j SUBSCRIBE FOK i THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, TllE I ADVEK r I S IS I IN I JTHE CAPITAL JOURNAL, IT WILL UK j A GOOD INVESTMENT. , a-Tlic Terms nro Most llcnsonnbkm! JOURNAL. , IJEST PAPER IX SALEM. S-You will be well plowed w 1th lt.-Sl VOL. 2. SALEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1SS9. JTO. 160. CAPITAL ASIDE FROM THE owes JJ That are daily passing over my counter, I will oiler this week: 72 Ladies' Hoiwe Jerseys', in black, at 30c each, good Values at $1 12 Marseilles pattern Excelsior Quilt.", 76x60 inches, at 68e, wortli 51.00 24 of the celebrated Brighton Mills Crochet Quilts, 74x70 inches, at 08c, sold everywhere at $1.25 aud Sl.oO. Combination Melange Suiting is going very fast. For good selec tions come early. " My Henriettas at ioo cannot be in Marhlcized plush to select from Headquarters on dress goods, More Cloaks and In a few days, but plenty on hand to tne celebrated Marysvnie iiinnkcts. Store jammed aud packed with goods and crowded with customers. They are happy because they get what they want at live and let live prices, and I am happy because I am able to please them. If you have not traded with me it will be to your interest to com mence at once. Ladles goods a specialty. I buy for cash and sell for cash. Always lead and never follow. T. Holverson, IMew Bank Bloclc. RECEIVED! Wo have just received direct from the manufacturers the best so lected stock of General Merchandise ever brought to this city bought for cash, and it will be sold for cash at prices lower than any credit house in Oregon. Wo wish that every one in want of Dry Goods, Boots and. Shoes, Clothing, Blankets, Comforts, Varus, Flannels, Qrocciies, Guns, Anima tion, Sewing Machines, Cutlery, Hats and Caps, Faucy goods, Knit goocH CLOAKS In fact everything in Staple Goods TO CON1E TO THE FARMERS' STORE, No. 227 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. SFDon't be misled. You can save money by dealing with us. BEN FORSTNER & CO. Real Estate AND INSURANCE. Having removed my office to OS State street, I nm now better prepared than ever to do a rushing Ill ALSO Fire and Accident Insurance Written In the best companies doing busi ness. In Oregon. Cull on me nt once. Isaac A. Manning, 95 State Street. A. E. STRANG, No. 303 Commercial Street, SALEM, - - OREGON. -DKALEIt IN- STOVES and RANGES Plambing, Gas and Slcaa Filling. Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty. - Agent for the IUCHAKDSON A MOVNTON COMPANY'S Furnaces. Es tablished In 1819 ATTENTION FARMERS! Hlncle lots and acres. One half mile West j of Salem P.O. Good sot), all clear and In nne condition. All reaay icr piuuiiui. Irult and shrubbry at once, hach piece front, on a nice street, und no city tax. THOMAS & PAYNE Ob STATE ST. SALEM. Baltimore Fish Market ! Uao Estate Business JUST OPENED. j Fresh and salt water Mb, poultry, game j nod oysters in their season. On tJourt St., opposite the opera bouse. . Oat busdred down chlekstanle4. . v H POKIER, hvrneitfi i Substantial Harps duplicated. Twenty diflercnt colors Stick a Pin Here! Jackets to Arrive ! tit you yet. Just received a line of ? Has remocd her millinery store to the room adjoining the Capital Jouunai. and Is now ready to do ALL KINDS OF MILLINERY, Slio has Just received a new stock of the latest styles and can sell cheaper than any other houso In the city. Olvo hern call and your orders will bo neatly and promptly tilled. Itlsthoonly placoln the city where you can purchase u Felt Walking Hat for the small price of One Dollar and Fifty Cents. fell Lemonade ! CIGARS, CANDY, NUTS, And all kinds of tobacco at JAMES COWMAN'S FRUIT STAND, (Formerly owned by Kenton) on Htato St. Which Way? NO. 211 COMMERCIAL STREET. KRAUSSE&. KLEIN Are offi ring big bargains In s anil Shoe! VewllIseyon money and guarantee the goods. lArge ihlprncnuarrlvlne dlly nd the tock will KXin b wraplet. Call nd m I us. ' KKAlSSKAr KLEIN, -,'U Coinnwclal Street. V PS VcfnW oo THE PEOPLE'S STORE. Iowa A rhrAnTiiim l.nnmn UttJllUl iilLVUlltUll; VUliJJI OPERA HOUSE CORNER, Salem, , Do You Wear Clothing? We will tell you a good suit from ?o to $20, according to quality. Competition defied. Shirts, Collars, Cud's, Hats, Caps and Umbrellas, a good assortment, and cheap fur Cash. ., Jewelry, Gold and Plated, of the latest designs, llfty per cent, lower than you buy elsewhere. U rid e rwe a. r , The best and cheapest Flannel, ltalbriggau, Lamb's wool and Merino Prices to suit. Dress Goods. Nice, new, clean goods, suitable for the season. OUR MOTTO: Courteous treatment mid fair dealing to all alike. s. xt CeuiCuJJad4tfied& .AT THIS- CAPITAL BUSINESS GOLLEGE. In First Nation it built building A. P. ARMSTRONG, Manager. E. L. WILEY, Principal. Will open for the Reception .if .Student, Monday, September !. BUSINESS COUKSI Includes Spelling, Grammar, Writing,. t- Ithmetlc, Correspondence, CominrrU.il Law, glnelo nnd Double Ilntryllool. keeping, liankliif and IIiihIiii Forms, lluslncss und Olllio Practice. ENGLISH COURSE Includes Reading, Writing, Ment tl and Written Arltliinetlc, Spelling, Grammar, Correspondence, Geography, History and Commercial Law. Day aud evening sessions. Students admitted at any time. Address the Principil for Catalogue. gSJMiUU THE RELIABLE GROCERS KELLER L SONS, Corner State and Liberty Streets, Salem. Specialties in Table Luxuries, Kiiie Tea, and Coffee, Creamery Butter, Cream Cheese, etc. WE LEAD W CANNED GOODS. Remember the Place and Call Guns! Jtist received the finest lino of Bliotgunit, JUlle and Plstoln from Chicago aud moro coming. We will xc-ll lower thau any other liouso In Balem. Wo defy all competition, Portland not excepted. AIbo keep I i The Best Sewing Machines In tho market from (3.5 to (40 caili, Gun Shop In the titatc. Come nud BEN I1T7 kuij, Oregon. f SHORTHAND COURS1S Includes Hhopthaiul, Typewriting hours dally practice) Penmanship, HpcllliiK, (Iramimir, Coriespoudcme, Maul- folding, Letter Copying, Dullness Forms, lluslncss and OMce l'nictlce. Guns! and in connection will run tlio Ut (ice us before tiuyliif elrowliere. FORSTNER & CO. JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Groceries, Taints, Oils and Window Glass, Wall Pa per and llorder, Artists' Ma terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and Shingles, Hay. Feed and Fence Posts, Grass Seeds, Ktc XIEW TO-UAV. C. PAULUS, Jobber and retail dculur In Fine Wines, Liquors anil Cigars ! 120 State Street, Salem, Oregon. Salem Co-Oporativc Association IflR i1.! ! nuu oi vim; Choice Groceries! CROCKbRY In White Granite and Decorated Ware, Olaesware, etc, Hoe our stock and prices, ii.il statu sTitinrr, malum. Brooks & Harritt, (Successors to Win. Ilcclc &. Son,) 94 State Street, Salem, Oregon. Arms, Ammunition. SPORTING GOODS! Knives, Scissors and llnroni, Dolls. Toys and Fancy Goods Of every description, A.N UJNTIKIS NISW STOCK, You cniinot nllhrd to buy until you liave seen our stock, rou sai.k (tit iTilvsic " nillt SAM: Oil I.KAHi:. Win) wauls lo I1 ptiichasoorlo iso u saw mil.? Addiess Addle 0-Uilu Iw W. 11.11., tlllMOlIICll. WANT1!I. HIW'ANTISI lly a jouiiK married man of , , M1N1IIVSS ailltlllllll'l.lH, 1HIS11IIII1 UN book-keeper, clerk, hack drlxcr, or In fact any place of trust Addiess Tlios. V7, Null, Salem, (loot! references. nm ham: I.1UK MAIili. A FA KM OK aJO AOUIX 1' nil under fencoiiiid cultlMitloii, In tin) best railed country of lTiiHtcrii Oickou. Tho best chance unit olleied for a man to eueii;o 111 Mock raising. For particulars call on or address . II. HYAKS.Kalem, Orcein. SOCIKTV Noritiics. OLIVlILOIHIIJNo. 18, I, O. O. K., hum In in Odd 1'ellnuN' Hall upstairs. Cornet Con men lal and Ferry streets, oveiy Hat Uidayat7:.l0p. m. J.T. OIlIHld. JAH. WALTON, Hcercliiry. N. A A. K. MedM left I'ost, No. 10, DeparU " ment of Orison, nictts every Monday eenliik'"t tlio hall oer tlio Oregon Ijincl roinniiny'i oilier, Vlsltlni; comnides an cordially Invited to attend. A. W. DitAYUKit, l'ost Commadcr. 11. F. HoUTIIWICK, Adjutant. l'ltOFICSSIO.NAI. CAKDH. I J, HHAW, attorney at law, Halom, Ore " gon. uiilco u-KtalrH In the l'atlon block:! iTHVrtii'i.vN.-Miw. im. m. i:. SiccoY I pliyslclau and NiirKeou, lias liK-utrd und taken rooms ocr Hijcilru Farrar's proccry store, t'liroulo diseases it spec laity. CoiiHiiltatlon free. 12-Zldw Wv. wrm.r ams. btkRooiisi'Iikh , and Typewriter Copyist. Wlllmaku reorts of (rials, etc.; (onylnir on tyisv Hrlteruceunitely and neatly done. Olllio ncr A, T Ycalon's furnlliirn store, Coin. iiierclul street, Kiilcin, Wood Sawing. CliurclilU's now wood saw starts up to day und will bu In operation from tills dato Orders taken at Duncan A llootli's, WHtutc strut t. New Fish Market. Allen Kliodes liasestnblUlicd a new Fish Market on Wtatuhtr.it, nud lie krupsu good supply of Dull, (Miultry und same. promptly attended to. liivu linn u i-iiii uiKi your irut:r viii uv K-lSHm DIRT CHEAP. Any person wUtilnx uood black dirt for fllllhi;, ortobfl iiim t on-luYwi or In nmk. lue linger beds, sbould leuvti ordrrs nt tlio Jouiinai. olllio for (leorKO I). .Inn. Terms reuMiiiuble, by 1mi1 or cxmlrnet K-'-lm PIANOS FOK HUNT. TwoKood upright pianos for rent, also a first class organ forsulu i heap for uish or on Ilia Inttnllmeiit plan. For Information Inquire of I'rofesxir 1'urvlii at the Conser vatory of inunlc or ut his residence. b-M-lm Kansas House, Corner of Court and High St. E, M. LAW, Proprietor. W liavu taken n new name, but will continue to serva oursttrou wllh Ihe best th market atlord., tve them u uirdljl wtluome Ui Our Home. Terms reasonable. One us u cull Olid wo will HO you ood .19 ChTnt4emjlpytl. LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. IIKSI'KKATK CIIAKArrEltS. The Country Around Tnromn liifcstod Mtli Tliioos. Tacoma, W. T., Sept. 10. Slior lll Price litis received n large ntltll tlon to his bmrdeiv In the persons of fourteen desperate charaetciv, who had assembled at Pollytip for the purpose of preying on the hop pick ers In the valley. The shorlir has about a hundred deputies at various points along tho rlver,looklng after the desperadoes who have been eonmiltlng burglaries and robberies for the past few weeks. They are supposed to have run out of Seattle recently. Tho men had been caught by sonio of the deputies and com mitted by a Pollyup justice for six ty days as vagrants. On being seatched every ono was found to have sonio kind of dangerous weap on, slingshots aud sandbags being favoiltes. The Sherlll expects ten more to-mornw, and Bays ho will make their Imprisonment as picas ant as possible, so they will not want to come back to this county. It Is thought that the depredators have caught onto tho racket and are making south for Sail Francisco aud Portland. KXKIIITS TIlMI'liAII. rrorppdiiiKS of the Oregon (Iranil Con finical r.ugeiir Yesterday. Euoij.vi:, Or., Sept. 10. Tho grand conclave of tho Knights Templar of tho state of Oregon met In tho asy lum of Ivanhoe Conimandary, No. SI, of this city, to-day. The sessions weie well attended by (ho members and quite a number of visiting blr knights. Tho following ollleeis were elected to servo tho grand com mandary tho ensuing year: It. P. Karhait, grand commander. 1 N. Shurllell, deputy grand commander. 1). P. Mason, gererallsslmo. B. M. Yoran, captain gonoial. T. W. Pratt, nrclato. J. M. llodson, senior warden. II. 15. Ijipponeott, Junior warden A. It-)beits, treasurer. K. J. Ilabeock, recorder. Tho olllcers were installed at the evening session, In the prcweneoof a largo number of sir knights and their ladies, after which a lino ban quet was partaken of, under tho auspices of 1 vanillic, No. SI, served in the excellent stylo ot Mis. Muiiio of tho IliiU'inaii Iioiiho. It was a highly pleasing allair tliioiighoul. Wliiteclinpi'l .Murder. London, Sept. 11. At fiilM) this morning tho police found tho body of a fallen woman lying at tlio cor ner of tlio railway areli on Cable street on Whltcohapel. An exami nation of the lemaius showed that tlio head and arms had been cut oil' and carried away, the stomach lip ped open and the intestines lying on tho pound. The maunur in which the limbs were sovered fioni tlio body show that tho murderer possessed some surgical skill. Tlio woman was about thirty years old. Her cloth ing was shabby and she was evi dently a gieat drinker. The io main havo not been Identified. The most Intense excitement prevails over tho matter, Later dlsp tidies say tho poor victim was murdered at Home other place and can led to tlio spot where she was found as there Is no blood on the ground where she was found. Another Houd lor Oregon. San Kkancikco, Sept. 10. There Is being some speculation done here as to whether Colonel J. Mcrvlgu Donahue, proddcut of tlio Han KrniiclH'.'o A North Pacific railway, Intends extending his Hue north to Crescoiil City, DA Norte county, A prominent resident of ('receiil City had a conversation with Col. Donahue recently, in which tlio Col suggested that the Han Krauclhcu .t North Pacific railway would be built eventually to Crescent City. "If lie builds to Crescent City,", said a well known railroad contract or, "you may lw assured ho will build beyond. Wu would have a good road, to he sine, but by build ing u hundred or m miles further north, ho can qiiadruptox his In come." "In what wayV" wan linked. "Why, by making his road a branch of tho great Northern trans continental line, or If not a branch, an adjiiii''!, Donahue Is looking to the Northern Pacific now, ami I think his plan is plain, Ho wll continue h.s road from Ukluli along UiQO-mHt to J5ureka nnt Crescent City. Crossing thestato lino he will pass on and will stop at Yaquina Hay." This would give an outlet for transcontinental lines. AIMHTION'AI, hllCAl, NEWS. l'llUKhv" PERSONAL. Fred Lockley, of Zena, Is In the city. Hev. Post left on this afternoon's train, for Pot timid. Norrls Jtrown loft on tho after noon train, for Portland. Dr. J. M. Keeno returned homo from Portland yestcrdey. .lolm Wilson returned homo from Albany this morning. Chas. Gray left on this after noon's train for Portland. Capt. V, .1. Habcoek returned homo this afternoon from Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Jtennettt, left to-day, for La Center, W. T., on a visit. Shorlir Crolsan departed last evening for tho fiont, on tho Oregon Pacific. Uctbert Wilson canio up from San Francisco this morning. Ho lias been visiting there forsoinetimo jiast. N. 11. Noyer left on tlio after noon (rain for W. 'P., where ho will go In tho (hug store business. Ho wasformcily employed at the asy lum. LOCAL SIMM VRY. The oloclilc llghtaare now burn ing nil night. Don't neglect to lead T. Holver son's advoitiscment in tills issue. The State insurance- building Is being painted led, It looks attrac tive. Iteniember (lie big restaurant on tho fair grounds is Just the place to get u first class meul. A valuable biood maro belong ing to Anions Strong broke her leg yestetday morning and the animal was killed. Painless dental operations nt Dr. T. C. Smith's. OH State street. The accidents that have hap pened In the city this week have bud no edict on the low prices at S, Farrar's for groeeiles. Seo their iuu display of fruits. It's tempting. Iteniember that the Hon Ton restaurant is the place to get a good meal for twenty-five cents. You will find homo Interesting leading to-day on (he second aud (hint pages of Iho.lointN.Mi. Tlio work on the now bilck blqj-k on tho corner of Coinniciclal and Cliemeketo sheets is progress ing nicely. Kplourean tea, paints, oils, vaiulsh, window glass and a fine lino of general groceries at (Jilboit & Patterson's. tf. Tho front of the favorite cigar and tobacco stoic Is being treated to a new coat of blue paint. This makes a combination of colors on tint comer. For a good square meal you should go lo tlio Hon Ton restau rant. The codec made in their patent col lee urn Is delicious and healthful. Try It. Foil Sam;. Monroe's liouso on Church stitel, opposite thu M. K. church, witli or without furniture. A bargain can bo bad. Call at the houso for teiins, A swarm of yellow Jackets havo established their homo in one of the crossings at (he Intersection of Commeieial and Marlon streets. They give the boys lots ot fun in that locality, when thoy attack In quisitive dog or an unwary traveler Tiouhlo Is liable to come, if tlio Hwarin Is not destroyed. .trrhiils ut CheiiH'lH'tc. I) M (lutlirle, Polk county; C Sehmtllter, II P Keli-oy, Sun Fran cisco; J 10 Waling, Ci Constantino, Amity; F Kenedy, City; A Miiirau, VT; J It Clink, F Ptebles, It H Hlcw, W F Anderson, F. It Hoover, S P It It; Henry Hall, Spokane; Joo First, City; .1 A Chase, Oregon fit,; .1 M (irovi, Portland; A PlaHhoinau, Ciervals; V J Oil ur, Citj; It F Maker, Mrooks; J T MuMer, Clli; K M Tailor, Hail Francisco; (i A Homed, Portland; (I V Kineaid, Kan Francisco; T J Seiilth, Keno; W A Wothersfoor, Portland; K h Llggitt, Portland; K L Morris, CI emawa; It (J Pitt man, Corvallls; ll P Jllxor, San Francisco, i i ii i wm 1 1 You mu't ult'ord lo luv an oftmiilro. breath and ileeuytxl ttxth, WrUIr 4 MyrrhTooth i-oap preveuis both. Tr .1, hold by Mil driiKnUt'