to w bom ho has sold
nny or these strings, lie Is authorized by
us to gle him another string without
charge, nnd all such loss will be made good
by us to oar customers, without quibble or
question. (Beware ot Imitation.) Dealers
111 please tend lor de.scilptle catalogue.
1 rud. supplied nt lowest price.
The school will open on the 24th
of beptember. Thorough Instruc
tion in the primary and
Uenry street.
ahoau Mnd f.v it. a .i.Im.
D. M. FERRY A CO., Delrslt. Mich.
Ga'.nes Fisher, Proprietor.
iJorwr Kcrj huU Ulierty stn-eti, N. K. cor
lrom i In ii rio hotel, Kilcm, Or.
ikid Misvrtomod.i-.lou fur commercial
lrueir. h"lrtUvirU;s layoa tu.ud
C jar-v t ti-tiunbie
SIOMy Genutae System of Memory Training
Four Book leirntd In ono reading,
Mind Yuanderiag cured.
Every child and adult greatly benefited.
Great Inducements tn mrrNttirianM
PI...IV sm
I'rospectuj, with opinions ofl)r W'm. A.
Hammond, the worjd-famed iSpeclallst in
Mind Diseases, Daniel Utvenleaf Thomp
son. the creut ISychologUt, J. il. lluckly
!! i'-'.r.'1 "r of the Christian Advocate
tSs;lll,nrai,ro.tor,thesclentUt, lions.
. W.Aktor, Judah 1. Bcnjaman, and
others, sent post, free by
Vrot A. LOISKTTE, S37 Fifty At., NY
Je-IWO. dw
In course.-
'i fillJtsj nnd further information may be
had on application to
Cor. Chemeketa and BtatoHU.
Northern Pacific Railroad.
And all points Host via
Univnu n the Mate. Lower rate than
iWllund. Lnnfest stock Local lllanki Ip
inetute.a a oie.t discount. Keud fdi d.
price list of Job prtnUnr, and catalogue ol Ai
Uxi blanks. . fi. M. WAITE. i
The Northern Pacific railroad Is the only
line running 1'iuseiiger trains, Second class
sleepers (free of charge) Luxurious Day
coaches, I'ullman lalace isieeping Cars,
l'utaco Dining Cars, (meals 7Jc) from I"orl-landtothecast.
Seo that your ticket read via the Northern
rucuic railroad and aold the
change of cars.
I i -s"v .uillAUVnirA.Ul.HQU Nu p.
dallyirli- nt Minneapolis or KL Paul at
' tHV li in.
i I'Acttu Division. Trains leave Front
uudu st:.f. duUvjil llio u. in. and fc;J
P ui.; An t ulTHcomnat 7:10 p m and
.Mu iu arr.. -atlUtTJ5a m andfc35p. m
ihroueb l"ut.u n I'll Lire sltculne Cars.
eii-iini day ctk. i ., Uue,t palace dining
or Ivtuiti 1 land, lai-onm and heattle
nt.. e..u. A.1). I'ltA LTON
.i. . . ... iL'wiL til Vlrvt st. flor.
luhlui-toi. s. ., Portland, Oregon.
wnm lW MiMB UtlfVf
ikm ui .er t m andu mrwt